Error In Scheduled Job

Aug 9, 2000

I have many dts packages scheduled as jobs . job always fails when executed. It runs fine if i execute the dts package.
the follwing is the error message
Error: -2147217887 (80040E21); Provider Error: 0 (0) Error string: Errors occurred Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Help file: Help context: 0 DTSRun OnFinish: DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_1 DTSRun: Package execution complete. Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.
any help would be welcome
thenk you

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Scheduled Job Sometimes Error Sometimes Not

Jul 27, 2005

I have a scheduled job contain 2 steps. Step 1 is execute DTS Packageusing CmdExec 'DTSRun', step 2 using TSQL to execute just simple query.This job execute recurely every day, every 6 hours.The problem is, sometimes this job was successfull, but sometimesfailed with error as below :........Process Exit Code -1073741819. The step failed.Please help me, what the cause of the error?Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Ignore Error In Scheduled Job

Dec 28, 2001

I have a stored procedure that does several steps.
During the stored proc, error messages are produced when certain conditions warrant. But I want to continue anyway....
ex. in a loop in the proc...

SET @strSQL = 'Update Table1 SET col1 = ''' + @strVariable + ''''
EXEC (@strSQL)

--ERROR created by the exec statement.....

When I schedule this as a job, the first error message makes the job fail.
How can I force the proc to run completely, even if an error occurs?

Thanks in Advance..


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Error In Scheduled DB Transfer...

Sep 23, 1998

We open SWL EM, tools, transfer DB, schedule daily transfer.

The next I opened the destination scheduled task only to find the failure history:
"Process Exit Code 1. Invalid Transfer log directory."

Both SQL executive are using local system account which is system administrator.

Any idea?

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SSIS Error Only From Scheduled Job

Jul 12, 2007

Quick question - What are the different ways of executing SSIS Package besides Scheduled Job?Does SSIS support command line execution (DTSRUN command supported in 2005)?

The reason I asked was that Scheduled Job triggered SSIS always error out. But when I call the same SSIS in Visual Studio, it executes beautifully. I wonder if there's some reason behind the error when calling from Scheduled Job.

Appreciate any feedback,


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DTSRUN Error In Scheduled Jobs

Jun 14, 2002

Getting this message when running a dtsrun step in a scheduled job;

DTSRun: Loading... DTSRun: Executing... Error: -2147220499 (800403ED); Provider Error: 0 (0) Error string: No Steps have been defined for the transformation Package. Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package Help file: sqldts.hlp Help context: 700. Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.

This just started today.. These jobs have been running for months with no problems.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Error In Execute A Scheduled Package

May 8, 2007

I'm learning SSIS and ran into this error...

I have a package that has its source as an Oracle DB on another server. This package will feed data from that source to a SQL Server 2005 DB. So far, the package works fine if it is executed manually even in SQL Mgmt Studio. It's only failed when I tried it as a scheduled job. I guess I need to do "Package Configurations" which includes the UserID and password for accessing Oracle DB ... but I don't know how. Please help.




Here is the error message:

Date,Source,Severity,Step ID,Server,Job Name,Step Name,Notifications,Message,Duration,Sql Severity,Sql Message ID,Operator Emailed,Operator Net sent,Operator Paged,Retries Attempted
05/08/2007 09:49:00,DataFeed,Error,0,<MyDBServer>,DataFeed,(Job outcome),,The job failed. The Job was invoked by Schedule 8 (Schedule DataFeed Grant Tables). The last step to run was step 1 (DataFeed Grant Tables).,00:00:02,0,0,,,,0
05/08/2007 09:49:00,DataFeed,Error,1,<MyDBServer>,DataFeed,DataFeed Grant Tables,,Executed as user: <MyDBServer>SYSTEM. ....3042.00 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 9:49:00 AM Error: 2007-05-08 09:49:00.81 Code: 0xC0016016 Source: Description: Failed to decrypt protected XML node "DTSassword" with error 0x8009000B "Key not valid for use in specified state.". You may not be authorized to access this information. This error occurs when there is a cryptographic error. Verify that the correct key is available. End Error Error: 2007-05-08 09:49:01.86 Code: 0xC0202009 Source: AWARDS Connection manager "SourceConnectionOLEDB" Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "OraOLEDB" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "ORA-01005: null password given; logon denied". End Error Error: 2007-05-08 09:49:01.86 Code: 0xC020801C Source: Feed data t... The package execution fa... The step failed.,00:00:02,0,0,,,,0


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Scheduled DTS

Jul 23, 2005

Hi!I scheduled a DTS-Import from MySQL, whenever I run it manually(Right-Click on the DTS package) it runs through without any problems.But firing it by a schedule doesn't work!?Just to exclude any issues regarding users/roles, I created a DTS toexport files to my desktop to an EXCEL-sheet. Manually export as wellas scheduled export works fine.My Application Log shows me following error message:Event Type:WarningEvent Source:SQLSERVERAGENTEvent Category:Job EngineEvent ID:208Date:6/8/2005Time:10:05:02 AMUser:N/AComputer:*****Description:SQL Server Scheduled Job 'ImportFromMySQL'(0xC89612CE034F6642BD585B048DBC0F06) - Status: Failed - Invoked on:2005-06-08 10:05:02 - Message: The job failed. The Job was invoked bySchedule 22 (ImportFromMySQL). The last step to run was step 1(ImportFromMySQL).Anybody know what's wrong!?

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Insertion Scheduled Job In SQL

Jun 19, 2005

Hi guys,i want to make a scheduled job that inserts 10 user defined row each minute continously in enterprise manager

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DTS Failure When Scheduled As A Job

Dec 27, 2001

I have designed a DTS Package and it can be run successfully from Enterprise Manager. However, when I schedule the DTS package to run as a job then it fails with an error message of "Error string: The system cannot find the file specified.".

Anyone any idea as to why the job cannot find the DTS package?

Can it be something to do with SQL Server 7 and 2000 tools as 2000 Client tools have recently been installed onto my PC and the package and job ran fine when I had designed everything in SQL Server 7.

Thanks in advance

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Scheduled Backup

Mar 1, 2002

I am trying to do an automatic backup of my database and for some reason it does not do it.
I have it set to backup daily at 4:00 pm.
Please let me know if you know why it is not backing up on it's own.
The Server manager is on always and a manual backup is not a problem for me,
only the automatic.
Thanks very much.

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Scheduled DTS Failures

Mar 12, 2002


I have a number of DTS packages which when run manually complete successfully however, when run as scheduled tasks they always fail. Can anyone offer any advice?

Many thanks

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Scheduled Jobs-Can You Have Too Many?

Jul 27, 2001

I'm thinking of using the SQL Agent Job Scheduler as part of a larger application and I'm wondering if anyone knows of a limit on how many schedules or jobs that can exist on a SQL Server at one time.


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Scheduled DTS Failing

Mar 6, 2000

When I create a DTS to import data from Visual FoxPro it will work if I run immeadiately, but when I schedule it to run at a specific time it will Fail.
Any ideas why??

Thanks for any input,

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Scheduled DTS On Local SQL 7

Mar 24, 2000

I have a DTS that executes fine except when run as a scheduled event. Where can I research the error codes that occur below?

DTSRun: Executing... DTSRun OnStart: DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_1 DTSRun OnStart: DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_10 DTSRun OnFinish: DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_1 DTSRun OnFinish: DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_10 DTSRun OnStart: Copy Data from FirmDirExp to [CG_Directory].[dbo].[FirmDirExp] Step DTSRun OnError: Copy Data from FirmDirExp to [CG_Directory].[dbo].[FirmDirExp] Step, Error = -2147008507 (80074005) Error string: Unspecified error Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package Help file: sqldts.hlp Help context: 700 Error Detail Records: Error: -2147008507 (80074005); Provider Error: 0 (0) Error string: Unspecified error Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package Help file: sqldts.hlp Help context: 700 Error: -2147467259 (80004005); Provider Error: -534709256 (E020FBF8) Error string: The Microsoft Jet database engine ca... Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.

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Scheduled Jobs

Nov 15, 2000

hello All

I am trying to figure out a way , looking at the tables in MSDB (SysJobHistory) that if a scheduled job is running and not completed yet , for how long it has been running. I have to look for all the jobs with run_status = 4 (in process). But what i figured out it no history is written till the job is finished or cancelled. Can anyone help me with this


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Scheduled Job, Urgent

Sep 6, 2000

we run a nightly job processes, this job depends on the data entered from the frontend, since yesterday we have been entering lot of data in it, so the job that ran last night 10pm(09/05/00) is still running now and its next schedule time 10pm today(09/06/00), if the same job is already running since yesterday and if it still runs till 10pm today, will it starts again as per the schedule or it will not run, since the same job is running since yesterday.



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Scheduled Jobs

Oct 10, 2000


I have a scheduled job that run one time a day at 10 pm. My problem is that if the job fail, i want that the job run 10 minutes after until it complete with success.

Any tips on how to do this


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Scheduled Job History

Oct 4, 2000

In SQL 6.5, when a scheduled job failed, you could see the error message in the history. In SQL 7.0, it simply tells you which was the last step to run. Is there a place which will report the actual error message generated by the task?

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DTS Package Won&#39;t Run When Scheduled

Sep 28, 2000

Hi All,

I have created a DTS package on a developement server that connects to our Exchange server and downloads customer service e-mail and inserts them into a table. This is done using a VB script.

When I right click on the job and execute it, it runs fine and we can see the mails after they show up in the table.

However, when I schedule the job to run at 15 minute intervals it fails with a vb runtime error. When I copy the job to my personal machine and schedule it, it runs just fine and again we see the mails in the table.

The server has the latest version of the scrrun.dll as well as IE 5.0.

I have messed around with this for 3 days now and have gotten MSFT involved as well.

Anyone seen this before? Any ideas or help will be greatly appreciated.

Brad Keck

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Scheduled DTS Jobs

Aug 20, 2000

I am running a scheduled DTS which transfers all the rows in a production table to another server every 30 minutes,each time it truncates the table on the second server before transfer.It has been running fine for several days.Will there be any problem in this kind of backup strategy? Do I have to clear any history logs frequently?Or any other problem can happen? Can anyone suggest any precautions,as there will not be any down time allowed.Replication is also not acceptable by the client.

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Scheduled DTS Packages

Aug 16, 2000

Why is it that I can run my DTS package locally howeverv when I try to run it as a Job it always fails? I do realize that the sqladmin account is used to run the job and it has all the permissions needed.

Any suggestions?

Also if I kick the job off from my local system it states it cannot find the batch file that I am trying to run? Im running it on the server however it treats it like im running it locally?

Very frustrated..


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Permissions To Run Scheduled Job

Aug 16, 2000

I have just taken away a tremendous amount of rights from our developers, but would like some of the developers to still have rights to manage the scheduled job. Short of making them a system administrator I can not seem to find a predefined role that will do this. Is there one? And if not what system stored procedures or xp would you need to give them rights to, to view and run the scheduled jobs in enterprise manager.

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Scheduled Tasks

Sep 15, 1999

If I have 2 scheduled tasks set for the same time (perhaps accidentally), will the
SQL Executive start 1 and queue the other one until the first is complete and
then run the 2nd task? Or will they both be started simultaneously?

Toni Eibner

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Scheduled Cursor

Sep 15, 2004

Got a little question for future reference. I have a cursor that does a grant for roles, users, etc. for all tables in a DB. I can manually run it in query analyzer and it does fine. The issue is that if I try to create it as a SQL Agent job and just paste the script into the command box it returns the error:

Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'xxx yyy'. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 170) Associated statement is not prepared [SQLSTATE HY007] (Error 0) Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'xxx yyy'. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 170). The step failed.

The Cursor is written as follows:

declare @cStatement varchar(255)

declare G_cursor CURSOR for select 'grant select on[' + convert(varchar(64),name) + ']to "xxx yyy"' from sysobjects
where (type = 'U' or type = 'V') and uid = 1

set nocount on
OPEN G_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM G_cursor INTO @cStatement
EXEC (@cStatement)
FETCH NEXT FROM G_cursor INTO @cStatement

I figure this has something to do with the quoted_identifier option or something simple like that, but I can't put my finger on it....In Query Analyzer this will error out if I don't have double quotes around the DB role "xxx yyy" because of the space in the role name.

I corrected the error by recreating the role name without a space, but I have some other places I'd like to be able to use this where I won't have the luxury of recreating the role if it has a space in the name.

Any takers?:confused:

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Can't Run Tsql As Job Or Scheduled Sp

Sep 17, 2004

I have the below code which works to rebuild indexes on a large db. I can run it from QA, but not as a job or as a sp in a job. I get the same error

Executed as user: ADCsqlexec. Retrieving Table List for DB Development [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 0) ReIndexing Table Development..cms_appointments [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 0) DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 2528) Updating Statistics on Table Development..cms_appointments [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 0) Could not complete cursor operation because the set options have changed since the cursor was declared. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 16958). The step failed.

Here is the tsql, any ideas


/* Start with master DB */
USE master

/* Create Variables */
DECLARE @TableName CHAR(64)
DECLARE @TempVar CHAR(256)

/* Create DB List */
FROM master..sysdatabases where name = 'development'



/* Create Database Loop */
/* Retrieve Table List */
PRINT 'Retrieving Table List for DB ' + @DBName

EXEC ('SELECT name AS TableName INTO ##TableNames FROM [' + @DBName + ']..sysobjects WHERE type = ''U''')

/* Open Table List */
SELECT TableName
FROM ##TableNames

OPEN TableCursor

FROM TableCursor
INTO @TableName

/* Create Table Loop */
/* Add DB Name to Table Name */
SELECT @TableName = RTRIM(@DBName) + '..' + RTRIM(@TableName)
/* fix from ms */

/* ReIndex Table */
PRINT 'ReIndexing Table ' + @TableName

/* Update Statics on Table */
PRINT 'Updating Statistics on Table ' + @TableName

/* Get Next Table Name */
FROM TableCursor
INTO @TableName

/* Close Table Cursor */
CLOSE TableCursor

/* Remove Tempory Table */
DROP TABLE ##TableNames

/* Get Next Table Name */

/* Close DB Curosor */

/* Finished */

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Scheduled Tasks In 6.5

Feb 12, 1999

I have been running the following production job successfully for a long time.
It now fails, and the Task History Last Error Message displays 'No Message'.
The log file ( C:MSSQLLOGMaint_TombV50.txt) shows it ran successfully,
with a Return Code 0.

SQLMAINT.EXE -D TombV50 -RebldIdx 10
-CkDB -CkAl -CkTxtAl -CkCat
-UpdSts -Rpt C:MSSQLLOGMaint_TombV50.txt

It looks like SQL Executive burps for some reason.

Any ideas, comments, suggestions?


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DTS Scheduled Task

Dec 17, 2007


I'm new to SQL so this should be an easy question. All i want to do is create a recuring task. I want to copy data from one SQL server to another. I've created a package to accomplish this and when i execute it manually it works. What doesn't work is scheduling to execute a regular intervals. As a test i set it up to execute every minute every day (This however will change to once a day when i prove it works) and for some reason it never executes. Any ideas? By the way i created the package using the DTS export wizzard.

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Scheduled Tasks

Jun 23, 1999

To all,
If I have a scheduled tasks that is owned by 'sa', how can I assign permissions to allow another user, even the database dbo, to register the SQL server and view the scheduled tasks?

Thanks in Advance,
Ed Molinari

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Scheduled Jobs

Apr 24, 2002

Hi all,

I find some scheduled jobs are switching from an 'enabled' state to a 'disabled' state apparently for no good reason. The job itself still shows as being 'enabled', however the associated scheduled becomes 'disabled'. Does anyone why this would be? Is the problem associated with a paritcular service pack or anything??

Any help is appreciated.


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Scheduled Task

Oct 30, 1998

I created a scheduled task on SQL server 6.5 which is actually dump system DB.

The problem I have is the scheduled task did not run with no error messsage returned. I have tried to force it run in different schedule modes. Nothing happened. However I can dump system DB through SEM Backup/Restore which runs OK!

Any body has idea why scheduled task does not run ?


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Why Does DTS Fail As A Scheduled Job?

Nov 26, 2007

I am trying to set up a DTS to transfer logging data from one server to another.
The record may already exist at the destination causing a primary key violation. I do not want this error to cause the entire DTS to fail.

When I execute the DTS I created by right clicking and selecting "Execute Package" it shows me 2 errors. Although there are 2 errors the rows that do not have a primary key violation are successfully transfered to the destination database.
Here are the 2 errors I see:

Error 1:
Error at Destination for Row number 97. Errors encountered so far in this task: 97.
The statement has been terminated.
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_event'. Cannot insert duplicate key object 'event'.

Error 2:
Error at Destination for Row number 198. Errors encountered so far in this task: 198.
The statement has been terminated.
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_eventDetail'. Cannot insert duplicate key object 'eventDetail'.

These errors make sense, there were 97 duplicate lines in the event table and 198 duplicates in the eventDetail table.

This is the behavior I want. New rows are copied to the destination database.

When I schedule the DTS as a Job in the Enterprise manager things change. When the DTS is executed as a Job (as opposed to me right clicking and selecting "Execute Package"), the job reports a failure and none of the new rows are transfered to the destination database.

Why does the DTS transfer the rows that do not violate the Primary Key constraint when I manually execute it and not when it is executed as a job?

How can I get the DTS to function as desired?



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Odd Scheduled Job Behavior

Jun 30, 2004

I've scheduled a job to run on a certain schedule, but the Last Run Status date comes back very oddly, a couple years out of synch, the other jobs scheduled report back just fine.

Anyone seen this behavior?

Edward R Hunter, Data Application Designer
comScore Networks, Inc.

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