Error Creating Credential

Apr 3, 2007

We upgraded from SQL Server 2000 to 2005 recently. I'm attempting to create a credential for the first time and I keep getting the error shown below. Can anyone tell me what to do to resolve it? Thank You

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Create failed for Credential 'schjob'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

For help, click:


An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


An error occurred during decryption. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15466)

For help, click:




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SQL 2012 :: What Account To Use For Identity When Creating Credential And To Use As Job Owner

Aug 12, 2014

We are running SQL Server 2012 on Windows 2008 Server. I created a credential with a proxy account. In creating the credential, it asked for an Indentity and Secret. I used my windows login and password. Now, I have tested the credential and proxy account by executing a Job which calls a SSIS Package. What is the 'best practice' to use when creating a credential? Should the credential be created with another windows login, created with the same abilities as my windows login, with a non-expiring password? Should that new windows login be used as the owner of my job with the Agent?

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How To Credential

Oct 22, 2007

I know the basic concept of credential from aritcle Credentials ,but there are some concept block me also.

1 what is outside resource

2 How to access outside resource if i create a credential.

3 is xp_cmdshell command affected If use sp_xp_cmdshell_proxy_account to creates a proxy credential for xp_cmdshell .


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Credential Does Not Take Effect

Mar 13, 2008

I have a sqlserve, which service account is 'local system', running in machine A.

A credential ,which associated a windows user U1 in machine A, mapped to a sqlserver login Login1.

A file named 1.txt that only can be accessed by U1 in machine A.

A CLR procedure P1 that would read the 1.txt file.

I encounter a error when i access the 1.txt file through P1 as Login1:

A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "HelloWorld":

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'E:1.txt' is denied.


at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)

at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)

at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options)

at System.IO.StreamReader..ctor(String path, Encoding encoding, Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks, Int32 bufferSize)

at System.IO.StreamReader..ctor(String path)

at StoredProcedures.StoredProcedure1(SqlString fileName)


I think it need a credential when a sqlserver login access some resource outside the sqlserver, so i add a credential and mapped to the login

any suggestions would be appreciated.
And please correct me if i have any inaccurate concept.

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Proxy Account/Credential

Feb 14, 2008

There is one thing that€™s confusing me in creating a proxy account.

I am trying to get an SSIS package configured as a SQL Server job and execute it from a non-sysadmin login. But when I execute it gives the error message:

Non-SysAdmins have been denied permission to run DTS Execution job steps without a proxy account. The step failed.

I know that we have to create a proxy account for this to happen and creating of proxy account prompts me to choose a credential, and that is where I do not understand the logic. From MS website I can find the following, but it is confusing to me

This proxy account must use a credential that lets SQL Server Agent run the job as the account that created the package or as an account that has the required permissions.


I tried reading all the related articles, but still the process of creating the credential is confusing to me, can someone throw some light on the logic of proxy/credential here?


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XML Datasource Credential Issue

Feb 6, 2007

I have a report using an XML data source. The data source is calling a web service method which returns the XML file. The security setting is "Use Windows Authentication (Integrated Security)" in the report. The web service and report are both deployed to ServerA.

The web service is pulling data from a file share. Only certain users have access to this share and they are identified in the <authorization> element of the web.config file in the web service.

If I open Internet Explorer on ServerA and go to //localhost/Reports, I can navigate to the report, run the report and everything works fine.

If I open Internet Explorer on ClientZ and go to //ServerA/Reports, I can navigate to the report. However, when I run the report I get a "Failed to execute web request for the specified URL". I do not believe my Windows Credentials are getting passed to ServerA from ClientZ.

Is this a known bug or am I doing something wrong in my set-up?



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How To Avoid Credential Prompt

Nov 23, 2007

hi all
any one can tell me to avoid credential prompt i.e. uid & pwd when the first time going to render report from the reporting server

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How To Check/verify SQL Login Credential

Nov 15, 2007

Hi, I am making a module to backup SQL Db from webpage. I impersonate user to a given Windows Account and need to verify that account has required permission in SQL Server.I don't know how to verify the windows account credential for SQL Server login. Now what I am doing is to run SQL query against database to select row from some table, if it is successful, the user is valid SQL login. But I know it's not the way. Any idea? Thanks, 

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SQL 2012 :: Mapped Credential Is Not Used In Any Query?

Jul 9, 2014

Due to a previous (mis)configuration, i need to grant readwrite permission on a share from a MSSQL DB User.The SQL user will launch t-sql queries on demand and they cannot be scheduled.

I've created a credential object in SSMS, configured it with the correct AD user and mapped it to the MSSQL DB user.Now, if i execute a simple t-sql backup:


I get an access denied error, monitoring the sqlserv.exe process via procmon, i see that the Sql Server process is not impersonating the AD user configured in the credential, it still try to access using the local machine account .

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CREATE Credential Secret Storage

Sep 12, 2005

I am hoping to use SQL Server Agent 2k5 to run jobs in the security context of another account.  I have successfully done this, so I know it works.

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DB2 Credential Storage For DB2 Connection Manager

Oct 9, 2007

Our department will create several SSIS packages that will contain connection managers that use the IBM or Microsoft OLE DB provider for DB2. In every case, we will have to use a specific user name and password.

We need one point of reference for the password for the multitude of packages in case the password changes. I'm guessing that we would do this with a single XML package configuration that each of these packages could use. If this is the case, how can it be done securely?

Are there other ideas that I should consider?



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Best Way To Confirm Password Change For A Credential?

Jun 8, 2007

Looking for opinions here on what is the best way to programmatically test that a password change to a credential has occurred successfully.

The password change was made using Alter Credential, and I can see in sys.credentials that the credential was updated by the tool that handles these updates. I would just like to be able to confirm that all of the credential updates were successful (in other words, they authenticate correctly) before anything starts to fail.

Assume that the number of SQL Servers is too great to manually check them even if the whole team worked on it together.

Thanks in advance!!

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SQL 2012 :: Create Credential With Password Masking

Sep 19, 2014

I need to give the below script which contains CREATE CREDENTIAL query to an app team.

CREATE CREDENTIAL crdntl WITH IDENTITY = '<service_acct>',
SECRET = '<pwd>'

My concern is i don't want the password to be visible. Basically i want to use this credential to create a proxy which is then used to run SQL Agent backupjob on number of SQL servers. Also, i cannot leave the SECRET value as blank (as the MSDN suggests.)

Is there any way to mask the password OR any other alternative solution.

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DB Engine :: Selecting Credential That Are Mapped To Login?

Nov 23, 2015

is any way to select SQL logins that are Mapped To Credentials as using this query I get only NULL:

SELECT credential_id FROM sys.server_principals WHERE name = 'test_login'

I see the list of Mapped Credentials in SQL login properties with GUI, but can not select this option. 

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Question About Credential For Proxy For Ssis Package In Agent Job ...

Mar 6, 2008

I had a question about proxy account for ssis.
Is it necessary to set up credential with windows account for proxy account so that ssis package can be setup as a job in agent ?

without proxy account ssis package is unable to run under agent as a job ..but..
does identity in credential for proxy need to be windows account ?

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SQL Security :: Connecting Linked Server Using Windows Credential

Sep 28, 2015

I have a scenario where I want to make a linked server query and report using windows service account credential. I can able to do link query if I RDP into the Server where linked server established using the service account and run query successfully  but local client SSMS with my credential fails connecting linked server or querying. Looks to be a sql double hoping problem if so configuration each client domain account to enable delegation will be challenging as mentioned in the following articles instead service account only might work if possible.

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Reporting Services :: Changing Credential Used For SSRS Data Source Programmatically

Jun 15, 2015

I am looking command (cmd/powershell/c#) for setting/updating credential for SSRS data source.

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Error Creating Package - Failed To Save Package File ... Emp EmpD4B.tmp With Error 0x80040154 Class Not Registered

May 19, 2006

I had just installed SQL 2005 dev on my laptop and got an error message when I tried to create a package using the BI IDE. I received the same error using VS2005 IDE. But the project was created regardless without any packages. When I tried to create a new package in the project, I received the same error again, but with an option to view the error details.

Following is the text of the error details:

TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio

Error creating package


Failed to save package file "C:Documents and SettingsmyoungbloodLocal SettingsTemp mpD4B.tmp" with error 0x80040154 "Class not registered".


Failed to save package file "C:Documents and SettingsmyoungbloodLocal SettingsTemp mpD4B.tmp" with error 0x80040154 "Class not registered".


I found a similar post that suggested that they try the following:

regsvr32 msxml3.dll
regsvr32 msxml4.dll
regsvr32 msxml6.dll

But msxml6.dll could not be found.

I did get a copy of this file from a coworker, and after copying it and registering it, I was able to add a package to the project.

My concern now is what is the likelyhood of this being the only file missing from the installation.

I'm wondering if I should reinstall, or (if it exists) do a repair on the installation.



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Error Creating CLR UDF

Sep 11, 2006


I am trying to create a CLR UDF in SQL 2005 and cosnistently run into the following error. What am I doing wrong?. Please correct me and show me the right way of doing this.

Msg 6551, Level 16, State 2, Procedure EmailSplitter, Line 3

CREATE FUNCTION for "EmailSplitter" failed because T-SQL and CLR types for return value do not match.

Here is what I am trying to achieve. Split a Email field in the database. For that I am trying to return an array using C# and then trying to call the UDF for the C#.

--1).CLR Code. (EmailSpitter.cs)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace SQLTools
public class EmailSplitter
public static string[] Parse(string data)
string[] columnData;
string[] separators = new string[1];
separators[0] = " ";

if (data != null)
columnData = data.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.None);
return columnData;
return null;

--2). Assembly code.

CREATE Assembly SQLArrayBuilder

FROM 'E:CLREmailSplitterinDebugEmailSplitter.dll'


Select * from sys.assemblies.

--3). Create the function.

CREATE Function dbo.EmailSplitter

(@EmailString NVARCHAR(4000))



EXTERNAL NAME SQLArrayBuilder.[SQLTools.EmailSplitter].Parse

Run into the error:

Msg 6551, Level 16, State 2, Procedure EmailSplitter, Line 3

CREATE FUNCTION for "EmailSplitter" failed because T-SQL and CLR types for return value do not match.

Please help me.

Thank you very much.


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Sproc Creating Error

Aug 13, 2007

This has got to be simple... Every time I try to create this sproc I get the following error:
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_AddTradeItemsToSelections, Line 5
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'VIEW'.
Its driving me nuts because I can't see anything wrong with line 5 where the view is being created.   CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_XXXXX]
CREATE VIEW TradeItem_Append
SELECT TradeItemID, UserDataID, BuilderID
FROM Selections
WHERE (UserDataID = @UserdataID)
SELECT TradeItem_Append.UserDataID, TradeItems.BuilderID, TradeItems.TradeID, TradeItems.TradeItem, TradeItems.Price, TradeItems.DDLRefNo,
TradeItems.TradeItemID, TradeItems.Details, TradeItems.ProductType, TradeItems.Room, TradeItems.Notes
TradeItem_Append ON TradeItem_Append.TradeItemID = TradeItems.TradeItemID
WHERE (TradeItem_Append.TradeItemID IS NULL)AND(TradeItems.BuilderID = @BuilderID)
DROP VIEW TradeItem_Append


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Error While Creating SQLDataSource

May 20, 2008

Hello All
im developing web application in VS2005(C#)
while Creating SQLDATASource for Gridview im getting Following error
cannot get web application service
Please help ME

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ADO Error Creating Database

May 20, 2004

im creating a ecommerce website, and i need to create a database, im using visual studio .net
and when i try to create a new database using i choose "use sql server authentication" and no matter what i type in for the login id, i get the following ado error

"ADO Error : ' Login failed for user "blank". Reason. Not associated with a trusted SQL server connection.'

thanks in advance.

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Error Creating CLR Function

Sep 6, 2005

When I try to create a CLR function in SQL 2005 (June CTP) I get the following error:
Msg 6505, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Extenso, Line 1Could not find Type 'Extenso' in assembly 'ExtensoNET'.
The assembly registers successfully, with no errors.
I use the following command to create the function:CREATE FUNCTION Extenso (@Valor float)RETURNS VARCHAR(255)AS EXTERNAL NAME ExtensoNET.Extenso.EscreveExtensoGO
The function's code is the following:
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace ExtensoNET{ public class Extenso {  [SqlFunction(DataAccess = DataAccessKind.Read)]  public static string EscreveExtenso(double? nValor)  {
  //Valida Argumento  if (nValor==null || nValor <= 0 || nValor > 999999999.99)   return "";
  //Variáveis  int nTamanho;  string cValor, cParte, cFinal;  string[] aGrupo = { "", "", "", "", "" };  string[] aTexto = { "", "", "", "", "" };  .  .  .  }
  return cFinal;
  } }}
Thanks in advance,

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Error In The DLL Msg When Creating DTS Package

Mar 20, 2001

I have a Win2K SP1 server running SQL 7. Whenever I try to create a DTS package, I get a box headed "DTS CoCreateInstance" with "Error in the DLL" as the box text. I have tried removing and re-installing SQL 7 and have also applied SQL SP 1,2 & 3. There are no errors in the event log, just the popup error outlined above.

Has anyone seen this error, and is there a fix?


Simon Thomas

CommArc Consulting Ltd

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Error In Creating Query

Aug 11, 2000


I don't see what's wrong with this command.
Create View BCPOutBatchWeightTaiwan AS
Select *
from batchWeight a JOIN Geography b
ON a.GeographyPtr = b.GeographyPtr
where b.countrycode = 'tw'
I get the following error if I try to create it.
Server: Msg 4506, Level 16, State 1, Procedure BCPOutBatchWeightTaiwan, Line 2
Column names in each view must be unique. Column name 'GeographyPTR' in view 'BCPOutBatchWeightTaiwan' is specified more than once.

But it runs fine if I run only th 'Select' part of the command
without 'CREATE' line.

Any help is appreciated.


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Error While Creating Assembly

Apr 12, 2007

I am trying to create an assembly on a sql server 2005 machine but it gives me following error:

Msg 33009, Level 16, State 2, Line 2
The database owner SID recorded in the master database differs from the database owner SID recorded in database 'XYZ'. You should correct this situation by resetting the owner of database 'XYZ' using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement.

I tried using the alter authorization statement to change the owner.
It did not work.

I am able to create same assembly on another test database but can not create it on this database.

Is this because of orphan logins?

Thanks for the help.


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Getting Error In Creating Table

Dec 5, 2006


i want to create table using another table but i am getting the following error.

Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'.

my query is:

AS SELECT * FROM log where 1=0
becos i a trying to copy the structure of the table log to table errorlog.please rectify my problem,please

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Error While Creating Assembly

Apr 12, 2007

I am trying to create an assembly on a sql server 2005 machine but it gives me following error:

Msg 33009, Level 16, State 2, Line 2
The database owner SID recorded in the master database differs from the database owner SID recorded in database 'XYZ'. You should correct this situation by resetting the owner of database 'XYZ' using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement.

I tried using the alter authorization statement to change the owner.
It did not work.

The same assembly is created on another test database but can not create it on this database.

Is this because of orphan logins?

Thanks for the help.


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Creating Table Error

Apr 24, 2007

What is wrong with the following command?
create database SuppliersDatabase

create table tblWarrantyClause(
WarrantyID int,
Warranty char(100),
WarrantyPeriod int,
Coverage char(100),
ReplacementPeriod int,
ReplacementPeriodUnit char(50),
DocRef char(100),
ReferencePage char(10),
ReferenceSection char(10),
ContractID_fk int );

I just wondering where can I find the table of my database SuplliersDatabase. I need to know if it is already exists or not? I tried to look around but then still I can't find it.


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Error Creating View

Jul 25, 2007

i tried running the statement :

create view qcostcentre
select * from dbo.costcentre.dtblcostcentre

>ERR: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure qcostcentre, Line 4
Invalid object name 'dbo.costcentre.dtblcostcentre'.

create view qcostcentre
select * from costcentre.pcusers.dbo.dtblcostcentre

>ERR: Msg 7202, Level 11, State 2, Procedure qcostcentre, Line 4
Could not find server 'costcentre' in sys.servers. Verify that the correct server name was specified. If necessary, execute the stored procedure sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sys.servers.

note: pcusers is a user of 2 database (costcentre & datamaster) with dbo_datareader owned & role schema .

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Error While Creating Credentials

Aug 10, 2005

Hi guys

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Error In Creating DB Diagram

Jun 1, 2007

Hi all,

When ever i tried to creat a diagram for the database i have i got this error:

Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner. To continue, first use the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to set the database owner to a valid login, then add the database diagram support objects.

the version of the database i am working in was backed up from another machine

what is the problem and how can i solve it?

Thanks in advance

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Error When Creating DMX Query

Nov 8, 2006

On screen states [Error loading mining model metadata: No Metadata found]

and on the functions states [Error loading functions: no functions found]

This also occures when trying to use the Data mining wizard, it will just not respond.

Have deleted and removed all references to SQL2005 Standard and reloaded and still get same errors

Could someone please advise, have sent errors to Microsoft with no responce back yet.

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