this is thiru from India, hope i shall get answers here for my questions.
1. I need to import an Excel spread sheet to a remote sql server database through ASP.Net web application. I brief the process im following now please go through it.
Import Process:
a. select a fiile(.xls) and upload it to server.
b. using M/S Odbc Excel driver, and the uploaded excel file as datasource,
c. query the excel sheet to populate a dataset.
d. iterate through the rows of the dataset(I could not bulk copy the excel data, because
have to check the database, if record exists then update, else insert) to import to the
SQL Database
Performance issues:
1. I have to import spreadsheets having upto 60,000 records or even more at a time.
2. Is this a good option to use a webapplication for this task (I use this approach because
my boss wants to do so).
3. some times the excel file size grows up to 7 mb(Though i shall adjust config settings,
uploading and then querying a 7 mb file shall be an ovverhead i think.)
4. is there any possibility to get the datasource with out uploading the file to the server (Like
modifying the connection string as "datasource=HtmlFileControl.PostedFile" instead,)(I
tried this but it gives me "unspecified error").
please analyse my problem and suggest me a possible solution.
I thank all, for your efforts, of any kind.
have a nice time,
I wanted to export data from sqlserver and import into excel. My issue here is, when i import into excel, i wanted to update the records in excel if the same record exists in excel. Any one can help me on this...
I need to import data from excel file to SQLserver. What is the best way to do this? Please give as much explanations as possible (code example would be very-very helpful).
I want to import data from an excel sheet to SqlServer.... I use a linked server... I execute the following code:
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'ExcelSource', 'Jet 4.0', 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'c:MyExcel.xls',NULL, 'Excel 5.0' GO
sp_addlinkedsrvlogin N'ExcelSource', false, sa, N'ADMIN', NULL GO
SELECT * FROM ExcelSource...Sheet1$ GO
and I get the error:
Server: Msg 7314, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 OLE DB provider 'ExcelSource' does not contain table 'Sheet1$'. The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table. OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error: OLE DB provider does not contain the table: ProviderName='ExcelSource', TableName='Sheet1$'].
When I execute the command:
select * from OpenRowset('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel 8.0;Database=c:ook1.xls',Sheet1$)
Dear all,, I need your help,,I'm work in website project using ASP.NET,,I have to register the users of this site,, the users are over 200,,so,,I'm thinking in away to save my time,,All the information of these users are stored in Excel file,,What I want to do is to imports these data from the excel file into a table in my database(SQLserver database),,Could you help in coding by VB.NETThanks in advance,,
I am able to import an excel spreadsheet into a table in sql server 2005 using SqlBulkCopy. The only thing that bothers me here is how to check duplicate entries and throw an error to the user regarding the duplicate entries. In the table in sql, there is no primary keys. There are five columns and the way I will have to find the duplicates is to match all those 5 columns. Since the excel spreadsheet can have 40 to 500 entries, how can I check those dupes.
I wanted to see what would a way for me to import data from an excel document into an existing database. I have a database in which I want to clear out the current entries and import data from the excel document into that database. What is the best way of doing this??
Now i would like to use the foreach loop structure in an SSIS package to loop through however many Excel files are placed in a directory and then perform an import operation into a SQL table on each of these files sequentially.
the zip code values in excel can be either 10 digit (08830-2345) or 5 digit (08830).
null zipcode values are inserted into database for records with 10 digit zip code. I think its because of the hypen "-" character. 5 digit zipcodes works fine.
In admin tool of my application,i want to give facility to administrator that he can import data from the Excel Sheet and can insert in sql database. for example...user id and password that from excel sheet to user table in sql database. how can i do this..please help me. it's urgent. thanks raj
Hi everyone got a problem here! I have an existing data in excel and it is more than 10,000 cells that I need to import to my new SQL Database. How can I transfer those records easily without using INSERT commands in SQL? Because I'm afraid it's too hard to do.
I face a small problem in DTS, hope you can help me to solve this issue.
I designed a DTS package to import excel data ( with 4 column ) into SQL server database,The database design for the database table was
column name type length
ID bigint 8
CountedQty decimal 9
Location nvarchar 8
Other nvarchar 50
The DTS package is work and does not appear any error message. But the data in column 'Location' appeared <Null> after import into the database, this issue happen when the excel data was <numeric> value (string value in this data column can be accepted and appear nicely).
Izzit because nvarchar cannot accept numeric value ?
Can anyone tell me how can I achieve the file import of XLS file and read the data inside to insert into the respective table in my SDF database in the mobile devices?
I have an .xlsx file where I need to import the data into a table. If there is not a way to do this, is there a way to import either a tab del file or different type of .csv file into the database?
Do not want to use the SSIS or import feature from SQL2008 as I tried to save the steps and running it wont work either.
Hi, I'm a Student, and since a few months ago I'm learning JAVA. I'm creating an application to call and compare times. For this I create in Excel a time table which is quite big and it would be a lot of typing work to input one by one the data in each cell in SQL Server, considering that I have to create 8 more tables. I was able to retreive the data from excel usin the JXL API of JAVA but it doesn't give all the funtions to perform math operations as JDBC. That's why I need to move the tables from Excel to SQL. I found this site which gives a code to do so, but I guess that some heathers are missing or maybe I don't know which compiler to use to run that code, I would like you help to identify which compiler use to run that code or if there is some vital piece of code missing.// Connection String to Excel Workbook string excelConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft .Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=Book1.xls;Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;""";
// Create Connection to Excel Workbook using (OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(excelConnectionString)) { OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand ("Select ID,Data FROM [Data$]", connection);
// Create DbDataReader to Data Worksheet using (DbDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader()) { // SQL Server Connection String string sqlConnectionString = "Data Source=.; Initial Catalog=Test;Integrated Security=True";
// Bulk Copy to SQL Server using (SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(sqlConnectionString)) { bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "ExcelData"; bulkCopy.WriteToServer(dr); } } } On the other hand in this forum I that someelse use that link but implements a totally different code which I'm not able to compile also It seems this code works as I was able to read, but I do not know which language is used. Dim excelConnectionString As String = "Provider=Microsoft .Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=Book1.xls;Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;"""
' Using
Dim connection As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(excelConnectionString)
Dim command As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("Select ID,Data FROM [Data$]", connection) connection.Open()
' Using
Dim dr As DbDataReader = command.ExecuteReader
Dim sqlConnectionString As String = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("CampaignEnterpriseConnectionString").ConnectionString
' Using
Dim bulkCopy As SqlBulkCopy = New SqlBulkCopy(sqlConnectionString)
End Try The Compilers I have are: Eclipse, Netbeans, MS Visual C++ Express Edition and MS Visual C# Express Edition. In MS Visual C++ Thanks for your help. Regads, Robert.
I have installed SQL 2014 (Evaluation Version) on testing machine. We want to import some excel files on database. I manually created one Test Database and now trying to import excel file. Import completed successfully but I am not able to see any table created as result of Import. I tried it 3-4 times and even restarted sql services but no luck.
I am attempting to run an SSIS package that, among other things, imports a spreadsheet from excel into a database table. The package runs without any issues within Visual Studio. I have tried executing the package through both, the MSDB run package and through dtexec (trying to kick of the package through a stored procedure) and I get 2 different behaviors.
Using dtexec (the method I really need to use): The package will run successfully...up to the point when the spreadsheet is imported at which time it fails with Description: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009. Here is the code:
Running it through the MSDB Run Package UI...It will also make it up to the point where the Excel spreadsheet is imported but errors with: The Product level is insufficient for the component "Lookup Station and Account Type: (1894) ...and 1 line with that same error for every single task in that dataflow. Here is the code it runs.
The machine is running 32 bit OS Windows Server 2003 SP1 and Db SQL Server 2005 32 bit. I found one forum posting that suggested turning the Delay Validation property to True...but that did not fix the issue. I did create the package with my username with a ProtectionLevel of EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey. I don't think it is related to the account however because all of the tasks (serveral work tables are created) up to the Excel import will execute.
I really need to get this working as soon as possible so am open to any solutions someone can present.
I am trying to import an xlsx spreadsheet into a sql 2008 r2 database using the SSMS Import Wizard. When pointed to the spreadsheet ("choose a data source")  the Import Wizard returns this error:
"The operation could not be completed" The Microsoft ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider is not registered on the local machine (System.Data)
How can I address that issue? (e.g. Where is this provider and how do I install it?)
l've some excel files controlled by Vendor which changing frequently. The only thing does not change is the header name of each column.
So my question is, is there any way to create a new table based on the excel file selected including the column name in SSIS? So that l can use the data reader as source to select those columns l am interested on and start the integration.
Is there a way to transfer data from a SqlServer db to a SqlServer Express db. I tried to use the backup file of SqlServer, but this file is not valid for SqlServer Express. Or there any alternatives?
I am trying to 'load' a copy of a SQLServer 2000 database to SQLServer 2005 Express (on another host). The copy was provided by someone else - it came to me as a MDF file only, no LDF file.
I have tried to Attach the database and it fails with a failure to load the LDF. Is there any way to bypass this issue without the LDF or do I have to have that?
The provider of the database says I can create a new database and just point to the MDF as the data source but I can't seem to find a way to do that? I am using SQL Server Management Studio Express.
Hi I want to import excel in SSIS via sql command and change the data types. can anyone guide me on this or give me some sample command on how to change datatypes explicitly.
Hi, How to expor data from Filemaker to Sqlserver? From the Filemaker, I am exporting data into Tab File(values are separated by tab). How to put data from that file into Sqlserver tables?
I have an SQLServer Mobile database, and I would like to know if there is a way to upgrade it to SQLServer 2005 (.mdf) database. My database has no records in it, just the structure (tables etc). What I am actually asking is if I can create automatically a new SQLServer 2005 Database with the same structure as my existin SQLSErver Mobile database
I need to export tables/views/stored procs and user functions from one DB to another on a regular schedule. It would be good if I can make a deployable application so that it can be scheduled with sql agent. I tried to use DTSWizard with Management studio but it does not seem to export stored procedures. Can someone walk me though this ? Thankyou