Error Running Script: 80sp4-tools.sql Installing Sql 2000 SP4
Apr 13, 2007Hello there,
I hope someone can help me with an annoying failure.
While installing sp4, the last running script is going very wrong.
"Error running script: 80sp4-tools.sql"
in the sqlsp.log, there is only an item with Process Exit Code: (1) after 80sp4-tools.sql
this is the log file.
14:15:05 Begin Setup
14:15:05 Version on Media: 8.00.2039
14:15:05 Mode = Normal
14:15:05 ModeType = NORMAL
14:15:06 Loading library - sqlsut.dll (#L1)
14:15:06 Begin: SetupInitialize()
14:15:06 End: SetupInitialize()
14:15:06 Begin: CheckFixedRequirements()
14:15:06 Platform ID: 0xf000
14:15:06 Version: 5.2.3790
14:15:06 File Version - C:WINDOWSsystem32shdocvw.dll: 6.0.3790.2858
14:15:06 End: CheckFixedRequirements()
14:15:06 Begin Action: CheckRequirements
14:15:06 Processor Architecture: x86 (Pentium)
14:15:06 Service Pack: 256
14:15:06 ComputerName: SERVER01
14:15:06 User Name: administrator
14:15:06 IsAllAccessAllowed returned: 1
14:15:06 OS Language: 0x409
14:15:06 End Action CheckRequirements
14:15:06 CreateSetupTopology(SERVER01), Handle : 0x14d46c8, returned : 0
14:15:06 CreateSetupTopology returned : 0, Handle : 0x14d46c8
14:15:06 Topology Type : 1, Return Value : 0
14:15:06 ST_GetPhysicalNode returned : 0, PNHandle : 0x14d4708
14:15:06 PN_EnumerateEx returned : 0
14:15:06 PN_GetSQLStates returned : 0, SqlStates : 0x88020024
14:15:06 PN_StartScan [0x14d4708] returned : 0
14:15:06 PN_GetNext [0x14d4708] returned : 0, Handle: [0x14d55c0]
14:15:06 SQLI_GetPackageId [0x14d55c0] returned : 0, PackageId = 0x2
14:15:06 SQLI_GetVersion [0x14d55c0] returned : 0, Version = 8.00.194
14:15:06 PN_GetNext [0x14d4708] returned : 0, Handle: [0x14d5f48]
14:15:06 PN_GetNext [0x14d4708] returned : 0, Handle: [0x14d6878]
14:15:06 PN_GetNext [0x14d4708] returned : 0, Handle: [0x14d7180]
14:15:06 PN_GetNext [0x14d4708] returned : 18, Handle: [0x0]
14:15:06 ReleaseSetupTopology
14:15:06 This combination of Package and Operating System allows a full product install.
14:15:06 Begin: SetupInstall()
14:15:06 Reading SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionCommonFilesDir ...
14:15:06 CommonFilesDir=C:Program FilesCommon Files
14:15:06 Windows Directory=C:WINDOWS
14:15:06 Program Files=C:Program Files
14:15:06 End: SetupInstall()
14:15:06 Begin: ShowDialogs()
14:15:06 Initial Dialog Mask: 0x8300037, Disable Back=0x1
14:15:06 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x1
14:15:06 Begin Action: DialogShowSdWelcome
14:15:07 End Action DialogShowSdWelcome
14:15:07 Dialog 0x1 returned: 1
14:15:07 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
14:15:07 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x2,index=1
14:15:07 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x2
14:15:07 Begin Action: DialogShowSdMachineName
14:15:07 ShowDlgMachine returned: 1
14:15:07 Name = SERVER01, Type = 0x1
14:15:07 End Action DialogShowSdMachineName
14:15:07 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
14:15:07 nFullMask = 0x8300037, nCurrent = 0x2, nDirection = 0
14:15:07 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbf00035, Disable Back = 0x1
14:15:07 Dialog 0x2 returned: 0
14:15:07 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
14:15:07 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x4,index=2
14:15:07 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x4
14:15:07 Begin Action: DialogShowSdInstallMode
14:15:07 ShowDlgInstallMode returned: 1
14:15:07 InstallMode : 0x2
14:15:07 End Action DialogShowSdInstallMode
14:15:07 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
14:15:07 nFullMask = 0xbf00035, nCurrent = 0x4, nDirection = 1
14:15:07 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xb000627, Disable Back = 0x1
14:15:07 Dialog 0x4 returned: 1
14:15:07 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
14:15:07 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x20,index=5
14:15:07 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x20
14:15:07 Begin Action: DialogShowSdLicense
14:15:08 End Action DialogShowSdLicense
14:15:08 Dialog 0x20 returned: 1
14:15:08 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
14:15:08 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x200,index=9
14:15:08 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x200
14:15:08 Begin Action: DialogShowSdInstanceName
14:15:08 Begin Action: ShowDlgInstanceName
14:15:09 This machine has SQL Server 2000 SP3 already installed
14:15:09 Version of installed Service Pack: 8.00.761
14:15:09 The language on the CD is 1033 and installed is 1033
14:15:09 End Action : Verify Language
14:15:09 SKU is : Standard Edition
14:15:09 End Action: ShowDlgInstanceName
14:15:09 ShowDlgInstanceName returned : 0
14:15:09 InstanceName : INSTNAME
14:15:09 End Action DialogShowSdInstanceName
14:15:09 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
14:15:09 nFullMask = 0xb000627, nCurrent = 0x200, nDirection = 0
14:15:09 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbc00627, Disable Back = 0x1
14:15:09 Dialog 0x200 returned: 0
14:15:09 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
14:15:09 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x400,index=10
14:15:09 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x400
14:15:09 Begin Action: DialogShowSdMaintain
14:15:09 ShowDlgMaintainInstall returned : 1
14:15:09 Type : 0xc
14:15:09 CreateSetupTopology(SERVER01), Handle : 0x14d5f08, returned : 0
14:15:09 CreateSetupTopology returned : 0, Handle : 0x14d5f08
14:15:09 Topology Type : 1, Return Value : 0
14:15:09 ST_GetPhysicalNode returned : 0, PNHandle : 0x14d46c8
14:15:09 PN_EnumerateEx returned : 0
14:15:09 PN_GetSQLStates returned : 0, SqlStates : 0x88020024
14:15:09 PN_GetInstance for INSTNAME [0x14d46c8] returned : 0
14:15:09 SQLI_GetPackageId [0x14d55c0] returned : 0, PackageId = 0x2
14:15:09 SQLI_GetVersion [0x14d55c0] returned : 0, Version = 8.00.194
14:15:09 SQLI_GetSQLStates for INSTNAME [0x14d55c0] returned : 0, SQLStates: 0xc20804
14:15:09 SQLI_GetInstallPath [0x14d55c0] returned : 0, Path = C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAME
14:15:09 SQLI_GetDataPath [0x14d55c0] returned : 0, DataPath = C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAME
14:15:09 SQLI_GetVersion [0x14d55c0] returned : 0, Version = 8.00.194
14:15:09 SQLI_GetRegKeyRoot [0x14d55c0] returned : 0, RegKeyRoot = SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerINSTNAME
14:15:09 SQLI_GetPackageName [0x14d55c0] returned : 0, szPackage = Standard Edition
14:15:09 SQLI_GetPackageId [0x14d55c0] returned : 0, PackageId = 0x2
14:15:09 Previous Install Path: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAME
14:15:09 Previous Install Data: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAME
14:15:09 Previous Install Version: 8.00.194
14:15:09 ReleaseSetupTopology
14:15:09 End Action DialogShowSdMaintain
14:15:09 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
14:15:09 nFullMask = 0xbc00627, nCurrent = 0x400, nDirection = 1
14:15:09 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xb002627, Disable Back = 0x1
14:15:09 Dialog 0x400 returned: 1
14:15:10 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
14:15:10 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x2000,index=13
14:15:10 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x2000
14:15:10 Begin Action: DialogShowSdUpgrade
14:15:10 ShowDlgUpgrade returned : 1
14:15:10 Checking databases on instance 'INSTNAME'
14:15:10 Authenticate access
14:15:10 Begin SDPassword Dialog
14:15:13 End SDPassword Dialog
14:15:13 C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1TempSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Service MSSQL$INSTNAME
14:15:13 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:15:13 C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1TempSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 1 -Service MSSQL$INSTNAME -StartupOptions -T4022
14:16:03 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:16:03 D:SQL2KS~1x86BINNosql.exe -SlpcERVER01INSTNAME -n -d master -Q "exit" -o "C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1Tempsqlsp.out" -Usa -P"
14:16:04 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:16:04 Begin: CheckSAPassword
14:16:04 Begin: LogOnUsingBlankSA
14:16:04 D:SQL2KS~1x86BINNosql.exe -SlpcERVER01INSTNAME -n -d master -o "C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1Tempsqlsp.out" -Q"Exit(declare @ret int if (select count(*) from master..syslogins where name='sa' AND ( (1 = pwdcompare(N'', password)) OR password IS NULL )) = 0 Set @ret=0 else Set @ret=9000 Select @ret)" -Usa -P"
14:16:04 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:16:04 End: LogOnUsingBlankSA
14:16:04 Begin: SdBlankPwd
14:16:04 End: SdBlankPwd
14:16:04 End: CheckSAPassword
14:16:04 Begin : SdErrorReportingDlg
14:16:14 End: SdErrorReportingDlg
14:16:14 Access authenticated
14:16:14 D:SQL2KS~1x86BINNosql.exe -SlpcERVER01INSTNAME -n -b -d master -o "C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1Temp~sqldb0.txt" -i "C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1TempSqlSetupBindbverify.sql" -Usa -P"
14:16:37 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:16:37 C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1TempSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Service MSSQL$INSTNAME
14:17:17 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:17:17 Setup Type: Custom (303)
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProg
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgSQLServr
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgUpgTools
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgReplSupp
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgInstall
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgSystem
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgSvrExt
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgDat
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgDatSmpl
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgBaseSys
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgBaseBinn
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgMSSearch
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgBaseInst
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgUI
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgSymbols
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgPerfmon
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgRoot
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgEXE
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgDLL
14:17:18 Processing: MgtTool
14:17:18 Processing: MgtToolSEM
14:17:18 Processing: MgtToolProfiler
14:17:18 Processing: MgtToolQryanlz
14:17:18 Processing: MgtToolDTCCLi
14:17:18 Processing: MgtToolWzcnflct
14:17:18 Processing: MgtToolUtilSys
14:17:18 Processing: MgtToolUtilBinn
14:17:18 Processing: Connect
14:17:18 Processing: ConnectConnSys
14:17:18 Processing: Books
14:17:18 Processing: BooksBookso
14:17:18 Processing: DevTools
14:17:18 Processing: DevToolsHeaders and Libraries
14:17:18 Processing: DevToolsMDAC SDKs
14:17:18 Processing: DevToolsVDI
14:17:18 Processing: DevToolsDbg Int
14:17:18 Processing: Samples
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesADO
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesDBLIB
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesDesktop
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesDTS
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesESQLC
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesMisc
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesMSDTC
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesODBC
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesODS
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesOLEAut
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesRepl
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesSilverstoneDB
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesSQLDMO
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesSQLNS
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesUtils
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesXML
14:17:18 Processing: CoreRepl
14:17:18 Processing: CoreReplRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: CoreReplResIntl
14:17:18 Processing: Core
14:17:18 Processing: CoreRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: CoreResOther
14:17:18 Processing: Repostry
14:17:18 Processing: RepostryRepstSys
14:17:18 Processing: RepostryRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: RepostryResIntl
14:17:18 Processing: CoreMisc
14:17:18 Processing: CoreMiscActiveX
14:17:18 Processing: CoreMiscRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: Monarch
14:17:18 Processing: MonarchMonr1033
14:17:18 Processing: MonarchMonrIntl
14:17:18 Processing: Jet
14:17:18 Processing: CoreInst
14:17:18 Processing: CoreCOM
14:17:18 Processing: CoreCOMRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: CoreCOMResIntl
14:17:18 Processing: CoreTool
14:17:18 Processing: CoreToolRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: CoreToolResOther
14:17:18 Processing: DBLibCli
14:17:18 Processing: SFExt
14:17:18 Processing: SFExtActiveX
14:17:18 Processing: SFExtRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: SFExtResIntl
14:17:18 Processing: Trace
14:17:18 Processing: TraceRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: TraceResOther
14:17:18 Processing: CnctBinn
14:17:18 Processing: MiscCore
14:17:18 Processing: MC
14:17:18 Processing: MCMC1033
14:17:18 Processing: MCMCIntl
14:17:18 Processing: MCHelp
14:17:18 Processing: UI
14:17:18 Processing: UIUIHlp
14:17:18 Processing: UIUI1033
14:17:18 Processing: UIUIIntl
14:17:18 Processing: ClstSys
14:17:18 Processing: SQLMgr
14:17:18 Processing: SQLMgrRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: SQLMgrResIntl
14:17:18 Processing: SvrTool
14:17:18 Processing: SvrToolRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: SvrToolResIntl
14:17:18 Processing: DTSUI
14:17:18 Processing: DTSUIRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: DTSUIResIntl
14:17:18 Processing: ClFTSys
14:17:18 Processing: ClFtdata
14:17:18 Processing: MSOlap
14:17:18 Processing: MSOlapRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: MSOlapResIntl
14:17:18 Processing: ATL
14:17:18 Processing: ATLwinnt
14:17:18 Processing: ATLwin9x
14:17:18 Processing: MFC42U
14:17:18 Processing: VC
14:17:18 Processing: VB
14:17:18 Processing: OCX1
14:17:18 Processing: SQLAdHlp
14:17:18 Processing: SQLAdHlpRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: SQLAdHlpResOther
14:17:18 Setup type: Custom
14:17:18 End Action DialogShowSdUpgrade
14:17:18 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
14:17:18 nFullMask = 0xb002627, nCurrent = 0x2000, nDirection = 1
14:17:18 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xb002627, Disable Back = 0x1
14:17:18 Dialog 0x2000 returned: 1
14:17:18 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
14:17:18 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x1000000,index=24
14:17:18 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x1000000
14:17:18 Begin Action: DlgCollation
14:17:18 ShowDlgCollation returned: 1
14:17:18 collation_name = SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS,locale_name = Latin1_General,lcid = 0x409,SortId = 52,dwCompFlags = 0x30001
14:17:18 End Action DlgCollation
14:17:18 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
14:17:18 nFullMask = 0xb002627, nCurrent = 0x1000000, nDirection = 1
14:17:18 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xb002627, Disable Back = 0x1
14:17:18 Dialog 0x1000000 returned: 1
14:17:18 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
14:17:18 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x2000000,index=25
14:17:18 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x2000000
14:17:18 Begin Action: DlgNetwork
14:17:18 ShowDlgNetwork returned: 1
14:17:18 [DlgServerNetwork]
14:17:18 NetworkLibs = 255
14:17:18 TCPPort = 0
14:17:18 TCPPrxy = Default
14:17:18 NMPPipeName = \.pipeMSSQL$INSTNAMEsqlquery
14:17:18 Result = 1
14:17:18 End Action DlgNetwork
14:17:18 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
14:17:18 nFullMask = 0xb002627, nCurrent = 0x2000000, nDirection = 1
14:17:18 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xb002627, Disable Back = 0x1
14:17:18 Dialog 0x2000000 returned: 1
14:17:18 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
14:17:18 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x8000000,index=27
14:17:18 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x8000000
14:17:18 Begin Action: DialogShowSdStartCopy
14:17:34 End Action DialogShowSdStartCopy
14:17:34 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
14:17:34 nFullMask = 0xb002627, nCurrent = 0x8000000, nDirection = 1
14:17:34 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xb002627, Disable Back = 0x1
14:17:34 Dialog 0x8000000 returned: 1
14:17:34 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
14:17:34 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x0,index=0
14:17:34 End: ShowDialogs()
14:17:34 Initializing Event Log
14:17:34 Begin Action : LogEvent
14:17:34 End Action : LogEvent
14:17:34 Begin: ProcessBeforeDataMove()
14:17:35 DeinstallStart returned (C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAME): 0
14:17:35 End: ProcessBeforeDataMove()
14:17:35 Begin: SetToolsComponentSelection()
14:17:35 CreateSetupTopology(SERVER01), Handle : 0x14d5ee8, returned : 0
14:17:35 CreateSetupTopology returned : 0, Handle : 0x14d5ee8
14:17:35 Topology Type : 1, Return Value : 0
14:17:35 ST_GetPhysicalNode returned : 0, PNHandle : 0x14d46c8
14:17:35 PN_EnumerateEx returned : 0
14:17:35 PN_GetSQLStates returned : 0, SqlStates : 0x88020024
14:17:35 PN_StartScan [0x14d46c8] returned : 0
14:17:35 PN_GetNext [0x14d46c8] returned : 18, Handle: [0x0]
14:17:35 No more items in enumeration.
14:17:35 ReleaseSetupTopology
14:17:35 End: SetToolsComponentSelection()
14:17:35 Begin: ProcessComponentSelection()
14:17:35 End: ProcessComponentSelection()
14:17:35 Begin: LogSelectedComponents()
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProg
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProg
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServr
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServr
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrHelp
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrHelp
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDev
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDev
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDevSCMh
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDevSCMh
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDevSCMX86Lb
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDevSCMX86Lb
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDevSCMALb
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDevSCMALb
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrRs1033
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrRs1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrRsIntl
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrRsIntl
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrActiveX
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrSystem
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrSystem
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrWatson
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrWatson
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrWatsonWatson1033
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrWatsonWatson1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrWatsonWatsonOther
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrWatsonWatsonOther
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrMSXMLSQL
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrMSXMLSQL
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrMSXMLSQLRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrMSXMLSQLRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrMSXMLSQLResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrMSXMLSQLResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgTools
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgToolsUpgSys
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgToolsActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgToolsRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgToolsResOther
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgToolsResld
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgReplSupp
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgReplSupp
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgReplSuppReplDat
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgReplSuppReplDat
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgReplSuppRepComm
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgReplSuppRepComm
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgReplSuppRepNoDk
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgReplSuppRepNoDk
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgReplSuppActiveX
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgReplSuppActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgInstall
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgInstall
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSystem
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSystem
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSvrExt
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSvrExt
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSvrExtHelp
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSvrExtHelp
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSvrExtSvrExtRs
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSvrExtSvrExtRs
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSvrExtResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSvrExtResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgDat
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgDatSmpl
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgBaseSys
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgBaseSys
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgBaseBinn
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgBaseBinn
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgMSSearch
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgMSSearch
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgMSSearchHelp
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgMSSearchHelp
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgMSSearchActiveX
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgMSSearchActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgBaseInst
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgBaseInst
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUI
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSymbols
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSymbols
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSymbolsEXE
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSymbolsEXE
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSymbolsDLL
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSymbolsDLL
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgPerfmon
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgPerfmon
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgPerfmonSystem
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgPerfmonSystem
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgRoot
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgEXE
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgDLL
14:17:35 Processing: MgtTool
14:17:35 Selected: MgtTool
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEM
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEM
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMHTML
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMHTML
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD98
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMMSD98
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD98SYS
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMMSD98SYS
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD98Res
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMMSD98Res
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD98Hlp
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMMSD98Hlp
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMHelp
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMHelp
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD98RsI
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMMSD98RsI
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMActiveX
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMActiveXRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMActiveXRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMActiveXResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMActiveXResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMScripts
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMScripts
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMOLEDB
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMOLEDB
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMOLEDBRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMOLEDBRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMOLEDBResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMOLEDBResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD7
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMMSD7
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD7Res
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMMSD7Res
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD7RsI
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMMSD7RsI
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolProfiler
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolProfiler
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolProfilerHelp
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolProfilerHelp
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolProfilerRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolProfilerRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolProfilerResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolProfilerResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolQryanlz
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolQryanlz
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolQryanlzHelp
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolQryanlzHelp
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolQryanlzRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolQryanlzRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolQryanlzResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolQryanlzResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolDTCCLi
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolDTCCLi
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolWzcnflct
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolWzcnflct
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnHlp
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnHlp
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcn1033
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcn1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnOthr
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnOthr
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnCmn
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnCmn
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolUtilSys
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolUtilSys
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolUtilBinn
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolUtilBinn
14:17:35 Processing: Connect
14:17:35 Selected: Connect
14:17:35 Processing: ConnectConnSys
14:17:35 Selected: ConnectConnSys
14:17:35 Processing: Books
14:17:35 Selected: Books
14:17:35 Processing: BooksBookso
14:17:35 Selected: BooksBookso
14:17:35 Processing: BooksBooksoUtils
14:17:35 Selected: BooksBooksoUtils
14:17:35 Processing: DevTools
14:17:35 Selected: DevTools
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsHeaders and Libraries
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesInclude
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesLibx86
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesLibAlpha
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesESQLC
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsMDAC SDKs
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsVDI
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsVDIInc
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsVDISamples
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsDbg Int
14:17:35 Selected: DevToolsDbg Int
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsDbg IntDbg Int Common
14:17:35 Selected: DevToolsDbg IntDbg Int Common
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsDbg IntEXE
14:17:35 Selected: DevToolsDbg IntEXE
14:17:35 Processing: Samples
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesADO
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesDBLIB
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesDesktop
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesDTS
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesESQLC
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesMisc
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesMSDTC
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesODBC
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesODS
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesOLEAut
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesRepl
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesSilverstoneDB
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesSQLDMO
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesSQLNS
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesUtils
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesXML
14:17:35 Processing: CoreRepl
14:17:35 Selected: CoreRepl
14:17:35 Processing: CoreReplRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: CoreReplRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: CoreReplResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: CoreReplResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: Core
14:17:35 Selected: Core
14:17:35 Processing: CoreRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: CoreRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: CoreResOther
14:17:35 Selected: CoreResOther
14:17:35 Processing: Repostry
14:17:35 Selected: Repostry
14:17:35 Processing: RepostryRepstSys
14:17:35 Selected: RepostryRepstSys
14:17:35 Processing: RepostryRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: RepostryRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: RepostryResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: RepostryResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: CoreMisc
14:17:35 Selected: CoreMisc
14:17:35 Processing: CoreMiscActiveX
14:17:35 Selected: CoreMiscActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: CoreMiscActiveXRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: CoreMiscActiveXRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: CoreMiscActiveXResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: CoreMiscActiveXResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: CoreMiscRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: CoreMiscRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: Monarch
14:17:35 Selected: Monarch
14:17:35 Processing: MonarchMonr1033
14:17:35 Selected: MonarchMonr1033
14:17:35 Processing: MonarchMonrIntl
14:17:35 Selected: MonarchMonrIntl
14:17:35 Processing: Jet
14:17:35 Selected: Jet
14:17:35 Processing: CoreInst
14:17:35 Selected: CoreInst
14:17:35 Processing: CoreCOM
14:17:35 Selected: CoreCOM
14:17:35 Processing: CoreCOMRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: CoreCOMRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: CoreCOMResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: CoreCOMResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: CoreTool
14:17:35 Selected: CoreTool
14:17:35 Processing: CoreToolRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: CoreToolRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: CoreToolResOther
14:17:35 Selected: CoreToolResOther
14:17:35 Processing: DBLibCli
14:17:35 Selected: DBLibCli
14:17:35 Processing: SFExt
14:17:35 Selected: SFExt
14:17:35 Processing: SFExtActiveX
14:17:35 Selected: SFExtActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: SFExtActiveXRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: SFExtActiveXRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SFExtActiveXResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: SFExtActiveXResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: SFExtRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: SFExtRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SFExtResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: SFExtResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: Trace
14:17:35 Selected: Trace
14:17:35 Processing: TraceRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: TraceRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: TraceResOther
14:17:35 Selected: TraceResOther
14:17:35 Processing: CnctBinn
14:17:35 Processing: MiscCore
14:17:35 Selected: MiscCore
14:17:35 Processing: MC
14:17:35 Selected: MC
14:17:35 Processing: MCMC1033
14:17:35 Selected: MCMC1033
14:17:35 Processing: MCMCIntl
14:17:35 Selected: MCMCIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MCHelp
14:17:35 Selected: MCHelp
14:17:35 Processing: UI
14:17:35 Processing: UIUIHlp
14:17:35 Processing: UIUI1033
14:17:35 Processing: UIUIIntl
14:17:35 Processing: ClstSys
14:17:35 Processing: SQLMgr
14:17:35 Selected: SQLMgr
14:17:35 Processing: SQLMgrRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: SQLMgrRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLMgrResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: SQLMgrResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: SvrTool
14:17:35 Selected: SvrTool
14:17:35 Processing: SvrToolRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: SvrToolRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SvrToolResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: SvrToolResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: DTSUI
14:17:35 Selected: DTSUI
14:17:35 Processing: DTSUIRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: DTSUIRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: DTSUIResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: DTSUIResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: ClFTSys
14:17:35 Processing: ClFtdata
14:17:35 Processing: MSOlap
14:17:35 Selected: MSOlap
14:17:35 Processing: MSOlapRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: MSOlapRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MSOlapResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: MSOlapResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: ATL
14:17:35 Selected: ATL
14:17:35 Processing: ATLwinnt
14:17:35 Selected: ATLwinnt
14:17:35 Processing: ATLwin9x
14:17:35 Selected: ATLwin9x
14:17:35 Processing: MFC42U
14:17:35 Selected: MFC42U
14:17:35 Processing: VC
14:17:35 Selected: VC
14:17:35 Processing: VB
14:17:35 Selected: VB
14:17:35 Processing: OCX1
14:17:35 Processing: SQLAdHlp
14:17:35 Selected: SQLAdHlp
14:17:35 Processing: SQLAdHlpRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: SQLAdHlpRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLAdHlpResOther
14:17:35 Selected: SQLAdHlpResOther
14:17:35 {E07FDDBE-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
14:17:35 {E07FDDC7-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
14:17:35 {E07FDDC0-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
14:17:35 {E07FDDBF-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
14:17:35 End: LogSelectedComponents()
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProg
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServr
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrHelp
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDev
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDevSCMh
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDevSCMX86Lb
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDevSCMALb
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrRs1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrRsIntl
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrSystem
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrWatson
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrWatsonWatson1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrWatsonWatsonOther
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrMSXMLSQL
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrMSXMLSQLRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrMSXMLSQLResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgTools
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgToolsUpgSys
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgToolsActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgToolsRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgToolsResOther
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgToolsResld
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgReplSupp
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgReplSuppReplDat
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgReplSuppRepComm
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgReplSuppRepNoDk
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgReplSuppActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgInstall
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSystem
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSvrExt
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSvrExtHelp
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSvrExtSvrExtRs
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSvrExtResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgDat
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgDatSmpl
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgBaseSys
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgBaseBinn
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgMSSearch
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgMSSearchHelp
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgMSSearchActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgBaseInst
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUI
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSymbols
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSymbolsEXE
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSymbolsDLL
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgPerfmon
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgPerfmonSystem
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgRoot
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgEXE
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgDLL
14:17:35 Processing: MgtTool
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEM
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMHTML
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD98
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD98SYS
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD98Res
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD98Hlp
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMHelp
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD98RsI
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMActiveXRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMActiveXResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMScripts
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMOLEDB
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMOLEDBRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMOLEDBResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD7
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD7Res
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD7RsI
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolProfiler
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolProfilerHelp
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolProfilerRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolProfilerResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolQryanlz
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolQryanlzHelp
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolQryanlzRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolQryanlzResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolDTCCLi
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolWzcnflct
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnHlp
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcn1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnOthr
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnCmn
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolUtilSys
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolUtilBinn
14:17:35 Processing: Connect
14:17:35 Processing: ConnectConnSys
14:17:35 Processing: Books
14:17:35 Processing: BooksBookso
14:17:35 Processing: BooksBooksoUtils
14:17:35 Processing: DevTools
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsHeaders and Libraries
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesInclude
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesLibx86
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesLibAlpha
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesESQLC
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsMDAC SDKs
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsVDI
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsVDIInc
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsVDISamples
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsDbg Int
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsDbg IntDbg Int Common
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsDbg IntEXE
14:17:35 Processing: Samples
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesADO
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesDBLIB
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesDesktop
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesDTS
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesESQLC
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesMisc
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesMSDTC
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesODBC
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesODS
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesOLEAut
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesRepl
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesSilverstoneDB
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesSQLDMO
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesSQLNS
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesUtils
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesXML
14:17:35 Processing: CoreRepl
14:17:35 Processing: CoreReplRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: CoreReplResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: Core
14:17:35 Processing: CoreRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: CoreResOther
14:17:35 Processing: Repostry
14:17:35 Processing: RepostryRepstSys
14:17:35 Processing: RepostryRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: RepostryResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: CoreMisc
14:17:35 Processing: CoreMiscActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: CoreMiscActiveXRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: CoreMiscActiveXResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: CoreMiscRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: Monarch
14:17:35 Processing: MonarchMonr1033
14:17:35 Processing: MonarchMonrIntl
14:17:35 Processing: Jet
14:17:35 Processing: CoreInst
14:17:35 Processing: CoreCOM
14:17:35 Processing: CoreCOMRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: CoreCOMResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: CoreTool
14:17:35 Processing: CoreToolRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: CoreToolResOther
14:17:35 Processing: DBLibCli
14:17:35 Processing: SFExt
14:17:35 Processing: SFExtActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: SFExtActiveXRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SFExtActiveXResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: SFExtRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SFExtResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: Trace
14:17:35 Processing: TraceRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: TraceResOther
14:17:35 Processing: CnctBinn
14:17:35 Processing: MiscCore
14:17:35 Processing: MC
14:17:35 Processing: MCMC1033
14:17:35 Processing: MCMCIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MCHelp
14:17:35 Processing: UI
14:17:35 Processing: UIUIHlp
14:17:35 Processing: UIUI1033
14:17:35 Processing: UIUIIntl
14:17:35 Processing: ClstSys
14:17:35 Processing: SQLMgr
14:17:35 Processing: SQLMgrRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLMgrResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: SvrTool
14:17:35 Processing: SvrToolRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SvrToolResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: DTSUI
14:17:35 Processing: DTSUIRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: DTSUIResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: ClFTSys
14:17:35 Processing: ClFtdata
14:17:35 Processing: MSOlap
14:17:35 Processing: MSOlapRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MSOlapResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: ATL
14:17:35 Processing: ATLwinnt
14:17:35 Processing: ATLwin9x
14:17:35 Processing: MFC42U
14:17:35 Processing: VC
14:17:35 Processing: VB
14:17:35 Processing: OCX1
14:17:35 Processing: SQLAdHlp
14:17:35 Processing: SQLAdHlpRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLAdHlpResOther
14:17:35 SQL program folder: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAME
14:17:35 SQL data folder: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAME
14:17:35 Windows system folder: C:WINDOWSsystem32
14:17:35 Prog req: 61137, Data req: 3072, Sys req: 50573
14:17:35 Prog avail: 1573556, Data avail: 1573556, Sys avail: 1573556
14:17:35 Prog req vs. avail, 114782, 1573556
14:17:35 Data req vs. avail, 3072, 1573556
14:17:35 Sys req vs. avail, 53645, 1573556
14:17:35 C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1TempSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Timeout 5000 -Service SQLAgent$INSTNAME
14:17:35 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:17:35 C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1TempSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Timeout 5000 -Service MSSQL$INSTNAME
14:17:35 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:17:35 Begin: InstallPkgs(ID_INSTALLMDAC)
14:17:35 Begin Action: Locked Connectivity Files Check
14:17:35 ConnectivityLocked returned: 0
14:17:35 The operation completed successfully.
14:17:35 End Action: Locked Connectivity Files Check
14:17:35 Setup is installing Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) ...
14:17:35 D:SQL2KSP42x86Othersqlredis.exe /q:a /C:"setupre.exe MDACQFE=0 WARN=1 -s -SMS"
14:17:35 Unloading library - sqlsut.dll (#U2)
14:17:43 Loading library - sqlsut.dll (#L2)
14:17:43 ExitCode: 0
14:17:43 End: InstallPkgs(ID_INSTALLMDAC)
14:17:43 **** CLOSED OPEN OP IN WRITE MODE ****
14:17:43 Begin: MoveFileData()
14:17:49 Begin Action: MoveFileDataSpecial
14:17:49 End Action: MoveFileDataSpecial
14:17:49 End: MoveFileData()
14:17:49 Begin: ProcessAfterDataMove()
14:17:49 Begin Action : Installing Server Net
14:17:49 Server Instance : INSTNAME
14:17:49 Server Net Will only be installed on server only in Enterprise Editions
14:17:49 End: ProcessAfterDataMove()
14:17:49 Begin: BuildServer()
14:17:49 Begin Action: CreateRegistrySetSQL
14:17:49 End Action: CreateRegistrySetSQL
14:17:49 Begin Action: RegWriteSetupEntry
14:17:49 End Action: RegWriteSetupEntry
14:17:49 *** Unable to get RegisteredOwner to apply to Serial number
14:17:49 Begin Action: CreateSer
14:17:49 End Action: CreateSer
14:17:49 SetFileSecuritySQLAndAdmin for C:WINDOWSsetup.iss returned: 0, 0
14:17:49 SetFileSecuritySQLAndAdmin for C:WINDOWSsqlsp.log returned: 0, 0
14:17:49 SetFileSecuritySQLAndAdmin for returned: 3, 3
14:17:49 SetFileSecuritySQLAndAdmin for C:WINDOWSsqlsp.log returned: 0, 0
14:17:49 SetFileSecuritySQLAndAdmin for C:WINDOWSsqlstp.log returned: 0, 0
14:17:49 SetFileSecPerfAndLogUsers for C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEBinnSQLCTR80.DLL returned: 0, 0
14:17:49 Begin ServPriv (INSTNAME)
14:17:49 End ServPriv()
14:17:50 Upgrading databases
14:17:50 Upgrading databases on instance 'INSTNAME'
14:17:50 C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1TempSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Service MSSQL$INSTNAME
14:17:50 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:17:50 C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1TempSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Service MSSQL$INSTNAME
14:17:50 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:17:50 C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1TempSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 1 -Service MSSQL$INSTNAME -StartupOptions -T4022 -T4010 -m
14:18:41 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:18:41 D:SQL2KS~1x86BINNosql.exe -SlpcERVER01INSTNAME -b -n -d master -o "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall
eplsys.out" -i "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall
eplsys.sql" -Usa -P"
14:19:18 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:19:18 D:SQL2KS~1x86BINNosql.exe -SlpcERVER01INSTNAME -b -n -d master -o "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall
eplcom.out" -i "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall
eplcom.sql" -Usa -P"
14:19:35 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:19:35 D:SQL2KS~1x86BINNosql.exe -SlpcERVER01INSTNAME -b -n -d master -o "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall
epltran.out" -i "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall
epltran.sql" -Usa -P"
14:19:57 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:19:57 D:SQL2KS~1x86BINNosql.exe -SlpcERVER01INSTNAME -b -n -d master -o "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall
eplmerg.out" -i "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall
eplmerg.sql" -Usa -P"
14:20:25 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:20:25 D:SQL2KS~1x86BINNosql.exe -SlpcERVER01INSTNAME -b -n -d master -o "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall
emove_old_msx_accounts.out" -i "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall
emove_old_msx_accounts.sql" -Usa -P"
14:20:25 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:20:25 D:SQL2KS~1x86BINNosql.exe -SlpcERVER01INSTNAME -b -n -d master -o "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstallsp4_serv_uni.out" -i "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstallsp4_serv_uni.sql" -Usa -P"
14:20:27 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:20:27 D:SQL2KS~1x86BINNosql.exe -SlpcERVER01INSTNAME -b -n -d master -o "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall80sp4-tools.out" -i "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall80sp4-tools.sql" -Usa -P"
14:20:28 Process Exit Code: (1)
14:20:33 Error running script: 80sp4-tools.sql (1)
14:20:33 C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1TempSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Service MSSQL$INSTNAME
14:21:08 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:21:08 Action CleanUpInstall:
14:21:08 Installation Failed.
I hope for any help, because re-installing is not an option.There are 250 db's on it.
thanks so far.