Excuting Distributed Queries In Parallel

Aug 17, 2006


Is it possible to execute queries in parallel on multiple linked servers? I retrieve the checksum of a table on a linked servers like this:


I need to do this on multiple linked servers at the same time - is this possible? I tried the following but my workstation executes the queries sequentially:

SELECT ("Query Server1"), ("Query Server2"), ("Query Server3"),..

Any suggestions??????



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SQL 2012 :: How To Trace For Parallel Queries

Nov 6, 2015

what the ideal CPU count and Max Degree of Parallelism are for a 3rd party database server.The server has 12 CPUs, 32GB RAM and all database sizes add up to < 30GB so they can all fit in memory (I tried to force this by doing a select * from every table). On certain payroll days, the CPU gets maxed out to 100% for a few seconds.

MAXDOP was originally set to the default 0. We later changed it to 8 based on several 'best-practices' articles. However the vendor suggests to change it to 1 (no parallelism), while others suggest changing it to 4, so that one run-away query doesn't hog most of the CPUs.

I'd like to find out how many CPUs are actually being used by queries. There is a Degree of Parallelism event in URL.... The BinaryData column says :

0x00000000, indicates a serial plan running in serial.
0x01000000, indicates a parallel plan running in serial.
>= 0x02000000 indicates a parallel plan running in parallel.- What does "parallel plan running in serial" mean ?

I see a lot of 0x01000000, and a few 0x08000000's in my trace.How can i determine whether one query is hogging CPUs and if reducing it to 4 will work?

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Distributed Queries

Oct 3, 2001

I have a ODBC data source setup for the AS400DB2 which is AS400JDE

The linked server has been created and all the tables are visible within enterprise manager.

If I had a table F0101, datasource = AS400JDE and linked server of AS400

How would I query it.

I gave tried AS400.AS400JDE.DBO.F0101, but i get the following error message.
OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' does not contain table '"as400jde"."dbo"."f0101"'.

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Distributed Queries

Jan 20, 2000

i added a linked sql 7 production server to my sql 7 development server so i could perform some data comparisons between the two
servers. after i linked in the server, i was able to see all the icons for the various tables in the production server. i went to query
analyzer and executed the following openquery:

select * from openquery(itdev_s08, 'select * from dbo.tablename')

it returned all the rows in the table. however, i want to comapre several different values so i needed a better way to query.
i then decided to try the distrbuted query below:

select * from linkedserver.dbname.dbo.tablename

however instead of a result set i got the error message below:

Server: Msg 7314, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' does not contain table '"dbname"."dbo"."tablename"'.

i went to BOL and it told me the only reason i would get this error is if the object did not exist or if i did not have permission
to use it. however, i know the object exists and i have the appropriate permission becuase i can obtain a result set from the
first query in the same query analyzer window. is my syntax incorrect? what am i doing wrong?

tammy moisan

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Ad Hoc Distributed Queries Error

Aug 30, 2006

I am getting the following error when with SQL Express.SQL Server blocked access to STATEMENT 'OpenRowset/OpenDatasource' of component 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' because this component is turned off as part of the security configuration for this server. A system administrator can enable the use of 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' by using sp_configure. For more information about enabling 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', see "Surface Area Configuration" in SQL Server Books Online. While I was very please to see such a verbose error and directions on where to find the answer I have yet to figure out how to turn this option on... I tried  sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1 but got the following error The configuration option 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' does not exist, or it may be an advanced option.If I execute only sp_configure it does not list Ad Hoc Distributied Queries as an option. I checked the sql Books Online and it tells me to use the Surface configuration tool which SQL Express does not seem to have....  Could someone help me out with this?Thanks - Mark

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Distributed Queries And Like Operator

Nov 24, 1999

I am trying to use linked servers (all SQLServer 6.5 and 7.0). When I issue a distributed query utilizing the four-part qualified table name for the distributed machine and using the LIKE operator, the execution plan shows that the remote query is returning ALL the rows from the remote distributed server, then performing the LIKE filter locally on my server! Needless to say, performance sux!
Any ideas what I may be doing wrong or what settings I am unaware of?
Example query:

select * from server.database.schema.table where column1 like 'A%'

Thanx in advance for any help.

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Linked Server And Distributed Queries

Feb 6, 2002

Hi there,
I am trying to link one sql server to other sql server(version 7.0). I was able to link server1 to server2 by creating an odbc source and am able to see the tablenames when i click on the linked server tables.
My problem is..when i am trying to query on these tables its giving me error saying "OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' does not contain table xxxxxx"

i am using select * from servername.tablename.dbo.tablename.

Any help on this will be appreciated.


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Configure Component 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries'

Jan 25, 2008

When i try to use the OPENROWSET function on a particular server i get the error:

"SQL Server blocked access to STATEMENT 'OpenRowset/OpenDatasource' of component 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' because this component is turned off as part of the security configuration for this server. A system administrator can enable the use of 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' by using sp_configure.."

Does anyone know how exacly you do configure this?

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Msg 7308: Provider Can't Be Used For Distributed Queries...

Sep 20, 2007


I'm deploying an OLE DB provider to be used as linked server in on customer pc. The provider works ok on both machines I used to test it, one with Vista (64-bit), the other with XP (32-bit). Both machines have SQL server express 2005 SP2 (9.0.3042) installed.
Now, customer machine is again Vista (64-bit) with SQL server express 2005 SP2 (9.0.3054), and customer tested it on another Vista machine with SQL server express 2005 SP2 (9.0.3042). On both machines, following error occurs when SELECT statement is issued to the provider (though linked server creation runs smoothly):

Msg 7308, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

OLE DB provider 'XXX.XXXXX' cannot be used for distributed queries because the provider is configured to run in single-threaded apartment mode.

1) registry entry for ThreadingModel is Both
2) the provider works on my side
3) I can't seem to instantiate the provider on customer side even when I disallow provider to be inproc for SQL server, which would hint on some registration issue (maybe some leftovers on my local machines that are not present on customer side)

What is going on, again..?

Thanks for ideas..


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Distributed Queries Possible W-out Linked Server Registration?

Mar 13, 2008

We are migrating a database that makes use of distributed queries. In other words, it queries data from other databases on the same server, as well as from databases on linked servers.

The use of linked servers as well as linked databases (for lack of a better term) presents a challenge since we will need to register various new linked servers in the target environment. Ideally, we would like the database to be portable such that we will not have to worry about registering linked servers regardless of where it is hosted.

Is there a way to write distributed queries so that do not rely on linked servers/databases? For example:

SELECT * FROM [ServerName].[Database].[Owner].[TableName]

If there is such a method, it would make our database much more portable in terms of server migration.


El Salsero

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Excuting Xp_sendmail

May 10, 2004

When excuting the xp_sendmail in the Query analyzer, my mail gets send. When doing this in my code it doesn't work eventhough I explicitly use startmailn then xp_sendmail and then sp_stopmail? I think this is a problem of user rights? I gave my user as parameter but even then it didn't work. Any suggestions? I'm pretty sure, the used code is correct.


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Excuting Package From Job

Feb 8, 2008

I have a package that contains several package when executing it like a task, presents the following messages

Error: 2008-02-08 11:24:02.55
Code: 0xC0202009
Source: DWCampo-Dimensiones- Produccion Connection manager "Administrador de conexi¢n con Excel"
Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040154.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" Hresult: 0x80040154 Description: "Class not registered".
End Error
Error: 2008-02-08 11:24:02.55
Code: 0xC020801C
Source: Agrupacion Canteros Origen - Canteros$ [1]
Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Administrador de conexi¢n con Excel" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
End Error
Error: 2008-02-08 11:24:02.55
Code: 0xC0047017
Source: Agrupacion Canteros DTS.Pipeline
Description: component "Origen - Canteros$" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.
End Error
Error: 2008-02-08 11:24:02.55
Code: 0xC004700C
Source: Agrupacion Canteros DTS.Pipeline
Description: One or more component failed validation.
End Error
Error: 2008-02-08 11:24:02.55
Code: 0xC0024107
Source: Agrupacion Canteros
Description: There were errors during task validation.
End Error
Error: 2008-02-08 11:24:02.55
Code: 0xC00220E4
Source: DWCAMPO-Dimensiones (Producci¢n)
Description: Error 0xC0012050 while preparing to load the package. Package failed validation from the ExecutePackage task. The package cannot run.
End Error

some suggestion....!!!

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Excuting SQL In A Stored Procedure

Oct 10, 2007

I know that you can execute a stored proc with the "execute" command, but is there any way to execute a string that is an sql string? On a related note, is there a better way than building a string like "select * from table where" and then tacking on "value="+@somevalue to do a search if your search is based on multiple (possibly null) variables? If you can answer the first question, dont bother with the second. =P

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Low Query Excuting Speed

Dec 14, 2006

Some time I get delay in running particular querry.I check in my App and also in sql visual stodiu.I'm using sqlexpress edition.If I use Sql developer does speed go up?

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Stored Procedure Excuting By Datetime

Jan 3, 2008


I have got an SQL server stored procedure, and I would like to get this stored procedure, dbo.SpDate_Time_Minute_Today below executed against a matching or exact datetime from the database tables, PRODUCT_SALES.

Code Block

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.SpDate_Time_Minute_Today

PRODUCT_SALES has columns like this:


Please do anyone here know how I can achieve this please. Thanks.

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Excuting Stored Procedure In Oracle 10R2

Dec 8, 2007

Using 'Execute SQL Task' I want to execute a stored procedure in Oracle 10g R2.
What should be the SQL statement?
Thank you,

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The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) Has Cancelled The Distributed Transaction.

Feb 29, 2008

We have a test db, a staging db and a live db. I have a stored procedure that runs fine on test and staging, but throws the following error on live.

The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) has cancelled the distributed transaction.

The stored procedure uses linked servers and a transaction.
We're using the following transaction code in the stored procedure




procedure stuff here


DECLARE @ErrorSeverity INT, @ErrorNumber INT, @ErrorMessage NVARCHAR(4000), @ErrorState INT

SET @ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY()

SET @ErrorNumber = ERROR_NUMBER()

SET @ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE()

SET @ErrorState = ERROR_STATE()

IF @ErrorState = 0

SET @ErrorState = 1

RAISERROR ('ERROR OCCURED:%d', @ErrorSeverity, @ErrorState, @ErrorNumber)





I found the following link which seems to be the problem we're experiencinghttp://support.microsoft.com/kb/937517

The link includes a workaround which is the following:
"To prevent the SQLNCLI provider from sending an attention signal to the server, use the SQLNCLI provider to consume fully any rowsets that the OLE DB consumer creates. "

How do I use the SQLNCLI provider to fully consume any rowsets?

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Re-indexing In Parallel

Apr 25, 2001

Hi All,

I am working on SQL Server 7.0. Every weekend we go for reindexing of some tables. I want to know if it is possible to run the re-indexing of tables in parallel so that I can save time.

Our database is of size 80GB and one table is around 22GB. Rebuilding of index on this table takes a lot of time and we are unable to index the other tables.

Any solutions/suggestions are mostly appreciated.



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Parallel Execution

Nov 11, 2005


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How To Run Backups In Parallel

Jan 4, 2008

we currently use the Database Maintenance Plan to do backups for our SQL Server 2000 databases.
I notice that the database are backed up one after the other.

I would like to know how to run the backups in parallel rather than sequentially.
To do this, is there any dependency on the number of CPUs?


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Job Is Not Executing In Parallel

Oct 22, 2006

I just thought I would share this info:

I created the package to download 4 ftp files at once.
I set the MaxConcurrentExecutables for the SSIS package to 4. So in BIDS in downloads 4 files at the same time.

However, when I started the job I noticed that only 3 files were downloaded at the time (looking at temp files in download directory)

Sure enough after digging around for awhile - in Step properties for SSIS package - there is execution tab - and "Maximum Concurrent Executables" was -1 (which for some reason defaults to 3 concurrent processes even on our dual CPU server) - so after chanign that value to 4 - tada - all 4 files in parallel

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Parallel Execution In SQL Server

Oct 30, 2007

Is there any way to run a stored procedure in parallel to another one? i.e. I have a stored procedure that sends an email. I then scan a table and send any unsent emails. I do not want the second part to slow the response to the user.

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Parallel Query Execution

Dec 6, 2001

I'd like to run 4 stored procedures in parallel on 4 different processors on our server.

Does anyone know the syntax to do that? (Could not find it on the web so far).

Anything else I need to do in addition to the specific syntax (i.e. any specific properties to set in Enterprise Manager)?

Your help is greatly appreciated!

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Running Inserts In Parallel

Apr 13, 1999

One of the developers here wants to run a PB script consisting of 11
inserts to 11 respective tables at the same time. This is on a development

Currently, we are running on MSSQL 6.5 ,sp4. We have very general
parameters set, nothing special. We have max async io set to the default

The inserts run serially now. What I need to do is run them in parallel.
My questions are:

1) How do I do this -- run in parallel?

2) What parameters do I need to set?

3)What else would I need to do?

Any information you can provide will be greatly appeciated. Thanks.

David Spaisman

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Geometry - Parallel Lines

Mar 19, 2014

Assuming I have a line, is there a function I can call to create a parallel line at a given distance away.i.e - with the below I would want to draw a parallel line to the one output.

DECLARE @line geometry = 'LINESTRING(1 1, 2 2, 3 3, 4 4)'
SELECT @line

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Results In Parallel Columns

Jun 14, 2006

Hi ,I need to place the results of two different queries in the same resulttable parallel to each other.So if the result of the first query is1 122 343 45and the second query is1 342 443 98the results should be displayed as1 12 342 34 443 45 98If a union is done for both the queries , we get the results in rows.How can the above be done.Thanks in advance,vivekian

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Parallel Transactions Error

Aug 21, 2007

I'm writing test cases on C# for a few methods that make changes in database.To prevent making changes I used BeginTransaction-Rollback,everything was good.But this doesn't work if tested method has BeginTransaction-Rollback code itself.An error appears in NUnit: System.InvalidOperationException : SqlConnection does not support parallel transactions.
Do smb know how to solve the problem?

*******************************tc below********************


public void UpdateGroupUserTable(/*Int32 userID, GroupList dataset*/)










*******************************tested method below********************

public void UpdateGroupUserTable(Int32 userID, GroupList dataset)



UpdateCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;


UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@USERID", userID);







catch (SqlException)






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Checkpoint With Parallel Packages

May 13, 2008

I have several packages within secuence containers and into one main dtsx package with a checkpoint configuration and when I run it some succeed and some don´t. The problem is that when I rerun it checkpoint doesn´t seem to work ´cause some of the successful packages are rerun as well (and not skipped as it should be...) In other words, the process does not begin on the point of failure..

Seems to be that packages that finish after the failure point (and succeed) are not registered in the checkpoint file, then when I rerun the main package these succeeded packages are rerun too....

Any ideas??

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Fuzzy Grouping In Parallel

May 11, 2007


I have created a project to do de-dupification of addresses.

I understand that Fuzzy Grouping will take less time if it has lesser data volume to process.

My source feed file is sometimes huge. So I am splitting the input into multiple branches based on

the first letter of the city. There are 7 branches in the process.

Source File Feed
Split data into 7 groups
| | | | | | |
FzGrpg FzGrpg FzGrpg FzGrpg FzGrpg FzGrpg FzGrpg
| | | | | | |
Split Split Split Split Split Split Split
| | | | | | |
------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
<- - - - - - - Write the Canonicals and Dupes from each of these splits into database - - - - - - - - ->

When I designed this I was hoping that each of the Fuzzy Grouping tasks will execute in parallel.

But in reality they are processing one after the other.

Is there anyway to make them execute in parallel?

Appreciate your help.



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SQL 2012 :: SSIS Execution In Parallel

Feb 24, 2015

We have a monitoring tool that find a query that is using most of execution time of all sessions on the server.

I located it, and found it is a data flow task in an SSIS package.

It export data from a table which has big mount of data to another database.

I know it only executes one time, but I see in the monitoring tool it executes 4 times.

I am wondering is it because SSIS is doing it in parallel execution automatically?

We use all default settings, and the server physical cpu is 4.

Also it says the query is slow is because it has a wait called PREEMPTIVE_OS_WAITFORSINGLEOBJECT
not sure what does that mean

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Force A Parallel Query Execution

Jun 2, 2007

I have another post here regarding SQL 2005 running a query 50% slower than on 2000. It was discovered that 2005 runs the query in series whereas 2000 runs it in parallel.

Even with "Cost Threshold For Parallelism" set to a default value – 0, 2005 still executes my query in series. Does anyone know how to force a query to run in parallel in SQL 2005. I specifically want to set it at the database level.

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Problem With Parallel Query Execution

Jul 23, 2005

I have a SQL 7 db with a union query (view), and I'm getting the error, "Thequery processor could not start the necessary thread resources for parallelquery execution." This union query has been in place for about two years nowwith no problems until just now, though I haven't changed anything. Also, Ihave a local copy of the database on my machine, and the query runs fine.As noted, I haven't changed anything in the query, nor in the SQL settings.There is a network administrator, so it's possible that he may have changeda setting, but I don't know what. The query is reproduced below. Any ideasas to what's going on would be appreciated.NeilMain query:SELECT Tmp.INVCUST, Tmp.SDNBR, Tmp.SDBOOK, Tmp.SDIVCLN,Tmp.SDPAID, Tmp.SDPRICE, Tmp.SDCOPIES, Tmp.Location,INVTRY.AUTHILL1, Tmp.INVDATE, INVTRY.SaleSrc,INVTRY.HoldInitFROM (SELECT INVDATE, INVCUST, SDNBR, SDBOOK, SDIVCLN,SDPAID, SDPRICE, SDCOPIES, 'P' AS LocationFROM vwInvoiceDetUNION ALLSELECT INVDATE, INVCUST, SDNBR, SDBOOK, SDIVCLN,SDPAID, SDPRICE, SDCOPIES, 'N' AS LocationFROM vwInvoiceDetNUNION ALLSELECT INVDATE, INVCUST, SDNBR, SDBOOK, SDIVCLN,SDPAID, SDPRICE, SDCOPIES, 'M' AS LocationFROM vwInvoiceDetM) Tmp INNER JOINdbo.INVTRY ON Tmp.SDBOOK = dbo.INVTRY.[Index]vwInvoiceDet:SELECT tabInvoice.INVDATE, tabInvoice.INVCUST,SALEDET.SDNBR, SALEDET.SDBOOK, SALEDET.SDINVNUM,SALEDET.SDPRICE, SALEDET.SDPAID, SALEDET.SDCOPIES,SALEDET.SDIVCLN, tabInvoice.INVNBR, SALEDET.SDIDFROM dbo.tabInvoice INNER JOINdbo.SALEDET ONdbo.tabInvoice.INVNBR = dbo.SALEDET.SDNBR(vwInvoiceDetN and vwInvoiceDetM are similar to vwInvoiceDet.)

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Deadlocks And Parallel Query Processing

Dec 9, 2005

SQL Server 2000 SP3ALast week one of our processes starting issuing or suffering deadlockdetected errors every 15 minutes or so.I have read several articles at MS on the subject. I set a couple ofstartup parameters related to producing deadlock detection informationand ran SQL Profiler. I found the SQL statements being issued by thedeadlocked statements. In every deadlock the same UPDATE statementappears however the data values being searched on are different. Thebest I can tell from trying to query the actual data each update hitsonly one or very few rows. No indexed column is updated so the indexesshould not be the source of conflict.Looking at the query I noticed that the query does not have anavailable index and Query Analyzer shows that the full table scan isbeing done in parallel.My question: Does SQL Server change or modify its locking rules whenqueries are converted to be ran using parallel processing? If so, doyou have a reference?Here is the deadlock entries posted to the error log:SPID=167ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: IX SPID:63 ECID:0 Ec:(0x65971510)Value:0x3c577e60 Cost:(0/0)Input Buf: Language Event: UPDATE Station_Upload setStation_Accept_Status = 'ACC',HeadStatus ='ACC',LastProcessedSta='110',HeadPartType='1' WHERE Part_Serial_No ='SCH1119323' AND Station = 'H110'SPID=63ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: IX SPID:167 ECID:0 Ec:(0x65801510)Value:0x3c27d060 Cost:(0/0)Input Buf: Language Event: UPDATE Station_Upload setStation_Accept_Status = 'ACC',HeadStatus ='ACC',LastProcessedSta='70',HeadPartType='1' WHERE Part_Serial_No ='SCH1119060' AND Station = 'H070'I have suggested adding an index to support the query.Any ideas?Thanks -- Mark D Powell --

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