Excel 2003 Causes Deadlocks?

May 8, 2008

Hi guys and gals,

Since monitoring blocks on the server, I have noticed that when I have a whole lot of users thrown out of their apps, it's all because of one PC.
The program name is "Microsoft Office 2003". The user reckons that they haven't opened any Excel files that have any kind of link to the live database.
Is there any known problem that you are aware of where Excel can "remember" connection strings maybe from other files you have opened in the past and would that spuriously throw INSERT, UPDATE & SELECT statements to the database server and that then cause locks?

The idea seem ludicrous to me. I'm stumped.

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TSQL + VBA Excel 2003 - Importing Data From MS Excel 2003 To SQL SERVER 2000 Using Multi - Batch Processing

Sep 11, 2007

I need to import an SQL string from MS Excel 2003 to SQL SERVER 2000.
The string I need to import is composed by 5 different several blocks and looks like:

Code Snippet

CommandLine01 = "USE mydb"
CommandLine02 = "SELECT Block ..."
CommandLine03 = "GO
CommandLine04 = "UPDATE Block..."
CommandLine05 = "SELECT Block..."

The detail of the SQL string is at:

I am trying to implement OJ's suggestion:
to use multi - batch processing to import the string to SQL SERVER, something like:

Code Snippet
Dim SqlCnt, cmd1, cmd2, cmd3
'set the properties and open a connection

cmd1="use my_db"
cmd2="create table mytb"
cmd3="insert into mytb"

SqlCnt.execute cmd1
SqlCnt.Execute cmd2
SqlCnt.Execute cmd3

Below is the code (just partial) I have, and I need help to complete it.
Thanks in advance,

Code Snippet
Function TestConnection()
Dim ConnectionString As New ADODB.Connection
Dim RecordSet As New ADODB.RecordSet

ConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=myServer;Database=myDBName;Uid=UserName;Pwd=Password"

CmdLine01 = " USE " & myDB

CmdLine03 = "GO

CmdLine04 = "UPDATE Block..."
CmdLine05 = "SELECT Block..."

RecordSet.Open CmdLine01, ConnectionString
RecordSet.Open CmdLine02, ConnectionString

ConnectionString.Execute CmdLine01
ConnectionString.Execute CmdLine02

'Retrieve Field titles
For ColNr = 1 To RecordSet.Fields.Count
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, ColNr).Value = RecordSet.Fields(ColNr - 1).Name

ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 1).CopyFromRecordset RecordSet

'Close ADO objects
Set RecordSet = Nothing
Set ConnectionString = Nothing

End Function

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Excel 2003 To Excel 2007 Problem

Jan 2, 2008


i have one application in Microsoft excel 2003. but when i open this in Microsoft excel 2007 it gives me error saying that

error inintializing menu,
object variable or with block variable not set.

kindly guide me what i can do for this. i m not getting exactly what is happening.

thanks & regards,

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DTS And Excel 2003

Mar 15, 2007

We have a DTS package that imports data from a client's Excel file. Previously our client was using Excel 2000, but recently they upgraded to Office 2003, and now suddenly when I try to view the transformation task properties I get a Jet Database Engine error: "External table is not in the expected format".

Everything else with the file appears the same (layout, formatting, etc.).

Any suggestions?

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CopyFromRecordSet In Excel 2003

Mar 20, 2007

I want to use the CopyFromRecordSet however I am using a stored procedure that returns a recordset. Here is the code, but the recordset never opens. I have commented out the Execute

Here is a code snip, any Ideas? TIA Mike

Dim Con1 As New ADODB.Connection
Dim Cmd1 As New ADODB.Command
Dim Rs As New ADODB.Recordset


Cmd1.ActiveConnection = Con1
Cmd1.CommandType = adCmdText
Cmd1.CommandText = "MyStroredProc"
Rs.Open Cmd1

Worksheets("T1").Range("B1").CopyFromRecordset Rs

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Reg: Export Excel 2003 To Sql Server 2005

Mar 31, 2008

I want to export Excell 2003 to Sql Server 2005. I am having the following error while execute the query.

declare @SQL varchar(8000)
create table #temp(i int identity(1,1),SiteName varchar(100),SiteDescription varchar(5000),SiteURL varchar(500),CategoryName varchar(200))
set @SQL='Insert into #temp Select * From OPENROWSET (''Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'',''Excel 8.0;Database=' +
'a.xls' +';HDR = YES;IMEX=0'',''SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]'')'

exec (@SQL)

The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "(null)".

I need a solution urgently. help Pls

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Error When Exporting To Excel Using SSRS 2003

Dec 22, 2006


I have encountered an error when attempt to open a report which is exported to Excel using SSRS2003. It looks like this:

Microsoft Office Excel File Repair Log

Errors were detected in file 'C:Documents and SettingsTocsonEIMy DocumentsRigidReports
The following is a list of repairs:

Damage to the file was so extensive that repairs were not possible. Excel attempted to recover your formulas and values, but some data may have been lost or corrupted.

At first I thought it was because of the sheer bulk of the report since when I break down a month's report to every 5 days, it would export without error. So I thought that if I can break a whole report into several worksheets using page break, it might work. Unfortunately, although I did succeed in exporting the whole report into several worksheets, I still encounter the same error. Now I have no idea on what the root of the error is. Note that the same report can be exported in other formats and can be opened without error. Except for a case when I tried opening the same report exported in XML using Excel, an error which might be related to the error above occurs which says that there's an invalid unicode character in the xml file.

Any help in determining the root of the problem and a solution to it?

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How To Use SQL Svr 2005 Express In Excel 2003 VBA Code?

Jun 23, 2006


how can I use SQL Svr 2005 Express as database engine in background through VBA code in Excel 2003?

I want to CREATE and DELETE tables and SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE data. Is it possible to use ADO or other database objects to get in contact with SQL Svr 2005 Express?

Thanks a lot.


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User Instance Connection From Excel 2003

Apr 13, 2008


I am trying to connect to SQL Express from Excel VBA using an user instance.
I have tried the following connection string:

Driver={SQL Native Client};Server=.SQLExpress;AttachDbFilename=full_path_to_mdf; Database=dbname;Trusted_Connection=Yes;

And I get the following error : Could not open new database 'dbname' CREATE DATABASE is aborted.

Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

All I want is an Excel document to connect to a .mdf that is stored on a CD (The database will be readonly). I do not want the database to be stored on the users hard drive.

Many Thanks


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VS 2003 - Count Rows In Excel E-mail Attachment?

Jan 4, 2007

I have a C# program that sends an e-mail with an Excel attachment. The Excel file is populated with the results of a SQL stored procedure before the e-mail program is executed. The entire process is in a DTS package (populate a temporary table, export the table to Excel, then send the e-mail). It is possible that the stored procedure will return no results, in which case the Excel file will not be populated.I'd like to know whether it is possible (and if so, how) to add some code to my e-mail program that will count the number of populated rows in the Excel file and if that number is <2 (the header row will always be populated), to quit and not send the e-mail.

An alternative would be for the DTS package to terminate if the stored procedure returns 0 records.


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Importing Data From Excel 2003 To Sql Server 2005

Sep 3, 2007

Hi all. I want to export data from excel 2003 to sql server 2005. I am using the following script:
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
EXEC sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1;
Insert into Pamphlet
Select * FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
'Excel 8.0;Database=C:Pamphlet.xls;HDR=YES', 'SELECT * FROM [Sheet3$]')
But it is giving the following error:
Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "(null)".
The above script is working fine with Excel 2002 but not with 2003. Can someone please provide me exact script of importing data from excel 2003 to sql server 2005. I have also tried the Linked server option but it is still giving the same error.
Please help me.  

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SQL 2005 X64 Linked Server To Excel 2003/2007

Aug 27, 2007

Is there a way to create a SQL 2005 x64 Linked server to an Excel (or Access) 2003/2007 file? In SQL 2005 32bit this was possible. Does anyone know of a solution or a work around?

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Launching A Stored Procedure With Parameter From Excel 2003

Oct 2, 2007

I have a stored procedure in SQL Server which needs a parameter and returns a resultset.

sp_xxx 'parameterValue'

I'd like to know if it is possible to launch this stored procedure through Excel 2003 and get the resultset in the active spreadsheet.

I have tried to do this with Microsoft Query but it doesn't allow parameters in queries that can't be graphically represented.

I have tried also through an ODC files but I get an error.

Is it possible to do this?

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Problem With Excel 2002/2003 Add-in For SQL Server Analysis Services

Sep 6, 2005

Hi, i´m using Excel 2002/2003 Add-in for SQL Server Analysis Services and i have the following problem.

I´ve created a report with the addin and i saved it in a share directory. I have users in differents workstations with windows 2000 sp 4, excel 2003 and mdac 2.8 the problem is that sometimes when users open the report and want to do a drill down of a dimension it isn´t any data..

Some one have any idea?


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Problems Using Stored Procedure With Numeric Parameters In Excel 2003 / VBA

Mar 4, 2008

File Structure:


USE [Test]


/****** Object: Table [dbo].[tbl_Test] Script Date: 03/04/2008 09:51:20 ******/





CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_Test](

[TestID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

[TestValue] [numeric](18, 2) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_tbl_Test_TestValue] DEFAULT ((0)),



[TestID] ASC




Stored Procedure:


USE [Test]


/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_Ins_Test] Script Date: 03/04/2008 09:52:23 ******/






Name: proc_Ins_Test


ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_Ins_Test]


@TestValue numeric(18,2)=0





INSERT INTO tbl_Test (TestValue) VALUES (@TestValue)



SELECT MAX(TestID) AS MaxValue FROM tbl_Test



(I have it returning a value through SELECT to simulate returning a key value from the newly inserted record. I also use the RETURN value to fetch any error codes.)


Public Sub PSInsertTest(cnConn As ADODB.Connection)

Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset

Dim cmd As ADODB.Command

Dim stProcName As String 'Stored Procedure name

Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

Set cmd = New ADODB.Command

'Defines the stored procedure commands

stProcName = "dbo.proc_Ins_Test" 'Define name of Stored Procedure to execute.

cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc 'Define the ADODB command

cmd.ActiveConnection = cnConn 'Set the command connection string

cmd.CommandText = stProcName 'Define Stored Procedure to run

'Append Parameters

With cmd

.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@return_value", adInteger, adParamReturnValue)

.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@TestValue", adNumeric, adParamInput)

.Parameters.Item("@TestValue").NumericScale = 2

.Parameters.Item("@TestValue").Precision = 18

.Parameters.Item("@TestValue").Value = 123.45

End With

'Execute stored procedure and return to a recordset

Set rst = cmd.Execute

If Not rst.EOF Then


MsgBox (rst.Fields("MaxValue").Value)


MsgBox ("No Value")

End If

'Close database connection and clean up

If CBool(rst.State And adStateOpen) = True Then rst.Close

Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

It goes ahead and inserts the record, but gets an error when I try to retrieve the "SELECT"ed value. I get the same results with the following statement:

rst.Open cmd, , adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

The error is: Operation is not allowed when the object is closed

If I use the following command, I get the error below:

rst.Open cmd.Execute

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

Any insights would be helpful


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Sql Or Link To Import Cells/ranges (excel 2003) To Sql Server 2005

Feb 27, 2008

I have around 600 worksheets that i need to import into sql server that are in a somewhat non-table like format. Data defractor seems to be able to do what i need, but i also need to check into doing it manually. I've seen the code to import cells and ranges into sql server, but can't seem to remember what it is anymore. I've also searched through the forums and can't seem to find any examples either. Could anyone post an example or a link with some examples or explaination code. Thanks in advance.

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Excel 2003 To SQL Server 2005 OLAP Cube Timeout Issues

Nov 13, 2007


We are getting symptoms of a 30 second timeout irrespective of what we do, but only on certain machines. Can anyone shed any light on how the connection timeout can be set, as there seems to be a factor overiding any settings we set?

We are working in Excel (2003) connecting to an Analysis Services 2005 cube through a website https://Datasource connection. When we edit the connection string that the file is using (either by forcing use of an exterior .ODC file and editing the settings in there, or by converting the xls spreadsheet into an xml spreadsheet and manually editing the connection string in there) we get no joy: after 30 seconds the error appears:

"Either a connection cannot be made to the [my server address], or Analysis services is not running on the computer specified".

This error is itself rubbish: If a smaller query (one that takes < 30 seconds) is run in the same Excel file and Pivot Table, it connects fine.
What really doesn't make sense is that the exact same file works on some machines and not others. These machines are all inside the same network (and the machines that work have been proven to work on a number of other networks). What's more there is no pattern to the machine capabilities - some newer / faster machines get the error. These machines (that work and do not) have excel 2003 SP3. (Another of the ones that works has Excel 2007).

Changing the connection string to include "Timeout=300" or "Connect Timeout=300" makes no difference, and "Command Timeout" causes a different error so that it wont even attempt to run the query (as opposed to collapsing after 30 seconds of normal progress).
Similarly in the .ODV the tags <ODC:CommandTimeout>, <CommandTimeout>, <ODC:Connect Timeout>, <ODC:Command Timeout>, <meta name=CommandTimeout content=1000> etc. have no effect (the file still gets the 30 seconds error rather than just giving up so no way of working out correct syntax)

The only pattern we can see, and we can't fix this, is that the machines that work have Retail versions of excel, and the ones that do not have corporately licensed versions of excel. We cannot see any difference between them in the Help >Abouts, but thought it might be worth mentioning.

Any help would be fantastically appreciated, we are out of ideas.
Thanks kindly


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Automating Taking Data From Sql Server 2000 Onto Excel 2003 Spreasheet

Jun 18, 2007

I would like to know recommendations on automate the following:

1. I want to know how to take data from various sql server 2000 data queries and load the data onto excel spreadsheets in an automated method. Some of the data loaded into the excel spreadsheets load detail data and some load data into pivot tables.

Is there any way that the data can be taken from sql server to the excel spreadsheets using odbc connections?

2. Some of the data taken from sql server 2000 database is loaded into pdf files. Is there any way this process can be automated?


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TSQL + VBA - Retrieve SQL SERVER 2000 Data Trough Excel 2003 - Time Out Error 80040e31

Sep 17, 2007

Hi guys,
When I thought everything is okay with this script, I got a new problem...
I have a VBA's script from Excel 2003 that builds sql script and retrieves data from SQL SERVER 2000.
in order to make the sql running, I need to use a multi - batch processing, to pass and execute every command line once a time.

Up to here, I am using a test case with Account number = '123456' and getting the desire results.
The code below is running okay with the test case, but when changing the account number (mark as yellow in the code) to include all the accounts (or just one other account), I am getting the following ERROR:
run - time error '-2147217871 (80040e31)' - [Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver] time out expired.

Now, if I take the same code, with the condition that generates the ERROR, and try it into SQL Server, I get the results without errors.
Thanks in advance,

Below the code:

Code Snippet
Function QuerySalesAging()
'MUST !!! References: Microsoft ActiveX Data Object 2.1 Library

Dim ConnString As New ADODB.Connection
Dim RecordSet As New ADODB.RecordSet

'Setting Connection String
Driver = "{SQL Server}"
ServerName = "SERVER"
DB_Name = CompanyName

ConnString = "Driver=" & Driver & ";" & "Server=" & ServerName & ";" _
& "Database=" & DB_Name & ";" & "Uid=" & SQLLoginName & ";" & "Pwd=" & SQLPassword & ";"

'Report Criterias
Criteria05 = " AND " & "Accounts.ACCOUNTKEY Between " & AccountKeyAsRange
' -- ==> With AccountKeyAsRange = '123456' AND '123456' it works okay.
' -- ==> With any other value, in example AccountKeyAsRange = '123456' AND '9999999999' it get's ERROR.

CmdLine01 = " USE " & CompanyName

' Check and drop temporary table
TemporaryTableName = "CTE" ' The table is a regular one
CmdLine02 = " if object_id('" & TemporaryTableName & "') is not null exec('DROP TABLE " & TemporaryTableName & "') "

CmdLine03 = " SELECT ..."
CmdLine03 = CmdLine03 & " INTO " & TemporaryTableName
CmdLine03 = CmdLine03 & " FROM ..."
CmdLine03 = CmdLine03 & " WHERE " & "(" & Replace(Criteria05, "AND", "") & ")"
CmdLine03 = CmdLine03 & " ORDER BY ..."

CmdLine04 = CmdLine04 & " ALTER TABLE " & TemporaryTableName ...

CmdLine05 = CmdLine05 & " UPDATE " & TemporaryTableName ...

CmdLine06 = CmdLine06 & " SELECT ..."
CmdLine06 = CmdLine06 & " FROM ..."

ConnString.Execute CmdLine01
ConnString.Execute CmdLine02

RecordSet.Open CmdLine01, ConnString
RecordSet.Open CmdLine02, ConnString
RecordSet.Open CmdLine03, ConnString
RecordSet.Open CmdLine04, ConnString
RecordSet.Open CmdLine05, ConnString
RecordSet.Open CmdLine06, ConnString

ConnString.Execute CmdLine01
ConnString.Execute CmdLine02 ' The debbuger stops here:" if object_id('CTE') is not null exec('DROP TABLE CTE') "
ConnString.Execute CmdLine03
ConnString.Execute CmdLine04
ConnString.Execute CmdLine05
ConnString.Execute CmdLine06
ConnString.Execute CmdLine02

'Retrieve Field titles
For ColNr = 1 To RecordSet.Fields.Count
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, ColNr).Value = RecordSet.Fields(ColNr - 1).Name

ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 1).CopyFromRecordset RecordSet

'Cleanup & Close ADO objects
ConnString.Execute "USE master"
Set RecordSet = Nothing
Set ConnString = Nothing
End Function

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Is 64 Bit Excel Driver (of Office 2003 Or Office 2007) Available Now?

May 27, 2006


Today we moved from 32bit to 64bit computing environment.  64bit Window server 2003 and SQL 2005 are now our playing ground. And 32 bit Office 2003  is also installed.  Excel  in  Office program plays  important roll in our mission. 

One of our routine task is that 
step 1. get  Excel data files  from other websites and
step 2. extract specific data from them and
step 3. converting them into some type of data that can be compatible  with SQL

Our problem occured in step 3.  To convert data, we realised taht  64 bit excel driver, which we believe is not yet available, is required.

My questions are:  

1. Is 64 bit excel driver (of office 2003 or office 2007) available now? 

2. Is there any way OR IS IT POSSIBLE to use 32 bit excel driver with 64bit SQL 2005?
    If possible, please enlighten me.

I would appreciate it very much if anybody answer my questions.













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Win 2003 X64 + SQL 2005 &< Win 2003 32 + SQL 2000?

Jul 23, 2005

I may not be the best forum for this post, however I believe some onecan still help me or direct me somewhere else.I'm finding that win 2003 x64 and SQL 2005 CTP is slower than win 2003and SQL 2000.Machine A: Opteron 2.2 (248) w/ 2 cpus. 8GB memory. SCSI disk array.Windows Enterprise 2003 x64 final release. SQL Server 2005 enterpriseCTP.Machine B: Opeteron 2.2 (248) w/ 2 CPUs. 4GB Memory. IDE Drives.Windows Server 2003 (32bit) and SQL Server 2005 (standard).I'm using Cognos' DecisionStream as the ETL tool (32bit). I have theidentical job on both machines. Machine A is slower to do my nightlybuild (1h 20m) vs. Machine B (50m).I've done no tweaking of the databases. I Used SQL 2005's studio tocopy the database from Machine B to Machine A.The only major difference is the O/S and SQL, the machines are samespeed, however Machine A has twice the memory and faster disk; so Iwould expect it to be faster.Can anyone think of smoking guns I might be missing?TIA

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Mar 17, 2005

Our system is reasonably complex with a lot of non-trivial stored procedures. As the load on our DB increased we're now getting more and more deadlocks (10 per day or so from about a million stored proc executions).

We try to avoid transactions where we can, and we do attempt to optimse stored procs to steer clear of deadlock conditions, but with the sheer number of stored procedures we can't possibly avoid all deadlock conditions.

One solution I'm considering is to re-run stored procs that failed because of a deadlock. In the .net code we'll run the stored proc, check for a deadlock error and if one happened, wait 100ms and try again.

What do you guys think?

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Aug 13, 2002


we have a production inviremont that is running for about 10 months. Since a couple of weeks we are having problems with "Deadlocks".

This cant be due to an increase in data size on the tables that are having the issues because these are cleaned in the same transaction that populates them.

These tables are used to store temporary data that the production system needs to calculate the correct price for any given order. This transaction takes between 0.5 to 1 second to commit.

We are running on a dual processor machine with 1 Gb of RAM with SQL Server 7 - sp 3, Windows NT 4 sp 6, Microsoft Transaction Server.

In all our queries and stored procedures we use the optimizer hints (nolock) for select statements and (rowlock) for updates or deletes.

Any help and/or suggestions would be appriciated.

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Dec 17, 1998

Is there any way to totally avoid deadlocks. In some critical applications
we have removed transactions entirely, counting on other means to maintain
database consistency. We still get deadlocks in this area. These are mainly
inserts, and the only thing I can think is that updates to the indexes are
causing multiple page locks which result in deadlocks. Is this true?

Will deadlocks be eliminated in 7.0 with row level locking for this situation?
Or will index page splits still cause a possibility of deadlock contention?


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Mar 5, 2001

Hi ,

I have a problem with a SP in 6.5. When i try to run a Stored Proc which is a simple select statement dumped into a temp table in a particular database, I lock other users who are tring to log into other databases some in tempdb database. When i try to kill the process the rollback takes almost 45 mins or so..till then no one can log on to the server.

The SP works fine when no one is logged into the Great Plains server. One more thing i observed is that, the SP when run results on a deadlock only when the owner is a user. If the owner is DBO it works fine.

Can anybody throw some light on this.

Thanks in Advance

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Jul 10, 2002

I am getting the following dead lock error message writtent to the Error Log.

How do i interpret this...?

2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 Node:1
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 KEY: 6:1531868524:1 (1e0040209980) CleanCnt:1 Mode: X Flags: 0x0
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 Grant List::
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 Owner:0x26429de0 Mode: X Flg:0x0 Ref:2 Life:02000000 SPID:62 ECID:0
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 SPID: 62 ECID: 0 Statement Type: INSERT Line #: 67
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 Input Buf: RPC Event: sp_Save;1
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 Requested By:
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: Range-S-S SPID:58 ECID:0 Ec:(0x29f534f8) Value:0x2649f0c0 Cost:(0/0)
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 Node:2
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 KEY: 6:1695345104:1 (ffffffffffff) CleanCnt:1 Mode: Range-S-U Flags: 0x0
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 Grant List::
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 Owner:0x26450f20 Mode: Range-S-U Flg:0x0 Ref:1 Life:02000000 SPID:58 ECID:0
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 SPID: 58 ECID: 0 Statement Type: INSERT Line #: 250
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 Input Buf: RPC Event: sp_IPAQManagerFetchFilterDetail;1
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 Requested By:
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: Range-Insert-Null SPID:62 ECID:0 Ec:(0x3bb5f4f8) Value:0x2649e040 Cost:(0/2340)
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 Victim Resource Owner:
2002-07-10 11:49:52.88 spid3 ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: Range-S-S SPID:58 ECID:0 Ec:(0x29f534f8) Value:0x2649f0c0 Cost:(0/0)

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Too Many Deadlocks

Oct 27, 2004


I've got a deadlock problem. The log below has been generated. The problem is that during one day, I have more than 300 deadlocks like it. Before, the were not so many deadlocks.
During past year, the number of users has grow (from 100 before to 500 or 700 now)

*** Deadlock Detected ***
- Requested by: SPID 360 ECID 0 Mode "S"
- Held by: SPID 113 ECID 0 Mode "S"
Index: aaaaa_PK
Table: TABLE_1
Database: MYDB
== Lock: KEY: 22:325576198:1 (ff009ae5078d)
- Requested by: SPID 113 ECID 0 Mode "S"
- Held by: SPID 374 ECID 0 Mode "X"
Index: aaaaa_PK
Table: TABLE_1
Database: MYDB
== Lock: KEY: 22:325576198:1 (ff009ae5078d)
- Requested by: SPID 374 ECID 0 Mode "IX"
- Held by: SPID 360 ECID 0 Mode "S"
Table: TABLE_2
Database: MYDB
== Lock: PAG: 22:1:2428
== Deadlock Lock participant information:
Input Buf: S E L E C T the_rest_of_the_query
SPID: 360 ECID: 0 Statement Type: UNKNOWN TOKEN Line #: 1
Input Buf: s p _ e x e c u t e 8
Input Buf: s p _ c u r s o r 8À B 8 8f ç @ Table I
Input Buf: S E L E C T the_rest_of_the_query
SPID: 360 ECID: 0 Statement Type: SELECT Line #: 1
== Session participant information:
== Deadlock Detected at:
==> Process 360 chosen as deadlock victim

I have done :
- rebuild indexes on all tables (fillfactor 90)
- analysed memory activity

Could a lack of memory be at the origin of the problem ? Which counters in perfmon are significant for memory lack ?

Could the index fill factor could be at the origin of the problem ? At time, it is at 90 percent.

Config : Winnt4 Server, MS-SQL 7 SP4 , 2 GB of RAM , 2 x Xeon 700

Thanks for any help.

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Deadlocks (I Think)

Feb 16, 2004

Hi folks,

I have an application built on top of a questionable DB design which requires overcomplicated selects. The application is experiencing deadlocks regularly, in some cases with only one concurrent user.

I set the trace flag 1204 but am not seeing anything in the Error.log and I initiated a trace in profiler which does not seem to show any deadlock.
Despite having recreated the problem which show my browser hanging indefinitely. When I run the following queries:

SELECT spid, waittime, lastwaittype, waitresource
FROM master..sysprocesses
WHERE waittime > 10000
AND spid > 50

SELECT spid, cmd, status, loginame, open_tran, datediff(s, last_batch, getdate ()) AS [WaitTime(s)]
FROM master..sysprocesses p
WHERE open_tran > 0
AND spid > 50
AND datediff (s, last_batch, getdate ()) > 30
ANd EXISTS (SELECT * FROM master..syslockinfo l
WHERE req_spid = p.spid AND rsc_type <> 2)

I get:

55860978LCK_M_XPAG: 13:1:2573

54AWAITING COMMANDsleeping sa 11499
55UPDATE sleeping sa 21499

respectively. Any help would be welcome.

Thanks in advance,

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Sep 16, 2007


We have a SQL 2005 transaction database server that suddenly started to issue deadlock errors last week on most of the databases on that server and a lot of timeout errors. Before that, that database server performed very well and timeouts were minimal to zero. I am not sure what changed for it to have these performance problems.

The only major change we did was to convert several varchar columns to nvarchar in several tables (as part of internationalization initiatives). We did not modify the procs from varchar to nvarchar though but would be doing that phase by phase.

There is also one proc in which we used the snapshot isolation level of sql server 2005. These are only 2 major changes done within the past 2 weeks. Would these be the cause for these deadlocks and timeouts on our web-based application?

Any ideas?


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Jul 23, 2005

Hi EverybodyI am new to sqlserver 2000.I know basics of locks.but i dont know how toresolve deadlock issues.I am cofusing by reading articles with 90%information and remaining 10% missing.Can any one help me which is the goodsite to learn and resolve deadlocks.Note: I create deadlock. when i try to trace deadlock using dbcc traceon(1205,3604,-1).In error log showing nothing about the deadlock.showing created traceon.........Any help would be appreciated.--Message posted via http://www.sqlmonster.com

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Deadlocks, Why?

Jan 13, 2006

We have a problem with a table giving us deadlock issues and we can'tfigure out why.It's a table we write to fairly often perhaps 50 times a minute. Andalso do a select of 200 rows at a time from 4 servers every 5 minutes or so.We are only keeping 48 hours worth of rows in the table which averagesat 30000 a day on a busy day.This table has 1 PK and 2 FKs plus one TEXT column which does notparticipate in the WHERE clause.We are using binded variables.We have applied the latest patch to SQL2003 server running onWindows2003. The patch is supposed to resolve deadlock issues.Anyone have any advice on how to alleviate this problem.Thanks

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Deadlocks On A Web Page

Jan 17, 2008

Morning All,
Am getting the following error from a number of users and am sort of wondering where to start in terms of diagnosing the problem. If anyone could give me any pointers on where to start in diagnosing the issue I would be grateful.
"System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Transaction (Process ID 282) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction."

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Blocks And Deadlocks

Jul 25, 2002

I know blocks and Deadlocks are different but how related are they? Seems like when I get reports of deadlocks I always have blocks and the blocks grow as time passes.

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