Expired Transactional Subscription Prob

Nov 19, 2004

I'm a complete newb at this. Boss man said, "Here, replication isn't working. Fix it."
So, best I can determine, we had a subscription, but it looks like it got disowned. Trying to delete the subscription gives me a "The subscription on the Subscriber doesn't exist."
I need to delete the subscription to set up a new transactional replication process. Or at least, spending a day hugging on the SQL server has made me think so. I'm running MsSQL 2K. I've tried to screw with it what ways I could glean with the EM, but I'm not getting anywhere. That and I can't find a freaking thing on error 20017 except "It don't exist, buddy."
Here's the skinny:
We have the entire customer Database on Server A. We take 2 fields from the A and replicate them per transaction to B which the Radius server runs off of. (This helps reduce traffic because we keep the A server at the office while the radius server and B server are across town). :(

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Reinitializing Push Subscription After It Expired In Transactional Replication

Jan 24, 2007

I am using SQL 2000. How can I get my transactional replication reinitialized after it has failed with several attempts.

I know one way of doing it through enterprise manager and specifying the subscription to reinitialize. But this will apply the snapshot and will take long time.

Is there a fast way of doing it?


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Transactional Replication Timeout Expired

Jan 21, 2005

I have Transactional replication setup like this:

Server A: Publisher
Server B: Distributor
Server C: Subscriber

A is able to deliver commands to B with no problem.

However, after replication runs for a day I am getting these timeouts on B while it is trying to connect to C to deliver transactiona and commands.

• Connecting to Subscriber 'C'
• The process is running and is waiting for a response from one of the backend connections.
• Timeout expired

Why can I not get replication to run for more than half a day?

Has anyone else had this issue? I can connect to B from C with no problem in Query Analyzer.

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Timeout Expired In TRansactional Replication

Sep 7, 2007

Can anybody please tell me what are the possible causes of timeout expired in transactional replication.


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[Expired Subscription Clean Up] Job Failing

Nov 14, 2005


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Synchronizing Expired Subscription And Publication Databases

Oct 28, 2005

I had a merge subscription expire and now need to synchronize two disparate databases.  How do I do so without overwriting the subscriber database with the publication snapshot?  Thanks for any help you can give.

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The Subscription To Publication 'xxxx' Has Expired Or Does Not Exist

Dec 7, 2006


Is there any way to find out if "subscription to publication has expired" in advance using RMO?

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Pull Subscription For Transactional Replication

Jan 5, 2005

I have setup a pull subscription on the subscriber for transactional replication. The distribution job continues to run, but doesn't do anything because it says: The initial snapshot for publication 'man4' is not yet available.

How can I tell if the snapshot is running, and can I see the snapshot where it was created?

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Updatable Subscription In Transactional Replication

Sep 8, 2005

Hi guys,

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Transactional With Updateable Subscription And Log Shipping

Mar 8, 2007

We have a database set up for transactional replication with an updateable subscription. When we add log shipping to the publication database (sending the logs to a separate server) the publication and subscription entry show up in Management Studio's replication folder on the log ship target server (although the definitions are correct).

Is this configuration legitimate? Can I add log shipping to the subscription database as well?

Thanks... Liston

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Trigger In The Subscription Database - Transactional Replication...

Feb 2, 2007


We are Using Transactional Replication with Updatable Subscription in SQL Server 2005 SP1.

Subscription Type : Pull Subscription

Mode : Continuous Running Mode

Conflict Resolution Policy : Publisher Wins.

I have a table "Sample" (which is part of replication) and it has got 3 triggers. All the triggers are set NOT FOR REPLICATION.

The first trigger Updates a column of the "Sample" table in which i inserted a record.
The second trigger inserts record in to another database table and also updates a column of the table "Sample".
The third trigger does not affect any tables, it is written for some manipulations with variables.

In this scenario when I insert a record in the Sample table of the subscription database, that record is visible in the table. But during replication, it shows conflict in the Conflict Viewer and removes the record from the Sample table of the subscription database. The record is not replicated to the publisher and the other Subscriber also.

But when I comment any one update in either the first or second trigger, the insert works fine without any conflict.

Is there any issue with firing two triggers in replication which is updating the same table? I also suspect the Order of Commands moving to the Publisher from the MSReplication_Queue table, becoz the conflict viewer shows the subscriber as the Conflict loser.
Is there any issue with msrepl_tran_version, Since the conflict is decided based on this id??

It would be helpful if u could reply soon.

Thanks and Regards,


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Transactional Replication - Pull Subscription Snapshot Being Applied Continuously

Jan 25, 2007


We have setup transactional replication between 2 databases on SQL Server 2000 SP3a  (~70GB), using a concurrent snapshot (to prevent locking out of the live database) to initilaise the data and a pull subscription from the second database.

From analysing the msdistribution_history table in the distribution database on the subscriber it appears that the snapshot is being applied in a continuous loop to the subscriber database. Viewing the comments column in the msdistribution_history table we can see the following sequence of events occuring

Applied script 'snapshot.pre'
Then it applies all the schema files .sch
Then it applies all the index files .idx
The it bulk copies the data in (bcp)
Then it creates the Primary Keys
Then it applies all the trigger files .trg
Then it applies all the referential integrity files .dri

These all complete successfully but then the process kicks off again immediately after reapplying the snapshot.  We are unaware of any settings that may be causing this.

Any help on what maybe causing this would be much appreciated.



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SSRS - Resetting A Subscription After A Subscription Run Failure

Feb 11, 2008

It seems to me that if a scheduled SSRS report subscription fails ( Status Message - An error has occurred during report processing) , that I actually need to delete the subscription and reconfigure it from scratch. The scheduled job doesn't try to run again automatically (say the next Monday on a weekly Monday schedule).

Is there a way to "reset" a failed subscription without have to recreate the entire subscription?

Thank you
Devon Kyle

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Existing Subscription Already Contains Table Included In The New Subscription

Sep 26, 2007



Existing subscription already contains table included in the new subscription.

What are the possible causes of this merge replication error?
Could it be caused by a SQL Server Compact Edition User trying to sync their .sdf file after their subscription has already expired on the SQL Server?

Would you expect to see a different message if a SQL Server Compact Edition user tried to sync a subscriber database (.sdf file) with merge replication if it's been longer than the subscription retention period since their last sync?

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DTS Prob

May 17, 2001

I have to transfer some data from my SQL Server 7.0 database on NT Pro to a Unix server as a text file. This has to be scheduled as a weekly job.
I can use DTS to transfer data into a text file , but is there a way by which i can export this file to a Unix server also ?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Hi My Db Is Prob

Aug 29, 2007

Hi friends,

My database had this require ment

Every day my database 12;00pm we will take fullbackup
1:00 O clock differntial backup
2:00 O clok again on diifferntial backup
Every 15(fifteen)Min we will take Transaction log backups
My database is crashed on 2:00 clock we will not take 2:00 clock Tlog backup
we have taken only 1:45 Tlog backup.

Here my database is loss 1:45 to 2:00 clock data

we cannot take this 15min Tlog backup

Any body plz give suggestion on how to recover this 15min data plz help me it very urgent



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Jun 2, 2006

Bonjour,CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MAND]([Mat] [varchar](5)[Dur] [varchar](1)) ON [PRIMARY]Mat Dur16030d16030i31217i10000d12000i10000d31217d35000d36000i35000dJe voudrais avoir le resulat suivant (i need this result) :10000 d35000 dCar ils ont tous les deux "d". J'ai beau faire un regroupement (groupby) par Mat avec un having هـ ne marche pas.Comment faire ?Merci d'avance

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Sql Prob

Oct 26, 2006

hi, i get

Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Invalid object name 'a1'.

i do have a1, what is the problem here?





ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[STP_InvoiceByPono]




declare @Fieldname varchar(25)

declare @stmt varchar(max)

declare fields cursor for select amounttype from Inv_AmountTypes

set @stmt = 'Select distinct a1.date_, a1.suppliercode, a1.invoiceid, a3.pono'

open fields

fetch next from fields into @fieldname

while @@fetch_status = 0


set @stmt = @stmt + ',(Select b3.amountfc from

invoice b1 inner join Inv_Detailed b2 on b1.InvoiceID = b2.InvoiceID

inner join Inv_Multiplicity b3 on b2.InvoiceID_Detailed = b3.InvoiceID_Detailed

inner join a1 on a1.InvoiceID = b1.InvoiceID inner join a3 on a3.Pono = b3.Pono

where amounttype = ''' + @fieldname + ''') as ' + @fieldname

fetch next from fields into @fieldname


CLOSE Fields


set @stmt = @stmt + ' From Invoice a1 inner join Inv_Detailed a2 on

a1.InvoiceID = a2.InvoiceID inner join Inv_Multiplicity a3 on

a2.InvoiceID_Detailed = a3.InvoiceID_Detailed'




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ASP.NET / SQL 2k Membership Prob

Jun 10, 2006

Almost have my custom membershipprovider finsihed, but have ran into a small snag.Scenario:: 2 methods. CreateUser(blah blah) and ValidateUserName(string username). CreateUserWizard control calls CreateUser(blah blah) which in the start of the method calls ValidateUserName(string username). ValidateUserName runs a stored procedure on SQL 2k to check and see if user exists in the db. Returns a bool true or false. If true, then everything works correctly and returns a message displaying that the user exists, please enter a different name.Now the problem. If it returns false, meaning that the username doesnt exist and is available to use, it calls a stored procedure to create the record in the users db. This is where the problem lies. It does NOTHING but sit there waiting. But it never seems to time out. If I comment out the validating. It will add a record successfully.Im wondering if it has something to do with calling 2 stored procedures consecutivly????::CODE TO FOLLOW::

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Jobs Prob

Aug 24, 2001

I have a couple of jobs set on 1 server. I want these jobs to be transferred, or rather copied to another server. Is there a method by which I can just point these jobs to another server, without having to manually create them again ??


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Datetime Prob

Jan 17, 2001

I need to get only the Time from the datetime result. I am curently using this:
select right(Convert(varchar(20),getdate(),109),8)

Is there any other built function of SQL that we can use to get this ?

Thanks in advance!

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Replication Prob.

Jun 26, 1998

I am having a problem replicating between 2 servers using 1 distributor. I have server X and server Y.
Server X is a publisher, distributor, and supposedly a subscriber, while server Y is a subscriber and
supposed publisher (using Server X as a remote distributor). My logreader task (off server X since
it is the distributor) gives me the error message "Unable to connect to server Y". I was pretty sure it
is possible to publish to the same server that is your distributor am I wrong? If I am not wrong and
this scenario is possible any ideas on why it isn`t working and how to get it working?

Thanks for the help in advance

Levi Akers

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Weird Prob!!!HELP

Aug 1, 2002

Whenever I am creating a new database, I am not getting any system stored procedures created :o( the system tables & views are created though :o(
what maybe the problem?


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DTS Wizard Prob...

Aug 12, 2005


Having a problem with DTS Wizard crashing in XP, has anyone experienced similiar problems?

Using XP with SP1, transfering excel file to an oracle serve.

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Another Simple Prob I Cant Fig Out

Oct 21, 2004

I have a table w/ 17K line items. There are only 8.5k I want because each one is duplicated exactly twice. How do I get one of each of these line Items into a new Table?

I tried this:

Select DISTINCT * from DuplicateTable INTO NewTable

And it doesnt work. I am still getting the 17K transported over... any solutions?

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Web Assistant Prob

Jan 28, 2004


i have a few web jobs, that were set up by the DBA that worked here before I did and they have just stopped running and I have no idea why.

The error I get is:

Executed as user: dbo. SQL Web Assistant: Could not establish a local connection to SQL Server. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 16804)

Does anyone have any experience with this?

Thanks in advance

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DTS Package Prob

May 11, 2004

I wrote next ActiveX script. But it doesn't work. Can somebody tell me what i'm doing wrong. It should retrieve the mail and Assoc-NT-Account, but so far i only get errors?

Another question: should I explicitly write this to a table? If yes, how?

************************************************** ******************** ' Visual Basic ActiveX Script '************************************************* **********************

Function Main() Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

strServerName = "**********" set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") set oCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") set oRS = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")

oConn.Provider("ADsDSOObject") on error resume next oConn.Properties("User ID") = "*********" oConn.Properties("User Name") = "*******" oConn.Properties("Password")="*********" oConn.Properties("Encrypt Password")= True oConn.Open "Ads Provider"

set oCommand.ActiveConnectection = oConn

strQuery =" Select Assoc-NT-Account, mail from LDAP://servername/o=orgName/ou=OrgUnit where objectClass = 'person' order by cn"

oCommand.CommandText = strQuery oCommand.Properties("Page Size") = 99

set oRS.sort ="cn"

i = 0 While not oRS.eof vObjectClass=oRS.Fields("objectClass") bShow = oRS.Fields("mail") > " " if bShow then oRS.Fields("mail") oRS.Fields("Assoc-NT-Account") End If oRS.MoveNext i=i+1 wend End Function

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Column Prob

Jun 14, 2007

repairJob(repairJobID, description)

sparePart(sparePartID, description ,cost)
->('sp1', 'oil+bolt+...', 100)
->('sp2', 'bolt, clamp...', 200)
->('sp3', 'protector, cover..', 500)

repair(repairID, repairJob, sparePartID, cost, workShopID)
->('r001', 'overhaul', 'sp1', 100, 'w001')
->('r002', 'overhaul', 'sp2', 200, 'w001')
->('r003', 'gearbox', 'sp3', 500, 'w002')
->('r004', 'gearbox', 'sp2', 200, 'w002')


Is it possible to make it?

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Quote Prob

Mar 25, 2008

I have a stored proc that creates a view so I can pass parameters. I need to replace the 120 with the variable @MEA. I can't get my quotes right to make this work.
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.spi_CallList
(@strAgent nchar(4), @MEA int)


DECLARE @Msg varchar(255)
declare @SQL varchar(4000)

DROP VIEW qs_CallList1

SET @SQL = 'Create view qs_CallList1 as
SELECT top 100 percent tsd_Claim.clinsnum AS [Ins#], Sum(tsd_Claim.cloutstandingamt) AS OutstndByIns
FROM (tsd_Claim LEFT JOIN [qs_SQLClaimStatusLastEntryCL] ON (tsd_Claim.clnum = [qs_SQLClaimStatusLastEntryCL].Claim)
AND (tsd_Claim.clpid = [qs_SQLClaimStatusLastEntryCL].Pat))
LEFT JOIN tsd_Patient ON tsd_Claim.clpid = tsd_Patient.PID
WHERE (((tsd_Patient.PAGENT)=''' + ltrim(rtrim(@strAgent)) + ''')
AND (([qs_SQLClaimStatusLastEntryCL].Pat) Is Null)
AND ((tsd_Claim.clfromdos)<GetDate()-120))
GROUP BY tsd_Claim.clinsnum
ORDER BY Sum(tsd_Claim.cloutstandingamt) DESC'

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SQL Delete Prob.

Jul 23, 2005

Himy prob is like this..-----------------------------create table ax(i int ,j int)create table ay(i int ,j int)insert into ax values(1,100)insert into ax values(1,101)insert into ax values(2,103)insert into ay values(1,200)insert into ay values(1,201)insert into ay values(1,202)insert into ay values(2,203)insert into ay values(2,204)insert into ay values(2,205)select * from axselect * from ay--------------------I want to delete2 records(count of ax.i = 1) from ay.i = 1 and1 record(count of ax.i = 2) from ay.i = 2expected result :select * from ayi , j-----1 , any data2 , any data2 , any datanote: j is the temporary column in both table.thanksdishan

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Converting Prob

Dec 4, 2007

Hi Friedns,

I am transfering data from oledb source to excel destination i am getting this error

error : First name cannot be converted unicode datatype to non-unique code datatype

any body plz help me


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Small Prob

Aug 17, 2007

i need to concatenate this two database fildes

PATNT_REFNO defined as numeric

out put of these tewo colomns like

PATNT_REFNO = 0125487

so i need to get a result like

any idea


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Prob In SSRS

Mar 10, 2008

Hi All,

My question is i had a report with drop down list which contains nearly 200 items.when i select all items it's shows the error. I am able to get the result up to 19 items.

even i tried to filter at report leval using IN operator it is not working.can any one give some suggation.

My expression is

Fields!DefectText IN " ( ' " & JOIN(PARAMETRS!DefectText.Value , " ' , ' ") & " ' )"


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