Error Handler Testing For Microsoft Errors

Jul 12, 2015

I need to develop code for a TRY...CATCH block in SQL Server 2008 R2 for the following error, that occurs when I get a timeout from a linked server that connects to a server in another country:

OLE DB provider "ORAOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "MyRemoteServer" returned message "ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred".
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 77
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "ORAOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "MyRemoteServer".

Most times, it doesn't time out, but occasionally gives me a 7303 error. I can't control when timeouts happen and when they don't. I can't use RAISERROR on error 7303, as it only works on custom errors >= 50000.

My question is, how do I simulate a timeout so that I can verify my error handling code? I need a procedure that waits 10 seconds and tries again 3 times, but how do I generate the error?

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Error Handler

Feb 18, 2008

2 questions:
1) if I place an Execute SQL Task in OnError event of the Error Handler at the Package level, will it catch all of my possible task errors? There's no need to add an Event Handler for each task in the Control flow?

2) A stupid one...I'd like to test my Event Handler (writing to custom log table in case there's an error in the Integration Service)...any ideas how to provoke an SSIS error to check my Error Handler ?


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Error In Event Handler

May 22, 2008

will a package fail if an error occurs in a task inside an event handler?

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Custom Error Msg Breaks My Error Handler

Aug 17, 2007


I added this line of code to my error handler script, in red.

User:criptError is a package-level string variable
User:criptError has a value assigned to it when another script encounters an error condition (which I define)
I added "User:criptError" as a read-only variable to the error handler script task.

Public Sub Main()

Dim messages As Collections.ArrayList


messages = CType(Dts.Variables("errorMessages").Value, Collections.ArrayList)

Catch ex As Exception

messages = New Collections.ArrayList()

End Try




Dts.Variables("errorMessages").Value = messages

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub

Now, when I run the package, and an it encounters an error, it task just hangs, that is, it stays yellow instead of turning red... if I remove the line in red above, it works ok again.

Why would this line cause a problem??


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Is There An Error Handler In Sql Stored Procedures?

Dec 7, 2006

is there an error handler in sql stored procedures? For example if i want to do a drop something and there is a lock, i want to try return if it droped it or not and if not then try again later

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Using Error Handler How Can I Execute My Pkgs If One Got Failed

Oct 24, 2006

Hi Every one,

i give a small fuzzle for you here , ie . i have a job which includes 6 packages in that one and while running that job any one package is fialed how can i execute that next package even that before package was failed. i am using for loop container for running my 6 packages ... is there any method to do this like on error resume next in .net


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My Error Handler Writes Duplicate Messages To Email!

Aug 22, 2007

I am using an error handler that was provided to me from another source. However, I notice that there's something in the code that writes the error message twice. I tried to discover what it was, but could not seem to pinpoint it. Here's an example of what my email messages look like:

Is activity file current?
The Script returned a failure result.
The extracts in D:myFolder are not current! Data NOT loaded.
Is activity file current?
The Script returned a failure result.
The extracts in D:myFolder are not current! Data NOT loaded.

Obviously, I just want my email to read:

Is activity file current?
The Script returned a failure result.
The extracts in D:myFolder are not current! Data NOT loaded.

Somewhere, errorMessages is being written to more than once. Need help finding the error.


Here is the code from my Event Handlers:

OnError event:

Public Sub Main()

Dim messages As Collections.ArrayList


messages = CType(Dts.Variables("errorMessages").Value, Collections.ArrayList)

Catch ex As Exception

messages = New Collections.ArrayList()

End Try




Dts.Variables("errorMessages").Value = messages

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub

On PostExecute:

Public Sub Main()

Dim errorDesc As String

Dim messages As Collections.ArrayList


messages = CType(Dts.Variables("errorMessages").Value, Collections.ArrayList)

Catch ex As Exception


End Try

For Each errorDesc In messages

Dts.Variables("emailText").Value = Dts.Variables("emailText").Value.ToString + errorDesc + vbCrLf


Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub

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Microsoft SQL 2005 Express Management Tool-errors

Sep 10, 2006

Hi guys, I've tried to back a database from a server on the net ie: by using Microsoft SQL 2005 Express management tool.
After all the set up:
(1) the part "Destination", in the "Disk" radio button was cheked, the path for the backup file shows like: D:MSSQL.1MSSQLBackupmyDatabase.back; As I understand D: is the CD drive(?), so I put a CDisc in the drive, and kept going with the process. The Process went very well and inform that the Database has been fully backed up. But I never have found the "saved" or "backed up" that I backed up. Can anyone show me where this backup Database in that D: drive, and where is that D: drive anyway?

(2) In that "destination" part, if I clicked "add", and then typed in the path address part like: C:....mybackupDatabase.bak for example, the the tool gave me the error: ... not set to an instance ...; I counldn't even select the Browse to browse to the directory that I wanted to back up the Database.

Please help me for this.

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Integration Services :: Difference Between On-error Event Handler And Precedence Constrain Failure

Sep 1, 2015

Is there any differene between on-error event handler and precedence constrain failure? I have created a package and if a data flow task(flat file to DB) fails, the file has to be moved to archive folder. How I have accomplished this is Dataflow task->precedence constrain failed(red arrow)->execute process task to move the file to error folder and it worked,The same execute process task( to move the file to error folder) doesnot work  when I move this to on-error event handler. Also, for the same file the on-error event is getting triggered multiple times.

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Error While Testing In Multithreaded Mode-

Oct 8, 2007

On 2 servers (Windows 2000 and Windows 2003) both with SQL Server 2000 - the Operating System Event Viewer - System Log - shows Event ID 2012 (Warning - Source = Srv;network error occured).

On the Client side - we get the following error:
unable to open table.: ODBC Error: ODBC RC=-1, ODBC SQLState=08S01, DBMS RC=11, DBMS Msg=[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]General network error. Check your network documentation

This seems to only occur when the testing is done in a multithreaded mode.

Any ideas?

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Setting Up And Testing An Error Destination

Nov 24, 2006

I'm sure this is pretty basic for many folks, but how do I go about setting up and testing a Data Flow element's error output?

The intent is to set up flat file that'll contain the error output from elements on the Data Flow tab of an SSIS package. Later, I'd like to have the error output go to a SQL Server table so my DBAs have access to the errors.

There is no data transformation in this package -- it's very simple, just plain, delimited text to a 2-column SQL Server table.

Here's what I've done so far:

Set up a flat file destination to capture the error output. This flat file destination points to an empty file (C:ErrorDestination.txt) on my local machine.

Grabbed the "red" output from the Data Flow element (named "Source REGIONS"). This element is a flat file source, pointing to a file named Regions.txt. I was pleased to see that the connection manager for the error output was automatically populated with the 3 columns (Flat File Source Error Output Column, Error Code, and Error Column) when I clicked on the "New" connection button in the Flat File Destination Editor.

Changed the "Error Output" for the 2 columns in the flat file source to "Redirect Row" for both the Error and Truncation columns. I understand this instructs the source to send the error-causing rows to the error destination.

I ran the package to make sure nothing has changed how it operates under normal conditions.

But, when I introduce an obvious error into the source file (removing a quote surrounding data in one row) the package blows up on the Data Flow element in the Control Flow tab, the flat file source in the Data Flow tab turns red, but nothing flows to the error destination.

I truly expected the error on the flat file source to flow into the error destination on the data flow tab.

Any ideas? I appreciate any guidance or insight you might be able to give!

Sorry for the length of this post, but I wanted to make sure I've covered my bases.

Thanks a ton!

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Error Testing Transformations In SQL7 DTS Package

Mar 8, 2001

In SQL 7 DTS I'm creating a Data Driven Query Tasks. When I get to writing the transformations in VB Script and try using the Test button to test the script, I get the following message:

Error Source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services Flat File Rowset
Error opening datafile. The system cannot find the file specified.

The documentation says:

[The transformation is tested] by executing it against a part of the
source data and copying the results to a temporary text file, for
preview purposes.

I can find no place to specify what temporary file is used for the test result and, because it is temporary, have assumed the system creates and
deletes it as needed.

Is this true?

I get this test error for every transformation. even those that work correctly when the DTS package is actually executed.

What can I do to get the transformations to test properly?

Any help or hints will be greatly appreciated.


William J Brown
Systems Analyst
College of Human Medicine
A114 East Fee Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
Voice: (517) 432-7490
Fax: (517) 355-0342

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Testing SQLServer Service State Error

Nov 16, 1998

Does anybody know what can cause this:

"? AutoStart - Testing SQLServer service state"

to write to the sqlexec.out file every five minutes? Thank you.

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Error Source : Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package Error Description : Error Accessing Windows Event Log

Dec 13, 2007


I am running dts in Sql Server 2005 management studio from Management, Legacy and data Transformation Services.

Once the dts has run, I get this error message "Error Source : Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package Error Description : Error accessing Windows Event Log."

Please help me

thanks in advance


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Management Studio Express && SQLcmd: Syntax Errors In Executing A MS-DOS Batch File && A Microsoft SQL Server Query File?

Nov 2, 2007

Hi all,
I have the "Northwind" database in my Sql Server Management Studio Express.

In my C:ProSSEAppsSamplesForChapter02Chapter02 folder, I have the following 2 files:
(1) ListColumnValues (MS-DOS Batch File)
sqlcmd -S .sqlexpress -v DBName = "Northwind" CName = "CompanyName" TName =
"Shippers" -i c:prosseappschapter02ListListColumnVales.sql -o
(2) ListColumnValues (Microsoft SQL Server Query File)
USE $(Northwind)
SELECT $(CompanyName) FROM $(Shippers)
When I ran the following SQLcmd:
I got the following "ColumnValuesOut.rpt" with error messages:

'Northwind' scripting variable not defined.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Server L1P2P3SQLEXPRESS, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near '$'.
'CompanyName' scripting variable not defined.
'Shippers' scripting variable not defined.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Server L1P2P3SQLEXPRESS, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near 'CompanyName'.

I copied these T-SQL statements from a book and I do not know how to correct them.
Please help and tell me how to correct these errors.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

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Errors Using Microsoft Sql Server Mgmt Express And VWD 05 Express

Feb 12, 2008

I 'm getting this error on expanding the + nodes in SQL Server Management Studio Express Object Explorer:i.e. Database -> System Databases -> Any DB selected and expanding the Tables node When I click on the nodes for Tables for any of my databases, I see it saying expanding..., but then a message box errors pops up.  It was working fine until after my lunch hour when I attempted to create some new tables.Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.SmoEnum)Additional Information:An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.ConnectionInfo)Could not continue scan with NOLOCK due to data movement. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 601)

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Reporting Services :: Access Denied Error When Testing Data Source Connection In SSRS 2008

Aug 16, 2011

We are running Reporting Services 2008 R2 on a Windows Server 2008 Standard 64-Bit server.  I have a user that has full access to Reporting Services at all folder levels but IS NOT a local administrator on the 2008 server.

This user can create data source connections but when he tries to test the connection by clicking on the 'Test Connection' button, he gets the following error "The permissions granted to user <username> are insufficient for performing this operation.A user that has administrator priveleges on the server can test the connection fine. 

I don't want to make this user an administrator on the server. 

This is an extract from the log file:

ibrary!ReportServer_0-24!3478!08/16/2011-13:45:37:: Call to TestConnectForDataSourceDefinitionAction().
library!ReportServer_0-24!3478!08/16/2011-13:45:37:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.AccessDeniedException: , Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.AccessDeniedException: The permissions granted to user <username>
are insufficient for performing this operation.;


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Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]

Dec 10, 2003

Hi Everybody,

On localhost this application works fine but when I put on remote server. I am getting following errors. For both localhost and server, I am using same remote sql 2000. I will appreciate any help.



Server Error in '/' Application.

ERROR [42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near ')'.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near ')'.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace:

[OdbcException: ERROR [42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near ')'.]
Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.HandleError(IntPtr hHandle, SQL_HANDLE hType, RETCODE retcode) +27
Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.ExecuteReaderObject(CommandBehavior behavior, String method) +838
Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() +80
Calgary.venues.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in c:inetpubwwwrootCalgarySitevenuesvenues.aspx.vb:32
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +67
System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +35
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +731

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Linked Servers Error Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 7411

Mar 2, 2007

1. Replication Transactional between two servers

-- SQL Server 2005 as Distributors and Subscribers

---SQL Server 2000 as Publishers

2. Linked Servers errors:

" Server (Publication Server) is not configured for DATA ACCESS. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 7411)"

Did anyone familiar with this problem?



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System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Cannot Open Backup Device '\.Tape0'. Operating System Error 5(error Not Found). (Microsoft.Sql

Nov 25, 2007

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Cannot open backup device '\.Tape0'. Operating system error 5(error not found). (

i have only one sql instance and tape is istalled successfully.
please help me to find solution for this error.


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Link Server Error: Login Failed For User 'Domainuser'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456)

Oct 18, 2007


I am trying to create a linked server between 2 SQL Server 2005 boxes.
When I create the linked server I specify a login for the connection.
The strange part is that I get the following error when it goes to test the connection:

The test connection to the linked server failed
Login failed for user 'Domainuser'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456)

I can use the SQL mangement studio to conenct to the database using this same login.
The login has all the server roles assigned to it also.

Can anyone shed some light as to what may be the problem?


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Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 602

Aug 11, 2006

hymavathi gunta writes "hi all
i am working on sql server 2005
When i am trying to attach sample database called advanture dw in my server i am getting following error. Plz help me to fix this error.
the error as as follows :

Attach database failed for Server 'myserver'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)


An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


Could not find row in sysindexes for database ID 10, object ID 1, index ID 1. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE on sysindexes.
Could not open new database 'ReportServer'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 602)"

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Error When Viewing A Microsoft SQL DTS

Jul 2, 2007

I am trying to view the design of a DTS on a Microsoft SQL 2000 database but get the below error:

Error: Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package

Error: The system cannot find the file specified.

What could be the issue. Im an using Enterprise manager from a 2000 instalation.

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(Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 233)

Jan 21, 2008

I am attempting to create a new Database using Management Studio Express. However, it will not allow me. I get the error message:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express
Cannot show requested dialog.
Cannot show requested dialog. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.SqlMgmt)
Failed to connect to server MCKINNEY-PCSQLEXPRESS. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.ConnectionInfo)
A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 233)
For help, click:

How cani correct this?

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Microsoft Sql Server, Error 233

Oct 17, 2007

I have installed Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Evaluation & Sql Server 2008 June CTP.

When I am trying to connect to Database Engine through Sql Server Management Studio then it Throws following Error

Cannot connect to MDT1000ADITYA

Additional Information

A Connection was Successfully established with the server, But then an error occurred during the login process. (provider : Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 €“No process is on the other end of pipe) (Microsoft Sql Server, Error : 233) €œ

where "MDT1000" is my machine name and "ADITYA" is Sqlserver name.

if some have any idea please suggest me what is wrong.


Aditya Bajpai

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Microsoft SQL Server Error:233

Sep 30, 2007

I am getting this error when connecting to sql. I cant get into my databases now- its pretty ugly.

"A connection was succesfulyl established with the server, but then an error occured during the login process.
(provider: Shared Memeory Provoder, error: 0 - No Process is on the other end of the pipe.)Microsoft SQL server error:233

Anyone who knows what is going on soem help would be much appreciated.

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Error :(provider: Named Pipes Provider, Error: 40 - Could Not Open A Connection To SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 53)

Mar 1, 2007


I am trying to connect to my SQL Server 2005 but it gave me following error message.

TITLE: Connect to Server


An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 53)

So, Please help me to solve this problem.


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Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456

Nov 22, 2007

I'm using SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition in my windows XP SP2 machine. I have only 1 server to which my 4 client machines are connected. Whenever I'm connecting to my SSMS using my domain account I get an error message indicating ' Login failed for user 'domain nameaccount name'.(Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456).I have tried with Microsoft's KB Article ID: 889646 and all other kind of stuffs. It's not helping me to sort out this problem. Could anyone help me outta here.


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Microsoft Data Link Error

Nov 27, 2006

A test installation script I ran on my dev rig seems to have broken the OLE DB Provider for Sql Server. The uninstall must have deleted a DLL or unregistered a lib. When I try to connect to a SQL database from this machine now get the following error:


Microsoft Data Link Error

Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. Unspecified error.


It is not the connection string because this was working fine prior to me running the test installation script.

Can you give advice on how to repair the SQL Server data provider for WinXP SP2?

I have tried to re-install MDAC 2.8 with no success due SP2 diallowing this. I uninstalled SP2 and re-installed MDAC 2.8 but the problem remains.

I'm all out of ideas, so any help would be appreciated.


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Error Using Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS.dll

May 24, 2007


I picked the Microsoft.SQLServer.ManagedDTS.dll from following folder:


Similarly picked Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSRuntimeWrap.dll also.

I added it as reference in my .NET application.

When I execute the program I get below error:

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {E44847F1-FD8C-4251-B5DA-B04BB22E236E} failed due to the following error: 80040154.

Any Clue?

Application executes from a machine where SQL Server 2005 is not installed.

How to get the RunningPackages information back to a client PC?


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Odd Error Message In Microsoft Query

May 9, 2007

I am using an online ODBC Database.

The fun thing is that I'm running into a circumstance where one SQL statement that works in Visual Studio accessing the same database works, but then I try to use the same statement in Microsoft Query (running to Excel) and it refuses to admit its a valid statement.

The SQL statement I'm using is this.

SELECT MLNumber, StreetNumber, StreetName, StreetDirection, ListingOfficeMLSID, Status, Bedrooms, Bathrooms, City
FROM "data: Property:RESI"
WHERE (ListingOfficeMLSID = '550000020' OR
ListingOfficeMLSID = '550001760') AND (MLNumber > 1) AND (City = "Boiling Spring Lakes")

This works fine inside of VS 2005.

The same statement used within Microsoft Query returns this error message.

SQL SYNTAX ERROR - Unexpected char: '?'

Working with the people that work with that database regularly, they say that I need to write a METADATA-LOOKUPTYPE call that should tell me how the City name 'Boiling Spring Lakes' is actually formatted.

I, of course, have no clue how to do that. But my thought is, if it works in VS2005 and returns a valid result, why does the same SQL statement return an error message through Excel?


Thanks in advance for your time.

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error

Aug 2, 2006


I am currently getting the following error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'QueryString'

/admin/equipment/addequipment.asp, line 128

This is when i try to submit a new database item in Dreamweaver. The DB I am using is SQL Server 2005.

My code is as follows:

Dim equipspec__urlid
equipspec__urlid = "1"
If (QueryString("ID") <> "") Then
equipspec__urlid = QueryString("ID")
End If
Dim equipspec
Dim equipspec_numRows

Set equipspec = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
equipspec.ActiveConnection = MM_intranet_STRING
equipspec.Source = "SELECT * FROM EquipSpec WHERE " + Replace(equipspec__urlid, "'", "''") + " = EquipSpec.ID"
equipspec.CursorType = 0
equipspec.CursorLocation = 2
equipspec.LockType = 1

Would be greatful if anybody could help, let me know if you need more info.

Many thanks.

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Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15314

May 25, 2007

When I try to connect to MS SQL Server 2005 standard edition it appear the error message as [Either no algorithm has been specified or the bitlength and the algorithm specified for the key are not available in this installation of windows (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15314)].

Please anyone explain me how this error message mean. How to solve this matter to avoid this happen anymore.

Thank you


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