Executing Procedure

May 13, 2008


I have StoredProcedure with 2 Parameters. I want to execute this procedure in SQLSERVER Query Builder.

I know without using parameters to execute. i.e EXEC pro_demo

But now i have with parameters.
How to pass that parameters in a Query Builder?

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Stored Procedure Executing Durations Are Different Between Executing From Application(web) And SQl Server Management Studio - Qu

Jan 24, 2008


I have a web application using Stored Procedure (SP). I see that there's a SP taking long time to execute. I try to capture it by Profiler Tool, and find out that with the same SP on the same db with the same parameter. The duration of executing by my web app is far bigger than the duration of executing on SQl server management studio - query window

Please see the image through this url http://kyxao.net/127/ExecutionProblem.png

Any ideas for this issue?

Thanks a lot

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Stored Procedure Executing Durations Are Different Between Executing From Application(web) And SQl Server Management Studio - Query Window

Jan 23, 2008

Hi,I have a web application using Stored Procedure (SP). I see that there's a SP taking long time to execute. I try to capture it by Profiler Tool, and find out that with the same SP on the same db with the same parameter. The duration of executing by my web app is far bigger than the duration of executing on SQl server management studio - query windowPlease see the image attached http://kyxao.net/127/ExecutionProblem.png Any ideas for this issue?Thanks a lot Jalijack 

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Executing Store Procedure

Feb 13, 2008

I have the following code. User clicks on a button, then textbox with
calendar icon is displayed, calendar appears when icon is clicked, user
selects date, date is populated in the textbox field.  The value in the
textbox field is passed to a stored procedure.  How can I check if the
sp call was successful and what can I do to add a message to the user.
 Also, is the control flow appropriate or should I change it? Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click     TextBox1.Visible = True        ImageButton1.Visible = True         If Calendar1.Visible = True Then        ElseIf TextBox1.Text <> "" Then             ' Create connection            Dim conn As Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection = New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(SQLSTRING.ConnectionString)            conn.Open()            ' Create command            Dim cmd As Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand = New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand()            cmd.Connection = conn            cmd.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure            cmd.CommandText = "sp"            cmd.Parameters.Add("@date", Data.SqlDbType.DateTime)            cmd.Parameters("@date").Value = Convert.ToDateTime(TextBox1.Text)            cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()            conn.Close()        Else            Response.Write("You must select a date.")         End If 

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Executing DTS From Stored Procedure

Oct 11, 2001


I have create a DTS package "test"

i see the name is stored in msdb.sysdtspackages

how do i run this "test" package from stored procedure


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Executing A Stored Procedure

Nov 1, 2006


I'm using Sql Server 2005, and I am receiving an error when I attempt to run a stored procedure and I have no clue why. Can someone please help?

I receive an error when I attempt to execute the following stored procedure:

The error I receive is: "Incorrect syntax near ')'" All of the values are valid values and valid types.

Is it possible to be an error within the stored procedure itself? This error makes it sound like the syntax of my attempt is incorrect, thus it never gets ran.

Thank you ,

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Executing A Store Procedure

Apr 29, 2004


I Have the next problem:

I have a store procedure in my db which is called from an aplication (developed in Java). That sp contains a cursor which updates regs from a table. After calling from the java application I notice that some regs of the cursor have not entered in it, i mean if the sp executes 200 iterations in the cursor only 150 have worked. But all the iterations enter when i call the sp from the query analyzer!!! and it takes more time too.

Does anybody know something about it?????

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Need Help In Executing A Stored Procedure Using Op

Jun 12, 2008

Hi All,

I am trying to execute a "ServerB" Stored Procedure in "ServerA".This SP is in Multiple DB's in ServerB.
I am trying to use Openquery and Dynamic SQL to do that.But I am having issues.
Intially i am trying to pass just one DBname as parameter..if it returns values then i can use cursor or other options to retrieve for multiple DB's
Please Help!!!


DECLARE @TSQL varchar(8000), @DBNAME char(20)

SELECT @TSQL = 'SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(serverB'+','+''exec '' + @DBNAME + ''.dbo.sp_StoredProcedure''+')'

Thanks in Advance!!!

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Error Executing Procedure

Apr 17, 2007

when i try to run a procedure i've been working on, i get the following Error:

Server: Msg 8144, Level 16, State 2, Line 0
Procedure or function has too many arguments specified.

execution code:

exec search_orders_1 @dwelltype=1

stored procedure:


ALTER PROCEDURE search_orders_1

@addresstype varchar(3)=null,
@counselectnvarchar(4000)=null,-- as
@debug bit = 0 AS

DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000),
@paramlist nvarchar(4000)

SELECT @sql ='SELECT o.state_abbrv, count(o.state_abbrv) as kount FROM dbo.mortgage o WHERE 1 = 1'

IF @lowage<>0 and @lowage is not null
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND o.per1_age >= @xlowage'

IF @highage<>0 and @highage IS NOT null
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND o.per1_age <= @xhighage'

IF @lowincome<>'DF' and @lowincome IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND o.est_inc >= @xlowincome'

IF @highincome<>'DF' and @highincome IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND o.est_inc <= @xhighincome'

IF @highwealth<>0 and @highwealth IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND o.wealth_rating <= @xhighwealth'

IF @lowwealth<>0 and @lowwealth IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND o.wealth_rating >= @xlowwealth'

IF @highpurprice<>0 and @highpurprice IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND o.hm_purprice <= @xhighpurprice'

IF @lowpurprice<>0 and @lowpurprice IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND o.hm_purprice >= @xlowpurprice'

IF @lowyearbuild<>'DF' and @lowyearbuild IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND o.hm_year_build >= @xlowyearbuild'

IF @highyearbuild<>'DF' and @highyearbuild IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND o.hm_year_build <= @xhighyearbuild'

IF @lowmtgamt<>0 and @lowmtgamt IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND o.oo_mtg_amnt >= @xlowmtgamt'

IF @highmtgamt<>0 and @highmtgamt IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND o.oo_mtg_amnt <= @xhighmtgamt'

IF @lowpurdate<>'DF' and @lowpurdate IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND o.hm_purdate >= @xlowpurdate'

IF @highpurdate<>'DF' and @highpurdate IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND o.hm_purdate <= @xhighpurdate'

IF @marriedstat in ('M','S')
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND o.per1_ms = @xmarriedstat'

IF @ratets in ('V','F')
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND o.oo_mtg_rate_t = @xratets'

IF @homeownerstat in ('H','R')
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND o.homeowner = @xhomeownerstat'

IF @childstat in ('Y','N')
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND o.child_pres = @xchildstat'

IF @lenderpresstat ='Y'
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND o.oo_mtg_lender_name<>+ '' '''

IF @lenderpresstat ='N'
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND o.oo_mtg_lender_name=+ '' '''

IF @mtgpresstat='Y'
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND o.oo_mtg_amnt>0'

IF @mtgpresstat='N'
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND o.oo_mtg_amnt=0'

IF @loants<>'DF' and @loants IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' and o.oo_mtg_loan_t in ( ''' + REPLACE( @loants, N',', N''',''' ) + N''' )'

if @dwelltype='1'
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' and o.addr_unit_desnum='' '''

if @dwelltype='2'
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' and o.addr_unit_desnum<>'' '''

if @acselect <> 'DF' or @stselect <> 'DF' or @cityselect <> 'DF' or @counselect <> 'DF' or @zipselect <> 'DF'
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' and (1=2'

IF @acselect<>'DF' and @acselect IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' OR o.areacode in ( ''' + REPLACE( @acselect, N',', N''',''' ) + N''' )'

IF @stselect<>'DF' and @stselect IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' OR o.state_abbrv in ( ''' + REPLACE( @stselect, N',', N''',''' ) + N''' )'

IF @cityselect<>'DF' and @cityselect IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' OR o.citystate in ( ''' + REPLACE( @cityselect, N',', N''',''' ) + N''' )'

IF @counselect<>'DF' and @counselect IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' OR o.countystate in ( ''' + REPLACE( @counselect, N',', N''',''' ) + N''' )'

IF @zipselect<>'DF' and @zipselect IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' OR o.zip in ( ''' + REPLACE( @zipselect, N',', N''',''' ) + N''' )'

if @acselect <> 'DF' or @stselect <> 'DF' or @cityselect <> 'DF' or @counselect <> 'DF' or @zipselect <> 'DF'
SELECT @sql = @sql + ')'

SELECT @sql = @sql + ' group by o.state_abbrv ORDER BY o.state_abbrv '

IF @debug = 1
PRINT @sql

SELECT @paramlist = '@xlowageint,

EXEC sp_executesql @sql, @paramlist,

could someone help me figure out what's up? someone told me you can have 1,024 parameters for a stored procedure.... what am i missing?

do i have to many IF clauses?

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Executing Stored Procedure Using VB6.0

Jul 10, 2007

Can anyone tell me how to execute a stored procedure using vb6.0.I am able to connect to sqlserver from my application.Simple select queries are working.

The stored procedure contains a select statement at the end.I want to get that as the resultset in vb6.0.How do I do this.


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Executing A Procedure For Every Selected Record

Aug 5, 2007

In a few places in my application I want to execute a procedure for every selected record.  The only way that I know how to do this is to use a cursor, as below.  This code works perfectly, but everything I read says that one should use set operations rather than cursors wherever possible, as they are much more efficient.  So what I really want to do is something like     Exec procedure argument [,argument]...  where argument in (Selet value from ....)or perhaps     Exec procedure (select ...) [,argument]or     SELECT (procedure....
all of which are invalid.   Is there any syntax that avoids the cursor in: ---Copy all facts (and their details, if any) to the new INDI
Declare ccopyIndi cursor for --Step through facts
Select Factid from gdbfact
where factindiid = @IndiidFrom

Open ccopyIndi

FETCH Next from ccopyIndi into @Factid
while @@Fetch_status = 0
exec dbo.gdbcopyfact @NewIndiid, @Factid
Fetch next from ccopyIndi into @Factid

CLOSE ccopyIndi

 (BTW,  dbo.gdbcopyfact is NOT a simple INSERT statement)

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Executing Stored Procedure... Hangs...

Oct 2, 2007

I have a stored procedure in SQL Server 2005. It make a backup of a database and restores it to a different name.I use ASP.NET and Framework 1.1.It works really fine when I use SQL Server 2000.
But!When trying to do the same thing on SQL Server 2005, the database seems to be created "half way" I can see that the database is created, but after the name is the text Restoring....It never finish restoring.... and nothing shows in the server logs.
Any ideas?Differences between SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 that I must be aware of?Priviliges?ConnectionString parameters?Drivers?
I'm using .NET Framework 1.1ODBC (SQL Native Client)
Here is the Store procedure code:set ANSI_NULLS ON
 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[CreateProjectDataBase]
@AFModelDatabaseProject varchar(200),
@TemplateDbBackupFileAndName varchar(200),
@DatabaseName varchar(200),
@DataFilePathAndName varchar(200),
@LogFilePathAndName varchar(200)
BACKUP DATABASE @AFModelDatabaseProject TO DISK = @TemplateDbBackupFileAndName
RESTORE DATABASE @DatabaseName FROM DISK = @TemplateDbBackupFileAndName
WITH MOVE 'AdressTNG_Project_Data' TO @DataFilePathAndName,
MOVE 'AdressTNG_Project_Log' TO @LogFilePathAndName
and here is how it is called from within .NET:this.odbcCreateDataBaseCommand.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
this.odbcCreateDataBaseCommand.Parameters["@AFModelDatabaseProject"].Value = afModelDataBaseName;this.odbcCreateDataBaseCommand.Parameters["@TemplateDbBackupFileAndName"].Value = TemplateDbBackupFileAndName;
this.odbcCreateDataBaseCommand.Parameters["@DatabaseName"].Value = dbName;this.odbcCreateDataBaseCommand.Parameters["@DataFilePathAndName"].Value = DataFilePathAndName;
this.odbcCreateDataBaseCommand.Parameters["@LogFilePathAndName"].Value = LogFilePathAndName;this.odbcCreateDataBaseCommand.CommandText = "{ CALL CreateProjectDataBase(?,?,?,?,?) }";

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Bad Token When Executing Stored Procedure

Mar 11, 1999

We have a test and production environment. After transfering some tables from
test to prod and all stored procedures using those tables.
We get an error when executing those stored procedures:
" DB-library: Possible network error:
Bad token from SQL Server:
Datastream processing out of sync.
Net-library error 0:
DB-libray Process Dead - Connection Broken. "
When we execute the stored procedure with 1 parameter less we get a parameter
missing error. Then we execute the stored procedure again and everything is allright?
Has anyone experienced this before? If so, please help.
SQlServer 6.50.201

Kees Visser

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Executing A Package From Store Procedure

Jul 31, 2001

How can I execute a package from a store procedure. The package function will export a table to a text file in c:export.

I can run the package manually by clicking on it to execute it. I am looking for another way to run the package from a store procedure. any ideas


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Executing Procedure In SQL 2000 Server

Aug 8, 2001

Hi ALl
I need a quick solution for my sql server problem as follows.

Actually Earlier we have SQL Server 7, Every 3 hours we execute one
Procedure it takes only 15 seconds. Now we
Install SQL Server 2000 and Same Procedure Is taking 30 Minutes for
execution what could be the reason
I want to minimize the execution time. how can i ?

Please help me
Thanks in advance


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Executing A Stored Procedure Result

Jul 22, 2004

Hi Guys..

How Can i Execute a result from a StoredProcedure... I got a sp that generates drop index and pk from all tables in the DB..

I got this results from running (sp_dropallindex) like this:

DROP INDEX table1.index1 GO
DROP INDEX table1.index2 GO

I need to execute that result.. I know that i can copy/paste into Query Analyzer and then run it but how can i handle that result and run all in shot ...

I tried something like this:

SET @DROP='exec sp_drop_allindex'

and i see the same out , but my indexes and PK still there ... i'm confused about it ..


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Executing A Stored Procedure From Server

Oct 4, 2014

how to use opendatasource to execute a stored procedure remotely in MySQL with parameters..I am using sp_configure to enable and disable Ad Hoc Distributed queries as below before and after the open data source statement

sp_configure show,1
reconfigure with override
sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries',1
reconfigure with override


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Executing Stored Procedure In A Select

Jun 12, 2008

i wanna execute a stored procedure in a select and use its return type

select name from table1 where id = sp 1,1

i executed it and occurred an error

help me pls

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Stored Procedure Executing Durations Are Different

Jan 24, 2008


I have a web application using Stored Procedure (SP). I see that there's a SP taking long time to execute. I try to capture it by Profiler Tool, and find out that with the same SP on the same db with the same parameter. The duration of executing by my web app is far bigger than the duration of executing on SQl server management studio - query window

Please see the image attached

Any ideas for this issue?

Thanks a lot

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Stored Procedure, Error When Executing (

Feb 20, 2007

Hi everyone,first time here, so I'm sorry if this has been covered already agesago. :(I am trying to learn T-SQL and Stored Procedures and bought the bookon these topics by Djan Sunderic, Publisher McGraw Hill/Osborne. I'malready stuck on my first Stored Procedure and getting error messagesthat I cannot understand. I've already tried Google and Microsoftonline to no avail. I do have the .NET Framework on my system and useit for programming in C# sometimes and by the looks of the error, it'ssomething to do with that? Please note I am only using SQL ServerExpress.Here is the first Stored Procedure:SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOCREATE PROCEDURE ap_HelloASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;SELECT 'Hello world'SELECT * from dbo.EqTypeENDGOThe error in its entirety is this:Msg 6522, Level 16, State 1, Procedure ctrd_DDL_PROCEDURE_EVENTS_vb,Line 1A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user definedroutine or aggregate 'ctrd_DDL_PROCEDURE_EVENTS_vb':System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'c:server_login.log' is denied.System.UnauthorizedAccessException:at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, StringmaybeFullPath)at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccessaccess, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, StringmsgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode,FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptionsoptions)at System.IO.StreamWriter.CreateFile(String path, Boolean append)at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append,Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize)at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append)at VbTriggers.Triggers.trigger_DDL_PROCEDURE_EVENTS() ..The statement has been terminated.Can anyone assist please? :(Many thanks in advance,Lara

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Timer For Executing Stored Procedure

Jul 20, 2005

HI,I need to run same kind of transactions (basically deleting records)in a loop but I have only 1 hour in a day to run my procedure. So Ineed to set a timer in a SP so that SP terminates after one hour andthen rest of the transactions will be done next day.Can anybody suggest as how to check execution time in a storedprocedure? The execution of the SP will be scheduled every night.If u need any further info pls ask.Thanks,Subodh

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Get Records After Executing A Stored Procedure

Dec 1, 2006

Hi All,

I have a Execute SQL Task I get some values from a table onto three variables. Next step in a DFT, I try to execute a stored proc by passing these variables as parameters.

EXEC [dbo].[ETLloadGROUPS]
@countRun =?,
@startTime =?,
@endTime = ?

This is the syntax i use, in the parameters tab of the DFT I ensured that all the parameters are correctly mapped.

When I run the package, it executes successfully but no rows are fectched. I tried running the stored proc manually in the database, and it seems to work fine.

Am I missing something here ? Please Advice

Thanks in Advance

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Executing A Script From A Stored Procedure

Mar 27, 2008

I have a maintenance stored procedure that executes a script using xp_cmdshell and sqlcmd. The stored procedure has one argument that is contains the name of the procedure to update.

The stored procedures retrieves the location of the stored procedures (stored in a table) and then builds a variable that contains the sqlcmd command. Note that the file name of the script is <stored procedure name>.sql

Basically stored procedure is ...

select @cmd = 'sqlcmd -E -d ' + @dbname + ' -i "' + @filelocation + @proc + '.sql" '
exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

Is there a way to execute sql scripts within a stored procedure without using xp_cmdshell?


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Calling SQLCMD From Within An Executing Procedure

Apr 4, 2008

Is there a way to call SQLCMD from within an executing procedure?

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Timeout Error While Executing Procedure

Aug 17, 2006


I have written a stored procedure that i then execute in a loop within a wrapper procedure:

WHILE somecondition




If i run the procedure manually i can run it time after time with no error. However if i execute the procedure above i get a timeout error after about 2 or 3 loops.

How can i avoid this?

I have been reading everywhere and i dont seem to be able to find a solution...

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Executing Stored Procedure With Variables

Nov 21, 2006

I have a foreach loop in my SSIS script. I am able to successfully enumerate through an input query. I have a script task inside of my container. I would like to use this task to formulate a Stored Procedure and save this procedrue in a variable so I can use in a future Execute SQL task.

Here is a copy of the code (Which Does Not Work) I am using in the script task to set the variables.

Public Sub Main()

Dim vars As Variables

Dim DropVariable As String

Dim CreateVariable As String

Dim InsertVariable As String

DropVariable = "Execute dbo.[sp_DropTable] '" + RTrim(Dts.Variables("varTable").Value.ToString) + "'"

CreateVariable = "Execute dbo.[sp_CustomTables] '" + RTrim(Dts.Variables("varTable").Value.ToString) + "'"

InsertVariable = "Execute dbo.[sp_InsertTable] '" + RTrim(Dts.Variables("varTable").Value.ToString) + "'"

Dts.VariableDispenser.LockOneForWrite("varDropTable", vars)

Dts.VariableDispenser.LockOneForWrite("varCreateTable", vars)

Dts.VariableDispenser.LockOneForWrite("varInsertTable", vars)

Dts.Variables("varDropTable").Value = DropVariable

Dts.Variables("varCreateTable").Value = CreateVariable

Dts.Variables("varInsertTable").Value = InsertVariable



Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub

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SQL Server 2012 :: Executing Dynamic Stored Procedure From A Stored Procedure?

Sep 26, 2014

I have a stored procedure and in that I will be calling a stored procedure. Now, based on the parameter value I will get stored procedure name to be executed. how to execute dynamic sp in a stored rocedure

at present it is like EXECUTE usp_print_list_full @ID, @TNumber, @ErrMsg OUTPUT

I want to do like EXECUTE @SpName @ID, @TNumber, @ErrMsg OUTPUT

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Diff B/w Executing As Stored Procedure And Script

Nov 6, 2006

Hi All,     I have a peculiar problem with SQL2000. When i execute a Stored procedure in Demo & Production i get different outputs. But i copied the business logistics from the Sp and executed as a script in both the servers. Now Both the records are same.
NOTE: My stored procedure has 14 executable scripts. Upto 10 scripts no date comparisons were made. But at the 11th script the records differ.

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Executing SSIS From Stored Procedure - Need To Get Return Value Into ASP.NET

Aug 23, 2007

I'm executing an SSIS package using the following stored procedure


DECLARE @ServerName VARCHAR(30), @ReturnValue int, @Cmd varchar(1000)

SET @ReturnValue = -1
SET @ServerName = 'myserver'

SET @Cmd = 'DTExec /SER ' + @ServerName + ' ' +
' /SQL ' + 'BuildSCCDW ' --Location of the package stored in the mdb
--' /CONF "\ConfigFilePath.dtsConfig" ' +
--' /SET Package.Variables[ImportUserID].Value; ' +
--' /U "LoginName" /P "password" '

EXECUTE @ReturnValue = master..xp_cmdshell @Cmd, NO_OUTPUT
RETURN @ReturnValue
--SELECT @ReturnValue [Result]

 I'm then using a tableadapter to execute this from my ASP.NET page using the following code, Protected Sub ExecutePackage()
Dim ExecuteAdapter As New SCC_DAL.RunSSISTableAdapters.SSISRunBuildSCCDWTableAdapter()
Dim strResult As String
strResult = ExecuteAdapter.Execute()
lblResult.Text = strResult
End Sub
 If I remove 'NO_OUTPUT' from my stored procedure and run it the results contain a field named 'output' with all the steps from my package. Then below this is my return value. In my code I can only return the first step of the package results - which tells me nothing useful. I need to be able to return the return value (0-6) in my code.
When I have 'NO_OUTPUT' in my stored procedure and execute it I am left with just the return value. However no value is returned in my code at all although the package does run. I've tried bother RETURN @ReturnValue and SELECT @ReturnValue to no avail.
Can someone suggest how I can get the value 0-6 to my code?

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Executing A Variable Inside A Stored Procedure

May 7, 2005

Hello :) I need to do something like this:
CREATE PROCEDURE SelectCostumers @name varchar(100)
Declare @SQL = "SELECT Id, Name FROM Costumers"
IF (@name IS NULL)
@SQL += "WHERE Name LIKE @name"
See, what I need is a string variable that I can concatenate with whatever I want depending on the parameter I get.
Thank you

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Problem With Executing Query Or Stored Procedure

May 8, 2002

Hi all
i am facing problems in executing stored procedures.
Sometimes the connection to server fails.
all the query, sp working fine few minutes back fails.
the sp executes and executes and does not get results but hangs later a get an error.

Any ideas please let me know it is quite urgent. i am at the point of testing
and only now facing such problems

with regards

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Aug 27, 2001



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How To Skip Lines While Procedure Executing By Other User ?

May 25, 2005

how to skip lines while procedure executing by other user ?


create sp_test
delete from x where a = 1
delete from x where a = 2
delete from x where a = 3

select * from x

user A executing sp_test
if user B executing sp_test at the same time run sp_test but skip #1; #3



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