Error Inserting Row In Table Where There Is Multiple Foreign Key.

Oct 26, 2007

Hi guys,
I have created 3 tables namely Static, Dynamic and Demo...
Static has colums FormID(uniqueidentifier, PrimaryKey) and FormName(Nvarchar(50)).
Dynamic has colums formID(uniqueidentifier,PrimaryKey) and FormName(Nvarchar(50)).
Demo has 4 colums namely ValueID(uniqueidentifier, Primary Key), formID(uniqueidentifier, foreign key), Name(nvarchar(50)), Value(nvarchar(50).

Now the formID coloum in Demo table i have set as foreign key to both the dynamic table as well as static table on the formID colum in both table.

Now first i insert a row in the dynamic table then take the uniqueidentifier which is generated automatically and try
to insert in the Demo table in formID colum as that colum is FK to dynamic and static but when i try to insert a row it show that its violating the FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT

the exact error is

Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 1

The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_Demo_Dynamic1". The conflict occurred in database "huzefaJTest", table "dbo.Dynamic", column 'formid'.

The statement has been terminated.

please if anyone know do reply.....

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Inserting Data - Foreign Key Error

Feb 17, 2006

How do I go about inserting records on a table that has a PK/FK relationship with another table?? I get a foreign key error everytime I try :)

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How To Automatically Create New Records In A Foreign Table When Inserting Records In A Primary Table.

Sep 13, 2006

Ok, I'm really new at this, but I am looking for a way to automatically insert new records into tables.  I have one primary table with a primary key id that is automatically generated on insert and 3 other tables that have foreign keys pointing to the primary key.  Is there a way to automatically create new records in the foreign tables that will have the new id?  Would this be a job for a trigger, stored procedure?  I admit I haven't studied up on those yet--I am learning things as I need them. Thanks. 

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Insert Values In Multiple Table With Foreign Key

Feb 28, 2008


I've been working as web dev for quite sometime now but there are still few things that i would like to clarify. Hope you guys can shed lights.

I currently have several tables and all this tables are having some 1 to many relationships. I know that how i insert value into my tables are very inefficient. I do it in this manner..
-> Insert a value in TableA
-> Query the latest ID that i have inserted in Table A then
-> Insert this value in TableB. And so on and so forth.

I believe there is an efficient way to to do this but i'm not sure how? Could anyone shed me a light on this matter?

Your reply would be highly appreciated. TIA.

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Inserting Multiple Values From Another Table

Oct 2, 2007

I am trying to insert multiple values from another table as well as an addition value defined by me. Here's my code which is obviously incorrect at the AND statement:
Insert Into table_1 (ID, Col_1, Col_2)Select ID, Col_A, Col_B From table_A  AND  table1.Col_3 = 'XYZ'
Where table_A.Col_A IS NOT NULL
Pls advise on the correct way of constructing this statement.
Many Thanks

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Inserting Multiple Records To A Table

Apr 1, 2004

I really need a help.
Is there any way to insert multiple records into a table in one go?

I have a table named Fruit.
It contains FruitId,OwnerId,Colour

The list of colour is got from another table name FruitColour.
FruitColour Consists of 2 column, FruitName and Colour.

Is it possible to insert multiple records into Fruit table with one query if only the colour is changed.

Sample case
I have an Apple.
Fruit id=2
Colour -- > Select Colour From FruitColour where FruitName='Apple' (Will return multiple records)

I tried to insert using this query:
Insert into Fruit(FruitId,OwnerId,Colour) Values (2,2,Select Colour from FruitColour where FruitName='Apple').

Gives me this error
Subqueries are not allowed in this context. Only scalar expressions are allowed.

I need to do this because actually I am inserting multiple fruit at one time, and each have multiple colour. If I need to insert the colour one by one for each fruit it will takes a very long time.

Any suggestion are welcomed.
Thank you in advanced.

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Jun 20, 2007


Is it possible to insert multiple rows in a table using one INSERT statment. If yes, how can I do that ? I tried doing this using the substitution method.

Using Substitution Method - This is how,I proceeded.

SELECT ‘&EMPN’, ‘&ENAM’, ‘&JO’, ‘&MG’, ‘&HI’, ‘&SA’, ‘&COMM’, ‘&DEPTN’ UNION ALL
SELECT ‘&EMPN’, ‘&ENAM’, ‘&JO’, ‘&MG’, ‘&HI’, ‘&SA’, ‘&COMM’, ‘&DEPTN’

Let me know if this is correct.


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Inserting From Datas In One Table From Multiple Tables

Dec 5, 2007

Hi guys,I have a problem with my query. What i want to happen is to populate my table EV_NOTIFICATIONDETAILS (Docownerid, CurrentSentDate, LastSentDate, detailsID, GeneralRemarks) using the datas from the two different tables EV_NOTIFICATIONHEADER and EV_DOCDETAILS.I tried to create some a query but im having a error. The problem is once i insert the data from datas to the columns Docownerid, CurrentSentDate, LastSentDate the datas are stored in the database and when i tried to insert the remaining columns TO EV_NOTIFICATIONDETAILS detailsID, GeneralRemarks getting the datas from EV_DOCDETAIL it creates a new set of records in the database. Meaning it doesn't update the records in the table EV_NOTIFICATIONDETAILS but it creates a new set of's my code:INSERT INTO EV_NOTIFICATIONDETAILS (Docownerid, CurrentNoticeSentDate, LastNoticeSentDate) SELECTDocownerid, CurrentSentDate, LastSentDateFROMEV_NOTIFICATIONHEADERINSERT INTO EV_NOTIFICATIONDETAILS (detailsID,GeneralRemarks) SELECTdetailsID,GeneralRemarksFROMEV_DOCDETAIL   Any ideas and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. 

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Inserting Multiple Rows Into One Table (with Calculated Fields)

Nov 29, 2006

Hello all,my first post here...hope it goes well. I'm currently working onstored procedure where I translated some reporting language into T-SQLThe logic:I have a group of tables containing important values for calculation.I run various sum calculations on various fields in order to retrievecost calculations ...etc.1) There is a select statement which gathers all the "records" whichneed calculations.ex: select distinct Office from Offices where OfficeDesignation ='WE' or OfficeDesignation = 'BE...etc.As a result I get a list of lets say 5 offices which need to becalculated!2) A calculation select statement is then run on a loop for each ofthe returned 5 offices (@OfficeName cursor used here!) found above.Anexample can be like this(* note that @WriteOff is a variable storing the result):"select @WriteOff = sum(linecost * (-1))From Invtrans , InventoryWhere ( transtype in ('blah', 'blah' , 'blah' ) )and ( storeloc = @OfficeName )and ( Invtrans.linecost <= 0 )and ( Inventory.location = Invtrans.storeloc )and ( Inventory.itemnum = Invtrans.itemnum )"...etcThis sample statement returns a value and is passed to the variable@WriteOff (for each of the 5 offices mentioned in step 1). This is donearound 9 times for each loop! (9 calculations)3) At the end of each loop (or each office), we do an insert statementto a table in the database.


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SQL 2000: Inserting Multiple Rows Into A Single Table

Jul 20, 2005

To anyone that is able to help....What I am trying to do is this. I have two tables (Orders, andOrderDetails), and my question is on the order details. I would liketo set up a stored procedure that essentially inserts in the orderstable the mail order, and then insert multiple orderdetails within thesame transaction. I also need to do this via SQL 2000. Right now ihave "x" amount of variables for all columns in my orders tables, andall Columns in my Order Details table. I.e. @OColumn1, @OColumn2,@OColumn3, @ODColumn1, @ODColumn2, etc... I would like to create astored procedure to insert into Orders, and have that call anotherstored procedure to insert all the Order details associated with thatorder. The only way I can think of doing it is for the program to passme a string of data per column for order details, and parse the stringvia T-SQL. I would like to get away from the String format, and gowith something else. If possible I would like the application tosubmit a single value per variable multiple times. If I do it this waythough it will be running the entire SP again, and again. Anysuggestions on the best way to solve this would be greatlyappreciated. If anyone can come up with a better way feel free. Myonly requirement is that it be done in SQL.Thank you

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Inserting Values From Multiple Tables To Only One Column Of A Seperate Table

Dec 11, 2004

Hi all,

I want to produce some output for Mainframe application. For that I want to insert values from multiple table as source to a single column (huge in size)of a different table (Destination table). There may be same related records in all of the source tables with the primary key. When I export values from the source tables , each related records should be insterted to the destination table's field (multiple entries for each table). Please advise.


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Split A Column String-value Into Multiple Columns / Inserting In Another Table

Aug 14, 2012

I have a table with a string value, where all values are seperated by a space/blank. I now want to use SQL to split all the values and insert them into a different table, which then later will result in deleting the old table, as soon as I got all values out from it.

Old Table:

ID, StringValue

New Table:

ID, Value1, Value2
Do note: Value1 is INT, Value2 is of nvarchar, hence Value2 can contain spaces... I just need to split on the FIRST space, then convert index[0] to int, and store index[1] as it is.

I can split on all spaces and just Select them all and add them like so: SELECT t.val1 + ' ' + t.val2... If I cant find the first space that is... I mean, first 2-10 characters in the string can be integer, but does not have to be.Shall probably do it in code instead of SQL?Now I want to run a query that selects the StringValue from OldTable, splits the string by ' ' (a blank) and then inserts them into New Table.

SELECT CASE CHARINDEX(' ', OldTable.stringvalue, 1)
WHEN 0 THEN OldTable.stringvalue
ELSE SUBSTRING(OldTable.stringvalue, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', OldTable.stringvalue, 1) - 1)
AS FirstWord
FROM OldTable

Found an example using strange things like CHARINDEX..But issue still remains, because the first word is of integer, or it does not have to be...If it isn't, there is not "first value", and the whole string shall be passed into "value2".How to detect if the very first character is of integer type?

@declare firstDigit int
IF ISNUMERIC(SUBSTRING(@postal,2,1) AS int) = 1
set @firstDigit = CAST(SUBSTRING(@postal,2,1) AS int)
set @firstDigit = -1


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Inserting Foreign Key Value Using Subquery

May 11, 2008


I'm playing around with a training-wheel database. I have a table that stores magazine subscription info. I have a lookup table that stores the delivery period, ie. 'weekly', 'monthly', etc. I have a primary key ID field in tblPeriods and a foreign key field in the main table, tblMags. I want to insert data into tblMags without having to memorize the correlation between the period key and the period itself. Here's what I tried first:

( vcName,
fkPeriodID )
( 'The New Yorker',
(SELECT tblPeriods_ID FROM tblPeriods
WHERE vcPeriod = 'Weekly'));

This gives the following message:

Server: Msg 1046, Level 15, State 1, Line 6
Subqueries are not allowed in this context. Only scalar expressions are allowed.

I'm thinking there must be a way to insert data like this and take advantage of a foreign key relationship without looking up a value each time. Any ideas?


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SQL Server 2014 :: Transaction Rollback When Multiple Threads Are Inserting Records Into Table Because Of Trigger

Jun 18, 2014

I have two tables called ECASE and PROJECT

In the ECASE table there is trigger to get the max value of case_id column in ecase based on project and increment one to that case_id value and insert into ecase table .

When we insert a new record to the ECASE table this trigger calls and insert the case_id column value.

When i run with multiple threads , the transaction is rolled back because of trigger . The reason is , on the project table the lock is happening while getting the max value of case_id column based on project.

I need to prevent the deadlock .

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SQL 2012 :: Create Table With Both Keys As Foreign (error)

Dec 15, 2014

I'm trying to create a table in Microsoft Server Management Studio 2012. The table has two fields which are both foreign keys.

I created the following:

create table tblRoomEquipment(
RoomID nvarchar(8),
EquipmentType nvarchar(1),
foreign key (RoomID) references tblRoom(ID),
foreign key (EquipmentType) references tblEquipment(Type)

Both tblRoom and tblEquipment have the red line error which when I highlight say the they both reference an invalid table!

Both tables are there and have primary keys defined as ID & Type. I have searched around and all I could find was that there maybe a permission problem.

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Error Inserting Image Into SQL Server2000 Table From Pocket PC Application Only When Using Stored Procedure In Table Adapter Wiz

Apr 24, 2008

My Pocket PC application exports signature as an image. Everything is fine when choose Use SQL statements in TableAdapter Configuration Wizard.



string[] signFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Settings.signDirectory);

foreach (string signFile in signFiles)


mailsSignatureRow = main.ds.MailsSignature.NewMailsSignatureRow();

mailsSignatureRow.Singnature = GetImageBytes(signFile); //return byte[] array of the image.




But now I am getting error "General Network Error. Check your network documentation" after specifying Use existing stored procedure in TableAdpater Configuration Wizard.

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.Insert_MailSignature( @Singnature image )



INSERT INTO MailsSignature (Singnature) VALUES (@Singnature);

SELECT Id, Singnature FROM MailsSignature WHERE (Id = SCOPE_IDENTITY())

For testing I created a desktop application and found that the same Code, same(Use existing stored procedure in TableAdpater Configuration Wizard) and same stored procedure is working fine in inserting image into the table.

Is there any limitation in CF?

Professor Corrie.

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Problem Inserting Foreign Languages Into Ms Sql Using Java

Aug 24, 2004

hi there, i'm having a real problem here.

I have some foreign language encoded characters in the database. They are those characters that makes no sense when using the wrong charset to view them. Now I need to retrieve them from the database and re-insert as unicode so that they can be viewed properly.

Now the problem is this: when I retrieve them from the database using java, some characters tend to contain single quote (') or brackets in there, thus screwing up my whole update statement. Below is the coding I am using. It works when there isn't any single quotes or brackets.

Connection con = db.getConnection();
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select b.en_transID, b.trans_content from translations a, en_translations b where a.en_transID=b.en_transID and a.language_ID='3'");

while (
String original = rs.getString("En_transID");
byte bytes[] = rs.getBytes("trans_content");
if (bytes != null)
String s = new String(bytes, "UTF-16LE");
s = new String(s.getBytes(), "big5");

Statement tempStmt = con.createStatement();
tempStmt.executeUpdate("update En_Translations set trans_content = (N'"+s+"') where En_transID = '"+original+"'");

Is there any way to get around this? Please help! Will appreciate it very much!

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Error Inserting Into Table &#34;&#34;

Mar 25, 1999

We are running a application that uses SQL. No users use this database but the application. We have been getting an error stating that there was an error inserting into one of my tables. We have increased the LE Threshold to 10000 and have also increased my locks to 200000 but it still doesn't get rid of the problem. Any ideas as to why. I can't imagine that this application will hold that many locks but then again I'm not the developer. Any suggestions will help.


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Error While Inserting To Table

Mar 29, 2007

Hi all,
I made a C# function to insert new row to MS SQL Server 2005. However, I kept getting this error when I executed it:


Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '0'.
Unclosed quotation mark before the character string '','{ 0 }','Sun, Mar 25, 2007 04:33:00 PM')'.

here is the sql insert statement


insert into Temip_tmp_3(Managed_object, Alarm_type, Perceived_Severity, Probable_Cause, Domain, Additional_Text, Specific_Problems, Original_Event_Time ) values ('','EquipmentAlarm','Major','EquipmentMalfunction','Domain tsel_ns:.dom.radio_ericsson','"EXTERNAL ALARM RECEIVER FAULT *** ALARM 121 A2/IO_DEV BTAK1 042/0700H U 070325 1633 EXTERNAL ALARM RECEIVER FAULT AP APNAME NODE NODENAME 1 AP_BTAK1_C A AP_BTAK1_A APNODE FCODE B FAULT CODE 23 **SpecificProblem:121 , AdditionalInfo:@@"','{ 0 }','Sun, Mar 25, 2007 04:33:00 PM')

I believe there is not a single quotation mark unclosed in my query. And, what's so funny is when I tried to execute the query on SQL Server Enterprise Manager, it worked.
I don't know, maybe I missed something.
Can you guys please help me figure this out?

Thank you very much in advance.


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Error When Inserting To Aspnet_Roles Table

Jun 21, 2007

 I am using web admin tool to create users and the other personal details of the user are stored in a table called "Users". So in my Users table I have a field called "Id" which is of datatype UniqueIdentifier. The UserId generated in the aspnet_Membership table is also stored in my "Users" table's Id field. The problem is that an error is thrown when executing the statement
System.Web.Security.Roles.AddUserToRole(name, Role). The parameters name and role are getting values correctly. But as soon as this is executed a sql exception is thrown saying that  "The conflict of interleave for the equal operator cannot be solved to." 
 Am not able to solve this.Pls help me out.
Thanks in Advance.

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Error While Inserting Time Id In Fact Table

Dec 31, 2007


My time dimension has date mm/dd/yy 00:00:00
where as the source has mm/dd/yy and some time not 00:00:00
I am sure the iserts in fact table are failing.
I do not want the time part to come anywhere in data mart.
what should i do in SSIS.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Inserting Record In Table - Trigger Error

Aug 6, 2014

I am inserting a record in XYZ table(DB1). Through trigger it will update ABC table(DB2).

I am getting error when doing above thing. What are the roles to be set to user to avoid above problem.

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Trigger Error When Inserting Stored Proc Output Into Temp Table.

Feb 18, 2008

I writing a unit test which has one stored proc calling data from another stored proc. Each time I run dbo.ut_wbTestxxxxReturns_EntityTest I get a severe uncatchable error...most common cause is a trigger error. I have checked and rechecked the columns in both of the temp tables created. Any ideas as to why the error is occurring?

--Table being called.

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.wbGetxxxxxUserReturns

@nxxxxtyId smallint,

@sxxxxxxxxUser varchar(32),

@sxxxxName varchar(32)



CREATE TABLE #Scorecard_Returns

NAME_COL varchar(64),
ACCT_ID int,

ACCT_NUMBER varchar(10),

ENTITY_ID smallint,

NAME varchar(100),

ID int,


A_OFFICER varchar(30),

I_OFFICER varchar(30),

B_CODE varchar(30),

I_OBJ varchar(03),



IS int


ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.ut_wbTestxxxxReturns_EntityTest



CREATE TABLE #Scorecard_Returns

NAME_COL varchar(64),
ACCT_ID int,

ACCT_NUMBER varchar(10),

ENTITY_ID smallint,

NAME varchar(100),

ID int,


A_OFFICER varchar(30),

I_OFFICER varchar(30),

B_CODE varchar(30),

I_OBJ varchar(03),



IS int


INSERT #Scorecard_Returns(
















EXEC ISI_WEB_DATA.dbo.wbGetxxxxxcardUserReturns

@nId = 1,


@sUName = 'VALID USER'

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Error (8626) While Inserting Record Into Table With Text Field And Which Is The Base For Indexed View

Mar 14, 2006

I have a problem with inserting records into table when an indexed viewis based on it.Table has text field (without it there is no problem, but I need it).Here is a sample code:USE testGOCREATE TABLE dbo.aTable ([id] INT NOT NULL, [text] TEXT NOT NULL)GOCREATE VIEW dbo.aViewWITH SCHEMABINDING ASSELECT [id], CAST([text] AS VARCHAR(8000)) [text]FROM dbo.aTableGOCREATE TRIGGER dbo.aTrigger ON dbo.aView INSTEAD OF INSERTASBEGININSERT INTO aTableSELECT [id], [text]FROM insertedENDGODo the insert into aTable (also through aView).INSERT INTO dbo.aTable VALUES (1, 'a')INSERT INTO dbo.aView VALUES (2, 'b')Still do not have any problem. But when I need index on viewCREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [id] ON dbo.aView ([id])GOI get following error while inserting record into aTable:-- Server: Msg 8626, Level 16, State 1, Procedure aTrigger, Line 4-- Only text pointers are allowed in work tables, never text, ntext, orimage columns. The query processor produced a query plan that requireda text, ntext, or image column in a work table.Does anyone know what causes the error?

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Inserting Data Into Two Tables (Getting ID From Table 1 And Inserting Into Table 2)

Oct 10, 2007

I am trying to insert data into two different tables. I will insert into Table 2 based on an id I get from the Select Statement from Table1.
 Insert Table1(Title,Description,Link,Whatever)Values(@title,@description,@link,@Whatever)Select WhateverID from Table1 Where Description = @DescriptionInsert into Table2(CategoryID,WhateverID)Values(@CategoryID,@WhateverID)
 This statement is not working. What should I do? Should I use a stored procedure?? I am writing in C#. Can someone please help!!

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SQL Server VARCHAR(MAX) Column Returns Error While Inserting Records Into Table(ODBC Driver: SQL Native Client)

Aug 15, 2007

I created very simple table with 3 columns and one is varchar(max) datatype

When i insert records thru VC++ ADO code i am getting this error

Exception Description Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check e
ach OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done. and Error Number:: -2147217887

ODBC Driver: SQL Native Client

SQL server 2005



[ID] [int] NULL,

[Name] [varchar](max) NULL,

[CITY] [varchar](50) NULL


VC++ code

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string>
#include <strstream>
#include <iomanip>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
HRESULT hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
_RecordsetPtr pExtRst = NULL;
_bstr_t bstrtDSN, bstrtSQL;
bstrtDSN = L"DSN=espinfo;UID=opsuser;PWD=opsuser;";

_variant_t vartValueID,vartValueNAME,vartValueCITY;
_bstr_t bstrtValueID,bstrtValueNAME,bstrtValueCITY;

hr = pExtRst->Open(bstrtSQL, bstrtDSN, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText);

hr = pExtRst->AddNew();

bstrtValueID = L"1";
vartValueID = bstrtValueID.copy();

vartValueNAME = bstrtValueNAME.copy();

bstrtValueCITY = L"Santa Clara";
vartValueCITY = bstrtValueCITY.copy();

pExtRst->GetFields()->GetItem(L"ID")->Value = vartValueID;
pExtRst->GetFields()->GetItem(L"NAME")->Value = vartValueNAME;
pExtRst->GetFields()->GetItem(L"CITY")->Value = vartValueCITY;

catch(_com_error e)
printf("Exception Description %s and Error Number:: %d",(LPTSTR)e.Description(),e.Error());
return e.Error();
return 0;

if i use regular SQL ODBC driver, no error but its truncating the data

Adv Thanks for your help

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Multiple Foreign Keys

Jun 25, 2004

What are the possible issues I could run in to having multiple foreign keys in a table. Here is why I ask. I have a db (sql server) that has a participant table, a forum table, and a forum reply table. Every record in the forum reply table is associated with the forum table via a PK-FK relationship w/cascading updates/deletes. The participants who post in these tables are not tied back to the participant table via a PK-FK relationship w/cascading updates/deletes. Should they be?

The problem I ran in to is that one particpant was deleted from the participant table but a post with their partid still existed in the forum or forum reply tables.

My feeling is that anytime a participant is deleted, everything that pertains to them should go too, right? If I am right, what do I have to be careful of if I do that?

Let me know! Thanks!!

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Multiple Foreign Keys

Nov 20, 2004

I am constructing a db in sql server 2000 that will score cross-country running meets. I have an individual results table that needs to only contain participants that are entered as participants but are specific to a certain race as well. Can I have this table be linked back to TWO other tables via the PK-FK relationship and what issues might I have doing that?


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Multiple Foreign Keys

Dec 30, 2004

I am having trouble creating multiple foreign keys on a table so that I can set up cascading update and cascading delete from two different primary tables. I am using the diagram to do this but when I try to save the diagram I get the following error.

ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_IndResults_RaceData'. The conflict occurred in database 'VIRA', table 'RaceData', column 'RaceID'.

What would cause this to happen? Is it possible that I have records in the foreign table that do not transfer back to the primary table?


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Multiple Parents For One Foreign Key

Jan 30, 2004


I am trying to figure out if this is possible in Oracle or Mysql

Lets say I have 3 tables such that C could have either A or B as its parent.

{ id, name}

{id, name}

{other_id, comment}

Now other_id could be either or What I want to be able to do is to define a foreign key constraint of the type:


such that deleting automatically deletes C.other_id where = C.otherid and same for

Ofcourse i am not able to do this. Is there any way that this can be done in Oracle and Mysql?

Thanks a lot,

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Foreign Key To Multiple Tables

May 9, 2008

Starting with an example will make explaining this much easier.

I have two (or more) tables defined as follows.

Code SnippetTable1 Table2

Id [uniqueidentifier] Id [uniqueidentifier]

[...] [...]
Now, I would like to create a table Table3 that has its own primary key and references Table1 OR Table2.

Code Snippet

Id [uniqueidentifier]
ForeignId [uniqueidentifier, references Table1 or Table2]

This would enable me to insert any value into ForeignId that is present as the Id field in Table1 or Table2. Is this possible?

Best regards,

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Creating Multiple Foreign Key Constraints On A Key?

Feb 21, 2015

REFERENCES IssueProgress (ItemNo)
REFERENCES Approvals(ItemNo)

Msg 142, Level 15, State 2, Line 0

Incorrect syntax for definition of the 'TABLE' constraint.

I'd like to update or delete the IssueProgress plus update and setting null to the Approvals tables at the same time whenever the ItemNo of the parent table namely IssueLog is updated or deleted.

How can I achieve this?

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Multiple Records Tied To Foreign Key Field?

Jun 6, 2008

I'm a total newb to SQL so I apologize if I butcher the description of what I'm looking to do :) Hopefully the example makes more sense. Is it possible for a single record in 1 table to contain relationships to several records in a different table?

What I've got so far is 2 tables - Hardware and Software, with ID Specifying primary keys HardwareID and SoftwareID respectively. the hardware records are for computer details and the software obviously are for programs. What I need to be able to do is pull up a hardware record and be able to see what software is installed on it, and vice versa pull up a software record to see which computers it's installed on. The problem I'm running into is that a computer can have multiple programs installed on it and a program can be installed on multiple computers, so I don't know how to create that relationship to account for that.

What I'd like to see is in the Hardware table a column for SoftwareID that has a foreign key relationship to the SoftwareID field in the Software Table, and vice versa....My question though is is that possible to do and have potentially multiple separate records it links to from that same column field? I might have a computer with say Windows XP Pro, Office 2003 Standard, Adobe Acrobat 8 and a proprietary rate calculator program that i need each to be displayed with their details when I open that computer's record. Or on the software side if I need to see which computers a license is already installed on then I want to make sure I can pull up the full list of computers.

And finally if what I'd like to do isn't possible as I described it...any recommendations for a better way?

Thanks all for the help!

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