Hi, I have written a stored proc to bulk insert the data from a data file. I have a requirement that i need to insert the data into a table of which the name is not known. I mean to say that the table name will be passed as a parameter to the stored proc. And also i need to insert the date that will also be passed as the parameter to the stored proc
The follwing statement works fine if i give the table name directly in the query
Code Snippet
DECLARE @LastUpdate varchar(20)
SET @LastUpdate = 'Dec 11 2007 1:20AM'
INSERT INTO Category SELECT MSISDN, @LastUpdate FROM OPENROWSET( BULK '\remotemachinedatafile.txt', FORMATFILE = '\remotemachineFormatFile.fmt', FIRSTROW = 2) AS a
To satisfy my requirement ( i.e passing the table name dynamically , and the date) , i have formed the query string ( exact one as above ) and passing it to EXEC statement. But its failing as explained below
Code Snippet
@Category - Will be passed as a parameter to the stored proc
Print @vsBulkSQL - This prints the folliwing statement
INSERT INTO Category SELECT MSISDN, 'Dec 11 2007 1:20AM' FROM OPENROWSET ( BULK '\remotemachineDataFile.txt' , FORMATFILE ='\remotemachineFormatFile.fmt', FIRSTROW =2) AS a
Exec @vsBulkSQL - This statement gives the following error
The name 'INSERT INTO Sports SELECT MSISDN, 'Dec 11 2007 1:20AM' FROM OPENROWSET ( BULK '\remotemachineSecond.txt' , FORMATFILE ='\remotemachineFormatFile.fmt', FIRSTROW =2) AS a' is not a valid identifier.
Can any one please point out where am i doing wrong? Or do i need to do anything else to achive the same
How is it that the value returned by sp_spaceused is larger than the actual database size and unallocated space be negative? For example sp_spaceused retruns the following for one of our databases.
database_size = 52022.31 MB unallocated space = -16462.47 MB
That does not make much sense to me how the reserved size and even data size can be larger than the database_size.
This database was 85 gigs yesterday but we were running extremely short on disk space so I was forced to do a shrink. I did update stats for the database as well.
Hi, I'm having an SSIS package which gives the following error when executed :
Error: 0xC002F210 at Create Linked Server, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "exec (?)" failed with the following error: "Syntax error or access violation". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.Task failed: Create Linked Server
The package has a single Execute SQL task with the properties listed below :
General Properties Result Set : None
ConnectionType : OLEDB Connection : Connected to a Local Database (DB1) SQLSourceType : Direct Input SQL Statement : exec(?) IsQueryStorePro : False BypassPrepare : False
Parameter Mapping Properties
variableName Direction DataType ParameterName
User::AddLinkSql Input Varchar 0
'AddLinkSql' is a global variable of package scope of type string with the value Exec sp_AddLinkedServer 'Srv1','','SQLOLEDB.1',@DataSrc='localhost',@catalog ='DB1'
When I try to execute the Query task, it fails with the above error. Also, the above the sql statement cannot be parsed and gives error "The query failed to parse. Syntax or access violation"
I would like to add that the above package was migrated from DTS, where it runs without any error, eventhough it gives the same parse error message.
I would appreciate if anybody can help me out of this issue by suggeting where the problem is.
--Exec Database.Employees --Use Database --Go --Create PROCEDURE AEM.TempTable --AS --BEGIN --Select * into #emptemp From Database.Employees --End --Select * From #emptemp
Is something like this possible? I can get the EXEC to run the "Select * into #emptemp From Database.Employees" statement, but when I try to use the temp table it doesnt see it.
I am passing a parameter and executing two tables and grabbing it's data.. In the future I will put the code into a store-procedure.
--Exec Table 1 declare @id varchar(20), @MEMBER_ID varchar(20) set @id=null set @MEMBER_ID ='55555' --ie. 55555
Select id from emp Where MEMBER_ID = @MEMBER_ID
--Okay, Next I need to execute another table and pass in the id --that was selected from the emp table.
Currently, the emp table displays ie. 100 records that matches the member id 55555.. But the second select is empty.. And I need to display email data for the 100 records that were selected from the emp table..
I hope is it not confusing what I am trying to do..
hey out there, just started playing with this so bare with me... i've used the data export wizard to create a dts package in sql server 2000. the package takes selected tables, creates an access database and then dumps all the data into the tables. it works fine when i run the package in enterprise manager, but when i call it from asp.net (vb.net) the access database gets created, the tables are created but it fails to dump the data! this is my code:1 Public Sub executeDts() 2 3 Dim oPkg As DTS.Package2 4 oPkg = New DTS.Package2 5 Dim oStep As DTS.Step 6 Dim sMessage As New StringBuilder 7 8 9 oPkg.LoadFromSQLServer("serverNameHere", "userNameHere", "passwordHere", DTSSQLServerStorageFlags.DTSSQLStgFlag_Default, , , , "packageNameHere") 10 11 For Each oStep In oPkg.Steps 12 13 sMessage.Append("<p> Step [" & oStep.Name & "] ") 14 15 If oStep.ExecutionResult = DTSStepExecResult.DTSStepExecResult_Failure Then 16 17 sMessage.Append(" failed<br>") 18 19 Else 20 21 sMessage.Append(" succeeded<br>") 22 23 End If 24 25 sMessage.Append("Task """ & oPkg.Tasks.Item(oStep.TaskName).Description & """</p>") 26 27 Next 28 29 Response.Write("sMessage = " & sMessage.ToString & "<br/>") 30 31 oPkg.Execute() 32 33 oPkg.UnInitialize() 34 35 oPkg = Nothing 36 37 End Sub 38
am i missing a step?! it seems very odd that the tables are created but the insert fails... any advice anyone can offer would be great! cheers, jake
I need to grab data from teradata(using odbc connection).. i have no issues if its just bunch of joins and wheres conditions.. but now i have a challenge. simple scenario, i have to create volatile table, dump data into this and then grab data from this volatile table. (Don't want to modify the query in such a way i don't have to use this volatile table.. its a pretty big query and i have no choice but create bunch of volatile tables, above scenarios is just mentioned on simple 1 volatile table ).
So i created a proc and trying to pass this string into teradata, not sure if it works.. what options i have.. (I dont have a leisure to create proc in terdata and get it executed when ever i want and then grab data from the table. )
I have a set of stored procedures copied into several databases (similar table structures but different data). I would like to avoid maintaining so many versions of the same procedures, so want to put the stored procs in a common database and execute it from there, e.g. exec common_db..the_procedure However, when you do that, the procedure executes in the context of common_db, not in the context of the calling proc's database. Is there a way of calling a procedure so that the calling proc's context is used?
Check terminated. A failure was detected while collecting facts. Possibly tempdb out of space or a system table is inconsistent. Check previous errors.
Msg 824, Level 24, State 2, Line 3
SQL Server detected a logical consistency-based I/O error: torn page (expected signature: 0x55555555; actual signature: 0x55555545). It occurred during a read of page (1:934) in database ID 12 at offset 0x0000000074c000 in file 'E:SomefolderSomedatabase.mdf'. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log or system event log may provide more detail. This is a severe error condition that threatens database integrity and must be corrected immediately. Complete a full database consistency check (DBCC CHECKDB). This error can be caused by many factors; for more information, see SQL Server Books Online.
Tried to restore from my local .bak file and it was giving me the same error and since I cant get my database back online I cant run the restore from tape. I did some online research and found this command:
Didnt correct the problem and produced the same error above.
This has happened once before and I rebuit the entire backup server. That seems to not "fix" the problem because it has happened again. Does anyone have a suggestion. Keep in mind that the storage for the database is on iSCSI if that means anything but I have 11 other databases (including a BES Database) that never have any issues.
OS: Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition R2 SP2 SQL: SQL 2005 Enterprise Edition SP2
We are having a problem with trying to backup the database device and log DAT files located in the MSSQLData directory. The Seagate Backup Exec. states that the files are busy and skips them during its backup cycle. It skips all the devices in the directory.
I am using the sp_spaceused system stored procedure to identify tables in my database that are large. I have two questions. Can anyone help me sort this list. I assume this is returned in clustered order, but I want to order the list by rows. Also, when I run this sp_spaceused stored proc, on some of my tables I get a negative value returned under the 'index_size' and 'unused' columns in my result set. How can this be.
on some of our sql 6.5 databases the space available is shown as 0MB. I realise that I must run sp_spaceused to get an accurate result, but the results I then get are slightly confusing. All I want to know is the space left in both the database and the log - can I get a reading for both?. Sometimes the unused space is shown as a negative number. Can anyone advise since books online is fairly unspecific.
(the total script that i run incidentaly is:
exec sp_spaceused go DBCC checktable (sysindexes) go DBCC checktable (syslogs) go exec sp_spaceused @updateusage=true go)
hi, I used sp_spaceused 'owner.tablename' and it shows index size as 24kb whereas there is no index on this table. I thought may be it's not showing the right statistics so I update the statistics but it is still showing the same . what is happening? I am using SQl 2k/Win2k. TIA.
Hi,In our environment sp-spaceused returns:Allocated: 500Unallocated: -100Enterprise Database Taskpad shows that our total database size = 400 MB(320 used; 80 unused)Windows Explorer shows also that MDF file is more or less 400 MB.What does sp_spaceused exactly ???How do I SELECT the 320;80 of the taskpad with a query ???Greetings,Arno de Jong, The Netherlands.
I have a question on a problem I'm unable to solve. Help would be much appreciated.
I'm using SQL2005 at the moment,
Basically what I'm trying to do is Execute a string. The trick is that I want to do it on a different database than the one I'm currently working on.
I get the execution string from the Information_Schema.ROUTINES system table, so they cannot be modified to suit my needs.
Basically, I'm trying to move all UDF's and stored procedures that meet certain criteria to a different database using one script.
I know all about the USE statement, but I can't append it infront of the execution string, because it complains that CREATE or ALTER needs to be the first statement. I also can't use the USE statement before I call EXECUTE, because it complains that a USE statement may not be used within a procedure.
Does anybody know of a way I can execute those strings on a different database?
I have a web application using Stored Procedure (SP). I see that there's a SP taking long time to execute. I try to capture it by Profiler Tool, and find out that with the same SP on the same db with the same parameter. The duration of executing by my web app is far bigger than the duration of executing on SQl server management studio - query window
Please see the image through this url http://kyxao.net/127/ExecutionProblem.png
Hi,I have a web application using Stored Procedure (SP). I see that there's a SP taking long time to execute. I try to capture it by Profiler Tool, and find out that with the same SP on the same db with the same parameter. The duration of executing by my web app is far bigger than the duration of executing on SQl server management studio - query windowPlease see the image attached http://kyxao.net/127/ExecutionProblem.png Any ideas for this issue?Thanks a lot Jalijack
I have ran sp_spaceused (SQL 6.5 SP4) on my database (4000MB Data, 500 Log) and received the following output for "Reserved" : 4412390 KB. Note that this is more than 4000MB. I checked and made sure my data and log were truly separated...
Just to make sure, I added 2000MB more data space. Sp_spaceused now returned the following for reserved: 3493220 KB.
I am wondering why the allocation dropped, while no user activity was taking place during the process of growing the database....sp_spaceused reported data size first at 2725532, then at 1806314. Any ideas? A bug? Did the database fill up and begin using log pages...?
Hi, I ran sp_spaceused against a DB table, and got -160K in the field "unused". If anybody can explain what this negative number means? We have a problem with performance. It's extremly slow. The table contains 600,000 records. Even simple select * from <table> (table scan) takes 6 minutes. This is SQL Server2000. Any help is appreciated.
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_space @sortbyrows bit=0 AS SET NOCOUNT ON select cast(object_name(id) as varchar(50)) AS name, sum(CASE WHEN indid<2 THEN rows END) AS rows, sum(reserved)*8 AS reserved, sum(dpages)*8 AS data, sum(used-dpages)*8 AS index_size, sum(reserved-used)*8 AS unused from sysindexes with (nolock) where indid in(0,1,255) and id>100 GROUP BY id with rollup ORDER BY CASE WHEN @sortbyrows=1 THEN sum(CASE WHEN indid<2 THEN rows END) ELSE sum(reserved)*8 END desc
EXEC sp_space --show stats sorted by reserved space size EXEC sp_space 1 --show stats sorted by row count
It basically displays the results of sp_spaceused, but broken out by each table, and it rolls it up to a grand total. Naturally, for the most accurate results you should run DBCC UPDATEUSAGE before running this sproc.
Hi all,I am facing an unusual issue here. I have a stored procedure, that return different set of result when I execute it from .NET component compare to when I execute it from SQL Management Studio. But as soon as I recompile the stored procedure, both will return the same results.This started to really annoying me, any thoughts or solution? Thanks very much guys
I have a stored procedure named usp_CreateSomeAdminObjects that resides in say a database named AdminStuff (ok, fictional but it gets the point across :) ). This proc generates a series of dynamic SQL statements (DROP TRIGGER, CREATE TRIGGER and EXECUTE sp_settriggerorder) against tables that reside in different databases. However I am unable to change the context of the database from AdminStuff to the database I am cycling. Any suggestions on how I can have execute this dynamic SQL in the context of a specific database (other than the one the proc resides in)?
I can not put the USE statement in a stored procedure. Attempts to use sp_executesql, EXECUTE and even run the script through sqlcmd using either (a) the -d option or (b) a USE <dbname>; statement as part of the -q parameter have all been unsuccessful.
Heck, even if I execute this code through SSMS it does not work as I need it to:
USE OtherDatabaseName; EXEC DBA.dbo.usp_CreateSomeAdminObjects
I confirmed this by adding these statements to the proc:
/* Gets list of tables from the current database */ SELECT name, create_date FROM sys.objects WHERE type = 'U' ORDER BY name
These statements return a list of user tables that reside in AdminStuff and not OtherDatabaseName (the same goes for the DB_NAME() statement.
Any suggestions on how I can accomplish what I'm looking to do - have this proc execute dynamically generated DDL scripts for tables that reside in a different database. I'd rather not name this procedure sp_CreateSomeAdminObjects and compile it in the master database. If that is my only option I will but figured I'd check out other options first.