I am testing a simple stored proc below.
create procedure procpooh @val1 int, @val2 int as
insert into pooh (val1, val2)
declare @error int
SELECT @error = @@ERROR
IF @error <> 0
print 'it failed'
When I run the proc and feed it the values it fails(that' what I expect)
because there is a field not being supplied which will not allow nulls.
However neither the print ' it failed ' or the raiserror work. I get the message below instead. Any ideas why the print or raiserror don't work?
Server: Msg 515, Level 16, State 2, Procedure trpooh, Line 11
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'val3', table 'Chapter5DB.dbo.pooh2'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The statement has been terminated.
I have a basic StoredProcedure that I want to raise a custom error if the inserted data is already in the table. However, I'm getting a Syntax error "User has already been entered".
Code Snippet
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.sp_AddParticipant ( @pLanID as varchar(20), @pName as varchar(75), @pTeamID as numeric, @pDept as varchar(35), @pEmail as varchar(75), @pUpdater varchar(20), @pParticipantID numeric OUTPUT ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON
if exists (SELECT LANID FROM Participant WHERE LANID = @pLanID) raiserror("User has already been entered",16,1) else begin INSERT INTO Participant (LANID,Name,TeamID,Department,eMailAdd,LastUpdatedBy) VALUES (@pLanID,@pName,@pTeamID,@pDept,@pEmail,@pUpdater);
SELECT @pParticipantID = @@Identity; end RETURN As far as I can see, I have the raiserror correct but I don't see what's wrong with the previous line.
Does anyone see what I'm missing?
Thanks, Bill N
P.s. What is the better method, passing an Out parameter or saying "RETURN @@Identity"?
My C# asp.net web application is throwing an exception and the message is the following:
RAISERROR could not locate entry for error 60002 in sysmessages. The error occurs in the stored procedure. Can anyone tell me what I need to do to fix this problem? Note that if I manually run the stored procedure, I get the following error message: Msg 2758, Level 16, State 1, Procedure GetPortalSettings, Line 74 RAISERROR could not locate entry for error 60002 in sysmessages.
When iam trying to print the report from the application i.e winforms application, at the first time it is displaying the Security waring(pop up message)
Do you want to install the software?
Name:Microssoft Sqlserver
with Install and don't install buttons.
Once we install , from the next time printing it is not displaying this error message.
We are having problems printing Reports (when printing by clicking on the AcitiveX print control), where the font for the fields are set to "C39HrP24DhTt" (barcode).
While viewing the report it displays as Barcodes but while printing, the Barcode does not get printed, but the string gets printed.
Environment: SSRS 2005
Using the ReportViewer Control in a .Net 2.0 Web App to render the reports.
BarCodes print fine in the following situations:
1. When the Report is exported to Excel and when printed from there
2. When you click on the print button on Internet Explorer
3. When saving as html (from view source) and opening that html document and printing.
BarCodes do NOT get printed in the following situation:
1. When printing by clicking on the "Print" (Active X Control) icon. Even the "Print Preview" does not show the Barcode.
I have a report which has the Interactive Height set to 0 so that it does not use paging. When I try and print preview the report, I can see the report okay until I go forward after the last page, and then I get the error "An error occured trying to render the report. 0x80004005". I can print the report and it prints fine, but I get a pop-up that says that there was an error printing the report. I've narrowed it down to the interactive size property, but am not sure how to get around it.
If divisor is "0" I need to print the Field, but for me it displaying #Error. If I pass any value it is working fine. It is not working only for the Field.
We have recently upgraded our .Net web application from a windows 2003 server to a windows 2012 server. Since this happened users that are trying to print a reporting services report is getting the error "Unable to load client print control". We are using reporting services 2012, but the application is using the 8 version of the viewer. The reporting services server did not change only the application server. The code for the application did not change.
UPDATE #2: When it said "Do you want to install Microsoft SQL Server" I said "yes" and that caused it to work. I exited and re-ran and now the print runs w/o the "install SQL Server" (If the prompt had said "Do you want to install the print dialog" we wouldn't be having this discussion...)
UPDATE: After posting this i discovered that the same thing occurs when attempting to print the report direct from IE6: First a dialog pops up "Do you want to install this software?" Name: Microsoft SQL Server. When I click "Don't Install" I get the dialog "unable to load client print control." Since this happens direct from IE6 I suspect it's browser settings. I'll resume tomorrow and post a followup.
My WinForm C# app integrates Reporting Services by calling them from WebBrowser controls. The problem is attempts to print cause a dialog: "unable to load client print control."
I've read prior posts that say "enable Active-X in your browser" - I don't know how to do that from a WebBrowser control.
Any ideas how to support Reporting Services "Print" from within a WebBrowser control?
In my Windows application I use sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery() to execute the stored procedure, In case of an error in the stored procedure I need to return an exception to application, will RAISERROR in stored procedure accomplish that?
Hello,I am raising an error on my SQL 2005 procedure as follows: RAISERROR(@ErrorMessage, @ErrorSeverity, 1)How can I access it in my ASP.NET code?Thanks,Miguel
hi RAISERROR is used to return message to the caller. how to contain RAISERROR : variable declare @name varchar(50) and string 'Welcome' i want to contain the RAISERROR messege 'Welcome' + @name value in the same time ex Welcome Zaid can give the code to do this thank you
just cant figure out why my raiserror print Wrong RoleType for customer lientID for :- RAISERROR('Wrong RoleType for customer %ClientID', 16,1, @ClientID) what's with missing C? is % some kind of escape char or something? (im trying to print back the parameter @clientid), or should i just use the print ''
This statement adds a new message to the master..sys.messages table
EXEC sp_addmessage @msgnum = 60000, @severity = 16, @msgtext = N'The item named %s already exists in %s.'
But if this error happens, how is an application supposed to access this message? (The average app shouldn't need to access to the master database to get this info.)
In my Windows application I use sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery() to execute the stored procedure, In case of an error in the stored procedure I need to return an exception to application, will RAISERROR in stored procedure accomplish that?
I have used RAISERROR on some of our pages before, and it worked fine. Now I have a page that has a formview with a sqldatasource that does an insert. If the value for a certain field exists already in the table, I am trying to use RAISERROR('message', 15, 1) to have a popup error. The page does a redirect in the iteminserted event. When I try to insert with data that should cause an error, it doesn't insert into the database, but I don't see an error. The page just redirects... any ideas what could be done to fix this?
When I use the following code to execute a RAISERROR from within a CLR Routine (Stored Procedure), and I call this CLR stored procedure from T-SQL within a TRY/CATCH block, the error is not caught in the CATCH block. Why is this happening? Is there any way around this? Any help much appreciated.try { SqlContext.Pipe.ExecuteAndSend(cmd); } catch { }
I have an Alert and a Raiserror which I need to do 3 things. 1. Recognize the error (that works) 2.Raise the alert and email the error message to support 3. Return the error message raised to the user application.(not working) is returning the error message to the user related to the way the application runs or is this a fairly generic function. (This is sort of an oddball app which is compiled C++ that inteprets data to create it's screens.)
When I use the following code to execute a RAISERROR from within a CLR Routine (Stored Procedure), and I call this CLR stored procedure from T-SQL within a TRY/CATCH block, the error is not caught in the CATCH block. Why is this happening?