Error When Reading The Label Field From Report Parameters
Aug 16, 2007
Hi there,
I am trying to fill a Textbox with the Label-Field from the Report Parameters. The Multi-Value-Option is checked and it is possible to select multi-values from the time hierarchy [Time].[Year - Half Year - Quarter - Month].
For example you can choose:
"Calendar 2007" ([Time].[Year - Half Year - Quarter - Month].[Year].&[2007-01-01T00:00:00])
"Quarter 4, 2006" ([Time].[Year - Half Year - Quarter - Month].[Quarter].&[2006-10-01T00:00:00])
and "April 2006" ([Time].[Year - Half Year - Quarter - Month].[Month].&[2006-04-01T00:00:00])
Now I want to fill a Textbox with the chosen parameter values by putting following expression as value of the textbox:
Parameters!TimeYearHalfYearQuarterMonthDate.Label ... with "TimeYearHalfYearQuarterMonthDate" as the name of the DataSet.
That gives an Error.
Can you please help me out?
Best regards
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Mar 6, 2006
Can anyone tell me what the heck this is trying to tell me. I have 3 datasets I'm working with so there are errors for each here:
[rsMissingFieldInDataSet] The data set €˜Revenue_By_Client€™ contains a definition for the Field €˜Branch€™. This field is missing from the returned result set from the data source.
[rsErrorReadingDataSetField] The data set €˜Revenue_By_Client€™ contains a definition for the Field €˜Branch€™. The data extension returned an error during reading the field.
[rsMissingFieldInDataSet] The data set €˜Main_Dataset_AZ€™ contains a definition for the Field €˜PostedAmount_InHouse€™. This field is missing from the returned result set from the data source.
[rsErrorReadingDataSetField] The data set €˜Main_Dataset_AZ€™ contains a definition for the Field €˜PostedAmount_InHouse€™. The data extension returned an error during reading the field.
Preview complete -- 0 errors, 4 warnings
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Mar 7, 2007
I just recently bumped into this problem and I think I know what's causing it. This is the setup:
Report Parameters: FromDate, ToDate, DivisionalOffice, Manager, SalesRep
dsCalendarEvents Parameters: FromDate.Value, ToDate.Value, DivisionalOffice.Value,
dsDivisions Parameters: N/A
dsManager Parameters: DivisionalOffice.Value
dsSalesRep: DivisionalOffice.Label
When I query the ReportServices WS and scan the parameter dependencies for SalesRep it says there are four dependencies: FromDate, ToDate, DivisionalOffice and Manager!!!
If I change "dsSalesRep" to use "DivisionalOffice.Value" the ReportingServices WS parameter dependency scan returns only one dependency for "SalesRep" parameter!!!( This is the correct behavior )
Has anybody seen this behavior and more importantly, is there a work around?
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Sep 18, 2007
Is it possible to have a parameter with one label but multiple values. For example:
Label Value
Machinist (100,200,300)
Is it possible to set up an expression that when the user selects this label it will look for the job codes 100, 200 and 300
and return all employees in those codes?
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Nov 27, 2007
I have a multi select param that I display on the title of the report using something like so:
The problem is when a user selects more than one value it does not get displayed on the title. Addding Parameters!Division.Label(0) + Parameters!Division.Label(1) + Parameters!Division.Label(2) doesn't returns an error if user only selects 1 or 2 values because Parameters!Division.Label(2) is empty.
Is there a way to iterate through or do error checking on the array so that I can dynamically populate the title with the values selected by the user.
Any help would me much appreciated.
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Feb 5, 2006
Hi,What's the 'new' declarative way to fetch one field from a SQL table and display the result in a Label control?I have a users table with a fullname field. I want to query the table and retrieve the fullname where the usertable.username = Session("loggedinuser")I can make the SqlDataSource ok that has the correct Select query, but not sure how to bind the label to that.thanks,Bruce
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May 6, 2008
i am once again working with mailing labels. I have designed the report in SQL Server Reporting Services to print in 3 columns with a body size of 2.625" wide by 1.00" high; a rectangle the same size which then contains a list the same size which contains the data fields. I get fairly good results when I print to one printer however, there does seem to be a bit of "creep" on the page. The problem really shows when trying to print to another network printer where when a user prints the report (labels) by the end of the page data is printing outside of the label margins. are there some properties that I'm missing that would prevent this or could this be related to printer settings?
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Jul 21, 2014
I have a report based on a query which requires the user to input the date range. I would like this date range to be a label in the report.
I already keying tha formula fo the data range.. Audit Fees
Report is my form
Between [Forms]![Purchase Report]![From] And [Forms]![Purchase Report]![To]
I am trying to run a report for the period "December 1 2010 to March 31 2011" However, it came out a warning message box.
"The expression is typed incorrectly or it is too complex.... try simplifying the expression by assigning parts pf the expression to variables".
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Dec 17, 2007
i am facing a problem in creating labels usin Report Builder.
i need to create a 4X6 label containing 4 rows.
But in Report Builder , when i try to create a table format, it only allowing one row.
How to insert another row and place data in it?
i was successfully developed labels using report server project in VS 2005.
but it's not possible in Report Builder.
please help me out.if not understand quesion well, please feel free to ask.
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Dec 16, 2013
I've made a report in which there are always one tablix under each textbox. I tried to produce a document map by giving document map labels for each textbox.
Everything works fine in Report Builder (3.0), but when run in the browser (IE, Firefox) the document map doesn't seem to work: when trying to navigate with document map by clicking the labels the report runs to the end of the report - not to the textbox where it should go...
I tried to solve problem using bookmarks instead of Document map, but there similar problem occurred. Bookmarks seem to work with Google Chrome, but I need a solution that would work better in most of the browsers.
So the problem seems to be that document map label navigates to bottom of the page. Added pagebreak after each tablix worked but since the tablixes are longer than screen there's still problem - document map should be set to navigate to the top of the page.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi,Tasks in a MS Project SQL Server database have an image field calledTASK_RTF_NOTES. It contains text in RTF format. We would like to convertthis within a standard SQL statement into plain text.I suspect this is not possible without some sort of bolt-on, or at the veryleast using T-SQL in some way.Any ideas?Thanks,Gareth
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Dec 31, 2006
I am new to reporting services and I'm really stuck on a design problem. Can someone please help me?
I would like to design my own print function. When a user clicks on the print icon (preferably the one that came with reporting services), the report is automatically printed twice, once with "For Person A" and the second time with "For Person B" on it. It doesn't matter where these two labels are placed on the page. These two reports need to be printed on letter-size paper regardless of user's selection. How do I do this with minimum amount of code?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Jan 25, 2008
I am passing the partameters to MS Report Viewer control to view the report. It is working fine with normal parameters like 'abc', 'Jon' etc.
But fails with parameters having special characters like 'abc+', 'Version 1.1 Part 1', 'R1.8 RC' throws error "
The parameter is missing a value"
Could anyone please help on this.
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Jan 15, 2007
Hi,I have a problem:I am writing an update script for a database and want to check for theversion and Goto the wright update script.So I read the version from a table and if it match I want to "GotoVersionxxx"Where Versionxxx: is set in the script with the right update script.Whenever I have some script which need Go commands I get error in theoutput thatA GOTO statement references the label 'Versionxxx' but the label hasnot been declared.But the label is set in the script by 'Versionxxx:'Is there a way I can solve this easily?Thanks in advance
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Oct 29, 2013
I have a SSRS report with four parameters,and I want to be able to enter information for two of the parameters and run the report opposed to all four of them. However, when I select allow blanks and only select the parameters that I want to run the report by, the report come back blank..Essentially, I want to be able to the run report by different parameters without having to enter information for all parameters at the same time.
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May 21, 2007
I try to activate the map document control on my report. My Report is composed of a table in which I group by 2 criterias. When I set the document map label of the first entry of the group list then I get an error on the preview :
"An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. "
Can someone tell where can I find the error log file ?
thanks in Advance.
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May 3, 2007
How do I jump to another report based on a value in my current report. The report that I am jumping from has no parameters, just values.
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Apr 30, 2007
I have created a report with the report server project template.
the report is created from stoked procedure having defaut input parameters.
With visual studio, i publish my report on reportserver. whenever i access to my report on this url :
http://localhost/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fReport+Project4%2fReport4&rs:Command=Render. the created report is with the default parameters.
I would like to know if i can transmet parameters for the stocked procedure to build the report with the request i want.
I tried to put parameter directly in the url in this way
but without success.
my error message is that one
An attempt was made to set a report parameter '@region' that is not defined in this report. (rsUnknownReportParameter)
My stocked procedure is :
ALTER procedure [dbo].[akli] @region varchar ='m'
select * from dbo.Report2 where region=@region
The request used to buid the report ?
DECLARE @region varchar
EXECUTE dbo.akli @region
What is wrong in that ?
Thanks for your help.
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Nov 18, 2007
Here is a situation in my company:
We have an Office SharePoint 2007 site, we developed a couple of web parts and added them to our site. We used SQL Server Reporting services 2005 as our reporting solution. The reports are hosted on the report center and when we need a report, we open it by sending a URL requesting the report, passing the report parameters in the URL query string. So the report is filtered based on the parameters passed from the web parts.
But since best practices say that you should host reports directly under SharePoint, by configuring the reporting services to run in the SharePoint integrated mode. We followed the steps and installed SharePointRS and we finally succeeded to publish the reports to a SharePoint folder, but we had a limitation: we are unable to pass the report parameters internally to the report hosted in SharePoint. If we passed them in the query string as the report center case, SharePoint neglects them totally.
So the question is: how can I pass parameters internally between a SharePoint web part and a SQL server 2005 reporting services report hosted in SharePoint?
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Sep 16, 2015
I am trying to develop a report from cube,and it has one drill through report.when i click on sales amount field on main report,then it open the drill through report with details.Here i passed the **(category,subcat,product)parameters(Cascaded)** to drill through report in action part of main report.In my main report i have two columns .
columns are **Level**  and        **Salesamount**. Â
Values are like Â
**[-]category** Â Â Â Â Â Â Â **100**
  **[-]subcat**       **50**
     **product**      **30**
when i click on 100, parameters are passed & it open the detail report correctly, but when i click on 50,the values for subcat parameter is not getting values in detail report and same as the product also.
Here i used the expressions in parameter values
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Feb 8, 2015
Is there a way to subscribe SSRS report using dynamic parameters for email and trigger the report from autosys job so that report should generate the exact time the job is triggered.Let me describe, my SSRS report should be triggered on success of one autosys job. i need to send email parameter and time of report schedule from this autosys job.
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Mar 28, 2008
I am having hard time in sending parameters to the report server through reportviewer control from my application. Could anybody help me on this issue?. Is there any way to send the parameters and also what kind of configuration do i need on my report project so that it can accept parameters from my application.
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Nov 28, 2007
Good morning, all
I have a really cool Budget report which has two matrices on it. One is used/visible if the user selects four levels of grouping, and one is used if the user selects only three levels of grouping. The four choices for grouping are four fields, Par, FERC, Point, and Resource.
Since grouping is optional, I need a way to pass the parameter for a field that is not grouped on from the main report to the drillthrough report. For example if the user chooses to group on all fields but Point, I need to pass the report parameter that was used by the main report for Point to the drillthrough report as a report parameter.
So, I tried testing the three grouping levels values and if none were equal to "Point" then pass in the parameter by putting the following expression in the Parameter Value box for the Point parameter on the Navigation tab of the datacell of the main report that is the drillthrough link:
Parameters!GroupLevel1.Value <> "Point"
But this is not working; the drillthrough report shows a blank dropdown for the Point parameter and I have to manually set it. Does anyone see an error in the syntax of the iif statement?
Any references, links, resources or good clean jokes would be greatly appreciated.
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Oct 22, 2007
Dear All,
Is it possible to poplulate some control like Dropdownlist (for example, with Product names Or Product Ids) from database table in SSRS project type and then filter report by choosing various choice pre-populated in dropdownlist control.
Project Type is : SQL Server Reportings 2005.
Desired Action: Report will run in browser, User will choose specific product and Run the report(filter) to show that product relate results.
any help,
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Feb 7, 2007
Is it possible to add custom controls in for parameters in report manager??
I have a parameter that requires the user to click a button and select a bunch of things in another form. How can i do this in reporting services??
I also would like to change the layout of the parameters toolbar, ie. make text boxes smaller widths, show/hide parameters based on other parameter values.
I know i could write my own web page that does this and hide the parameters toolbar when they run the report, but this would mean that we lose other functionality that report manager has, eg. scheduling.
Does anyone know if customising the report manager will become available in a later version??
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Apr 28, 2015
Basically i have 3 images capacity per record in my application. In there i am saving the image path with record id in database and image in my application folder.
Now i am creating SSRS Report in Report builder . In there i have taken one image control to show the images. In the Image properties in report builder i have chosen database under the select the image source field. then inside use this field i have chosen image url and in use this MIME Type i have selected image/jpeg. Now i have saved this report in report server folder.
Now while calling in .net web from through report viewer control. It is opening the report but wont showing the image.
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May 22, 2006
when a statement fails and it tell me for example
Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Procedure spinsertnew, Line 266
Must declare the variable '@'.
How can I find which line it is using query manager?
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May 4, 2006
I keep receiving errors while using variables to pass values to different part of my package. For example ...
Error: 2006-05-04 10:31:59.84
Code: 0xC00470EA
Source: EdwPostProcess
Description: Reading the variable "User::GvPathRoot" failed with error code 0xC0010009.
End Error
The way my variables are constructed is :
First the global variables (Gv*) are set by the parent package;
Then local variables (Lv*) are set using the EvaluateAsExpression property and giving it an expression that takes the Gv* variable and concatenate a string to it.
At execution time, while the expressions are resolved, I get the above error while it was resolved correctly in a previous task.
I tried different method including duplicating my variables but without success. I'm running out of ideas
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May 5, 2008
While pulling data from a progress 10.1B Database, we get the following error (datasource). How do we go about redirectign the erroneous row into a flat file / database so that we can isolate the issue?
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED. The PrimeOutput method on component "DataReader Source" (1) returned error code 0xC02090F5. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
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Oct 6, 2015
How do I get data on my linked report based on my grouped subtotal and grand total from the main report. The subtotal and grand total are calculated columns.
I have a 3 columns in my matrix in the SSRS summary report. Actn_COAST, ActnCITY and NumbOfAccts. Â
The following is code for my summary report. The results are shown below.
SELECT Distinct ActnCITY, Count(ACCT) as NumbOfAccts,
FROM tbl1
where ACTNDATE between @STARTDT and @EndDT
Code for my detail report contains the following SQL
SELECT * FROM tbl1 where ACTNDATE between @STARTDT and @EndDT AND @ActnCITY = ActnCITY
I have linked my report based on the NumbOfAccts column. I am able to get data if I click any of the NumbOfAccts values related to the state I want. However when I am not sure how to make the subtotal and grand total work. I want when I click on the subtotal of either coast, I should be able to see records of that coast e.g., if I select 37 I should be able to see all the records in East Coast. If I click on the Grand Total, I only want data related to those 2 coasts.
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Feb 11, 2007
I've created dsv that contain all fields from table database. in the smdl I've remove some fileds due to security. All fields in the smdl do not contain drill.
Issue: When I created calculated field in the report builder the field has a link. When I clicked the drill I saw all the record data including field that not in the smdl.
1) Can I remove the link from the calculated fields?
2) Can I prevent from users drill to fields that not in the smdl?
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May 29, 2008
I have a report. I want to display title according to the following combination of two parameter values.
Line of Business
Product Type
Report Title
Line, Loan
13 Month Home Equity Portfolio - Total
Line, Loan
13 Month Regional Bank Portfolio - Total
Line, Loan
13 Month Direct to Consumer Portfolio - Total
Line, Loan
13 Month Equity Direct Portfolio - Total
Line, Loan
13 Month Institutional Lending Portfolio - Total
13 Month Home Equity Portfolio - Lines
13 Month Regional Bank Portfolio - Lines
Line of Business and product type are two parameters.
Product type is a muliple parameter. i.e you can select Line, Loand or Line and Loan.
can any one tell me how to write a proceedure to get this result(i.e report title)
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Feb 4, 2005
I have a report that is based on a query that is read from a .sql file and is executed in the stored procedure. I found this code on the internet. When I run the SP in Query Analyser it tells me that "2 rows have been affected". I don't know why I don't get the data. Any help??
Stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE TimeTracker_Report_ClientNumbers2
CREATE TABLE #tmpQuery (Query NVARCHAR(4000))
BULK INSERT #tmpQuery FROM '\servernameQueriesReport_ClientNumbers.sql'
EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLQuery
and Report_ClientNumbers.sql contains the following query:
SELECT Name, ClientNumber FROM Companies WHERE Not ClientNumber IS NULL ORDER BY ClientNumber
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