Error Importing Data

May 1, 2008

Hi All

Im running SQL Express 2005 on my 64bit windows 2003 R2 server, and im having a problem converting some data over to the database. The error i get is:

There was a problem connecting to the library.mdb database (NormalSystem)
Additional Information:
Error [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data Source name not found and no default driver specified.

I have done a couple of searches on the net, but not found anything to do with SQL express 2005, and it mentions something about run64bitruntime.exe. I cannot seem to find this option anywhere in SQL server management studio Express.

Can someone help me on this issue



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Memo Data Type Import Error While Importing Data From Access File Into SQl Server 2005

Sep 10, 2007

I have one column in SQL Server 2005 of data type VARCHAR(4000).

I have imported sql Server 2005 database data into one mdb file.After importing a data into the mdb file, above column
data type converted into the memo type in the Access database.

now when I am trying to import a data from this MS Access File(db1.mdb) into the another SQL Server 2005 database, got the error of Unicode Converting a memo data type conversion in Export/Import data wizard.

Could you please let me know what is the reason?

I know that memo data type does not supported into the SQl Server 2005.

I am with SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition with SP2.

Please help me to understans this issue correctly?

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ERROR While Importing Data Using BCP

Feb 10, 1999


I am getting an error while importing data using BCP. The first field in the table is an identity and is a PK, and the data file does not contains the values for it. I am also using a format file. I am getting an error saying

'#@ Row 1, Column 1: Attempt to bulk-copy a NULL value into a Server column which does not accept NULL values. @#'

Statement used:


Error msg :

Starting Copy...

BCP copy in failed

Error message from PALDMF.err file

#@ Row 1, Column 1: Attempt to bulk-copy a NULL value into a Server column which does not accept NULL values. @#

Format file - PALDMF.FMT

1 SQLCHAR 0 4 "~" 0 PAL_KEY
2 SQLCHAR 0 8 "~" 2 PAL_DATE
3 SQLCHAR 0 3 "~" 3 PAL_BRA_K
7 SQLCHAR 0 11 "~" 7 PAL_BASE_NO
8 SQLCHAR 0 11 "~" 8 PAL_REF_NO
10 SQLCHAR 0 3 "~" 10 PAL_CCY_K
11 SQLCHAR 0 4 "~" 11 PAL_CCY_CODE
12 SQLCHAR 0 1 "~" 12 PAL_CCY_DEC
13 SQLCHAR 0 3 "~" 13 PAL_ADJ_COD
15 SQLCHAR 0 8 "~" 15 PAL_AMOUNT
17 SQLCHAR 0 8 "~" 17 PAL_AVE_VOL
19 SQLCHAR 0 30 "~"19 PAL_CAT_DES
20SQLCHAR 0 4 "

Please help/advice

Thanks in advance

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Error While Importing Data From Excel

May 20, 2008


My excel sheet consists of mix data types, numbers and characters but when we use excel source in data flow it onlys recognises characters and displays number as NULL. After going through this link

The above link displays *** in url as it pronounces as deeks, so u need to replace "ee" as "ic" and u can see the blog.

I modified my excel source as Select * from[Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1;Database=C:Test.xls;].[Sheet1$]; It displays all the columns and values properly when previewed but when we execute the package it gives error as

Error: 0xC0202009 at Test, Connection manager "Excel Connection Manager": SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.
An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21.

Please help


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Error When Importing Data From Excel File

Aug 22, 2006


This is what i'm doing:

IF EXISTS (SELECT srvname FROM master.dbo.sysservers srv WHERE srv.srvid !=

0 AND srv.srvname = N'ExcelSource')

EXEC master.dbo.sp_dropserver @server=N'ExcelSource', @droplogins='droplogins';

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver
@server = 'ExcelSource',
@srvproduct = 'Excel',
@provider = 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
@datasrc = @Chemin,
@provstr = 'Excel 8.0';

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin
@rmtsrvname = 'ExcelSource',
@useself = false,
@locallogin = NULL,
@rmtuser ='ADMIN',
@rmtpassword = NULL;

set @NomServ = 'ExcelSource';

This create a linkedServer to read my ExcelFile.

Then i'm doing this:

EXEC ('Insert into Elements (No_element, Nom_elem, Desc_elem, Code_grpe_classe, Tps_elem, Code_sgrpe, Code_produit)
Select No_element, Nom_elem, Desc_elem, Code_grpe_classe, Tps_elem, Code_sgrpe, Code_produit
from ' + @NomServ + '...[Elements$];')

This is where i got an error. The error is:
The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "ExcelSource" does not contain the table "Elements$". The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table.

I can't figure out what i'm missing. I've add permissions for EVERYONE on the file and on the folder just to be sure and i still have the same error. How can i check if the table [Elements$] exist ?

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Win 2003 X64 - SSIS Error Importing Xls And Access Data

Dec 14, 2005

I am having a problem importing data from xls and access into my SQL2005 DB using SSIS. Would appreciate any help in getting this resolved.  Environment: Xeon 64 bit processor machine/Win 2003 64 bit (x64)/SQL 2005 64 bit  Some of the resources that I have dug up so far have pointed to Jet Engine SP8 and WOW64.  A search on the box shows this: C:WindowsSysWOW64Msjet40.dll €“ File version is 4.0.9025.0 Not sure what is missing. The following is the error from the import from xls. The one from access is very similar. ================================================================================== Task Import abc_xls Validation has started [DTS.Pipeline] Information: Validation phase is beginning. Progress: Validating - 0 percent complete [Excel Source [1]] Error: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009. [DTS.Pipeline] Error: component "Excel Source" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C. Progress: Validating - 50 percent complete [DTS.Pipeline] Error: One or more component failed validation. Error: There were errors during task validation. Validation is completed [Connection manager "Excel Connection Manager"] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040154. An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components"  Hresult: 0x80040154  Description: "Class not registered".

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Importing Data From Excel To Database - Unexpected Unrecoverable Error

Jan 1, 2015

I want to import data from excel (1.2 million rows in 1 sheet) to SQL Server 2014 database. I am using SQL Server 2014 Import Export Data functionality and getting this error - unexpected unrecoverable error.

3 buttons beside it - abort, retry, ignore - all having the import export to close.

But I could successfully import data from excel file having less rows (150000 rows)

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SQL 2000 Beginner. Error Importing Data From Microsoft Access

Apr 11, 2006


when i try to import data from Microsot Access to Microsoft OLDB DB Provider in the "DTS Import/Export wizard", an error occurs: Error Description: [DBNETLIB][ConectionOpen (Connect()).] SQL Server doesnt exist or the access was denied. I'm using windows autentication and the data base of destination is <default>.

Could you help me out?

Tank you

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SQL Server 2008 :: Getting Error In BCP When Importing Comma Delimited Data File

Sep 3, 2015

I am struggling on using bcp to import data. Here is my steps:

1. I created a Test database on my localhost
2. In the Test database, I created a Test table, the query is here for your convenience:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Test](
[id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[network_group_name] [varchar](128) NULL,
[IP] [varchar](15) NULL,
[OS] [varchar](128) NULL,

[Code] ....

I then create the format file used in bcp:

bcp Test.dbo.Test format nul -c -t, -f C:RXieSQLTest.fmt –T

Here is the format file:

1 SQLCHAR 0 12 "," 1 id ""
2 SQLCHAR 0 128 "," 2 network_group_name SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
3 SQLCHAR 0 15 "," 3 IP SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

[Code] ...

The data file is called 20150902FullTest.rpt and the first couple lines (first line is the header and followed by two rows) are posted here:

Domestic,,Windows XP SP3,Adobe / Macromedia Flash Player,APSB14-17: Adobe Flash Player CVE-2014-0537 Vulnerability,4350,2015-09-01 09:55:07.720
Domestic,,Windows XP SP3,Adobe / Macromedia Flash Player,APSB14-17: Adobe Flash Player CVE-2014-0539 Vulnerability,4350,2015-09-01 09:55:07.720

With the format file and the data file, I use the following bcp command:

bcp Test.dbo.Test in C:RxieSQL20150902FullTest.rpt -f C:RxieSQLTest.fmt -T

I got the following error messages:

Starting copy...
SQLState = 22005, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid character value for cast specification
SQLState = 22005, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid character value for cast specification

[Code] ...

I do want to mention here is the rpt file contains three BOM characters EF BB BF at the beginning of the file.

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Problems Importing Data From Excel (numbers Stored As Text Error)

May 21, 2008

i have an excel sheet
in it there is a column that holds values of item numbers
some of these values are preceeded with zeros E.G "00123" (with out the ")
when i view the data in excel i get this little green corner whice states (when pressed) that these values are numbers stoerd as text.
no inside the excel sheet i have no problem with that
but when i try to import the excel sheet into ssis using an excel source task
all these values are imported as nulls!!!

i am lost
i tried converting the format of these cells to numbers but then i loose the leading zeros
what i done temporarly to solve this problem is to accept excel's suggestion and turn these values into numbers
i then import them and convert them to strings in ssis and then ad dthe zeros.
now althouge this works, this isnt realy a solution.
i canot manualy correct each excel file each time i get a new copy
and in the future i will not have the luxuery of having fixed lenght values (so i wont be able to know how many zeroe i"d need to add)

there must be a better way
please help
thanks in advance

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Error Importing Data From Oracle Database To An SQL Database

Oct 11, 2005


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Integration Services :: SSIS - Managing Data Integrity When Importing Sharepoint Data

Sep 28, 2015

I setup this package to import data from a Sharepoint list to a SQL Server data table. The primary key of my SQL table is mapped to the Title column of my Sharepoint list. There is a possibility that duplicate values will be entered in the Title field of the Sharepoint list. So when importing data into my table via SSIS, my package always error-out when there it comes across duplicate values. how you others have managed data integrity when importing from a Sharepoint list with the Title column being mapped to the primary key of a table.

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Data Access :: Importing Huge Data From One Database To Another Daily

Jul 7, 2015

We have a daily process, which copies millions of rows of data from one DB to another over Linked Server. Just checking on the best practise, are there more efficient ways than the Linked server to copy millions of rows of data from one DB to another? I checked bulk insert but that transfers the data from the file to DB not DB to DB. 

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Importing Data From Oracle To Sql Loosing Data After The Decimal Point

Jun 18, 2007

I have created a simple package that uses a sql command to pull data from an oracle database and inserts the data into a sql 2005 table. Some of the data fields that i am pulling from contain two digits after the decimal point, however this data is lost when it gets into sql. I have even tried putting the data into a flat file, and still the data is lost.

In the package I have a ole db source connection which is the oracle database and when i do the preview i see all the data I need. I am very confused and tried a number of things to get the data into sql, but none work. Any ideas would be very helpful.


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Data Format Issue While Importing Data From Excel To SQL

Jul 17, 2007


when i m importing data from excel to Sql using DTS the column which has text content was not imported as same in excel sheet. whereas a special character is appearing in between the lines. the text field contains multiple lines but the conetent is imported in single line .



but i m getting imported

as :

How to Format a single column while importing?



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Importing Data From Various Data Sources With Non Standard Formats

Mar 19, 2007

Hi all :)

I'm wondering if SSIS will be the solution to the problem I'm working on.

Some of our customers give us an Excel sheet with data they want to insert or update in the database.

I've created a package that will take an Excel sheet, do some data conversion so the data types match up and after that I use a Slowly Changing Data component to create the insert/update commands.

This works great. If a customer adds a new row to the Excel sheet or updates an existing row changes are nicely reflected in the database.

But now I€™ve got the following problem. The column names and the order of the columns in the Excel sheet are not standard and in the future it could happen a customer doesn't even use an Excel sheet but something totally different.

Can I use SSIS for this? Is it possible to let the user set the mappings trough some sort of user interface? I€™ve looked at programmatically creating the package but I€™ve got to say that€™s quit hard to do€¦ It would be easier to write the whole thing myself than to create the package trough code ;)

If not I thought about transforming the data in code before I pass it on to the SSIS package in something like XML. That way I can use standard column names and data types.

So how should I solve this problem? Use SSIS or not?

Thnx :)

Wouter de Kort

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How Can I Specify The Data Type When Importing Excel Data Via DTS?

Jun 11, 2006

I'm new to SQL and DTS packages. I am trying to import data from an excel spreadsheet to an SQL server table via DTS package. It seems that the excel task looks at the first few records in a column to determine the datatype for that column. If the first few records are text, the entire column is imported as text. If numeric, the entire column is imported as numeric.
There are about 25,000 records. In one field, the most important one, about half of the records begin with letters and the rest are all numbers. It is the subscriber ID field, and some subscriber IDs are all numbers, some are letters and numbers. The entire column should be imported as text. However, when I run the transform data task from the excel connection, none of the records that are all numbers are imported. I end up correctly importing only 13,000 of the 25,000 records. The rest are imported with the subscriberID field as <NULL>.
I tried using the CAST or CONVERT function in the SQL query, but get the error message "Undefined Function."

Can anyone give me some help? Thanks,

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How Can I Specify The Data Type When Importing Txt File Data Via DTS?

Jun 27, 2006

I create a txt file with a bash script, and i need to use it in a DTS package. But, i don't know how i can specify the type of my column. So in the transformations task, i have an error due to an incompatible type. what can i do to fix this error ?

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Importing Unique Data && MAX Data To Table Using DTS

Nov 28, 2005

I am creating a DTS package that is combining several tables, converting one column of data to a new column removing all special characters, then exporting the unique data based on this column and another column, and the max of other duplicates to a new table.

Now that I have the data in this table, I want to import any data that is not in my main table.

This "CLEANED" table does not have a designated "key" column, but the table I want to import the unique items does have an ID column that is also a primary key column.

DTS seems to want me to have a Key column to reference when importing from the CLEANED table to the MAIN table.

How would I go about checking the MAIN table against the CLEANED table, having DTS import only the unique items from the CLEANED table that are not present in the MAIN table based on three columns? The rest of the columns I want to just extract the MAX data from the duplicates.

Now here is the query I use to extract the unique values from the "CLEANING" table to get the data to the "CLEANED" table, but do not know how to use this to import into the MAIN table using something similar.


MAX (partno) as partno,
MAX (C_alt) as C_alt,
Max (cmpycd) as cmpycd,
MAX (type) as type,
MAX (pndesc) as pndesc,
MAX (equipment) as equipment

into tbl_CLEANED
from tbl_CLEANING
group by partno2, alt, compFN
ORDER BY partno, compFN

The three main columns I need to check against are:
I have named the columns the same in both tables.

partno2 is the column that has been copied from partno with all special characters & spaces removed. This is the main column I am using as a reference for unique values, then if no match, I have it check against the alt column, then the comFN column. If there are no matches in any of these columns, then I want to extract the data to the MAIN table.

How can I compare these tables and import only unique info to the MAIN table?

In addition, how can I also check items that are the same in both tables and update the MAX info for the other columns (not the three I use for reference - these I need to leave alone) and update those if there is more data in the CLEANED table then in the MAIN table?

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Importing Error

Jun 1, 2007

Hi all

My job is to create an import wizard in SQL Server 2005 the details as follows

I have a CSV data file from this data file has to be imported to a table in SQL Server 2005, but in this data file we have duplicate records which should not be imported to a table. I am importing this from using flat file object to a table, if I create table prior implementation with primary keys I could not able to import any data, if I remove primary key from the table it’ll easily get imported.

My question is how can ensure validations if at all it has primary key, suppose if I have around 100 records somewhere near 70 duplicate record is there, let it import all the records & throw error in log file saying that 70 record could not be imported because of primary key in the table.

Please suggest me to solve.

Thanks in advance,


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Error Importing

Oct 17, 2007


I am currently trying import a Concordance database .txt file into SQL server 2005 through the import wizard and get the following error:

The preview sample contains embedded text qualifiers (þ). The flat file parser does not support embedding

(delimiter - chr(20) 
text qualifier - chr(254) þ)

Do you know if SQL has fix to allow embedded text qualifiers now??

Many thanks!

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Importing Error

Jun 1, 2007

Hi all,

From SQL Server 2000 Import wizard, if we use Copy Objects & data between SQL Server Databases it'll copies table with primary key. Similar to this what is the alternative method in SQL Server 2005.

Please suggest me to solve the problem

Thanks in advance

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Importing Error

May 25, 2007

Hi all,

I am facing problem on importing csv data file into table,

For Ex:

csv file which has 2 columns & 4 records are as follows

EmpNo EmpName

1 a
2 b
3 c
1 a

I created new table called T4, structure of T4 is

EmpNo Varchar(50) with Primary Key
EmpName Varchar(50) disabled Allow Nulls

Now I started importing csv data to T4 table, during importing it couldn't finish entire process. Throwing error, when I remove primary key with disable Allow Nulls for both constraints of a table T4. Importing data successfull.
My question is if I have above said structure for the table T4 (with primary Key), during importing instead of throwing error let it be import first 3 rows then throw error as primary key enabled could not able to import. Is this can be possibe, if so please suggest me to solve the problem.Can I use Bulk Insert or SQL Scripts to solve this problem.

Thanks in advance

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Error Importing Into Sql Server

May 17, 2007

I am getting an error importing a comma deliminated file. I deleted all single ' quotes from the file. I can imported tab deliminated files without and error

Here is the message I get using the import wizard.

Its a giant file around 3 gb, I can only open it in ultra edit.

All the fields have been created using varchar(255)

Operation stopped...

- Initializing Data Flow Task (Success)

- Initializing Connections (Success)

- Setting SQL Command (Success)

- Setting Source Connection (Success)

- Setting Destination Connection (Success)

- Validating (Warning)
* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 0" (10) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 1" (14) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 2" (18) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 3" (22) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 4" (26) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 5" (30) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 6" (34) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 7" (38) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 8" (42) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 9" (46) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 10" (50) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 11" (54) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 12" (58) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 13" (62) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 14" (66) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 15" (70) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 16" (74) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 17" (78) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 18" (82) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 19" (86) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 20" (90) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 21" (94) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 22" (98) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 23" (102) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 24" (106) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 25" (110) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 26" (114) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 27" (118) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 28" (122) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 29" (126) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 30" (130) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 31" (134) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 32" (138) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 33" (142) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 34" (146) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 35" (150) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 36" (154) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 37" (158) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 38" (162) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 39" (166) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 40" (170) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 41" (174) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 42" (178) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 43" (182) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 0" (10) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 1" (14) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 2" (18) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 3" (22) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 4" (26) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 5" (30) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 6" (34) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 7" (38) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 8" (42) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 9" (46) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 10" (50) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 11" (54) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 12" (58) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 13" (62) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 14" (66) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 15" (70) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 16" (74) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 17" (78) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 18" (82) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 19" (86) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 20" (90) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 21" (94) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 22" (98) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 23" (102) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 24" (106) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 25" (110) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 26" (114) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 27" (118) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 28" (122) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 29" (126) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 30" (130) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 31" (134) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 32" (138) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 33" (142) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 34" (146) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 35" (150) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 36" (154) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 37" (158) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 38" (162) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 39" (166) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 40" (170) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 41" (174) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 42" (178) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Warning 0x80047076: Data Flow Task: The output column "Column 43" (182) on output "Flat File Source Output" (2) and component "Source - Skinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07_TXT" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

- Prepare for Execute (Success)

- Pre-execute (Error)
* Information 0x402090dc: Data Flow Task: The processing of file "C:NYDataSkinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07.TXT" has started.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Error 0xc0202004: Data Flow Task: The number of columns is incorrect.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Error 0xc0202025: Data Flow Task: Cannot create an OLE DB accessor. Verify that the column metadata is valid.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Error 0xc004701a: Data Flow Task: component "Destination - NY" (186) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202025.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

- Executing (Success)

- Copying to [VoterRecords].[dbo].[NY] (Stopped)

- Post-execute (Stopped)
* Information 0x402090dd: Data Flow Task: The processing of file "C:NYDataSkinner-VOTERLIST-12-MAR-07.TXT" has ended.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

- Cleanup (Success)
* Information 0x4004300b: Data Flow Task: "component "Destination - NY" (186)" wrote 0 rows.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

View 1 Replies View Related

Error Importing Sql File

Sep 7, 2007

I purchased a domain and website, the sql file will not import properly. Can anyone shed some light on what the problem is?

I am getting this error:

MySQL said: Documentation
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci' at line

View 1 Replies View Related

Importing Date Error

Sep 27, 2007

I am trying to import a table from Pervasive into SQL 2000 however I am getting an error due to a date column with some dates of 0000-00-00. How can I import the data without errors?

View 1 Replies View Related

Error Importing From AS00

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to transfer with dts a table of As400 into a db sql-server.But i receave un error (2147217865)With Access i can import the table with the same ODBC.You have some suggestion ???thk by Logan bye bye

View 1 Replies View Related

Importing From Access Error

May 10, 2006

Let me describe my situation

I am running SQL Server 2005. I created all the tables/columns/keys I needed. I export the data to Access.

In Access, I add all the data for the tables. Then I use SSIS to import-append the data back in to SQL Server 2005.

I get this error:
- Pre-execute (Error)
Error 0xc0202009: Data Flow Task: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E21 Description: "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.".
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc0202025: Data Flow Task: Cannot create an OLE DB accessor. Verify that the column metadata is valid.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc004701a: Data Flow Task: component "Destination - tbl_name" (19) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202025.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

I can use the import tool (SSIS) to create new tables, but not append the data. Creating new tables makes all the tables to lose information about field lengths etc, so this is not an option

any help would be greatly appreciated.


View 8 Replies View Related

Importing Data

Feb 12, 2005

I have created a DTS package for SQL Server, saved this as a VB file and upgraded this to the .NET framework.

It is now saved in a file called Shortages.vb.

What I want to do now is add this to an existing ASP.NET project and be able to call this DTS function by the click of a button.

Is this possible and how can I go about it? Can I just add it to the Click event of a button?

View 3 Replies View Related

Importing Data

Mar 17, 2002

Hallo every one,

I', working for a school project.
The setuation is an old database that has to be repaird.

All the data from each table of the old data base are stored in different tabdelimited text files.

I designed a new database, but the tables are a little different.
When I try to import the data I get some errors, because of the changed tables.

An example of my new setuation is a new table thas as colums from 2 different tabdelimited text files.

My question is, how do I solve thos problem!
Do I have to use DTS?
What do I have to do.


View 1 Replies View Related

Importing Data

Jan 12, 2001

How can you can import results into table from system procedures.

For Ex. if you exec sp_spacesued, how do I import the results into the table.

Thank You

View 1 Replies View Related

Importing Data???

Sep 29, 2004

I have a process that calls a proc that BCP's a delimited file into a table. Well the SOX police say a header and footer must be added to the file. Needless to say this screws my BCP process. Does anyone know how to strip a header and footer record from a text file using transact sql or have any other suggestions to strip the records?

View 6 Replies View Related

Importing Data

Dec 4, 2006

I am trying to import data from excel into my server, but get this error message:

Error during transformation 'directcopyXform' for row number 1. Errors encountered so far in this task 1. TransformCopy 'DirectCopyXform' conversion error: Conversion invalid datatypes on coulumn pair 19 (source column '*9' (DBTYPE_WSTR( destination column 'F19' (DBTYPE_R8)

Anyone get me in the right direction?


View 6 Replies View Related

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