ExecuteSQL Task Has Changed
Jun 19, 2005Since the last IDW.
View 10 RepliesSince the last IDW.
View 10 RepliesI have an insert statement that i am trying to parameterize based on a variable. I have tried:
View 23 Replies View RelatedI setup my ExecuteSQL task to have a "Single Row" resultset. The query returns no rows. It fails. I don't think it should but then maybe this is consistent with the lookup transform piping rows down the error output if there is not a lookup value returned.
View 9 Replies View RelatedAm I looking at a potential bug here or do I not understand the feature properly? I have an ExecuteSQL task that inserts into a table for logging and includes the System::PackageID as one of the values. It's stored in my table as a uniqueidentifier. When I set the output variable in Parameter Mappings tab of the Execute SQL task to VarChar, all works great. WHen I set it to GUID as the data type in that tab, it outputs a different GUID than the actual System::PackageID variable.
-- Brian
The ExecuteSQL task makes it easy to capture the resultset of a query or stored proc in a variable. But what about the messages that would normally appear in the Messages tab when running queries in Management Studio or Query Analyzer? There must be a way to display and log rowcounts and other messages that a query normally produces.
Various package/task logging configrations haven't helped. I've read discussions about logging rowcounts in data flow tasks, but what about capturing messages in ExecuteSQL and other control flow tasks that run T-SQL?
I only have enough time to dabble in this technology so I may be missing something obvious or approaching this incorrectly. Any suggestion, reference, constructive criticism or reponse would be appreciated.
The purpose of the Package is to load an SQL table with data from text files in a subdirectory. The parameter is parsed from the text filenames. It is a zipcode.
I have an ExecuteSQL task inside a ForEach container. The SQL in the task is:
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.ZipCodeRadius
WHERE CenterPostalCode = ?1)
DELETE FROM dbo.ZipCodeRadius
WHERE CenterPostalCode = ?1
I also have a Data Flow task in this container which populates the ZipCodeRadius table. The same parameter is also passed to the Data Flow task which specifies a zipcode to delete and afterward load.
I am using Windows authetication for the package.
What am I doing wrong?
When any of
my tasks or script tasks in my control flow, or data flow, have an
error, the entire package, and then the calling package fail, as far as
I've seen, through some CTP versions, beta versions, and the release
version of SQL Server 2005.
But, I've just made a change, in an
sproc called from an ExecuteSQL Task in a PreExecute event attached to
a DataFlow, and that ExecuteSQL Task is reporting an error in the
output window, but the package execution is not being stopped. Why not?
I see something like so
Error: 0xC002F309 at MyExecuteSqlTaskName, Execute SQL Task: ....
Task failed: MyExecuteSqlTaskName
0x80019002 at OnPreExecute: The Execution method succeeded, but the
number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting
in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number
specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the
repeated many times in the output stream, and the same thing for the PostExecute event attached to the same object.
I'm disappointed, because I want errors propagated upwards, as I'm used to.
looked, and as far as I can tell, all my ExecuteSQL tasks (in events
and in the regular control flow) have the default settings of
FailPackageOnFailure: False
FailParentOnFailure: False
MaxErrorCount: 1
I have to go revise these settings on every ExecuteSQL Task in every
event handler in every SSIS package? (That will be exceedingly
tedious.) Do I set these on the ExecuteSQL task inside the event? Do I
set these on the event handler itself?
I need to create some tables dynamically using sp_executesql. But the problem is the length of sql string is more the 4000 characters. How can I solve this problem?
hi all!
i have encountered an inconsistent error while creating packages programatically. i am trying to create an ExecuteSQL Task like this:
ExecuteSQLTask sqlTask = (ExecuteSQLTask)sqlTaskHost.InnerObject;
and somtimes it failes on this command with this error:
<Message>Error in generating package C:PROJECTSPOSTALBuildSSIS packagesMappingsMappingsSBSCR_52_OUT.dtsx</Message>
<InnerException>Type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ExecuteSQLTask.ExecuteSQLTask' in Assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.SQLTask, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' is not marked as serializable.</InnerException>
<Data />
<HelpLink />
<StackTrace> at System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.InternalGetSerializableMembers(RuntimeType type)
at System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers(Type type, StreamingContext context)
at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.WriteObjectInfo.InitMemberInfo()
at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.WriteObjectInfo.InitSerialize(Object obj, ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelector, StreamingContext context, SerObjectInfoInit serObjectInfoInit, IFormatterConverter converter, ObjectWriter objectWriter)
at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.WriteObjectInfo.Serialize(Object obj, ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelector, StreamingContext context, SerObjectInfoInit serObjectInfoInit, IFormatterConverter converter, ObjectWriter objectWriter)
at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.Serialize(Object graph, Header[] inHeaders, __BinaryWriter serWriter, Boolean fCheck)
at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Serialize(Stream serializationStream, Object graph, Header[] headers, Boolean fCheck)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices.MarshalToBuffer(Object o)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.ObjectHostImpl.get_InnerObject()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.TaskHost.get_InnerObject()
at InterfaceEngine.OutputInterface.CreateExcel() in C:PROJECTSPOSTALBuildInterfaceInterfaceEngineInterfaceEngineOutputInterface.cs:line 842
at InterfaceEngine.OutputInterface.GenerateOutputPackage() in C:PROJECTSPOSTALBuildInterfaceInterfaceEngineInterfaceEngineOutputInterface.cs:line 322</StackTrace>
<TargetSite />
what is this about? why does it happen , and why not always? the package generation is generated by a web service that is called from an asp.net 2.0 page .
thanks a lot!!!
I have been successful using comments (to help remind me that the SQL is coming from a varaible which is set via an expresion) within the variable expression passed to a Source or Destination. I have been unable to get this to work in an ExecuteSQL control flow task when parameters are used within the query. I am not sure what is causing this not to work the fact that it is an ExecuteSQL control flow task or that the SQL has parameters (or perhaps that it also uses an OUTPUT parameter).
Any thoughts to share? Am I missing something?
WORKS (In Data Flow SQL):
"--NOTE: This is defined by an expression on Source_AdventureWorks_Customers_SQL variable
FAILS (in Control Flow ExecuteSQL with parms including Output parm):
"--NOTE: This is defined by an expression on Source_AdventureWorks_Customers_SQL variable
@ETLAuditParentKey = ?,
@Description = ?,
@PackageName = ?,
@PackageGuid = ?,
@PackageVersionMajor = ?,
@PackageVersionMinor = ?,
@PackageVersionBuild = ?,
@MachineName = ?,
@ExecutionGuid = ?,
@LogicalDate = ?,
@StartTime = ?,
@Operator = ?,
@ETLAuditKey = ? OUTPUT"
WORKS (in Control Flow ExecuteSQL with parms including Output parm):
@ETLAuditParentKey = ?,
@Description = ?,
@PackageName = ?,
@PackageGuid = ?,
@PackageVersionMajor = ?,
@PackageVersionMinor = ?,
@PackageVersionBuild = ?,
@MachineName = ?,
@ExecutionGuid = ?,
@LogicalDate = ?,
@StartTime = ?,
@Operator = ?,
@ETLAuditKey = ? OUTPUT"
Really stuck trying different ways to get a string variable (expression based) to parse and run correctly in an ExecuteSQL task. Would someone be able to advise why one of the following methods works and the other does not?
I'd really prefer to have the second currently not working method be used if possible.
@ETLAuditParentKey = ?,
@Description = ?,
@PackageName = ?,
@PackageGuid = ?,
@PackageVersionMajor = ?,
@PackageVersionMinor = ?,
@PackageVersionBuild = ?,
@MachineName = ?,
@ExecutionGuid = ?,
@LogicalDate = ?,
@StartTime = ?,
@Operator = ?,
@ETLAuditKey = ? OUTPUT"
When the variable expression is set as follows I :
Code Block
@ETLAuditParentKey = " + (DT_WSTR, 100)@[User::ETLAuditParentKey] + ",
@Description = " + (LEN( @[User::PackageDescription]) == 0 ? "' '" : @[User::PackageDescription]) + ",
@PackageName = " + @[System::PackageName] + ",
@PackageGuid = " + @[System::PackageID] + ",
@PackageVersionMajor = " + (DT_WSTR, 100)@[System::VersionMajor] + ",
@PackageVersionMinor = " + (DT_WSTR, 100)@[System::VersionMinor] + ",
@PackageVersionBuild = " + (DT_WSTR, 100)@[System::VersionBuild] + ",
@MachineName = " + @[System::MachineName] + ",
@ExecutionGuid = " + @[System::ExecutionInstanceGUID] + ",
@LogicalDate = " + (DT_WSTR, 100)@[User::LogicalDate] + ",
@StartTime = " + (DT_WSTR, 100)@[System::StartTime] + ",
@Operator = " + @[System::UserName] + ",
@ETLAuditKey = " + (DT_WSTR, 100)@[User::ETLAuditKey] + " OUTPUT"
This method generates a "Syntax error, permission violation, or other nonspecific error. Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly"
Any ways to get the second failing expression to work?
Is this a problem due to the OUTPUT parameter?
OK. I give up and need help. Hopefully it's something minor ...
I have a dataflow which returns email addresses to a recordset.
I pass this recordset into a ForEachLoop configuring the enumerator as (Foreach ADO Enumerator). I also map the email address as a variable with index 0.
I then have a Execute SQL task which receives this email address as a varchar variable (parameter 0) which I then use in my SQL command to limit the rows returned. I have commented out the where clause and returned all rows regardless of email address to try to troubleshoot this problem. In either event, I then use a resultset to store the query result of type object and result name 0.
I then pass this resultset into a script variable to start parsing the sql rows returned as type object. ( I assume this is the correct way to do this from other prior posts ...).
The script appears to throw an exception at the following line. I assume it's because I'm either not passing in the values properly or the query doesn't return anything. However, I am certain the query works as it executes just fine at the command prompt.
ds = CType(Dts.Variables("VP_EMAIL_RESULTS_RS").Value, DataSet)
My intent is to email the query results to each email address with the following type of data by passing the parsed data from the script to a send mail task. Email works fine and sends out messages but the content is empty. I pass the parsed data as string values to the messagesource and define the messagesourcetype as a variable in the mail task.
part number leadtime
x 5
y 9
Does anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong?
Is there a way to produce a query to look at when and who changed database objects last?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a table as part of a replicated database where i need to change the allow nulls value (set it to not allow nulls) but when i try to save the table i get this error.
'CONTACTS' table
- Unable to modify table.
ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot drop the table 'dbo.CONTACTS' because it is being used for replication.
will i have to stop replication to make the change or is it worse and i have to delete the publication and start all over again?
I have an IDENTITY value in a table that was incorrectly created, and needs to be modified. Can this be accomplished?
hi all
im really have a problem in my project.
i have server and client side each side contain SQL Server DB.
and i have excel file on the server side this excel file conected with another server, this file changed data in continuosly each less than 1 sec by data feed.
now i need to read each changed data cell from this file to save it on server DB and Client DB (just changed data).
my problem :
u know changed event is not fired when change cell by data feed or not edit manually, just calc event is rised . but calc event do not specify the changed cell range (address).
so i do this to know changed cell range:
when run the program saved all excel tabel into SQL server table.
and then check row by row between excel and sql if any change , when i get any change, i update the excel row insted this DB row.
and rise event to send this row to client by socket over internet to update the row in client side too.
but i tell u that the excel file updated each less than 1 sec, and i noted that many changed excel data missed until checked row by row for whole excel sheet with DB tabel and updated change.
this is my problem ( please help me as soon as posible coz i have dead line to Delivered this program)
and if u recomended me for another techneque to be easy or quickly to solve this problem i will thaks so much for u)
thank u.
Maybe somebody has asked this question, but I could not find it....
I used SSIS to transfer data from Oracle database to SQL Server 2005 (with Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle). It worked fine with the TNS alias name said oracle1. Then I changed the TNS alias name to oracle2. I could connect to Oracle database with oracle2 using Oracle's tool. But SSIS could not find (or solve) oracle2, if I changed the name back to oracle1 in SSIS, then SSIS worked.
Any idea?
I have developed a report based on a stored procedure which will generate an excel file. There is a requirement that this file needs to be sent to an external domain with the name changed accordingly i.e., a date is to be suffixed to the file after the name has been changed based on their naming convention.
I would appreciate, if anybody has done so and can give me some steps for me to work out.
I have a page that uses an SQLDataSource web control to populate a GridView control. The SQLDataSource control uses three parameters, one of which is a text string (varchar(50)). I get timeout expired exceptions when I run the page with two specific string values, yet when I run the stored procedure in SqlSvr Management Studio, the procedure runs in 5 seconds and under 1 seconds. Being rnew to ASP.NET 2.0 and .Net in general, I have no idea where this lag is occurring. I would like to know two things:
1. What is causing the lag that causes the timeout in ASP.NET 2.0.
2. What can be done to adjust the timeout period SQLSVR, IIS, ASP.NET).
The underlying query is running as desired (considering the data it has to chew on). For all other values, data is returned almost instantanious. I can provide a copy of the query id need be.
Truly appreciate any insight you can give me!
i changed my state table from char 20 to varchar 20 and it still fills it with empty space at the end of the statename
I tried entering it with the trim command still no good
i looked a the sql command made in vs and it says that the variables are varchar
is there something i am missing with varchar
does it only work properly if it is over 50 or does it not change completely when you change from char to varchar
Is there any way to reconfigure SQLSERVER if the name of the server was changed after the initial installation of Sql was completed?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHello,
Soon, we are going to redesign our servers and their positioning insofar as web access is concerned. The SQL Server will go to a DMZ.
Its IP Address (as well as hostname) is to be changed. Can you offer suggestions about what to be aware of on these two items?
I've been involved in a hostname change befoew (and, it's a pain), but never an IP Address.
Thanks, MichaelG
i have table Table1 with column lastname ,firstname ect.The Data type is varchar.
I have inserted values. I have selected records from this table and assign this records to the TDC control of the HTML .The query returns 130 records.The TDC control has the Unicode delimiter. Whene we select top 7 ,seven records are displayed ,when it is top 8 it does not show any records.
If we delete the Lastname and Firstname values for this 8th record then all the 130 records are displayed.
Why is this happning.Any great minds can help me in this pls
Is there any method so that I can find that the particular user has changed the record in the particualr table..?
View 1 Replies View RelatedFirst of all, let me apoligize if this is a stupid question, but just a few days ago I decided to change my FE/BE database from Ms Access to SQL Server Express. Now I have a FE in ACC2002 and a BE in SQL SERVER (the two connected via ODBC). Anyway, this is my question:
When everything was in Access I had a form retreiving a series of records based on a filter - for understanding purpose let's say that a field must have been 'Not Null'. The operator then filled that field with data. With Access everything was static, and the operator could see all the records, the ones already changed and the ones not changed. With SQL now: everytime the operator fills in the field, the record changes to #Deleted. I assume that that is happening because the query - someway - is "alive" and is "filtering data alive"... or is updating records instantly. Just to make things more clear: is the record changed immediately so it is not considered part of the filtered data by the query, thus being change to #Deleted? What could I do to prevent this?
Thanks a lot for your help.
I hava a table with the following information
INSERT INTO TEMP1 VALUES(1001, 0, 'A', 'A2');
INSERT INTO TEMP1 VALUES(1001, 0, 'C', 'C2');
INSERT INTO TEMP1 VALUES(1001, 0, 'E', 'E2');
INSERT INTO TEMP1 VALUES(1002, 0, 'A', 'A3');
INSERT INTO TEMP1 VALUES(1002, 0, 'B', 'B2');
INSERT INTO TEMP1 VALUES(1002, 0, 'E', 'E3');
INSERT INTO TEMP1 VALUES(1001, 1, 'A', 'A4');
INSERT INTO TEMP1 VALUES(1001, 1, 'E', 'E4');
Here based on latest revision and refid I should get the fieldnam and value.
Expected output:
1001 A A4 1
1001 E E4 1
1002 B B2 0
1001 C C2 0
Hi all,
How can i get the information as to when was the last my particular table structure was changed (for ex. adding of a column/dropping a column)
Pls let me know
I want to import via DTS to big table only the records that changed last day. can i do it without a time field? because this is a key table for DWH and not a fact table.
I am trying to find the last changed date for a procedure. I have located the date created in the sysobjects table (crdate). Is this available?
View 8 Replies View RelatedOkay, 2 questions here.
First I want to query everyone with a date greater than today in the field EXPIRATION DATE. I know I can say > 2006-03-19 but I always want it to be TODAY.
Next, Is there a system field that I can search for the date a record was last updated?? I make frequent changes, and I want others to see what date a record was last updated. If not, can I tell the system to mark a field "YES" when I make changes?
I use phpmyadmin. I do not have server access, just through PHP.
...The TIger has ROARED
Hi experts,I have been trying to limit the table rows in the following situation,any suggestions will be appreciated.we have table called tempTb has columns id, c_id, c_name, rating, datecolumns.id is an identity column.date is a datetime column, the rest are varchar datatype.Here is the table structure with sample data,idc_idc_nameratingdate1aoamer onli11/1/20022aoamer onli13/1/20023aoamer onli16/1/20024aoamer onli39/1/20025aoamer onli312/1/20026aoamer onli33/1/20037aoamer onli36/1/20038aoamer onli39/1/20039aoamer onli212/1/200310aoamer onli16/1/200411aoamer onli112/1/200412xyxabs yasd11/1/200213xyxabs yasd23/1/200214xyxabs yasd26/1/200215xyxabs yasd29/1/200216xyxabs yasd112/1/200217xyxabs yasd13/1/200318xyxabs yasd36/1/200319xyxabs yasd39/1/200320xyxabs yasd212/1/200321xyxabs yasd16/1/200422xyxabs yasd112/1/2004[color=blue]>From this table I need to select the rows with rating changes only,[/color]i.e if two or three consecutive rows have same rating only the firstrow should be selected.the selection should look like...idc_idc_nameratingdate1aoamer onli11/1/20024aoamer onli39/1/20029aoamer onli212/1/200310aoamer onli16/1/200412xyxabs yasd11/1/200213xyxabs yasd23/1/200216xyxabs yasd112/1/200218xyxabs yasd36/1/200320xyxabs yasd212/1/200321xyxabs yasd16/1/2004I was trying to do this by self-joining the table like....select t1.* from tempTb t1, tempTb t2where t1.id!=t2.id,t1.c_id=t2.c_id,t1.c_name=t2.c_name,t1.rating!=t2.rating.But this is generating cartesian products,I have tried some other combinations after where clause with date colmnwtc,but none seems to give the required result.so if anybody can guide me in the right direction I would appreciateit.Thanks alot,Remote
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a stored procedure that inserts values into five columns of atable. I need another stored procedure that will allow the user to passone or more of those parameters and update only the column for the datathat was passed. In other words, the update may only have one or two ofthe parameters that was originally provided in the insert. Therefore, Ido not want to update the columns that did not change. What is theproper way to handle this situation?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to create a table that would be the result set of a comparisonbetween table a and table b? Table a and b first 2 fields will always bethe same (CustomerName and CustomerNumber). But if the Address1 fieldchanges in table a, I would like to throw that whole row into mycomparison table. Almost like a Select Into with a sub query that wouldinclude a WHERE TableA.field <> TableB.field. I would need to do thiscomparison for about 8 fields. Help appreciated for my syntax is prettybad. Thanks.Steve*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
View 1 Replies View Related