Error When Setting Up ODBC Connection

Dec 12, 2005

Hi I downloaded MSDE2005 and I tried to set up an ODBC connection to a
database I created. I can see the database using client but I got this
error through the ODBC manager

[Microsoft][SQL Native Client]An error has occurred while
establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to
SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that
under the default settings SQL Server does not allow
remote connections.

Can anyone, please tell me what I need to do to get this setup? I tried
to dabble with the TCIP and remote setting but nothing worked.


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Seeing Duplicate SQL Servers, When Setting Up ODBC Connection

Mar 1, 2006

When setting up an ODBC connection on a non-sql Server X and choosing from the drop down menu which SQL Server to connect to, I see two identical names for my SQL Server (Y). No matter which one I choose, Im not able to go to the screen after being asked how I want to log in (SQL server authentication)

If I build a ODBC connection from any other desktop, I only see one SQL Server Y, and am able to establish a connection to SQL Server Y, with the same user account and password as when Im on Server X.

Server X has two network cards and is teamed...could that be a possible problem ?

Any ideas ?...Thank you

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No Failover And Client Crashes ODBC DSN Setting For Failover In Connection String

Mar 3, 2007

We have set up Mirroring with a witness server and everything works fine when we failover from the SQL Management console.

However, if we failover when our Maccola client is connected, the client blows up - clearly because it can no longer connect to the database.

The ODBC DSN used by the Maccola client shows a checkbox for the 'select a failover server' but the checkbox is grayed out.

Also the summary of settings for the DSN at the end of the wizard reveals that the failover to server (y/N) option is set to N.

The default setting for this DSN is 'populate the remaining values by querying the server' but it doesn't appear to be getting the settings for failover from the server or any other interactive DSN settings either. The server is clearly set for mirroring.

Another suspicious item is that the DSN cannot connect to the server with SA permissions, even though the server is set to mixed security and we use the correct authentication.

Is it possible that the client MACHINE is not authenticating with the domain or sql server properly. We are logged into the client with the domain account that is the SQL admin account on the sql server box.

We should be able to interact with the sql server settings through the ODBC DSN on the client shoulnd't we?

Are we missing a service pack on the client?



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ODBC Connection Error

Aug 31, 2000

I have a web site that provides sport news and I am using SQL Server 7.0 as my back end. The ASP page connect to SQL Server through ODBC(3.70) connection using DSN configured using TCP/IP protocol. This site has been running for
8 months with no problems.

Today, the website page was showing network errror when it was trying to get the infomation from the SQL Server. So, when tried to reconfigure the DSN using TCP/IP prtocol I got the following error.

Connection failed:
SQLState: '08001'
SQL Server Error: 11

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBMSSOCN] General Network error. Check your documentation.
Connection failed:
SQLState: '01000'
SQL Server Error: 10061
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBMSSOCN]ConnectionOpen(connect())
Connection failed:
SQLState: 08001
SQL Server Error: 11
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]General network error. Check your network documentation.
Connection failed:
SQLState: 01000
SQL Server Error: 10061
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]ConnectionOpen (connect())

does anyone have any idea why would this happend.

Thank You,
Piyush Patel

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ODBC Connection Error

Jan 22, 2007

One of my user is having trouble connecting to the database,i have already reset his pwd bt when she is trying to connect trhough application , he keeps getting this error

"Unable to connect to database

Sytem Error codes:[microsoft][ODBC SQL Server driver] SQL Server Log in failed for user 'Username'.
[microsoft]ODBC SQL Driver] Invalid connection string attribute
Data provider could not be initialized.
please try again or contact adminstrator!

i am sure it is not psw issue because i have reset his psw
Please help me out.

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ODBC Connection Error

May 12, 1999

I'm new to SQL Server, but regularly connect to Oracle via ODBC. I'm trying to a) connect to our SQL Server over an ISP and b) Run Enterprise Manager over the ISP. Both actions work fine over our campus network but fail across an ISP.

The first returns the message: Connection failed:SQLState: '01000' SQL server Error: 1326 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]ConnectionOpen[CreateFile()]. Connection failed:SQLState:'08001' SQLServer Error 1326 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Client unable to establish connection

The second returns the message: Unable to connect to server [reason:[DB-Library]Unable to connect. SQL Server is unavailable or does not exist. Register anyway.

I had previously received a different error (in case 1) and, through the knowledge Base discovered I needed MDAC drivers for named pipes. I installed them but get a new error. I can find nothing in the KB or previous SWYNK messages.

Please help..... TIA

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ODBC Connection Error

Apr 30, 2008

SQL Server Express 2005 Backend
Access2000 Frontend (Linked Tables and lots of pass thru queries) (yes I know, but that is how the app was built and too much time to rebuild)

My DSN coneccts fine.
But the connection is intermittent.

For example: I have a form that populates a list. There are buttons in the footer that will filter the list. (by use of DoCmd.ApplyFilter) Now the problem is that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't work I get an error stating

"ODBC--connection to 'TriStar' failed."

Where TriStar is the name of my DSN.

However if I wait a little bit it will come back up. I don't have to close the form or just starts working. And it will work for a minute or so and then BAM....ODBC message again. The problem is that this is affecting the entire application and it is making it impossible for the users to work. As the connection is out more than it is in it seems.

It has to be an issue with the SQL Server Express. For some reason it is dropping out. or is not allowing the request. Is there a setting I am missing???

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ODBC Connection Busy Error

Jul 20, 2005

I am having multiple threads in my c program to execute same procedurewith differnt parameter values every time.I have created different functions to execute the same.However when SQLExecute is run on one of the thread it returns anerror saying[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Connection is busy with results foranother hstmtHow do I call the same stored procedure on different threads toexecute at the same time.

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Error Connection Pooling ODBC - SQLConnect Where Database This Down

May 3, 2007

My application works with the Connection pooling ODBC. Everything works well, when it data base this down the SQLConnect function finishes steeply my application.

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Question: ODBC Connection Error .. Multiple Thread (urgent, Pls)

Jul 23, 2005

I am using ODBC (ODBCLink/SE) to connect to HP3000 system;Retrieving the data into Microsoft Excel goes fine usingMicrosoftQuery.But if I try to use SQLServer2000-DTS on Windows2003 to do the import,it always fails and gives the message:"ODBCLINKSE does not allow multiple thread"Does anybody knows how to do that?I need to synchronize data in HP3000 into my database in SQLServer; andI dont see any other ways to do that besides using DTS-scheduled-jobs.Pls help..

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Integration Services :: Unable To See 64bit ODBC Driver From SSIS Odbc Connection?

Jun 1, 2015

I am using SSIS 2014 with the below .net framework version and installed in Windows server 2012 R2 . I have installed my client's odbc drivers (both 32 bit and 64 bit) in my production server and created ODBC system DSNs for 32 bit and 64 bit.

When i open SSIS 2014 and tried to create the odbc connection but i can able to see only the 32 bit system DSN connection ,i can't able to see my 64 bit odbc system dsn connection.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Shell (Integrated)
Version 11.0.50727.1 RTMREL
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.5.51650

SQL Server Integration Services   
Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer
Version 12.0.1524.0

And i installed my client odbc drivers(32,64 bit) and created ODBC system DSNs in my local system and when i open ssis 2014 and i can able to see both the ODBC system DSNS(32,64) connections from SSIS ODBC connection.

I am using below version of .net framework in my local system which was installed in windows 7 and i have SSIS 2012 also installed in my system and i can able to see both ODBC connections using 2012 as well in my local system.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Shell (Integrated)
Version 11.0.50727.1 RTMREL
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.5.50938

SQL Server Integration Services   
Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer
Version 12.0.1524.0

why i can not see the ODBC 64 bit system DSN connection from SSIS in my production server ?

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Can't Find SQL Native Client In ODBC Connection Manager In SQL Server Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)

Feb 13, 2007

I apologize if this is not the correct forum for this posting. Looking at the descriptions, it appeared to be the best choice.

I am running Windows XP Pro SP2. I have installed the SQL Native Client for
XP. However, when I try to add a new data source through ODBC Connection
Manager, SQL Native Client is not listed as an option. I have followed this procedure on three other systems with no problems. What would be causing the
SQL Native Client to not show up in the list of available ODBC data sources?

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Setting Up ODBC Data Source For SQL Server

Jan 22, 2007

I am running Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, and I am having difficulties setting up an ODBC User Data Source to connect to the SQL server. 
I have tried going through "Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC)" to add a user data source. For the SQL Server to connect to, I have tried specifying "localhostSQLEXPRESS", "SQLEXPRESS", "(local)", etc. -- but nothing seems to work. When the DSN configuration wizard tries to connect to the SQL Server to obtain default settings, it fails with the error "SQL Server does not exist or access denied". (Same error occurs if I try connecting to this ODBC data source later.)
But I know that the SQL Server exists and I have been using it through the SQL Server data provider in another application.
I am new to this, so any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

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Help Setting Up An ODBC Link To SQL Server From Access 2003

May 6, 2007


I'm a pretty smart guy, but sometimes I end up feeling left behind with all of the terminology I don't recognize.

I am running XP Pro, Access 2003, and SQL Server 2005 express.

I want to set up a ODBC connection in Access to a table that has been created in an SQL Server 2005 Express Database.

I keep getting the message connection failed, SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

Can somebody here please help me?

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Remote Connection Refused When Creating ODBC Connection To SQL Server 2005

Aug 30, 2006

When I create a new odbc connection to a SQL server 2005 Db I get a failure telling me dat de SQL server does not allow remote connections.

How can I allow the server to allow this.

Any help appreciated


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URGENT: Windows X64, SQL 2005, ODBC - Setting Default Provider For A System DSN

Jan 6, 2006

In Windows Server 2003 SP1 (x86) with Sql Server 2000 I could use the following connectionstring no problem

Now I am using Windows Server 2003 x64 and SQL 2005 and I get this error:
Provider is not specified and there is no designated default provider.

If i try Provider=MSDASQL;DSN=Hello; i get
Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed.

for DSNless this works fine:
Provider=sqloledb;driver={sql server};server=(local);database=Hello;uid=sa;pwd=p wd;

but i am forced to use DSN as it is in a closed source application which uses set DSNs (the idea there being that you can change the connections how you like in ODBC)

This means that i need the ODBC provider name that will work in here: Provider=...;DSN=Hello;

and then to use whatever works in there as the "default provider" but i cannot find any information anywhere on how to do this!

please reply ASAP!

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Open An ODBC Connection To A DB And Must Use A Connection That Looks Like This: DSN=myDSNname.

Dec 11, 2006

In my ssis package,

I have a DSN connection like this: "DSN=myDSNname". Which decide from i have to pull the data.

By using OLE DB Source Editor, I want to assign that ODBC Connection to it.

By data source Reader i can achive this but where i have to pass the hard-code SQL Query that i don't want.

i'm using the variable for dynamic SQL command.



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Entreprise Manager Error Message: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL ServerDriver][SQL Server]Login Failed For User '#####'. The User Is Not Associatedwith A Trusted SQL Server Connection.(28000,18452)

Dec 12, 2007

Can anyone give a quick description of the meaning of this message andwhat needs to be done to get a connection.I'm running DBArtisan with SQLServer 2000 client SP4 installed.I also get the same message with MS Enterprise Manager so this iscoming out of the actual ODBC connection attempt.Thanks in advance!

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How Do I Go About Setting Up My Connection To Look

Apr 22, 2008


I currently have an SSIS package which looks for an excel file and uploads its. The connection is set up to look for a file upload.xls in a folder called Upload on the C drive. So each time a file needs uploaded, the upload.xls is copied into C:Upload. This all works fine. However now I need to change it so that the files that are uploaded take the format Upload10012007.xls, so they will have the date appended onto the end of the Upload.

How do I go about setting up my connection to look for Upload10012007.xls? The file name will be dynamic as it will change each day but it will always contain Upload at the start of the filename.

Thanks for your help,


MichaelRaj Arokiyasamy

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Help On Setting Up Connection String

Sep 20, 2006

I'm using VWD on SQL2005EXPRESS And i keep getting a connection string errorCan someone show me how to put  a connection string in the web.config, or which connection string to use to connect to my host database which they're running SQL2000..Thanks Newbie

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Setting Up Connection From DB2 To Itanium

Apr 13, 2006

I'm looking for some clarification.

We need to pull data from our DB2 system to our Itanium SQL Server.

Is this simply a matter of setting up the 64-bit DB2 Connect drivers on the Itanium box with the exact same DSN name used on ther 32-bit box used to define and deploy the SSIS package?

Has any one done this, yet? If so, is there anything that we need to look our for?


- Paul

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ODBC Connection

Oct 17, 2000

Has anyone had an issue with the ODBC data source that when you set it up for SQL, it does not retain the username and password you entered and keeps defaulting back to the NT windows verification instead of using the SQL verification that you choose?

I add a datasource, select validation based off of SQL profile/password assigned, enter the user and password I assigned on SQL, go through the setup and test successfully. Then I try to connect using that datasource with my VB application and it says connection failure. When I go back to the datasource, it has changed back to NT verification and removes the user/password I entered for SQL verification. Maybe there is an service pack from MS on this?

any help is appreciated. At the very least, I can just hard code into my VB app, but that is my last resort. Thanks!

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ODBC Connection

Jun 10, 1999

Hi everyone

I installed the MS SQL server 7.0 on a Windows NT 4.0 SP 4 server. The network runs with TCP/IP.
I want to connect the SQL server by a ODBC-connection. Only a connection on the server (local) was successful.

The odbcping-utility reports following:

SQLState: 08001 Native Error: 6
Info. Message: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNMPNTW]Selected SQL server not found.

SQLState: 01000 Native Error: 53
Info. Message: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNMPNTW]ConnectionOpen (CreateFile()).

Do I forget to install a SQL server component? Or a network service?

Thank you for your help.


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ODBC Connection

Nov 8, 1999

I am currently running a application and a database server they are connected via ethernet. Only the application is connected to our network. Is there a way to connect MS Access to the database server without connecting the database server to the network? I've tried several different approaches and it still dosent work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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T-SQL ODBC Connection

Sep 15, 2004

Would someone provide a code snip example of a T-SQL script using an ODCB connection against a non-SQL2K database. I can hit the outside database using DTS (so I know it is possible) but I'm having trouble with the parameters using a script.


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ODBC Connection

Aug 29, 2007

Hello - I'm trying to creat an ODBC connection and the db I created is not showing up in the dropdown for 'Change the default database to:' option. I'm logged into SQL using Windows Authentication, create the db, restored it w/ a backup and then added a user w/ no problems. Any ideas?

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ODBC Connection

Mar 16, 2007

I am trying to connect to SQL Server using a 3rd party report generating software (dbextra). Everything is located on my local box. I am trying to establish connection through ODBC. Is this installed during setup or is this a function I have to manually set up and configure?

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ODBC Connection

Aug 27, 2006

I have front-end visual basic program that use an ODBC connection to connect with SQL server, and my questions is there any automated procedure to configure this ODBC connection instead of configure it manually specially of the user profiles was changed I have to configure it again.

Please advise

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Odbc Connection

Sep 17, 2007

We have three users that access a particular sqlserver database via microsoft access, two of the users have no problem, the third user used to be able to use the access database but is now getting a sql server error 18452 followed by an error message 'login failed for user '(null)' reason: not associated with a trusted sql server connection. When reviewing the odbc setup that the user that is having problems has, we find two sqlserver entries when it asks 'which sqlserver do you want'. How do i go about finding out where that entry comes from so i can look into removing one of them. None of the other users have two sqlserver entries. The othere users have no problem accessing this sqlserver database via ms access, I'm trying to find out why all of a sudden this one user is having problems

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Setting The Port For The Database Connection In Vs 2005 And Also In Web.xml

Feb 15, 2006

I've mapped a sqlserver machine within vs2005, but when I attempt to set the database connection, I dont see place to stick the port number (even in the advanced area)... it continues to fail when I test the connection.. I can telnet into the machine on the sql server port, so I know its open to me...
Also - when I publish this to an IIS server, what is the syntax for placing the connection and port number in web.config?  I've tried various settings, cant get it to work. <appSettings><add key="con" value="Server=;PORT=1234;UID=*****;PWD=*****;database=mydb" /></appSettings>
Thanks in advance for the help,

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Setting And Restoring Multiple Connection Options

Jul 20, 2005

I need to set multiple values for some SQL statements, for exampleSET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFFGOSETANSI_PADDING,ANSI_WARNINGS,CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ,ARITHABORT,QUOTED_IDENTIFIER,ANSI_NULLS ONGOin a .sql file, but would like to reset them to their previous settingsagain for other SQL statements. I didn't find anything in books online. Ithought just calling "set" was enough, but apparently not ....Thanks.

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Setting The OLEDB Connection Properties At Runtime

Jan 30, 2007

I used to do this in DTS but wondered how to do it in SSIS. I have a For Each ADO recordset loop that reads these four columns into variables:

DataSource Name, Name(for a WHERE clause), user and password.

For each "Building" there is a new server to connect to, with identical tables. I have 10 tables in the loop to pump from one database to a SQL 2005 database (i.e. 10 dataflows). I want to set the source connection information with the variables. My questions:

1. How do I set the connection information for the source connections? Do I just set the properties for the connection manager and then it sets for all the sources? What property do I set--do I need a script task?

2. How do I use the values from the "Name" column in a WHERE clause in each data flow?



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Problem When Selecting Dynamic Connection Setting

Aug 8, 2006

Hello All,

I have a SSIS package, desgined in such a way that, there is a table called connection which hold the connection name i.e similar to my DSN connection name & a ID for each DSN there is a unique ID. Now i want if there is a 10 record in the table & i have only 5 DSN connection then i'll work for 5 & for other 5 it 'll skip the process. my task is running success fully for 1 connection. i have used foeach loop container & 3 varibable for that 2 for holding the table value & 1 for refereing the recordset


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