Execute Dynamic SQL Stored Proc Without Specifying Table Level Permissions

Sep 17, 2007

I am writing a SQL 2000 stored procedure which uses an €˜EXEC @sqlString€™ statement. The @sqlString is generated at runtime. I want to give as few permissions as possible and currently allow users to access the database tables using only the stored procedures provided. However, with €˜Exec€™ I discover that I need to grant permissions on the actual tables to the users or groups. I would like to avoid this. I would also prefer not having to maintain a separate user with table level permissions and hardcoding the stored procedure with these details.
Is there anyway for me to dynamically generate the required SQL statement within my stored procedure and let SQL know that this stored procedure is allowed to select whatever tables it wants to without having to define permissions on the tables?

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Not Able To Create Hash Table Inside Stored Proc Through Execute Sp_executesql @strQuery

Aug 21, 2007

i need to create temporary table inside SP.
i having one string variable @strQuery which contain dynamic query inside SP.
i am executing that trhough execute sp_executesql @strQuery once query build.

now instead of select query , i want to creat hash table.
so i wrote :

set @strQuery = "Select * into #tmp_tbl from table_name..."
when i tried to execute it through

execute sp_executesql @strQuery , its giving error 'Invalid object name '#tmp_tbl'
If i removed Hash then it works fine. even for double Hash also its work fine.
but i want hash table only as i want that table local to that user.

Even direct execution of select statement without @strQuery works fine. but i want to execute @strQuery through execute sp_executesql @strQuery only as query is dynamic .

please guide me how to do this?
its very urgent for me.
thanks in advance.

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Mixing Dynamic SQL With Non-Dynamic In Stored Proc

Mar 24, 2007

I have a Stored Procedure for processing a Bill of Material.

One column on the Assembly Table is a Function Name that contains some busniess rules.

OK, now I'm doing a Proof of Concept and I'm stumped.


I will ultimately have about 100 of these things. My plan was using Dynamic SQL to go execute the function.

Note: The function just returns a bit.

So; here's what I had in mind ...

if isnull(@FnNameYN,'') <> ''
exec spinb_CheckYN @FnNameYN, @InvLineID, @FnBit = @FnBit output

@FnNameYN varchar(50),
@InvLineID int,
@FnBit bit output

declare @SQL varchar(8000)

set @SQL = '
if dbo.' + @FnNameYN + ' (' + convert(varchar(31),@InvLineID) + ')) = 1
set @FnBit = 1
set @FnBit = 0'

exec (@SQL)

Obviously; @FnBit is not defined in @SQL so that execution will not work.
Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 4
Must declare the variable '@FnBit'.
Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 5
Must declare the variable '@FnBit'.

So; is there a way to get a value out of a Dynamic SQL piece of code and get that value INTO my OUTPUT variable?

My many thanks to anyone who can solve this riddle for me.
Thank You!

Sigh: For now, it looks like I'll have a huge string of "IF" statements for each business rule function, as follows:
Hopefully a better solution comes to light.

------ Vertical Build1 - Std Vanes -----------
if @FnNameYN = 'fnb_YN_B1_14'
if dbo.fnb_YN_B1_14 (convert(varchar(31),@InvLineID) ) = 1
set @FnBit = 1
set @FnBit = 0

------ Vertical Build1 - Scissor Vanes -----------
if @FnNameYN = 'fnb_YN_B1_15'
if dbo.fnb_YN_B1_15 (convert(varchar(31),@InvLineID) ) = 1
set @FnBit = 1
set @FnBit = 0

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Stored Proc Permissions

Jan 28, 2008

I have a Active Directory group (under Organizational Groups) and I have a SQLServer group which contains that Active Directory group. In the group under Organizational Groups there are users. I've tried granting the SQLServer group execute permissions to a stored proc I developed and they are not able to execute it. However, when I extract a single user, grant them ability to get to the database and grant that single user execute permissions to the SP, she is able to run the SP.

My question is why isn't the SQLServer group, which contains the Organizational Group who this user is a member of able to execute the SP?


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Stored Proc - Output Parameter Does Not Work With Nested Level

Apr 26, 2004

Anyone can help with this question: thanks

in a asp .net application, I call a stored procedure which have a output parameter.
the output parameter works find in sql session, but not in the asp .net application.

if I put select msg_out = "error message" in position A(see below for stored proc), it works fine
if I put them inside the if statement, the output parameter wont work in asp .net application, but fine in SQL session
The stored proc was created like this:

Create procedure XXXXXXX
(@msg_out varchar(80) OUTPUT

while exists (*******)
//position A
if certain condition

select msg_out = "error message"
return 1




It seems to me that anything inside if - the second begin...end - it wont get executed.

Anyone has got a clue

Any help much appreciated!

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Execute Stored Procedure Y Asynchronously From Stored Proc X Using SQL Server 2000

Oct 14, 2007

I am calling a stored procedure (say X) and from that stored procedure (i mean X) i want to call another stored procedure (say Y)asynchoronoulsy. Once stored procedure X is completed then i want to return execution to main program. In background, Stored procedure Y will contiue his work. Please let me know how to do that using SQL Server 2000 and ASP.NET 2.

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Still Trying To Figure Out Identification Of SQL Server Stored Proc. Permissions Via VB

Jul 20, 2005

I've looked through many suggestions and partial examples all overthis newsgroup and still am not coming up with anything that doesspecifically what I'm wanting to accomplish.I'm writing a VB 6.0 application which uses SQL Server as theback-end.Here's an example of what I'm wanting to do...A user accessing the VB GUI attempts to open a certain form. Coderuns behind the scenes in VB that checks the user's "Execute"permissions on the stored procedure that retrives the data into theform. If the user is determined to have "Execute" permissions to thatstored procedure, the user is allowed to proceed with opening theform. If they don't have permissions, they are informed of this andaren't allowed to open the form and view the data.Let's say that we initially determine through the VB code that theuser has the ability to "Execute" the stored procedure that allows forviewing of the data. We go ahead and let them open the form. Oncethe form is being opened though, we run VB code to check for theirpermissions on other stored procedure that can be used in UPDATING /INSERTING / DELETING the records being displayed in the form. If theydon't have "Execute" permissions on these particularUpdate/Insert/Delete stored procedures, then I'll have a text box onthe form show as visible to advise them while they're looking at thisdata that they can't do anything to this data other than view it...they can't insert new records, they can't delete any records, and theycan't update any records.I have yet to find specific code that tells me how to checkpermissions on a storedc procedure for the user that's logged-in, whatthe resulting codes (i.e. 12291, etc.) mean as far as identificationof their permissions, etc.If anyone can help me out here, I'd greatly appreciate it. I'd hateto just have to resort to trying to allow the user to run the storedprocedures and just trap the error codes that may arise once eachstored procedure is executed and inform the user on the tail-end ofthe process that they can't run the stored procedure. I'd like toidentify their permissions to the stored procedures on the front-endof the process either before each form is opened or just as it'sopening to advise them early as to what they can/can't do with thedata being displayed in the form.Thanks in advance for any examples/information!Sincerely,Brad H. McCollumJoin Bytes!

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Row-level Security: Permissions Required On Base Table?

Jun 2, 2007

I'm implementing row-level security in a SQL Server database that uses Microsoft Access for the front end. I'm using a UDF (a view behaves the same way) to restrict access to specific rows of a base table based on membership in a role. According to the reading I've done, if the base table has DENY ALL permissions for the role, and the UDF has GRANT ALL, members of the role should be able to update records in the base table via the UDF, without having direct access to the base table. However, I find that unless I grant appropriate permissions on the base table, the user is unable to update the table via the UDF.

Is this expected behavior? Nothing I've read suggests I should have to grant permissions on the columns of the base table.

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How To Identify Permissions For SQL Server Tables && Stored Proc. Via VB Code

Jul 20, 2005

I'm writing an application using VB 6.0 as the front-end GUI, and theMSDE version of SQL Server as the back-end (it's a program for areally small # of users --- less then 3-4).I'm trying to determine, through the Visual Basic interface, thepermissions of each user that's using the application on his/hermachine.For example, let's say I'm user "Michael" that's sitting down at mymachine using the app. I've written. The security for logging intoSQL Server will be setup using Windows Security (Trusted Connection)as opposed to Windows & SQL Server security. When Michael accesses aparticular form in the VB 6.0 GUI, I want to run some code thatautomatically checks Michael's permission levels on the underlyingtable (actually, a stored procedure supplying the data from the table)that supplies the data to the form he's looking at and then give himsome feedback on the form as to what type of permissions he has whilehe's browsing through the data shown in the form.For example, Michael opens a particular form, code in the backgroundis run to identify that this is Michael accessing the form, the codereturns a value that identifies what type of permissions he has on thedata in the form, and a text box on the form informs Michael (forexample) that he only has read-only permissions to the data he isviewing and cannot edit any of the data.As another example, user Karen sits down at her computer, logs intothe application, opens the same form that Michael just opened, thecode is run in VB to detect the level of permissions she has on thedata being displayed in the form, and the text box on the form informsher that she has editing permissions on the data in the underlyingtable.Etc...If anyone can post an example of the code they use in accomplishingthis task in an application they've written, I'd really appreciate apoint in the right direction or a real-world example that's beenimplemented by one of you. I've written several apps. thus far usingMSDE as the back-end, but the previous apps. I've written were forclients that didn't care about restricting access to theapplication... everyone could pretty much use the application as theydesired and do anything they desired to the data.The current client I'm writing the app. mentioned here for wants tohave security in place to where various users access the applicationwith various levels of permissions to do stuff (or *not* do stuff) tothe data in the application.Thanks very much in advance for any assistance / code provided!Sincerely,Brad McCollumJoin Bytes!

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Column Level Constraints... I Need A Constraint, Not A Rule, Or A Trigger Or A Stored Proc... Thnx.

Jul 17, 2001

Hello all.

First of all, I've been a reader of swynk.com for quite sometime now, and I'd like to say 'thank you' to everyone who contributes.

Today, I'm the town moron.. haha I'm having issues with column level constraints. I have a varchar(50) where I want to keep *,=,#,/, .. etc, OUT OF the value input. I don't want to strip them. I simply want for sql to throw an error if the insert contains those (and other characters). The only characters that I want in the column are A-Z and 0-9. However, it's not a set number of characters per insert. It always varies... There has to be an easier way to do this than creating a constraint for every possibilty... Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Execute Permissions On Stored Procedures

Apr 24, 2007


would like to know how to give execute permissions for all the stored procedures in a database at one shot. please advise.

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Permissions With Dynamic SQL Within Stored Procedure

Aug 1, 2006

Okay, I have sort of a peculiar permissions question I am wondering if someone can help me with. Basically, here's the scenario...
I have a CLR stored procedure which does some dynamic SQL building based on values sent in via XML. It's a CLR stored procedure using XML because I want to build a parameterized statement (to guard against SQL Injection) based on a flexible number of parameters which are basically passed in the XML.
The dynamic SQL ends up reading from a table I'll call TableX and I actually discovered an (understandable) quirk with security.
Basically, the connection context is using security for a low-privilaged Windows account ("UserX") and UserX has no permission to the table referenced in the dynamic SQL but because of the dyanmic nature of the query, the stored procedure ends up adopting the security context of UserX. Naturally, this throws a security exception saying UserX has no SELECT permission on TableX.
Now, I can give UserX read permission to the table in question to get things running, but one of the points of using stored procedures is to defer security to the procedure level vs. configuration for tables or columns.
So in striving toward my ideal of security at the procedure level, my question is what is the best way to allow minimum privilege in this case?
I thought about having the internals of the CLR stored procedure run under a different (low-privalaged) security context, but I am wondering if there's an alternate configuration that may be as secure, but simpler.
PS - Please don't let this degenerate into a conversation about OR mappers. I know that happens a lot on these forums.

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Schema Permissions, Alter Proc But Not Table?

Jan 10, 2008

I want our developers to be able to alter procs owned by the dbo schema, but for data modelling reasons, I want to exclude them from creating or altering any tables in the dbo schema. I can't seem to figure out how to do this, is there a way?


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Execute Stored Proc And Then Return A Value

Jul 13, 2004

ok I have a stored procedure in my MS-SQL Server database.
It looks something like this.....


declare @IDFound bigint
declare @LastChangedDate datetime

select @LastChangedDate = GetDate()
select @IDFound = PK_ID from PCPartsList where ProdCode = @ProdCode

if @IDFound > 0
update PCPartsList set Description = @Description, ManCode = @ManCode, ProdCode = @ProdCode, Price = @Price, Comments = @Comments, LastChanged = @LastChangedDate where PK_ID = @IDFound
insert into PCPartsList (Description, ManCode, ProdCode, Price, Comments, LastChanged) values(@Description, @ManCode, @ProdCode, @Price, @Comments, @LastChangedDate)

It executes fine so I know i've done that much right....
But what i'd like to know is how I can then return a value - specifically @LastDateChanged variable

I think this is a case of i've done the hard part but i'm stuck on the simple part - but i'm very slowly dragging my way through learning SQL.
Someone help?

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Is It Possible To Execute Package Through Stored Proc

Jul 7, 2006

is there a way to execute SSIS Package through stored proceedure.

Or any other method of executing the SSIS Package command line in stored proceedure



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Execute Stored Proc From OLE DB Destination

Apr 19, 2007

is is posible to execute a stored proc (with parameters) from an OLE DB Destination ??

reason we are trying this is cos

our current setup is an OLE DB Command doing the first database update and then passing over to an OLE DB Destination that does the second update. There is error handling coming off the OLE DB Command to a Script component that passes to an OLE DB Destination.

we are having a problem getting the error reporting working from the OLE DB Command - the updates work fine - but not getting any updates of the error database when there is an error.

have got the error reporting fine on the OLE DB Destination.

if we can execute the stored proc from the OLE DB Destination, we will then do both updates via one stored procedure executed by the OLE DB Destination.



n.b. think the updating of the error logs from the OLE DB Command used to work - but cant get it to work now ??!!!!??

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Please Help, Dynamic Search Stored Proc.

Nov 22, 2004

Please help, I am trying to write a dynamic search stored procedure using three fields.
I use the same logic on the front end using VB to SQL server which works fine, but never tried a stored procedure with the logic.
Can you please help me, construct a stored procedure.
User can choose any of the three(progno, projno, contractno) fields as a where condition.

I ma using asp.net as front end with sql server backend.

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.USP_Searchrecords
(@ProgNO nvarchar(50),
@ProjNOnvarchar(50) ,
DECLARE @myselect nvarchar(2000)
DECLARE @psql nvarchar(2000)
DECLARE @strsql nvarchar(2000)

@psql = "SELECT * FROM Mytable"

IF @ProgNO <> '' then
strsql = WHERE ProgNO = @ProgNO
end if

If @ProjNO <> '' then
if strsql <> '' then
strsql = strsql & " and ProjNO =@ProjNO
strsql = wHERE ProjNO =@ProjNO

If @ContractNO <> '' then
if strsql <> '' then
strsql = strsql & " and ContractNO =@ContractNO
strsql = wHERE ContractNO =@ContractNO

@myselect = @psql + @strsql


Please help. Thank you very much.

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Run 3 Dynamic Selects From Stored Proc

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to run 3 dynamic selects from stored proc, really onlythe table name is dynamic.. Anway I'm kinda lost on how I canaccomplish this.. this is what I have but it only returns the firstresult.. that being basicCREATE PROCEDURE email_complexity@TableName VarChar(100)ASDeclare @SQL VarChar(1000)Declare @SQL1 VarChar(1000)Set nocount onSELECT @SQL = 'SELECT Count(complexity) AS basic FROM 'SELECT @SQL = @SQL + @TableNameSELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' WHERE len(complexity) = 5'Exec ( @SQL)SELECT @SQL1 = 'SELECT Count(complexity) AS moderate FROM 'SELECT @SQL1 = @SQL1 + @TableNameSELECT @SQL1 = @SQL1 + ' WHERE len(complexity) = 8'Exec ( @SQL1)ReturnIs there a better way of doing this??tiaDave

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Dynamic Security Stored Proc

May 7, 2008


I'm looking for some sample code rather than having to re-invent the wheel.

I need to write an analysis services stored proc that will invoke a SQL stored prod in my DW dataabse to retrieve a list of client_id's. I then need to construct and return a set object. This AS stored proc will be referenced from a role.

I've read few things about using the Set object rather than StrToSet function but then the only way I see to create a Member orSet object from a literal is to build an Expresion object and call the CalculateMdxObject(null).ToSet() function. Is this not equivalent to MDX.StrToSet()?

Also, ideally I'd like to connect to my SQL db by accessing the connection string from the Data Source objects in my AS DB. So far I have not found a way to do this.

Some guidance and sample code would be much appreciated.


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Granting Stored Procedure Execute Permissions From ASP.NET?

Nov 21, 2005

Bit of an emergency!

I do not have direct access to our SQL Server but I have full FTP access to the web server and have the db Username/passwords.

I need to grant execute permissions on a stored procedure, can I do this from an asp/ASP.NET page?

The DB guys take 24 hours to run a script against the database!

Any help would be greatfully recieved.


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Stored Procedure Create & Execute Permissions

Aug 27, 2002

In our development and test environments the developers need to create and execute stored procedures as dbo without having any other dbo permissions. If I place them in db_owner, they have too many permissions. Is there a way to address this situation?

I'm also curious how other companies address the subject of creating stored procedures in development and test environments. If I give developers create and execute permission in a database, all objects would be created as JohnDoe.storedprocedurename instead of dbo.storedprocedurename. Any help in this area is appreciated.


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Adding Execute Permissions On Stored Procedures

Jul 23, 2005

How can i add Execute permissions on the Stored Procedures under thecreated user permission iusing SQLDMO ?

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How Do I Give EXECUTE Permissions On Stored Procedures?

Sep 20, 2007

Hey guys,I'm pretty new to SQL configuration, and I need to give EXECUTEpersmissions for one of the SQL user roles. I am running SQL 2005Management Studio Express - free version. I found the list of mystored procedures, but I can not locate any permissions screen. Cansomeone help point me in the right direction? Thanks!

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Execute Multiple SQL Statements In Stored Proc

Nov 1, 2005

Hi, I have a table containing SQl statements. I need to extract the statements and execute them through stored procedure(have any better ideas?)

Table Test

Id Description

1Insert into test(Id,Name) Values (1,'Ron')
2Update Test Set Name = 'Robert' where Id = 1
3Delete from Test where Id = 1

In my stored procedure, i want to execute the above statements in the order they were inserted into the table. Can Someone shed some light on how to execute multiple sql statements in a stored procedure. Thanks


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Execute Stored Proc On A Named Instance

Jun 2, 2006

I think I'm being a bit thick, but I just cannot figure out the proper syntax to call a stored proc on a SQL named instance I have. I've tried many variations, but here is the basic format of what I'm trying:

EXEC ServerInstance.DB.dbo.usp_fm_proc 1

It seems it doesn't like the as I get an error "Incorrect syntax near 'Instance'.

What am I missing here?

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Aug 6, 2007

My Package Exist in

C:WROXWROXinexcel_database package exist
OR sql server agent ->job-> excel_database package exist
now i want to excute the from master database how please send the
stored procedure code


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Building Dynamic Sql In Stored Proc Issue

Oct 14, 2004

Hi all,

I'm gonna need some help with this one.

I have this stored procedure written up that basically builds a dataset by querying a bunch of tables using outer joins. Our problem now is that it seems it takes a while for the dataset to pull back across the network. We would hence like to filter that dataset by adding on to the query in the procedure dynamically. Heres the query from the proc below:

IsNull(dbo.N_CLIENT.SURNAME, '') + ', ' + IsNull(dbo.N_CLIENT.FIRST_NAME, '') AS Client_FullName,
FROM N_Alumni
WHERE N_Alumni.Client_ID = N_Client.Client_ID) AS Alumni,
FROM N_XREF_Client_Activity
WHERE N_XREF_Client_Activity.Client_ID = N_Client.Client_ID AND Activity_ID = 1) AS SandB,
FROM N_XREF_Client_Activity
WHERE N_XREF_Client_Activity.Client_ID = N_Client.Client_ID AND Activity_ID = 1) AS SandBMailer,
FROM N_Vw_Client_BAH_Contact
WHERE Relationship_Type_Code = 'MM' AND N_Vw_client_BAH_Contact.Client_ID = N_Client.Client_ID) AS MMEMPNID,
dbo.N_CLIENT.SURNAME AS Client_Surname,
dbo.N_CLIENT.FIRST_NAME AS Client_FirstName,
(SELECT IsNull(N_Vw_Client_BAH_Contact.First_Name, '') + ' ' + IsNull(N_Vw_Client_BAH_Contact.Surname, '')
FROM N_Vw_Client_BAH_Contact
WHERE Relationship_Type_Code = 'PC' AND N_Vw_client_BAH_Contact.Client_ID = N_Client.Client_ID) AS PCFullName,
FROM N_Vw_Client_BAH_Contact
WHERE Relationship_Type_Code = 'PC' AND N_Vw_client_BAH_Contact.Client_ID = N_Client.Client_ID) AS PCEMPNID,
(SELECT NMT_Practice_Code
FROM N_Vw_Client_BAH_Contact
WHERE Relationship_Type_Code = 'PC' AND N_Vw_client_BAH_Contact.Client_ID = N_Client.Client_ID) AS NMT_Practice_Code,
(SELECT NMT_Practice_Name
FROM N_Vw_Client_BAH_Contact
WHERE Relationship_Type_Code = 'PC' AND N_Vw_client_BAH_Contact.Client_ID = N_Client.Client_ID) AS NMT_Practice_Name,
#returnTable.FunctionID as Function_ID,
#returnTable.FunctionName as Function_Name,
(SELECT IsNull(N_Vw_Client_BAH_Contact.First_Name, '') + ' ' + IsNull(N_Vw_Client_BAH_Contact.Surname, '')
FROM N_Vw_Client_BAH_Contact
WHERE Relationship_Type_Code = 'CSO' AND N_Vw_client_BAH_Contact.Client_ID = N_Client.Client_ID) AS CSOFullName,
FROM N_Vw_Client_BAH_Contact
WHERE Relationship_Type_Code = 'CSO' AND N_Vw_client_BAH_Contact.Client_ID = N_Client.Client_ID) AS CSOEMPNID,
#returnTable ON #returnTable.CLIENT_ID = dbo.N_CLIENT.CLIENT_ID
ORDER BY N_Client.client_id
Where upper(title) like '%parameter_value%'
and company_id = 'parameter_value'
and Nmt_practice_code = 'parameter_value' ...............and so on

What we would like to do is to add 15 (where some may be null) input parameters to the definition of the query and then somehow (where the parameter is not null), dynamically add that parameter to the WHERE clause of the query illustrated in italics above. The bold print are examples of 3 of the 15 parameters to be passed into the query by the proc, so basically
title, company_id,Nmt_practice_code would be the 3 parameters being passed into this proc.

So in other words if 9 parameters out of the 15 are passed into the proc, we would like those 9 parameters to be added/built dynamically onto the SQL Query as 9 predicates. I hope I have been clear. Does anyone have any experience with this??? Help!!


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SQL 2012 :: Granting Permissions To Execute Stored Procedure

Apr 28, 2015

I have stored procedures. I have heard that it is a best practice to use stored procedures to encapsulate some SQL statements and then grant permissions to execute the stored procedure. But when I try this and use EXECUTE AS to test it out, the user in question gets errors about not having access to some of the underlying objects.

How does this best practice work? If I need to grant the user permissions to the underlying objects anyway, I am not sure why a stored procedure is considered best practice in this regard.

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Execute Stored Proc Using A Proxy Account In 2005

Sep 18, 2007

Hi all,
I have a problem while i create a proxy account in SQL Sever 2005.The situation is like this...There is a user who has an login in to the server.He has a stored procedure which calls some on the SSIS packages and XP_cmdshell...so this stored procedure basically load some data in to the tables .So for the login in order to execute the stored procedure as he is not a Sys admin I have created a proxy account in my account as Iam an SA and then in the proxies and in principals I selected his login name and this way I have created a credential and a proxy account.

Now the problem is if he logins with his id and password and try to execute the stored procedure it gives an error message

Server: Msg 15153, Level 16, State 1, Procedure xp_cmdshell, Line 1
The xp_cmdshell proxy account information cannot be retrieved or is invalid. Verify that the '##xp_cmdshell_proxy_account##' credential exists and contains valid information.

....so this mean the login is not able to see the proxy account.So what I did is I created a job and then in the job owner tab I have selected his login and then created a step with the type operating system (CmdExec) as I need to just execute the stored procedure and used the proxy account that I have created.

so I gave the command -- exec <stored procedure> --.
But this job fails and gives the error message as
[298] SQLServer Error: 536, Invalid length parameter passed to the SUBSTRING function. [SQLSTATE 42000]....

So now ....first My question is am I doing in a right way....if its right then why Iam not able to execute the stored procedure.

If there is any other way through which I can execute the stored procedure using a proxy account for the logins who are not sys admins....please do let me know.....


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Can't Pass In GUID When Using Execute Stored Proc In VS 2008

Apr 8, 2008

I am trying to test a stored proc and I can't execute the stored proc when I use a Guid. Has anyboyd had the same problem. I right click in VS 2008 on the Stored proc click Execute and fill in the variables one of them is a Guid and no records are returned.

Here is my guid, I have tried '{0a5c25fa-3aac-4abc-8d07-6d76ab46c9b2}', {0a5c25fa-3aac-4abc-8d07-6d76ab46c9b2} and "0a5c25fa-3aac-4abc-8d07-6d76ab46c9b2" no success. This stored proc might not work but I have had the same issue with other stored procs when I wanted to test them by using execute and using a Guid.

Testing with an int works fine when I try to Select the records by UserID which is a Guid no cigar. I have notice this behavier before is there a way around this problem, thanks newbie

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SQL Server 2012 :: Run DBCC Inside Stored Proc Using EXECUTE AS

Mar 18, 2014

I am a SysAdmin on a test/dev SQL instance. Other non-sysadmin users (developers) need the ability to execute DBCC commands like the following:


I tried creating a store proc in a user database and granting those non-sysadmin users EXECUTE permission on it as so:

CREATE PROC spFreeSystemCache

When I try to create this proc, I get the following error:

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure spFreeSystemCache, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near 'sa'.

Ok, so I can't EXECUTE AS sa...

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How To Execute A Dynamic SQL With Integer Parameter For Stored Procedure?

Sep 17, 2007

I'm having problem on trying to execute a query in stored procedure that has parameters as a integer. The parameter with the integer is in the WHERE clause. If I take out the WHERE clause, it would work. If I take out the parameter and replace it with a value, it would work. I have try using the CONVERT function to convert it to an integer, still no luck.
Error:  Unterminated String Constant.
What is the problem?
Set @strSQL='Select * From(SELECT Row_Number() Over(Order By ' + @SortExpression + ') as Row_Count,Rank() Over (Order By ' + @SortExpression + ') as TableInfo_ColumnSort,dbo.EVENT_LOGS.EVENTLOG_ID, dbo.USERS.USERNAME, dbo.EVENT_LOGS.ITEM_TYPE, dbo.EVENT_LOGS.SCREEN_ID, dbo.EVENT_LOGS.CHANGE_TYPE, dbo.EVENT_LOGS.IP_ADDRESS, dbo.EVENT_LOGS.CREATE_DATE,dbo.USERS.FIRST_NAME,dbo.USERS.Last_NAMEFROM dbo.EVENT_LOGS INNER JOINdbo.USERS ON dbo.EVENT_LOGS.USER_UID = dbo.USERS.USERID) as TableInfoWhere Row_Count Between ' + @startRowIndex + ' and ' + @maxRowIndex + ' ';Exec(@strSQL);

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Execute Big Dynamic SQL In Stored Procedure To Create View

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to create a dynamic SQL statement to create a view.I have a stored procedure, which based on the parameters passed callsdifferent stored procedures. Each of this sub stored procedure createsa string of custom SQL statement and returns this string back to themain stored procedure.This SQL statements work fine on there own. The SQL returned from thesub stored procedure are returned fine. The datatype of the variablethat this sql is stored in Varchar(I have tried using nvarchar alsosame problem).If I have more that 6 SQL statements concated then the main SQL getscut off. It doesnt matter in what sequence I create the main SQL.Here is the Stored procedure/**********************************************//*Main Stored Procedure *//**********************************************/CREATE PROC sp_generate_invoice1 @prev_date NVarchar(1000) ,@prev_month NVarchar(32)ASDECLARE invoice_driver_cur CURSOR FORSelect driversid From Invoice_driversOpen invoice_driver_curDeclare@C VARCHAR(8000),@L_args Varchar(8000),@@sqlstmt Varchar(8000),@L_driverid Int,@L_rowcount IntSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONSET TEXTSIZE 32768Set @L_rowcount = 0-- Drop the previous ViewIF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWSWHERE TABLE_NAME = 'custom_invoice')DROP VIEW custom_invoiceFetch Next From invoice_driver_curInto @L_driverid-- Create the new ViewSet @L_args = N'Create View custom_invoice As'--Select @L_driveridWHILE( @@FETCH_STATUS = 0)BEGINSet @L_rowcount = @L_rowcount + 1select @L_driveridIf @L_driverid = 2BeginExec sp_invoice_driver2 @prev_date, @prev_month, @@sqlstmt OutputIf @L_rowcount > 1BeginSet @C = @L_args + ' Union ' + @@sqlstmtEndElseBeginSet @C = @L_args + @@sqlstmtEndEndIf @L_driverid = 3BeginExec sp_invoice_driver3 @prev_date, @prev_month, @@sqlstmt OutputIf @L_rowcount > 1BeginSet @C = @C + ' Union ' + @@sqlstmtEndElseBeginSet @C = @L_args + @@sqlstmtEndEndIf @L_driverid = 4BeginExec sp_invoice_driver4 @prev_date, @prev_month, @@sqlstmt OutputIf @L_rowcount > 1BeginSet @C = @C + ' Union ' + @@sqlstmtEndElseBeginSet @C = @L_args + @@sqlstmtEndEndIf @L_driverid = 5BeginExec sp_invoice_driver5 @prev_date, @prev_month, @@sqlstmt OutputIf @L_rowcount > 1BeginSet @C = @C + ' Union ' + @@sqlstmtEndElseBeginSet @C = @L_args + @@sqlstmtEndEndIf @L_driverid = 6BeginExec sp_invoice_driver6 @prev_date, @prev_month, @@sqlstmt OutputIf @L_rowcount > 1BeginSet @C = @C + ' Union ' + @@sqlstmtEndElseBeginSet @C = @L_args + @@sqlstmtEndEndIf @L_driverid = 7BeginExec sp_invoice_driver7 @prev_date, @prev_month, @@sqlstmt OutputIf @L_rowcount > 1BeginSet @C = @C + ' Union ' + @@sqlstmtEndElseBeginSet @C = @L_args + @@sqlstmtEndEndIf @L_driverid = 8BeginExec sp_invoice_driver8 @prev_date, @prev_month, @@sqlstmt OutputIf @L_rowcount > 1BeginSet @C = @C + ' Union ' + @@sqlstmtEndElseBeginSet @C = @L_args + @@sqlstmtEndEndIf @L_driverid = 10BeginExec sp_invoice_driver_niku @prev_date, @prev_month, @L_driverid,@@sqlstmt OutputIf @L_rowcount > 1BeginSet @C = @C + ' Union ' + @@sqlstmtEndElseBeginSet @C = @L_args + @@sqlstmtEndEndPrint @CFetch Next From invoice_driver_curInto @L_driveridContinueEndClose invoice_driver_curDeAllocate invoice_driver_curExec (@C)--EXEC sp_executesql @CGO/**********************************************//*Sub Procedure sp_invoice_driver2 *//**********************************************/CREATE PROC sp_invoice_driver2 @args NVarchar(1000), @prev_monthNVarchar(100),@sqlstmt Varchar(8000) OutputASSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONSET @sqlstmt = ' Select 1 SortOrder ,( SELECT Drivers.Description) Description,(BillingReport.Active_Accounts * Cast(Fee.fee_rate As decimal(4,2))) / 12 Amount,Drivers.CurrencyFROM BillingReport, Drivers, FeeWHERE ( Fee.Driverid = Drivers.Driversid ) andDrivers.Driversid = 2 andbillingreport.fromdate = ''' + Cast(@args As NVARCHAR(20)) + '''andfee.currentmonth = ''' + Cast(@prev_month As NVARCHAR(12)) +' '''GO/**********************************************/This is what the Print Statement give:/**********************************************/Create View custom_invoice As Select 1 SortOrder ,( SELECT Drivers.Description) Description,(BillingReport.Active_Accounts * Cast(Fee.fee_rate As decimal(4,2))) / 12 Amount,Drivers.CurrencyFROM BillingReport, Drivers, FeeWHERE ( Fee.Driverid = Drivers.Driversid ) andDrivers.Driversid = 2 andbillingreport.fromdate = '9/1/2004' andfee.currentmonth = 'September ' Union Select 2,(SELECT Drivers.Description),(BillingReport.Zero_Balance * Cast(Fee.fee_rate As decimal(9,2) ))/ 12 Amount,Drivers.CurrencyFROM BillingReport, Drivers, FeeWHERE ( Fee.Driverid = Drivers.Driversid ) andbillingreport.fromdate = '9/1/2004' andfee.currentmonth = 'September' andDrivers.Driversid = 3 Union Select 3,(Select Drivers.Description From Drivers Where DriversID = 4),Count(*) * Cast((select fee.fee_ratefrom fee, driverswhere Fee.Driverid = Drivers.Driversid andfee.currentmonth = 'September' andDrivers.Driversid = 4 )As decimal(6,2)) / 12,(Select Drivers.CurrencyFrom Drivers Where DriversID = 4)From Fund Union Select 4,(Select Drivers.Description From Drivers Where DriversID = 5),(((Sum(BillingReport.Man_Reg_Purch + BillingReport.Man_Reg_Red +BillingReport.Man_Reg_Transexch +BillingReport.Man_Allo_Purch +BillingReport.Man_Allo_Red +BillingReport.Man_Allo_Transexch +BillingReport.Man_Allo_Adj_Purch +BillingReport.Man_Allo_Adj_Red +BillingReport.Man_Allo_Adj_Transexch +BillingReport.Man_Adj_Purch +BillingReport.Man_Adj_Red +BillingReport.Man_Adj_Transexch ) ) +(Select Sum(Cast(satuscnt As int ))From Awd_stubWhere CurrentMonth = 'September'))) *(Cast((select fee.fee_ratefrom fee, driverswhere Fee.Driverid = Drivers.Driversid andfee.currentmonth = 'September' andDrivers.Driversid = 5 )As decimal(6,2))),(Select Drivers.Currency From Drivers Where DriversID = 5)FROM BillingReportWhere billingreport.fromdate = '9/1/2004' Union Select 5,(Select Drivers.Description From Drivers Where DriversID = 6),( Sum( BillingReport.Auto_Reg_Purch +BillingReport.Auto_Reg_Red +BillingReport.Auto_Reg_TRansexch +BillingReport.Auto_Allo_Purch+BillingReport.Auto_Allo_Red +BillingReport.Auto_Allo_Transexch+BillingReport.Auto_Allo_Adj_Purch+BillingReport.Auto_Allo_Adj_Red+BillingReport.Auto_Allo_Adj_transexch+BillingReport.Auto_Adj_Purch+BillingReport.Auto_Adj_Red+BillingReport.Auto_Adj_Transexch )+(Select Sum(Cast(Processed_msg As Int))From XML_messagingWhere CurrentMonth = 'September'))*(Cast((select fee.fee_ratefrom fee, driverswhere Fee.Driverid = Drivers.Driversid andfee.currentmonth = 'September' andDrivers.Driversid = 6 )As decimal(6,2))),(Select Drivers.Currency From Drivers Where DriversID = 6)FROM BillingReportWhere billingreport.fromdate = '9/1/2004' Union Select 6,(Select Drivers.Description From Drivers Where DriversID = 7),( ( a.Accountholder_Active_Accounts -(select accountholder_active_accounts from billingreport whereMonth(fromdate) = Month('9/1/2004')-1 ) )+( a.Accountholder_Zero_Balance -(select accountholder_zero_balance from billingreport whereMonth(fromdate) = Month('9/1/2004')-1 ))) *(Cast((select fee.fee_ratefrom fee, driverswhere Fee.Driverid = Drivers.Driversid andfee.currentmonth = 'September' andDrivers.Driversid = 7 )As decimal(6,2))),(Select Drivers.Currency From Drivers Where DriversID = 7)FROM BillingReport a Where a.fromdate = '9/1/2004' Union Select 7,(Select Drivers.Description From Drivers Where DriversID = 8),( Select telephone From cfxbill Where currentmonth = 'September') *(Cast((select feThanks for any helpMD

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