I am using Visual Studio Web Developer 2005 Express Edition with MSSQL 2005. I need to import my db into the db in Godaddy.com web server. How do you know export MSSQL db in VSWD to csv file? I was trying Teratrax. But I am not sure how to browse for the database on my local machine.
My local machine runs on XP Home Edition and I write my ASP.NET app with Visual Studio Web Developer Express Edition. How do I find out what my server name is so that I can connect to the database of my application? I don't think it is localhost because I don't have IIS running on my machine. From my understand VSWD has its own web server. But I am not sure how to connect to my data baswe so that I can export the database to CSV file using Teratrax.
Hi How can I export a MSSQL DB (table, SP, View, data) to a single csv file? I can export them to a sql file through Publishing Wizard, but how can I export it to a csv file? Thanks for help
Hello,I try to export a mssql database into a csv-file.I tried this with asp, but it doesn't work.<%Dim objConnDim csv_pathSet objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")objConn.open "database","username","passwd"csv_path =Server.MapPath("./") & "csv_test.csv"SQL ="SELECT * INTO OUTFILE 'C:inetpubwwwrootcsv_test.csv' FIELDSTERMINATED BY ';' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' FROM GROUPS"objConn.Execute SQLobjConn.CloseSet objConn = Nothing%>There is a problem near 'C:inetpubwwwrootcsv_test.csv'Can anyone help? Thank you.Manuel
I am working on a couple fo the ASP.NET walkthoughs and I would like to practice with a Database that I created in Access. I realize that I could use the Access DB, but I would like to learn to work with a more industrial strength DB. Is there a method to export to MSSQL server 2000 from Access ?
i have a MSsql file wich i want to export information from. Every post in the database should be exportet to a own single file with all the information about the post. So from a single question to the database i would like to have a lot of files named by a speciel filed i the post. I also want to be able to design what the excel file should look like.
What is the easiest way to accomplish this task with SSIS?
Basically I have a stored procedure that unions multiple queries between databases. I need to be able to export this to a text file on a daily basis and add a total records: row to the end of the text file.
I am using BCP to export a Table to a TAB delimited file. This works great, but in some fields a NULL in the Table is being exported as a character zero in the Tab file. I confirmed this by looking at the Tab file with a Hex editor.
As we know, MySQL have function to output its data into Text File using "Select * into outfile 'C:/mytext.txt". Does MSSQL has "Select into Outfile" function??? If yes, what is the function?? Thanks in advance :) Anderson
I wanted to know if there is a possiblity of running a scheduled VBScript file under MSSQL 7.0 using the - Management->Sql Server Agent->Jobs.
When I create a Step, there are these given options: 1. Active Script: I understand that the configuration would allow VBScript or Java Script or Others.... but the command could only be as long as 3200 characters. My script is longer than the mentioned limit hence I will have to use an external .vbs file. I don't know how the third option of others to be used.
2.Operating System Command(CmdExec): I can only use .BAT, .CMD, .EXE, .COM extentions in this. Again, I would have to convert my .VBS file to a .EXE and then schedule it. It has a lot of overheads to it, which I consider is not apt.
Could anyone suggest me how to go about scheduling a .vbs file on MSSQL 7.0 with set frequency.
Here's my question, hopefully one of you can help me:
When you allow your log file to grow on its own, eventually it uses up all your diskspace . . so you truncate it. However, when you truncate it, it doesn't *resize* the log file, so your still out of disk space, it simply clears up room within the allocated "block" or what-not so that the db can continue to make log file entries. So, does anyone know of a way to resize that log file without losing it's data? For example, we were thinking about truncating it, backing it up, dropping the original, and then restore the log file from the "truncated backup." Anyways, there must be an easier solution (if that one even works!) . . so please, if you have any hints, let me know.
I need an application with asp.net that let me restore database by getting .bak file and database name and database user and user password, my database is SQL Server 2005.
Hi.. When I go to my MSSQL 2000 database--> properties-->Databse size is 1500MG and the space available is 305MB
But I don't understand how space available come from. As I had put my Database file and Transaction log file as unrestricted file grow. And put automatically file grow by 10% for both file and log
Why is the limit come from ?
Besides, I have a database which indicate space available as 0M in the database properties but it is still functioning. why?
Hello, we are running Microsoft SQL 2005 Express edition (9.0.32).
Recently I just noticed that the database log file of our main database is HUGE. The database data file is only 50MB and the log file is 210GB.
Any idea what is causing this? Seems to be getting bigger with time, in the last 7 days seems to have grown by 100GB. I noticed the following settings under the database:
I need to create a File DSN on AIX Unix server which can connect to MS SQL server 2005 on a windows machine.Can anyone please give me step by step procedure how to do it.Its an urgent requirement. Please help me.
I had a problem today where BCP would not read the format file I created giving the following error:
I/O error while reading BCP format file.
I searched the archives here at swynk.com and found a thread titled exactly the same as the one I am now creating. There were numerous responses to this thread but none of them seemed to solve the problem for me (short of the one that suggested using BCP to create the format file, which I didn't want to do).
I used BCP to create a format file for me (which looked identical to the format file that I created) and it worked fine. With my suspicions aroused, I used a binary file viewer to look at the contents of each file and highlight the differences. Apart from the usual variations in whitespace I noticed that the my file did not have any carriage returnline feed at the end of the last row definition.
My format file ended at the end of the last row definition line. It did not have any carriage returns and line feeds. I matched the one generated by BCP and added the following "
" to the end of the file, tested my format file and it worked perfectly.
The moral of the story is, make sure when you create a format file, you have an empty line at the end of the file (ie: after your last "Server Column Name", make sure you have "
Hi.. We have a MSSQL application and the DB file (not the log file) seems getting bigger over this few year and right now you are running almost out of space. May I know how does the other company deal with this kind of situation?
i am sure other company data is getting bigger as well and it has been longer time than ours. How to deal with it ?
Hi. I've following problem: - Customer played with his logical drives in a CPQ smart array - He played too much: he lost the drive with the LDF-File - Now the SQL-Server is in a kind of wired mode; you can start and stop it, but you cannot connect to (neiter 'sa' nor any other user available before) In fact the mode is not wired: what shall he do other when most important file is missing... :o - The problem for me now is:
> How can I get the Enterprise Manager or Query Analyzer up and running again to start a restore?
PS: The restore is to be done from a tape-library running Veritas Backup Exec + SQL-Agent
PPS: Error-log says (what I already know): 2005-10-04 17:18:02.69 spid11 Device activation error. The physical file name 'H:DEVLOG1DEVLOG1.ldf' may be incorrect.
Hi all...I would like to know if SQL SERVER can load a tab delimited text file.If yes, how?A search on the web did not return me the "load data" command as mysqlor other.Thank you all.
we have a requirement to create a database of our application in client's system. and we assume that already MS Sql server is installed.
we have a .mdf file of our database. Is there any way I can attach .mdf file to the database using command line. so that I can write a batch file and run that batch to create the database in our client's system.
Hi... We have application that connected to MSSQL 2000 database. The database file is getting bigger and bigger over the years. Recently the performance of the database and application is getting slower and slower, my senior oracle DBA told me that I should archive the MSSQL 2000 data file and export the old record to the archive DB. So that the number of record will be less and it will be faster.
I would like to know whether MSSQL 2000 support archiving of the database file ? If yes, what is the way to do it ? I could not find it in Enterprise manager option at all.
Hi everybody, I am running DTS export data evry night, where my MyTable is being transformed into MyTable.txt. In my MyTable which sits in sql 7.0 I have a field which shows today's date as julian date ( today julian date is 109). Is there a way to write a procedure/trigger which will rename MyTable.txt on daily basis into MyTable109.txt for today; MyTable110.txt for tomorrow; etc... Kind of stuck with that.. Thanks alot, rudi
Hi, I am a novice with SQL script and I would like to know how can I make an export of my database in a flat file .txt after every new insert record on my database. Can anyone help me where I can find the code or else....I am very alone and I am out of the way.
I have a DTS package scheduled to run every day creates a text file on Server A and then moves the text file from Server A to Server B. But recently, the package is moving incomplete text file from Server A to Server B. Not every day. There is no problem in generating the text file.
So far, I verified the memory on Server B - No Probelms. Changed the package so it copies the text file from Server A to Sever B instead of moving, then delete the text file on Server B. - Didn't work out.