Error: Not Enough Storage Available To Complete This Operation
Apr 8, 2008
Hello I recently bought a Palm Centro from Sprint and I wanted to install the cd that came with it. On this cd is Palm desktop and Sprint music manager which I need to use my phone. The problem is when I insert the disk. After my laptop reads it it displays the error message along with: Line:134 Char:2 Code:0 and finally URL: file://E:EnglishEssential_Software
esources.html. I have no idea what to do or why this is happening can you please explain????? Maybe offer some steps also thank you
I am having trouble trying to import a big file (aprox 250Mb is size) into an SQL Server database and I keep getting the message:
"Not enough storage is available to complete this operation".
The application tries to import the file by executing a stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_updateMaterialBlob @MaterialId Int, @BLOB image AS BEGIN Update Material SET blob = @blob where id = @materialId END
The application uses an ADO connection. I've tried increasing the memory of the client machine but that didn't work. Whenever I do run the import, nearly all the memory on the machine is used up but every time after several hours I get the same error message. What is the cause of the problem and how do I resolve it? Ideally I want to use my application to do the import rather than anything bespoke.
I get this exception after awhile of browsing thru my application, i dunno what causes this because it never happens in the same place. I would like to know if anyone else is experiencing this situation and if there is a solution.
SqlCeException Not enough storage is available to complete this operation.
em System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection.ProcessResults() em System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection.Open() em System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection.Open() em System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.QuietOpen() em System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillInternal() em System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill() em System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill()
I'm getting the "out of memory" exception when trying to do various things on a sql mobile [sql mobile 2005] database on a windows mobile 5 device. Our app uses compact framework 2.0 and is written in c#.
Our application uses strongly typed data sets, and save/loads them from a sql mobile database. The error occurs in different places, but always somewhere we interact with the database. It might fail on "DELETE FROM Location" in one run, and on a DataAdapter.Update on another, and a DataAdapter.Fill in another.
The memory thing I can add to the today screen suggests that when I encounter this error there is only 1-2Mb of program memory free [and about 13Mb of storage]. Unfortunately windows mobile 5 doesn't seem to have a way to adjust the allocation between storage/program memory anymore.
The failure has been occuring while trying to import data [which we are loading from a web service, as weakly typed datasets and copying into our specialized ones].
I have implemented:
Using statements, and/or dispose statements on:
Data Adapters
explicitly calling the dispose method on commands used in data adapters: Sql Connections Sql commands [where not used in adapters] Using/dispose around the larger data sets in the loading process Gc.Collect() before database interaction [this seemed kind of like a last resort] Reduction of memory usage [by loading fewer records from the web service at a time]
There does not seem to be a storage memory limitation, a fully loaded database file is about 3Mb. Our test handheld has only 64Mb of memory, and I've seen at most maybe 25Mb free [storage and program combined].
We are opening [and closing] a connection each time we touch the database. How much of a difference will going to a single connection opened when the app starts make?
Hi all,I'm getting this error when trying to import data from a text file intoSQL Server 2000 (Windows Server 2003) using the DTS import wizard.Any ideas what could be causing this? There aren't any restrictions(that i can find) on the file sizes etc.Thanks in advance.Dave
I have created a small COM in C# so that I can programatically create and execute stored procedures with SMO. At this point the COM has nothing in it but just a test prototype. But when I tried to create the object as follows, I get the error indicated below. It is not a memory issue because I have adequate storage and RAM.
Please Help!
DECLARE @object int DECLARE @hr int DECLARE @property varchar(255) DECLARE @return varchar(255) DECLARE @src varchar(255), @desc varchar(255)
-- Create an object. EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'SQLInterop.CsharpHelper', @object OUT IF @hr <> 0 BEGIN EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @object, @src OUT, @desc OUT SELECT hr=convert(varbinary(4),@hr), Source=@src, Description=@desc RETURN END
This is the error I am getting:
Error Code: 0x8007000E Description: Not enough storage is available to complete this operation. Source: ODSOLE Extended Procedure
This is the C# code for the COM:
using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.EnterpriseServices;
// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following // set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information // associated with an assembly. [assembly: AssemblyTitle("CSServer")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("Test SQL .NET interop")] [assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(false)] [assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("MyKey.snk")]
// Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible // to COM components. If you need to access a type in this assembly from // COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type. [assembly: ComVisible(true)]
// The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM [assembly: Guid("ff35c6b4-81bf-47dd-9290-fcbbb49008d9")]
// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values: // // Major Version // Minor Version // Build Number // Revision // // You can specify all the values or you can default the Revision and Build Numbers // by using the '*' as shown below: [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
// the ApplicationName attribute specifies the name of the // COM+ Application which will hold assembly components [assembly: ApplicationName("SQLInterop")]
// the ApplicationActivation.ActivationOption attribute specifies // where assembly components are loaded on activation // Library : components run in the creator's process // Server : components run in a system process, dllhost.exe [assembly: ApplicationActivation(ActivationOption.Server)] namespace SQLInterop { public interface ITest { string SayHello(); string SayIt(String strMessage); }
//[SecurityRole("RBSecurityDemoRole", SetEveryoneAccess = true)] [ComVisible(true)] [CLSCompliant(false)] [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class CSharpHelper : ITest { public string SayHello() { return "Hello from CSharp"; }
public string SayIt(String strMessage) { return strMessage + ": from CSharp"; } } }
This application is developed in .NET Compact framework for Symbol Windows CE devices (MC3090). I am using SQL Compact edition as the database and uses merge replication to synchronize back and forth from Central SQL Server. The database is sitting in the SD Card, however when I suspended and restored the device while I am working with the application, it is giving me the following error message.
Error Code: 80004005 Message: OS Error: The OS storage system (RAM, CF, SD or IPSM) is not responding. Retry the operation. Minor Err: 25049 Source: SQL Server Compact Edition ADO.NET Data Provider
The error message occurs only when I am trying to work with the application after restoring the device from suspended state. I also found KB Article from and it explains that this issue is fixed in SQL Server Compact Edition which is what I am using now.
Please any help on this issue is very much appreciated.
Frequently, when I'm connecting to my server through SSMS i get "Is Busy: Microsoft SQL Server is waiting to complete an internal operation...."
And it tells me that if I get that message a lot, I should let Microsoft know.
So -- Microsoft, I'm letting you know.
Can anyone tell me why this is happening? I've searched MSDN and the knowledge base...I can only find one reference, and that is to a database diagram issue.
It takes a while to connect when this happens. So far, I haven't found a common denominator. It happens if I'm logged into my server and I try to connect to another instance, and it happens when I'm using my desktop...
I am new to Forum. So not sure if i am posting my problem uner the right topic.
We have a sql server 2005 enterprise edition 4 way cluster on windows 2003 advance server.
I am logshipping these database to a different server at a different location. My logshipping went fine until one the cluster server failed and the server instance failed over to another node. The backup that happened around that time got copied over to the secondary by the copy job. The log file that got copied to the secondary server tried restoring and i think it failed int he middle of restoring it. (You would think that the sql would knoe if the backup is in complete and will move on to the next file. Not sure what happened there.) There is no indication of the *.TUF file in the directory where i have the log files.
I tried restoring it manually and i got the following error
Msg 4319, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
A previous restore operation was interrupted and did not complete processing on file 'sessionlog1'. Either restore the backup set that was interrupted or restart the restore sequence.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally.
I looked in the msdb..log_shipping_secondary_databases and looked for the last file that it restored and tried restoring it again with the following restore command by removing and adding some of the keywords that you see after the "WITH" clause. MSFT do not recommand to use continne_after_error unless its absolutley necessary. I stilll get the above error.
restore log sessiondata
from disk = 'I:sql13qasmlogssessiondatasessiondata_20070901124516.trn'
with restart, CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR, norecovery
When i add the restart int he with clause,
The restart-checkpoint file 'J:Microsoft SQL ServerMSSQL.5MSSQLBackupsessiondata.CKP' was not found. The RESTORE command will continue from the beginning as if RESTART had not been specified.
Msg 4319, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
A previous restore operation was interrupted and did not complete processing on file 'sessionlog1'. Either restore the backup set that was interrupted or restart the restore sequence.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally.
I checked it the backup directory and i can't locate the .CKP file.
Does anyone ever come accross this issue?
Is there anyother way i could recover this DB in a standby or norecovery mode.
Any kind of help to resolve this issue (beside copy the full backup and redo the whole log-shipping process again) would be appreciated. sicne my primary and secondary server are totally ina different location, i need to ship a tape, if i need a full backup. This is the 3rd time its happening on that cluster. its frustrating to ship a tape everytime this happens.
I'm trying to implement a sp_MSforeachsp howvever when I call sp_MSforeach_worker I get the following error can you please explain this problem to me so I can over come the issue.
Msg 16958, Level 16, State 3, Procedure sp_MSforeach_worker, Line 31
Could not complete cursor operation because the set options have changed since the cursor was declared.
Msg 16958, Level 16, State 3, Procedure sp_MSforeach_worker, Line 32
Could not complete cursor operation because the set options have changed since the cursor was declared.
Msg 16917, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSforeach_worker, Line 153
Cursor is not open.
here is the stored procedure:
Alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_MSforeachsp]
@command1 nvarchar(2000)
, @replacechar nchar(1) = N'?'
, @command2 nvarchar(2000) = null
, @command3 nvarchar(2000) = null
, @whereand nvarchar(2000) = null
, @precommand nvarchar(2000) = null
, @postcommand nvarchar(2000) = null
/* This procedure belongs in the "master" database so it is acessible to all databases */
/* This proc returns one or more rows for each stored procedure */
/* @precommand and @postcommand may be used to force a single result set via a temp table. */
declare @retval int
if (@precommand is not null) EXECUTE(@precommand)
/* Create the select */
EXECUTE(N'declare hCForEachTable cursor global for
How to implement distinct storage tiers on SQL Remote BLOB Storage (RBS)?
I want to use this SQL Feature to move files(images, videos, pdf files) from a database to a distinct database dedicated to RBS. Then I want to have several storage tiers, where objects will be saved and moved according access frequency. Old data will be arquived in cheap storage, but it must be always accessible if needed.
Description: - 1st and main tier: new and frequently accessed objects stored in high performance storage; - 2nd tier: automatically move older or less accessed objects to an inexpensive and different storage tier; - in all cases, all objects must be accessible to all users, but accessing to archived objects(2nd tier) will be much slower;
Does anyone know where to obtain a complete list of error codes which can occur in SQL Server ? For example : errror number 547 is a foreign key violation - where can I get a complete list of these numbers and there descritions ?
My apologies...I wasn't for sure where to post an error like this...
Over the last 2 months I have gotten this SQL Server error (twice). All existing processes will continue to work, however no new processes can be created and users cannot connect to the server. This is the exact text of the message in the SQL Server error log.
Operating system error 10038: An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket...
Error: 17059, Severity: 18, State: 0
Error accepting connection request via Net-Library 'SSNETLIB'. Execution continuing.
Error: 17882, Severity: 18, State:
While we can typically just stop SQL Server Service and restart the services...I have found it is best to restart the machine during non-production times to take care of any 'residual' effects of this error.
The SQL Server 2000 SP4 box with Windows 2003 Standard SP1 is well maintained by our I.T. team and it typically will run 4 or 5 months without a reboot.
i am using compact framework do create applications now i am facing a problem....
i am getting a "Not enough storage is available to complete this operation" exception
i am testing my application on O2 pocket pc. running Sql mobile edition.......... and this error is causing me trouble this is espically happening when i am opening sql server connection or calling complex joined queries..... or so... any ideas???
Hi, I have developed a website in 2. I have tester it and it is working fine on my computer but when I have uploaded it to my server I'm getting an error message when the user signup. The error occurs when I'm setting the user role to 'members'.
Error line > Roles.AddUserToRole(user.UserName, "members")
The strage thig is that it is working on my computer but not on the server. My home computer and the server are running the same software versions and the website database is the same as well.
To double check that my code is not generating the error I have lonched 'SQL Query Analizer' and executed the folowing code on my database: NOTE: In my database I have create the user “teeluk12� and a role “members�
I'm using SQL Server 2012 Analysis services in Tabular mode and connected to Oracle Database and while importing, I'm getting below error after importing some rows.
OLE DB or ODBC error: Accessor is not a parameter accessor.. The current operation was cancelled because another operation in the transaction failed.
I am a Windows developer for the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Server (TSMS) product. Our product installation is built with InstallShield and uses the Windows Installer.
On a new installation of Windows 2003 x64 Storage Server R2, at a customer's site, the TSMS product fails to install. The install of the OS has version 3.01.400.3959 of the Windows Installer and I see no newer version that installs.
Part of our product is 32 bit (console) and another part is x64 (server). When installing I can see that the install's default is being redirected/reset to C:Program Files (x86)TivoliTSM after it is explicitly set by a custom action to ..Program Files.. . I further observe that our custom actions to write 64 bit registry entries are being refused.
REGSAM samMask = KEY_ALL_ACCESS; if ( regIsWow64Process () ) samMask = samMask | KEY_WOW64_64KEY; lStatus = RegCreateKeyEx( hLocalConnectKeyRoot, szSubkey, 0L, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, samMask, NULL, hKey, &dw ) ; The above fails to create the key.
We have tried four versions of our TSMS spanning many changes but the install acts the same. This does not happen on any other Windows OS we test on but we do not test on Windows 2003 Storage Server R2 being that it is an OEM product. We did test on Windows server 2003 R2 x64 and do not see this problem.
Do you have any suggestions on how to tackle this problem? I have full installation traces but can only see that the registry work is being refused. I can't see why.
I have W2K Adv, SQL 7 Enterprise in a workgroup with mixed security. The SQL installation is an almost entirely default install.
At the console, in SQL Enterprise Manager, when I select open a database, open tables, select a table, open table, and select all rows the system displays "an unexpected error happened during this operation". As far as I know this has never worked on this installation.
The error occurs with every logon account (including sa and local administrator accounts), both the "all rows or top row" options, every table, every database (including the customers database and the Northwind database).
I have tried adding administrators and accounts as users of the databases etc. and given the accounts all the permissions I can dream up.
There are no interesting messages in the event viewer. The SQL agent is running.
Technet found two documents but not related to the problem.
I can run SQL Analyzer and run "select * from table_name". That works on the Northwind and customer database tables - every time.
Colleagues with other installations do not get the error, and their systems return the rows correctly.
We are using a microsoft small bussiness server. One of our workstations get an mgrntw illegal operation error sometimes when doing an invoice in pastel premier. Does anyone know what can cause this problem and how can I fix it? The server run on windows 2000 and the workstations all use windows 98SE. This problem does not happen everyday. I formatted that computer, hoping the problem will go away but after 3 weeks it suddenly appeared again. I am not sure what version our mgrntw.exe is.
Hiwhen i right click table and click design table then error occured(an unexpected error occured during this operation)If any one knows please let let me know your help would be appreciated .thankspardhi--Message posted via
Using our application we are getting inconsistent results when we are trying to update a table with more than 15 update queries sequentially. We are using Merge replication in our SQL server database. On updating one row, it invokes a trigger to update another table and one more trigger for the merge replication. At only few
Hi, This is my save procedure. Please check and give me some advice.looping is need or not? i get error "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute" plz help me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click Dim con As SqlConnectionDim cmd As SqlCommand Dim da As SqlDataAdapter Dim userid As String Try userid = Request.QueryString("userid")con = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("strcon")) ' con.ConnectionString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("strcon") con.Open()cmd = New SqlCommand("dbo.sp_AddAns", con) cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
For Each Item As DataListItem In dlAQ.ItemsDim paramid As New SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.Int, 4) paramid.Value = userid.Trim cmd.Parameters.Add(paramid)Dim paramans As New SqlParameter("@proansw", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) Dim txtbox As New TextBoxtxtbox = CType(Item.FindControl("txtAns"), TextBox) paramans.Value = txtbox.Text.Trim cmd.Parameters.Add(paramans) Dim paramprodesc As New SqlParameter("@prodesc", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) Dim lbldesc1 As New Labellbldesc1 = CType(Item.FindControl("lbldesc"), Label) paramprodesc.Value = lbldesc1.Text.Trim cmd.Parameters.Add(paramprodesc) Dim paramproid As New SqlParameter("@proid", SqlDbType.Int, 4) Dim lblproid1 As New Labellblproid1 = CType(Item.FindControl("lblproid"), Label) paramproid.Value = lblproid1.Text.Trim cmd.Parameters.Add(paramproid)Dim paramreso As New SqlParameter("@proreso", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) Dim lblreso1 As New Labellblreso1 = CType(Item.FindControl("lblreso"), Label) paramreso.Value = lblreso1.Text.Trim cmd.Parameters.Add(paramreso)Dim paramchk As New SqlParameter("@chk", SqlDbType.Int, 4) paramchk.Value = "2" cmd.Parameters.Add(paramchk) 'Dim rowaffected As Integer cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() bindData()
Exception information:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot resolve collation conflict for equal to operation. Who can tell me how to resolve this problem? Thx
I have created a very simple report that works correctly when in Report Designer Preview mode. When I deploy to the report server it reports that deployment was successful. When I log into Report Manager the report is visible, but when I click on it I end up at an error page.
The error that I get is: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.
I Create a measure group and two dimensions using  [AdventureWorksDW2012], I try to change one dimension's storage mode with setting property proactive caching as Real-Time ROlap. There is no any warning message when deploying and processing, but error occurs when I query in sql server analysis services, see below for the error messages and the screen capture.
Error occurred retrieving child nodes: the current operation was cancelled because another operation in the transaction failed.
I have a field 'Rowguid' of type uniqueidentifier in a table. This field is the last field in the table. In this case if I update a record through the application I don't get any error. Suppose if there are additional fields after the field Rowguid I get the error "Multiple-Step operation cannot be generated Check each status value"
For your reference I have used the following statement to add the RowGuid field
Alter table <tablename> Add RowGuid uniqueidentifier ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL Default (newid())
suddenly I'm getting a connect to server error dialogue box that says...
Cannot connect to serverinstance name Additional information The operation could not be completed. (WinMgmt)
...when trying to connect to RS2005 Server in Management Studio. I can reach Reporting Manager thru IE and run my reports.
Is it possible that my setting IIS to basic authentication (and turning off Windows Integrated) might be preventing me from connecting in MS, perhaps because MS has to go thru the RS service and doesnt know what basic auth is?
I'm temporarily unable to set IIS back to Windows Auth cuz the server is being used by users to test reports.
How can I make it work when I need to pull out a field which is text type using a stored procedure? Please help!!!Thanks I am getting the following error Error 409: The assignment operator operation could not take a text data type as an argument ===========my sp================================= CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_SelectABC] (@a varchar(50) output, @b text output ) AS set nocount on select @a=name, @b= description from ABC
The Report server is configured to use a custom security extension. i can access the reportserver.
It looks like when i deploy the reports from VS. it does not pass any credentials to the report server. From the error message it looks like there is no username . How do i deploy reports to report server if we are using a custom security extension. How do i grant user rights to deploy report if we are using a custom security extension. Any idea. Thanks!