Error With Profiler

Sep 9, 1999

I get the following error when I try to run Profiler from my client to any of our SQL Servers:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server driver][SQL Server] The operation could not
be completed because your security context could not be impersonated.

Use the SQL Server client configuation application to ensure that you are
connecting using either the Named Pipes or Multiprotocol network library.

We'd like to be able to use TCP/IP for this but I've tried it with Multiprotocol also and still get the same error message.

I would appreciate any suggestions for resolving this.


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SQL Server 2005 Profiler Error

May 14, 2007

I SQL Server 2005 Profiler when ran the T- SQL template against some Stored Procedures, in the error column i get 2 - Abort. Can some one help me on this issue.


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Profiler Error Data Column

Jul 27, 2006

I run Profiler against my production Db to keep an eye on poorly performing t-SQL batches and SPs. There's an "Error" column in the profiler output. According to BOL (topic:Describing Events by Using Data Columns), Error = The error number of a given event. Often this is the error number stored in sysmessages.

The profiler output usually shows "0 - OK" in the error column. But it sometimes shows "1 - Error" or "2 - Abort" in this column. What do these error messages mean? I've looked around but haven't been able to find anything more detailed about what these two messages mean and how I can perhaps dig deeper to figure out what's going on. (When these values are displayed, CPU is usually taking a beating and the SPID runs this for at least 30 seconds before displaying information pertaining to this SPID).

Thanks much,


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Sql Profiler And Error: 2627, Severity: 14, State: 1

Jul 25, 2002

I am running trace with properies
Event classes
--> Exeptions
-->TSQL (all events)


event class text
----------- ----
exeption Error: 2627, Severity: 14, State: 1

What event classes should be added to capture what cause this error ?

from BOL
Severity Levels 11 through 16
These messages indicate errors that can be corrected by the user.

(2627 14 Violation of %ls constraint '%.*ls'. Cannot insert duplicate key
in object '%.*ls'. )


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Profiler Does Not Comment Out Security Related Commands When There Is An Error In The Batch

Aug 1, 2006

i am testing some encryption
scenarios ,in profiler the statements like "OPEN KEY" and all "Encrypt"
and "Decrypt" functions are removed automaticly from the trace
and replaced with a comment ,create a trace and try the code i attached ,
you will see in profiler trace that that all encryption related commands
are commented out ,this is what expected.

but now go to the batch and comment out the "SELECT @rrr' statment,
and run the batch ,this batch will fail beacuse "@rrr" is not declared,
now go back to profiler and you will see that for the failed batch
all the encryption command are NOT COMMENTED OUT !!!
esspecially important is the visibility of the password of the open key command.

seems like a very dangerous bug to me!!!

ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'pGFD4bb925DGvbd2439587y'
WITH SUBJECT = 'Sammamish Shipping Records',
EXPIRY_DATE = '10/31/2009';

declare @Str nvarchar(100)
declare @Enc varbinary(max)
set @Str = 'encrypt this'
decryption by CERTIFICATE test1 WITH PASSWORD = 'pGFD4bb925DGvbd2439587y'

SET @Enc
= EncryptByKey(Key_GUID('Key09'), @Str);
---select @rrr
select CONVERT(nvarchar(100), DecryptByKey(@Enc))

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Message Could Not Be Delivered Because The Conversation Endpoint Has Already Closed Error In Profiler

Oct 12, 2007


I already had a thread for same problem but didn't recieved any response in last 4-5 months so I created a new thread for this

I am using service broker in between two database servers. following is the way i am sending and receiving messages


TO SERVICE @ReceiveService
WITH LIFETIME = @lifetime;

MESSAGE TYPE @xmlMessageType(@xmlMessage);


RECEIVE TOP(1) @xmlMessage = message_body,
@handle = conversation_handle,
@message_type = message_type_name
FROM TransactionQueue;

-- Check to make sure a message was returned to process. In theory this should never happen.
IF @@rowcount = 1

IF @message_type = ''

IF @message_type = N''
RAISERROR(N'Received error %s from service [Target]', 10, 1)

SET @sql = 'EXEC '+@message_processor_name+' @xml'

EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@xml XML', @xml=@xmlMessage

I see Messages are delivered to the target every thing working fine other than following errors which i am seeing in profiler.

1) "This message could not be delivered because the conversation endpoint has already been closed." I see this error on initiator end. Is it like ending conversation on initiator end when i get "EndDialog" send an acknowledgement, which cannot be recieved by target as it has already ended conversation.

2) "An error occurred while receiving data: '64(The specified network name is no longer available.)'." I don't have much idea about the reason for this error. But in profiler i see value for GUID is different for this error and the real message.

Let me know if you need any other information

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Help Needed On A Error From Sql Profiler Login In , The Same Id Can Be Connected With Studio , Pfytil Doesnt Support Encruption

Jan 21, 2008

TITLE: Connect to Server

Cannot connect to xxx

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.
Client unable to establish connection
Encryption not supported on the client.



timely help is much appreciated

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SQL Profiler’s

Apr 26, 2001

Can only member in the System Administrators role use the SQL Profiler’s? Is there any other role or way to allow user to use this tool other then adding them to this role? Thanks you

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SQL Profiler !!

Dec 23, 1999

Does anybody have any idea if there is a bug in SQL 7.0 where running multiple traces causes the SQL 7.0 to crash ??
This is running in a clustered environment.

Thanks in advance.

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Mar 10, 1999

I've looked high and low for information regarding this problem to no avail. Profiler works fine from the local server where SQL7 is running,
(using NT security). But even though my client is multiprotocol, I cannot connect from my desktop using SQL security (ODBC error) or NT
authentication. NT security gives me ConnectionOpenRcpBindingSetAuthInfo(). I do have a valid id on the NT machine as well and am not
getting any errors in the security events log.

Can/How do you connect remotely to the profiler using TCP/IP or Mulitprotocol client?

Why doesn't NT authentication work?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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What Is A Profiler?

Aug 1, 2003

Hi Everybody,

Can anyone tell me what is a profiler in SQL server 7.0? What I exactly want to know is, in which practical situation u will find the profiler useful. Explaination with example will be appreciated.



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SQL Profiler

Jul 7, 2004

How do I write a process in Profiler to categorise the performance of Stored procedures into buckets of <4 secs,>4secs,between 4 and 10 secs

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Sql Profiler

Feb 28, 2007


My qn is related to profiler.

my app calls an sp, say, sp_DisplayResults. in profiler, i can see multiple entries for this sp call eventhough it is invoked only once from the UI.

no other process/users is invoking the sp.

could any one please let me know why the profiler is displaying it multiple times.

im using MSSQL2k

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Apr 28, 2008

I have a small doubt through profiler how can we find out the long running queries.specifically which events we have to capture.

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Profiler Help.

Apr 30, 2008

I need to track the connections hitting to my server through application???

I m doing some work in Profiler but i m not sure from where to start it..I m using SQL SERVER 2005...I m accesing few pages on application and that i want to track that activity involving at server side


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May 16, 2008

I have a small doubt.
where is the ideal place to run a profiler .
can we run a profiler on production server
or we have to run profiler on a seperate instance and connect to production server

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SQL Profiler

Feb 28, 2006

Lets say I have a username & password , I dont want people to see it being passed on to the SQL Server.

What are the ways I can prevent the parameters being passed on .



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SQL Profiler

Apr 20, 2006

Any one show me the basic guide or tutorial about SQL Profiler for begginer .
Thank in advance !

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Sql Profiler

Sep 12, 2006

hello friends sorry for this basic question.

i heard a word sql profiler.

i tried through BOL, but not got any good information how to start and from where to start. can anybody give me some brief about this

thank you very much

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Using Profiler

Oct 27, 2006

1/When I create a new trace, it gives me sevral events including the SQL server s own functions and provcedures. How do I tell profiler to display only the requests we send SQL server from a VB program or other company made programs instead of including sql server own events as well. That will help me filter the requests and locate the problem easily.
2/ also ,. sometimes, my text data column description gets truncated and as a result I can't see the whole text of a request.
What causes that and how can I fox it pls?
Thank you, i am not familiar with profiler.

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Log's / Profiler / Whatever

Nov 22, 2006

Hi hi, We had a sql express version running fine untill recently.
Now it seems cause high processor use, high memory load, etc.
So the websites being dependant on SQL start performing slower.

Is there some way to monitor what is causing this.
I can't seem to read any log files, there is no profiler in express, etc. So what options do I have?

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Feb 8, 2007

im trying to use the profiler to find out which tables are still being accesses as there seems to be alot of suspected tables lying around and stored objects (sps, functions etc) can the trace profiler be used in this situation?

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SQL Profiler

Oct 17, 2007

When running a profiler trace for long running queries during peak usage what is a typically expected additional load the process of running it will create on that Database?

Future guru in the making.

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SQL Profiler

Oct 24, 2007


Can anyone tell me what is SQL profiler?its function and all.

Thanks in Advance


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Sql Profiler

Feb 29, 2008

Dear All,
where can i found sql profiler in sql server 2005?

i'm using
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3042.00 (Intel X86) Feb 9 2007 22:47:07 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 4)
Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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Sql Profiler

Mar 30, 2008

I want to know if user defined functions like fn_example can be traced in profiler and what event to choose to trace functions executed.
will it displays the function being executed or just the body of the fucntion?

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SQL Profiler

Jul 23, 2005

HiI am just started at a new position. This organization has a number ofdatabase servers with mission critical databases. However, I have twodatabase server, 1 a test server and the other a catch all db server thatcontain a hodge podge of databases. On the test server, there are 54databases while the other has 40. I am pretty confindent that not all ofthese databases are being used. My goal is to find out which ones are nolonger needed.In an attempt to find out who/what is using these databases, I have set upSQL Profiler.My SQL profile setup is as suchObjects - Objects openedSecurity Audit - Audit Login, Login Failed, LogoutSession - Existing ConnectionStored Proc - RPC Completed, SP:StmtCompleted, SP:StmtStartingTSQL - SQL Batch completed, SQL:StmtCompletedMy data columns are the standard except I added DatabaseName.And there lies my problem that I hope someone can help. As I run the trace,all other fields seems to be working except Database Name. I see everythingbut the only way to tell what database is being accessed is looking at theSPID number and comparing it with Process Info in EM or sp_who.Does anyone have any idea why this field is not working? Am I missingsomething? Or am I just giving myself a headache for nothing because thereis an easier way to find the information I want: What the heck is going onwith these database and who is doing what on them?Thanks in advance for any and all help:)Akinja

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How To Run Profiler From Cmd

Feb 21, 2007

Hi,We have a requirement to run profiler continuously to find out themisbehaving applications/SQL in the dataserver. And we are notinterested in running it from an individuals local machine. Also wewant the profiler to start automatically whenever there are SQL Server/Machine restarts.Is there a way to invoke the profiler instance from cmd prompt or isthere a way to script the profiler?Thanks in advance,Thyagu.

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Why Do We Need SQL Profiler And How To Use It ?

Mar 3, 2008

Hello friends...I want to ask that Why do we need SQL Profiler as SQL Database Developer and How to use it ?

How can I know about that ?

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Sql Profiler?

Oct 18, 2007

I have the following values on a sql 2000 box, are these values high?

scale 0 to 100

Page/Sec = 0 to 5
Avg. Disk Queue Length = 40 to 50
% Processor Time = 85 to 100

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How Do I Run SQL Profiler

Sep 12, 2007

I read in a thread that to understand better how a package is run I need to run the SQL Profiler.

How do I run the SQL Profiler?.

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SQL Server Profiler

Oct 16, 2006

Hi guys, I'd just like to know how to setup a new Trace in SQL Server Profiler that tells me every time the database is hit with a query. Thanks.

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SQL Profiler Tips?

Nov 7, 2000

What is it mean GHOST in SQL Trace column ?

Thanx in advance.

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