Error When Training Mining Model. Column Name Seems Can't Be Recognized
Jul 11, 2007
Dear All, I have a simple mining structure created by the DMX statement below. Then I tried to insert some data with MDX language by extracting data in OLAP. But I got the following error when I execute the insert statement.
Errors in the high-level relational engine. The 'Customer ID' column in the RELATES clause was not found in the results of the OPENROWSET query.
It seems that the append statement can't really recognize the name of the column which should be Customer ID.
How can I fix this problem?
Tony Chun Tung Siu
The source code for create and insert is as below.
create mining model customerMiner
customerID long key ,
age long continuous,
orders table
orderID long key,
goodsID long discrete predict_only
)using [Microsoft_decision_trees] with drillthrough;
insert into mining model customerMiner
openQuery([Simple SSAS],
select {[Measures].[Customer ID], [Measures].[Age]} on columns,
{[Customer].[Customer].[Customer].members} on rows
from fi
openQuery([Simple SSAS],
select {[Measures].[Customer ID],[Measures].[Order ID2],[Measures].[Goods ID]} on columns,
[Goods].[Order ID2].[Order ID2].members on rows
from fi
relate [Customer ID] to [Customer ID]
)as orders
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Oct 26, 2006
I can't figure out how to put nested tables into the Data Mining Model Training Transform (SSIS). I can do a simple case table, but how do you get those nested tables with DM Training Transformation? Any ideas? Samples?
Thanks in advance,
-Young K
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Nov 15, 2006
I get the following error when I try to load the mining model in the mining model viewer
Query (1, 6) The '[System].[Microsoft].[AnalysisServices].[System].[DataMining].[NeuralNet].[GetAttributeValues]' function does not exist.
I get a similar error when I try to load the Load Mining Accuracy Chart
Failed to execute the query due to the following error:
Query (1, 6) The '[System].[Microsoft].[AnalysisServices].[System].[DataMining].[AllOther].[GenerateLiftTableUsingDatasource]' function does not exist.
I have OWC 11 installed. What am I missing here?
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May 9, 2007
Hi, everyone here.
I am trying to get the training error of the model processed which can reveal how much the model fits the cases. The training error can reveal how many cases (from training set) are classified correctly. The lower traing error is, the more the model fits the training set. (Maybe overfitted) But I found it hard to get. I saw the life chart in AS 2005 which I am not quite understand and don't know how to code it in my program.
Is there some way to getting traing error or predicting error?
I am now using this awful way to get the training error:
select t.*,CollegeTree.CollegePlans as pred
from collegetree
prediction join
openquery(DSource,'select * from CollegePlans') as t
on CollegeTree.StudentID = t.StudentID and
where t.CollegePlans = CollegeTree.CollegePlans;
and then use datareader.ItemCount to get the count of cases which classified correctly.
Keyword: train error,predict error, data mining, analysis service
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Mar 22, 2007
i try to process datamining with DMX
first i create new mining:
CREATE MINING model ForexData ( timeseri DATE KEY, Xhnow TEXT DISCRETE, Muccl TEXT DISCRETE, Change TEXT DISCRETE, XH5be TEXT DISCRETE, XH3be TEXT DISCRETE, XH1be TEXT DISCRETE , XH1ne TEXT DISCRETE PREDICT_only, XH3ne TEXT DISCRETE PREDICT_only, XH5ne TEXT DISCRETE PREDICT_only)Using Microsoft_Association_Rules (Minimum_Probability = 0.4, Minimum_Support = 0.01)
after that i use insert into statement:
INSERT INTO mining model ForexData(Change,Muccl,Timeseri ,XH1be,XH1ne,XH3be,XH3ne,XH5be,XH5ne)OPENQUERY([Forex DB],'Select Change,Muccl,Timeseri ,XH1be,XH1ne,XH3be,XH3ne,XH5be,XH5ne FROM dbo.dataprice')
there is the fisrt time i deploy ForexData so, it return an error:
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the 'timeseri' attribute of the 'ForexData_Structure ~MC-timeseri' dimension from the 'Analysis Services Project1' database was being processed.
i dont know about it, i have read some docs and comments on web but can solve this problem, can you help me?
as soon as posible, please
i have create a data source and data source view by BI and it return database is 'Analysis Services Project1'. and data source name: 'Forex DB' ;data source VIEW name: 'Forex DB' ;
nick yahoo: remember_somebody; contact to me if you can, i really need these infomation
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Feb 14, 2006
Hello, I am using SQL Server 2005, and trying to load a mining model : microsoft association rules through a
When it is loading, this error msg displayed :
"An error was encountered in the transport layer. The peer prematurely closed the connection."
Any help is really appreciated.
Thanks a lot,
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Jan 22, 2007
I am developing a multiple regression model for a super market site selection with 11 predictors.
As soon as I press the model viewer tab, the following message appears:
The server content appears to be out of date.
Would you like to build and deploy the project first?
I opt no and the error message pops up:
The tree graph cannot be created because of the following error:
'Either the user, ......., does not have access to the ....... database, or the database does not exist.'.
Could anyone mine out the cause please....
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May 29, 2006
I am trying to write some DMX queries to create and populate a mining model as a SSMS analysis services project. I followed the following steps:
1. Create the mining model using a CREATE MINING MODEL ... query.
2. Followed by the - INSERT INTO MINING MODEL ... query, which fetches prediction data from another mining model to populate the mining model.
3. I now want to use this new model for prediction, which requires processing the mining model first. When I process the model, it throws the following error:
Error (Data mining): The 'XYZ_Structure' structure does not contain bindings to data (or contains bindings that are not valid) and cannot be processed.
Please suggest if I am making a mistake in the above procedure. I will appreciate all help in overcoming this issue.
Auxilliary question: How do I process the mining model programmatically?
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Dec 13, 2007
This has been driving me mad for several days. I have setup SQL Server 2005 Express (SP2) on a box. I have SQL Server Management Studio (9.00.3042.00) installed on a client box. I can connect to the 2005 server and created a test database on the machine. But when I try to open a query on the database, I always get the above error message "[Error loading mining model metadata: Not connected.]" in the LHS pane and the query window remains unconnected. If I try to connect (by clicking on the connect button) I get a login screen for Analysis Services, but I don't have Analysis Services running on any boxes. The login screen doesn't allow me to change anything other than Server Name. This happens even if I open a new Database Engine Query through the File/New menu.
All I want to do to execute a query against my database. I don't want to use Analysis Services. What am I doing wrong? I have almost the exact same setup at home and it works fine.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Nov 17, 2006
I've successfully created and processed a very simple neural network mining model (defined against a cube). However, when I go to the model viewer in BI studio, it displays the following error:
"Execution of the managed stored procedure GetAttributeScores failed with the following error: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.Input string was not in a correct format.."
Any ideas about what's going wrong? This is with SQL Server 2005 SP1.
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Dec 4, 2007
Hello Everyone. I am a newbie to data mining. I hope that you can help.
I have run the same data mining query against the Decision Tree, Logistical Regession, Neural Network and Assocation Rules mining models. I created seperate tables to contain the results of each of these models. All of the tables have the same structure. The structure is a col#1 with a bigint datatype and col#2 with a numeric(5,5) datatype. All of the models have been successful with outputing the data to their respective tables except the Association Rules model. I am receiving the following error: " Failed to execute data mining query due to the following error: The given value of type SqlDecimal from the data source cannot be converted to type decimal of the specified target column." Is there something special that I need to do with my dmx statement to get the sqldecimal data to insert into the numeric column? What is different about the Association Rules model? I rechecked my dmx statement and it is the same for other models.
Let me know if you need more information.
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Apr 11, 2007
I am trying to model data in analysis services with the Advance Create Mining Model function in the excel addin. I am having trouble creating an association model that works like the Associate button above the Advanced button.
The format of my data is like this
OrderID Product
100 Bike
100 Helmet
100 Shoes
200 Helmet
200 basketball
200 Bat
300 Shoes
300 Socks
The associate button works perfectly since it asks me which column is the transaction id (orderid) and which column I am trying to predict (product). The advanced create mining model asks me to determine what the columns are...
OrderID=key Product=Input+Predict?
When I run the advance create mining model associate, I get a browser that gives me no rules and the support for only one item itemset (each product but no combination of products).
Does anyone know what I have to do to get it to work like the associate button?
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May 18, 2007
We've successfully processed a large decision tree model in SQL Server 2005. When I try to view the tree in the mining model viewer, I get the following error:
TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio
The tree graph cannot be created because of the following error:
'Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.'.
For help, click:
The link provides no other documentaiton on the error.
We're using 64-bit SQL on a Dell Workstation running XP-64 with 16GB of memory. From my view of things we aren't close to running out of memory. Since the model processed and the error occurs when viewing the model, is this a problem with Visual Studio and nont necessarily Anlaysis Services?
Thanks in advance.
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Jan 17, 2007
Good morning,
Well... As I said in other topics, I'm doing a clustering plugin for text mining. I'm facing many problems and, with your help, solving them one by one.
First of all, thanks a lot again.
Well... I've made a clustering function that is actually working very well. But I'm exporting its results to a log file I use as an algorithm trace for debugging.
My clustering method returns a vector containing information of what cluster each register belongs. For instance:
vector[0] = 1 -> The register of index 0 belongs to cluster 1.
vector[1] = 9 -> The register of index 1 belongs to cluster 9.
vector[2] = 2 -> The register of index 2 belongs to cluster 2.
And so on.
But... I know that none of the Navigation methods receives a structure like this one discribed above. I only use it to log the results to debug the algorithm.
But how to pass this information (what register (or test case) belongs to what cluster) to the Navigation ?
Thanks a lot again, and any help will be very appreciated.
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Oct 18, 2006
Dear friends,
I encounter a serious problem.
I would like to develop an application that can create Data Mining structures and a mining model in SQL Server 2005 with VB.NET. I tried the code from book Data Mining with SQL server 2005 in chapter 14 but did not work. Any good idea?
Please help me.
Best regards,
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Oct 20, 2006
Thank you very much for your help.
The errors that I can see in the code that you gave in your answer are the following and they are more or less the same as I had previously
I tried the code but initially I have encounter the following problems.
1. In any line that have the declaration As Server, As Database like in
Public Function CreateDatabase(ByVal srv As Server, ByVal databaseName As String) As Database gives me the problem that type Database is not declared the same type Server is not declared and it does not give me any option.
2. In addition to that for As DataSource, As RelationalDataSource, As RelationalDataSourceView, As ScalarMiningStructureColumn, As DataSourceViewBinding, gives me the problem that type is not declared.
3. Finally in mc = New MiningModelColumn("Yearly income", Utils.GetSyntacticallyValidID("Yearly income", Type.GetType(MiningModelColumn))) is not accesible in this context because it is 'Private'.
I have some more problems but I thing that by solving the above that I referred I will solve the rest.
Thank you any way.
Best regards,
PhD student
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Jul 18, 2006
I perform data mining on all products and a specific product category.
Do I need to create 2 data source views, one for all products and the other one for the specific product category?
Afterward, I run the Data Mining Wizard 2 times to create 2 mining structures.
I also need to add the same mining model (e.g. Bayes, Cluster) to each of these mining structures.
Is there any simple way to do it?
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Apr 27, 2007
I have been trying to use SQL 2005 data mining for about 8 weeks. I am becoming frustrated because I am not able to make progress nor am I able to exploit the power of the system.
I need a training course! I have asked Microsoft in UK for recommendations but they have been unable to help. I have searched for courses in the UK and US without sucess.
I am coming to the Microsoft BI event in Seattle - will there be any opportunities there to get help or find help? (In Seattle I intend to concentrate on the Excel add ins)
Thank you
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Jul 2, 2007
I am in the process of creating an Integration Services package to automate the process of training mining models and getting predictions. Until recently, I have been processing the models directly from Business Intelligence Studio without any problems. However, when I try to use the exact same training set as an input to the Data Mining Model Training destination, I get several errors. Here is the output:
[Mining Models [1]] Error: Parser: An error occurred during pipeline processing.
[Mining Models [1]] Error: Errors in the OLAP storage engine: The process operation ended because the number of errors encountered during processing reached the defined limit of allowable errors for the operation.
[Mining Models [1]] Error: Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the 'CPT MODIFIER' attribute of the 'BCCA DMS ~MC-CLAIM LIN~5' dimension from the 'BCCA LRG DMS TEST' database was being processed.
[Mining Models [1]] Error: File system error: The record ID is incorrect. Physical file: . Logical file: .
[Mining Models [1]] Error: Errors in the OLAP storage engine: The process operation ended because the number of errors encountered during processing reached the defined limit of allowable errors for the operation.
[Mining Models [1]] Error: Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the 'BILL TYPE' attribute of the 'BCCA DMS ~MC-CLAIM LIN~5' dimension from the 'BCCA LRG DMS TEST' database was being processed.
[Mining Models [1]] Error: File system error: The record ID is incorrect. Physical file: . Logical file: .
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: The ProcessInput method on component "Mining Models" (1) failed with error code 0x80004005. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running.
I have not been able to find an answer as to why this is happening. I found a post regarding a similar problem with processing an OLAP cube in SSIS, but it seems that the author of that post never found an answer. Has anyone else here seen similar errors when processing mining models from Integration Services?
Also, if I process the mining models manually then try to run only predictions in SSIS, I get many of the same errors. I'll keep looking into the problem myself, but I would be very grateful if someone in this forum could shed some light on this issue.
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May 31, 2006
Hoping someone will have a solution for this error
Errors in the metadata manager. The data type of the '~CaseDetail ~MG-Fact Voic~6' measure must be the same as its source data type. This is because the aggregate function is not set to count or distinct count.
Is the problem due to the data type of the column used in the mining structure is Long, and the underlying field in the cube has a type of BigInt,or am I barking up the wrong tree?
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Nov 23, 2007
Hi ...I can't figure out how to put nested tables into the Data Mining Model Training Transform (SSIS). Can anybody help me? some example please...!!!??
Diego B.
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Sep 14, 2007
I am not getting Mining Accuracy Chart and Min ing Model Prediction
Plz tel me how to do.And how to use the filter input data used to generate the lift chart and
select predictable mining model columns to show in the lift chart
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Sep 29, 2015
I followed the tutorial posted at [URL] ...
Everything was ok until the last step where I had to process the mining structure which resulted in a warning
"Informational (Data mining): Decision Trees found no splits for model, Tbl Decision Tree Example."
What does this error mean? How do I resolve it? Also, I only see the first level in the Mining Model Viewer, I don't see the levels 2 and 3.
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Oct 27, 2007
Hi all,
I have MS Time Seeries model using a database of over a thousand products each of which has hundreds of cases. It amazingly takes only a few minutes to finish processing the model, but when I click Mining Model Viewer to view the models, it takes many hours to show up. Once the window is open, I can choose model for different products almost instantly. Is this normal?
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Jun 15, 2007
Can I ask how to split the dataset into training and validation when running descision tree model?
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Aug 17, 2006
I've tried those two operations in the Management Studio.
Though we can create a mining structure and mining model in Management Studion,
but we cannot process the analysis-service database.
(1) I create only a mining structure through CREATE MINING STRUCTURE.
No error reported. But if I process the analysis-service database in Management Studio I always get error
'Error : The '<mining_structure__name>' structure does not contain bindings to data
(or contain bindings that are not valid) and cannot be processed.
I then tried to create it by creating and running an XMLA script. It was successful.
However, it's much harder to learn XMLA.
If any of you created an analysis-service database in Mgt Studio, and create a mining
structure in the same place using DMX script, can you process the database?
(2) Is there any use of CREATE MINING STRUCTURE operation without binding
to any table? Examples I saw so far did not show relating it to do. In my experience
processing the analysis-service database with that mining structure is doomed to fail.
(3) Is there any way we can create mining structure through CREATE MINING
STRUCTURE operation in Management Studio and use RELATED TO clause
to bind it to any Relationship to an attribute column (mandatory only if it applies), indicated by
the RELATED TO clause
(4) If this is the fact, is there any use of CREATE MINING STRUCTURE operation?
If we use BI Dev Studio, it's much easier to use the wizard.
(5) I found I cannot create a mining model inside a mining structure through operation
CREATE MINING MODEL. If you call that operation, you end up having a mining
model and a mining structure with the same name. I found that in order to create a
mining model inside a mining structure you have to call operation ALTER MINING
STRUCTURE ADD MINING MODEL. Is it true this is the only way?
Thank you,
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May 17, 2007
I'm working on a project to create a mining model.I have one "flattened" table with a productID (key) and related attributes. Example columns are weight, color, price, units sold last year, product category, product rating (top seller, etc) and similar columns, about 40 in total. There are about 15,000 products and same number of rows in the table.
The objective is to pass a ProductID (that also exists in the table) and get back the top N products that most resemble the source product based on all the attributes.
Any advice on which models I should test and how to set up the models would be much appreciated. Also if there is a similar example/sample out there, please let me know. I downloaded the MovieClick sample, but that doesn't work in my case as I only have the equivalent of the Customers table.
Thanks in Advance.
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Jun 19, 2007
Hi, all experts here,
I am wondering is there any way to select only a portion of a data set to train the mining model? In this case, I mean we dont need to split the dataset in advance, what I want to do is being able to select any random portion of a selected dataset to train a mining model. Any advices?
I am looking forward to hearing from you and thanks a lot in advance for your advices and help.
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,
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Jun 15, 2007
Could I ask how to spit the data into training and validation sets when doing data mining?
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Jun 26, 2007
Mining Model Prediction... what for?
Which Data Mining algorithm use Mining Model Prediction?
Every algorithm has to use Mining Model Prediction for a final goal of a Data Mining Project?
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Dec 6, 2006
I newly Installed my SQL 2005.When I try to train my Model its giving me "Key not valid for use in specified state." Can anyone help me how to figure it out?
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Sep 18, 2006
i want create a model to predict what product i should Ads for customer at time.
example: in summer, i should show the , drinks (coca, pepsi) , ice food, bikini, sandals, glasses. in winter, i should show shoes, coats, hot food....
i have some table:
order(orderid, time,cusid...)
orderdetails(orderid, productid..)
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Mar 4, 2007
i have a problem, because i have 3 tables.
One name "CallPair" contain: id- identity number, from - phone number, to - phone number.
Second name "Talk" contain: id - identity number, callPairId - id from "CallPair" table, date
Third name "Transaction" contain: id - identity number is a number of transaction, idTalk - id from Talk table, callNr - number of talk in transaction
I want mining model to sequence clustering, but i don't know how build case and nested table
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