Execute Stored Proc From OLE DB Destination

Apr 19, 2007

is is posible to execute a stored proc (with parameters) from an OLE DB Destination ??

reason we are trying this is cos

our current setup is an OLE DB Command doing the first database update and then passing over to an OLE DB Destination that does the second update. There is error handling coming off the OLE DB Command to a Script component that passes to an OLE DB Destination.

we are having a problem getting the error reporting working from the OLE DB Command - the updates work fine - but not getting any updates of the error database when there is an error.

have got the error reporting fine on the OLE DB Destination.

if we can execute the stored proc from the OLE DB Destination, we will then do both updates via one stored procedure executed by the OLE DB Destination.



n.b. think the updating of the error logs from the OLE DB Command used to work - but cant get it to work now ??!!!!??

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Execute Stored Procedure Y Asynchronously From Stored Proc X Using SQL Server 2000

Oct 14, 2007

I am calling a stored procedure (say X) and from that stored procedure (i mean X) i want to call another stored procedure (say Y)asynchoronoulsy. Once stored procedure X is completed then i want to return execution to main program. In background, Stored procedure Y will contiue his work. Please let me know how to do that using SQL Server 2000 and ASP.NET 2.

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Execute Stored Proc And Then Return A Value

Jul 13, 2004

ok I have a stored procedure in my MS-SQL Server database.
It looks something like this.....


declare @IDFound bigint
declare @LastChangedDate datetime

select @LastChangedDate = GetDate()
select @IDFound = PK_ID from PCPartsList where ProdCode = @ProdCode

if @IDFound > 0
update PCPartsList set Description = @Description, ManCode = @ManCode, ProdCode = @ProdCode, Price = @Price, Comments = @Comments, LastChanged = @LastChangedDate where PK_ID = @IDFound
insert into PCPartsList (Description, ManCode, ProdCode, Price, Comments, LastChanged) values(@Description, @ManCode, @ProdCode, @Price, @Comments, @LastChangedDate)

It executes fine so I know i've done that much right....
But what i'd like to know is how I can then return a value - specifically @LastDateChanged variable

I think this is a case of i've done the hard part but i'm stuck on the simple part - but i'm very slowly dragging my way through learning SQL.
Someone help?

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Is It Possible To Execute Package Through Stored Proc

Jul 7, 2006

is there a way to execute SSIS Package through stored proceedure.

Or any other method of executing the SSIS Package command line in stored proceedure



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Execute Multiple SQL Statements In Stored Proc

Nov 1, 2005

Hi, I have a table containing SQl statements. I need to extract the statements and execute them through stored procedure(have any better ideas?)

Table Test

Id Description

1Insert into test(Id,Name) Values (1,'Ron')
2Update Test Set Name = 'Robert' where Id = 1
3Delete from Test where Id = 1

In my stored procedure, i want to execute the above statements in the order they were inserted into the table. Can Someone shed some light on how to execute multiple sql statements in a stored procedure. Thanks


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Execute Stored Proc On A Named Instance

Jun 2, 2006

I think I'm being a bit thick, but I just cannot figure out the proper syntax to call a stored proc on a SQL named instance I have. I've tried many variations, but here is the basic format of what I'm trying:

EXEC ServerInstance.DB.dbo.usp_fm_proc 1

It seems it doesn't like the as I get an error "Incorrect syntax near 'Instance'.

What am I missing here?

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Aug 6, 2007

My Package Exist in

C:WROXWROXinexcel_database package exist
OR sql server agent ->job-> excel_database package exist
now i want to excute the from master database how please send the
stored procedure code


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Execute Stored Proc Using A Proxy Account In 2005

Sep 18, 2007

Hi all,
I have a problem while i create a proxy account in SQL Sever 2005.The situation is like this...There is a user who has an login in to the server.He has a stored procedure which calls some on the SSIS packages and XP_cmdshell...so this stored procedure basically load some data in to the tables .So for the login in order to execute the stored procedure as he is not a Sys admin I have created a proxy account in my account as Iam an SA and then in the proxies and in principals I selected his login name and this way I have created a credential and a proxy account.

Now the problem is if he logins with his id and password and try to execute the stored procedure it gives an error message

Server: Msg 15153, Level 16, State 1, Procedure xp_cmdshell, Line 1
The xp_cmdshell proxy account information cannot be retrieved or is invalid. Verify that the '##xp_cmdshell_proxy_account##' credential exists and contains valid information.

....so this mean the login is not able to see the proxy account.So what I did is I created a job and then in the job owner tab I have selected his login and then created a step with the type operating system (CmdExec) as I need to just execute the stored procedure and used the proxy account that I have created.

so I gave the command -- exec <stored procedure> --.
But this job fails and gives the error message as
[298] SQLServer Error: 536, Invalid length parameter passed to the SUBSTRING function. [SQLSTATE 42000]....

So now ....first My question is am I doing in a right way....if its right then why Iam not able to execute the stored procedure.

If there is any other way through which I can execute the stored procedure using a proxy account for the logins who are not sys admins....please do let me know.....


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Can't Pass In GUID When Using Execute Stored Proc In VS 2008

Apr 8, 2008

I am trying to test a stored proc and I can't execute the stored proc when I use a Guid. Has anyboyd had the same problem. I right click in VS 2008 on the Stored proc click Execute and fill in the variables one of them is a Guid and no records are returned.

Here is my guid, I have tried '{0a5c25fa-3aac-4abc-8d07-6d76ab46c9b2}', {0a5c25fa-3aac-4abc-8d07-6d76ab46c9b2} and "0a5c25fa-3aac-4abc-8d07-6d76ab46c9b2" no success. This stored proc might not work but I have had the same issue with other stored procs when I wanted to test them by using execute and using a Guid.

Testing with an int works fine when I try to Select the records by UserID which is a Guid no cigar. I have notice this behavier before is there a way around this problem, thanks newbie

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SQL Server 2012 :: Run DBCC Inside Stored Proc Using EXECUTE AS

Mar 18, 2014

I am a SysAdmin on a test/dev SQL instance. Other non-sysadmin users (developers) need the ability to execute DBCC commands like the following:


I tried creating a store proc in a user database and granting those non-sysadmin users EXECUTE permission on it as so:

CREATE PROC spFreeSystemCache

When I try to create this proc, I get the following error:

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure spFreeSystemCache, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near 'sa'.

Ok, so I can't EXECUTE AS sa...

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Execute Dynamic SQL Stored Proc Without Specifying Table Level Permissions

Sep 17, 2007

I am writing a SQL 2000 stored procedure which uses an €˜EXEC @sqlString€™ statement. The @sqlString is generated at runtime. I want to give as few permissions as possible and currently allow users to access the database tables using only the stored procedures provided. However, with €˜Exec€™ I discover that I need to grant permissions on the actual tables to the users or groups. I would like to avoid this. I would also prefer not having to maintain a separate user with table level permissions and hardcoding the stored procedure with these details.
Is there anyway for me to dynamically generate the required SQL statement within my stored procedure and let SQL know that this stored procedure is allowed to select whatever tables it wants to without having to define permissions on the tables?

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Not Able To Create Hash Table Inside Stored Proc Through Execute Sp_executesql @strQuery

Aug 21, 2007

i need to create temporary table inside SP.
i having one string variable @strQuery which contain dynamic query inside SP.
i am executing that trhough execute sp_executesql @strQuery once query build.

now instead of select query , i want to creat hash table.
so i wrote :

set @strQuery = "Select * into #tmp_tbl from table_name..."
when i tried to execute it through

execute sp_executesql @strQuery , its giving error 'Invalid object name '#tmp_tbl'
If i removed Hash then it works fine. even for double Hash also its work fine.
but i want hash table only as i want that table local to that user.

Even direct execution of select statement without @strQuery works fine. but i want to execute @strQuery through execute sp_executesql @strQuery only as query is dynamic .

please guide me how to do this?
its very urgent for me.
thanks in advance.

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Can You Trace Into A Stored Proc? Also Does RAISERROR Terminate The Stored Proc Execution.

Feb 13, 2008

I am working with a large application and am trying to track down a bug. I believe an error that occurs in the stored procedure isbubbling back up to the application and is causing the application not to run. Don't ask why, but we do not have some of the sourcecode that was used to build the application, so I am not able to trace into the code.
So basically I want to examine the stored procedure. If I run the stored procedure through Query Analyzer, I get the following error message:
Msg 2758, Level 16, State 1, Procedure GetPortalSettings, Line 74RAISERROR could not locate entry for error 60002 in sysmessages.
(1 row(s) affected)
(1 row(s) affected)
I don't know if the error message is sufficient enough to cause the application from not running? Does anyone know? If the RAISERROR occursmdiway through the stored procedure, does the stored procedure terminate execution?
Also, Is there a way to trace into a stored procedure through Query Analyzer?
-------------------------------------------As a side note, below is a small portion of my stored proc where the error is being raised:
SELECT  @PortalPermissionValue = isnull(max(PermissionValue),0)FROM Permission, PermissionType, #GroupsWHERE Permission.ResourceId = @PortalIdAND  Permission.PartyId = #Groups.PartyIdAND Permission.PermissionTypeId = PermissionType.PermissionTypeId
IF @PortalPermissionValue = 0BEGIN RAISERROR (60002, 16, 1) return -3END 

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Stored Proc - Calling A Remote Stored Proc

Aug 24, 2006

I am having trouble executing a stored procedure on a remote server. On my
local server, I have a linked server setup as follows:

This works fine on my local server:

Select * From [Server1.abcd.myserver.comSQLServer2005,1563].DatabaseName.dbo.TableName

This does not work (Attempting to execute a remote stored proc named 'Data_Add':

Exec [Server1.abcd.myserver.comSQLServer2005,1563].DatabaseName.Data_Add 1,'Hello Moto'

When I attempt to run the above, I get the following error:
Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'Server1.abcd.myserver.comSQLServer2005,1563'.
No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.

Could anyone shed some light on what I need to do to get this to work?

Thanks - Amos.

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Stored Proc Question : Why If Exisits...Drop...Create Proc?

Jun 15, 2006

Hi All,Quick question, I have always heard it best practice to check for exist, ifso, drop, then create the proc. I just wanted to know why that's a bestpractice. I am trying to put that theory in place at my work, but they areasking for a good reason to do this before actually implementing. All Icould think of was that so when you're creating a proc you won't get anerror if the procedure already exists, but doesn't it also have to do withCompilation and perhaps Execution. Does anyone have a good argument fordoing stored procs this way? All feedback is appreciated.TIA,~CK

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ASP Cannot Run Stored Proc Until The Web User Has Run The Proc In Query Analyzer

Feb 23, 2007

I have an ASP that has been working fine for several months, but itsuddenly broke. I wonder if windows update has installed some securitypatch that is causing it.The problem is that I am calling a stored procedure via an ASP(classic, not .NET) , but nothing happens. The procedure doesn't work,and I don't get any error messages.I've tried dropping and re-creating the user and permissions, to noavail. If it was a permissions problem, there would be an errormessage. I trace the calls in Profiler, and it has no complaints. Thedatabase is getting the stored proc call.I finally got it to work again, but this is not a viable solution forour production environment:1. response.write the SQL call to the stored procedure from the ASPand copy the text to the clipboard.2. log in to QueryAnalyzer using the same user as used by the ASP.3. paste and run the SQL call to the stored proc in query analyzer.After I have done this, it not only works in Query Analyzer, but thenthe ASP works too. It continues to work, even after I reboot themachine. This is truly bizzare and has us stumped. My hunch is thatwindows update installed something that has created this issue, but Ihave not been able to track it down.

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Execute MDX From SQL Proc

Sep 5, 2004


Can someone shed some light??? I have searched hi and low for an answer to my dilemma. I have an mdx query that works fine in my olap environment but when I try to run the same query from sql 2000, one of my calculations comes back as a long int and includes (E-02) at the end. Can you please review my store procedure and provide some insight?



@Level int,
@year int,
@week int,
@PrintMDX int = 0



DECLARE @MDX varchar(4000),
@CubeQuery varchar(4500), @Leaf int, @Tier int

SET @MDX = '''
MEMBER [Measures].[OrgName] As ''''[GL].CurrentMember.Name''''
MEMBER [Measures].[LevelSKey] As ''''[GL].CurrentMember.Properties("Key")''''
MEMBER [Measures].[OrgType] As ''''Iif(IsLeaf([GL].CurrentMember), 1, 0)''''
MEMBER Measures.Lookp AS '''' LookupCube("cubeName", "(Measures.Customers, " + [GL].CurrentMember.UniqueName + "," + [Week].CurrentMember.UniqueName + ")" )''''

MEMBER Measures.Trend AS '''' Measures.Customers / LookupCube("cubeName", "(Measures.Customers, " + [GL].CurrentMember.UniqueName + "," + [Week].CurrentMember.UniqueName + ")" )''''
, SOLVE_ORDER = 1, FORMAT_STRING = ''''Percent''''

{ [Week].[' + CAST(@year AS VARCHAR) + '].[Week ' + CAST(@week AS VARCHAR)+ '].Lag(12) : [Week].[' + CAST(@year AS VARCHAR) + '].[Week ' + CAST(@week AS VARCHAR) + '] },
{ Measures.OrgName, Measures.LevelSKey, Measures.OrgType, Measures.Customers, Measures.Lookp , Measures.Trend
{ [GL].&[' + CAST (@Level AS VARCHAR) + '].Children } ON Rows
FROM [cubeName]

( [Monthly Income].[All Monthly Income].[Y],[Contact Events].[All Contact Events].[Y],
[Other Financial].[All Other Financial].[Y],[Bankers Notes].[All Bankers Notes].[Y],
[Employer Name].[All Employer Name].[Y] )
SELECT @CubeQuery =
FROM OPENQUERY(ReportDBMart, ' + @MDX + ')'
IF @PrintMDX = 1


The following is the value that I get back.
9.4993517502742597E-2 and is derived from Measures.Trend.

My guess is that it doesn’t recognize FORMAT_STRING = ''''Percent'''' or its trying to return a numeric value inside a varchar. Any thoughts???

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Error During Execute A JOB With Data Task SQL Server Destination

Dec 19, 2007

Hi all, I got this scope:
- SSIS and SQL server are on the same machine
- myPackage run perfectly on debug mode and also via DTSexec choosing from stored package directory

My problem is when try to run the REAL job.
Always got an error.
The import process has failed: Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(97). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.

This is a generic error and don't give me any feedback...one time is on data task A another to diffrent.
SSIS pkg are compose by 34 data task...they insert into SQL server destination a RAW file source.
SQL destination is the same machine of SQL server services and files are store to another machine...is a share like

I have try to run job with different agent (sql agent) and proxy user (same of the log-in sql server machine) where I 'm on.
But always have error.

Now, I'm death point, 'cause PKG run ok into Debug and DTSexec...job is failure and all logs that I write ara vague.
Some data task have big numbr of row like 95000, 625000, 53000....
But I have no one buffer error...anyway I have increase the defaultNumberOfMaxRow on the proprety for "my personal security" but no way out....

Can be a problem of buffer?? A memory problem, maybe I must use anyway DBole destination??

this error message on windows log under history SSIS...'cause I got an handler on PKG

Executed as a user: LQS1 sql. ... Ersion 9.00.3042.00 systems to 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Start: 15.52.26 Error: 2007-12-19 15:53:26.52 Code: 0xC002F210 Origin: Important Team Activities Run SQL Description: Running query "EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @ profile_name = 'ePrice Alerts', @ recipients = 'myemail @ importance =' High ', @ subject =' Import site hours 19/12/2007 15.53.03 is Failure in task: SSIS: error sku task to define, @ body = 'The import process is failed: Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry. ", @ body_format = 'TEXT' failed with the error:" Incorrect syntax near activity. ". Possible causes: problems in the query, setting incorrect property "ResultSet" parameters that do not correct ... Implementation of the package ... not rius Step failed.

SQLserver LOG from SSIS execution
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Enforcement query "EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @ profile_name = 'ePrice Alerts', @ = recipients'myEMAIL', @ importance = 'High', @ subject = 'Import site hours 19/12/2007 15.52.50 is FALLITA in task: SSIS: error in task boxes Home products', @ body = 'import process failed: Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry. ", @ body_format = 'TEXT' failed with the error: "Incorrect syntax near activity.". Possible causes: problems in the query, setting incorrect property "ResultSet" parameters set correctly or not problems activation of the connection.
Enforcement query "EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @ profile_name = 'ePrice Alerts', @ = recipients' myEmail', @ importance = 'High', @ subject = 'Import site hours 19/12/2007 15.52.50 is FALLITA in task: SSIS: error in task boxes Home products', @ body = 'import process failed: Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry. ", @ body_format = 'TEXT' failed with the error: "Incorrect syntax near activity.". Possible causes: problems in the query, setting incorrect property "ResultSet" parameters set correctly or not problems activation of the connection.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(128). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(128). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(128). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Enforcement query "EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @ profile_name = 'ePrice Alerts', @ = recipients' myEmail', @ importance = 'High', @ subject = 'Import site hours 19/12/2007 15.52.50 is FALLITA in task: SSIS: error task Payment methods tasks', @ body = 'import process failed: Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry. ", @ body_format = 'TEXT' failed with the error: "Incorrect syntax near activity.". Possible causes: problems in the query, setting incorrect property "ResultSet" parameters set correctly or not problems activation of the connection.
Enforcement query "EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @ profile_name = 'ePrice Alerts', @ = recipients' myEMAIL', @ importance = 'High', @ subject = 'Import site hours 19/12/2007 15.52.50 is FALLITA in task: SSIS: error task Payment methods tasks', @ body = 'import process failed: Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry. ", @ body_format = 'TEXT' failed with the error: "Incorrect syntax near activity.". Possible causes: problems in the query, setting incorrect property "ResultSet" parameters set correctly or not problems activation of the connection.
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(169). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(169). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(169). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.
Enforcement query "EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @ profile_name = 'ePrice Alerts', @ = recipients' myEMAIL', @ importance = 'High', @ subject = 'Import site hours 19/12/2007 15.52.50 is FALLITA in task: SSIS: error task Payment methods tasks', @ body = 'import process failed: Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry. ", @ body_format = 'TEXT' failed with the error: "Incorrect syntax near activity.". Possible causes: problems in the query, setting incorrect property "ResultSet" parameters set correctly or not problems activation of the connection.
Enforcement query "EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @ profile_name = 'ePrice Alerts', @ = recipients' myEMAIL', @ importance = 'High', @ subject = 'Import site hours 19/12/2007 15.52.50 is FALLITA in task: SSIS: error task Payment methods tasks', @ body = 'import process failed: Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry. ", @ body_format = 'TEXT' failed with the error: "Incorrect syntax near activity.". Possible causes: problems in the query, setting incorrect property "ResultSet" parameters set correctly or not problems activation of the connection.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(212). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(212). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(3409). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(3409). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(212). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(3409). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(188). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(97). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(188). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(150). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(97). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.
Unable to prepare activity Added mass SSIS for data entry.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(188). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(150). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(97). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(150). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(509). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(509). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.
Unable to complete the phase pre-esecuzione for component SQL Server Destination "(509). Error code returned: 0xC0202071.

Hope in someone...Alen Italy

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Trigger To Execute A Proc

Jul 20, 2015

I wanted to execute a proc whenever a new login or a login is droped is created on the server. I was trying for CREATE_LOGIN in the following code but not able to capture the loginname and pass it to the proc.

Server object Trigger:-
USE [master]
/****** Object: DdlTrigger [LoginCreateTrigger] Script Date: 7/20/2015 3:41:06 AM ******/


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Integeration Service (SISS) - SQL Execute Task (destination Table)??

Oct 8, 2007

I had created an Script Task to put data into the few variables then I created an SQL Execute Task to use the SQL query to collect data from a database. Now I want to put that data into a different database.

I noticed it can not be done because the SQL Execute Task is one object and the other object is Data Flow Task. (The Destination database is inside that object).

So, if it is possible then how? If not then what should be done instead?


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Execute A Flatfile Source To Oledb Destination For Each File In A Folder.

Jan 24, 2007

Hello, I wanted to do the following.

Copy a full directory from source to destination (Done)

then for each file on the destination directory,it must process that file and insert rows on the table.

So I created a foreach loop, and created a varriable aclled CURRENTFILENAME, and assigned it into the foreachloop to index 0.

Inside the foreachloop I created a dataflow task, in the dataflow task I dragged a flat file source and an oledb destination, but I noticed that the flat file source requires flat file manager, and the flat file manager requires a unique FILE NAME. I cant put this c:copia*.txt.

I took a loot at flat file source properties and it has associated the flat file manager, but I can not assign the filename to the variable from the foreach.

Any ideas please

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Integration Services :: Possible To Get Output Of Execute Task To Excel Destination

Jul 10, 2015

IS that possible to get teh output of a execute sql task to excel destination.I have query which will comapre the  data difference between two databses. It will comapre all tables in both databses and list out the difference in data by each table. I need to run this query using SSIS and need to get the output to a excel sheet...I have used the data flow task to run this query but my query is giving some error when used with data flow task. So i have used excecute sql task and need to write teh out put to a excel sheet.

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Need Help Executing A Proc In Execute SQL Task

Jan 12, 2008

I am trying to use an Execute SQL Task to execute a stored procedure with parameters in SSIS but it keeps giving me errors, for example I type in 'exec someproc ?, ?, ?' in SQL Task it wouldnt parse correctly and when I set the bypassPrepare to 'true' the package runs but gives me error at the destination saying couldnt find stored procedure 'someProc'.

Does anybody know how I can solve this problem?

Also how do I pass the results of the queries in the Execute SQL Task into the Data Flow Task? The proc is supposed to retrieve data and transform them into XML format to be placed at a XML file. I am not sure if I should used an OLEDB source or an XML source since the data has been transformed into XML. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Please note proc runs fine when it does not have any parameters.

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Execute Proc On Stopping Mssql Server

Jul 23, 2005

How execute extended proc on stopping ms sql server (it mean beforestoping).Is it possible to handle this?Or is in system proc a'la sp_on_stop?Thx

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Integration Services :: SSIS Execute Perfectly But Not Insert / Update In Destination Table?

Nov 25, 2015

I am using SSIS integration between two database. Both databases are sql server 2008.  using many integration but getting problem in two only only two integration giving problem, both are executing perfectly and out put also not showing any error.

but destination table not inserted/updated anything.

first issue integration is using data flow task with oledb source and destination. 
second one is using execute task with for-eachloop container.

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Calling A Stored Proc From Within Another Stored Proc

Feb 20, 2003

I have seen this done by viewing code done by a SQL expert and would like to learn this myself. Does anyone have any examples that might help.

I guess I should state my question to the forum !

Is there a way to call a stored proc from within another stored proc?

Thanks In Advance.


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Stored Proc Calls Another Stored Proc

Jan 13, 2006

Hi all,

I have a stored procedure "uspX" that calls another stored procedure "uspY" and I need to retrieve the return value from uspY and use it within uspX. Does anyone know the syntax for this?

Thanks for your help!

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Calling Stored Proc B From Stored Proc A

Jan 20, 2004

Hi all

I have about 5 stored procedures that, among other things, execute exactly the same SELECT statement

Instead of copying the SELECT statement 5 times, I'd like each stored proc to call a single stored proc that executes the SELECT statement and returns the resultset to the calling stored proc

The SELECT statement in question retrieves a single row from a table containing 10 columns.

Is there a way for a stored proc to call another stored proc and gain access to the resultset of the called stored proc?

I know about stored proc return values and about output parameters, but I think I am looking for something different.


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Calling T SQL Stored Proc From CLR Stored Proc

Aug 30, 2007

I would like to know if the following is possible/permissible:

myCLRstoredproc (or some C# stored proc)
//call some T SQL stored procedure spSQL and get the result set here to work with




// some other t-sql stored proc

Can we do that? I know that doing this in SQL server would throw (nested EXECUTE not allowed). I dont want to go re-writing the spSQL in C# again, I just want to get whatever spSQL returns and then work with the result set to do row-level computations, thereby avoiding to use cursors in spSQL.

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Invalid Character Value For Cast Specification From VC++ When I Execute A Proc

Apr 21, 2006

Hi Everybody,

I have a question regarding the running of a procedure from VC++ in SQL server.

well this is the scenario.

i have a procedure in SQL server and i am running that thru my VC++ code.
i have a recordset class and i create an object of it and then do a obj.Open(). the procedure is fetching 24 records correctly in the query analyser and in my while(!(obj.IsEOF())) loop it gets the first record correctly but the moment it encounters obj.MoveNext(); it bombs and gives me the following error..

"Invalid Character value for cast specification ".

i don't know why this is happening

Thanks for you help.

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Error When Using A Create Table Execute SQL Task Statement In Control Flow Prior To Using An OLE DB Destination Container...

May 18, 2008

SSIS Newbie Question:

I have a simple Control Flow setup that checks to see if a particular table exists. If the table does not exists, the table is created in an alternate path, if it does exist, the table is truncated before moving to a file import Data Flow that uses an OLE DB Destination to output the imported data.

My problem is, that I get OLE DB package errors if the table the OLE DB Destination Container references does not exist when I load the package.

How can I over come this issue? I need to be able to dynamically create the table in an earlier step, then use that table to import data into in a later step in the workflow.

Is there a switch I can use to turn off checking in the OLE DB Destination Container so that it will allow me to hook up the table creation step?

Seems like this would be a common task...


1. Execute SQL Task to see if the required table exists
2. Use expresions to test a variable to check the results of step 1
3. If table exists, truncate the table and reload it from file in Data Flow using OLE DB Destination
4. If table does not exist, 1st create it, then follow the normal Data Flow

Can someone help me with this?

Signed: Clueless with a deadline approaching...

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How Can I Call One Or More Stored Procedures Into Perticular One Stored Proc ?

Apr 23, 2008

Hello friends......How are you ? I want to ask you all that how can I do the following ?
I want to now that how many ways are there to do this ?

How can I call one or more stored procedures into perticular one Stored Proc ? in MS SQL Server 2000/05.

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Calling A Stored Procedure From Within A Stored Proc

Dec 18, 2007

Hi Peeps
I have a SP that returns xml
I have writen another stored proc in which I want to do something like this:Select FieldOne, FieldTwo, ( exec sp_that_returns_xml ( @a, @b) ), FieldThree from TableName
But it seems that I cant call the proc from within a select.
I have also tried
declare @v xml
set @v = exec sp_that_returns_xml ( @a, @b)
But this again doesn't work
I have tried changing the statements syntax i.e. brackets and no brackets etc...,
The only way Ive got it to work is to create a temp table, insert the result from the xml proc into it and then set @v as a select from the temp table -
Which to be frank is god awful way to do it.
 Any and all help appreciated.

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