Error When Attempting To Install SQL Server 2005 Express
Apr 22, 2008
I'm trying to install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (x86) on my laptop when a setup failure message would show up at the end. When I clicked for more details it has the followings:
Product Version 9.00.3042.00
Message Source setup.rll
Message ID 50000
EvtType sharedsetupsharedsetupactions.cpp
And later when I tried to uninstall it from Add/Remove Program the screen would simply flash when I click but nothing happens.
Please let me know what do I need to install the piece correctly, thanks!
I successfully installed SQL Server 2005 SP1 on one PC. When I attempt to install it on a second PC, however, I get the following obscure error:
Unexpected Error Occurred The following unexpected error occurred:
That's right, there's nothing else listed, other an OK button. D'oh! When I press the OK button, the following error report dialog box appears:
Hotfix.exe A recently applied update, NULL, failed to install.
There are no pending updates that I'm aware of, as I just booted the PC. I sent the error report.
I notice on this particular PC that the SP1 install EXE is expanding/writing to an external SCSI drive; would that make a difference? I don't see a way to specify a different (i.e., internal ATA drive).
I'm getting an error while trying to install SQL Server Express 2005 Express Edition. I'm attaching the log of the installation process here. Please throw some light on the same.
Error 29503. The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually." The error is (3) The system cannot find the path specified.
Setting status of unmanaged components and removing unmanaged resources
Error Code: 3
MSI (s) (D0!64) [21:39:17:257]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -- Error 29503. The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually." The error is (3) The system cannot find the path specified.
Error 29503. The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually." The error is (3) The system cannot find the path specified.
I have encountered an error (as shown below) when attempting to install the SQL Server 2005 Express Edition 9.00.1399.06 on on my XP SP2 pc.
the file: "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSummary.txt"
show the following messages:
Machine : DUMBO Product : SQL Server Database Services Error : The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually."
and ...
Machine : DUMBO Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Product Version : 9.00.1399.06 Install : Failed Log File : C:ProgrammiMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0015_DELL8400_SQL.log Last Action : InstallFinalize Error String : The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually." The error is (17058) . Error Number : 29503
Also, the file: "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_CBXP_Core.log"
show this message:
Error: Action "LaunchLocalBootstrapAction" threw an exception during execution. Error information reported during run: "c:ProgrammiMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsetup.exe" finished and returned: 17058 Aborting queue processing as nested installer has completed Message pump returning: 17058
Maybe that's not a fatal error, but the SQLExpress service does not get installed.
I need help! When installing SQL Server 2005 Express on one machine, I get an error with the following summary.txt Machine : xxx Product: MSXML 6.0 Parser Product version: 6,10,1129,0 Installed: Failed. Log file: c:Program Files... (see below) Error Number: 1625
in log file from above. MainEngineThread is returning 1625 This installation is forbidden by system policy. Contact your system administrator.
The person trying to install has administration privileges. BTW: The computer shares a wireless internet connection with other computers in the office but the clients or not setup to share data. My user is installing SQL, the data, and app on a single client. The MS Sql Server 2005 express seems to install on all other boxes. Thanks for your time.
I am installing SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services on Windows XP Home Edition SP2 and received error 29521. I am installing with an account that has administrator rights. The summary.txt file contains: Error String : SQL Server Setup failed to execute a command for server configuration. The error was {Microsoft}{SQL Native Client}{SQL Server}CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors.. Refer to the server error logs and Setup logs for detailed error information. Error Number : 29521
I am out of brain cells. I can not figure out how to upgrade instances of sql express to sql 2005 or even add an instance of sql 2005. I have installed/upgraded everything else (SSMS, etc.) to SQL 2005. I am dazed and confused. I don't even know where to start in explaining what I have tried and done. I have 303 log files going back to 3/27/2007 from various attempts. Where do I start in figuring this debacle out???
Downloading and installing VS 2008 Express also created a Miscrosoft SQL Server folder. How do I install the SQL Server 2005 Express?The following is what I found from the HELP menu bar of the VS 2008 Express. Where can I find the sqlexpr.exe? TIA,Jeffrey
To install SQL Server Express To begin installation, double-click sqlexpr.exe. Note: SQL Server Express is available as a self-extracting executable file (sqlexpr.exe) from both the Visual Studio 2005 CD and the SQL Server Express Web site. SQLEXPR.EXE installs on x86-based computers and to the 32-bit subsystem (WOW64). For more information, see Hardware and Software Requirements (SQL Server Express)
I had some issues on my server and had to uninstall .Net Framework 2.0, SQL Server 2005 Express, and SQL Express Toolkit. I installed SQL Server 2005 Express and it seemed to be ok.
Then my problems all started when I tried to install SQL Express Toolkit because I needed to install DTS Wizard again, and it errors out and wouldn't let me install it. So I uninstalled everything that's listed above again.
I then tried to install SQL Server 2005 Express again, and on the second from last screen, while its listing all the components and configuring them, I get the following error as it's configuring the last component... which was the SQL Server Database Services.
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup ----------------------------------------------------------- The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually."
I tried to re-install the SQL Server Express another 7 times wth no luck.
If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it.
I cannot get SQL Server 2005 Express installed on a 2003 Small Business Server. I am logged in as an admin.
The error:
Code Block
Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition -- Error 29528. The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Installing performance counters. The error is: Access is denied.
I have uninstalled all instances of SQL Server. Rebooted server and tried again, but get same error.
I installed VS 2008 Express with an option to download SQL Server 2005 Express. I noticed there is a '90' folder under my Microsoft SQL Server folder. I assumed this the folder for SQL Server 2005 Express. How do I set up my SQL Server2005 Express, so that I can use some sample databases for my VS 2008 Express? Any difference for SQL Server 2005 Express between VS 2008 Expressdownload and SQL Server 2005 Express download? TIA,Jeffrey
(1) I have already installed of SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition first.
(1) Can I install visual studio 2008 without the 2005 express edition of SQL server? Will be any problems because I don't have express edition of SQL server? Do I need to install the express edition of SQL server as well?
(3) How to use SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition instance on visual studio 2008?
The program shortcut "Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt" seems to be mising from the "Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt" Start menu added by the current Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit. Where is it? How to workaround?
I am trying to do Download details SQL Server 2005 Samples and Sample Databases (April 2006) -> GettingStartedWithSQLSamples.htm which says "a. Open a Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 command prompt. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, point to Visual Studio Tools, and then click Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt." but I can find no such command prompt within "Visual Studio Tools", only "Visual Studio 2005 Remote Debugger{, Configuration Wizard}".
What's wrong? How to fix or workaround? I'd install .NET SDK 2.0 to get it's Command Prompt but that's about 570MB merely for a command prompt!
Hi,When i try to install Sql server 2005 Express i get the following error: know a solution for this problem? Thanks.
I'm trying to install sql server 2005 and to be honest, I've had an absolute gutful.
I All i want to do is use it to develop my applications but everytime i set a profile variable or access the "security" tab in my web site administration tool, I get sql errors.
I've googled the *** out of my issue and have come to no helpful conclusion. I've been through the surface configuration to 'allow remote connections' even though i'm ON THE LOCAL MACHINE and it still errors and tells me its not accepting remote connections.
I've formatted windows to make sure, and tried again- same error, not to mention the frustration of having to manually extract the contents of the .exe file that i downloaded (From no other then
will somebody please shed some light on this piece of junk program so i can do my development without tearing my hair out.
I tried to install SSE 2005 and I got the following message:
SQL Server Setup unexpectedly failed. For more information, review the Setup summary log file in...
The log file has the content below. Can someone help me to fix this problem, please?
I have no idea about what is going on!
Thank you for the help!
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup beginning at Sun Jul 23 12:52:54 2006 Process ID : 2420 c:97830b63babac24aedb48a81be43976asetup.exe Version: 2005.90.1399.0 Running: LoadResourcesAction at: 2006/6/23 12:52:53 Complete: LoadResourcesAction at: 2006/6/23 12:52:53, returned true Running: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2006/6/23 12:52:53 Loaded DLL:c:97830b63babac24aedb48a81be43976axmlrw.dll Version:2.0.3604.0 Complete: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2006/6/23 12:52:54, returned false Error: Action "ParseBootstrapOptionsAction" failed during execution. Error information reported during run: Could not parse command line due to datastore exception. Source File Name: utillibpersisthelpers.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:55 2005 Function Name: writeEncryptedString Source Line Number: 124 ---------------------------------------------------------- writeEncryptedString() failed Source File Name: utillibpersisthelpers.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:55 2005 Function Name: writeEncryptedString Source Line Number: 123 ---------------------------------------------------------- Error Code: 0x80070002 (2) Windows Error Text: The system cannot find the file specified.
Source File Name: cryptohelpercryptsameusersamemachine.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Mon Jun 13 14:30:00 2005 Function Name: sqls::CryptSameUserSameMachine::ProtectData Source Line Number: 50
2 Could not skip Component update due to datastore exception. Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005 Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty Source Line Number: 130 ---------------------------------------------------------- Failed to find property "InstallMediaPath" {"SetupBootstrapOptionsScope", "", "2420"} in cache Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005 Function Name: SetupBootstrapOptionsScope.InstallMediaPath Source Line Number: 44 ---------------------------------------------------------- No collector registered for scope: "SetupBootstrapOptionsScope" Running: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2006/6/23 12:52:54 Complete: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2006/6/23 12:52:54, returned true Running: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2006/6/23 12:52:54 Complete: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2006/6/23 12:52:54, returned true Running: PerformSCCAction at: 2006/6/23 12:52:54 Complete: PerformSCCAction at: 2006/6/23 12:52:54, returned true Running: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2006/6/23 12:52:54 Error: Action "ActivateLoggingAction" threw an exception during execution. Error information reported during run: Datastore exception while trying to write logging properties. Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005 Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty Source Line Number: 130 ---------------------------------------------------------- Failed to find property "primaryLogFiles" {"SetupStateScope", "", ""} in cache Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005 Function Name: SetupStateScope.primaryLogFiles Source Line Number: 44 ---------------------------------------------------------- No collector registered for scope: "SetupStateScope" 00E2CFC4Unable to proceed with setup, there was a command line parsing error. : 2 Error Code: 0x80070002 (2) Windows Error Text: The system cannot find the file specified.
Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005 Function Name: SetupBootstrapOptionsScope.InstallMediaPath Source Line Number: 44
Class not registered. Failed to create CAB file due to datastore exception Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005 Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty Source Line Number: 130 ---------------------------------------------------------- Failed to find property "HostSetup" {"SetupBootstrapOptionsScope", "", "2420"} in cache Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005 Function Name: SetupBootstrapOptionsScope.HostSetup Source Line Number: 44 ---------------------------------------------------------- No collector registered for scope: "SetupBootstrapOptionsScope" Message pump returning: 2
I get the fault message Error 29503 during the installation when the installation program wan't to start the SQL server Nothing I do can get the installation to pass this point. I can how ever start the server from the RUN command with "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinnsqlservr.exe" When I have to cancel since the server don't start the installation make a rollback and remove the SQLservr.exe etc.
I have a new laptop and want to install the SQL server express instead of MSDE2000 I have been using The laptop is protected by SafeGuard easy but that it has been all the time even when MSDE2000 was installed. I paste the information on the laptop and also the content on one of the log files that I have seen in other threads that You want to have the info from.
I have seen that it is a error mess regarding .NET 2.0, but this service is installed and report no faults in other applications. I don't have ISS, and I don't need it.
My laptop OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600 OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation System Manufacturer LENOVO System Model 64585KG System Type X86-based PC Processor x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11 GenuineIntel ~2394 Mhz BIOS Version/Date LENOVO 7LETA7WW (2.07 ), 2007-12-06 SMBIOS Version 2.4 Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)" Total Physical Memory 3 072,00 MB Available Physical Memory 2,05 GB Total Virtual Memory 2,00 GB Available Virtual Memory 1,96 GB Page File Space 4,83 GB
File SQLSetup0001_"PC_NAME"_Core(Local).log
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup beginning at Mon Mar 31 15:53:13 2008 Process ID : 5480 c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsetup.exe Version: 2005.90.3042.0 Running: LoadResourcesAction at: 2008/2/31 15:53:13 Complete: LoadResourcesAction at: 2008/2/31 15:53:13, returned true Running: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2008/2/31 15:53:13 Loaded DLL:c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapxmlrw.dll Version:2.0.3609.0 Complete: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2008/2/31 15:53:13, returned true Running: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2008/2/31 15:53:13 Complete: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2008/2/31 15:53:13, returned true Running: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2008/2/31 15:53:13 Complete: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2008/2/31 15:53:13, returned true Running: PerformSCCAction at: 2008/2/31 15:53:13 Complete: PerformSCCAction at: 2008/2/31 15:53:13, returned true Running: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2008/2/31 15:53:13 Complete: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2008/2/31 15:53:13, returned true Running: DetectPatchedBootstrapAction at: 2008/2/31 15:53:13 Complete: DetectPatchedBootstrapAction at: 2008/2/31 15:53:13, returned true Action "LaunchPatchedBootstrapAction" will be skipped due to the following restrictions: Condition "EventCondition: __STP_LaunchPatchedBootstrap__5480" returned false. Action "BeginBootstrapLogicStage" will be skipped due to the following restrictions: Condition "Setup is running locally." returned true. Running: PerformDotNetCheck2 at: 2008/2/31 15:53:13 Complete: PerformDotNetCheck2 at: 2008/2/31 15:53:13, returned true Running: InvokeSqlSetupDllAction at: 2008/2/31 15:53:13 Loaded DLL:c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsqlspars.dll Version:2005.90.3042.0 <Func Name='DwLaunchMsiExec'> Examining 'sqlspars' globals to initialize 'SetupStateScope' Opening 'MachineConfigScope' for [SALL10014041] Trying to find Product Code from command line or passed transform If possible, determine install id and type Trying to find Instance Name from command line. No Instance Name provided on the command line If possible, determine action Machine = SALL10014041, Article = WMIServiceWin32OSWorking, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = SALL10014041, Article = WMIServiceWin32CompSystemWorking, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = SALL10014041, Article = WMIServiceWin32ProcessorWorking, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = SALL10014041, Article = WMIServiceReadRegWorking, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = SALL10014041, Article = WMIServiceWin32DirectoryWorking, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = SALL10014041, Article = WMIServiceCIMDataWorking, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = SALL10014041, Article = XMLDomDocument, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = SALL10014041, Article = Processor, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = SALL10014041, Article = PhysicalMemory, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = SALL10014041, Article = DiskFreeSpace, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = SALL10014041, Article = OSVersion, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = SALL10014041, Article = OSServicePack, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = SALL10014041, Article = OSType, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = SALL10014041, Article = iisDep, Result = 70348 (0x112cc) Machine = SALL10014041, Article = AdminShare, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = SALL10014041, Article = PendingReboot, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = SALL10014041, Article = PerfMon, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = SALL10014041, Article = IEVersion, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = SALL10014041, Article = DriveWriteAccess, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = SALL10014041, Article = COMPlus, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = SALL10014041, Article = ASPNETVersionRegistration, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = SALL10014041, Article = MDAC25Version, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = SALL10014041, Article = SKUUpgrade, Result = 0 (0x0) ******************************************* Setup Consistency Check Report for Machine: SALL10014041 ******************************************* Article: WMI Service Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: MSXML Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: Operating System Minimum Level Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: Operating System Service Pack Level Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: SQL Compatibility With Operating System, Result: CheckPassed Article: Minimum Hardware Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: IIS Feature Requirement, Result: Warning Description: IIS is not installed, therefore Report Server feature will be disabled Action: Install IIS in order for Report Server feature to be enabled Article: Pending Reboot Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: Performance Monitor Counter Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: Default Installation Path Permission Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: Internet Explorer Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: Check COM+ Catalogue, Result: CheckPassed Article: ASP.Net Registration Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: Minimum MDAC Version Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: Edition Upgrade Check, Result: CheckPassed <Func Name='PerformDetections'> 0 <EndFunc Name='PerformDetections' Return='0' GetLastError='0'> <Func Name='DisplaySCCWizard'> CSetupBootstrapWizard returned 1 <EndFunc Name='DisplaySCCWizard' Return='0' GetLastError='183'> Loaded DLL:c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsqlsval.dll Version:2005.90.3042.0 <EndFunc Name='DwLaunchMsiExec' Return='0' GetLastError='0'> Complete: InvokeSqlSetupDllAction at: 2008/2/31 15:54:30, returned true Running: SetPackageInstallStateAction at: 2008/2/31 15:54:30 Complete: SetPackageInstallStateAction at: 2008/2/31 15:54:30, returned true Running: DeterminePackageTransformsAction at: 2008/2/31 15:54:30 Complete: DeterminePackageTransformsAction at: 2008/2/31 15:54:30, returned true Running: ValidateSetupPropertiesAction at: 2008/2/31 15:54:30 Complete: ValidateSetupPropertiesAction at: 2008/2/31 15:54:30, returned true Running: OpenPipeAction at: 2008/2/31 15:54:30 Complete: OpenPipeAction at: 2008/2/31 15:54:30, returned false Error: Action "OpenPipeAction" failed during execution. Running: CreatePipeAction at: 2008/2/31 15:54:30 Complete: CreatePipeAction at: 2008/2/31 15:54:30, returned false Error: Action "CreatePipeAction" failed during execution. Action "RunRemoteSetupAction" will be skipped due to the following restrictions: Condition "Action: CreatePipeAction has finished and passed." returned false. Running: PopulateMutatorDbAction at: 2008/2/31 15:54:30 Complete: PopulateMutatorDbAction at: 2008/2/31 15:54:30, returned true Running: GenerateRequestsAction at: 2008/2/31 15:54:30 SQL_Engine = 3 SQL_Data_Files = 3 SQL_Replication = -1 SQL_FullText = -1 SQL_SharedTools = 3 SQL_BC_DEP = -1 Analysis_Server = -1 AnalysisDataFiles = -1 AnalysisSharedTools = -1 RS_Server = -1 RS_Web_Interface = -1 RS_SharedTools = -1 Notification_Services = -1 NS_Engine = -1 NS_Client = -1 SQL_DTS = -1 Client_Components = -1 Connectivity = -1 SQL_Tools90 = -1 SQL_WarehouseDevWorkbench = -1 SDK = -1 SQLXML = -1 Tools_Legacy = -1 TOOLS_BC_DEP = -1 SQL_SSMSEE = -1 SQL_Documentation = -1 SQL_BooksOnline = -1 SQL_DatabaseSamples = -1 SQL_AdventureWorksSamples = -1 SQL_AdventureWorksDWSamples = -1 SQL_AdventureWorksASSamples = -1 SQL_Samples = -1 Complete: GenerateRequestsAction at: 2008/2/31 15:54:31, returned true Running: CreateProgressWindowAction at: 2008/2/31 15:54:31 Complete: CreateProgressWindowAction at: 2008/2/31 15:54:31, returned true Running: ScheduleActionAction at: 2008/2/31 15:54:31 Complete: ScheduleActionAction at: 2008/2/31 15:54:32, returned true Skipped: InstallASAction.11 Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallASAction.18 Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallASAction.22 Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallASAction.9 Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.9" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "msxml6", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallDTSAction Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallDTSAction.11 Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallDTSAction.12 Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.12" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlncli", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallDTSAction.18 Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallDTSAction.22 Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallDTSAction.9 Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.9" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "msxml6", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallNSAction Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallNSAction.11 Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallNSAction.12 Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.12" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlncli", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallNSAction.18 Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallNSAction.22 Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallNSAction.9 Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.9" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "msxml6", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallRSAction.11 Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallRSAction.18 Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallRSAction.22 Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result. Running: InstallSqlAction.11 at: 2008/2/31 15:54:32 Installing: sqlsupport on target: SALL10014041 Complete: InstallSqlAction.11 at: 2008/2/31 15:54:50, returned true Running: InstallSqlAction.12 at: 2008/2/31 15:54:51 Installing: sqlncli on target: SALL10014041 Complete: InstallSqlAction.12 at: 2008/2/31 15:55:11, returned true Skipped: InstallSqlAction.18 Skipped: Action "InstallSqlAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "sql", install will be skipped as a result. Running: InstallSqlAction.21 at: 2008/2/31 15:55:11 Installing: sqlwriter on target: SALL10014041 Complete: InstallSqlAction.21 at: 2008/2/31 15:55:14, returned true Skipped: InstallSqlAction.22 Skipped: Action "InstallSqlAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "sql", install will be skipped as a result. Running: InstallSqlAction.9 at: 2008/2/31 15:55:14 Installing: msxml6 on target: SALL10014041 Complete: InstallSqlAction.9 at: 2008/2/31 15:55:17, returned true Skipped: InstallToolsAction.11 Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallToolsAction.12 Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.12" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlncli", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallToolsAction.13 Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.13" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "PPESku", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallToolsAction.18 Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallToolsAction.20 Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.20" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "BOL", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallToolsAction.22 Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallToolsAction.23 Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.23" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "ssmsee", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallToolsAction.9 Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.9" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "msxml6", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallNSAction.10 Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.10" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlxml4", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result. Running: InstallSqlAction at: 2008/2/31 15:55:17 Installing: sql on target: SALL10014041 Failed to install package Fatal error during installation. Setting package return code to: 29503 Complete: InstallSqlAction at: 2008/2/31 16:3:48, returned false Error: Action "InstallSqlAction" failed during execution. Error information reported during run: Target collection includes the local machine. Invoking installPackage() on local machine. Skipped: InstallToolsAction.10 Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.10" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlxml4", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallASAction Skipped: Action "InstallASAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "as", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallRSAction Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallToolsAction Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: RepairForBackwardsCompatRedistAction Skipped: Action "RepairForBackwardsCompatRedistAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis: Action: "RepairForBackwardsCompatRedistAction" will be skipped due to the following condition: Condition "sql was successfully upgraded." returned false. Condition context: sql failed to upgrade and so the uninstall of the upgraded product will not occur. Error: Action "UninstallForMSDE2000Action" failed during execution. Error information reported during run: Action: "UninstallForMSDE2000Action" will be marked as failed due to the following condition: Condition "sql was successfully upgraded." returned false. Condition context: sql failed to upgrade and so the uninstall of the upgraded product will not occur. Installation of package: "patchMSDE2000" failed due to a precondition. Error: Action "UninstallForSQLAction" failed during execution. Error information reported during run: Action: "UninstallForSQLAction" will be marked as failed due to the following condition: Condition "sql was successfully upgraded." returned false. Condition context: sql failed to upgrade and so the uninstall of the upgraded product will not occur. Installation of package: "patchLibertySql" failed due to a precondition. Skipped: UninstallForRS2000Action Skipped: Action "UninstallForRS2000Action" was not run. Information reported during analysis: Action: "UninstallForRS2000Action" will be skipped due to the following condition: Condition "Action: InstallRSAction was skipped." returned true. Error: Action "ExposeVistaClusteredResources" failed during execution. Error information reported during run: Action: "ExposeVistaClusteredResources" will be marked as failed due to the following condition: Condition "The Clustered SQL Server instance that hosts is installed." returned false. Running: ReportChainingResults at: 2008/2/31 16:3:48 Error: Action "ReportChainingResults" threw an exception during execution. One or more packages failed to install. Refer to logs for error details. : -2146885628 Error Code: -2146885628 Windows Error Text: Cannot find object or property.
Source File Name: sqlchainingsqlchainingactions.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Thu Nov 16 20:31:57 2006 Function Name: sqls::ReportChainingResults:erform Source Line Number: 3521
---- Context ----------------------------------------------- sqls::HostSetupPackageInstallerSynch:ostCommit sqls::HighlyAvailablePackage:reInstall led due to cancel code received from cancel source: 29539
Whole installation works fine until it comes to "Selected components are being configured" and there it shows:
MSXML6 - Setup FAILED. refer to the Setup log for details.
SQL Setup support files - Setup FINISHED.
SQL Native Client - Setup FINISHED.
SQL VSS Writter - - Setup FINISHED.
SQL Server Database Services - Setup FAILED. refer to the Setup log for details
And that's it. I cannot install SQL Server 2005 express.
I guess the problem is MSXML6 it cannot install because there is a newer version already there but I cannot uninstall it. How can I solve this problem ??
I have tried to download SQL Server 2005 Express from Disc 2 of Office Ultimate 2007 several times and it keeps failing. I have received the following information in the log. What do I do to resolve this problem.
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 9.00.3042.00 ============================== OS Version : Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600) Time : Tue Apr 22 15:39:58 2008
Machine : WHEELER-LAPTOP Product : Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English) Product Version : 9.00.3042.00 Install : Successful Log File : c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_WHEELER-LAPTOP_SQLSupport_1.log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine : WHEELER-LAPTOP Product : Microsoft SQL Server Native Client Product Version : 9.00.3042.00 Install : Successful Log File : c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_WHEELER-LAPTOP_SQLNCLI_1.log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine : WHEELER-LAPTOP Product : Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer Product Version : 9.00.3042.00 Install : Successful Log File : c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_WHEELER-LAPTOP_SqlWriter_1.log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine : WHEELER-LAPTOP Product : MSXML 6.0 Parser (KB933579) Product Version : 6.10.1200.0 Install : Successful Log File : c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_WHEELER-LAPTOP_MSXML6_1.log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine : WHEELER-LAPTOP Product : SQL Server Database Services Error : SQL Server Setup cannot write system databases to c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData, because it contains files from a previous installation. To continue, move the databases from the specified folder, or specify a different installation folder. Then run SQL Server Setup again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine : WHEELER-LAPTOP Product : SQL Server Database Services Error : SQL Server Setup cannot write system databases to c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData, because it contains files from a previous installation. To continue, move the databases from the specified folder, or specify a different installation folder. Then run SQL Server Setup again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine : WHEELER-LAPTOP Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Product Version : 9.1.2047.00 Install : Failed Log File : c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_WHEELER-LAPTOP_SQL.log Last Action : DetectExistingData Error String : SQL Server Setup cannot write system databases to c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData, because it contains files from a previous installation. To continue, move the databases from the specified folder, or specify a different installation folder. Then run SQL Server Setup again. Error Number : 28111 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQL Server Setup failed. For more information, review the Setup log file in %ProgramFiles%Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGSummary.txt.
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup beginning at Wed Jun 28 19:02:06 2006 Process ID : 1220 E:Serverssetup.exe Version: 2005.90.1399.0 Running: LoadResourcesAction at: 2006/5/28 19:2:5 Complete: LoadResourcesAction at: 2006/5/28 19:2:5, returned true Running: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2006/5/28 19:2:5 Loaded DLL:E:Serversxmlrw.dll Version:2.0.3604.0 Complete: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2006/5/28 19:2:6, returned false Error: Action "ParseBootstrapOptionsAction" failed during execution. Error information reported during run: Could not parse command line due to datastore exception. Source File Name: utillibpersisthelpers.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:55 2005 Function Name: writeEncryptedString Source Line Number: 124 ---------------------------------------------------------- writeEncryptedString() failed Source File Name: utillibpersisthelpers.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:55 2005 Function Name: writeEncryptedString Source Line Number: 123 ---------------------------------------------------------- Error Code: 0x80070002 (2) Windows Error Text: The system cannot find the file specified.
Source File Name: cryptohelpercryptsameusersamemachine.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Mon Jun 13 14:30:00 2005 Function Name: sqls::CryptSameUserSameMachine::ProtectData Source Line Number: 50
2 Could not skip Component update due to datastore exception. Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005 Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty Source Line Number: 130 ---------------------------------------------------------- Failed to find property "InstallMediaPath" {"SetupBootstrapOptionsScope", "", "1220"} in cache Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005 Function Name: SetupBootstrapOptionsScope.InstallMediaPath Source Line Number: 44 ---------------------------------------------------------- No collector registered for scope: "SetupBootstrapOptionsScope" Running: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2006/5/28 19:2:6 Complete: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2006/5/28 19:2:6, returned true Running: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2006/5/28 19:2:6 Complete: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2006/5/28 19:2:6, returned true Running: PerformSCCAction at: 2006/5/28 19:2:6 Complete: PerformSCCAction at: 2006/5/28 19:2:6, returned true Running: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2006/5/28 19:2:6 Error: Action "ActivateLoggingAction" threw an exception during execution. Error information reported during run: Datastore exception while trying to write logging properties. Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005 Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty Source Line Number: 130 ---------------------------------------------------------- Failed to find property "primaryLogFiles" {"SetupStateScope", "", ""} in cache Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005 Function Name: SetupStateScope.primaryLogFiles Source Line Number: 44 ---------------------------------------------------------- No collector registered for scope: "SetupStateScope" 00D9CFC4Unable to proceed with setup, there was a command line parsing error. : 2 Error Code: 0x80070002 (2) Windows Error Text: The system cannot find the file specified.
Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005 Function Name: SetupBootstrapOptionsScope.InstallMediaPath Source Line Number: 44
Class not registered. Failed to create CAB file due to datastore exception Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005 Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty Source Line Number: 130 ---------------------------------------------------------- Failed to find property "HostSetup" {"SetupBootstrapOptionsScope", "", "1220"} in cache Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005 Function Name: SetupBootstrapOptionsScope.HostSetup Source Line Number: 44 ---------------------------------------------------------- No collector registered for scope: "SetupBootstrapOptionsScope" Message pump returning: 2
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 9.00.3042.00 ============================== OS Version : Professional (Build 6000) Time : Tue May 15 12:24:12 2007
Machine : RJMHOME2 Product : Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English) Product Version : 9.00.3042.00 Install : Successful Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_RJMHOME2_SQLSupport_1.log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine : RJMHOME2 Product : Microsoft SQL Server Native Client Product Version : 9.00.3042.00 Install : Successful Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_RJMHOME2_SQLNCLI_1.log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine : RJMHOME2 Product : Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer Product Version : 9.00.3042.00 Install : Successful Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_RJMHOME2_SqlWriter_1.log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine : RJMHOME2 Product : Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English) Product Version : 9.00.3042.00 Install : Successful Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_RJMHOME2_SQLSupport_2.log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine : RJMHOME2 Product : Microsoft SQL Server Native Client Product Version : 9.00.3042.00 Install : Successful Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_RJMHOME2_SQLNCLI_2.log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine : RJMHOME2 Product : SQL Server Database Services Error : The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine : RJMHOME2 Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Product Version : 9.2.3042.00 Install : Failed Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_RJMHOME2_SQL.log Last Action : InstallFinalize Error String : The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually." The error is (2) The system cannot find the file specified. Error Number : 29503 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
And here is part of the SQL.log file around the error:
Setting status of unmanaged components and removing unmanaged resources Do_sqlScript SqlScriptHlpr Start service MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS
Error Code: 2 MSI (s) (24!1C) [12:26:45:369]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition -- Error 29503. The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually." The error is (2) The system cannot find the file specified. .
MSI (c) (04:4C) [12:26:37:880]: Entering MsiProvideComponentFromDescriptor. Descriptor: ']gAVn-}f(ZXfeAR6.jiHandWritingFiles>RMn1s[Rh9@Iqc3L`JQB,, PathBuf: 2CE77F0, pcchPathBuf: 2CE77EC, pcchArgsOffset: 2CE774C MSI (c) (04:4C) [12:26:37:880]: Machine policy value 'DisableUserInstalls' is 0 MSI (c) (04:4C) [12:26:37:889]: MsiProvideComponentFromDescriptor is returning: 0 Error 29503. The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually." The error is (2) The system cannot find the file specified. . <Func Name='GetCAContext'> <EndFunc Name='GetCAContext' Return='T' GetLastError='203'> Doing Action: Do_sqlScript PerfTime Start: Do_sqlScript : Tue May 15 12:26:45 2007 Service MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS with parameters '-m SqlSetup -Q -qSQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS -T4022 -T3659 -T3610 -T4010' is being started at Tue May 15 12:26:45 2007 Service failed unexpectedly (2) Error Code: 0x80070002 (2) Windows Error Text: The system cannot find the file specified. Source File Name: sqlsetuplibservice.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Wed Jun 14 16:29:04 2006 Function Name: sqls:ervice:tart Source Line Number: 301
Setting status of unmanaged components and removing unmanaged resources Do_sqlScript SqlScriptHlpr Start service MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS Do_sqlScript SqlScriptHlpr Start service MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS
Error Code: 2 MSI (s) (24!1C) [12:26:47:322]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition -- Error 29503. The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually." The error is (2) The system cannot find the file specified. .
MSI (c) (04:4C) [12:26:46:556]: Entering MsiProvideComponentFromDescriptor. Descriptor: ']gAVn-}f(ZXfeAR6.jiHandWritingFiles>RMn1s[Rh9@Iqc3L`JQB,, PathBuf: 2CE77F0, pcchPathBuf: 2CE77EC, pcchArgsOffset: 2CE774C MSI (c) (04:4C) [12:26:46:558]: MsiProvideComponentFromDescriptor is returning: 0 Error 29503. The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually." The error is (2) The system cannot find the file specified. . <Func Name='GetCAContext'> <EndFunc Name='GetCAContext' Return='T' GetLastError='203'> Doing Action: Do_sqlScript PerfTime Start: Do_sqlScript : Tue May 15 12:26:47 2007 Service MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS with parameters '-m SqlSetup -Q -qSQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS -T4022 -T3659 -T3610 -T4010' is being started at Tue May 15 12:26:47 2007 Service failed unexpectedly (2) Error Code: 0x80070002 (2) Windows Error Text: The system cannot find the file specified. Source File Name: sqlsetuplibservice.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Wed Jun 14 16:29:04 2006 Function Name: sqls:ervice:tart Source Line Number: 301
Setting status of unmanaged components and removing unmanaged resources Do_sqlScript SqlScriptHlpr Start service MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS Do_sqlScript SqlScriptHlpr Start service MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS Do_sqlScript SqlScriptHlpr Start service MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS
Error Code: 2 MSI (s) (24:68) [12:27:00:359]: I/O on thread 4804 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168 MSI (s) (24:68) [12:27:00:359]: I/O on thread 1820 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168 MSI (s) (24:68) [12:27:00:359]: I/O on thread 4840 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168 MSI (s) (24:68) [12:27:00:359]: I/O on thread 5020 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168 MSI (s) (24:68) [12:27:00:359]: I/O on thread 5272 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168 MSI (s) (24:68) [12:27:00:359]: I/O on thread 4780 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168 MSI (s) (24:68) [12:27:00:359]: I/O on thread 5128 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168 MSI (s) (24:68) [12:27:00:359]: I/O on thread 6080 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168 MSI (s) (24:68) [12:27:00:359]: I/O on thread 468 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168 MSI (s) (24:68) [12:27:00:359]: I/O on thread 5596 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168 MSI (s) (24:68) [12:27:00:359]: I/O on thread 5632 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168 MSI (s) (24:68) [12:27:00:359]: I/O on thread 1356 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168 MSI (s) (24:68) [12:27:00:359]: I/O on thread 5800 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168 MSI (s) (24:68) [12:27:00:359]: I/O on thread 1072 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168 MSI (s) (24:68) [12:27:00:359]: I/O on thread 5836 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168 MSI (s) (24!1C) [12:27:00:360]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition -- Error 29503. The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually." The error is (2) The system cannot find the file specified. .
Error 29503. The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually." The error is (2) The system cannot find the file specified. . <Failure Type='Fatal' Error='2'> <EndFunc Name='LaunchFunction' Return='2' GetLastError='203'>
Hi, I am trying to install sql server express with advanced services and I can't get any further than this message: Name: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (SQLEXPRESS)Allowed Action: Maintain (Action is only available from Add or Remove Programs)Reason: Cannot maintain product, to maintain the product go to Add or Remove Programs Name: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 ToolsReason: Your upgrade is blocked. For more information about upgrade support, see the "Version and Edition Upgrades" and "Hardware and Software Requirements" topics in SQL Server 2005 Setup Help or SQL Server 2005 Books Online. Edition check:Your upgrade is blocked because of edition upgrade rules. For more information about edition upgrades, see the Version and Edition Upgrades topic in SQL Server 2005 Setup Help or SQL Server 2005 Books Online.I have looked ay the book sonline and it got me nowhere very quickly! Any ideas reatly appreciated! I have no other SQL products installed or express versions etc. I have VS 2005 and I want to install that next! Thanks!
Hi. I've recently installed (not sure about the exact order): .NET 2.0 Redist Package .NET 2.0 Framework SDK Visual C# 2005 EE Visual C++ 2005 EE Platform SDK (Windows Server 2003 R2) Directx 9 SDK
I just want to start my way up with C# initially. I've been watching some lessons and I'm trying to use some SQL features of Visual Studio EE. Whenever I try to create a SQL item in my project list, I get the following error message box:
Connections to SQL server files (*.mdf) require SQL Server Express 2005 to function properly. Please verify the installation of the component, or download from the URL:... I got the SQL 2005 Express from MS' website, only to get this during (everything set to default) installation:
An instance with the same name is already installed on this computer. To proceed with SQL Server Setup, provide a unique instance name.
I am trying to install MS SQL Server Express but the installation always fails. I have copied the summary log below and can provide more details if you require.
Hardware:P4 1.7G CPU,30G HDD space,1G memory
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 9.00.2047.00 ============================== OS Version : Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600) Time : Fri Jul 21 15:08:24 2006
Machine : YANGNAN Product : Microsoft SQL Server 安装程åº?支æŒ?文件(英è¯) Product Version : 9.00.2047.00 Install : Successful Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0002_YANGNAN_SQLSupport_1.log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine : YANGNAN Product : Microsoft SQL Server Native Client Product Version : 9.00.2047.00 Install : Successful Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0002_YANGNAN_SQLNCLI_1.log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine : YANGNAN Product : Microsoft SQL Server VSS 编写器 Product Version : 9.00.2047.00 Install : Successful Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0002_YANGNAN_SqlWriter_1.log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine : YANGNAN Product : MSXML 6.0 分æž?程åº? Product Version : 6.00.3883.15 Install : Successful Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0002_YANGNAN_MSXML6_1.log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine : YANGNAN Product : SQL Server Database Services Error : The computer running SQL Server Setup does not meet minimum system requirements for this SQL Server release.Microsoft SQL Server is not supported on this operating system. For details, see Hardware and Software Requirements in the readme or in SQL Server Books Online. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine : YANGNAN Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Product Version : 9.00.1399.06 Install : Failed Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0002_YANGNAN_SQL.log Last Action : DetectSKUOS Error String : The computer running SQL Server Setup does not meet minimum system requirements for this SQL Server release.Microsoft SQL Server is not supported on this operating system. For details, see Hardware and Software Requirements in the readme or in SQL Server Books Online. Error Number : 28018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I am trying to install sql server 2005 express on 64 bit windows but i get a error message saying SQLncli_x64.msi file is missing and asks me to download it.
How can i fix this problem to install the SQL server on my Windows XP x64 Edition?
Okay, this must be the silliest question of the day. I downloaded SSE, but when it ran, it noted that I needed Win 3.1 Installer. Went and got that, installed it, and restarted. But where is my SSE download? I tried to go back to the SSE download, but it won't download the file again. Nothing happens when I click on the download link.
Code Snippet[05/30/07,17:59:59] Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86: [2] Component Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 returned an unexpected value. ***EndOfSession***[05/30/07,17:59:59] Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86: [2] Component Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 returned an unexpected value. [05/30/07,18:00:02] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 is not installed. [06/04/07,21:30:31] Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86: [2] Component Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 returned an unexpected value. ***EndOfSession***[05/30/07,17:59:59] Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86: [2] Component Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 returned an unexpected value. [05/30/07,18:00:02] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 is not installed. [06/04/07,21:30:31] Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86: [2] Component Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 returned an unexpected value. [06/04/07,21:30:34] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 is not installed. [06/05/07,03:21:33] Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86: [2] Component Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 returned an unexpected value. ***EndOfSession***[05/30/07,17:59:59] Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86: [2] Component Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 returned an unexpected value. [05/30/07,18:00:02] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 is not installed. [06/04/07,21:30:31] Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86: [2] Component Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 returned an unexpected value. [06/04/07,21:30:34] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 is not installed. [06/05/07,03:21:33] Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86: [2] Component Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 returned an unexpected value. [06/05/07,03:21:39] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 is not installed. [06/05/07,11:30:05] Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86: [2] Error code 258 for this component means "The wait operation timed out. " [06/05/07,11:30:06] Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86: [2] Component Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 returned an unexpected value. [06/05/07,11:30:06] Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86: [2] Return from system messaging: The wait operation timed out.
***EndOfSession***[05/30/07,17:59:59] Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86: [2] Component Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 returned an unexpected value. [05/30/07,18:00:02] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 is not installed. [06/04/07,21:30:31] Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86: [2] Component Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 returned an unexpected value. [06/04/07,21:30:34] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 is not installed. [06/05/07,03:21:33] Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86: [2] Component Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 returned an unexpected value. [06/05/07,03:21:39] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 is not installed. [06/05/07,11:30:05] Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86: [2] Error code 258 for this component means "The wait operation timed out. " [06/05/07,11:30:06] Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86: [2] Component Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 returned an unexpected value. [06/05/07,11:30:06] Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86: [2] Return from system messaging: The wait operation timed out.
[06/05/07,11:30:10] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 is not installed. [06/05/07,11:52:13] Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86: [2] Component Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 returned an unexpected value. ***EndOfSession*** I try to install it from visual studio net professional 2005, every time it fails. Any idea?
I am attempting to install SQL Server express on an XP (SP2) machine with a Pentium processor. The .NET framework version is 2.0. All previous versions of SQL server and related components have been uninstalled, and all related files deleted. Also, during installation, I installed SQL Express using the local service account (vs. network service) per a suggestion in a related thread. I have installed/unistalled numerous times, and continue to receive the same error. At this point, this is becoming a critical issue related to a client ASP.NET application using a SQL express 2005 database. I was hoping by now that MS would have released a new version or patch that would solve this problem, but that does not seem to be the case, that I'm aware of.
Summary Log:
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 9.00.3042.00 ============================== OS Version : Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600) Time : Tue Aug 21 14:59:31 2007
Machine : DEBASER1 Product : Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English) Product Version : 9.00.3042.00 Install : Successful Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_DEBASER1_SQLSupport_1.log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine : DEBASER1 Product : Microsoft SQL Server Native Client Product Version : 9.00.3042.00 Install : Successful Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_DEBASER1_SQLNCLI_1.log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine : DEBASER1 Product : Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer Product Version : 9.00.3042.00 Install : Successful Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_DEBASER1_SqlWriter_1.log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine : DEBASER1 Product : MSXML 6.0 Parser (KB933579) Product Version : 6.10.1200.0 Install : Successful Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_DEBASER1_MSXML6_1.log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine : DEBASER1 Product : SQL Server Database Services Error : The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine : DEBASER1 Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Product Version : 9.2.3042.00 Install : Failed Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_DEBASER1_SQL.log Last Action : InstallFinalize Error String : The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually." The error is (3) The system cannot find the path specified. Error Number : 29503 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQL Server Setup failed. For more information, review the Setup log file in %ProgramFiles%Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGSummary.txt.
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup beginning at Tue Aug 21 14:59:31 2007 Process ID : 2960 c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsetup.exe Version: 2005.90.3042.0 Running: LoadResourcesAction at: 2007/7/21 14:59:31 Complete: LoadResourcesAction at: 2007/7/21 14:59:31, returned true Running: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2007/7/21 14:59:31 Loaded DLL:c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapxmlrw.dll Version:2.0.3609.0 Complete: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2007/7/21 14:59:31, returned true Running: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2007/7/21 14:59:31 Complete: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2007/7/21 14:59:31, returned true Running: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2007/7/21 14:59:31 Complete: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2007/7/21 14:59:31, returned true Running: PerformSCCAction at: 2007/7/21 14:59:31 Complete: PerformSCCAction at: 2007/7/21 14:59:31, returned true Running: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2007/7/21 14:59:31 Complete: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2007/7/21 14:59:31, returned true Running: DetectPatchedBootstrapAction at: 2007/7/21 14:59:31 Complete: DetectPatchedBootstrapAction at: 2007/7/21 14:59:31, returned true Action "LaunchPatchedBootstrapAction" will be skipped due to the following restrictions: Condition "EventCondition: __STP_LaunchPatchedBootstrap__2960" returned false. Action "BeginBootstrapLogicStage" will be skipped due to the following restrictions: Condition "Setup is running locally." returned true. Running: PerformDotNetCheck2 at: 2007/7/21 14:59:31 Complete: PerformDotNetCheck2 at: 2007/7/21 14:59:31, returned true Running: InvokeSqlSetupDllAction at: 2007/7/21 14:59:31 Loaded DLL:c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsqlspars.dll Version:2005.90.3042.0 <Func Name='DwLaunchMsiExec'> Examining 'sqlspars' globals to initialize 'SetupStateScope' Opening 'MachineConfigScope' for [DEBASER1] Trying to find Product Code from command line or passed transform If possible, determine install id and type Trying to find Instance Name from command line. No Instance Name provided on the command line If possible, determine action Machine = DEBASER1, Article = WMIServiceWin32OSWorking, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = DEBASER1, Article = WMIServiceWin32CompSystemWorking, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = DEBASER1, Article = WMIServiceWin32ProcessorWorking, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = DEBASER1, Article = WMIServiceReadRegWorking, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = DEBASER1, Article = WMIServiceWin32DirectoryWorking, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = DEBASER1, Article = WMIServiceCIMDataWorking, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = DEBASER1, Article = XMLDomDocument, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = DEBASER1, Article = Processor, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = DEBASER1, Article = PhysicalMemory, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = DEBASER1, Article = DiskFreeSpace, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = DEBASER1, Article = OSVersion, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = DEBASER1, Article = OSServicePack, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = DEBASER1, Article = OSType, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = DEBASER1, Article = AdminShare, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = DEBASER1, Article = PendingReboot, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = DEBASER1, Article = IEVersion, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = DEBASER1, Article = DriveWriteAccess, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = DEBASER1, Article = COMPlus, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = DEBASER1, Article = ASPNETVersionRegistration, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = DEBASER1, Article = MDAC25Version, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = DEBASER1, Article = SKUUpgrade, Result = 0 (0x0) ******************************************* Setup Consistency Check Report for Machine: DEBASER1 ******************************************* Article: WMI Service Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: MSXML Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: Operating System Minimum Level Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: Operating System Service Pack Level Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: SQL Compatibility With Operating System, Result: CheckPassed Article: Minimum Hardware Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: Pending Reboot Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: Default Installation Path Permission Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: Internet Explorer Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: Check COM+ Catalogue, Result: CheckPassed Article: ASP.Net Registration Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: Minimum MDAC Version Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: Edition Upgrade Check, Result: CheckPassed <Func Name='PerformDetections'> 0 <EndFunc Name='PerformDetections' Return='0' GetLastError='0'> <Func Name='DisplaySCCWizard'> CSetupBootstrapWizard returned 1 <EndFunc Name='DisplaySCCWizard' Return='0' GetLastError='183'> Loaded DLL:c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsqlsval.dll Version:2005.90.3042.0 <EndFunc Name='DwLaunchMsiExec' Return='0' GetLastError='0'> Complete: InvokeSqlSetupDllAction at: 2007/7/21 15:0:29, returned true Running: SetPackageInstallStateAction at: 2007/7/21 15:0:29 Complete: SetPackageInstallStateAction at: 2007/7/21 15:0:29, returned true Running: DeterminePackageTransformsAction at: 2007/7/21 15:0:29 Complete: DeterminePackageTransformsAction at: 2007/7/21 15:0:30, returned true Running: ValidateSetupPropertiesAction at: 2007/7/21 15:0:30 Complete: ValidateSetupPropertiesAction at: 2007/7/21 15:0:30, returned true Running: OpenPipeAction at: 2007/7/21 15:0:30 Complete: OpenPipeAction at: 2007/7/21 15:0:30, returned false Error: Action "OpenPipeAction" failed during execution. Running: CreatePipeAction at: 2007/7/21 15:0:30 Complete: CreatePipeAction at: 2007/7/21 15:0:30, returned false Error: Action "CreatePipeAction" failed during execution. Action "RunRemoteSetupAction" will be skipped due to the following restrictions: Condition "Action: CreatePipeAction has finished and passed." returned false. Running: PopulateMutatorDbAction at: 2007/7/21 15:0:30 Complete: PopulateMutatorDbAction at: 2007/7/21 15:0:30, returned true Running: GenerateRequestsAction at: 2007/7/21 15:0:30 SQL_Engine = 3 SQL_Data_Files = 3 SQL_Replication = -1 SQL_FullText = -1 SQL_SharedTools = 3 SQL_BC_DEP = -1 Analysis_Server = -1 AnalysisDataFiles = -1 AnalysisSharedTools = -1 RS_Server = -1 RS_Web_Interface = -1 RS_SharedTools = -1 Notification_Services = -1 NS_Engine = -1 NS_Client = -1 SQL_DTS = -1 Client_Components = -1 Connectivity = -1 SQL_Tools90 = -1 SQL_WarehouseDevWorkbench = -1 SDK = -1 SQLXML = -1 Tools_Legacy = -1 TOOLS_BC_DEP = -1 SQL_SSMSEE = -1 SQL_Documentation = -1 SQL_BooksOnline = -1 SQL_DatabaseSamples = -1 SQL_AdventureWorksSamples = -1 SQL_AdventureWorksDWSamples = -1 SQL_AdventureWorksASSamples = -1 SQL_Samples = -1 Complete: GenerateRequestsAction at: 2007/7/21 15:0:32, returned true Running: CreateProgressWindowAction at: 2007/7/21 15:0:32 Complete: CreateProgressWindowAction at: 2007/7/21 15:0:32, returned true Running: ScheduleActionAction at: 2007/7/21 15:0:32 Complete: ScheduleActionAction at: 2007/7/21 15:0:33, returned true Skipped: InstallASAction.11 Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallASAction.18 Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallASAction.22 Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallASAction.9 Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.9" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "msxml6", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallDTSAction Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallDTSAction.11 Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallDTSAction.12 Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.12" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlncli", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallDTSAction.18 Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallDTSAction.22 Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallDTSAction.9 Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.9" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "msxml6", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallNSAction Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallNSAction.11 Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallNSAction.12 Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.12" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlncli", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallNSAction.18 Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallNSAction.22 Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallNSAction.9 Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.9" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "msxml6", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallRSAction.11 Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallRSAction.18 Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallRSAction.22 Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result. Running: InstallSqlAction.11 at: 2007/7/21 15:0:33 Installing: sqlsupport on target: DEBASER1 Complete: InstallSqlAction.11 at: 2007/7/21 15:11:8, returned true Running: InstallSqlAction.12 at: 2007/7/21 15:11:8 Installing: sqlncli on target: DEBASER1 Complete: InstallSqlAction.12 at: 2007/7/21 15:11:17, returned true Skipped: InstallSqlAction.18 Skipped: Action "InstallSqlAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "sql", install will be skipped as a result. Running: InstallSqlAction.21 at: 2007/7/21 15:11:17 Installing: sqlwriter on target: DEBASER1 Complete: InstallSqlAction.21 at: 2007/7/21 15:11:22, returned true Skipped: InstallSqlAction.22 Skipped: Action "InstallSqlAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "sql", install will be skipped as a result. Running: InstallSqlAction.9 at: 2007/7/21 15:11:22 Installing: msxml6 on target: DEBASER1 Complete: InstallSqlAction.9 at: 2007/7/21 15:11:24, returned true Skipped: InstallToolsAction.11 Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallToolsAction.12 Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.12" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlncli", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallToolsAction.13 Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.13" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "PPESku", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallToolsAction.18 Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallToolsAction.20 Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.20" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "BOL", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallToolsAction.22 Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallToolsAction.23 Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.23" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "ssmsee", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallToolsAction.9 Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.9" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "msxml6", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallNSAction.10 Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.10" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlxml4", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result. Running: InstallSqlAction at: 2007/7/21 15:11:25 Installing: sql on target: DEBASER1 Failed to install package Fatal error during installation. Setting package return code to: 29503 Complete: InstallSqlAction at: 2007/7/21 15:15:29, returned false Error: Action "InstallSqlAction" failed during execution. Error information reported during run: Target collection includes the local machine. Invoking installPackage() on local machine. Skipped: InstallToolsAction.10 Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.10" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlxml4", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallASAction Skipped: Action "InstallASAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "as", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallRSAction Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallToolsAction Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: RepairForBackwardsCompatRedistAction Skipped: Action "RepairForBackwardsCompatRedistAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis: Action: "RepairForBackwardsCompatRedistAction" will be skipped due to the following condition: Condition "sql was successfully upgraded." returned false. Condition context: sql failed to upgrade and so the uninstall of the upgraded product will not occur. Error: Action "UninstallForMSDE2000Action" failed during execution. Error information reported during run: Action: "UninstallForMSDE2000Action" will be marked as failed due to the following condition: Condition "sql was successfully upgraded." returned false. Condition context: sql failed to upgrade and so the uninstall of the upgraded product will not occur. Installation of package: "patchMSDE2000" failed due to a precondition. Error: Action "UninstallForSQLAction" failed during execution. Error information reported during run: Action: "UninstallForSQLAction" will be marked as failed due to the following condition: Condition "sql was successfully upgraded." returned false. Condition context: sql failed to upgrade and so the uninstall of the upgraded product will not occur. Installation of package: "patchLibertySql" failed due to a precondition. Skipped: UninstallForRS2000Action Skipped: Action "UninstallForRS2000Action" was not run. Information reported during analysis: Action: "UninstallForRS2000Action" will be skipped due to the following condition: Condition "Action: InstallRSAction was skipped." returned true. Error: Action "ExposeVistaClusteredResources" failed during execution. Error information reported during run: Action: "ExposeVistaClusteredResources" will be marked as failed due to the following condition: Condition "The Clustered SQL Server instance that hosts is installed." returned false. Running: ReportChainingResults at: 2007/7/21 15:15:29 Error: Action "ReportChainingResults" threw an exception during execution. One or more packages failed to install. Refer to logs for error details. : 3 Error Code: 0x80070003 (3) Windows Error Text: The system cannot find the path specified.
Source File Name: sqlchainingsqlchainingactions.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Thu Nov 16 20:31:57 2006 Function Name: sqls::ReportChainingResults:erform Source Line Number: 3521
---- Context ----------------------------------------------- sqls::HostSetupPackageInstallerSynch:ostCommit sqls::HighlyAvailablePackage:reInstall led due to cancel code received from cancel source: 29539
I'm trying to install SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and receive the following error.
The SQL Server System Configuration Checker cannot be executed due to WMI configuration on the machine WKSBVN521J Error:2147749891 (0x80041003). Error:2147749891 (0x80041003).
I've tried the various batch / command files with no success.
Looking at the WMI Control on the General tab in the Computer Management Console it shows the following:
Is this permissions issue? My username is not a full administrator, I think I'm just setup as a user with elevated privileges. Will need to check with the network administrator - but he is out for 2 weeks now.
I don't know where to turn to. [Setup has detected a problem with Microsoft .Net Framework installation and cannot proceed. Microsoft .Net Framwork is either not installed on this system or is corrupt.]
I'm going around in circles (for days and I'm furious...sorry!)
I've a new laptop with Vista Home Premium and trying to install VS 2005 together with SQL 2005 Express. I got VS2005 installed (told me issues with SQL Express so failed on that part of it). Installed Service packs for VS2005 then a service pack for VS2005 on Vista. Tried to install SQLEXPR_ADV.exe (newest SQL 2005 with advanced features and came upon the above message).
I just don't know what to do next...this is my 10th day at trying to get something to work with this operating system.