Exporting Numerics In A Delimited File

May 29, 2008

I'm trying, through the SQL 2005 Mgt Studio, to export a simple table in a delimited format. I'm selecting a double quote as the text qualifier. My expectations were that only text type fields would be exported with the double quotes an numerical fields would not have any quotes around them. SQL 2000 does this just fine, but 2005 is exporting all my text type and numeric fields with double quotes. Is this a change to SQL 2005 or am I doing something wrong.

Thanks for the help,

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Issue Exporting Date Format To A Delimited File.

Jan 17, 2007

In exporting from a OLEDB connection to a flat file.

In the originating table the field for DOB is in a varchar(10) format ex. 01/17/2007. The flat file connection destination is setup as a DT_STR. When you look at the OLEDB connection table preview you see it as 01/17/2007. When it is export to the delimited <CR><LF> <|> pipe delimited the format looks like this 01/17/2007 00:00:00. The issue would be resolved with a right ragged fixed width file. But this is not the requirement for the project format fot the file. I have tried delete and recreating the connections, and even tried doing a data conversation from the OLEDB connection to a char(10). Also, thourgh the transformation services with out any luck. On the flat file data connection I am using expressions to map to a declared variable path and variable name and I listed the expression language below also:

@[User::varPATH]+ @[User::varFileName]+ RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR, 2) MONTH( GETDATE() ), 2) + RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR, 2) DAY( GETDATE() ), 2) +RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR, 4) YEAR( GETDATE() ), 4) + ".txt"

If you can give some help in getting the file to export to a delimited "|" file in the format of "01/17/2007" this would be greatly aprreciated. I also forgot to mention that I have also tried putting a text qualifier in like" on the flat file destination column layout and get the other format still.

Thanks in advance.


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Exporting Data To A Comma Delimited Text File, FORMAT Function

Jan 15, 2001

Hi. Im new to SQL and I need to export a SQL table as a comma delimited text file which is straight forward. However two of the fields are integers and I need these to be right justified with zero's.
In Access I would use something like format(columnname, "00000000") to get it to work, but SQL Server doesn't like this.
How can I do this?

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Exporting As Delimited

May 9, 2008

Sometimes when I export files from SQL Server Management Studio in delimited text format, some of the fields end up being fixed width rather than trimmed (trailing spaces removed). Is this a bug? Other than specifically trimming every variable in my select, is there anything I can do about it? Also, how do I report a bug?

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Exporting To Pipe-delimited

Aug 8, 2007

Has any one managed to get Report Manager to have the option to export to pipe delimited? There are documents out there how to do it on SSRS; I need it on Report Manager. Any Suggestions?


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Converting Numerics To &#39;overpunch&#39;

Apr 1, 1999

Hi - just found this site yesterday. Does anyone have experience converting a numeric(11,2) column to a 'mainframe' format with 'trailing sign overpunch'. Any old mainframe programmers will recognize this: there is no punctuation (- or + or , or .) and if the sign is negative, the last character is } for 0, J for 1, K for 2, etc.

I wrote the following command to convert the 'openrtl' column, but is there some other way?
oprtl =
WHEN openretl >= 0 THEN str((abs(openretl*100)),11,0)
WHEN openretl < 0 THEN substring(str((abs(openretl*100)),11,0),1,10) +
WHEN substring(str((abs(openretl*100)),11,0),11,1) = '0'
THEN '}'
WHEN substring(str((abs(openretl*100)),11,0),11,1) = '1'
WHEN substring(str((abs(openretl*100)),11,0),11,1) = '2'
WHEN substring(str((abs(openretl*100)),11,0),11,1) = '3'
WHEN substring(str((abs(openretl*100)),11,0),11,1) = '4'
WHEN substring(str((abs(openretl*100)),11,0),11,1) = '5'
WHEN substring(str((abs(openretl*100)),11,0),11,1) = '6'
WHEN substring(str((abs(openretl*100)),11,0),11,1) = '7'
WHEN substring(str((abs(openretl*100)),11,0),11,1) = '8'
WHEN substring(str((abs(openretl*100)),11,0),11,1) = '9'

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Importing A Tab Delimited File

Jul 5, 2007

hi all,

While importing a tab delimited file..
it seems ssis interprets the incoming col as 50 chars in length even
though it is far smaller.
any ideas how this could be??

any help would be appreciated.

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Tab-delimited Header File

Feb 19, 2008

used bcp utility to send data to output file in tab-delimited format (-t ), but headerfile is separate entity in this query.

when I set FILEheader = firstname,lastname...what must I use to change the comma to tab in the header string. I have tried various ways , {t}, [-t], and others. what am I missing?

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Character Delimited BCP File

Feb 6, 2008

Is there a faster way to create my pipe delimited BCP file, besides from creating a format file? Actually, my problem is that I am having issue with the file. It looks perfect, like:

Code Snippet

But when I load it to DataStage it puts the entire row as one column. I already specified the | as the delimiter in DataStage. I think the issue is from the column collation. If my data is as simple as my example above, what column collation should i use for the format file? Currentyl, i have something like:

Code Snippet8.0
1 SYBCHAR 0 4 "|" 1 emp_id ""
2 SYBCHAR 0 4 "|" 2 emp_cand_id ""
3 SYBCHAR 0 4 "|" 3 emp_statusid ""
4 SYBCHAR 0 4 "
" 4 emp_type SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

I generated this through prompts given by BCP for each column. Then I changed the 2nd column values all to SYBCHAR and 0 prefix length..

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Parsing A Tab Delimited File

Dec 5, 2007

I have a tab delimited file with 122 columns. Can any one let me know if there is a better way of parsing/extracting few columns (say about 15) from the file and loading it into a table using SSIS.

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Need To Strip Non-numerics From Phone Field

Jul 22, 2004

I tried searching forums for the last hour and could not find much.

Rather then doing...

REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(RE PLACE(ISNULL(PHONE, ''), ' ', ''), '(', ''), ')', ''), '-', ''), '.', ''), ':', ''), '+', '')

I was hoping there was an equally efficient alternative that utilizes PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', PHONE)

to some capacity (i.e. uses regular expressions to strip all non-numeric characters from the phone field)

I am certain this has been addressed before, just not sure if the "REPLACE to the nth degree" is the only solution.


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Automatically Reducing Precision On Numerics

Mar 26, 2008

Hi all,

I'm running a transformation script that's taking decimal(18,10) data and trying to shoehorn it into a numeric(9,6). generally this works, as most of the data in the original table is not using anywhere near the precision it's capable of, but once in a while I run into one that does use it.

Is there any way to automagically reduce the precision so that i can cram the data into the destination table?

Geek At Large

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Delimited Txt File Into SQL Server Table

May 16, 2007

I am new to VB, and am looking to write some code to import a delimited (by a ~) .txt file into a SQL server table.  It doesn't need to append, just to totally overwrtie the table.  Is this possible?  I have been looking at the Bulk Insert, but this doesn't seem to be quite right.  Can anyone help?

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Comma Delimited Text File

May 18, 2004

Hi I'm pretty new to using Microsoft Visual C# .NET and I want to upload a comma delimited text file from my local machine into a table in an sql server database through a web app. How would I go about programming this and what controls do I need? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Importing A Null Delimited File

Jul 15, 2004

I have a text file that is delimited by nulls. Any idea on the best way to get this into a SQL Server table?

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Export To Comma Delimited File

Aug 4, 2007

I'm trying to upload a small Web application with a one table database. The hosting company, GoDaddy requires that I upload the database as a comma delimited file.
I created the database in Visual Web Developer Express but also have Visual Studio and SQL Server Management Studio Express.
I can't figure out how to export the database into a comma delimited file using any of these tools.
This should be simple like it is in Access but that doesn't seem to be the case. This is holding up deploying my Web Application.

Can anyone help me?


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Reading Tab Delimited Text File

Mar 28, 2008

Is there anyway Sql Server reads a "Tab Delimited Text File" and Compare each record with the Column in a table..

my question is..

I've a Country_Code table which has 3 letter Country Code and the Actual Country names are listed in a Tab Delimited Text File "Country Data" with Country Code and Country Name, how do i read each record and compare to get the Actual Country Name for Display.

any ideas/suggestions.


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Jul 20, 2005

Hi,On SQLServer 2000, I have a table with a following structure:MYTABLEcol1 char,col2 date,col3 numberMy Objective:------------Externally (from a command line), to select all columns and write theoutput into a file delimited by a comma.My method:---------1. Probably will use OSQL or BCP to do this.2. Use the following syntax:select RTRIM(col1) +','+ RTRIM(col2) +','+ RTRIM(col3)from MYTABLE;My 3 Problems:-------------1) If there is a NULL column, the result of concatenating any value withNULL, is NULL. How can I work around this? I still want to record thiscolumn as null. Something like say from the example above, if col2 isnull, would result to: APPLE,,52) The time format when querying the database is: 2003-06-24 15:10:20.However, on the file, the data becomes: 24 JUN 2003 3:10PM. How can Ipreserve the YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format? Notice that I also lost theSS.3) Which utility is better? BCP or OSQL?For OSQL, it has a "-s" flag which gives me the option of putting acolumn separator. But the result is:"APPLE ,14 JUN 2003 , 5"I don't need the extra space.While for BCP, there is no column separator flag.You will notice from my inquiry above that my background in SQLServer isnot very good.Thanks in Advance!!RegardsRicky*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Importing A Comma Delimited File

Apr 12, 2006


I have a problem... When I insert data from a comma delimited
file using this mehod a flat file connection sorting, merge join and
inserting into the database I get "" around all the data!! The
quotes end up around the column names and everything! I had to go
in and manually remove the quotes in the text file to get some of my
data conversions to work. I know there is a better way. How
do I get SSIS to load the data without the quotes? This is an
example of the data in the file:

"1007","1","A","","Congratulations - No Health Violations Found","11/02/2005","1007"

When I remove the quotes I do not have any problems. How do I
do this without modifying the underlying data? Any ideas would be
greatly appreciated!!

Thank you for your help!


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Export As Tab Delimited Text File

Dec 5, 2007


I am trying to export as a tab delimited text file. For that I have changed my config file as :

<Extension Name="TXT" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.CsvRenderer.CsvReport,Microsoft.ReportingServices.CsvRendering">
<Name Language="en-US">TXT (Tab Delimited Text File)</Name>

I got this code from another one of the MSDN forms. When I run the report and try to export using this format, it still gives me a csv file instead of tab delimited file.

Can someone please help me fix this code so I can get tab delimited text files.
Thanks a lot,

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How To: Variable File Names When Exporting A Report To A File Share

Jan 19, 2007

I'm exporting reports daily to a file share and I need to rename the reports with a pseudo time stamp.

Example: I have a report named "Disk Usage" and when I export (using a data-driven subscription) I want to rename it "Disk Usage - (Jan07)" - or something to that effect.

Can anybody tell me how to accomplish this.

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Export SQL Server To A Comma Delimited File

Aug 1, 2007

I'm trying to deploy my Web site to GoDaddy. They told me I have to export the SQL Server Express database to a comma delimited file and then upload that file. The export procedure is simple in Access but I don't see any way to do it in SQL Server or from Visual Web Developer or Visual Studio.
 Also, I can ask them, but I assume I have to export each table separately and also export the ASPNETDB as well.
Thanks for the help 

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How To Export Records From Sql Database To Tab-delimited File

Jul 7, 2005

I want to export data/records coming from the database and save it as a
.txt file but tab-delimited. The flow of my project is something this.

Web Form->SQL Database->Web Report->Tab-Delimited file.

I will explain more..What we want to do is an online application form.
We have a form and will save all the data to sql server database. We
also want to save all those information in a tab-delimited file. I
would like to save this first in the database(no problem in this part).
Then later on export this in tab-delimited file.

If you can give me a little bit tutorial of this i really
appreciated..Even 3 records can do as long i can see how to do
this..Ooops btw, i also want  to name the .txt file as

Thank you very much!

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Importing Tab-delimited File Into SQL Server 2005

Apr 20, 2006

I use SQL server 2005...I have a tab delimited file which I want to import into my SQL server database.My sql server table setup is:CountryID   int (autogenerated, identity specification)CountryName   nvarchar(40)CountryAbbreviation nvarchar(3)In my tab delimted file I have two columns:CountryName and CountryAbbreviation How can I best solve this?

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Export Data Into Text File Using ç Delimited

Sep 8, 2005

I need to export data from SQL server 2000 database into text file uisng ç Delimited. Because my destination database will be teradata. Could you let me know if you have any method for this.

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Can MSSQL Load A Tab Delimited Text File?

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all...I would like to know if SQL SERVER can load a tab delimited text file.If yes, how?A search on the web did not return me the "load data" command as mysqlor other.Thank you all.

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Problem Ith DTS And Delimited File With Empty Last Column

Jan 22, 2006

Hello,I'm not getting any response to this on the SQLDTS newsgroup, so Ithought that I would try here:I just ran into this problem and I can't find any other mention of itthrough Google. I have a text file that is comma-delimited. It alsouses double quotes as text identifiers. A new column has been added tothe file, but currently has no values. I would like to finish mydevelopment so that when it does finally get some values, they will beimported as well. The problem is, the last column does not show up inDTS.I can reproduce this problem easily enough... create a text file withthe following two lines in it:1,"test",2,"test2",Now, create a new DTS package and add a text file connection. Point itto the new file and go through the properties for the file. You willnotice that on the second screen where it displays the preview of thedata there are only two columns shown.This does not happen if there is no text qualifier or if at least onerow has the final column value filled. Is there any way around thisproblem?Thanks!-Tom.

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Uneven Number Of Rows In Delimited File

Nov 17, 2007

Hi everyone.
A delimited file is being sent to us from another company. The file is supposed to have 10 columns in each row. We are going to process the file using SSIS (2005)

Question - how do we handle the file if some of the rows are bad - are missing one or more columns?

If my package reads the file using a flat file source, when I run the package with a file where some of the rows have fewer than the expected 10 columns, my package abends on the flat file source task.

All we can think of doing is writing .net code to process the file as the first step of the package or even outside the package, to remove bad rows from the file before it hits SSIS.

Browsing through a couple of threads here similar to mine, it appeared to me that MS staff responded by stating the functionality of the flat file source may be enhanced in the future to handle this?

Thank you, Glen

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Export SQL Data To Comma Delimited Csv File

Oct 19, 2007


I was wondering if anyone might be able to say how I could export data captured via a view into a comma delimited csv file.

So far I have tried using BCP to access my view and export to a CSV file, but the CSV file isn't comma delimited. I tried finding examples but couldn't see what I should do to have a comma delimited file. (I'm getting a bit tired now, so I might be missing something!)

I have created a bat file containing the following code:

bcp "TestDB..GA_FSM_DCSF_Extract" out "C:GA_FSM_DCSF_Extract.csv" -fexport.fmt -e "C:error.log" -c -T -S srckvzg2j -r

Any help / pointers would be much appreciated.



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Import A CSV Delimited Text File Into A Table

Jan 18, 2007


Could you help me to write a script to import a CSV delimited text file into a sql server table.?



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Creating A New SQL Table By Importing In A Delimited File

Feb 17, 2008

How do I do this?

I cannot find any facility like there is a Access for getting external data.

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2 Sql Tables To A Text File With Comma Delimited

Aug 10, 2006

hi ,

I have 2 sql tables. 1 is the header table and another is the detail table. How can I have the header record being appended in the text file and then have the detail records being appended to a same text file again with comma delimited ?

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Import Into Comma Delimited Text File (very Urgent)

Aug 28, 2001

I want to join differnet tables and import the data into comma delimited text file. There will be lot of checks like if then else to manipulate data. I want to use stored procedure but don't know how to output to text file. Is there any utility which can be used in stored procedure. In future this will be run as an automated job.
Thanks in advance.

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