Error During Full-text Population

Feb 16, 2007

I'm using Full-text in various databases on my servers (SQL2005 on W2K3). On a few databases the Full-text population ends with the error:

'Error '0x80030050' occurred during full-text index population for table or indexed view '[database].[dbo].[table]' (table or indexed view ID '1714105147', database ID '9'), full-text key value 0x00015EE1. Failed to index the row.'

The next log-line lets me know the name of the dll that caused the problem:

The component 'offfilt.dll' reported error while indexing. Component path 'C:WINDOWSsystem32offfilt.dll'.

There's one solution I read about, but that one is not the case here. That sollution states that this problem occurs when de datatype is not the same as the filetype (e.g. datatype is pdf, documenttype is doc).

What can be the problem here?


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Full Text Index Population Tuning

Apr 11, 2007

I'm looking for a way to populate my index on insertion but not on updates.
I tried each possible value for CHANGE_TRACKING MANUAL|AUTO|OFF and it automatically takes every changes that have been made before in account. is there a way to "flag" the rows that I don't want the server to re-index (i.e. updated rows).

Thanks for reading, any help is welcome.

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How Long Takes To Do Resume Full Text Index Population

Aug 11, 2012

I have a table having 220 lakhs of records and one of the column is Full Text enabled.We have used ContainsTable() to search for data, but we are unable to get results as expected. so we done rebuild.During Index Rebuild, population is failed.I have found this error in error log and it is saying to do resume population.So I want to know how long it takes to complete Resume population process.

look at the below more details about FT Index table.

Row count - 22155112

Index space - 1,903.250 MB (1.9 GB)

Data space - 87,552.258 MB (87 GB)

sqlserver2008 R2

and the below query we have used

HTML Code:
SELECT Distinct top 50 cal.case_id,cal.cas_details
From g_case_action_log cal (READUNCOMMITTED)
inner join containstable(es.g_case_action_log, cas_details,
' ("235355" OR "<br>235355" OR "235355<br> ") ') as key_tbl on cal.log_id = key_tbl.[key]
Where cal.product_id = 38810 ORDER By cal.case_id DESC

This query is not going to search in recent inserted/updated rows. this is the actual issue we are facing.

how to fix this error and if population need to be resume, then how long takes to do resume population.

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MSFTE Errors During Initial Full-text Index Population

Jun 1, 2007

Error log:
full-text crawl logs for details.
2007-06-01 07:33:55.63 spid25s Error: 7683, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2007-06-01 07:33:55.63 spid25s Errors were encountered during full-text index population for table or indexed view '[XXXX].[dbo].[RECORDS]', database 'XXXX' (table or indexed view ID '738101670', database ID '17'). Please see full-text crawl logs for details.
2007-06-01 07:33:55.63 spid25s Changing the status to MERGE for full-text catalog "XXXX" (21) in database "XXX" (17). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

This happens for every table that has membership in the full text storage, it is not specific to a database or column type

Scrawl Log:
2007-06-01 07:33:00.57 spid23s Informational: Full-text Full population initialized for table or indexed view '[XXXX].[dbo].[ATTACHMENTS]' (table or indexed view ID '517576882', database ID '17'). Population sub-tasks: 1.
2007-06-01 07:33:36.20 spid23s Error '0x80070003' occurred during full-text index population for table or indexed view '[XXXX].[dbo].[RECORDS]' (table or indexed view ID '738101670', database ID '17'), full-text key value 0x00002B59. Attempt will be made to reindex it.
2007-06-01 07:33:55.63 spid25s Informational: Full-text retry pass of Full population completed for table or indexed view '[XXXX].[dbo].[RECORDS]' (table or indexed view ID '738101670', database ID '17'). Number of retry documents processed: 31899. Number of documents failed: 31899.
2007-06-01 07:33:55.63 spid25s Changing the status to MERGE for full-text catalog "XXXX" (21) in database "XXXX" (17). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2007-06-01 07:33:56.59 spid23s Informational: Full-text Auto population initialized for table or indexed view '[XXX].[dbo].[RECORDS]' (table or indexed view ID '738101670', database ID '17'). Population sub-tasks: 1.

Thanks for you feedback.

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Full-index Does Not Fully Populate When Doing Start Full Population

Nov 5, 2007

I have sql server 2000. I copied a database from one server to another. I have one table that has a full-text index. When I transferred over the database, the index still existed, but was not populated. I made sure the path for the file is pointing to a new correct location. I did "start full population". It only populated one entry @ 1MB. On the old server the index is 100MB with more than 3 million records.

I tried rebuilding, re-creating, and it all works, but when I run "start full population", it only populates 1 record. I double checked the table in question and it has over 3 million records and proper primary key.

How do I resolve this.

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Full-Text Indexing Error

Apr 4, 2008

Trying to make a full-text table of a few tables in SQL server 2000 using the SQL Server Managment Studio. I am getting the following error when I then try to view the columns using the table. The column it is having a problem with is just a varchar text column. I have tried a few different tables and each time it has a problem with one of the columns. It does not give me an error when creating the full-text table. Anyone have any information on this?
 I check on a full text table I made a while ago and it is giving me the same error but searches on it seem to be working, but cannot tell if it is using the one column it is having an issue with.
Property TypeColumnName is not available for FullTextIndexColumn '[MyColumnName]'.    This property may not exist for this object, or may not be retrievable due    to insufficient access rights.  (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

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Full Text Index Error

Feb 11, 2008


I build some t-sql code to check if full text is installed on the sql server. If not, some sql statements must be not executed. Here is my code:

if (select serverproperty('IsFullTextInstalled')) = 1


EXEC sp_fulltext_database 'enable'




Statement 1 and 2 is not executed, but for statement 3 the server throws the following error:
Full-Text Search is not installed, or a full-text component cannot be loaded.

I don't know why the server tries to execute statement 3, because it is in an if statement.

Any help is welcome.

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Full Text Search Error Message?

Jul 27, 2001

I am pulling my hair out trying to resolve this issue. I have placed several messages on different message boards and have not received any response to this issue. Can anyone here please help me?

I have installed 'full text index' on a server, initialized it and created a job to full text two fields in a table. I can see that the last refresh was a day ago. I am calling a stored procedure: (the server is version 7 of SQL Server with sp3)

@pSearchString varchar(200)


SELECTfaqID, FaqQuestion, FaqText, Status, InputDate
WHEREContains(*, @pSearchString) and Status = 1

All I get is this error message, whether I call this from an asp page or run it directly from query analyzer:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'
Search on full-text catalog 'etr_fts' for database ID 10, table ID 1429580131 with search condition 'faq' failed with unknown result (324bd27c).

Please HELP!!

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Error When Creating Full Text Indexing

Apr 5, 2000


I am just starting to study for the sql 7.0 admin test. Using the sybex book and bol I have run accross an error that I can not seem to find any support for. I am trying to do a full text index and I receive the following area: "An unknown full text failure (80004005)occured in function EnumCatalog on full text catalog".

I have looked on the website high and low and cant find anything on this error. Can someone give me some possible input to what the problem is?



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Full Text Search Know Which Row Has Error In Indexing

May 15, 2007

Hello everybody,

I have installed SQLServer 2005 for take advantage of full text seach features.

When I start full population, there are some rows that cause error and not are indexed.

I see the log in C:ProgrammiMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGSQLFT0000700005.LOG. In this file there are seven rows that have error and for everyone a line that say:

"Error '0x8004fd01: The IFilter::Init() function call failed.' ... full-text key value 0x495532303045594154504B55. Attempt will be made to reindex it. The component 'pdffilt.dll' reported error while indexing. Component path 'C:ProgrammiFoxit SoftwareFoxit PDF IFilterpdffilt.dll'."

With different full-text key value for every line.

My question is:

1) Start from a full-text key (ie. 0x495532303045594154504B55), how I arrive to the record in the source table for understand which is the problem?Otherwise how can I examine the problem if I don't know the row that cause the error?

2) What is the error 0x8004fd01?

3) Could be that the PDF filter of Foxit is better than Adobe? With Adobe filter (version 6) my full pupulation is endless!


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Full Text Search Error - Catalogue Does Not Exist

Mar 26, 2007

Hi guys, I sent the following queries to my DB and they seem to work with success messages after each line but when I try to test it I get the message at the bottom. Any ideas? there's a good chance my test sql is all wrong!

sp_fulltext_database 'enable'

sp_fulltext_catalog 'Fulltextcatalog1','create'

sp_fulltext_table 'test','create','Fulltextcatalog1','PK_test'

sp_fulltext_column 'test','text','add'

sp_fulltext_table 'test','activate'

sp_fulltext_table 'test','start_full'

sp_fulltext_table test, 'Start_change_tracking'

sp_fulltext_table test, 'Start_background_updateindex'

---- now test it ---

SELECT * FROM test WHERE FREETEXT(*,'spotless')

gets this result:
Error -2147217900
Execution of a full-text operation failed. The catalog does not exist or is currently unavailable. Please retry the action again later and if this symptom persists, contact the system administrator.

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Error Installing Full-text Search Engine

Dec 19, 2006

Hi, though i've been using sql server 2000 developer edition for awhile, I guess i overlooked the fact that the full-text search tool was never installed and i never needed it until now. Anyway, tried installing it today and get this error:

Installation of Microsoft Full-Text Search Engine Package Failed (-2147220991) 0x80040201
An event was unable to invoke any of the subsribers

I have no idea what this means - can you help me to get this installed correctly? I did just install service pack 4, and i tried reinstalling the components, tried rebuilding the registery of the current instance, and even tried creating a new instance with hopes that the new instance would install the full-text component - which it did not.

Any suggestions? Maybe I have to unistall the entire Software and reinstall it? Would I lose any of my data in doing this? I should note that all other tools seem to function fine.

Thanks ahead!


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SQL Search :: Full Text Indexing Returning Error

Oct 28, 2015

We have an iFilter to extract text on emails and their attached files. I have encountered 5 emails that receive the following error code, but I cannot find anything on the error code: Error '0x80fc7586' occurred during full-text index population for table or indexed view '[RIA_Unindexed].[dbo].[Emails]' (table or indexed view ID '485576768', database ID '31'), full-text key value 'E11264A2-A17D-E511-80E0-005056B240B1'. Attempt will be made to reindex it.After a number of retry attempts they will fail to index.what does error code  '0x80fc7586' refer to, I have not found it.

Since the first two bytes of the error code are the severity and facility reporting the error, I stripped off that information and looked for error 0x7586 or 30086. That error reported "Too Many products".Theses emails being indexed contain attachments with large attachments that then the attachment chunks are being called for from the fdhost may result in too many chunk segments, or more likely there are some repeating words in the extracts like 4 million occurrences so right now I am testing that condition. To see if the word breaker is throwing the error.

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Pls Help With Installing Full-text Search On Sql2000 - Get Error

Dec 20, 2006

Hi, though i've been using sql server 2000 developer edition for awhile, I guess i overlooked the fact that the full-text search tool was never installed and i never needed it until now. Anyway, tried installing it today and get this error:

Installation of Microsoft Full-Text Search Engine Package Failed (-2147220991) 0x80040201
An event was unable to invoke any of the subsribers

I have no idea what this means - can you help me to get this installed correctly? I did just install service pack 4, and i tried reinstalling the components, tried rebuilding the registery of the current instance, and even tried creating a new instance with hopes that the new instance would install the full-text component - which it did not.

Any suggestions? I just completely uninstalled sql2000 and did a full-reinstallation and still it wont let me install the full-text search engine component - i check the checkbox in the installation wizard and then it gives me the same error as above.
Thanks ahead!


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Error: SQL Server Failed To Communicate With Full-Text Service

Apr 9, 2007

I've enabled full-text indexing on one of my tables, and the following query used to work:
FROM TempAttachment
WHERE CONTAINS(attachment, 'text')

However, now I get the following error:
Msg 9955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
SQL server failed to communicate with Full-Text Service (msftesql). The system administrator must make sure that same service account is used for both services and the service account has the permission to auto start the full-text service.

I've checked the configuration and verified that both accounts are the same. I've restarted the services, and tried rebooting, and still no luck. I did a search on this error, and found this page from MSDN, which doesn't help me much:

Has anybody come across this before? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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DB Engine :: DBCC Error In Full Text Internal Table?

Jul 23, 2015

I have a database that has had a full text index at some point in it's history - but no longer does. The database is currently at SQL 2012 compatibility, but it was created on SQL2000. It still appears to have a row in the internal table sys.sysftinds - but some of the column values are NULL, and NULLs are not allowed. The database fails DBCC checks because of this.

Msg 8970, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Row error: Object ID 25, index ID 1, partition ID xxxx, 
alloc unit ID xxxx (type In-row data), 
page ID (1:xxxx), row ID 0. Column 'sensitivity' was created NOT NULL, but is NULL in the row.
DBCC results for 'sys.sysftinds'.

There are 1 rows in 1 pages for object "sys.sysftinds".

CHECKTABLE found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in table 'sys.sysftinds' (object ID 25).

repair_allow_data_loss is the minimum repair level for the errors found by DBCC CHECKTABLE (xxxx.sys.sysftinds).

DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

Running DBCC with repair_allow_data_loss has not worked.

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Full-Text Search Gets Syntax Error And Kills The Transaction

Oct 26, 2006

I am having problems with syntax errors being generated from the search clause of a full-text search. When the syntax error is raised, the batch and transaction are stopped. Placing the search within a SQL Try/Catch allows the batch to continue, but the transaction is uncommitable.

I need to trap and handle the full-text search syntax error then control the commit or rollback of the transaction based on other transactions.

Below is a simplified version of the type of logic I am working with. The XACT_STATE goes to -1 because of the syntax error generated by the full-text search. This forces a rollback of the whole transaction.

Declare @sSearch NVarChar(50)
/* @sSearch is passed by a web page and could come back empty or with an invalid Full-Text search clause*/

Begin Transaction
Begin Try
Select *
/*The table 'KnowledgeBase' is a table with a populated Full-Text Search*/
From Containstable(KnowledgeBase,*,@sSearch)
End Try
Begin Catch
Print 'Number- ' + Convert(VarChar,ERROR_NUMBER()) + ', ' +
'Severity- ' + Convert(VarChar,ERROR_SEVERITY()) + ', ' +
'State- ' + Convert(VarChar,ERROR_STATE()) + ', ' +
'Message- "' + ERROR_MESSAGE() + '"'
End Catch

/*Some other logic would be here*/

Commit Transaction

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SQL Server 2012 :: Full-text Filter Daemon Service Error Log

Sep 24, 2014

is there a way to turn off or reduce the logfiles of the MSSQL Full-text Filter Daemon Service?

The entries are very useless and on server with many databases and many fullindex tables it is very inefficient to write all these files (no SSD).

(SQL Server 2012 Express)

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SQL Server 2008 :: Full-text Search Suddenly Returning Error

Jul 8, 2015

This morning, when I look at my error logs, the following appears;

Msg 0, Level 11, State 0, Line 0

A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.

Msg 0, Level 20, State 0, Line 0

A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.

If I remove the contains() part from the SQL Stored Procedure, it stills runs. So, in other words, suddenly contains() started making the query crash.

I'm running SQL Server 2008 R2.

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Failed To Create A Database Microsoft SQL Error 7622 Full Text Catalog ( QCFTCAT )

May 22, 2008

Hi All,

After detaching the database I placed the database files and log files in the D folder as C drive was full. When i try to attach the files I am getting an error Failed to attach database Microsoft SQL Error 7622 (QCFTCAT Full text catalog).

I checked there is a folder in C drive by name QCFTCAT and the C drive has no space. What does this folder means please let me know on the same.

Thanks and Best regards,


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Failed To Create A Database Microsoft SQL Error 7622 Full Text Catalog ( QCFTCAT )

May 22, 2008

Hi All,

After detaching the database I placed the database files and log files in the D folder as C drive was full. When i try to attach the files I am getting an error Failed to attach database Microsoft SQL Error 7622 (QCFTCAT Full text catalog).
I checked there is a folder in C drive by name QCFTCAT and the C drive has no space. What does this folder means please let me know on the same.

Thanks and Best regards,

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Adding A Full Text Search Across Multiple Tables (with Text Fields)

Sep 7, 2007

Hi, i'm trying to do a full text search on my site to add a weighting score to my results.  I have the following database structure:
Documents: - DocumentID (int, PK) - Title (varchar) - Content (text) - CategoryID (int, FK)
Categories: - CategoryID (int, PK) - CategoryName (varchar)
I need to create a full text index which searches the Title, Content and CategoryName fields.  I figured since i needed to search the CategoryName field i would create an indexed view.  I tried to execute the following query:
CREATE VIEW vw_DocumentsWITH SCHEMABINDING ASSELECT dbo.Documents.DocumentID, dbo.Documents.Title, dbo.Documents.[Content], dbo.Documents.CategoryID, dbo.Categories.CategoryNameFROM dbo.Categories INNER JOIN dbo.Documents ON dbo.Categories.CategoryID = dbo.Documents.CategoryID
GOCREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX vw_DocumentsIndexON vw_Documents(DocumentID)
But this gave me the error:
Cannot create index on view 'dbname.dbo.vw_Documents'. It contains text, ntext, image or xml columns.
I tried converting the Content to a varchar(max) within my view but it still didn't like.
Appreciate if someone can tell me how this can be done as surely what i'm trying to do is not ground breaking.

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SQL Server 2000 Full Text Search (extract Pieces Of Text)

Sep 12, 2007

Hello everyone !
I want to perform Full Text Search with SQL Server 2000. My documents (.doc, .xls, .txt, .pdf) are stored in a SQL Server field which is binary (the type of the column is image).
I would like to know, how you can extract pieces of text from the documents.
I have a ASPX page with codebehind in C# making the search in a table in SQL server that is full text indexed.
I make a search looking for the word "peace", than SQL server will take care about the search and return it to me the rows that match with that. But also I'd like to extract the 50 characters before and after where sql server found the word "peace" to show in the result page.
Does anyone has any idea how to work around it ?
 Best regards.

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Transact SQL :: Server Text Field Not Returning Full Text

Apr 21, 2015

I have a column in a table that has a type TEXT,when I pull the length of a row it returns 88222 but when I select from that column it dows not show all the text in the result set.

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Searching Database Text W/o Using Full-text Indexing

Mar 31, 2004

I am using the following plumbing code to search a database column for a keyword. I can't use full-test indexing so I came up w/ this work around. But It has many flaws so I'm looking for a better way. Thx in advance.

'Open sql connection

Dim datareader2 As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
datareader2 = cmdFindRowsWithKeyword.ExecuteReader
Dim strMsg As String
Dim intRowToFlag As Integer
Dim strRowsToGet As String
Dim strKeywordAsTyped As String
Dim strKeywordAllCaps As String
Dim strKeywordAllLower As String
Dim strKeywordFirstLetterCap As String
Dim FirstLetter As String

While datareader2.Read

intRowToFlag = datareader2(0).ToString
strMsg = datareader2(1).ToString

'Assign keyword as typed to variable
strKeywordAsTyped = txtSearchFor.Text
'Assign keyword as typed to variable then convert it to all uppercase
strKeywordAllCaps = txtSearchFor.Text
strKeywordAllCaps = strKeywordAllCaps.ToUpper
'Assign keyword as typed to variable then convert it to all lowercase
strKeywordAllLower = txtSearchFor.Text
strKeywordAllLower = strKeywordAllLower.ToLower
'Assign keyword as typed to variable then convert it so just the first letter is in uppercase
strKeywordFirstLetterCap = txtSearchFor.Text
FirstLetter = strKeywordFirstLetterCap.Chars(0)
FirstLetter = FirstLetter.ToUpper
strKeywordFirstLetterCap = strKeywordFirstLetterCap.Remove(0, 1)
strKeywordFirstLetterCap = strKeywordFirstLetterCap.Insert(0, FirstLetter)

'If the string contains the keyword as typed in all caps all lowercase or w/ the 1st letter in caps then flag that row.
If strMsg.IndexOf(strKeywordAsTyped) <> -1 Or strMsg.IndexOf(strKeywordAllCaps) <> -1 Or strMsg.IndexOf(strKeywordAllLower) <> -1 Or strMsg.IndexOf(strKeywordFirstLetterCap) <> -1 Then

cmdFlagRowsWithKeyword.Parameters("@recid").Value = intRowToFlag
Dim datareader3 As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
datareader3 = cmdFlagRowsWithKeyword.ExecuteReader

End If
End While

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Full Text And Text Columns

Oct 21, 2007

Can you not add a text column to a full text index?? If I change it to a nvarchar it works fine but if I change it to a text column it wont index. Anyone know how to fix this?

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Can Text Be Included In Full Text

Mar 29, 2007

I have a text column which my users use extensively for like queries. The table has 1.3 Millon rows and has seen som eperformance issue ie it does a table scan and blocks other processes.

I was wondering if anyone how to handle this coulmn can I create indexes or better can text column support full text indexing.

Anyone who can shed any ideas as what might be the best possible solution will be great


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Syntax Error Near '&&<term&&>' In The Full-text Search Condition '&&<term&&> &&<term&&> &&<term&&>'.

Apr 18, 2007


Although this SP intends to sorround a search text in double quotes, it seems that when called from Management Studio it throws a Syntax Error even before entering the SP.

createproc fts(@t nvarchar(1000)=null) as begin

select @t = '"' + @t + '"'

select @t

select * from dbo.products where CONTAINS(name, @t)



exec fts @t = 'my product name'


Msg 7630, Level 15, State 3, Procedure fts, Line 4

Syntax error near 'product' in the full-text search condition 'my product name'.


If I pass the string in double quotes I get a different error:

exec fts @t = '"my product name"'


Msg 7630, Level 15, State 3, Procedure fts, Line 4

Syntax error near 'my' in the full-text search condition '""my product name""'.

Now, if I remove the quotes again and make the original call:

exec fts @t = 'my product name'


-- Then it works fine.

Doing a :

dbcc freeproccache


Shows the same behavior as outlined initially.

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Full Text

Oct 15, 2007

i am tring to create the full text catalog I am following the direction at but on the last command it gives me an error

'PK_problem' is not a valid index to enforce a full-text search key. A full-text search key must be a unique, non-nullable, single-column index which is not offline, is not defined on a non-deterministic or imprecise nonpersisted computed column, and has maximum size of 900 bytes. Choose another index for the full-text key.

also I tried the wizard in the managment express but it does not have a option when I right click on the table for Full-Text Index

what am I doing wrong???

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Full Text

Oct 18, 2007

I created a new catalog and a new index but when I start a search the grid come back empty I didnt insert any data into the table until after I created the catalog and index I dont think it has indexed the data yet. How do I force this or make it???? I have another example where I inserted data and then created the catalog and index and did a search and the proper rows came back but then I inserted new data and searched on a keyword that should have brought it up but nothing showed?

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SQL Parameters With Full-Text

Jun 24, 2006

I have a SQL statement that works great when I don't use a SQL Parameter, but when I do it just takes the @Searchfor as literal text "@SearchFor" instead of the string @SearchFor represents.  Any ideas?  Below is the two versions of the sql statements
sqlComm.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@SearchFor", strSearchFor));
sqlComm.CommandText = "SELECT RANK, intID,  chTitle, chDescription "
"FROM FREETEXTTABLE( tblItems, *, 'ISABOUT("+ strSearchFor +" WEIGHT(1.0))') a " +
"JOIN tblItems b on a.[KEY] = b.intID ORDER BY RANK DESC; ";
sqlComm.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@SearchFor", strSearchFor));
sqlComm.CommandText = "SELECT RANK, intID,  chTitle, chDescription " +
"FROM FREETEXTTABLE( tblItems, *, 'ISABOUT(@SearchFor WEIGHT(1.0))') a " +
"JOIN tblItems b on a.[KEY] = b.intID ORDER BY RANK DESC; ";

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Full-Text CONTAINS Null

Jul 16, 2006

I have a Full-text search that is being performed on a variable (@Description)  see part of querie below:
WHERE (CONTAINS([Description], @Description)
This search only seems to work when a text fo 3 or greater characters is used Ball, but not for "an" or "a". it also does not search on part of a word i.e. "Gard" of "Garden"
Two things:
1) How do I perform the CONTAINS search for part of a word or "a".
2) How do I perform a search that returns all values, when I leave the input feild blank it returns no records.
Many thanks in advance

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Full Text Index

Feb 15, 2007


in Full Text Search
Are there method when add record in Field for properties "Full Text Index " , update catalogs ?


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