Error Data Types Do Not Match

May 11, 2006

I have a flatfile source with qty,title and author..i add a lookup and in that i establish relation between title and titel of pubs database..but i am getting an error..
one or more columns do not hav supported data types,or their datatypes do not match..i checked both hav dt_str,and in database pubs title is why this eror?

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One Or More Columns Do Not Have Supported Data Types, Or Their Data Types Do Not Match.

Oct 20, 2007


I´m exporting an ms-excel file, then I use a lookup transformation to get a field from a SQL Server 2005 table. The Lookup transformation editor, after selecting the table, shows a warning that says:

at least one mapping between a column from available input columns ans a column from available lookup columns must be defined on the columns page.

So I try to make a relationship in the Lookup transformation editor's column tab where I find the Available input columns and the available lookup columns but I get the following error:

The following columns cannot be mapped:
[Department, DEP_CLEGALCODE]
One or more columns do not have supported data types, or their data types do not match.

The field in SLQ Server is varchar(10) and the input field is a derived column transformation; I have tried different Data Types but I always have the same error.

The DataFlow is: ExcelSource --> Derived Column --> Lookup --> Flat file destination


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Failed Because T-SQL And CLR Types For Return Value Do Not Match. Need Help.

Oct 24, 2007

I created a function to call my CLR Object (See below). I keep getting the following error (failed because T-SQL and CLR types for return value do not match) no matter what data type I try in the function. The Dll is passing back a string data type. What am I doing wrong?

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnGenerateTheoreticalValue]

(@LiborSpread float,

@Maturity int,

@LGD float,

@OID int,

@ForwardEDF1Yr float,

@ForwardEDF2Yr float,

@ForwardEDF3Yr float,

@ForwardEDF4Yr float,

@ForwardEDF5Yr float,

@LIBOR float)

Returns nvarchar(Max)


EXTERNAL NAME [SQLCLRTheoretical_Values].[SQLCLRTheoretical_Values.Theoretical].[CalcValue]

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Integration Services :: CLR Types For Return Value Do Not Match

Mar 20, 2015

I am trying to create a CLR function to call a webservice, the CLR function return data type is double, whether I try to create this as a table valued funcion or a scalar to return a distance travelled value I am receiving the error below.

I've tried changing data types around in the CLR side and the SQL side but keep receiving the same error message:

[Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction(Name = "DistanceCalc")]
public static Double DistanceCalc(Double SrcLat, Double SrcLong,
Double DestLat, Double DestLong)
MileageWS ws = new MileageWS();

[Code] ....

Error received when try to Create function ...
1, Level 16, State 2, Procedure pcMiler, Line 6
CREATE FUNCTION for "pcMiler" failed because T-SQL and CLR types for return value do not match.

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Error Between String Data Types

Dec 22, 2005

I reinstalled SQL Server, setup new connetions in my existing project and then pointed the existing controls in my SSIS packege to my new OLE DB Connection manager.

When I run my package, now I get:

TITLE: Package Validation Error

Package Validation Error


Error at Data Flow Task 1 [OLE DB Source 1 [73]]: Column "TransactionDate" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task 1 [OLE DB Source 1 [73]]: Column "TransactionTime" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task 1 [OLE DB Source 1 [73]]: Column "AccountNumber" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task 1 [OLE DB Source 1 [73]]: Column "TransactionCode" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task 1 [OLE DB Source 1 [73]]: Column "FieldCode" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task 1 [OLE DB Source 1 [73]]: Column "NewValue" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task 1 [OLE DB Source 1 [73]]: Column "InternalExternalFlag" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task 1 [OLE DB Source 1 [73]]: Column "RecovererCode" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task 1 [OLE DB Source 1 [73]]: Column "AS_400_UserID" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task 1 [OLE DB Source 1 [73]]: Column "ProductLoanTypeCode" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task 1 [OLE DB Source 1 [73]]: Column "NotUsed" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task 1 [DTS.Pipeline]: "component "OLE DB Source 1" (73)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".

Error at Data Flow Task 1 [DTS.Pipeline]: One or more component failed validation.

Error at Data Flow Task 1: There were errors during task validation.





and this error.  I did create a new connection but also made sure all my components were using it so not sure why I still get this:


TITLE: Package Validation Error

Package Validation Error


Error at Package: The connection "{35FE7FF5-A1F5-4016-8C11-0B88A90AE3F7}" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found.

Error at Package: The connection "{35FE7FF5-A1F5-4016-8C11-0B88A90AE3F7}" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found.

Error at Execute SQL Task [Execute SQL Task]: Connection manager "{35FE7FF5-A1F5-4016-8C11-0B88A90AE3F7}" does not exist.

Error at Execute SQL Task: There were errors during task validation.




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Erroneous Error Aggrigating Different Data Types

Jul 10, 2006

Im getting an error message stating that I'm trying to aggrigate values of different data types, but I don't believe I am. In a table footer, I have a sum(fields!revenue). When I preview the report, the field says Errror, and the output window has a message that the field formula is trying to aggrigate different data types. The query column is a money type. The Report Service is interpreting zero value rows as integers and other rows as money or maybe decimal. If there are no zero value rows, the formula works. I've tried all kinds of conversion gimmicks to make the Report Service see the items as money, without any luck.

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong, or know a work around?

Thank you,

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Transact SQL :: Types Don't Match Between Anchor And Recursive Part In Column ParentID Of Recursive Query

Aug 25, 2015

Msg 240, Level 16, State 1, Line 14

Types don't match between the anchor and the recursive part in column "ParentId" of recursive query "tmp". Below is query,

DECLARE @TBL TABLE (RowNum INT, DataId int, DataName NVARCHAR(50), RowOrder DECIMAL(18,2) NULL, ParentId INT NULL)
(1, 105508, 'A', 1.00, NULL),
(2, 105717, 'A1', NULL, NULL),
(3, 105718, 'A1', NULL, NULL),
(4, 105509, 'B', 2.00, NULL),
(5, 105510, 'C', 3.00, NULL),
(6, 105514, 'C1', NULL, NULL),


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Error, The Data Types Text And Nvarchar Are Incompatible In The Equal To Operator

Jan 3, 2006

Hi, i have a table in sqlexpress named Contacts:
ID   (int)   -primary key-
name   (varchar(30))
lastname   (varchar(30))
phone   (varchar(15))
fax   (varchar(15))
desc   (text)
In my default.aspx page, i have a GridView that has the conecction to this table. The GridView has the Editing and Deleting checkbox enabled but my problem is that i can't edit or delete any row when the page is running and the massage is this: "The data types text and nvarchar are incompatible in the equal to operator"
It would have to work, but i don't know what happen, Please, any help!

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Integration Services :: Error - The Data Types Are Incompatible For Conditional Operator

May 22, 2015

Im reading in a CSV wiht double quote text delimiters. Data came from mySQL.

One column in mySql is text(65535) which is equivalent to varchar(max) as far as i understand.

This particular column can be blank, not null, just blank. If its blank i want to put in a value so i added a Derived column shape and added the following formula:

LEN(my_Column) < 1 ?  "" :  (DT_TEXT)my_Column

I get the below error from this expression:

 The data types "DT_WSTR" and "DT_TEXT" are incompatible for the conditional operator. The operand types cannot be implicitly cast into compatible types for the conditional operation. To perform this operation, one or both operands need to be explicitly cast with a cast operator.

I have tried this without casting but still get an error. As I have configured the column in the flatfile connector as DT_TEXT, im not sure where its getting DT_STR from.

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The Best Overloaded Method Match For 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.SqlCommand Error

Sep 21, 2006

Hi,I'm new to ASP.NET, and am currently looking into XML.I'm trying to write XML using data from an SQL Server 2000 table.  But I seem to be getting the following error regarding the SQL Server connection:Compiler Error Message: CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.SqlCommand(string, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection)' has some invalid argumentsSource Error:Line 23: {
Line 24: SqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
Line 25: mySqlDataAdapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(queryString, connString);
Line 26: mySqlDataAdapter.Fill(myDataSet);
Line 27: return myDataSet;Source File: c:InetpubwwwrootmappingcreateGeoRSSFile.aspx.cs    Line: 25 This is my code:using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient ;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Xml;

public partial class createGeoRSSFile : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, DataSet myDataSet, EventArgs e)
string connString = "server=SQLSERV1;database=Historical_Statistics;UID=dbuser;PWD=Password";
string queryString = "SELECT Town, PostCode, Latitude, Longitude FROM UKPostCodes";

using (SqlConnection mySqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connString))
SqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
mySqlDataAdapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(queryString, connString);
return myDataSet;

// Create a new XmlTextWriter instance
XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(Response.OutputStream, Encoding.Unicode);

// Start writing!

// Creating the <town> element
writer.WriteElementString("PostCode",myDataSet .Tables[1].Columns("PostCode"));
writer.WriteElementString("geo:lon", myDataSet.Tables[1].Columns("Longitude"));


}What seems to be causing this error?Thanks. 

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Error: The Data Types Text And Text Are Incompatible In The Equal To Operator.

Apr 25, 2006

I get this error:
The data types text and text are incompatible in the equal to operator.
when trying to execute this query
SELECT id FROM users WHERE username=@userName
Any Ideas?

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Excel Destination Error: Columnxx Cannot Convert Between Unicode And Non-unicode String Data Types

Jul 28, 2005

Good afternoon

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SQL Task ERROR: End Tag 'Doc' Does Not Match The Start Tag 'D彈Ӏęoc'.

Mar 3, 2007

Scenario generating the error:

I use an "SQL task" to run a stored procedure (SP) to bring me an XML as resultset. The SP generates an XML using "XML EXPLICIT".

When I run my package from my Visual Studio (at my PC) I get a clean XML that I am capable of traversing. I was very happy....but when I schedule a job on my server to run this package, I get : ERROR: End tag 'Doc' does not match the start tag 'D彈Ӏęoc. Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly'. (I had to add a log provider to catch this).

Why is getting a start tag with invalid characters, thus causing to fail my package?

Does it have to do with the regional settings on my PC/Server?

Please help!

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How Come The Result Sets Do Not Match? Why No Error?

Feb 21, 2008

Scenario: Launch SQL Server 2005 Management Studio & Connect to Server, ie: ServerNameInstanceName. Click "New Query" Button

Running the following SQL Statement returns 842 rows but should return 1343:

SELECT, C.PName, B.School
FROM users AS A

I get 1343 rows when I change Line 2 of SQL Statement to: "FROM dbName.dbo.users AS A".

Clicking "New Query" w/out first opening the database must run the query in the context of the Master Database??
I noticed in Sql Server 2000 if I connect Query Analyzer to the Server and run the query I get 842 & I can see that the default selected database is master. When I make the change mentioned above I then get 1343.

Why doesn't this produce an error though? I'd rather get an error than the wrong result set.

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Reporting Services :: Table Data Types For Data Driven Subscriptions

Jun 11, 2015

I am trying to find a reference for a client that lists the fields available to be substituted into a data driven subscription from the query, along with the expected data types.  For example, the field on whether or not to include a link to the report seems to be expecting a bit data type.I have searched and can't seem to find anything.  I guess I could walk through the interface and try different data types, but if  a list exists, that would be better. 

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Mapping Of SQL Server Data Types To Integration Services Data Type

Oct 14, 2005

Does anyone know of any cross-references between SQL Server data types and the new data types introduced with SQL Server Integration Services? 

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Export To Excel Showing Data Type As General For All Data Types

Sep 16, 2015

One of my report has different data types like decimal,percentage and integer values.

When I exported the report to excel , all the values are showing as "general" data type.

How to get excel data type same as ssrs report data type by default when exported to excel?

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Data Access :: Validation For Length Of The Character Data Types

Jun 10, 2015

I Have a table with #Sample like below

id int,
SSN varchar(20),
State varchar(2)
Sample Data:

1 999-000-000 AB
2 979-000-000 BC
3 995-000-000 CD

We used filter logic based on the SSN & State.

We are passing these values through variables like

Declare @State varchar(2)
Declare @SSN varchar(20)

While run time these values are lets suppose @SSN = '999-000-000' & @State='ABC'

Now the Result is displayed with the state data Like 'AB' only.

Output: 1 999-000-000 AB

instead it should give system generated error.

Here I have 2 Questions:
1. Why it is taking 1st 2 Charecters?
2. Why it does not have any system generated for length?

I can do validation with Length function for these 2 variables however if have 100 variables then it should not feasible case. So, what is the reason behind? 

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Load Data From Flat File Source Into OleDB Destination By Changing Data Types In SSIS

Apr 16, 2014

I have an source file and i have to load it into the data base by changing datatype of the columns in ssis

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Modifying Data Column Names And Data Types

Mar 13, 2008

I'm in the process of converting a rather huge VSAM database into a set of SQL tables.
I am using the same data names from the mainframe (like XDB-NAME to RDB-NAME).
I load the files using Import Export Data and it makes the tables with such column names as col001, col002, col003, etc... and always sets the data types to varchr(255).
And I have to cut and paste the data names from the manframe side to the server side (and the data types to.) 
So, is there an easier way to do this? Or am I doomed to cut-n-paste my days away...
Thanks for any help.

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Using Join To Match Transactions To Client Data

Apr 10, 2001

I am running SQL2k on Win2k sp1. I need to match a transaction record (using txn_date) to client data as it would have appeared on the date of the transaction (using client_last_update).

A new row is inserted into my client table every time any part of the clients information changes, thereby leaving the change history in tact. The client_last_update field holds the date the change took place. It is required that the user be provided the client information that was current on the day of the transaction.

Example: A client record (name, address, accountno) was inserted to the client table on 2/1/2000 (the last_update field is empty because it's a new record).

The client record is modified on 4/15/2000 for a name change (making the last_update = 4/15/2000), and again on 12/5/2000 (making the last_update = 12/5/2000).

Transactions are made by the client on 2/5/2000, 6/10/2000, and 3/25/2001. These dates are held in the txn_date field in the transaction table.

The client now has 3 transaction records in the transaction table for his/her account number and 3 client records in the client table.

The transaction on 2/5/2000 should be joined to the initial client record ((2/5/2000 > empty) AND (2/5/2000 < 4/15/2000))

The transaction on 6/10/2000 should be joined to the client record having the last_update = 4/15/2000 (6/10/2000 > 4/15/2000) AND (6/10/2000 < 12/5/2000))

The last transaction, executed on 3/25/2001 should be joined to the most current client record, which has last_update = 12/5/2000 (3/25/2001 > 12/5/2000).

I have been experimenting with the code below, and found it to only return client data where the client record update_date = '4/18/2000'.

select * from transaction t Left Outer Join client c On t.SEC_ACCT = c.Account_No and t.Txn_Date > coalesce(c.Last_Update_Date, '1/1/1900') and t.Txn_Date < (select min(c2.Last_Update_Date) from client c2 where c2.Last_Update_Date > coalesce(c.Last_Update_Date, '1/1/1900'))

An example of a record that DID get returned carried a txn_date of '1/2/2001', and possible client update_dates of: NULL, '5/13/1999', and '4/18/2000'. The row returned carried a client update_date of '4/18/2001', and rightly so.

An example of a record that DID NOT get returned carried a txn_date = '1/2/2001' and possible client update_dates of: NULL, and '6/11/1999. This row was not returned.

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Finding Matching Data In One Column That Does Not Match In Another

Nov 18, 2005

I have a table that stores part numbers and manufactuers. Somehow this table has become corrupt showing different manufacturers with the same part numbers.

I know this will take a bit of manual digging to fix, but I want to find a way to pull all rows that have the same part number that have different manufacturers, or just pull up any "duplicate" part numbers and I can determine what is right or wrong as far as the manufactuers and make those changes.

I have tried this, but it does not seem to want to work.


Select * from my_table
Where partnumber = (select partnumber from my_table) and compName <> (select compName from my_table)

I have tried other variations of the same, but nothing seems to want to show me just the items that have the same part numnbers and different manufacturers. I do not care if there are duplicates of the same part number/manufacturer entries, just if the part number is duplicated where the manufacturers are not the same.

These are the rows I want to edit and group by part number. I have almost a million rows of entries and this is not something I want to go through row by row. :-P

Any ideas?

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Chart Scales DO NOT Match Data Points

Dec 6, 2007

I have discovered an instance where the Y-AXIS displays a scale incorrectly. The scale values that are displayed do not match the data points shown on the chart itself. I am not using any Minimum or Maximum values in the properties y-axis tab. This does not occur on all charts and seems to be random.

Has anyone encountered this before? Is this a bug in SSRS 2005? Does anyone know of a fix? All sugestions are welcome, thankx!

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Sql Types - Simple SQL Server Queries/handling Variable Types

May 26, 2005

SQL Server 2000, ASP.Net 1.1

I've been writing this stuff for a while, and can't seem to come to the
conclusion of how I should be retrieving data and assigning this data
to variables.

Since i'm using SQL Server, I'm convinced that I should be using the
datareaders GetSqlDouble (or whatever) function, but this would mean i
need my local variables to be one of the SQL types.  The problem
with that is, that there will have to be lots of conversions done by me
to be able to use a SQL type in my application.

For instance, I have a class where i'm retrieving dates.  In order
to retrieve them correctly (Null values included), I need to retrieve
them with GetSqlDateTime(), then when it comes time to display the date
in a table, i must first check for nulls, then convert to a
string.  This seems to be very cumbersome.  Would I be better
off just using GetDateTime(), and the .ToString method, and ignoring
Sql Types all together?

so, basically, how are you guys using your sql server data?  with
the supplied sql types, and doing all of the post-processing work
manually?  I feel like i'm having trouble conveying my
issue...hopefully someone knows what i mean....i'd just like some
direction to save trouble in the long run, since i feel like there's
got to be a better way...



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SQL Msg 107 Error... The Column Prefix Does Not Match With A Table Name Or Alias Name Used In The Query.

Nov 3, 2005

Can someone please answer a problem that I've run into.  I know that it's probably something stupid.  I keep getting this error:Server: Msg 107, Level 16, State 3, Line 1The column prefix 'vFirstTimeEntered' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.Here is my query:-----------------------------------------------------------------Update  TimeSheetSectionSet TimesheetSection.SECSTARTDT = vFirstTimeEntered.schlstuidWhere timesheetsection.schlstuid = vFirstTimeEntered.schlstuid AND timesheetsection.sectionid = vFirstTimeEntered.sectionid AND Timesheetsection.secstartdt < '2005-08-01'------------------------------------------------------------------vFirstTimeEntered is a view that I created.Do I need a sub query?  I know that if this was a select query I'd need to put vFirstTimeEntered in the FROM part but I don't know where it should go here.Thanks for any assistance.Scott

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Copying Data From One Table To A New One With Some Different Data Types

Mar 30, 2007

Is it possible to easily copy data from one table to another if the data types don't match.   I know you can do a INSERT INTO table1(col1,col2)  SELECT (col2,col7) FROM table2 if the data types match but is there a way to do this if they don't. I'm not trying to copy date times into bit fields or anything.  I just have an old table that I built when I really didn't know what I was doing now I at leastthink I have a better understanding of what data types to use, so I was wanting to move the data in the orignal table to my new one.  Most of the fields in the olddatabase are text datatypes and the new database is nvarchar(50) data types.  Thanks for any suggestions. 

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Error - Column Name Or Number Of Supplied Values Does Not Match Table Definition

Oct 17, 2013

I have a table names Alert_Event and a new column named BSP_Phone has been added to the table. I am trying to set NULL values to the column and I get the below error. I am setting null values in the bolded text in the query.

Error Message:

Msg 213, Level 16, State 1, Procedure SaveBSPOutageInfo, Line 22
Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.USE [gg]

/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SaveBSPOutageInfo] Script Date: 10/17/2013 19:01:20 ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[SaveBSPOutageInfo] @eventCreatedDate DATETIME, @eventOrigin varchar(10),


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DatabaseMetadata Methods With Catalog Parameters Now Error If Current Database Does Not Match.

May 11, 2007

In the v1.2 CTP version, the DatabaseMetadata methods for getting information about objects in a database (i.e. getTables(), getColumns(), ...) errors if your current database connection is in a different database than the object you are quering.

Is this the intended behavior going forward?

In my case I have access to both database A and database B. My current connection is in database A , but I am looking up object in database B.

ResultSet rs = conn.getDatabaseMetadata.getTables("B","dbo","%",{"TABLES" });

[junit] The database name component of the object qualifier must be the name of the current database.
[junit] The database name component of the object qualifier must be the name of
the current database.
[junit] at Source)
[junit] at Source)
[junit] at Source)
[junit] at$StmtExecCmd.doExecute(Unknown Source)
[junit] at Source)
[junit] at Source)
[junit] at Source)
[junit] at Source)
[junit] at Source)
[junit] at Source)
[junit] at Source)
[junit] at Source)

~Mike Hale

View 8 Replies View Related

SQL Data Types

Dec 29, 2004


I have a really dumb question regarding SQL data types. I have a couple columns in a table that are specified as MONEY. These columns are being read from my web app and displayed on the website for reference when filling in other information.

My problem is that when it is displayed on the website it give four decimal places instead of two. For example I want it to report $33,000.29 but what is actually displayed is $33,000.2965.

How can I set up either SQL or my web app so that it only displays the two decimal places? I've looked into changing the datatype already but SMALLMONEY and MONEY have the same type of decimal values.


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Data Types

Aug 29, 2001

I am looking for a chart of SQL Server data types and information about them, such as usage, constraints, etc. Could anyone point me in the right direction?


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SQL 7 Data Types

Oct 2, 2000

I'm just getting used to using SQL 7 Database and am looking for some recommendations on what DATA TYPES to use when designing tables.

The site I am working on now uses cold fusion to enter, update, and insert mainly text and articles. Now the problem with the articles is that some of them are pretty big. And when inserting or updating them, if they go over the limit of characters I get an error.

I know in access I used to use the data type "MEMO" and be able to put a large piece of info in that field.

What's the equivalent for SQL server databe?

What are the most used/common or recommended data types that should be used when putting tables together?



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Help With Appropriate Data Types..

Nov 21, 2003

hi, i'm trying to build an online forum using sql server 2000 and coldfusion mx.

could anybody help me as to what datatypes i should use for my database fields?

i'll be using 2 simple tables to start with, ie TOPICS and POSTS. each will contain fairly basic information such as name of poster, time, data, title, message etc.

any help would be greatly appreciated.
thanx, zaffi.

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Data Types Help?

Jun 9, 2004

Which data type do I need to assign to my field to let users enter characters such as +=-_| etc....pretty much every single character from a standard keyboard....


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