Exporting The Classification Matrix

Feb 20, 2008

Is there a way to export the classification matrix in the mining accuracy tab?

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Broken Lift Chart And Empty Classification Matrix In Data Mining

Sep 5, 2007

Hi,I am studying data mining features of SSAS and for a workshop I'vecreated 2 views derived from vTargetMail view of AdventureWorksDW.Train data consists every record except those in Pacific, and testview consists only records from Pacific area.1. I've created a mining structure based on Decision Tree and selectedBikeBuyer as predictable column.2. According to input column suggestions, I've selected Age,Eng.Education, NumberCarsOwned, YearlyIncome, CommuteDistance,NumberChildsatHome and TotalChildren as input columns,3. I've modified no other setting, and deployed project.I can get training results in decision tree browser and dependencynetwork (and both seem to give rather logical results) however, when Itry to browse lift chart or classification matrix I get an emptyclass.matr. and a lift chart of a single 45 degree line.Am I missing a step, or must I do some fine-tuning on (what)parameters?Thanks...

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Broken Lift Chart And Empty Classification Matrix In Data Mining

Sep 5, 2007

I am studying data mining features of SSAS and for a workshop I've
created 2 views derived from vTargetMail view of AdventureWorksDW.
Train data consists every record except those in Pacific, and test
view consists only records from Pacific area.

1. I've created a mining structure based on Decision Tree and selected
BikeBuyer as predictable column.
2. According to input column suggestions, I've selected Age,
Eng.Education, NumberCarsOwned, YearlyIncome, CommuteDistance,
NumberChildsatHome and TotalChildren as input columns,
3. I've modified no other setting, and deployed project.

I can get training results in decision tree browser and dependency
network (and both seem to give rather logical results) however, when I
try to browse lift chart or classification matrix I get an empty
class.matr. and a lift chart of a single 45 degree line.

Am I missing a step, or must I do some fine-tuning on (what)

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Time Out When Exporting Matrix Report To Excel

Dec 18, 2007

I ran a matrix report and chose to export it to excel. It was taking a very long time and then the error message below popped up. I can export other matrix reports to excel. Can someone shed some light on where I might determine is the cause of the problem?

Thread was being aborted.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Exception: Thread was being aborted.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Stack Trace:

[Exception: Thread was being aborted.]

[Exception: An error occurred during rendering of the report.]

[Exception: An error occurred during rendering of the report.]

[Exception: The operation has timed out. The report server has canceled the operation.]
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.ServerUrlRequest(Boolean isAbortable, String url, Stream outputStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension) +882
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.InternalRender(Boolean isAbortable, String format, String deviceInfo, NameValueCollection urlAccessParameters, Stream reportStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension) +1312
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReportControlSource.RenderReport(String format, String deviceInfo, NameValueCollection additionalParams, String& mimeType, String& fileExtension) +215
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ExportOperation.PerformOperation(NameValueCollection urlQuery, HttpResponse response) +204
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) +137
System.Web.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() +499
System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +177

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Reporting Services :: Grouped Matrix Data Not Exporting To CSV

May 12, 2015

I am trying to export report to .CSV , but I am unable to export grouped data, instead to grouped data , it exporting detail data,for example my grouped data in matrix is as below , I need to export below data to .csv 

column1 colum2    year           amount
1             1          2011             $1.0
               2          2012             $2.0
               3          2013             $3.0
                           2014             $4.0

but, I am getting like below-

column1    column2    year           amount
1                  1           2011             $1.0
1                  2           2012             $2.0
1                  3           2013             $3.0
1                  3            2014             $4.0

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Issue With SSRS Report Exporting To Excel With The Matrix Control Inside The Table Control

Jan 27, 2008

Hi All,
I am placing a Matrix inside the table control for grouping requirements,but when we export the report to the Excel, the contents inside the table cell are ignored. Is there any way to get the full report exported, as per the Requirement.Please help me with this issue.

With Thanks

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Classification Crosstab Query - 2000

Jul 23, 2005

Hello --I think this is the term for what I want (something that could be generatedin ACCESS using a pivot table, or, maybe Yukon).We have data for sales by sales people in sales regions. More than oneperson sells in a region.We want to display data as follows:salesperson's names----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------region 1region 2 row/column values are sales amounts for person inthat regionregion 3We will add a WHERE clause for the period of time covered.I don't want to have to change the query if a new salesperson or new regionis added.Can this be done in SQL Server 2000, Analysis Services, OLAP, anywhere?Can someone direct me to examples of how to do this?Thanks for any direction.Larry Mehl

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Classification Has Been Delayed Because The Routing Information...

Apr 25, 2007

Any ideas on why I get this message in the transmission status:

Classification has been delayed because the routing information is currently being updated.

I did create/drop some routes because I had pointed them to the wrong service, but that was some time ago.

I also just tried to restart the sql instance and it hung on stopping so I'm assuming something with the routing caused the issue.

Any ideas?


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Broker Message Classification Trace

Sep 30, 2007

In profiler i see next error:

"The message could not be delivered because it could not be classified. Enable broker message classification trace to see the reason for the failure."

Where and what should I enable? I enabled all in "Broker event category" of the profiler.


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Plug-in Algorithm In Data Mining Using Sql Server 2005-- Modification For Association , Classification??

Sep 7, 2006

managed plug-in framework that's available for download here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=DF0BA5AA-B4BD-4705-AA0A-B477BA72A9CB&displaylang=en#DMAPI.

This package includes the source code for a sample plug-in algorithm written in C#.

in this source code all .cs files are modified for clustering algorithm

if my plugin algorithm is of association or classification type then what modifications are requried in source code???

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Matrix - Add A Column In A Matrix With A Variance

Aug 6, 2015

I got the following code to add a column in a matrix with a variance:

IIF(IsNothing(Previous(Sum(Fields!Amount.Value))) or Fields!year.Value=First(Fields!year.Value,"Category") or Previous(Sum(Fields!Amount.Value))=0,nothing,

This code works fine, except that the first row of the matrix shows an #error

This happens with each matrix where I use this expression. A warning emerges:

rsruntimeerrorinexpression the value expression for the textrun Textbox43.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]' contains an error.

Attempted to divide by zero.

The strange thing is that the part

should prevent an error and I expect it to show 'nothing'

An screenshot of the table. (each color is a different category. Each row stands for 2013, 2014, 2015)

As you can see, all other 2013 rows show a blank cell, except the first row.

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A Matrix Above Two Charts. Right Chart Moves Depending On Matrix Growth ... ???

Jan 10, 2008

I have a Matrix table that expands to the right when choosing an amount of months to be shown. Under this matrix I have to Charts. The two charts are situated together, that is no space between them, and to the left of the report.

Now, if I choose a lot of months, say three years the matrix diagram will be huge to the right. The problem I have is that the second diagram, the one on the right, moves to the right depending on how big the report gets, and this is not good at all. The two charts are supposed to be all the way to the left.

How? Why does the right chart move?

Thanks in advanced
Kind Regards

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Matrix - Create Two Rows In A Matrix

Nov 26, 2007

I hope to explain myself well - I want to make a matrix with two rows.
Lats say my data is this:
I hava a list of months and in every month I have a number of pepole and there age.
How can I show this in a matrix?
It need to be in a matrix since I need the columns to expand acording to the month but I don't know how to create two diffrent rows in my matrix.

The data should look like this:

10/06 11/06 12/06 01/07 02/07 03/7 04/07 .....
num 5 1 2 5 4 5 7 .....
age 16.1 25 18.5 14.8 25.5 20.5 18.5 .....

Thanks for any help.

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Filtering Through Matrix Or Groups In Matrix

Aug 21, 2007

I have a report thats fully functional. I just want to add a filter so that my "Visits" field only displays the Visits per day that are less then 6. When i try to filter out the matrix or the group, it tells me the datatypes are different . Something about int32. Its in a matrix, but i have seen this happen in a table too, so i guessing thats not the problem. I just want to be able to display the information for Sales Reps with less then 6 Visits. Any help, will be greatlly appreciated.

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Adding Columns To A Matrix Report That Don't Belong To The Matrix Columns Groups

Jan 2, 2007

Can we do this?

Adding more columns in a matrix report that don€™t
belong to the columns drilldown dimensions€¦

That is, for example, having the following report:

Product Family


Country City Number of units sold

Then I
would add some ratios, that is, Units Sold/Months (sold per month) and other that
is the average for Product Family (Units Sold/Number of Product Family), for putting an example€¦ some
columns should be precalculated prior to the report so do not get into it, the
real problem I don€™t see how to solve is adding one or two columns for showing
these calculated column that doesn€™t depend on the column groups but they do
for the rows groups€¦

Any guidance
on that?

The only
way I am seeing by now is to set it as two different reports, and that is not
what my client wants€¦


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Second Matrix Blanks Out First Matrix

Jun 8, 2007


I have a matrix in my report that is based on an MDX query. I copy-paste the matrix and then see the two matrices in the report and all is fine.

I then insert a group into the second matrix. When I run the report the second matrix appears as I would expect, but the cells are blank in the first matrix. Sometime all the data cells are blank, but not the totals.

I tried a similair thing with a table. I added a table based on the same MDX dataset and the cells in the matrix were also then blanked out.

I made sure that the matrices were not sitting on top of each or even in the same space.

The goal here is to show the same dataset but with different groupings. I thought of doing drilldowns, drillthroughs, etc. but this is the way they want to see the data.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

Thank you for the help.


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Jun 3, 2006

I built a new sql server database and want to export its content to a .sql file. How to do it? (EM, QA ?) Thanks

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Dec 2, 2002

I have a SQL database with about 600 tables. Is there an easy way to export all tables into individual excel files?

Ken Nicholson
Sara Lee Corporation

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Sep 15, 2003

I need to export my data using DTS into a csv text file but with fixed
record length

ie: "data ","more data ","data "

and so on - is there an easy way to do this? - when you setup the
destination text file it appears to be a choice between one and the other.


James Bevan

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Mar 19, 2007

Hi, I'm new to SQL sever and am using SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005.

I've written my query that returns too many rows to be looked at Excel, and so wish to view and perform my calculations in SAS.

However, I don't know how to export the data I am getting in to SAS. I have tried using the Results to File option, but when I try import this into SAS it doesn't like the data.

Is there some option I need or is there anyway I can export the data to SAS.

Thanks a lot.


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Exporting To CSV

Jul 6, 2006

Hi,I have a bunch of stored procedures (some using temp tables) which giveout tables which are then used in crystal to give out reports. Thesestored procs are run dynamically depending on values users select onformsSome people instead of reports want Comma Seperated Files (CSVs). I amtrying to find a good way of outputting to csv with using either sqlserver or ASP. I tried two ways but none of them were ideal1st methodfirst way i tried was creating a record set in asp and then using thefollowing to output the data in a comma delimited row and writing tofile.Response.Write RecordSet.GetString(,,", ",vbCrLf,"")The problem with the above was with data sets greater than 10,000records the processing time increases exponentially because of memoryusage ( i found other people with the same problem)So i tried the following2nd methodI used bcp using the master.dbo.xp_cmdshell command to output thecsv. The problem with that is that the bcp executes the stored procthree times and also doesnot give out column headers. So i had to runthe stored proc once in ASP and get the headers from the record set andstore it to a text file and then run the stored proc in bcp and sendthe output to a csv file. Then merge the two files into a third file.The problem with this method is that it takes around 4 times as long torun as just the stored proceedure and also i have to create 3 filesinstead of one.I would appreciate any suggestions you have to output the csv from astored proc in sql server. Note users have to do this dynamically whenthey submit a form so cant use the query analyzer or enterprise managertools.Thanks for your time and help:)

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Exporting To CSV

May 9, 2007

I have a report which is just a simple table with only the detail row (which then as about a dozen columns)

I have uploaded this to report manger. The report generates correctly and I export to CSV.

But when I open the CSV file there are Headings at the top. I want to know is there any way of getting rid of there headers so it is jus the data which shows.

(The headers seem to be the name of the textbox column in reporting services)

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Exporting To CSV

Jul 26, 2007

I'm not sure if this is possible or not, still new to RS. I need to export a file in CSV format but a vendor needs the very first character to be a '~'. I've tried adding that to the first column name without sucess and RS won't allow me to name it with the ~ in the properties box. Any ideas? Thanks

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Exporting Db Structure

Feb 14, 2007

is there a way of exporting a database structure and not the data in it?

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Exporting A SQL Server DB

Jun 9, 2007

i have created a SQL Server DB in a Web Site. (Not a SQL Server Project) so its a DB in a Web Site. how do i export the Database so that i can use it with other Projects? 

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Exporting Diagram

Aug 19, 2003

When using the DTS to copy a db from my local MSSQL to the remote server (connecting via IP address) everything is copied ok except the diagram laying out the relations.
The table relations *are* copied because the damn thing works as expected also on the remote server.

I figured out that the diagrams are saved in the sysfile 'dtproperties' but when copying using the DTS query tool from local to remote this table is not visible.

I need to remove some relations on certain tables when bulk loading new data and was just wondering how I got to copy the diagram (as opposed to creating a new diagram on the remote server and adding relations manually).

Thanks a lot for any ideas,

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Can DTS Be Used For Exporting XML To Files?

Mar 14, 2001

Can DTS be used for exporting XML to files?

Thanks for your help.


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Mar 21, 2001

hi all,
I am getting problem while importing data from excel file.
I am bale to do the same with flat files. But when i do with excel files
its throwing error : format error.
pls help me in this regard.
and How to export data into export files from query analyser..

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Exporting To Excel

Jun 14, 2001

I have DTS package which exports the data from myTable to myXLSheet - works fine, except this appends data to the existing myXLSheet.

Is there any way of creating a new sheet or clearing out the existing one first???


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Exporting Between Servers

Mar 2, 2000

We just installed another SQL Server and we need to export data from one server to the other
inorder to set up replication. When I tried to export the database from the one server to the other
I got the following error:
The license for the installation of MS SQL Server on your source and destination connection
does not permit the use of DTS to transer data.
Is this because of the setting we used to install the server?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also if you could direct me to additional documention
to deal with this, that would be great.
Thank you.

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Exporting Using DTS To SQL6.5

Oct 29, 1999

I created a DTS task to transfer data from a SQL7.0 table to a SQL6.5 table. This trasfer is really slow.

The transfer the other way is amazingly fast.

Any ideas ??

Thank you in advance.

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Exporting BIT Datatypes?

Jun 24, 2004

Hi all. Im tryin to export (DTS) my some SQL server tables, many of which contain 'bit' datatypes. However, when DTS/SQL Serv. moves these bit datatypes out, it changes bit values to True/False values - which makes sense - however these are all going to plugin to web frontends where the SQL specifies condtions like: "if column1 = 0 then" etc..
Is there anyway to get SQL server to export bit datatypes as just numeric values of 0/1?

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Exporting From ACT! Into SQL Server

Nov 30, 2004

My company just purchased another company and I was tasked with extracting the data from the ACT! database that the purchased company was using for it's Contact Management to import into our CRM. The problem is that all of the contact data is in FoxPro .dbf files that I can extract from, but all of the sales and history data appears to be in unfamiliar file formats that I can not get to from the SQL QA, EM or Access. When I open them up in notepad, the data is a mess. The ACT export feature only appears to export this same Contact data which is pretty useless without everything else. There are third party plug ins that claim to be able to export all of the data, but I have only seen one that I really like and I do not really want to throw down $250 for something we are going to use once for 15 minutes. The trial version only lets you dump about 100 records. I googled the heck out of this and I could'nt find a solution.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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