Y'all:I am needing some way, in the SQL Server dialect of SQL, to escape unicodecode points that are embedded within an nvarchar string in a SQL script,e.g. in Java I can do:String str = "This is au1245 test.";in Oracle's SQL dialect, it appears that I can accomplish the same thing:INSERT INTO TEST_TABLE (TEST_COLUMN) VALUES ('This is a1245 test.");I've googled and researched through the MSDN, and haven't discovered asimilar construct in SQL Server. I am already aware of the UNISTR()function, and the NCHAR() function, but those aren't going to work well ifthere are more than a few international characters embedded within astring.Does anyone have a better suggestion?Thanks muchly!GRB-----------------------------------------------------------------------Greg R. Broderick Join Bytes!A. Top posters.Q. What is the most annoying thing on Usenet?---------------------------------------------------------------------
I'm working on a script to produce XML. There are two parts to the XML: an envelope (called "message") and a payload ("payload). Here's an example of what the result should look like:
(Note that I had to add a space between the '&' and 'lt' and 'gt' to get it to post in the forum without the forum converting them back to < and >!)You can see that SQL escaped the < and >. Also the CDATA escape sequence is missing.I want to see < instead of & lt and > instead of & gt. Also, I need the CDATA escape sequence.
Hi, i'm having problems executing the followingSET @SQLAH = 'SELECT sub_id WHERE 'SET @SQLAH = @SQLAH + 'VENUE_TYPE = Hotel'EXEC(@SQLAH)Its getting stuck at Hotel. I realise that it should include an apostrophe either side like so:..SET @SQLAH = @SQLAH + 'VENUE_TYPE = 'Hotel' '..But this escapes the string, how would i escape an apostrophe in a string?I thought maybe:SET @SQLAH = @SQLAH + 'VENUE_TYPE = 'Hotel' 'But no joy :confused: Thanks
myCommand2.CommandText = "INSERT INTO testimonials(name,email,testimonial,approved,time) VALUES ('" + exp.escString(txtName.Text) + "','" + exp.escString(txtEmail.Text) + "','" + txtTestimonial.Text + "','" + false + "','" + DateTime.Now + "')"; ok the form has a field txtTestimonial.Text these strings work when i submit them thoughthats all folksthat"s (double quotes) that\"sthat\"s these failthat's that's that\'s that\'s tried up to 7 just to make sure Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Incorrect syntax near 's'.Unclosed quotation mark after the character string ')'. I figure the " works because it ends up being ' " ' in the sql statement and it doesnt mind thatI tried researching this. I could not find any info stating that perhaps sql escapes things differently. I was on the assumption that in the sql itself the database would reconise the before the '.I read i can use html decode but it seems that then i will have to undecode everytime I read from the database and it could be a major pain if I am using a datagrid or something and a big mess. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Jim
I have a parameterized query. The parameters contain data from my tables. Some of the parameters could include single quotes. The single quotes are wreaking havoc in my parameterized query. How can I replace single quotes with double quotes inside of my SQL stored procedure?
I know that it's something similar to REPLACE(@variablename, '''''', ''''''''), but I can't get the number of quotes right.
All of the examples that I am seeing are converting the quotes inside of an application. This is not an option for me, as I am calling this stored procedure from a SQL job that will run daily.
I have some code (C#) that runs an SQL update query that sets thevalue of a column to what the user passes. So, this causes an errorwhen anything the user passes in has a ' character in it. I'm surethere's other characters that'll break it too. So, I was wondering,how do I get around this? Is there some commonly accepted regexpattern that will make the value safe to run in an SQL query? How canI take care of any values that need to be escaped?I'm not using any fancy ado.net objects:string sql= [whatever the user passes in]SqlConnection connection = newSqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrin gs[Utils.GetConnectionString].ToString());connection.Open();SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;command.CommandText = sql;try{int result = command.ExecuteNonQuery();if (result != 1){Response.StatusCode = 500;Response.Write("The file has been uploaded, but wecould not update the DB");Response.End();}}catch (InvalidOperationException){Response.Clear();Response.Write("error");Response.StatusCode = 500;Response.End();}connection.Close();
Much to my surprise and dismay, after burning hours and hours developing various SSIS packages to extract data from my SQL 2005 DB to CSV flat files, I found out the hard way that SSIS doesn't properly escape quotes (") in the data (my output file is required to have quotes as text qualifiers).
It seems like I'm pretty much forced to create derived columns to test for the existence of quotes in my data, then either escape them or replace them with another character.
This is really NOT COOL. Not only will this significantly hinder performance, it makes my packages a heck of a lot more complicated (especially when I'm exporting lots of text columns).
Am I doing something wrong, or does SSIS really not escape the text qualifier in a delimited flat file? If so, someone PLEASE tell me this will be fixed in the very near future.
We are facing a problem while passing a string containing the "&" character into Full Text search CONTAINS predicate. The records that do have this character are not being returned by the search.
I'd like to raise two questions:
1) Is there any special way to escape this character? 2) Does FTS index it at all?
We have tried all known (to us) ways of escaping like doubling the character, using char(38), using ESCAPE etc..Nothing seem to work. Any help would be appreciated.
We have a .NET drop down, which gets populated as the user types in letters(last name). If the user types in the single quote we get the error about not escaping the single quote. Question is, which way would it be easier to fix, in the .NET code or in the SQL procedure? I am not to sure if we have full access to the source code since that is a 3rd party control, so if that is not feasible how would I fix that in the stored procedure? This is the current proc that we are using:
Code Snippet select @str = 'SELECT DISTINCT TOP ' + @Top + ' e.DisplayName as DbComboText, e.EmployeeID as DbComboValue FROM DepartmentDirectory.dbo.Employees ee INNER JOIN DataMart.dbo.Employees e ON ee.UIN = e.UIN WHERE e.LastName like ''' + @LastName + ''' AND e.FirstName like ''' + @FirstName + ''' ORDER BY e.DisplayName'
In my application I must store over 16000 character in a sql table field . When I split into more than 1 field it gives "unclosed quotation mark" message. How can I store over 16000 characters to sql table field (only one field) with language specific characters?
Hi everybody, I would like to know if there is any property in sql2000 database to separate lowercase characters from uppercase characters. I mean not to take the values ��child�� and ��Child�� as to be the same. We are transferring our ingres database into sqlserver. In ingres we have these values but we consider them as different values. Can we have it in sqlserver too?
In my Sql server 2000 database the japanese characters are showing ? marks. I have restored my database from a back up taken from another database which is showing the characters are in proper way. Please give me a solution for this problem. Thanks in advance
Hi I am developing an application where i want to store the different language (i.e. chines,Arabic,urdu etc) character in database (SQL Server). so when i store arabic characters in SQL server , it stores the (???????). datatype of field is nvarchar. is anybody know about the problem and solution. Regards Mubahsar Ghazi
Hi Friends, I am trying to insert Hebrew string into my database from my Java based tool. I am using SQL Server 2005 and the latest MS SQL jdbc driver. After i insert the string, all the Hebrew characters are in an unreadable format (some junk basically). My requirement is to download the rows of that particular table of the database (containing Hebrew) into an EXCEL sheet, give the corresponding english translation and upload it back. But since i am getting junk characters in the excel sheet, i am unable to translate :( I have tried changing the COLLATE parameter of the database and tables while creating the database, but still the issue persists. Please help me. Thanks in advance!
I need extracting string that is between certain characters that are in certain position.
Here is the DDL:
DROP TABLE [dbo].[StoreNumberTest] CREATE TABLE [dbo].[StoreNumberTest]( [StoreNumber] [varchar](50) NULL, [StoreNumberParsed] [varchar](50) NULL) INSERT INTO [dbo].[StoreNumberTest]
[Code] ....
What I need to accomplish is to extract the string that is between the third and fifth '-' (dash) and insert it into the StoreNumberParsed while eliminating the fourth dash.
Sample output would be:
KY117 CA132 OH174 MD163 FL191
I know that parse, charindex, patindex all might come in play, but not sure how to construct the statement.
We are trying to load text tab delimited files into SQL server usinginformatica 5.1 version. The text files are FTPed to a local serverand then files are moved to applicable folder before loading.The problem is when we open the files after FTP the characters arealready converted to something else. EX: � got converted as �.Now when we load them into SQL server we want � to transfer as �again.In informatica we use relational database connection and specify SQLserver as server type, there is no place where you can specify thecharacter conversion parameter.Can anybody help solving this problem ?Thanks in advance.Ram.
I have current current sql server 2000 database containing some columns in big5. To display these cols correctly, my asp.net nust have directive with CodePage="1252" ContentType="text/html;charset=BIG5". I can not update, or insert big5 character into these columns via .aspx page. I'm using .net framework 2.0. Please help me, thanks a lot for any help.
I am trying to count the characters in a sting before a space. Here is the example of what I am trying to accomplish.
"2073 9187463 2700' 4 7 4, the string character count is 4 before the space, 7 is the count before the next space and the last is the last in the string, if there was more characters within this string for example....'2073 9187463 2700 7023 6044567' it would return the number of characters in the string before the space and at the very end of it.
SQL Server 2012 SP2 Enterprise Edition (11.0.5058.0) on Windows Server 2008 R2
At some point a few months ago we encountered an issue where we hit some size limit on the amount of text we could enter into a Transact-SQL step of an Agent job. Attempting to create a job like this with sp_add_job will produce the error
Msg 50000, Level 16, State 10, Procedure sp_add_jobstep_internal, Line 255 String or binary data would be truncated.
Adding the job step via SSMS yields
Alter failed for JobStep 'xxx'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo) Additional information: An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo) String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 8152)
I've checked sp_add_jobstep_internal, sp_add_jobstep and the sysjobsteps table and all references to the command field are nvarchar(max). We can run the same job creation code without error on a SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition machine and two SQL Server 2012 SP2 Developer Edition boxes. All our 2012 servers were fresh installs, not upgrades.
I am looking for the fastest way to strip non-numeric characters from a string.
I have a user database that has a column (USER_TELNO) in which the user can drop a telephone number (for example '+31 (0)12-123 456'). An extra computed column (FORMATTED_TELNO) should contain the formatted telephone number (31012123456 in the example)
Note: the column FORMATTED_TELNO must be indexed, so the UDF in the computed column has WITH SCHEMABINDING.... I think this implicates that a CLR call won't work....
create table Test(ID number, Name nvarchar(500)); insert into Test(1,'abc testing'); insert into Test(2,'abc include persian آنا اسمیت'); insert into Test(3,'mnp testing'); insert into Test(4,'abc include Russian Джон Тед');
I want to get records that have only english characters i.e ID=1 and 3 only.
I tried select * from Test where Name like '%[a-zA-Z0-9]%' but this will return all 4 records. How can I accomplish this?
I'm testing, with SQL 2014 on the same DB, a procedure that extracts data from a table into a file and Loads data from that file into a different table which has the same columns as the initial table (I use a function to create the create table statement from the source table and change the name of the destination table)
when doing my bcp -c the record with the special character "é" doesn't make it to the file. when doing a bcp -w the record with the special character makes it to the file but the bulk insert omits the whole record.
The result file in the case that makes it to the file is unicode. I'm not using a format file (don't see the need for it)
The bulk insert into the destination table that contains identical columns as the source (a mixture on int, varchar, char) --> didn't work
I also tried by building the columns of the destination table with nvarchars -- Still doesn't work.
It's a complicated process that takes 1 XML record that contains information + the Create Table Statement (to eventually be able to this on a different server/DB) + the title Row for each column + the Data... Each of these are created with a BCP command (all with the same options). they are then appended to each other with a copy /B c:file1.txt + c:File2.txt + c:File3.txt + c:File4.csv c:ResultFile
Once the result file is created I bulk insert the 2 first rows in one table "TableA" create the tmp table "TABLE B" with the create table statement that is in "TableA" and do another bulk insert of the remainder of the file into the newly created table.
What else can I try? Should I be creating a format file? what are the benefits of a format file?
It's a very long procedure that does both Extract and Load (with 12 parameters) not sure what I should put here.
I have a varchar field which contains some Greek characters (α, β, γ, etc...) among the regular Latin characters. I need to replace these characters with a word (alpha, beta, gamma etc...). When I try to do this, I find that it is also replacing some of the Latin characters.
Hi Friends, I am trying to insert Hebrew string into my database from my Java based tool. I am using SQL Server 2005 and the latest MS SQL jdbc driver. After i insert the string, all the Hebrew characters are in an unreadable format (some junk basically). My requirement is to download the rows of that particular table of the database (containing Hebrew) into an EXCEL sheet, give the corresponding english translation and upload it back. But since i am getting junk characters in the excel sheet, i am unable to translate I have tried changing the COLLATE parameter of the database and tables while creating the database, but still the issue persists. Please help me. Thanks in advance!
Hi to all, I am having a string like (234) 522-4342. i have to remove the non numeric characters from the above string. Please help me in this regards. Thanks in advance. M.ArulMani