Error When Creating DMX Query

Nov 8, 2006

On screen states [Error loading mining model metadata: No Metadata found]

and on the functions states [Error loading functions: no functions found]

This also occures when trying to use the Data mining wizard, it will just not respond.

Have deleted and removed all references to SQL2005 Standard and reloaded and still get same errors

Could someone please advise, have sent errors to Microsoft with no responce back yet.

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Error In Creating Query

Aug 11, 2000


I don't see what's wrong with this command.
Create View BCPOutBatchWeightTaiwan AS
Select *
from batchWeight a JOIN Geography b
ON a.GeographyPtr = b.GeographyPtr
where b.countrycode = 'tw'
I get the following error if I try to create it.
Server: Msg 4506, Level 16, State 1, Procedure BCPOutBatchWeightTaiwan, Line 2
Column names in each view must be unique. Column name 'GeographyPTR' in view 'BCPOutBatchWeightTaiwan' is specified more than once.

But it runs fine if I run only th 'Select' part of the command
without 'CREATE' line.

Any help is appreciated.


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Creating Table From Query Analyzer Gives Error

Oct 25, 2005


I have the TAMCreate.sql file which contains the script to create all tables in the Database TAMaintenance. Its created and used in the SqlServer 2000. But i have only SqlServer 7. From the script i copy and paste each table and created upto 7 tables without any problem, when i create the 8th table i get the following error the code for the table

CREATE TABLE AA_Branch_Master(
Branch_Code varchar(15) CONSTRAINT PK_AA_Branch_Master1 PRIMARY KEY,
Branch_Name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
Branch_Opened datetime NOT NULL,
Branch_Location varchar(50) NOT NULL,
Branch_Province varchar(25) NOT NULL,
Branch_Incharge varchar(50) NOT NULL,
Branch_Remark varchar(150),
Branch_Status BIT(1))

Server: Msg 2716, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Column or parameter #8: Cannot specify a column width on data type bit.

In the same way i have get the error or another table, rest of the tables are created successfully.

the code for the table

CREATE TABLE AA_Supplier_Master(
Supp_Code varchar(15) CONSTRAINT PK_AA_Supplier_Master1 PRIMARY KEY,
Supp_Name varchar(100) NOT NULL,
Supp_Address varchar(150) NOT NULL,
Supp_Contact_Person varchar(50) NOT NULL,
Supp_Paymode varchar(25) NOT NULL,
Supp_Tel1 varchar(25),
Supp_Tel2 varchar(25),
Supp_Fax varchar(25),
Supp_Postbox varchar(15),
Supp_Postal_Code varchar(15),
Supp_City varchar(50) NOT NULL,
Supp_Country varchar(50) NOT NULL,
Supp_Status BIT(1))

Server: Msg 2716, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Column or parameter #13: Cannot specify a column width on data type bit.



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[Query] - Query Designer Encountered A Query Error:Unspecified Error

Jan 22, 2001


I get this error dialog when I try to open all the rows of any table from Enterprise manager..

Any help would be really appreciated..


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Error Creating Package - Failed To Save Package File ... Emp EmpD4B.tmp With Error 0x80040154 Class Not Registered

May 19, 2006

I had just installed SQL 2005 dev on my laptop and got an error message when I tried to create a package using the BI IDE. I received the same error using VS2005 IDE. But the project was created regardless without any packages. When I tried to create a new package in the project, I received the same error again, but with an option to view the error details.

Following is the text of the error details:

TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio

Error creating package


Failed to save package file "C:Documents and SettingsmyoungbloodLocal SettingsTemp mpD4B.tmp" with error 0x80040154 "Class not registered".


Failed to save package file "C:Documents and SettingsmyoungbloodLocal SettingsTemp mpD4B.tmp" with error 0x80040154 "Class not registered".


I found a similar post that suggested that they try the following:

regsvr32 msxml3.dll
regsvr32 msxml4.dll
regsvr32 msxml6.dll

But msxml6.dll could not be found.

I did get a copy of this file from a coworker, and after copying it and registering it, I was able to add a package to the project.

My concern now is what is the likelyhood of this being the only file missing from the installation.

I'm wondering if I should reinstall, or (if it exists) do a repair on the installation.



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Error: 8624 Internal Query Processor Error: The Query Processor Could Not Produce A Query Plan.

May 24, 2007

SQL Server 2005 9.0.3161 on Win 2k3 R2

I receive the following error:

"Error: 8624, Severity: 16, State: 1 Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan. For more information, contact Customer Support Services."

I have traced this to an insert statement that executes as part of a stored procedure.

INSERT INTO ledger (journal__id, account__id,account_recv_info__id,amount)

VALUES (@journal_id, @acct_id, @acct_recv_id, @amount)

There is also an auto-increment column called id. There are FK contraints on all of the columns ending in "__id". I have found that if I remove the contraint on account__id the procedure will execute without error. None of the other constraints seem to make a difference. Of course I don't want to remove this key because it is important to the database integrity and should not be causing problems, but apparently it confuses the optimizer.

Also, the strange thing is that I can get the procedure to execute without error when I run it directly through management studio, but I receive the error when executing from .NET code or anything using ODBC (Access).

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Creating A Query In ASp.NET SQL

May 18, 2008

Hi, i have been able to create a query in in the sever explorer.
I want to create an statement as a new column.
In Access i would do it like this (Agg: [Scored]-[Against])
But how do i call a new column Agg in SQL and then tell it to take Against away from Scored?

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Help Creating Query

Apr 1, 2008

FROM dbo.mw_PagesTagMap
WHERE (TagID = tag.TagID)) AS TagWeight
FROM dbo.mw_Tags AS tag

This query works exactly how I want it to.
I would like to modify this to NOT return any column that has a TagWeight of 0

FROM dbo.mw_PagesTagMap
WHERE (TagID = tag.TagID)) AS TagWeight
FROM dbo.mw_Tags AS tag
WHERE (TagWeight <> 0)
I thought this would do it but I'm getting an error "invalied column TagWeight".
How would I get this to work?

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Need Help Creating Query

Jul 23, 2005

I am working with employee schedules. Each schedule is comprised ofsegments (shift, lunch, break, training, etc.) that have rankings.Each record has the employee id, the date the shift starts, the startand end time of each segment, the duration,the segment type and itsrank. The start and end times of the schedules can overlap, but thesegment that has the higher rank takes precedence.As a simple example, an employee working 8a-5p will have two records.The shift segment from 8a-5p and a lunch segment from 12p-1p. Thelunch ranks higher so, even though the shift goes from 8a-5p, from12p-1p, the lunch takes precedence.What I'm trying to do is build a query that will collapse the segments.So given the example above, I will now have three records: shift8a-12p, lunch 12p-1p, shift 1p-5p.I have been racking my brain but I just can't figure it out.Ultimately, a programmer in my office will display this in a bar chartformat with each segment type having its own color. I'm trying to do asmuch of the work in SQL so he doesn't have to calculate this stuff inthe code.Any help would be appreciated.Thanks.Angela

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Need Help Creating A Query..

Apr 15, 2008

Hey all, am a bit new to SQL so excuse my ignorance I am wanting to create a query that uses 2 parameters and returns 20 random records that meet the criteria.
One of the parameters is stored in a different table to the one im querying, and the other is a selection made by the user on a VB form.. If its any help, my table schema is:

QUESTION: (QuestionID, Text, Answer, Category, AbilityLevel)

I need AbilityLevel to match a variable stored in the VB form and Category to match a value selected by the user from a combo-box.

I really dont know where to begin with this so any help would be greatly appreciated!

P.S. apologies if this is too VB related to belong in this forum!

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Creating New Transaction Query

Jun 15, 2007

I have a table with the following columns: Rtype, Amount, Refnumber, Color:
Here is what the table looks like:

RD 25 1 blue
AB 45 2 green
AC 25 3 purple
AD 34 4 blue
AE 25 5 pink

Now lets say I would like to create new transactions for all 'RD' Rtypes, but I would like to change the Amount to lets say, 99 for all of 'RD' types, but keep the same refNumber. For example, I want to create and insert a new transaction for RD, but with the amount 99, so that the row looks like this:

RD 99 1 blue

Where do I put in the query to change the Amount value? I do not wish to use the update function, because I actually want to create a new row. The query I am using, but not working is:

INSERT INTO EMPLOYEES(Rtype, Amount, Refnumber, Color)
SELECT Rtype, Amount, Refnumber, Color
FROM Employees
WHERE Rtype = 'RD';
Reply With Quote

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Problem In Creating Query?????

Nov 28, 2007

i have a table with 2 columns region and Ddate .
I want total records for a particular region.
I am creating query as follows:

SELECT Region, COUNT( * ) FROM Market_data

The above query is generating error.
So how can i create the query????????????

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Error Creating CLR UDF

Sep 11, 2006


I am trying to create a CLR UDF in SQL 2005 and cosnistently run into the following error. What am I doing wrong?. Please correct me and show me the right way of doing this.

Msg 6551, Level 16, State 2, Procedure EmailSplitter, Line 3

CREATE FUNCTION for "EmailSplitter" failed because T-SQL and CLR types for return value do not match.

Here is what I am trying to achieve. Split a Email field in the database. For that I am trying to return an array using C# and then trying to call the UDF for the C#.

--1).CLR Code. (EmailSpitter.cs)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace SQLTools
public class EmailSplitter
public static string[] Parse(string data)
string[] columnData;
string[] separators = new string[1];
separators[0] = " ";

if (data != null)
columnData = data.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.None);
return columnData;
return null;

--2). Assembly code.

CREATE Assembly SQLArrayBuilder

FROM 'E:CLREmailSplitterinDebugEmailSplitter.dll'


Select * from sys.assemblies.

--3). Create the function.

CREATE Function dbo.EmailSplitter

(@EmailString NVARCHAR(4000))



EXTERNAL NAME SQLArrayBuilder.[SQLTools.EmailSplitter].Parse

Run into the error:

Msg 6551, Level 16, State 2, Procedure EmailSplitter, Line 3

CREATE FUNCTION for "EmailSplitter" failed because T-SQL and CLR types for return value do not match.

Please help me.

Thank you very much.


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Creating A Formated SQL Query And Email It

Feb 4, 2002

I need to create a "simple" sql query but have it formatted and then emailed
to individuals. I am trying to convert over from Oracle but I am having a
hard time getting the query to be formatted the way I want. Here is the select statement I tried to use with no luck with xp_sendmail:


Here what the output should look like with the column headers underlined and
then the column data (notice the column heading ALARM MESSAGE is on the
next line before any data):

-------------------- ----------- ----- ---------------- - - -


How can I run the query and have it formatted and emailed out?
What is the best way to accomplish this?

Thank you,


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Creating Table From Query Results

Feb 6, 2014

I have this query;

FROM sys.tables AS t
INNER JOIN sys.columns c
where 'Hosea_tblDATA_NOTES'and c.is_identity = 0
order by column_id

and I get these results;


I was thinking if it is possible to create a table from the results of this query, my table name(in this case 'Hosea_tblDATA_NOTES') will be a parameter, that whatever table name I pass, with the results I get I will be able to create another table, assuming all data types are varchars, but it should be generic.

I want to create a new table with the about of that query, that output has to be my columns.

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Creating A DB To Query Game Server

Mar 3, 2008

Im just wondering if it is possible to use a SQL DB to query game servers, Im very new to SQL, an if it is possible please lead me in the right direction on start this.


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Creating Expressions With The Query Builder

Sep 18, 2007


I have a question about using the query builder, or just straight sql, to create expressions. My first example caused the query builder to generate a query configuration error:


Syntax error: Expecting "," or "FROM" after column alias or "*"

Initially I thought I was dead in the water but then I decided to just run it anyway and it worked! I got my cost. OK so fine the query tool doesn't recognize some sql expressions. Because I am trying to make a large flat file I thought I'd concatenate 2 fields to generate a recognizable requisition, which everyone knows is the year followed by a hyphen then the req number:

My old Access query had this: Req: Right([REQ_YR],2) & "-" & [REQ_NO]

and I tried to change it to this: substring (EIM_REQUISITIONS.REQ_YR from 2 for 2) || '-' || EIM_REQUISITIONS.REQ_NO AS REQ

So apparently my older sql book doesn't have the syntax right. Since I plan to do more of this could someone point me to a reliable book or site that could help me with sql syntax?


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Sproc Creating Error

Aug 13, 2007

This has got to be simple... Every time I try to create this sproc I get the following error:
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_AddTradeItemsToSelections, Line 5
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'VIEW'.
Its driving me nuts because I can't see anything wrong with line 5 where the view is being created.   CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_XXXXX]
CREATE VIEW TradeItem_Append
SELECT TradeItemID, UserDataID, BuilderID
FROM Selections
WHERE (UserDataID = @UserdataID)
SELECT TradeItem_Append.UserDataID, TradeItems.BuilderID, TradeItems.TradeID, TradeItems.TradeItem, TradeItems.Price, TradeItems.DDLRefNo,
TradeItems.TradeItemID, TradeItems.Details, TradeItems.ProductType, TradeItems.Room, TradeItems.Notes
TradeItem_Append ON TradeItem_Append.TradeItemID = TradeItems.TradeItemID
WHERE (TradeItem_Append.TradeItemID IS NULL)AND(TradeItems.BuilderID = @BuilderID)
DROP VIEW TradeItem_Append


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Error While Creating SQLDataSource

May 20, 2008

Hello All
im developing web application in VS2005(C#)
while Creating SQLDATASource for Gridview im getting Following error
cannot get web application service
Please help ME

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ADO Error Creating Database

May 20, 2004

im creating a ecommerce website, and i need to create a database, im using visual studio .net
and when i try to create a new database using i choose "use sql server authentication" and no matter what i type in for the login id, i get the following ado error

"ADO Error : ' Login failed for user "blank". Reason. Not associated with a trusted SQL server connection.'

thanks in advance.

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Error Creating CLR Function

Sep 6, 2005

When I try to create a CLR function in SQL 2005 (June CTP) I get the following error:
Msg 6505, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Extenso, Line 1Could not find Type 'Extenso' in assembly 'ExtensoNET'.
The assembly registers successfully, with no errors.
I use the following command to create the function:CREATE FUNCTION Extenso (@Valor float)RETURNS VARCHAR(255)AS EXTERNAL NAME ExtensoNET.Extenso.EscreveExtensoGO
The function's code is the following:
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace ExtensoNET{ public class Extenso {  [SqlFunction(DataAccess = DataAccessKind.Read)]  public static string EscreveExtenso(double? nValor)  {
  //Valida Argumento  if (nValor==null || nValor <= 0 || nValor > 999999999.99)   return "";
  //Variáveis  int nTamanho;  string cValor, cParte, cFinal;  string[] aGrupo = { "", "", "", "", "" };  string[] aTexto = { "", "", "", "", "" };  .  .  .  }
  return cFinal;
  } }}
Thanks in advance,

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Error In The DLL Msg When Creating DTS Package

Mar 20, 2001

I have a Win2K SP1 server running SQL 7. Whenever I try to create a DTS package, I get a box headed "DTS CoCreateInstance" with "Error in the DLL" as the box text. I have tried removing and re-installing SQL 7 and have also applied SQL SP 1,2 & 3. There are no errors in the event log, just the popup error outlined above.

Has anyone seen this error, and is there a fix?


Simon Thomas

CommArc Consulting Ltd

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Error While Creating Assembly

Apr 12, 2007

I am trying to create an assembly on a sql server 2005 machine but it gives me following error:

Msg 33009, Level 16, State 2, Line 2
The database owner SID recorded in the master database differs from the database owner SID recorded in database 'XYZ'. You should correct this situation by resetting the owner of database 'XYZ' using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement.

I tried using the alter authorization statement to change the owner.
It did not work.

I am able to create same assembly on another test database but can not create it on this database.

Is this because of orphan logins?

Thanks for the help.


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Getting Error In Creating Table

Dec 5, 2006


i want to create table using another table but i am getting the following error.

Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'.

my query is:

AS SELECT * FROM log where 1=0
becos i a trying to copy the structure of the table log to table errorlog.please rectify my problem,please

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Error Creating Credential

Apr 3, 2007

We upgraded from SQL Server 2000 to 2005 recently. I'm attempting to create a credential for the first time and I keep getting the error shown below. Can anyone tell me what to do to resolve it? Thank You

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Create failed for Credential 'schjob'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

For help, click:


An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


An error occurred during decryption. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15466)

For help, click:




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Error While Creating Assembly

Apr 12, 2007

I am trying to create an assembly on a sql server 2005 machine but it gives me following error:

Msg 33009, Level 16, State 2, Line 2
The database owner SID recorded in the master database differs from the database owner SID recorded in database 'XYZ'. You should correct this situation by resetting the owner of database 'XYZ' using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement.

I tried using the alter authorization statement to change the owner.
It did not work.

The same assembly is created on another test database but can not create it on this database.

Is this because of orphan logins?

Thanks for the help.


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Creating Table Error

Apr 24, 2007

What is wrong with the following command?
create database SuppliersDatabase

create table tblWarrantyClause(
WarrantyID int,
Warranty char(100),
WarrantyPeriod int,
Coverage char(100),
ReplacementPeriod int,
ReplacementPeriodUnit char(50),
DocRef char(100),
ReferencePage char(10),
ReferenceSection char(10),
ContractID_fk int );

I just wondering where can I find the table of my database SuplliersDatabase. I need to know if it is already exists or not? I tried to look around but then still I can't find it.


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Error Creating View

Jul 25, 2007

i tried running the statement :

create view qcostcentre
select * from dbo.costcentre.dtblcostcentre

>ERR: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure qcostcentre, Line 4
Invalid object name 'dbo.costcentre.dtblcostcentre'.

create view qcostcentre
select * from costcentre.pcusers.dbo.dtblcostcentre

>ERR: Msg 7202, Level 11, State 2, Procedure qcostcentre, Line 4
Could not find server 'costcentre' in sys.servers. Verify that the correct server name was specified. If necessary, execute the stored procedure sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sys.servers.

note: pcusers is a user of 2 database (costcentre & datamaster) with dbo_datareader owned & role schema .

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Error While Creating Credentials

Aug 10, 2005

Hi guys

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Error In Creating DB Diagram

Jun 1, 2007

Hi all,

When ever i tried to creat a diagram for the database i have i got this error:

Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner. To continue, first use the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to set the database owner to a valid login, then add the database diagram support objects.

the version of the database i am working in was backed up from another machine

what is the problem and how can i solve it?

Thanks in advance

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Error When Creating Subscription

Nov 7, 2007

I have a client who is getting an error when they try to create a report subscription. The error is as follows:

An unexpected error occurred: A subscription delivery error has occurred. ---> A subscription delivery error has occurred. ---> One of the extension parameters is not valid for the following reason: The account you are using does not have administrator priviledges. A subscription cannot be created for [email address].

The thing I find strange is that the client was able to create a shared schedule with no problems, so I don't see how they don't have administrator privileges. The shared schedules and subscriptions are created programmatically through a web application if that is of any importance.

Any ideas on how to fix this error?

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Error Creating Assembly

Mar 12, 2008

I encountered something strange, deploying the following assemblies



FROM 'c:clrSentry.dll'



CREATE ASSEMBLY [Sentry.XmlSerializers]


FROM 'C:clrSentry.XmlSerializers.dll'



Sentry.XmlSerializers errored out with:
Msg 6218, Level 16, State 2, Line 2
CREATE ASSEMBLY for assembly 'Sentry.XmlSerializers' failed because assembly 'Sentry.XmlSerializers' failed verification. Check if the referenced assemblies are up-to-date and trusted (for external_access or unsafe) to execute in the database. CLR Verifier error messages if any will follow this message
[ : Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializerContract::CanSerialize][mdToken=0x600006e][offset 0x00000001][token 0x01000019]System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Sentry.SentryDataService.SentryDataService' from assembly 'Sentry, Version=1.0.2764.18017, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Type load failed.

The interesting thing is that when I deploy this locally on my machine, there are no problems whatsoever. Using sp_configure the servers appear to be set up the same way. The database also has trustworthy set on for both.

Anything, I could be missing? Thanks

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Error On Creating Publication

Jul 19, 2006

Hi all, when I create publication with New Publication Wizard. I get the following errors. Did someone meet this before? Can you help me? Thanks!


SQL Server could not create publication 'JK'. (New Publication Wizard)


An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)

Program Location:

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(String sqlCommand, ExecutionTypes executionType)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(String sqlCommand)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.ReplicationObject.ExecCommand(String commandIn)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.ReplicationObject.CommonCreate()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Publication.Create()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.CreatePublicationWizard.CreatePublicationThreadMethod()


Cannot promote the transaction to a distributed transaction because there is an active save point in this transaction.
Changed database context to 'Test'. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)

For help, click:

Server Name: nxstudio-davidsql2k5_dc
Error Number: 3933
Severity: 16
State: 1
Procedure: sp_addmergepublication
Line Number: 1034

Program Location:

at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(String sqlCommand, ExecutionTypes executionType)

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