Error On Deploying Changes
Feb 7, 2008
Hi I've not done much work on reporting services before.
I've made a change on my page and i can see the change on the preview its just a drop down list containing the week number.
But i can see to get to deploy these changes when i build my package it builds fine but when i go to deploy it am getting this error message
The item '/Data sources' already exist
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Mar 4, 2008
either the user, master-pcmaster, does not have access to the analysis services project1 database, or the database does not exist.
p.s. I have the sql server developer edition.
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May 19, 2008
I am getting following error while processing the cube.......
Error -1056899072 : The following system error occurred: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password. .
Error -1055784860 : Errors in the high-level relational engine. A connection could not be made to the data source with the DataSourceID of 'CDEV1', Name of 'CDEV1'.
Error -1054932980 : Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the dimension, with the ID of 'CHARGE', Name of 'charge Type' was being processed.
Error -1054932979 : Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the 'SURCHARGE DESC' attribute of the 'charge Type' dimension from the 'FSUM' database was being processed.
Error -1055129598 : Server: The operation has been cancelled.
I am able to deploy the cube and while processing am getting the following....
As I am using Oracle database, I selected Microsoft OLEDB Provider for Oracle.. and gave Oracle server name and credentials with which am accessing Oracle DB.
I have selected all the four Impersonation options.....
In Impersonation Information processing got started when I gave
Use Specific User name and Password: Under that whether I have to give Oracle DB credentials or SQL Server Credentials ??
Is there anything missed ??
Pls....... Its really frustating me............ Plsssss help
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Jun 4, 2007
I hope someone can help. I'm new to reporting services 2005, and I'm currently going through Microsoft's tutorial.
I can build a report no problem. But when it comes to deploying the report to a web page, the following message appears:
------ Build started: Project: Reporting Services Tutorial, Configuration: Production ------
Build complete -- 0 errors, 0 warnings
------ Deploy started: Project: Reporting Services Tutorial, Configuration: Production ------
Deploying to http://localhost/reportserver
Error : Response is not well-formed XML.
Deploy complete -- 1 errors, 0 warnings
========== Build: 1 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
========== Deploy: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========
This "reponse is not well-formed XML" error also occurs when I try to expand any of the folders from a "reporting services" server type in management studio.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Richard Powell
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Jan 17, 2006
Hello All,
We are migrating from ASP.Net 1.1 to 2.0 and have built a new site with the 2.0 membership controls (Login, etc). We're using VS2005/SQL Server 2005. All works well from the development site but once it is deployed from our local machine to our intranet development server, the following error is encountered after the user types in a valid username/password and clicks the Login button (on the Login control on the Login.aspx page):
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)
Our web.config (for testing purposes only):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Note: As an alternative to hand editing this file you can use the
web admin tool to configure settings for your application. Use
the Website->Asp.Net Configuration option in Visual Studio.
A full list of settings and comments can be found in
machine.config.comments usually located in
<configuration xmlns="">
<add name="MyLocalSQLServer" connectionString="Initial Catalog=aspnetdb;data source=localhost;Integrated Security=SSPI;"/>
Set compilation debug="true" to insert debugging
symbols into the compiled page. Because this
affects performance, set this value to true only
during development.
<compilation debug="true"/>
The <authentication> section enables configuration
of the security authentication mode used by
ASP.NET to identify an incoming user.
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name="SqlAuthCookie" timeout="10"/>
<deny users="?"/>
<membership defaultProvider="MySqlMembershipProvider" >
<add name="MySqlMembershipProvider"
type="System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"
The <customErrors> section enables configuration
of what to do if/when an unhandled error occurs
during the execution of a request. Specifically,
it enables developers to configure html error pages
to be displayed in place of a error stack trace.
<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="GenericErrorPage.htm">
<error statusCode="403" redirect="NoAccess.htm" />
<error statusCode="404" redirect="FileNotFound.htm" />
<customErrors mode="Off"/>
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
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Apr 8, 2008
I have developed a VS2008 .net application using Sql Server express 2005. Running this on my development machine works fine but after i deploy to a client machine i get:
Cannot open user default database. Login Failed for user 'mycomputernameadministrator'
The client machine has sqlserver express 2005 installed using all instllation defaults
My connection string is:
Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=c:mydatamyfile.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=False"
I want to be able to deploy my app to any client PC without any database user login (i use my own built in to app) or errors obvoiusly
Could someone give me a step by step to resolve, much appreciated
Chris Anderson
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Aug 22, 2006
I have created a report using SSRS 2005. It uses a stored procedure. It executes beautifully when I'm in reporting services. But, when I deploy it to Report Manager, this is the error I am getting.
An error has occurred during report processing.
Query execution failed for data set 'DataSource1'.
An MDX Statement was expected. An MDX expression was specified.
I have 3 parameters in this report. Start Date, End Date & Region. Region is a drop down that contains 2 options. This is a string field being passed into the procedure. Start and end dates are just basic date fields.
I am not using a cube to get my data.
I have deployed to the Report Manager before and have been successful.
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Mar 12, 2008
I am trying to deploy SSIS package through manifest file on a server. It gives the following message.
'Could not save the package "C:Package Pathpackagename.dtsx" to SQL Server "(local)"'.
Additional Information:
The SaveToSQLServer method has encountered OLE DB error code 0x8004E14 (invalid Target Directory. You must choose a project folder to store your package. If this is a permanent package, contact your DBA to create a project folder.
I have tried to create the package folder on the same path it is trying to save the package. But still i get the same error.
Is this a permission issue? I have all rights on sql server.
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Jul 24, 2006
When I try to deploy this managed stored proc assembly on SQL Server 2005 I get this error:
Failed to initialize the Common Language Runtime (CLR) v2.0.50727 with HRESULT 0x8007000e. You may fix the problem and try again later
I looked on the net but found no documentation about it. I know the CLR v2.0 is working as I have some ASP.NET apps running from this server that use it. Any ideas?
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Sep 10, 2007
Hi, i created a report and i want to deploy it so i can view it in my browser, when i use deploy i get the following error:
Error1The permissions granted to user 'SRVDBTESTIUSR_SRVDBTEST' are insufficient for performing this operation.00
im logged in as administrator, i used mixed mode, where can i find that useraccount so i can give it more rights?
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Jun 14, 2005
I am getting strange error on deploying ssis package to SQL Server.
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Apr 11, 2008
Hello Everyone,
I make a report to consume a SSIS package, actually I use SSIS to load a datasheet on my Sql Server database, then i expose the aggregate values in a datareader destination. Every work fine in Visual Studio. But when i deploy my report and my Shared Data Source, and I try to run the report i get the next message:
An error has occurred during report processing.
No se puede crear una conexión al origen de datos 'ETLSource'.
The package failed to validate.
I dont Understand why, because when i work in BIDS the work perfect, Actually i'm using sql server authentication in my package connection to avoid the mistakes about report credentials.
That is the code of the ETLSource.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RptDataSource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<ConnectString>-f "C:TempValidaCambioEfec.dtsx"</ConnectString>
Also I have SSIS and SSRS in the same machine. And I'm using the same domain Account to run SSIS, SSRS and Reports site.
Thank you for help me
Julian Castiblanco P
Bogotá, Colombia
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Feb 20, 2007
I'm trying to get the forms authentication sample working - I have followed the instructions given in the ReadMe that came with the samples. When I try to browse to localhost/reportserver (on the server), instead of seeing the logon page as expected, I get the following error message:
An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. (rsInternalError) Get Online Help
Request for the permission of type 'System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.
Request for the permission of type 'System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.
Request for the permission of type 'System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.
I built the sample in VS 2005, and am using v2 of .net. Reporting services is installed on a windows server 2003 machine.
This has been driving me crazy for a while now. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance
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Aug 14, 2007
Ok, first some background.
I am writing my first (complex) CLR Stored Procedure using Visual Studio 2005.
This SP worked fine until I added code to make a web service call. That web service is a wrapper web service I created because the actual web service I need to call uses System. Web.Extensions which was not available in my VS2005 Database Project.
At first I was getting the standard "External Access Assembly" errors, so I created a new user (was using SA) and assigned database ownership to the new user, then assigned permissions to that user. This worked to get it deployed, but I get the following error when its run:
System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot load dynamically generated serialization assembly. In some hosting environments assembly load functionality is restricted, consider using pre-generated serializer. Please see inner exception for more information. ---> System.IO.FileLoadException: LoadFrom(), LoadFile(), Load(byte[]) and LoadModule() have been disabled by the host.
at System.Reflection.Assembly.nLoadImage(Byte[] rawAssembly, Byte[] rawSymbolStore, Evidence evidence, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean fIntrospection)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(Byte[] rawAssembly, Byte[] rawSymbolStore, Evidence securityEvidence)
at Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeGenerator.FromFileBatch(CompilerParameters options, String[] fileNames)
at Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeGenerator.FromSourceBatch(CompilerParameters options, String[] sources)
at Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeGenerator.System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler.CompileAssemblyFromSourceBatch(CompilerParameters options, String[] sources)
at System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(CompilerParameters options, S
Anyone have any ideas?
Dave Borneman
Solution Architect,
anyWare Mobile Solutions.
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Oct 20, 2007
Hi All,
we are changing some reports from English to German...some of the reports that we have changed generate the message 'An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details.'
We go to
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.3Reporting ServicesLogFiles
On the machine but we cannot find any more detailed error messages...
Does anyone have any idea as to whether the messages migh be written somewhere else?
Thanks and Best Regards
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Oct 4, 2007
Hi ,
I am trying to deploy the report model which is more than 4 mb size. I am getting following error:
Error 2 There was an exception running the extensions specified in the config file. ---> Maximum request length exceeded.
i changed the web.config on the server side:
as following:
executionTimeout = "600" [in Seconds][number]
maxRequestLength = "102400" [number]
requestLengthDiskThreshold = "80" [number]
useFullyQualifiedRedirectUrl = "false" [true|false]
minFreeThreads = "8" [number]
minLocalRequestFreeThreads = "4" [number]
appRequestQueueLimit = "5000" [number]
enableKernelOutputCache = "true" [true|false]
enableVersionHeader = "true" [true|false]
apartmentThreading = "false" [true|false]
requireRootedSaveAsPath = "true" [true|false]
enable = "true" [true|false]
sendCacheControlHeader = "true" [true|false]
shutdownTimeout = "90" [in Seconds][number]
delayNotificationTimeout = "5" [in Seconds][number]
waitChangeNotification = "0" [number]
maxWaitChangeNotification = "0" [number]
enableHeaderChecking = "true" [true|false]
<httpRuntime executionTimeout="600" maxRequestLength="102400" requestLengthDiskThreshold="80" useFullyQualifiedRedirectUrl="false" minFreeThreads="8" minLocalRequestFreeThreads="4" appRequestQueueLimit="5000" enableKernelOutputCache="true" enableVersionHeader="true" requireRootedSaveAsPath="true" enable="true" shutdownTimeout="90" delayNotificationTimeout="5" waitChangeNotification="0" maxWaitChangeNotification="0" enableHeaderChecking="true" sendCacheControlHeader="true" apartmentThreading="false" />
But still gets same error: what else i ahve to change.
Please help!!
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Nov 21, 2006
I get the following error when I try to deploy a report builder model. The SQL Server 2005 "Reporting Services" are installed and running on the local machine.
TITLE: Microsoft Semantic Model Designer
A connection could not be made to the report server http://localhost/ReportServer.
Client found response content type of 'text/html; charset=utf-8', but expected 'text/xml'.
The request failed with the error message:
SQL Server Reporting Services
</title><meta name="Generator" content="Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 9.00.2047.00" />
<meta name="HTTP Status" content="500" />
<meta name="ProductLocaleID" content="9" />
<meta name="CountryLocaleID" content="1033" />
<meta name="StackTrace" content=" at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.RSConfiguration.Load()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.RSConfiguration.Construct(String configFileName)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.RSConfiguration..ctor(String configFileName, String location)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.RSConfigurationManager..ctor(String configFileName, String configLocation)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.Global.get_ConfigurationManager()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.Global.StartApp()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.Global.Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)" />
.ProductInfo {FONT-FAMILY:Verdana; FONT-WEIGHT:bold; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR:gray}
A:hover {FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-FAMILY:Verdana; COLOR:#FF3300; TEXT-DECORATION:underline}
A:visited {FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-FAMILY:Verdana; COLOR:#3366CC; TEXT-DECORATION:none}
A:visited:hover {FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-FAMILY:Verdana; color:#FF3300; TEXT-DECORATION:underline}
</head><body bgcolor="white">
Reporting Services Error<hr width="100%" size="1" color="silver" />
<li>The report server has encountered a configuration error. See the report server log files for more information. (rsServerConfigurationError) </li><ul>
<li>Access to the path 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.4Reporting ServicesReportServerRSReportServer.config' is denied.</li>
</ul><hr width="100%" size="1" color="silver" /><span class="ProductInfo">SQL Server Reporting Services</span>
--. (Microsoft.ReportingServices.SemanticQueryDesign)
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Jan 11, 2007
Hello Experts,
I have a Report Server when i try to deploy my report on the same server and if i use the Fully Qualified Domain Name in my report path i get the below Error
TargetServerURL :
Error : The request failed with HTTP Status 407 : Proxy Authentication Required (Microsoft.ReportingServices.Designer)
but if i use the TargetServerURL as http://localhost/ReportServer, things do work fine. but company requirement is to use complete path.
Is this a limitation or some way out, any Idea???
Thanks in advance for the help
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Feb 7, 2008
Hi I've not done much work on reporting services before.
I've made a change on my page and i can see the change on the preview its just a drop down list containing the week number.
But i can see to get to deploy these changes when i build my package it builds fine but when i go to deploy it am getting this error message
The item '/Data sources' already exist
View 20 Replies
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Jan 15, 2008
I have a custom assembly that I wrote. I placed it in the GAC and the report runs fine locally. I placed it on the server in the GAC and it kicks out the following error when deploying:
Error while loading code module: €˜SSRSReporting, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=de4c010eaf2f2fe8€™. Details: Could not load file or assembly 'SSRSReporting, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=de4c010eaf2f2fe8' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. ....
If I put the file in the /bin directory on the server there is no issues and it works fine. I need to to deploy to the GAC though. I restarted IIS and the RS services. I still have the same issue.
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Sep 7, 2007
Hi guys
I seem to be having a bit of trouble deploying my reports from my Reporting Services Project in Visual Studio to my Sharpoint server.
Both the reporting server and sharepoint are installed on the same server.
The settings within my reporting server are as follows (where report is the site name):
TrargetDataSourceFolder - https://server/Report/Shared Documents/DataSources
TrargetReportFolder - https://server/Report/Shared Documents
TrargetServerURL - https://server/Report
I have not yet changed over all my reports to use fully qualified urls yet. As we have multiple domains in which the reports need to go through before they hit the production server and i haven't yet decided how i am going to handle the issues of the reports requiring fully qualified addresses (if someone has a way i would love to know).
I was getting the following error when i tried to deploy the projects but i delete all extensions from the blocked file types and that error went away. I can only guess that there was a file type it didn't like.
Error - "The file you are attempting to save or retrieve has been blocked from this Web site by the server administrators."
When i deleted all the file extensions i now get the following error.
Error - "File Not Found."
Just wondering if anyone has had any success with visual studio and sharepoint deployment or run into this problem.
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May 23, 2007
hello folks
i have recently started to work with the analysis services and i am having some problems.
i have made a web application that for now just tries to connect to an analysis server.
The server is installed on an xp sp 2 system.
for testing, i used my local computer, which is running also win xp sp2. After deploying, the application can connect to the AS server on the other machine. the problem occurs when i try to deploy the applicatuion on the production server, which is running win 2k3 server on 32 bit. When deploying, i use the same connection string, so it should try to connect to the AS server installed on a win xp sp2 system.
The first thing that came to my mind was to check the MDAC versions, be cause of the message: "Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed."
on my computer, where the application worked ok, the version is MDAC 2.8 SP 1 Windows XP SP 2
on the win2k3 server, the MDAC version is : MDAC 2.8 SP2.... i thought it was the version of the service pack, so o searched for the update of MDAC 2.8 SP1, trying to install mdac 2.8 sp2 to see if i was to see the same error, but i found that mdac 2.8 sp2 is only for win2k3 server, and for win xp is mdac 2.8 sp1, according to this link:
Now i got confused and have no clues how to make this work...
Can anybody give any hint?
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Jul 19, 2015
I am trying to deploy a shape file map of the world with 100 random data points from my dataset but get this error: "exception running the extensions specified in the config file. ---> Maximum request length exceeded". I can preview this fine in SSDT. I have read various solutions which involve editing the config file but I don't have permissions to get to these files. Is there any way to amend the maximum length either through SSMS or SSDT? If not how can I make my map size small enough to deploy? It is a very simple shape file with no colours etc and I am passing random 100 data points to it from my dataset.
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Nov 26, 2015
When deploying a project from within a SSIS project in Visual Studio 2012 to SQL Server 2012 Integration services server I get the follwoing error message:
Failed to deploy project. For more information, query the operation_messages view for the operation identifier '10'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 27203)
For the given operation id there is no entry in view catalog.operation_messages.
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Feb 23, 2007
I installed SQL reporting services 2005 and successfully configured reporting services.After designing the report using Bussiness Intelligence Studio, i tried to deploy my reporting services application to the localhost , I got the below mentioned error :
TITLE: Microsoft Report Designer
A connection could not be made to the report server http://localhost/ReportServer.
The attempt to connect to the report server failed. Check your connection information and that the report server is a compatible version. (Microsoft.ReportingServices.Designer)
The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found. (Microsoft.ReportingServices.Designer)
Can anybody provide a solution for this issue....
Thanks in advance
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Jan 15, 2007
Using MS SQL 200 SP4 with Reporting Services 2000 SP2 on Win 2003 Server SP1
Visual Studio .NET 2003 on different PC (Win XP SP2)
No problem creating reports or building solutions.
Problems develop when deploying report to Report Server.
Here is the Output:
------ Build started: Project: From CD, Configuration: Debug ------
Build complete -- 0 errors, 0 warnings
------ Deploy started: Project: From CD, Configuration: Debug ------
Deploying to http://<server name>/ReportServer?%2f2nd
Deploying data source '/2nd/AdventureWorks2000'.
Deploying report 'Vendor Purchase Orders'.
The report definition is not valid. Details: Could not find schema
information for the element
Deploy complete -- 1 errors, 0 warnings
---------------------- Done ----------------------
Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped
Deploy: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped
These are my first attempts using report services. In a previous deployment
attempts it created the folder (named 2nd), but in another attempt (saving it
to the existing folder) I got the same result as you see above (I have also
tried with a new folder but no luck). This above output is from my last
The Build error Task List states:
The Report Definition is not valid. Details: Could not find schema
information for the element
The shema URL as above returns HTTP 404.
If I remove :report, I receive the page for Report Definition Language
Schema May 2004
Looking at the .rdl code the schema URL is as above without :report.
As you can imagine with a limited skill set in this area I am quite
confused. I have been doing alot of research but found nothing to help (or
that I understand will help) so far.
If anyone can help me get through this I would appreciate it.
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Apr 1, 2007
Hi Everybody,
I have made one simple application in 2.0 using VS 2005. I got following error
Server Error in '/[applicationname]' Application. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)
- When i got on my local machine i solved it by deleting sqlexpress directory from user's account and it was due to that I have installed VS 2005 on machine and by default it installs sql express with it.
- But I could not solved this error on my Development Server wherein there is no VS 2005. Only .Net framework 2.0 & 1.1 are there. My all other applications are running well.
So if any one have idea regarding the solution for this error then please reply me soon. It is very urgent.
Thanks to all of you.
Regards, Hardik B.
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Apr 26, 2007
Hi All,
I am adding a reporting suite to our application based upon SSRS 2005 and I am looking for a comprehensive example of how I go about deploying this.
Essentially I want to automate the entire process:
Create the DB, Create the Virtual Dirs, add my reports etc.
I have looked at the documentation and it is limited to say the least. I went down the route of attempting to script the whole thing and after 3 days of it I was still stuck on a few problems so I was hoping that someone knows of an example of how to go through all of these processes.
An example of the problems I ran into is that the "CreateVirtualDir" method on the reporting services WMI objects simply didn't work. It didn't return an error but it didn't create the Dir either!
The documentation around this method and most others is ambiguous and contains no examples.
I then went down the route of using IIS WMI to create the dirs which worked but then I was unable to update the Reporting Services configuration to pick this up without resorting to changing the config files directly - and even when I did this they didn't always seem to be picked up.
So at present instead of giving our guys in deployment a 1 click install they have a 9 page document explaining the install and set up of Reporting services from start to finish.
Any help or more thorough documentation would be greatly appreciated.
PS: Just to add I have already altered our install to install the RS module along with SQL Server so that bit is covered. I just want to script the entire configuration process.
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Nov 7, 2006
what is the easiest way to deploy a database for a webapp? i have create table scripts but waht is the easiest way to go about inserting data into lookup tables? would i have to write insert statements or is there some other way to do it
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Apr 9, 2004
We're about to ship a product, and we've used access to develop it to make things easier, but we want to use MSDE.
I've never had any luck with MSDE -
1. I can import the database into a sql server database in enterprise manager, is there a way to import a database into a msde database in interprise manager?
2. what would I do in the installer? I need to install the msde engine right? and then run sql scripts on the engine?
Thanks in advance!
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Dec 19, 2000
I am looking for an effective technique for this scenario:
We have a program that generates 200 custom Paradox databases every night, and these are shipped to 200 sales offices (on Win98 machines). We would like to convert from Paradox to MSDE (baby SQL).
The data is relatively large (some offices > 100 MB) so efficiency is important, both for data generation, data transmission and/or data loading. Currently we zip files so the large 100MB ones are <20MB during transmission.
Is it best to: 1) output flat files, zip them, transmit, and then have an automatic load procedure (using bcp) on the Win98 clients; or 2) create the MSDE databases locally, zip them, transmit, and then db_attach the database file on the Win98?
Has anyone a successful experience doing this sort of thing?
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Sep 2, 2005
Hi Well this is my first post on this forum, in fact I have not even used SQL Server yet!
My question is.... I have been asked to produce an application which will be a VB6 application with an SQL Server database behind it. I would like to be able to put the application along with the database on to a CD and run them directly from the CD once it is distributed. So the question I guess is can this be done with SQL Server i.e. can a table be exported in a format which will allow it to be queried in a standalone fashion? Maybe I have not explained myself properly but I welcome any questions which will help clarify my problem.
Thanks Red
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