Escape Character For /SET Option Of Dtexec

Jan 25, 2006

I have a problem setting some variables in a package using the /SET option of dtexec. Specifically when the value I want to set contains a semi-colon. I get an error like:

Argument ""Package.Variables[User::Delim].Properties[Value];^;"" for option "set" is not valid.

I am guessing that I will have to escape the semi-colons somehow, but with what?


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Nov 9, 2004

Hi Ya'll,

I tried searching for "escape character", "quotes", etc, but they didn't work.

I'm having troubling inserting data into my tables, if they have an apostrophe or double quotes. I know that MySQL's escape character is "", but I tried it for MS SQL and it didn't work. HOW DO I INSERT DATA INTO MY DB THAT HAS AN APOSTROPHE OR DOUBLE QUOTE? Thanks.

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/ Forward Slash Escape Character?

Feb 19, 2008

im having trouble getting this to work:

alter proc [ProGeneral_College_Structure] @Year nvarchar(4)
DECLARE @SQLStatement nvarchar(1000)

Set @SQLStatement = 'SELECT School AS Level1Code, DIVISIONS.Div AS Level2Code,
DIVISIONS.ProgArea AS Level3Code, DIVISIONS.progName AS LevelName
, ' + SUBSTRING(@Year,1,2) + '/' + SUBSTRING(@Year,3,2) + ' AS AcademicYearID FROM DIVISIONS
WHERE (((DIVISIONS.[' + @Year + '])=1))


It's something to do with the / concatenation I think, is it an escape character or something tried // obviously and CHAR(47).
before I get comments I know it's dynamic sql and it's not great but I can't edit the divisions table so have to use a dynamic column.

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How Do I Escape A New Line Character Thats Been Stored In Sql Server

May 30, 2008

Not sure if this is the right forums to ask this question..
I have a website in which i have a text box that has multiline = true... So suppose if if the user enter absbsbcjd and then hits enter and then again enter jfkdjf in my database i been stored as abscbabc twoboxes (new line) and then jfdkf and then sometime later i am taking that plan name and sending it as a subject to an email but since it has a new line character in that field.. i get an error..
so how can escape the new line character..

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Quoted Field And Escape Character Issue

Nov 8, 2006

I am attempting to import a flat file and have come accross and issue that I do not know how to fix in SSIS. The issue is that some of the text fields use quoted identifiers. This is not an issue in itself. The problem is they also use quotes as escape character if quotes are on the field.

So I see instances of "" because inside the quoted field is a quote. How do i specify an escape character?

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C# UI Escape Character Problem To Execute Command Line

Aug 3, 2006


Thanks For your reply!

but this is very urgent please help!!!!!!!

I need one more help in this issue. what if i do not need any "

for e.g: i am trying to set conn string and varaible value

jobCommand = new SqlCommand("xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /f "" + path + "" /Conn "" + Packconn + "" "" + connect + "" '",cconn);

i am getting some value like this :

CommandText "xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /f "D:\SSISProject\Integration Services Project1\ArchiveMainMultiTables.dtsx" /Conn "SE413695\AASQL2005.TestDB;" "Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Data Source=SE413695\AASQL2005;Initial Catalog=TestDB;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;" '" string

I do not need the highlighted escape characters in it. what should i do??????

i need some thing like this :

xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /f "D:SSISProjectIntegration Services Project1ArchiveMainMultiTables.dtsx" /Conn SE413695AASQL2005.TestDB;"Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Data Source=SE413695AASQL2005;Initial Catalog=TestDB;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;"'



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Dec 28, 2006

I have the following command which uses the /CONFIGFILE option:

master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /DTS "File SystemPackagesMyPackagesMyPackage" /SERVER "MYSERVER" /CONFIGFILE "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSPackagesMyPackagescustomersite.dtsconfig" /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING V '

When the package runs, one of the first things it reports is that the configuration file, 'customersite.dtsconfig' cannot be found:


Description: The package is attempting to configure from the XML file "CustomerSite.dtsConfig".


Description: The configuration file "CustomerSite.dtsConfig" cannot be found. Check the directory and file name.


Description: Failed to load at least one of the configuration entries for the package. Check configurations entries and previous warnings to see descriptions of which configuration failed.

The package hapilly executes (and, somehow does grab the appropriate values from config (in this case, it is the SQL Login passwords).

Can anyone provide some insight into this or is this a bug that should be ignored?

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DTExec /reporting Option - Unable To Exclude Anything

May 25, 2008

I'm messing with the /reporting option of DTExec. In BOL it states:

The optional parameter event_guid_or_name is a list of exceptions to the log providers. The exception specifies the events that are not logged that otherwise might have been logged.
(dtexec utility)

Try as I might I cannot get any value for event_guid_or_name have the slightest afffect. I have tried all of the following:

/reporting v;Information
/reporting v;OnInformation
/reporting v;Info

Well, none of those made any difference. Information events raised from my package were still getting reported to the command-line so I'm obviously barkig up the wrong tree trying to name a particular event.

Please can someone tell me a value that I can supply for event_guid_or_name that will make a difference?


[Microsoft follow-up]

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EncryptSensitiveWithPassword Protection Option Cannot Be Used With DTexec Execution Of SSIS Packages

Nov 6, 2006

Our SSIS packages use the Web Service Task to call services to send email and write package failure data to a department wide database. These Web Service Calls are failing with HTTP 401 errors. It was caused by the passwords for the HTTP connections not being saved when the SSIS pkgs were saved to .dtsx files. I have tried saving the package with a password and the EncryptSensitiveWithPassword protection option. This password can be supplied when the package is called from another package or a package is executed in Visual Studio but cannot be supplied to DTexec to execute the package in a job. DTexec does have a /Password parameter but it is rejected if the package is loaded from a .dtsx file.
This appears to be a bug in DTexec. It only accepts the /Password parameter when the package is loaded with the /SQL option. Specifying /Password and /File is not supported.

Is this a known bug? Are there any workarounds?
Has anyone successfully called a Web Service from SSIS executed via DTexec?

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Problem: SSIS Package Failure Using 32-bit DTExec And 64-bit DTExec

Apr 17, 2008

Hi all,

I have a serious problem with my SSIS Package while executing using 32-bit DTExec and 64-bit DTExec.

Here are the details:


Windows Server 2003 64-bit (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)
SSIS 32-bit & 64-bit installed
SQL Server 2005 (Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (X64) - RTM)

SSIS Package details (compiled in 64 bit)

Script tasks only
Microsoft Visual Basic .NET (using TRY...CATCH block)
PreCompileScriptIntoBinaryCode = TRUE
Run64BitRunTime = TRUE


Batch file that uses DTExec to execute the Package.

I am trying to exeucte the above SSIS package using both 32-bit and 64-bit DTExec to make it failure by providing invalid connection string. Here are the details,

Wrong connection String using 32-bit Execution

While establishing the connection the error message has been nicely captured in to my Exception block and writes into the log file.

Wrong connection String using 64-bit Execution

While establishing the connection the error has not been catpured anywhere (although I have TRY CATCH block) and it haults there itself with the message "Process is terminated due to StackOverflowException". Later I found that the error is due to the connection string along with the unhandled exception.

Please suggest any one of the following my findings, also if you have any other advice would be very much appreciated.

1. Shall I go ahead and fix the issue by handling those unhandled errors? (e.g Appdomain, application). I tried several but still not working using 64-bit DTExec.

2. Shall I go ahead and use 32-bit DTExec to execute the package? If so, is there any other major performance or anyother bug?

P.S: We cannot apply any service pack for SQL Server 2005 at the moment. Sorry abt it. If you have any specific hotfix for DTExec (without affecting SQL Server) then we can decide.

Sorry for the lengthy one and Thanks very much for you help in advance .

Thanks again!


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In SqlServer Management Studio Express, Server Type Option Is Greyed Out, Also Publication Option Missing

Apr 27, 2008

Hi everyone In my SqlServer Management Studio Express, on start up it shows the server type option, but greyed.So that value is fixed to database engine. ( I'm trying to work on an SqlServer Compact Edition database through the SSMStudiothat's why I'm trying to get this to change.)Besides, after I connect i go to the Object Explorer, expand the server node, and go to Replication.When i expand replication, i get the "Local Subscription" option, but nothng for Publication.( I want to work on Merge Replication, that's why I desparately need Publication to work)Am i missing something here? I did not install SqlServer separately, I only have what comes bundled with the Visual Studio  2005 Setup.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Find String Before Character When Character Appears Multiple Times

May 17, 2015

I have a table that contains file paths as


and I need a query to return


I tried

SELECT DISTINCT left(Source, charindex('', Source)- 0) AS String
FROM Table

But that removes everything after the first and I need it to return all data before the last

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Replace Multiple Occurrences Of Same Character With Single Character

Aug 6, 2015

I have the following scenario, The contents of main file are like :


And I need the output in the following form:


The logic being that multiple and consecutive occurrences of the special character, here - pipe , should be replaced by a single special character.

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Select Part Of Character String Based On A Character

Apr 15, 2004

I have data in a column that starts with 1-4 characters followed by a dash then followed by an number of characters (ex: EU-Surgery).

How do I select everything to the right of the dash when the number of characters to the left of the dash varies?

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SQL 2012 :: Configuring Memory Per Query Option And Index Create Memory Option

Feb 10, 2015

So I started a new job recently and have noticed a few strange configurations. Typically I would never mess with min memory per query option and index create memory option configuration because i just haven't seen any need to. My typical thought is that if it isn't broke... They have been modified on every single server in my environment.

From Books Online:
• This option is an advanced option and should be changed only by an experienced database administrator or certified SQL Server technician.
• The index create memory option is self-configuring and usually works without requiring adjustment. However, if you experience difficulties creating indexes, consider increasing the value of this option from its run value.

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Dec 26, 2007

 SELECT     ID, Firstname, LastnameFROM         Table_1WHERE     (Firstname LIKE '2-%%' ESCAPE '-')
why statement above correct work but statement down correct do not work.
 SELECT     ID, Firstname, LastnameFROM         Table_1WHERE     (Firstname LIKE '2-%' ESCAPE '-')
by mohsen

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Dec 27, 2007

SELECT ID, Firstname, Lastname FROM Table_1
 WHERE (Firstname LIKE '2-%%' ESCAPE '-')                                                             
2       2%                  mohsen
 why statement above correct work but statement down correct do not work.                       table
                                                                                                                                    ID          FIRSTNAME    LASTNAME     
SELECT ID, Firstname, Lastname FROM Table_1                                                             1             mohsen         nafisi
   WHERE (Firstname LIKE '2-%' ESCAPE '-')                                                                   2               2%              mohsen
                                                                                                                                     3              25467          89
NULL    NULL          NULL

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Dec 28, 2007

explain ESCAPE clause in LIKE clause with example.
no MSDN and Link.
by mohsen

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Dec 28, 2007

explain ESCAPE clause in LIKE clause with example.

by mohsen

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Way To Escape From CURSOR

May 3, 2002

I am probably a bit of dumb programmer but I am trying to get away from using cursors in my SQL stored procedures. I probably have my VB program code set in my mind but what is the alternative of doing something like this in T-SQL:

do while not recordset.eof
if condition is ok then
update blah blah blah set something = recordset("field")
end if

Can someone give me an example in T-SQl which can achieve the same thing? (Apart from calling SQL stored procedure using ADO within VB?)


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Escape Sequence

Sep 1, 2004

I have a question with this query -
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE column1 = 'T_C_%';

This query returns rows where column1 = "T_Care", "T_CRP" etc etc, whereas I was expecting only rows where column1 = "T_C_Tail", "T_C_Head"

However, when I use an escape character(/), the results are more in the lines of the expected results.

Can somebody explain this?
cheers/- Pradeep

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Escape Characters

Sep 6, 2005

What should one pass as a field value into a table in the insertstatement if the value contained a percentage symbol (%) or theasterisk symbol (*), since both of these have special wildcardmeanings. What if I want to pass the special meanings and pass them asliterals? Is there any escape character that I must use? I am usingADO.NET v1.1 of the framework with VB.NET. The database is MicrosoftSQL Server 2000.

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Escape Characters

Sep 26, 2006


I need to insert this command into a table, but I can't because.

insert XXX

set column1 = isnull(Title,'') +

case when (case when title is null then 1 else 0 end) = 1 then '' else ' ' end

+ isnull(Last_name,'') +

case when (case when First_name is null then 1 else 0 end) = 1 then '' else ' ' end

+ isnull(First_name,'') +

case when (case when Middle_initial is null then 1 else 0 end)= 1 then '' else ' ' +

isnull(Middle_initial,'') END

I don't know how to use escape sequence, I need insert just once


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Escape Characters

Sep 26, 2006


I need to insert this command into a table, but I can't because.

insert XXX

set column1 = isnull(Title,'') +

case when (case when title is null then 1 else 0 end) = 1 then '' else ' ' end

+ isnull(Last_name,'') +

case when (case when First_name is null then 1 else 0 end) = 1 then '' else ' ' end

+ isnull(First_name,'') +

case when (case when Middle_initial is null then 1 else 0 end)= 1 then '' else ' ' +

isnull(Middle_initial,'') END

I don't know how to use escape sequence, I need insert just once


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Return Left-most Character From 8 Character String

Oct 1, 2014

I'd like to return the left-most character from an 8 character string & the third from the left character too.

Like this ABC00123 returns AC

$query = "SELECT LEFT(uninum,3), RIGHT(uninum,5), clmarea, Date FROM tblunimov";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

echo "<div class='tblstyle1'>";
echo "<table class='tblstyle1'>";
echo "<tr><th>ini</th><th>item</th><th>area</th><th>date</th></tr>";
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){

[Code] ....

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Escape Single Qoute '

Jun 25, 2007

Is there a way to escape single quotes ' in a  sql statement that uses a sql data source that is automated? I know you can do it with a string manip and replacing them with double single quotes. I am just looking for a simple way.  Thanks Adam 

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Escape Sequence In SQL - Urgent

Feb 25, 2002


Could any one please tell me what escape sequence can be used to display the data in the next line in sql


select 'abc ??? def'



John Jayaseelan

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Sqlcmd And Escape Characters

Nov 22, 2007

The command below runs fine from within Management Studioexec sp_MSforeachtable @command1="exec sp_spaceused '?' "However, I'd like to run it via sqlcmd. I've tried variouscombinations of escaping the doulbe and single quotes but withoutsuccess.sqlcmd -E -Q "sp_MSforeachtable @command1="exec sp_spaceused '?'""Sqlcmd: 'exec sp_spaceused '?'""': Unexpected argument. Enter '-?'for help.Any ideas?Thanks,M

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Escape Single Quotes

Dec 4, 2007


I want to pass a query to SQL Server 2005 through the table adapter query.

Some of the variables with have single quotes e.g. He's

I know with PHP/MySQL Addslashes() is used.

What is the alternative for C#?


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How Can I Escape Special Charater....

Aug 29, 2007

here is the query

DECLARE @NENTITY varchar (100); SET @NENTITY = 'HouseDimension';

DECLARE @FLAGVAR nvarchar (10); SET @FLAGVAR = 'Y';



SET @SQL1 = 'SELECT * FROM ' + @NENTITY + ' WHERE ' + @NENTITY + '.' + @NFLAG + ' = ' + @FLAGVAR


OUTPUT: SELECT * FROM HouseDimension WHERE HouseDimension.HouseLastUpdateFlag = Y

where as I need an output with Y in single quotes ('Y')
because when I run this query its gives me an error invalid colunm name Y. I tried to use escape sequence but of no use..

Any suggestion please?

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Export Data To Csv: Escape New Lines?

Aug 3, 2004

I need to convert from mssqlto Postgres and I need to export all MS-SQL table data to a CSV or TXT file (one file per table)

Presumably, all data per row (of a table) must be in one line.
Then when you copy to another database, a new line of data means a new row in the table.

However, MS SQL is exporting a large varchar text field as multiple lines. The data itself is many lines, so exporting it causes the data for one row to fall onto many lines.

My question: How do I escape new lines? When MS SQL exports the data, I want to replace all NEW LINES / carriage returns by /n or by <br> tag (since the data will be for web use).

(pls note I am not actually handling the ms sql database, so any response would be greatly appreciated as I advise the person in charge of the mssql db accordingly).

Thanks a lot!

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Escape Sequences In Stored Procedures

Nov 8, 2007


What is the escape sequence in a stored procedure?

Here is what I'm trying to achieve:

@Func VarChar(1000)

DECLARE @SQL VarChar(8000)

Now, my goal is to add single quote (') before @Func and another one after that. For eg, if @Func is "Test", I want my query to be

and NOT

Any help?

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How To Make Escape Characters In Varchar

Jan 5, 2007

I am trying to use this:

INSERT INTO BizNames ( [Key], [Name] ) VALUES ( 0, 'Bob's Lumber' );

The apostrophe embedded in the name value is giving me headaches. I tried using double-quotes and [] to delineate the value but then I get complaints that a "Name" is not allowed in this context.

How do you turn the embedded characters into an escape character so they can be ignored by SQL Server and passed into the table field.

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