I have two int fields in my database, CEOAnnualBonus and CEOBonus, and I want to return the value of whichever one has the larger value as CEOBonusCombined. I thought using COALESCE would do the trick like below but there are many cases where either CEOAnnualBonus or CEOBonus have a zero value instead of NULL and it doesn't work.
COALESCE(CEOAnnualBonus, CEOBonus)
AS CEOBonusCombined
FROM tbenchmarktemp
WHERE Ticker='F'
I am trying to created a stored procedure/query to return all fields from any of my 43 look-up tables in my database. I have all of my look-up table names listed in a VB grid. I want the user to select a particular table, click edit (which pass's the table name) and have one stored procdure return all of the field in the table and populate them in a second VB form with the fields listed in a new grid.
Can one pass the "SQL string" to excute/ create a temp table.... A regular SP requires a specife table name to query from. Is there a way to do this without creating a temp table
I am looking to sum the dollar amounts spent by customer for their last five visits (actually looking for avg. spend in the last five trips).
So we are dealing with three fields: CustID, Date, Cost
I've had to do it the HARD way -- Crystal Report with running total fields numbering the five most recent trips (essentially rowID by group) and summing the $ figure; export to Access the entire report (1,000,000 records), and delete every record where the running rowID <> 5
There has to be a straightforward way to do this.
Any Top N query I've seen doesn't seem to be able to return a field other than the one sorting on. This is most annoying.
Hi, I'm creating a dynamic SQL statement in MS SQL Server that is similiar to this: EXEC('IF @' + @current_column + ' (SELECT ' + + @current_column etc... I'm basically looping through a large list of parameters that correspond to column names. However, since SQL Server treats EXEC() as its own scope when it gets to what "@' + @current_column" evaluates to it says the parameter must be declared. Is there a way to convert "@' + @current_column " into the actual value of the parameter?
We recently moved from v6.5 to v7.0. Now I have the databases and logs set to "autogrow". How can I monitor the disk space to ensure I do not run out of room (or is that preset as to how large it can grow ?). Can't find anything in the books online. Do I do this through the NT admin tool or through the SQL*Server Enterprise Manager and more importantly - how ??? Thanks so much for any help... Nancy
Hi,I am evaluating Lumigent's Entegra for doing security and businessaudit of some of the critical database(s) in the company I work for. Iwould like to know what has been your experience in using this productfor doing similar audits in your company, if you have also done suchaudits.Thanks,Sanjeev
Our Business partners request me to read the field names from a SQL table dynamically so that my SSIS package will not get impacted if Web Service hosts make a change.
Is there a way to evaluate a string at runtime that contains a field name ?
I have been looking all over for some info about other people having this problem, but haven't found anything.
I have a package that needs to download a dated file from an ftp site. I am using a couple script objects to set variables, and one of them is the filename based on the date. I use an expression to get the date:
Everything works really well when I am debugging it locally. However once it is on the server or even once I come back to it in a day or two, I am still seeing the old date. I thought it might be because my variable needed to be set to evaluateexpression = true, however once I did this it hung me and prevented me from debugging and I had to end bus dev studio. Not sure if its because it is being evaluated in two places (as a global and then in a script) but when I took it out of my script it hung again. Its strange in order to get it to work when I am debugging it locally I have to go to each process and evaluate the expressions in there, then it seems to work. thanks!
Hi all€”I'm new to expressions, and am trying to write one where I can evaluate if a field is null, to handle it by inserting a default value if a null value is found. Given this table definition:
Hello all, I currently have a pain in the butt with a subquery that needs to be evaluated, and if the result gives me a null value, I want to re-evaluate the condition and fill the column with the proper information. I'll try to explain it as best as I can:
The query retrieves information from 2 tables basically, but i do need some inner joins of diferent tables in order to follow the relations.. I got 2 conditions that need to be acomplished, the 'typeof' (intId_Tipo) has to be diferent from 6 and a keycode equals to 3.
For the "general query" i do filter this just fine, but in the subquery is where I get stucked: Since the evaluation that I do in oder to find the initial point is just by substracting 1, there are some cases where the type called intId_Tipo is actually 6 and the subquery returns me a null value. In this particular case I want to substract 2..if not I just want to substract 1. I added a SQL CASE in oder to evaluate the null value, but it is not evaluating properly, why? I'm not sure, I need your help and recomendation guys
Here's the query that I currently have: (the comments were made in order to take the next screenshot)
Code Snippet SELECT --h.dt_Lectura, --h.int_Velocidad, rp.int_VelMaxima, (SELECT intpunto FROM tblRecorrido_Puntos WHERE intPunto = case when (intPunto) is null then rp.intPunto - 2 else rp.intPunto -1 END AND rp.intId_Ruta_Ramal =intId_Ruta_Ramal AND intId_Tipo =rp.intId_Tipo) as PuntoInicial, rp.intPunto as PuntoFinal --rp.strDescripcion_Punto as DescripcionPuntoFinal, --1 as Contador --a.idRuta_Guid, a.idRamal_Guid,a.idUnidad_Guid, a.idOperador_Guid
FROM tblHistorico h INNER JOIN tblAsignaciones a ON a.id=h.intIdAsignaciones INNER JOIN tblRutaRamal_Generado rrg ON rrg.id_Ruta = a.intRuta_Asignada INNER JOIN tblRecorrido_Puntos rp ON (rp.intId_Ruta_Ramal =rrg.intId_Ruta_Ramal AND rp.intPunto=h.int_PtoDest)
WHERE ( h.int_ClaveTDE =3 and rp.intId_Tipo <> 6 )
ORDER BY rp.intPunto ASC
Here's the screenshot of the query result: http://img218.imageshack.us/my.php?image=consultahd0.jpg
I want to do some error checking on the parameters found in a SQLDataSource before I run the insert. The problem is these are ControlParameters and I want to do this dynamically so I can't just call the Control.Text property and grab its value. So how can I get access to what the ControlParameter evaluates to? Secondly, is there a way to access what the update parameters evaluate to in order to check them before they're inserted - if so how do I get access to these? Here's an example of one of the data sources i'm using:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sqlContact" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:strConn %>" SelectCommand="SELECT [ContactID], [FirstName], [LastName], , [Address], [Phone], [Grade], [Contacted], [ListServe] FROM [Contact]" UpdateCommand="UPDATE Contact SET FirstName = @FirstName, LastName = @LastName, Email = @Email, Address = @Address, Phone = @Phone, Grade = @Grade WHERE ContactID = @ContactID" DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [Contact] WHERE ContactID = @ContactID" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Contact] ([FirstName],[LastName],,[Address],[Phone],[Grade],[Contacted],[ListServe]) VALUES (@FirstName,@LastName,@Email,@Address,@Phone,@Grade,0,0)"> <UpdateParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="FirstName" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="LastName" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="Email" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="Address" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="Phone" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="Grade" Type="String" /> </UpdateParameters> <InsertParameters> <asp:ControlParameter Name="FirstName" Type="String" ControlID="txtContactFirst" PropertyName="Text" /> <asp:ControlParameter Name="LastName" Type="String" ControlID="txtContactLast" PropertyName="Text" /> <asp:ControlParameter Name="Email" Type="String" ControlID="txtContactEmail" PropertyName="Text" /> <asp:ControlParameter Name="Address" Type="String" ControlID="txtContactAddress" PropertyName="Text" /> <asp:ControlParameter Name="Phone" Type="String" ControlID="txtContactPhone" PropertyName="Text" /> <asp:ControlParameter Name="Grade" Type="String" ControlID="ddlContactGrade" PropertyName="SelectedValue" /> </InsertParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> An Event is fired when I click add on a button which looks similar to this: //Add btnAddContact_Clickprotected void btnAddContact_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { InsertRow(sqlContact); }The InsertRow() function is then what i'm using to evaluate the values... So how can get the values those controlparameters actually are in order to evaluate them before I actually insert. Or is there a better way to do it?
Hi I'm updating an old Access application to SQL Server and am currently trying to decipher one of the reports on the old application. It appears to be evaluating a derived column from one query (qryStudentSuspGroup.Suspension) in the Select statement of another. I have tried to put the query that creates the derived column in as a nested query into the other query but can't get it to work. This is all a bit beyond my rudimentary SQL skills! Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The original Access SQL appears below:
SELECT [Enter the academic year (4 digits)] AS [input], ResearchStudent.Department, ResearchStudent.DateAwarded, ResearchStudent.StudentNumber, Person.Forenames AS fore, Person.Surname AS Sur, ResearchStudent.Mode, ResearchStudent.RegistrationDate, StudentExamination.Decision, IIf(([Suspension]) Is Null Or [Suspension]=0,([DateAwarded]-[RegistrationDate])/365,(([DateAwarded]-[RegistrationDate])-([Suspension]))/365) AS CompDate, ResearchStudent.EnrollmentCategory, qryStudentSuspGroup.Suspension FROM ((ResearchStudent LEFT JOIN Person ON ResearchStudent.ResearchStudentID = Person.PersonID) LEFT JOIN qryStudentSuspGroup ON ResearchStudent.ResearchStudentID = qryStudentSuspGroup.ResearchStudentID) LEFT JOIN StudentExamination ON ResearchStudent.ResearchStudentID = StudentExamination.ResearchStudentID WHERE (((Year([DateAwarded]))>=[Enter the academic year (4 digits)] And (Year([DateAwarded]))<=([Enter the academic year (4 digits)]+1)) AND ((IIf(Year([DateAwarded])=[Enter the academic year (4 digits)],Month([DateAwarded])>8,Month([DateAwarded])<9))<>False)) ORDER BY ResearchStudent.Department, ResearchStudent.Mode, ([DateAwarded]-[RegistrationDate])/365
I am using sql server 2000 developer editionMy table defintion is as followin: CREATE TABLE query_table (id IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,qtext char (4000) )When i try to insert data with length more than 256 characterit only inserts only the first 256 characters.Please, let me know why this is happening.
I have a situation where I need to migrate data from an older platform to a newer one. The data from the old system(s) will be available on DAT tapes. All database construction on the new system will be identical to the old one in size and schema, except for one table (call it "ARCHIVE").
If the ARCHIVE table on the old system is 210MB, and the ARCHIVE table on the new system has the same attributes but has been expanded to 380MB in size, can I simply restore the dump for the old table into the new ARCHIVE?
Empirically it works (I have done it with apparent success two times) but I seem to recall that backups are done by pages, and I'm concerned that there may be conditions not being met by simply doing the restore the way I'm planning to do it.
Also, are there any tests or checks built into SQL which I can use to check table integrity on the target ARCHIVE table after the restore?
i want to be alerted when any of my databases is more the xxxGB.
i know one method to do that and it is with the alerts in the SQL agent Performance condition ,but with this alert i needs to created alert monitor for every DB.
I have a Windows 2003 server with SQL Server 2005 installed. Theserver is on small drive and we would like to upgrade to much largerharddrives. I've been hearing of problems using Ghost to get an imageand placing the image onto the new drive. I think this is more of aWindows 2003 problem, but this server is for nothing but the SQLServer databases. Does anyone have a clear method of moving thisserver to the larger drives?TIA.
I have written code to combine, delete redundant data in my system. The table structure remains the same, except I changed some INTs to TINYINTs.
When I do sp_spaceused, it tells me that number of rows is smaller(which is correct), but the datasize, and index_size is significantly larger AFTER the deletions.
I tried using shrink, but that doesn't seem to change anything.
When I right-click the database, and choose PROPERTIES, it also confirms that the database got significantly larger.
I am confused about how deleting data and changing to TINYINTs could make my database bigger. What would cause this?
Here is my situation... I have 2 fairly large databases. Full backups are 83gb & 63gb. I am in the process of moving these database to a new data center. I've taken full backups of these databases and shipped them to the new center. I have been taking transaction log backups (larger db every 24 hrs smaller db every 15 min ... from log shipping).
I want to restore these databases in the new data center. I've gone ahead and restored the dbs in the new location.
Question final cutover.. can I just apply the transaction logs to the databases on final cut-over or do I have to restore the database backup first then apply the transaction logs?
Is there an other way to do this that I'm missing?
I have replication setup between our main site and a remote one, and have recently noticed that the database at the remote site's .MDF file is about 3 times as large as the main site's. This doesn't seem to make sense since essentially all of our data is replicated between the two servers. Can anyone suggest why this might be happening and what is safe to do to shrink the remote file?
I created SDF database files for "SQL compact" with a size larger than 128 MB (which is default for creation). Now when I try to open these files with VS2005 I get the error "The size of the databasfile exceeds the configured maximum...Required Max Databse size (in MB; 0 if unknown)" (translated from german). The real problem is that I can not change the connectionstring in VS, cause all field which show the connectionstring are readonly (greyed out). I know I have to set the option "Max Database Size = 512" or so in the connectionstring to get the things runnning, but don't know any way to do that in VS2005. My attempt to access the SDF files when copied to the device via active sync results in the same error message.
This seems for me to be a design flaw, cause I can not add the optional parameter to the connection string (even not in the details form, where only "DataSource" and "Password" fields are displayed. - Does anybody know a solution in VS2005? - Does anybody have a workaround for me? - Does anybody know where the connectionstrings of VS2005 are stored, so that I may "hack" the connection string?
Hi,We have troubles when we try to use the 'dbuse' calls with databaseslarger than 28 characters, looks like the dbuse truncates the nameafter it.Any ideas ???
We have been trying for a while to use Power BI tools (Power Query, Power BI Designer (Desktop) and Power BI Designer (Cloud) in line with larger data sources ( 2-7m records in fact table). Unfortunately up to now with unsatisfactory results. It seems that these tools are just not designed to handle this kind of data volumes?
To my understanding it seems that the approach with PowerBI components is to always try to create a local (or cloud based) cache that only has a limited capacity. 2m+ records already seem to be exceeding this limit. So as opposed to firing off a query on demand (for example only based on distinct filter options as opposed to entire fact set) only the intermediary cache of the model can be used.
Our initial focus was to use a normalized table in SQL Server with around 4m records. First problem is that Power Query/Power BI Designer fails to provide a complete list of the distinct filter items:
This I can understand in some way as doing a distinct on a large data set like that is not trivial. As a workaround I could imagine to setup a star scheme dimension table with the distinct "dimension members". Â I.e. that filters are driven by this table which has only a few thousand rows. The filters there are then applied to the fact table. I haven't found a way to do this effectively with Power Query.Â
Another option that we have tried was using the cloud based Power BI service in conjunction with a SQL Cloud Service with the same data set. That  unfortunately didn't work. The setup of the source works fine but as soon as we try to start a query by dragging a value field on the dashboard errors occur:
I created a report with RS in VS.NEt and set the width and height to 8.5in by 11in from the property window. When I designed it , everything fit on one page nice and neat.
When printed it prints on two pages and the font size comes out much larger than expected. The whole document seems to have been blown up bigger and the right side of the document has been cut off. Why is this? Do I need to configure vs.net to print????
Am I missing some setting somewhere?
Other documents print out fine on this printer, so it is not the printer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you
this seems small but if I can't get the report to print out right then..........
I have an existing Access database that I need to transfer over to a more powerful back-end due to the need for larger size capacity. We need to be able to have a backend that can exist up to just about any size due to us scanning in documents by ODBC. With Access I know I was limited to about 4gb size and when split onto my current SQL server I have heard I will be stuck at 10gb? If so can you recommend a better backend, but my question is about the front end. I hear Windows WPF can be linked into SQL server but does this limit the size as well?
I created a package getting data from files and database sources, doing some transformations, retrieving dimension id's and then inserting it into a fact table.
Running this package with a limited amount of data (about a couple of 100.000 records) does not result in any errors and everything goes fine.
Now running the same package (still in debug mode) with more data (about 2.000.000 rows) doesn't result in any errors as well, but it just stops running. In fact, it doesn't really stop, but it doesn't continue as well. If I've only been waiting for some minutes or hours, I could think it's still processing, but I waited for about a day and it still is 'processing' the same step.
Any ideas on how to dig further into this in order to find the problem? Or is this a known problem?
Books Online gives a way to send a message larger than the VARCHAR max of 8000 chars, but the @query argument to xp_sendmail is a simple text string and my data is much more complex, and formatted. Also BOL shows an example using a temporary text file, but it is not clear precisely how you write your insert statements. I tried the following, which writes out all the data and sends it ok except, after each row, there is about a page of blank spaces. What is wrong with my syntax?
SET LANGUAGE British GO DECLARE @msgstr VARCHAR(80) DECLARE @cmd VARCHAR(80) DECLARE @PMID INT DECLARE @forename VARCHAR(30) CREATE TABLE ##texttab (c1 text) SET @msgstr = 'THE FOLLOWING QUOTES ARE CURRENTLY MARKED AS PENDING:' INSERT ##texttab SELECT @msgstr DECLARE C2 CURSOR FOR SELECT ProjMgrID FROM surdba.SVY_QUOTES WHERE StatusID=6 OPEN C2 FETCH NEXT FROM C2 INTO @PMID WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN IF @PMID > 1000 SELECT @forename = ISNULL(Forename,' ') FROM surdba.SVY_PERSONNEL_GENERAL WHERE EmployeeID = @PMID ELSE SET @forename = ' ' INSERT ##texttab values (RTRIM(@forename)) FETCH NEXT FROM C2 INTO @PMID END CLOSE C2 DEALLOCATE C2 INSERT ##texttab values ( ' - This information is autogenerated from the Survey database.') SET @cmd = 'SELECT c1 FROM ##texttab' EXEC master.dbo.xp_sendmail @recipients = 'Robin Pearce', @subject = 'ALL PENDING QUOTES', @query = @cmd, @no_header = 'TRUE' DROP TABLE ##texttab GO
Would appreciate any help on this one, I do not have time to learn HTML, thanks Robin Pearce
I have a SQL server with multiple instances on it and would like to move one of them to a drive with more storage. Â
I have SQL 2010 on a server with 2 partitions.
The database is located on the C: drive (original build) but the drive isn't partitioned to handle a db of the size that this one will grow to. I would like to move the full DB instance to another partition.