Sep 29, 2000

How can I export SITE DIAGRAM to WORD ???

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SQL Server 2005 Db Diagram - Export?

Oct 9, 2006

I have a good size database (113 tables & views, each with an average of ~15 columns). I'd like to use SQL Server 2005 to create a basic table-layout diagram with fields for the DB, and then move that diagram to Visio or similar (even a bitmap) for additional annotations and updates. What I've seen so far with the tool that comes with SQL Server is that it's about good enough to do the initial generation and save me the work of having to type out the ~1600+ fields plus the relationships, but would be clumsy to use after that.

Unfortunately, so far I haven't seen a way to do any kind of export. It doesn't even want to let me print it (though it will, oddly, layout page-breaks for me). I'm currently using SSMS Standard edition (not express, but not pro either), so if that's the problem we do have a pro liscense for only one of the users here- I might be able to get him to do the export for me.

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How To Export/import A Sqlserver Diagram From A Database To Another

Jul 2, 2007

Hi everybody,

Is there a way to export and import a database modeling (diagram) from a database to another?

and how could I script my relationship between tables ?



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Export To Word

Mar 19, 2007

Not sure if i am in the right forum or not.
I have been given the task to create a mail merge application.

For time sakes while this is being built i need to just export the name and address in to a pre written letter in word. how can i do this?

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Export To MS Word

May 12, 2006

I desperatley need to export reports to MS Word - can anyone tell me a way around this please


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Export Report To Word

Dec 28, 2006

is there a way to export the report to MS Word?


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Can RS Export Word Document?

Jun 21, 2007

I saw on the report server web page, the word format is not supported for exporting. Is there any way to export report to a word editable document.

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Reporting Services Word Export

Oct 24, 2006

Hello there.

on "SQL Server Chat: Reporting Services Is Here" which was at January 28, 2004 this question got asked:

Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: How far are you from having export to Excel 97/2000 and Word working? I heard there are plans.
A: We are investigating doing these rendering extensions. We do not have a fixed timeframe for this work.
This is 2.5 years ago.In this thread:
the same question got asked again.

Are there any advances to this topic?

Thanks, Tobias.

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How To Export Report To Word File ?

Jul 17, 2006

Hi all,

After publish a report to Report Server, how can we export that report to word file ?

I used to try Office Writer tool. This tool allows to export report to word file but the report must be created in Office Writer, not report that is created in Reporting Designer of Reporting Service. Is there any way to export report to word file ?

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How To Export Database Properties From Visio To Word

Aug 10, 2012

I am trying to generate a report from the database. I am using Visio 2010. I would like to include the table names, column names , column types and the comments that I entered in the NOTES field associated with the tables and columns. Basically, I would like to generate a data dictionary report.

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SQL 2012 :: SSRS Export To Word Header Background Color Missing

Mar 17, 2015

I have a SSRS report developed in SQL 2012. When I exporting the report into word the back ground colour of page header missing. When Exporting to PDF and Excel page header BG colour showing.

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Reporting Services :: Word Export Requires Protected View Off To See Headers

Oct 15, 2015

I've got a report which, when exported to word, comes up with only the body of the report visible, and with the protected view warning present in Word 2013. When I enable editing, the header and footers appear correctly. What is happening here, and how do I correct it, if at all? I don't know that my customer is likely to accept having to enable editing to address this.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2008 - Export As Read-Only Word Document

Nov 17, 2015

I have a request from the customer to export a report to Word as a read-only document. I am restricted to out-of-the-box SSRS 2008, so I cannot write any custom export functionality.

The customer has the ability to export as PDF, and I suggested that, but before I tell them there's no easy solution, I wanted to get input from other Reporting Services folks.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2012 Doesn't Export Header / Footers To Word 2013

Oct 12, 2015

For the past couple of days I've been having an issue with Reporting Services. From what I can understand reporting services doesn't work well when exporting to word.

The scenario is quite simple, I am developing a report for a client with a 'master page', which works as the cover, and executes 2 sub-reports with one table each, nothing fancy. We don't export this report to pdf, because the internal client has to attach another report that is impossible to automate, so they generate that report via excel and integrate it on our word document before sending the document to their business partners.

Our main problem is that we can't export the header/footers to word.

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Not Able To Create A DB Diagram In SQL Server 2005. No Menu Option For Creating A DB Diagram??

Apr 23, 2007

I have created a database with several tables. I want to create a database diagram to show the relationshipbetween the tables. Below are the steps from the SQL Server 2005 documentation on how to create a database diagram. The problem is that when I right click on the Database Diagrams folder I am only given two options. They are:"Working with SQL Server diagrams" and "Refresh"There is no menu choice to create a new database diagram. Can anyone tell me what the problem here is?
To create a new database diagramIn Object Explorer, right-click the Database Diagrams folder or any diagram in that folder.
Choose New Database Diagram on the shortcut menu.
The Add Table dialog box appears.
Select the required tables in the Tables list and click Add.
The tables are displayed graphically in the new database diagram.

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Can I Change Null Word In Report To Another Word

Feb 24, 2008

i have report with parameter and he can have a null in parameter ther is null word can i change it to another word like all or any thing else

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Sql Search Command Word By Word?

Mar 30, 2005

I'm just wondering does anyone know how to create an sql command that can search word by word?
what i mean is like I have a product with name 'harry potter broom'.
I want an sql command where if i type only 'harry broom' this 'harry potter broom' product will show up.
Does anyone have any idea?
Here's my sql comand: (I'm using asp.net vb script do develop this system)
query = "select distinct * from product where " & _
"(pname like '%" & keyword & "%' or " & _
"pdesc like '%" & keyword & "%' ) and " & _
"(price >= " & price1 & " and price <= " & price2 & _
") and status <> 'out of stock' order by price asc"
Thank you.

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Is The Word Name A Reserved Word?

Sep 24, 2007

Is the word "Name" a reserved word in SQL? look at line 10 of my stored procedure. When I use the word "Name"it is highlited in blue by SQL Server?
Note I only list part of the stored proc
1  CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetXMLPeopleNames] 23 (4 @Status nvarchar(3)5)6 AS7 SELECT8  PersonId,9  PersonDescription,10  Name,11  UpdateDate,12  UpdateAppUser13 FROM14  Customer WHERE Customer.PersonDescription=@Status15 ORDER BY

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Convert Microsoft Word XML To PDF Without Using Microsoft Word

Jan 19, 2007

Hi all,

I work for a financial company where we send out lots of correspondence to clients on a daily and monthly basis. This would typically be something like a financial report, account statements, etc. We've decided to use PDF as the format which these documents must be in when our clients receive them.

Our marketing and sales departments designs the templates of these documents using Microsoft Word. They can save these MS Word documents in the Word XML format (either 2003 or 2007). We want it in XML format, because it is text based, and we can therefore string replace the content to update the template with a client€™s information. In the same token RTF would also do, but the file size when converted to RTF is a problem.

What I am looking for is a way to convert this XML into PDF using something like XSL-FO - i.e. we do not want to use the Word Interopt on our Production Server, firstly it is a little slow and secondly the production server is unmanned and we cannot allow a WinWord.EXE process to not close successfully for some or other reason.

I've tried a number of companies' evaluation software to try and achieve this (converting the WordML to PDF via XSL-FO), but so far no luck.

Does anybody know of a stylesheet out there with which I will be able to achieve this? Or an alternative method of converting MS Word files into PDF without using Word to do it?

Thank you in advance.


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How Can I Export Foreing Key And Primary Key With SQL2005 Management Studio/Database/Tasks/Export Data Wizard.

Jan 4, 2008

How can I Export Database with foreing Key and primary key.

Operation is that
SQL2005 Management Studio/Database/Tasks/Export Data

Before Version is SQL2000 we can Selected Copy Object and data between server and then Use Default Options click checked and Select Copy Index, Copy Foreing Primary key vs vs

But this options is not found in the SQL2005 Management Studio/Database/Tasks/Export Data wizard or I can't found it.

How can I export foreing Key and primary key with SQL2005 Management Studio/Database/Tasks/Export Data wizard.

Best Regards,


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Erd Diagram

May 12, 2005

Hi all,
How to make "ERD diagram" in SQL Server 2000.
plz discuss in detail
Thanx in advance

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ER Diagram

Sep 8, 2000

I am looking for the ER diagram of Sql Server systables.

I know it is somewhere in MSDN.

can any one give the URL or any source where i can find?

Advance Thanks

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ER Diagram

Feb 17, 2005

Is there any tool to generate ER diagram in sql server 2000. If not where can i generate an ER Diagram.


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ER Diagram

Feb 4, 2008


I'm a new to MS SQL server.Is there any way or freeware to generate
an ER diagram for a compony like e-bay.

Thanks in advance

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ER Diagram

Feb 20, 2008

I designed the ER diagram of some compony like blockbuster with some tables and i inserted 5 values in it.Now after creating the tables and inserting values i want to write a stored procedure to get members information,list all members with their age,member type name.So please help me writing the stored procedure.

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How To Have The DB Diagram

Nov 10, 2005

Hi all the SQL wizards there!!!I have a Data base consisting of 675 tables. There isn't any data basediagram created and not even any data is present in the system tablesto identify the realtionship betweeen the tables.i am planning to havethe realtionship created betweeen all the tables for easier access. Icouldn't figure out how to do that. Can anyone help me to relate thetables !!!!!!The Database in is in SQL server 2000.

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ER Diagram

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I'm a newbie to MS SQL server 2000. Is there any way or freeware to generatean ER diagram of a database??Thanks in advance,Wing

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Database Diagram

Dec 31, 2006

I am working through a book about setting up a database, though i'm doing it slightly differently, using a sql server database on a remote server rather than the local sql server express database shipped with visual studio.
everything has been going fine until i've reached a part where they want to add a database diagram to the existing database. they talk about right clicking the database diagram node, and selecting add, but for some reason there is no database diagram node, so i can't do it this way. the book also says using the data>add new>diagram from the menu, but when i do this i either have no diagram option (when i have no table opened) or else the diagram option is greyed out and unselectable (when i have a table opened).
 any ideas on how i can add a database diagram?

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Relationship Diagram

Oct 4, 2007

Hi there, I just set up my AppData and i'm trying to connect the Membership to a tbl_Profile that i created.I notice there's an application_id and a user_id which are uniqueidentifiers.  I've been trying create a relationship to tbl_Profile's user_id column but it won't let me saying it's not compatible. Am i suppose to set tbl_Profile's user_id column to int or uniqueidentifier? I've tried both and it won't let me... THanks! 

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What Is UML Data Diagram ? How To Do It? Can Anyone Pls Tell Me

Mar 5, 2008

       I need to do UML Data Diagram . I have Database tables available and for my task i need to pull data from those tables ,i need to expres this through UML Data diagram . I never did UML Data Diagram ,Can anyone pls tell me how to do UML Data Diagram? How it wil be?

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Exporting Diagram

Aug 19, 2003

When using the DTS to copy a db from my local MSSQL to the remote server (connecting via IP address) everything is copied ok except the diagram laying out the relations.
The table relations *are* copied because the damn thing works as expected also on the remote server.

I figured out that the diagrams are saved in the sysfile 'dtproperties' but when copying using the DTS query tool from local to remote this table is not visible.

I need to remove some relations on certain tables when bulk loading new data and was just wondering how I got to copy the diagram (as opposed to creating a new diagram on the remote server and adding relations manually).

Thanks a lot for any ideas,

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Cannot Create Db Diagram

Apr 19, 2006

When trying to create a DB diagram on my local SQL Server 2005 db, I get the following error:
cannot insert the value null into column "diagram_id"
I have searched the web and can't seem to find anything on this.
I just simply drag one table from my local db onto the diagram windows and try to Save it and that's what I get. I'm able to save diagrams on a networked SQL Server.
Does anybody know how I can resolve this issue?

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Relationship Diagram

May 29, 2006

How Can I view the relationship diagram of a database on Management Studio?

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