Hi All,
I want to show the error message during Data Flow In SSIS, if an error would occur. I am able to redirect the row in file but i want to display the error like "Error : Its Not Set".
Is it possible? if please help me.
Hi, In terms of data flow tasks, when say we load text files into databases.
Is it possible to have it in a way so that if a certain record (line in the text file) fails to load due to watever reason, it gets written to another table, but the rest of the records still get loaded?
I try to do so and end up with the whole data flow task failing and it stalls at the record that had the error and doesn't seem to continue forward.
I just used the red arrow (on failure) and put that to another SQL destination object. But yeah that didnt work.
If someone has a better way of doing so, would be awesome if you can share that.
I am trying to use an XML Source on xml data from an XML webservice, I am putting the document into a variable the trying to import the data from there with the XML Source, but I am getting an error telling me that truncation occured
The Error is "[XML Source [1]] Error: The "component "XML Source" (1)" failed because truncation occurred, and the truncation row disposition on "output column "linking" (1579)" specifies failure on truncation. A truncation error occurred on the specified object of the specified component."
The linking column mensioned in the error is sometime quite a long string but there is nowhere in the XML Source editor to change the size.
I Can't reproduce the error if I run the package stand-alone.
I'm using the same lookup call (same table, etc.) in 2 packages that are running in parallel (called by a parent package).
[LKP_UnderwriterId [72283]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E05. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server" Hresult: 0x80040E05 Description: "Object was open.".
I have an File System Task that copies a file from one directory ot another. When I hard code the target directory (c:dirfile.txt) it works fine. When I change it to a virtual directory (\serverdirfile.txt) I get a security error:
[File System Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Access to the path '\gracehbtest oS2TMM_Live_Title_000002.xml' is denied.".
I'm trying to use an XML Task to do a simple XSLT operation, but it fails with this error message:
[XML Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "There are multiple root elements. Line 5, position 2.".
The source XML file validates fine and I've successfully used it as the XML Source in a data flow task to load some SQL Server tables. It has very few line breaks, so the first 5 lines are pretty long: almost 4000 characters, including 34 start-tags, 19 end-tags, and 2 empty element tags. Here's the very beginning of it:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ESDU releaselevel="2006-02" createdate="26 May 2006"><package id="1" title="_standard" shorttitle="_standard" filename="pk_stan" supplementdate="01/05/2005" supplementlevel="1"><abstract><![CDATA[This package contains the standard ESDU Series.]]></abstract>
There is only 1 ESDU root element and only 1 package element.
Of course, the XSLT stylesheet is also an XML document in its own right. I specify it directly in the XML Task:
I receive the following error message when I try to use the Bulk Insert Task to load BCP data into a table:
Error: 0xC002F304 at Bulk Insert Task, Bulk Insert Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.The bulk load failed. The column is too long in the data file for row 1, column 4. Verify that the field terminator and row terminator are specified correctly.Bulk load data conversion error (overflow) for row 1, column 1 (rowno).".
Task failed: Bulk Insert Task
In SSMS I am able to issue the following command and the data loads into a TableName table with no error messages: BULK INSERT TableName FROM 'C:DataDbTableName.bcp' WITH (DATAFILETYPE='widenative');
What configuration is required for the Bulk Insert Task in SSIS to make the data load? BTW - the TableName.bcp file is bulk copy file as bcp widenative data type. The properties of the Bulk Insert Task are the following: DataFileType: DTSBulkInsert_DataFileType_WideNative RowTerminator: {CR}{LF}
Any help getting the bcp file to load would be appreciated. Let me know if you require any other information, thanks for all your help. Paul
2: Dataflow Task: Datareader--Script componant--OLE DB Destination (SQL Server 2005--a single table --always around 600,000 rows)
How do I set up a transaction where if there is a failure the Truncate Table command will roll back---and the OLE Destination (A single SQL Server table) will be left the same as before the load started.
Another question with that volume of data --600,000 rows will a truncate table be pratical in a transaction
I everyone, I'm learning SSIS from a book but the most simple example is not working. The "For each task" I assigned "xyz" as name. I added a variable onto the "variables" window and called it "counter" Its scope was set to "xyz". Inside the "for loop" ("xyz") editor i assigned values as follows: "initexpression"-"@counter=0" "eval expression"-"@counter<5" "assign expression"-"@counter=@counter+1"
I added "Script task" onto the "For each" container and into the "Script task editor" I assigned the following values: "ReadOnlyVariables"-"counter" Its design script is set to:
Imports System Imports System.Data Imports System.Math Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Public Class ScriptMain Public Sub Main() Dim variables As Variables If Dts.Variables.Contains("Counter") = True Then Dts.VariableDispenser.LockOneForRead("Counter", variables) End If
MsgBox("You are in iteration: " & CStr(variables("Counter").Value)) Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
End Sub End Class
Runnig it i get the following error message:quote: "DTS Script task has encountered an exeption in user code: Project name:ScriptTask_e7d98dbad0de4041bcdc9079a5c2fa65 Object reference not set to an instance of an object.." The line where the error occurs is from within the above script: "MsgBox("You are in iteration:" " & CStr(variables("Counter").value)) Anyone understands what that means? What is "object reference" and how do i set it to an instance of an object? Thanks
I everyone, I'm learning SSIS from a book but the most simple example is not working. The "For Loop task" I assigned "xyz" as name. I added a variable onto the "variables" window and called it "counter" Its scope was set to "xyz". Inside the "for loop" ("xyz") editor i assigned values as follows: "initexpression"-"@counter=0" "eval expression"-"@counter<5" "assign expression"-"@counter=@counter+1"
I added "Script task" onto the "For each" container and into the "Script task editor" I assigned the following values: "ReadOnlyVariables"-"counter" Its design script is set to:[code] Imports System Imports System.Data Imports System.Math Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Public Class ScriptMain Public Sub Main() Dim variables As Variables If Dts.Variables.Contains("Counter") = True Then Dts.VariableDispenser.LockOneForRead("Counter", variables) End If
MsgBox("You are in iteration: " & CStr(variables("Counter").Value)) Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
End Sub End Class [/code] Runnig it i get the following error message:
DTS Script task has encountered an exeption in user code: Project namecriptTask_e7d98dbad0de4041bcdc9079a5c2fa65 Object reference not set to an instance of an object.. The line where the error occurs is from within the above script: [code] "MsgBox("You are in iteration:" " & CStr(variables("Counter").value))[/code] Anyone understands what that means? What is "object reference" and how do i set it to an instance of an object? Thanks
Exec Prcoess task with source : ftp destination :ftpunzip work directory ftpunzip executable : c:Program FilesWinZip
i am using expressing.
It is doing the unzip but getting this error
package process on server server1 has failed within the Task 'Unzip Files' with the following errors: > > File/Process "WZUNZIP.EXE" does not exist in directory "c:Program FilesWinZip".
This is the first time I've used SQL Server Integration Services, and I have it installed with SP2 applied on my local machine. I have created a Package, and dropped a Message Queue Task on it. I have pointed the Message Queue Connection Manager at a private queue on my machine. I have set the "Message" property to "Send message", I have changed the message type to "String Message" and entered "Test string" into the StringMessage property. When I execute the package (by clicking the "Start debugging" button on the toolbar), I get the following error message in the Execution Results:
[Message Queue Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "The ServicedComponent being invoked is not correctly configured (Use regsvcs to re-register).".
There is no more diagnostic data that I can see in the Execution Results. Can anyone please explain to me how I can get this working?
Here is my scenario in my ETL process, I have one DataFlow task. Assuming that i have 10 clean records in my source database and i need to load all the 10 recs into my target table. IS there any means of cross checking the no of rows from source table and number of rows loaded into my target table.
I am getting the following error when I start debugging my Package, I am not sure what this is related to, but basically, input (datatype is a int, and its mapped to a column which is also int), so I am not sure whats happening here. The input column is actually a derived column, and its set as a 4 byte un-signed int, please advice on where should I start looking to troubleshoot this issue. This loanapplicationid is actually a user variable that is utilized by other tasks in my control flow as well:
Error: 0xC020901C at InsertApplicationCL5, OLE DB Destination [16]: There was an error with input column "LoanApplicationID" (1161) on input "OLE DB Destination Input" (29). The column status returned was: "The value violated the integrity constraints for the column.".
I got a text file with two columns. and I need to generate a integer key automatically with the row number (or any distinct number, I thought row number will be OK). and when I make the data flow task to import this text file into a raw file I need to get the unique rownumber as Id. How can I make this in the data flow tak??
I written a SSIS package to import a table from one database to another database. I used dataflow task with oledb source and oledb destination with fastload. For 2 million records its taking 5 min . The same import using DTS I am getting in 2 mins. DTS package is more faster than SSIS package ?. any reasons why SSIS is taking more time?
I need to create a ssis package. I want to import the data from a flat file to a table.
Lets say, the table has 5 columns -- col1, col2, col3, col4 , col5.(Assume that all columns can be NULLABLE) The datafile contains the data related to only three columns say col1, col2, col3. So when I use dataflow task to import the data from the file to the table, I will only get three columns, col1, col2, col3. Columns col4, col5 will be NULL. However, I want to populate columns col4, col5 with some values which are stored in the variable.
I want to be able to loop through a view and execute a dataflow task for each record. I would like to pass the value of a column to the dataflow task to be used as a parameter in a data reader.
I am getting data from an external source. External data has a column called "Type". I have a variable in my package which contains the list of types as shown below:
Filtered_type_List = 2,4,8,10,11
If this variable(Filtered_type_List) is blank, then I need all the data from the external source and if it is not blank then I only need the records matching to his list. How can I implement this in DataFlow Task?
In the control flow I have an "Execute SQL Task" that executes a stored procedure. The stored procedure returns a result set of about 2000 rows of data into a package variable that has been typed as Object to contain the data.
What I have not been able to figure out is how to access the rows of data (in the package variable) from within a data flow task. There does not seem to be a data flow source task to perform that operation.
I have debugged a Control Flow script task and everything went as expected. I put a breakpoint somewhere in my script code, press F5 and execution will break there.
I have a problem whit loading XML-files into SQL server.
I iterate over the XML-files with the "for each file" component and use the XML source within a Data flow task. This works great until the file count got bigger. After say 1000 files the XML source returns error 0x8007000E. I think this means out of memory. Does anyone have an idea how to solv this. The load must be able to handle up to 5000 files in one batch.
Does anyone know how to create an eventhandler for a dataflow task specific events (OnPipelinePostEndOfRowset, OnPipelineRowsSent, etc.)? These events are available for logging via the standard logging infrastructure, but there seems to no eventhandler for them.
The reason I'm interested is that parsing information logged by these events using builtin log providers is not easy (eg., the number of rows sent gets burried somewhere in the message column (i'm using sql provider). I'd like to capture this information and record it cleanly in a custom ssis metadata database i'm building. Any ideas are welcome. Thanks.
Maybe I am mistaken ( most likely ). But I am missing a dataflow task, which would do something similar like Throw Execption.
The project I am currently working on needs to validate a lot of different data. And sometimes incorrect data ( corrupted, incomplete or unexepected ) is coming from the source system. In case of this I need to trigger an error and discard the complete row or batch depending on the situation.
For example: In our source system we have some flag fields. And certain combinations of flags are not logical (business rules) but the system allows data to be inputted in this unlogical ways. And because we are creating the system I am expecting some combinations flags which are allowed but not properly defined in the specification.
So when I use a conditional split, I want the default output to trigger an error instead of an output.
How can I pass a variable to a DataReader in a DataFlow task?
My SqlCommand for the DataReader is: SELECT CustName, CustCode FROM Customers WHERE CustCode = '?'
The DataFlow task is nested in a ForEach loop. I confirmed that the variable is changing with each loop by using a ScriptTaks and a message box. However, the DataReader SqlCommand does not seem to be updating.
HI, I have to copy tables (approx. 60) content from one database to another using SSIS. I know that I can call an execute SQL task to execute an INSERT INTO <target table> SELECT * FROM <source table>.
I was wondering if I could use a single dataflow and change its source and target transform data source to do the same as above. In a script component, is it possible to load a package and modify its dataflow to simulate the INSERT INTO <target table> SELECT * FROM <source table>?
I was using the code in this thread (http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=1371094&SiteID=1) to create a console application which can build the SSIS package dynamically and run the package.
If the source column and destination column names are of different cases then the application was failing during the mapping. So I modified the for each loop like below. Still this is not a fool proof method, this will work as long as all characters in the column names are upper or lower.
for eg., Source column = empl_id, Destination column = EMPL_ID, in this case the below code will work. if the source column or destination column is Empl_Id, then the below mapping will fail.
I have a package in which i have programatically created dataflow task. It used to work fine but now it fails with series of errors out of which one is below
Error 30002: Type 'MainPipe' is not defined. Line 63 Columns 33-40 Line Text: Dim DataFlowTask As MainPipe = CType(DataFlowTaskHost.InnerObject, MainPipe)
It seems all the function and classes referd from following dlls is not working: Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSRuntimeWrap.dll Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap.dll
I say so because i get the following error also:
Error 30652: Reference required to assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSRuntimeWrap, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' containing the type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.IDTSConnectionManager90'. Add one to your project. Line 86 Columns 33-64 Line Text: DtsConvert.ToConnectionManager90(ChildPackage.Connections(""Source"")) These dlls are in GAC and in C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SDKAssemblies with same version but still it gives above error.
I am using a Data Flow task which copies data from an Excel Source to a SQL Database Table Destination. From 15 columns I require only 10 columns to be imported to the DB Table. So I have mapped those colums. In SQL DB there is a colum called say X, whose value should be the "Remedy" for all the columns which are imported. Is there any task that can achieve it.
I need to write back to a legacy system in the form of flat file --the first row would be a header and the remaining rows would be the actuals rows of data--each field would have a column delimiter of , and a row delimter of CRLF.
The source is a SQL Server 2005 table.
Im looking for a good example of a script task in the dataflow section that writes to a file.
Can anyone show me the code how to do this or point me to a link.