Error In Building SQL Query Within LIKE Statement For TableAdapter In Design Section

May 31, 2006 2.0 (VB), SQL Server 2005:

While creating a new TableAdapter in design section, I'm using the query builder and trying to write a query within "LIKE" statement as below -

Example1: SELECT * FROM table WHERE field LIKE @'%TextBoxData%'
Example2: SELECT * FROM table WHERE field LIKE '%@TextBoxData%'

but these query doesn't work...error in building query...any clue to make it work? If I remove "@" sure the query will work with normal but '%TextBoxData%' will become a hardcoding value...this is not I want...I want make the TextBoxData become a flexible value depend on the data what I enter in my text box like 'abc,123' not like 'TextBoxData'...

I know normally it supposed to be like:

 "SELECT * FROM table WHERE field LIKE '%" & TextBoxData.Text & "%'"

It can work when in Code Section, but not at this time...because now i'm trying to made it with "Query Builder" for TableAdapter " in Design Section...hmm did you get what I mean? Sorry for my bad english

Thanks in advance

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SQL Query (SELECT Statement) And Table Design

Aug 19, 2007

I am wondering if there is a direct query in this case:

I am developing a program to a company which simply sells services
One service may have different prices for different types of clients
The price of any service for any client can change at any time, and I should be able to trace these changes at any time

I made the following tables (simplified): (asterisk for primary key)

(Table) (Fields)

CLIENT_TYPES : ID*, ClientTypeName
SERVICES : ID*, ServiceName
PRICES : ServiceID*, ClientTypeID*, Price, Date*
ORDERS : ID*, Date, ClientTypeID

The field in bold is the area of the question

This is a sample data in the PRICES table:

ServiceID ClientTypeID Price Date1 1 100 1/1/20072 1 150 1/1/20071 2 90 1/1/20072 2 135 1/1/2007

Now if I want to update a price of service 1 for clienttype 1, I add the following row:

1 1 100 1/1/2008

So one product for one client can have any number of prices with different dates

The following query:


will retrieve all prices with repeats for a specific client (#1 here)

What I want is a query to retrieve the most recent prices for specific client for all products, even if a query on query

If there is commemts on table design please tell me

thanks for any one who provides help

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Problems Building Sql Statement

Nov 15, 2007

I'm having problems building an sql stament that joins a few tables. I can seem to get my head around the structure!
I have to try and link up four different tables to try and get my result.
Here are the 4 table structures...
Basically, this database, has four tables; One table (Web_Users) that contains a users name, and assigns a unique ID (User_ID), another table that stores a users tags they have created, and also links it to a group_ID. The created_groups table, contains group names and assigns a unique id also. And the last table, Tags_To_Groups, links tags to groups.
So this is what I'm trying to do...
I'm trying to get the Group_name field from Created_Groups table, of a tag , that belongs to a certain user. If sounds easy when I say it like that, but I've been inner joining tables all night and failing every time.
 Does this make sense? Can anyone help?
Thank you

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Tableadapter Query Question

Nov 20, 2006

hii am using the nothwind database for a current exercise, i am wanting to user to be able to search for products based on two input methods (product name, category).here is the code i currently have: SELECT    DISTINCT  ProductID, ProductName, SupplierID, CategoryID, QuantityPerUnit, UnitPrice, UnitsInStock, UnitsOnOrder, ReorderLevel, Discontinued, ProductName,                       ProductID, CategoryIDFROM         ProductsWHERE       (CategoryID = @categoryID) OR                       (ProductName LIKE '%' + @ProductName + '%')i'm wanting to have it set so the user can use both input methods, or either, when one input method is used by the user it works fine, but when both are used it generates results for 2 seporate queriesi'm wanting to have it set so the user can search by product name in certain categories (when both search input methods are used)how would i go about doing this? is there some kind of equivalent to an AND/OR statement?eg.  WHERE       (CategoryID = @categoryID) AND OR
                      (ProductName LIKE '%' + @ProductName + '%') thanks in advance! 

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Building A Sql Statement In A Stored Proc

May 12, 2008

Hi All,
What i'm trying to do is build a dynamic query where the like clause is the variable bit of the query. What I've done is to create 4 varchar variables of length1000, and a variable to hold the result of the concatenated variables, which is defined as length of 4000. I've checked the length of the resultant query and its comes in at arount the 450 charcter lenght, but when I run the stored proc it truncates the @varfull around the point of the first % sign.
I've tried various ways to create this query and it always truncated around the point of the % sign.
Am I doing this right? can anyone point me in the right direction on how to do this with a sql statement, it works fine for text strings!
Here's part of the code, I create the content of @var3 in a loop based on a string of words passed into the stored proc.
Thanks for any help on this!
@var1 = 'SELECT COUNT(d.item_id) AS Expr1, d.item_id FROM tp_index_details AS d INNER JOIN tp_index ON d.idx_id = tp_index.idx_id '@var2 = 'WHERE (d.idx_id IN (SELECT idx_id FROM tp_index AS i WHERE (item_Text LIKE'
@var3 = ''%london%' OR item_Text LIKE '%solicitor%''
@var4 = ' ) AND (subscription_id = 1000))) GROUP BY d.item_id ORDER BY d.item_id DESC'
@varfull = @var1+@var2+@var3+@var4

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Building A Multi Statement Table UDF

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,While in the process of building my table (40 or so Insert statments)can I then query ("select * from @Table_variable") and use the resultsup to theat point for another insert into @Table_varible? If you lookfor stepID -15 I have commented that section out due to it notretuning the correct values.Thank you in advanceStephen PattenTable Code:ALTER FUNCTION dbo.BidContract(@MixHeaderID int,@MaterialEffectiveDate nvarchar(10),@LaborEffectiveDate nvarchar(10),@AreaTypeID int,@NailingParam int,@TapingParam int)/*@MixHeaderID int = 2,@MaterialEffectiveDate nvarchar(10) = '2003-01-01',@LaborEffectiveDate nvarchar(10) = '2003-01-01',@AreaTypeID int = 1,@NailingParam int = -1,@TapingParam int = -1*/RETURNS @table_variable TABLE (IDintIDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED,StepIDdecimal (18,1)NOT NULL ,JobMasterIDintNOT NULL ,MixHeaderIDintNOT NULL ,BidSubtypeIDintNOT NULL ,WorkTypeIDintNOT NULL ,UnitNamenvarchar (64)NOT NULL ,UnitQuantityintNOT NULL ,ItemDescriptionnvarchar (256)NOT NULL ,ItemQuantitydecimal(18, 4)NOT NULL ,ScaleValuedecimal(18, 4)NOT NULL ,ExtendedPricedecimal (18,4)NOT NULL ,IsVisiblebitNULL ,WSQtyAdjdecimal(18,4)NULL)ASBEGIN/*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////MATERIALSUBTYPE 1/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*//*STEP -1WALLBOARDALL MATERIAL THAT HAS A MATERIAL CATEGORY OF 1 (WALLBOARD)NOTE: THIS WILL ALSO GIVE YOU THE TOTAL SQUARE FEET TO BE USED INLATER CALCULATIONS*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 1 AS StepID, MixHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 1 AS BidSubTypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area)) / 1000 AS ItemQuantity,MaterialScale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area)) / 1000 *MaterialScale.Price AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible,0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINMaterialScale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialScale.MaterialItemMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINDimension ON FloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID =Dimension.DimensionIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialScale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND(MaterialScale.EffectiveDate = @MaterialEffectiveDate) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialScale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND(MaterialScale.EffectiveDate = @MaterialEffectiveDate)GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription, MixHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity,MaterialScale.PriceHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)UNION ALLSELECT - 1 AS StepID, MixHeader.JobMasterID,MixHeader.MixHeaderID, 1 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area /1000) AS ItemQuantity,MaterialScale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area / 1000 *MaterialScale.Price) AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible,0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINMaterialScale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialScale.MaterialItemMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINDimension ON FloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID =Dimension.DimensionIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialScale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND(MaterialScale.EffectiveDate = @MaterialEffectivedate)GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1,'')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '') +'~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''), MixHeader.MixHeaderID,MixHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity,MaterialScale.PriceHAVING (MixHeader.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)/*STEP -2STOCKINGScale * Total Wallboard sq ft*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT -2, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, BidSubtypeID, WorkTypeID,UnitName, UnitQuantity, N'STOCKING', SUM(ItemQuantity),dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(830, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate), SUM(ItemQuantity) *dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(830, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate), IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variableWHERE StepID = - 1GROUP BY JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, BidSubtypeID, WorkTypeID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, IsVisible, WSQtyAdj/*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////MISC MATERIALSUBTYPE 2/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*//*STEP -3NAILS AND SCREWSScale * Total Wallboard sq ft1 box covers 4000 sq ft of wallboardThis makes sure we are dealing with whole boxes of nails:ROUND(((TotalSquareFoot)/4000 + .4999), 0)SELECT - 3, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, 2, WorkTypeID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, N'NAILS-SCREWS', ROUND((SUM(ItemQuantity)/4) + .4999,0), dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(829, 1, '2003-01-01'),ROUND((SUM(ItemQuantity)/4) + .4999, 0) *dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(829, 1, '2003-01-01'),IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM bidunitWHERE StepID = - 1GROUP BY JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, BidSubtypeID, WorkTypeID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, IsVisible, WSQtyAdj*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 3, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, 2, WorkTypeID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, N'NAILS-SCREWS', ROUND((SUM(ItemQuantity)/4), 0),dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(829, 1, '2003-01-01'),ROUND((SUM(ItemQuantity)/4), 0) *dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(829, 1, '2003-01-01'),IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variableWHERE StepID = - 1GROUP BY JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, BidSubtypeID, WorkTypeID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, IsVisible, WSQtyAdj/*MUDStep -4Select just a subset of the already inserteddata to give us a distinct list of UNITS to pass to the MUD functionNOTE: this type of select will be used a couple of more times, alwaysuse StepID = -2 (STOCKING)@THE_VALUE = isnull(@WALLBOARD/250,0) + isnull(@FIRETAPING/500,0) +isnull(@METAL/125,0) + isnull(@CEIL_SQ_FT/900,0)*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 4, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, 2, WorkTypeID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, N'MUD', dbo.BidContract_GetMudValue(@MixHeaderID,UnitName), dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(828, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate), dbo.BidContract_GetMudValue(@MixHeaderID,UnitName) * dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(828, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate), IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variableWHERE StepID = - 2/*TAPEStep -5ROUND(SUM(ItemQuantity)/1100, 0)*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 5, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, 2, WorkTypeID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, N'TAPE', dbo.BidContract_GetTapeValue(@MixHeaderID,UnitName), dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(832, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate), dbo.BidContract_GetTapeValue(@MixHeaderID,UnitName) * dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(832, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate), IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variableWHERE StepID = - 2/*METALStep -6SUM(Z395*1.1)/1000*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 6 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtype, 0 AS WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, (ISNULL(SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity), 0) * 1.1) / 1000AS ItemQuantity, MaterialScale.Price ASScaleValue, (ISNULL(SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity), 0) * 1.1) / 1000* MaterialScale.Price AS ExtendedPrice, 0 ASIsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINMaterialScale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialScale.MaterialItemMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 2) AND(MaterialScale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND(MaterialScale.EffectiveDate = @MaterialEffectiveDate) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 2) AND(MaterialScale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND(MaterialScale.EffectiveDate = @MaterialEffectiveDate)GROUP BY MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription,FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription, MaterialScale.PriceHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)UNION ALLSELECT - 6 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, (FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * 1.1) / 1000 ASItemQuantity, MaterialScale.Price AS ScaleValue,(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * 1.1) / 1000 *MaterialScale.Price AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINMaterialScale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialScale.MaterialItemMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 2) AND(MaterialScale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND(MaterialScale.EffectiveDate = @MaterialEffectiveDate)GROUP BY FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1,'')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '') +'~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,MaterialScale.Price, FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)/*MISC MATERIALStep -7*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 7 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtype,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, ISNULL(SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity), 0)AS ItemQuantity, MaterialScale.Price ASScaleValue, ISNULL(SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity), 0)* MaterialScale.Price AS ExtendedPrice, 0 ASIsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINMaterialScale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialScale.MaterialItemMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID) AND(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID ISNOT NULL) AND(NOT (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID IN(1, 2))) OR(MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID) AND(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID ISNULL) AND(NOT (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID IN(1, 2)))GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity,MaterialScale.Price, FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeIDHAVING (NOT (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(SELECTclsBidMiscMaterialExemptionListDescriptionFROMclsBidMiscMaterialExemptionList))) AND (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID<> 3)UNION ALLSELECT - 7 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1,'') + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity AS ItemQuantity,MaterialScale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity *MaterialScale.Price) AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINMaterialScale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialScale.MaterialItemMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID) AND(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID ISNULL) AND(NOT (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID IN(1, 2)))GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1,'')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '') +'~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MaterialScale.Price,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity,FloorPlanLineItem.QuantityHAVING (NOT (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(SELECTclsBidMiscMaterialExemptionListDescriptionFROMclsBidMiscMaterialExemptionList))) AND (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID<> 3)/*COUNT OF LIVING UNITSStep -8****HOUSE***SELECT - 8 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,N'SUNDRIES' AS ItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) ASItemQuantity, dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(843, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate)AS ScaleValue, SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity* dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(843, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate))AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanHeader INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND (FloorPlanHeader.IsLivingUnit ='1')GROUP BY FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)****HOUSE****/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 8 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity, N'SUNDRIES' ASItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) ASItemQuantity, dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(843, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate)AS ScaleValue, SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity* dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(843, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate))AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanHeader INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND (FloorPlanHeader.IsLivingUnit= '1') OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL)GROUP BY FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription, MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)UNION ALLSELECT - 8 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,N'SUNDRIES' AS ItemDescription,1 AS ItemQuantity,dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(843, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate)AS ScaleValue, SUM(1 *dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(843, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate))AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanHeader INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND (FloorPlanHeader.IsLivingUnit ='1')GROUP BY FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)/*FIRE HAULT - CHECK FOR FIREPROOFINGStep -9*/IF EXISTS (SELECT 'true' AS Expr1FROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ONFloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID = MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderIDINNER JOINJobMaster ON FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription = N'FIRETAPING') AND(JobMaster.ProjectTypeID <> 1))BEGININSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 9 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidsubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity, N'FIRE HAULT' ASItemDescription,ISNULL(SUM(MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity *MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) / 2, 0) AS ItemQuantity,dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(579,@AreaTypeID, @MaterialEffectiveDate) AS ScaleValue,ISNULL(SUM(MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity *MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) / 2, 0) *dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(579,@AreaTypeID, @MaterialEffectiveDate) ASExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanHeader INNER JOINMixLineItem ONFloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID = MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderIDINNER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND (FloorPlanHeader.IsLivingUnit= '1') OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL)GROUP BY MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription,FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)UNION ALLSELECT - 9 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity, N'FIREHAULT' AS ItemDescription,ISNULL(SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) / 2,0) AS ItemQuantity, dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(579,@AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate) AS ScaleValue,ISNULL(SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) / 2, 0) *dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(579,@AreaTypeID, @MaterialEffectiveDate) ASExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID =MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelIDIS NULL) AND (FloorPlanHeader.IsLivingUnit = '1')GROUP BY FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)END/*//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////NAILING LABORSUBTYPE 3//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*//*PRODUCTION WALLBOARDStep -10.x*/IF (@NailingParam = -1) --ProgressiveBEGININSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 10.1 AS StepID, NailingLabor.JobMasterID,NailingLabor.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID, NailingLabor.WorkTypeID,NailingLabor.UnitName,NailingLabor.UnitQuantity, RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' '+ dbo.Height.HeightDescription AS ItemDescription,NailingLabor.ItemQuantity, Scale.Price +dbo.Height.NailingRate + NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborIncreaseAS ScaleValue,NailingLabor.ItemQuantity * (Scale.Price +dbo.Height.NailingRate + NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborIncrease)AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible,0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM dbo.BidContract_NailingLabor_Wallboard_Production( @MixHeaderID)NailingLabor INNER JOINdbo.Height ON NailingLabor.HeightID = dbo.Height.HeightID INNER JOINdbo.BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONNailingLabor.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND (Scale.EffectiveDate =@LaborEffectiveDate)ORDER BY NailingLabor.WorkTypeID DESC,RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' ' +dbo.Height.HeightDescriptionINSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 10.1 AS StepID, NailingLabor.JobMasterID,NailingLabor.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID, NailingLabor.WorkTypeID,NailingLabor.UnitName,NailingLabor.UnitQuantity, RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' '+ dbo.Height.HeightDescription AS ItemDescription,NailingLabor.ItemQuantity, Scale.Price +dbo.Height.NailingRateGarage +NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborIncrease AS ScaleValue,NailingLabor.ItemQuantity * (Scale.Price +dbo.Height.NailingRateGarage +NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborIncrease) AS ExtendedPrice, 0 ASIsVisible,0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM dbo.BidContract_NailingLabor_Wallboard_Production_ Garage(@MixHeaderID)NailingLabor INNER JOINdbo.Height ON NailingLabor.HeightID =dbo.Height.HeightID INNER JOINdbo.BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONNailingLabor.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND (Scale.EffectiveDate =@LaborEffectiveDate)ORDER BY NailingLabor.WorkTypeID DESC,RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' ' +dbo.Height.HeightDescriptionENDIF (@NailingParam = -2) --NonprogressiveBEGININSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 10.2 AS StepID, NailingLabor.JobMasterID,NailingLabor.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID, NailingLabor.WorkTypeID,NailingLabor.UnitName,NailingLabor.UnitQuantity,RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' ' + Height.HeightDescriptionAS ItemDescription, NailingLabor.ItemQuantity,Scale.Price +NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborIncrease AS ScaleValue,NailingLabor.ItemQuantity * (Scale.Price +NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborIncrease) AS ExtendedPrice, 0 ASIsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM BidContract_NailingLabor_Wallboard_Production(@Mix HeaderID)NailingLabor INNER JOINHeight ON NailingLabor.HeightID =Height.HeightID INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONNailingLabor.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND (Scale.EffectiveDate =@LaborEffectiveDate)ORDER BY NailingLabor.WorkTypeID DESC,RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' ' + Height.HeightDescription--TODO: add garageENDIF (@NailingParam = -3) --StraightBEGININSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 10.3 AS StepID, NailingLabor.JobMasterID,NailingLabor.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID, NailingLabor.WorkTypeID,NailingLabor.UnitName,NailingLabor.UnitQuantity,RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' ' + Height.HeightDescriptionAS ItemDescription, NailingLabor.ItemQuantity,NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborStraight ASScaleValue,NailingLabor.ItemQuantity *NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborStraight AS ExtendedPrice, 0 ASIsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM BidContract_NailingLabor_Wallboard_Production(@Mix HeaderID)NailingLabor INNER JOINHeight ON NailingLabor.HeightID =Height.HeightIDORDER BY NailingLabor.WorkTypeID DESC,RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' ' + Height.HeightDescription--TODO: add garageEND/*'ALL OTHER MATERIALStep -11*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 11 AS StepID, MixHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription AS ItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity * FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity)AS ItemQuantity,BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.Price) ASExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible,0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale()BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription= BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINDimension ON FloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID =Dimension.DimensionIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID <> 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID <> 606)AND (MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.EffectiveDate =@LaborEffectiveDate) AND (BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID <> 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID <> 606)AND (MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.EffectiveDate =@LaborEffectiveDate) AND (BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID)GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID, MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription,MixHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity, BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.PriceHAVING (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 2) AND(MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)UNION ALLSELECT - 11 AS StepID, MixHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity) AS ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Scale.Price) ASExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription =Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINDimension ON FloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID =Dimension.DimensionIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID <> 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID <> 606)AND (MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND (Scale.EffectiveDate =@LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),MixHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, Scale.PriceHAVING (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 2) AND(MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)/*'PRELIM WALLBOARD LESS SPECIALStep -12*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT VT.StepID, VT.JobMasterID, VT.MixHeaderID, VT.BidSubtypeID,VT.WorkTypeID, VT.UnitName, VT.UnitQuantity, VT.ItemDescription,VT.ItemQuantity,Scale.Price, VT.UnitQuantity * Scale.Price AS ExtendedPrice,VT.IsVisible, VT.WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 12 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription + N' ' +WorkLocation.WorkLocationDescription AS ItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity * (FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity *Dimension.Area)) AS ItemQuantity, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ONFloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID = MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderIDINNER JOINMixHeader ONMixLineItem.MixHeaderID = MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINDimension ONFloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID = Dimension.DimensionID INNER JOINJobMaster ONFloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID = JobMaster.JobMasterID ANDMixHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ONMixLineItem.MixBuildingID = MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINWorkLocation ONFloorPlanLineItem.WorkLocationID = WorkLocation.WorkLocationIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOTNULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1)AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND (NOT(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(SELECTclsBidNailingLaborExemptionListDescriptionFROMclsBidNailingLaborExemptionList))) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID ISNULL) AND (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND (NOT(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(SELECTclsBidNailingLaborExemptionListDescriptionFROMclsBidNailingLaborExemptionList)))GROUP BYMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription + N' ' +WorkLocation.WorkLocationDescription, FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantityHAVING (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 1)AND (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)) VT INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONVT.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)UNION ALLSELECT VT.StepID, VT.JobMasterID, VT.MixHeaderID, VT.BidSubtypeID,VT.WorkTypeID, VT.UnitName, VT.UnitQuantity, VT.ItemDescription,VT.ItemQuantity,Scale.Price, VT.UnitQuantity * Scale.Price ASExtendedPrice, VT.IsVisible, VT.WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 12 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '') AS UnitName,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription + N' ' +WorkLocation.WorkLocationDescription AS ItemDescription,SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area) AS ItemQuantity, 0 ASIsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ONFloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID = MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderIDINNER JOINMixHeader ONMixLineItem.MixHeaderID = MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINDimension ONFloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID = Dimension.DimensionID INNER JOINJobMaster ONFloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID = JobMaster.JobMasterID ANDMixHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ONMixLineItem.MixBuildingID = MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINWorkLocation ONFloorPlanLineItem.WorkLocationID = WorkLocation.WorkLocationIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL)AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND (NOT(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(SELECTclsBidNailingLaborExemptionListDescriptionFROMclsBidNailingLaborExemptionList)))GROUP BYMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription + N' ' +WorkLocation.WorkLocationDescription, FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3,''), JobMaster.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantityHAVING (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 1)AND (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)) VT INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONVT.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)/*PRELIM SPECIAL BOARDStep -13*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 13 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area)) AS ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity * (FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity *Dimension.Area) * Scale.Price) AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible,0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ON FloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID= MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINDimension ON FloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID =Dimension.DimensionID INNER JOINJobMaster ON FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID AND MixHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription =Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINWorkLocation ON FloorPlanLineItem.WorkLocationID= WorkLocation.WorkLocationIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID)GROUP BY FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity, Scale.PriceHAVING (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 1) AND(MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(SELECTclsBidNailingLaborExemptionListDescriptionFROMclsBidNailingLaborExemptionList))UNION ALLSELECT - 13 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area)AS ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area * Scale.Price) ASExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINDimension ON FloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID =Dimension.DimensionID INNER JOINJobMaster ON FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID = JobMaster.JobMasterID ANDMixHeader.JobMasterID = JobMaster.JobMasterID INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription =Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINWorkLocation ON FloorPlanLineItem.WorkLocationID =WorkLocation.WorkLocationIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID)GROUP BY FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),JobMaster.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity, Scale.PriceHAVING (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 1) AND(MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(SELECTclsBidNailingLaborExemptionListDescriptionFROMclsBidNailingLaborExemptionList))/*'ALL OTHER PRELIM MATERIALStep -14*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 14 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity)AS ItemQuantity, Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity * FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity *Scale.Price) AS ExtendedPrice,0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINJobMaster ON FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID AND MixHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription =Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINWorkLocation ON FloorPlanLineItem.WorkLocationID= WorkLocation.WorkLocationIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID <> 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID <> 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID)GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID, MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription,JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity, Scale.PriceHAVING (NOT (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(N'WINDOWS', N'ANGELS'))) AND (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 1) AND(MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)UNION ALLSELECT - 14 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity) AS ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Scale.Price) ASExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINJobMaster ON FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID AND MixHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription =Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINWorkLocation ON FloorPlanLineItem.WorkLocationID= WorkLocation.WorkLocationIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID <> 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID)GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),JobMaster.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity, Scale.PriceHAVING (NOT (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(N'WINDOWS', N'ANGELS'))) AND (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 1) AND(MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)/*'FOREMANStep -15INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT StepID, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, BidSubtypeID, WorkTypeID,UnitName, UnitQuantity, ItemDescription, ItemQuantity, ExtendedPrice /ItemQuantity AS ScaleValue,ExtendedPrice, IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT- 15 AS StepID,JobMasterID,MixHeaderID,BidSubtypeID,0 AS WorkTypeID,UnitName,UnitQuantity,N'FOREMAN' AS ItemDescription,SUM(ItemQuantity) AS ItemQuantity,(SELECTSUM(T2.ExtendedPrice)FROM @table_variable T2WHERE T2.UnitName = T1.UnitName AND T2.BidSubtypeID = 3) * .08AS ExtendedPrice,IsVisible,WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variable T1WHERE (StepID IN (- 10.1, - 10.2, - 10.3, - 12, -13))GROUP BY UnitName, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID,BidSubtypeID, UnitQuantity, WSQtyAdj, IsVisible)VT*//*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////TAPING LABORSUBTYPE 4/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*//*WALLLBOARD W/ HEIGHTStep - 16.x*/IF (@TapingParam = -1) --ProgressiveBEGININSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 16.1 AS StepID, TapingLabor.JobMasterID,TapingLabor.MixHeaderID, TapingLabor.BidSubtypeID,TapingLabor.WorkTypeID, TapingLabor.UnitName,TapingLabor.UnitQuantity,CASE TapingLabor.ItemDescription WHEN'WALLBOARD' THEN Height.HeightDescription ELSETapingLabor.ItemDescription + ' ' + Height.HeightDescriptionEND AS ItemDescription,TapingLabor.ItemQuantity, Scale.Price +TapingLabor.TapingLaborIncrease + Height.TapingRate AS ScaleValue,TapingLabor.ItemQuantity * (Scale.Price +TapingLabor.TapingLaborIncrease + Height.TapingRate) AS ExtendedPrice,TapingLabor.IsVisible,TapingLabor.WSQtyAdjFROM BidContract_TapingLabor_Wallboard(@MixHeaderID)TapingLabor INNER JOINHeight ON TapingLabor.HeightID = Height.HeightIDINNER JOINBidContract_TapingLabor_Scale() Scale ONTapingLabor.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)ENDIF (@TapingParam = -2) --NonprogressiveBEGININSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 16.2 AS StepID, TapingLabor.JobMasterID,TapingLabor.MixHeaderID, TapingLabor.BidSubtypeID,TapingLabor.WorkTypeID, TapingLabor.UnitName,TapingLabor.UnitQuantity,CASE TapingLabor.ItemDescription WHEN'WALLBOARD' THEN Height.HeightDescription ELSETapingLabor.ItemDescription + ' ' + Height.HeightDescriptionEND AS ItemDescription,TapingLabor.ItemQuantity, Scale.Price +TapingLabor.TapingLaborIncrease AS ScaleValue,TapingLabor.ItemQuantity * (Scale.Price +TapingLabor.TapingLaborIncrease) AS ExtendedPrice,TapingLabor.IsVisible, TapingLabor.WSQtyAdjFROM BidContract_TapingLabor_Wallboard(@MixHeaderID)TapingLabor INNER JOINHeight ON TapingLabor.HeightID = Height.HeightIDINNER JOINBidContract_TapingLabor_Scale() Scale ONTapingLabor.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)ENDIF (@TapingParam = -3) --StraightBEGININSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 16.3 AS StepID, TapingLabor.JobMasterID,TapingLabor.MixHeaderID, TapingLabor.BidSubtypeID,TapingLabor.WorkTypeID, TapingLabor.UnitName,TapingLabor.UnitQuantity,CASE TapingLabor.ItemDescription WHEN'WALLBOARD' THEN Height.HeightDescription ELSETapingLabor.ItemDescription + ' ' + Height.HeightDescriptionEND AS ItemDescription,TapingLabor.ItemQuantity, TapingLabor.TapingLaborStraight ASScaleValue,TapingLabor.ItemQuantity *TapingLabor.TapingLaborStraight AS ExtendedPrice,TapingLabor.IsVisible, TapingLabor.WSQtyAdjFROM BidContract_TapingLabor_Wallboard(@MixHeaderID) TapingLaborINNER JOINHeight ON TapingLabor.HeightID = Height.HeightIDINNER JOINBidContract_TapingLabor_Scale() Scale ON TapingLabor.ItemDescription= Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)END/*METAL AND MISC ITEMSStepID -17*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 17 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 4 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity)AS ItemQuantity, Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM((MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity * FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity)* (Scale.Price + JobMaster.TapingLaborIncrease))AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ON FloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINJobMaster ON FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID INNER JOINBidContract_TapingLabor_Scale() Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription =Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID IN (605, 795,589, 584, 586, 583, 585, 587, 582, 588)) AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID IN (605, 795, 589,584, 586, 583, 585, 587, 582, 588)) AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID)GROUP BY JobMaster.JobMasterID,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity, Scale.Price,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeIDHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)UNION ALLSELECT - 17 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 4 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity) AS ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * (Scale.Price +JobMaster.TapingLaborIncrease)) AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 ASWSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ON FloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = MixHeader.MixHeaderIDINNER JOINJobMaster ON FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID INNER JOINBidContract_TapingLabor_Scale() Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription =Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID = MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID IN (605, 795, 589, 584,586, 583, 585, 587, 582, 588)) AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID)GROUP BY JobMaster.JobMasterID,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1,'') + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2,'') + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity, Scale.Price,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeIDHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)/*BRACKETSStepID -18*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT Brackets.StepID, Brackets.JobMasterID,Brackets.MixHeaderID, Brackets.BidSubtypeID, Brackets.WorkTypeID,Brackets.UnitName,Brackets.UnitQuantity, Brackets.ItemDescription,Brackets.ItemQuantity, Scale.Price AS Price, Brackets.ItemQuantity *Scale.Price AS ExtendedPrice,Brackets.IsVisible, Brackets.WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 18 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 4 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity, N'BRACKETS' ASItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) AS ItemQuantity, 0 AS IsVisible, 0AS WSQtyAdjFROM MixLineItem INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONMixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID = FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID LEFTOUTER JOINMixBuilding ONMixLineItem.MixBuildingID = MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOTNULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID ISNULL)GROUP BY MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription,FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =@MixHeaderID)) Brackets INNER JOINBidContract_TapingLabor_Scale() Scale ONBrackets.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)UNION ALLSELECT Brackets.StepID, Brackets.JobMasterID,Brackets.MixHeaderID, Brackets.BidSubtypeID, Brackets.WorkTypeID,Brackets.UnitName,Brackets.UnitQuantity, Brackets.ItemDescription,Brackets.ItemQuantity, Scale.Price AS Price, Brackets.ItemQuantity *Scale.Price AS ExtendedPrice,Brackets.IsVisible, Brackets.WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 18 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 4 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '') AS UnitName,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity, N'BRACKETS' ASItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity)AS ItemQuantity, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM MixLineItem INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONMixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID = FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID LEFTOUTER JOINMixBuilding ONMixLineItem.MixBuildingID = MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL)GROUP BY FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''), FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID))Brackets INNER JOINBidContract_TapingLabor_Scale() Scale ONBrackets.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)/*FOREMANStepID -19*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT StepID, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, BidSubtypeID, WorkTypeID,UnitName, UnitQuantity, ItemDescription, ItemQuantity, ExtendedPrice /ItemQuantity AS ScaleValue,ExtendedPrice, IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 19 AS StepID, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, BidSubtypeID,0 AS WorkTypeID, UnitName, UnitQuantity, N'FOREMAN' ASItemDescription,SUM(ItemQuantity) AS ItemQuantity,(SELECTSUM(T2.ExtendedPrice)FROM @table_variableT2WHERE T2.UnitName =T1.UnitName AND T2.BidSubtypeID = 4) * .06 AS ExtendedPrice,IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variable T1WHERE (StepID IN (- 16.1, - 16.2, - 16.3))GROUP BY UnitName, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID,BidSubtypeID, UnitQuantity, WSQtyAdj, IsVisible)VT/*//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////PICKUPSUBTYPE 5//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*//*CUT & SCRAPEStepID -20Same as Total Taping Labor Wallboard less the Garages*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT VT.StepID, VT.JobMasterID, VT.MixHeaderID, VT.BidSubtypeID,VT.WorkTypeID, VT.UnitName, VT.UnitQuantity, VT.ItemDescription,VT.ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue, VT.ItemQuantity *Scale.Price AS ExtendedPrice, VT.IsVisible, VT.WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 20 AS StepID, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, 5AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID, UnitName, UnitQuantity, 'CUT &SCRAPE' AS ItemDescription,SUM(ItemQuantity) / 1000 ASItemQuantity, IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variable T1WHERE (NOT (ItemDescription LIKE N'%Garage%')) AND(StepID IN (- 16.1, - 16.2, - 16.3))GROUP BY JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, WSQtyAdj, IsVisible) VT INNER JOINPickupScale Scale ON VT.ItemDescription =Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)/*SANDING / HIGHStepID -21Wallboard and Round 10 feet and above from taping labor*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT VT.StepID, VT.JobMasterID, VT.MixHeaderID, VT.BidSubtypeID,VT.WorkTypeID, VT.UnitName, VT.UnitQuantity, VT.ItemDescription,VT.ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue, VT.ItemQuantity *Scale.Price AS ExtendedPrice, VT.IsVisible, VT.WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 21 AS StepID, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, 5AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID, UnitName, UnitQuantity, N'SANDING'AS ItemDescription,SUM(ItemQuantity) / 1000 ASItemQuantity, IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variable T1WHERE (StepID IN (- 16.1, - 16.2, - 16.3)) AND (NOT(ItemDescription LIKE N'% 8%')) AND (NOT (ItemDescription LIKE N'%9%')) AND(NOT (ItemDescription LIKEN'%GARAGE%'))GROUP BY JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, WSQtyAdj, IsVisible) VT INNER JOINPickupScale Scale ON VT.ItemDescription =Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)/*WINDOWSStepID -22*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT VT.StepID, VT.JobMasterID, VT.MixHeaderID, VT.BidSubtypeID,VT.WorkTypeID, VT.UnitName, VT.UnitQuantity, VT.ItemDescription,VT.ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue, VT.ItemQuantity *Scale.Price AS ExtendedPrice, VT.IsVisible, VT.WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 22 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 5 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription AS ItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity * FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity)AS ItemQuantity, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID =MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ONMixLineItem.MixBuildingID = MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOTNULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID = 802) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID ISNULL) AND (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID = 802)GROUP BYMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =@MixHeaderID)) VT INNE

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Building A Dynamic Sql Statement Into Stored Procedure

Apr 19, 2008

Hi i have a page whereby the user can make a search based on three things, they are a textbox(userName), dropdownlist(subcategoryID), and region (regionID). The user does not have to select all three, he or she can enter a name into the textbox alone and make the search or enter a name into the textbox and select a dropdownlist value, my question is how can i build this procedure, this is what another user suggested but i am having trouble;
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[stream_UserFind]

@userName varchar(100),
@subCategoryID INT,
@regionID INT
declare @StaticStr nvarchar(5000)set @StaticStr = 'SELECT DISTINCT SubCategories.subCategoryID, SubCategories.subCategoryName,Users.userName ,UserSubCategories.userIDFROM Users INNER JOIN UserSubCategories ON Users.userID= UserSubCategories.userIDINNER JOINSubCategories ON UserSubCategories.subCategoryID = SubCategories.subCategoryID WHERE UserName like @UserName'
if(@subCategoryID <> 0) set @StaticStr = @StaticStr + ' and SubCategories.subCategoryID  = @subCategoryID 'if(@regionID <> 0) set @StaticStr = @StaticStr + ' and SubCategories.RegionId  = @regionID '
exec sp_executesql @StaticStr

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TableAdapter Configuration Wizard Error

Jan 31, 2007

Hi,I always use the following sql statement to check whether an email address exists in a database. With my latest project I tried to do this within the TableAdapter Configuration Wizard and it gave me an error:  IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT Email FROM tblEmailList WHERE Email=@Email) BEGIN INSERT INTO tblEmailList (Email, DateRegistered) VALUES (@Email, @DateReg) SELECT 1 AS RESULT END ELSE BEGIN SELECT 0 AS RESULT END first it gave an error saying I must declare the variables @Email and @DateReg then when I removed the part of insert and just wanted to check the email address existence it gave me this error:The Compound statement SQL construct or statement is not supportedAny idea anyone? 

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TableAdapter/DataTable Query Returning No Results

Sep 6, 2007

I have a query that works in query analyzer; it looks that a certain date is between the start and end date of a certain value.  I also have a status field, which can be null, but if provided, provides the appropriate status to filter by.
Again, the query works in QA, but not in the application.  I test in SQL by using start date = '1/1/1900', end date = '12/31/9999', and status = null.  Results are returned.  But, not when the results are done through code.  In code, I set the begin date to new DateTime(1900, 1, 1), the end date to DateTime.MaxValue, and the status to a null string.  But, no results are returning.  Why isn't that mapping over correctly?  In the function, it has the two dates as Nullable(Of DateTime), which I provide a date, and the string is getting passed Nothing.
Any ideas?  Can't post any code on this one...

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Creating A New TableAdapter, I Get Error Message Access Is Denied

Nov 24, 2007

I copied my .mdf database from a file and pasted it into the visual studio project App_Data folder.I can see the tables and the columns etc when creating my TableAdapter, and create my sql query etc, but then when I hit the finish button, I get this error "an Unexpected Error has OccuredError Message: Access Denied". Anyone know why I can't create my TableAdapter? 

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Get Timeout Error With TableAdapter But Not With SQL Server Management Studio

Jan 4, 2008

I have found a similar problem in Google but that thread doesn't have any conclusion. So that I wish a new thread can help solve this problem ultimately. description:TableAdapter will raise timeout exception when I try to execute a SQL containing subquery and grouping. However, if the same SQL is executed in SQL Server Management Studio. The response time is always less than 1 second.Solution provided in previous link:Increase the timeout setting of the command - I think this is not the solution. As the default timeout should be 15 seconds, how could it get a timeout error if it execute a SQL supposed to be finished within a second?I have encountered similar problem before. However, I can't remember the exact detail. My solution for that moment seems to be using join instead of subquery in the SQL. Unluckily, this trick does not work this time.Please provide any other suggestion. Thanks in advance.

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DB Engine :: Can't Use The MERGE Statement / How To Design WHERE Condition For Insert Statement

Nov 5, 2015

I've have a need with SQL Server 2005 (so I've no MERGE statement), I have to merge 2 tables, the target table has 10 fields, the first 4 are the clustered index and primary key, the source table has the same fields and index.Since I can't use the MERGE statement (I'm in SQL 2005) I have to make a double step operation, and INSERT and an UPDATE, I can't figure how to design the WHERE condition for the insert statement.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Dataset Query Design Error Source

Nov 3, 2015

When  I click on the DataSet Query Desginer there is an Error Source:.NetSqlClient Data Provider. why this error comes and I have executed the SQL query in SSMS succesfully and the result comes. However this is causing the report from the report manager to fail.

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How Can I Take This Example Flat File And Parse Out Each Section To A New Flat File? Each Section Starts With HD (header Row)

Mar 13, 2006

How can I take this example Flat file and parse out each section to a new flat file?  Each section starts with HD (header row)

e.g. an example output file based on above (cutting out the first section) would be:

Also, I'll need to grab a certain value in each header row (certain position in the 100 byte header row) to use that as part of the filename that's outputed.  I assume it would be better to insert these rows into a temp table then somehow do a search on a specific position in the row...but that's impossible?  The other route is to insert each row into a temp table separated out by fields but that is going to be too combursome because we have several formats to determine separation of fields based on the row type so I'd have to create many temp tables and many components in SSIS when all we want to do is again:

1) output each group (broken by each header row) into it's own txt file

2) use a field in  the  header row as part of the name of the output txt file (e.g. look at the first row, whcih is a header row in flat_file_example. txt.  I want to grab the text 'AR10' and use that as part of the filename that I create

Any suggestions on how to approach this whole process in SSIS...the simplest approach that will work ?

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Help With Building Query

Feb 14, 2007


This will probably be trivial and basic for most, but I'm having a hard time trying to figure out the best way to do a SELECT statement. First, let me explain what I have:

Two tables:

Table 1:
Some of the fields:

Table 2:

As you probably have realized, the OrderID in my 'OrderDetail' table corresponds to the ID field in my 'Orders' table. The 'Orders' table contains the order header information, while the OrderDetail contains line items for that order - 1 line item per record.

Here is my SQL statement to retrieve an order when searching by the 'Order Description' (Orders.OrderDesc):

SELECT PropertyLocations.PropertyLocation, Orders.ID, Orders.PropID, Orders.WorkOrderNum, Orders.OrderDesc, Orders.DateCompleted FROM PropertyLocations, ORDERS WHERE PropertyLocations.ID = Orders.PropID AND OrderDesc LIKE '%lds%'

Ok, so now for the 'big' question/problem: I also need to be able to search the 'Tenant Name' field from the 'OrderDetail' table. So what is the best/most efficient way of doing that? The other stipulation about that is that there can be (and usually is) several records/line items (in the OrderDetail table, of course) that contains the same (or similar) data, but I don't want duplicates. And when I say duplicates, all I care about is retrieving a few fields (as you can see from my SQL statement) from the 'Orders' table. Another way to describe what I want is that I want all unique orders that have a 'TenantName' in the 'OrderDetail' table that matches the search criteria. My brain just isn't wanting to figure this out right now, so I was hoping someone could help me out.


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A Query Building Question

Jan 30, 2006

Hi there,
i have a query building question and was hoping that one of you would know the answer.
Here is what i need to do :(i am using and
I have 1 table where I store thedata,  where 5 criteria determine a unique row in this table. Now, this has recently changed as the start date was added. So there potentially can be more than one entry in the table with same 5 criteria, but different start date.
I need to retrieve the row with the latest start date (currently active). The problem arises when the users enter less than 5 criteria. In this case the results may not possess same 5 criteria. Say the user searches based on 2 criteria. Then all the rows possessing these 2 ctieria will be returned, but other 3 criteria might differ with the results set.
But, i only need the latest start date row for each row. So for example, if i searched on 2 criteria, i got back 4 rows, 2 of which possess the same 5 criteria. But between these 2 i only need to display ONE row to the user - the one with the latest date.
How do i build a query? say the table name is tbl, and criteria 1 to 5 fields are  called c1 ... c5, and start date field is called start_date.
thanks in advance

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Building A Table From SQL Query

Apr 21, 2006

I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction with this.I have query that returns all the colums in a row (SELECT * FROM table WHERE value = 'value') and I need to build a table with this data.  Some of the columns may not have values in them, and so I dont want to build a table row for it.  I also need to use the column name as the table header.  As an example:==============================Column Name    || Column Value-----------------||-----------------Column Name    || Column Value
I hope I have explained myself properly.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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ASP - Building A Query - Question

Feb 12, 2007

Good Afternoon!

I have a (hopefully) simple question.
I have recently been bumped into an applications developer position. I took a week of ASP training a few months ago, but outside of that my exposure to ASP and SQL has been EXTREMELY limited.

I just undertook my first project using these skills. We have an application where I track "Letters". I fill out a form with information regarding the Letter, and save it so there is a record of the letters existence and what its status is.

Afterwards, we want to update the status, so I find the saved form, make my edits, and save it.

This is where my problem starts.

When I first save the letter, I have no problems whatsoever.
When I save it a second time after making my edits, I get an error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'yearID'.
/AuditFlowChart/UpdateAudit.asp, line 206

What I am doing with the ASP is basically created a SQL statement to update the table with the new letter information. I added a line to print out the store proceedure that is being created by the following line

Set rsRecordsetObject = objCOMComponentClassObject.ExecuteSQLStatement(spStoredProcedure,vntSQLServerName,dbDatabaseCatalog)

I print out spStoredProcedure and I get the following

UpdateCorrespondence @p_idCorr = 416,
@p_dtOfLetter = '8/7/2008',
@p_dtRcvdByRespAtty = '2/19/2007',
@p_dtRcvdByAdmin = '2/23/2007',
@p_descOfEntity = 'This is a test 2009 letter. Dated 2/8/2007',
@p_ClientCode = '01074',
@p_MatterCode = '0055',
@p_dtDue = '3/15/2007',
@p_dtEffective = '4/18/2007',
@p_dtYE = '4/8/2007',
@p_respAtty = '0330',
@p_respAttyFull = 'Abelson, H. Edward',
@p_prepParalegal = 'Aldous, Anne Marie',
@p_prepAtty = 'Abromowitz, David',
@p_prepLitParalegal = 'Allegrini, J. Samuel',
@p_dtGivenToParalegal = '4/20/2007',
@p_dtGivenToAtty = '2/28/2007',
@p_dtMemoCirculated = '2/18/2007',
@p_dtRespSentToLitParalegal = '2/10/2007',
@p_dtRespSentToPrepAtty = '2/26/2007',
@p_dtSentToAccountant = '2/15/2007',
@p_memoDSid = 1111111,
@p_respLetterDSid = 2222222,
@p_sideLetterDSid = 3333333,
@p_comments = NULL,
@p_yearID = rsLetterDetail1('yearID'),
@p_opinion = 1,
@p_complete = 0,
@p_userID = 'GSSUSO1517'

When I run the above thru Query Analyzer, I get the following:

Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 26
Line 26: Incorrect syntax near 'yearID'.

So now I know where my error lies, but I am not sure where to look next. Does anyone have any ideas? Is there a problem I am not seeing with the query?

Any help would be wonderful and much appreciated.

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Building Query Graphically

Sep 13, 2007


I'm using 2005 management studio express.

Can I use the graphical query builder to specify tables from more than one database?

I know I can do this in sql in the format database..table.column but in the query builder it only shows tables from the current database. Can you get around this?


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Assistance Building A Query...

Jun 15, 2006

I am trying to generate some datasets with some queries...With a given series information, it should return PART_NOs that has STD= 1 and a unique price at that particular 'START', and keeping the'TYPE' in consideration...DB examples below:Main DBIDPART_NOSERIESSTD1A-1A12A-2A13A-3A14D-1D15D-2D0Price DBIDPART_IDTYPESTARTPRICE501X100050511X1000040521Y100060531Y1000050542X100050552X1000040562Y100060572Y1000050582X100090etc.main.ID and Price.PART_ID are paired together.So in an example case, lets say I am querying for SERIES A, with TYPEX. A table should be outputted something likePART_NOA-1100050A-11000040A-3100090Note how it skipped printing A2 because the price is the same as A1.I'm really looking for the SQL code here... I can't get it to filter ondistinct price.SELECT MAIN.PART_NO, PRICING.START, PRICING.PRICEFROM MAIN, PRICINGWHERE (MAIN.SERIES LIKE 'A')AND (MAIN.STD = '1')AND (PRICING.PRICE != '')AND (PRICING.TYPE = 'X')AND (MAIN.ID = PRICING.PART_ID)I've been trying to use GROUP BY and HAVING to get what I need but itdoesn't seem to fit the bill. I guess I'm not terribly clear on how Ican use the SQL DISTINCT command...? If I try and use it in my WHEREstatement it gives me syntax errors, from what I understand you canonly have distinct in the select statement? I'm not sure how tointegrate that into the query to suit my needs.Thanks for any help.

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Building An Alias From Query

May 15, 2008

Does anybody know if it is possible to obtain an alias from a Query without using Dynamic SQL.

My Problem Looks like this:

CREATE TABLE Source (SourceName varchar(50), SourceAge int)

INSERT INTO Source VALUES ('Mary',41);

INSERT INTO Source VALUES ('John',22);

INSERT INTO Source VALUES ('Tom',15);

INSERT INTO Source VALUES ('Bill',55);

The Statement should look like This:

SELECT A.SourceAge AS A.SourceName FROM Source A;

The Result should look like this:

Mary John Tom Bill
41 22 15 55

Thanks in advance

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Help With Parameterized Query Building Dataset

Feb 27, 2007

I have a class that works fine using the SQLDataReader but when I try and duplicate the process using a Dataset instead of a SQLDataReader it returnsa a null value.
This is the code for the Method to return a datareader
public SqlDataReader GetOrgID()
Singleton s1 = Singleton.Instance();
Guid uuid;
uuid = new Guid(s1.User_id);
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString);
string selectString = "Select OrgID From aspnet_OrgNames Where UserID = @UserID";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(selectString, con);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier, 16).Value = uuid;
SqlDataReader dtr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
return dtr;
This is the code trying to accomplish the same thing with a Dataset instead.
public DataSet organID(DataSet dataset)
Singleton s1 = Singleton.Instance();
Guid uuid;
uuid = new Guid(s1.User_id);
string queryString = "Select OrgID From aspnet_OrgNames Where UserID = @UserID";
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(queryString, con);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier, 16).Value = uuid;
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
adapter.SelectCommand = cmd;
return dataset;
Assume that the conString is set to a valid connection string. The Singlton passes the userid in from some code in the code behind page ...this functionality works as well.
So assume that the Guid is a valid entry..I should return a valid dataset but its null.

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Building Dynamic SQL Query Strings

Jan 17, 2008

Let me start by asking that no one try to convince me to use Stored Procs.  The examples below are a lot more simplistic then my real world code and it just gets too complicated to try to manage the quantity of SPs that I would need.
I have an application that displays a lot of data and I've created a system for users to filter the data using checkboxlist controls, dropdown controls, etc.  From this, I have a "core" query that selects the fields that display in my GridView.  It has a base Select clause, From clause and Where clause.  From this I then add more to the Where clause to apply these filter values.
Here's an example "core" query:
SELECT Profile.FirstName, Profile.LastName, Project.ProjectNameFROM Profile, ProjectWHERE Profile.ProjectCode = Project.ProjectCode
From this if a user want's to only display profiles from NC, they could select that from the CBL and the query would be modified to:
SELECT Profile.FirstName, Profile.LastName, Project.ProjectNameFROM Profile, ProjectWHERE Profile.ProjectCode = Project.ProjectCodeAND Profile.State IN ('NC')
My code would add the last line above since the user specified that they only wanted NC profiles.
This is very simple and I have this already going on with my application.  Here's the problem.  In order to accommodate all of the various filters, I have to inner join and left join a bunch of various tables.  Many times I include tables that have no data to display or filter on and therefore impacts performance.  Here's an example:
SELECT Profile.FirstName, Profile.LastName, Project.ProjectNameFROM Profile, Project, AgentWHERE Profile.ProjectCode = Project.ProjectCodeAND Profile.AgentID = Agent.AgentID
From the query above, I have included the Agent table that holds the agent's contact information.  One of my filters allows the user to type in an agents name to find all profiles assigned to it.  Here's what that would look like:
SELECT Profile.FirstName, Profile.LastName, Project.ProjectNameFROM Profile, Project, AgentWHERE Profile.ProjectCode = Project.ProjectCodeAND Profile.AgentID = Agent.AgentIDAND Agent.Name = 'Smith, John'
You can see now that it was necessary to have the Agent table already joined into the query so that when I used the agent name filter, it wouldn't crash out on me.
The obvious thing would be to only include the Agent table when searching for an agent name.  This is ultimately what I'm looking to do, but I need a solid method to go about doing this.  Keep in mind that I currently have 16 tables in my "core" query and many of those are not needed unless the filters call for it.
If anyone has any ideas on how to simplify this process I'm selcome to suggestions.  We're using SQL 2000, but are looking to upgrade to SQL 2005, if that makes any difference.  I know that the way I do table joins is compliant with SQL 2005 and I'm certainly open to suggestions that will make it forward compatible.
This app is using .NET 2.0 and written in VB.NET.  Thanks for any help!

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Query Building Based On User Selections

Sep 22, 2006

I currently have a form that has different options in a list box such as:Status Codes

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Building A Dynamic Query Into A Stored Procedure

Apr 19, 2008

Hi i have a page whereby the user can make a search based on three things, they are a textbox(userName), dropdownlist(subcategoryID), and region (regionID). The user does not have to select all three, he or she can enter a name into the textbox alone and make the search or enter a name into the textbox and select a dropdownlist value, my question is how can i build this procedure, I tried this but it didnt work;


ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[stream_UserFind]


@userName varchar(100),

@subCategoryID INT,

@regionID INT


declare @StaticStr nvarchar(5000)
set @StaticStr = 'SELECT DISTINCT SubCategories.subCategoryID, SubCategories.subCategoryName,
Users.userName ,UserSubCategories.userID
FROM Users INNER JOIN UserSubCategories ON Users.userID= UserSubCategories.userIDINNER JOIN
SubCategories ON UserSubCategories.subCategoryID = SubCategories.subCategoryID WHERE UserName like @UserName'

if(@subCategoryID <> 0)
set @StaticStr = @StaticStr + ' and SubCategories.subCategoryID = @subCategoryID '
if(@regionID <> 0)
set @StaticStr = @StaticStr + ' and SubCategories.RegionId = @regionID '

exec sp_executesql @StaticStr


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Building/Issueing A Query With A Field With A Quote In It?

Sep 8, 2006

Using a language that using A4GL to connect to the database. From within the language(COBOL) we have the ability to add a simple query. All is fine with one exception. Some of the fields might have a quote mark in it.
we have a field in particular that a lot of our clients like to put an apostrophe in. such as 0001A'06, 2'11" and so on. Now from inside our programs and using the simple query we add something like 'where ap_id = '0001A'06' which i know is an error but is there a way around this or a way to make it work?

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Building A Query In A Stored Proc With String

Feb 27, 2008

This should be an easy enough answer to find if I just knew what to search on!

I am building a query within my stored procedure based on what parameters are passed in. For example, suppose I have a table with first name and last name. I can call the sp with either first name or last name or both, so I build a query accordingly that says:
select * from tblNames where FirstName = 'Hannah'
select * from tblNames where LastName = 'Montana'
select * from tblNames where FirstName = 'Hannah' and LastName='Montana'

My problem is putting the single quotes around the variable value.
SELECT @whereClause = @whereClause + ' AND tblNames.LastName=' @LastName-with-singlequotes-around-it


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Assistance Requested Building View Query

Apr 4, 2008

The View SQL below takes 1:50 minutes to execute. I am looking for a way to improve processing time and keep the view select statements as simple as possible.

One part of the view that could be restructured is the lookup for the current term (TERM_TBL - bolded). When I hard code the current term my execution time drops to about 13 seconds

There are three possible values for the current term; one for each of our three acedemic careers (UGRD, CONT, & EXED). Could this information be looked up once and then each enrollment selected based upon the appropriate academic career current term value? If so, how would it be restructured? Currently, the lookup is done for every enrollment record.

There are no common fields between the NAMES table and the TERMS_TBL.

Code Snippet


















Any suggestions will be gladly accepted. Keep in mind that the new and much improved must be legal within the context of a view select statement.


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Building Dynamic Query Based On Dropdownlist Contents

Feb 18, 2008

Thanks in advance for taking the tiemt o read this post:
I am workingon an application in 2008 and I have 5 drop down lists on my page.
I have code that worked in .net 2005 for my databind but would like to use new features in 08 to do this same thing.
Here is my 05 code how would I do this same things in 08?
 Dim db As New DataIDataContext
Dim GlobalSQLstr As String
GlobalSQLstr = "select Orig_City, ecckt, typeflag, StrippedEcckt, CleanEcckt, ManualEcckt, Switch, Vendor, FP_ID, order_class, Line_type, id from goode2 where 1=1"
If (ddlOrigCity.SelectedValue <> "") Then
GlobalSQLstr &= "and Orig_City = '" & ddlOrigCity.SelectedValue & "'"
End If
If (ddlSwitch.SelectedValue <> "") Then
GlobalSQLstr &= "and switch = '" & ddlSwitch.SelectedValue & "'"
End If
If (ddlType.SelectedValue <> "") Then
GlobalSQLstr &= "and Order_Class = '" & ddlType.SelectedValue & "'"
End If
If (ddlFormatType.SelectedValue <> "9") Then
GlobalSQLstr &= "and typeflag = '" & ddlFormatType.SelectedValue & "'"
End If
If (ddlVendor.SelectedValue <> "") Then
GlobalSQLstr &= "and Vendor = '" & ddlVendor.SelectedValue & "'"
End IfDim AllSearch = From A In db.GoodEcckts2s
If (ddlErrorType.SelectedValue <> "0") Then
GlobalSQLstr &= "and ErrorType = '" & ddlErrorType.SelectedValue & "'"
End IfDim cmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim rdr As SqlClient.SqlDataReaderWith cmd.Connection = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString1").ConnectionString)
.CommandType = Data.CommandType.Text
.CommandText = GlobalSQLstr
rdr = .ExecuteReaderMe.gvResults.DataSource = rdrMe.gvResults.DataBind()
.Dispose()End With

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Syntax Error When Building Up A Where Clause In Stored Procedure

Aug 9, 2006

Can anyone tell me why the line highlighted in blue produces the following error when I try to run this stored proc? I know the parameters are set properly as I can see them when debugging the SP.
I'm using this type of approach as my application is using the objectdatasource with paging. I have a similar SP that doesn't have the CategoryId and PersonTypeId parameters and that works fine so it is the addition of these new params that has messed up the building of the WHERE clause
The Error is: "Syntax error converting the varchar value '  WHERE CategoryId = ' to a column of data type int."
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetPersonsByCategoryAndTypeByName (@CategoryId int, @PersonTypeId int, @FirstName varchar(50)=NULL, @FamilyName varchar(50)=NULL, @StartRow int, @PageSize int)
Declare @WhereClause varchar(2000)Declare @OrderByClause varchar(255)Declare @SelectClause varchar(2000)
CREATE TABLE #tblPersons ( ID int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY , PersonId int , TitleId int NULL , FirstName varchar (50)  NULL , FamilyName varchar (50)  NOT NULL , FullName varchar (120)  NOT NULL , AltFamilyName varchar (50)  NULL , Sex varchar (6)  NULL , DateOfBirth datetime NULL , Age int NULL , DateOfDeath datetime NULL , CauseOfDeathId int NULL , Height int NULL , Weight int NULL , ABO varchar (3)  NULL , RhD varchar (8)  NULL , Comments varchar (2000)  NULL , LocalIdNo varchar (20)  NULL , NHSNo varchar (10) NULL , CHINo varchar (10)  NULL , HospitalId int NULL , HospitalNo varchar (20)  NULL , AltHospitalId int NULL , AltHospitalNo varchar (20)  NULL , EthnicGroupId int NULL , CitizenshipId int NULL , NHSEntitlement bit NULL , HomePhoneNo varchar (12)  NULL , WorkPhoneNo varchar (12)  NULL , MobilePhoneNo varchar (12)  NULL , CreatedBy varchar(40) NULL , DateCreated smalldatetime NULL , UpdatedBy varchar(40) NULL , DateLastUpdated smalldatetime NULL, UpdateId int )
SELECT @OrderByClause = ' ORDER BY FamilyName, FirstName'
SELECT @WhereClause = '  WHERE CategoryId = ' +  @CategoryId + ' AND PersonTypeId = ' + @PersonTypeIdIf NOT @Firstname IS NULLBEGIN SELECT @WhereClause = @WhereClause + ' AND FirstName LIKE ISNULL(''%'+ @FirstName + '%'','''')'ENDIf NOT @FamilyName IS NULLBEGIN SELECT @WhereClause = @WhereClause + ' AND (FamilyName LIKE ISNULL(''%'+ @FamilyName + '%'','''') OR AltFamilyName LIKE ISNULL(''%'+ @FamilyName + '%'',''''))'END
Select @SelectClause = 'INSERT INTO #tblPersons( PersonId, TitleId, FirstName, FamilyName , FullName, AltFamilyName, Sex, DateOfBirth, Age, DateOfDeath, CauseOfDeathId, Height, Weight, ABO, RhD, Comments, LocalIdNo, NHSNo, CHINo, HospitalId, HospitalNo, AltHospitalId, AltHospitalNo, EthnicGroupId, CitizenshipId, NHSEntitlement, HomePhoneNo, WorkPhoneNo, MobilePhoneNo, CreatedBy, DateCreated, UpdatedBy, DateLastUpdated, UpdateId)
SELECT  PersonId, TitleId, FirstName, FamilyName , FullName, AltFamilyName, Sex, DateOfBirth, Age, DateOfDeath, CauseOfDeathId, Height, Weight, ABO, RhD, Comments, LocalIdNo, NHSNo, CHINo, HospitalId, HospitalNo, AltHospitalId, AltHospitalNo, EthnicGroupId, CitizenshipId, NHSEntitlement, HomePhoneNo, WorkPhoneNo, MobilePhoneNo, CreatedBy, DateCreated, UpdatedBy, DateLastUpdated, UpdateId
 FROM vw_GetPersonsByCategoryAndType '
EXEC (@SelectClause + @WhereClause +@OrderByClause)

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Error Building SSIS Package In Visual Studio

Mar 5, 2008

What does this mean? I am building a package with a datareader task, derived column task, data conversion task, ans several ole db destinations.

Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper.IDTSCustomProperty90'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{5A78E6D8-6AE0-4D2B-81C1-4B990840B717}' failed due to the following error: The application called an interface that was marshalled for a different thread. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8001010E (RPC_E_WRONG_THREAD)).

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Error Related To IF Statement In Query

Jul 6, 2005

I'm having trouble getting a query to run that contains an IF statement:
DECLARE @lid int, @ptf varchar(50)
SET @lid = 3
set @ptf = '05-00005'

tblInfoData.PTFileNumber AS [PT File Number],

IF @lid > 3
tblInfoData.OrigGrantor AS [Original Grantor],

tblPropertyData.propStreet AS [Property Address],
tblPropertyData.propCity AS City,
tblPropertyData.propState AS State,
tblPropertyData.propZip AS Zip,
tblSaleData.OrigSaleDate AS [Original Sale Date],
tblInfoData.Status AS Status
tblPropertyData ON tblInfoData.PTFileNumber = tblPropertyData.PTFileNumber INNER JOIN
tblSaleData ON tblInfoData.PTFileNumber = tblSaleData.PTFileNumber
WHERE CONTAINS(tblInfoData.PTFileNumber, @ptf)


This throws the following error in Query Analyser:

Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 12
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'IF'.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 14
Line 14: Incorrect syntax near 'tblInfoData'.

Any help/ideas?


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Building Query Strings Within Stored Procs - Good Or Evil?

Feb 4, 2008

I ran across this technique being used in an application the other day. It seems not a good idea to me. What do you think?

1. The proc builds a basic query, nothing real fancy, into a string variable called @SQL defined as varchar 2000. Depending on the result desired, the group by clause can be one of three different sort orders.

2. The string is executed via EXEC @SQL.

It seems to me that the whole process can eliminate the EXEC and just use some other construct. All the parameters are passed in via the initial call to the stored proc. It also seems that every time this is executed it will result in a new query compile and cache useage, no matter what. Wasteful? Should I take the developers aside and knock heads? I think the app was coded by some folks who were rookies then but may be willing to crack open their code. Or, am I the one that is a rookie?

Thanks for your inputs.

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