Express And Developer - Performance Counter Errors
Dec 7, 2006
I installed Visual Studio 2005 on my machine, which includes SQL Server Express. I then installed the Developer edition of SQL Server over the top, as that's the edition I wanted. I now get four errors in my Application event log whenever I boot Windows:
MSSQLSERVER - Performance counter shared memory setup failed with error -1. Reinstall sqlctr.ini for this instance, and ensure that the instance login account has correct registry permissions.
MSSQLSERVER - Error in mapping SQL Server performance object/counter indexes to object/counter names. SQL Server performance counters are disabled.
MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS - Performance counter shared memory setup failed with error -1. Reinstall sqlctr.ini for this instance, and ensure that the instance login account has correct registry permissions.
MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS - Error in mapping SQL Server performance object/counter indexes to object/counter names. SQL Server performance counters are disabled.
Any idea what's causing this problem and how I can fix it?
Trying to install 2005 Dev edition in xp pro, sp2.
Performance Monitor Counter Check Failed Error. Had to stop the install twice at the point it verified what components were to be included as the docs were not going to be installed. Resolved the issue.
Now it won't pass the system config test because the registry is not the way it wants it. I look up the messages and the only solution is to hack the registry and risk my system.
This is nuts.
Isn't there some way to restart cleanly without hacking registry keys ?
I'm a local admin on a SQL Server with dba permissions. I can view that SQL Server in System Monitor and I can create a performance log counter. When I try to start the counter, I get an error: --------------------------- Performance Logs and Alerts --------------------------- The SQLSever log or alert has not started. Refresh the log or alert list to view current status, or see the application event log for any errors. Some logs and alerts might require a few minutes to start, especially if they include many counters. --------------------------- OK ---------------------------
What exactly does the DatabasesTransactions/sec measure? The explain button says: "Number of transactions started for the database." Does this mean the number of transactions initiated during the time period or is it some kind of average of the number in progress.
The reason I am asking is that sometimes I see a spike in Transactions/sec. lasting about a half hour concurrent with high memory and CPU usage. Does this really mean that too many transactions are being started or is it a side effect of the machine being too busy to complete transactions thus leaving them pile up uncompleted.Â
It seems like it should be counting the number of BEGIN TRANSACTIONs statements (plus implicit ones) actually received during the time period, but I'm not having an easy time diagnosing this problem so I am trying to figure out what to rule out.
Good Day to all. I uninstalled SQL server express and now when i am trying to reinstall it the installing fails because of some "Performance Monitor Counter registry" thing.
This microsoft link has some information on it.
I have pasted the information that the link provides below. ***********************************************************************
2.2 System Configuration Checker Fails with "Performance Monitor Counter Check Failed" Message
System Configuration Checker (SCC) verifies the value of the Performance Monitor Counter registry key before SQL Server installation begins. If SCC cannot verify the existing registry key, or if SCC cannot run the Lodctr.exe system program, the SCC check fails, and Setup is blocked. To complete setup, you must manually increment the registry key.
Note Incorrectly editing the registry can cause serious problems that might require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from editing the registry incorrectly can be resolved. Before editing the registry, back up any valuable data. For more information about how to back up, restore, and edit the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 256986 ( Description of the Microsoft Windows registry To manually increment the counter registry key, follow these steps:
1. On the taskbar, click Start, click Run, type regedit.exe in the Open box, and then click OK.
2. Navigate to the following registry key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionPerflib]. Look up the following keys:
€¢ "Last Counter"=dword:00000ed4 (5276)
€¢ "Last Help"=dword:00000ed5 (5277)
3. Verify the values. The Last Counter value from the previous step (5276) must be equal to the maximum value of the Counter key from Perflib 09 in the following registry key, and the Last Help value from the previous step (5277) must be equal to the maximum value of the Help key from Perflib 09 in the following registry key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionPerflib 09].
Note "009" is the key used for the English (United States) language.
4. If necessary, modify the value for the Last Counter and Last Help values in the Perflib key. Right-click Last Counter or Last Help in the right pane, select Modify, click Base = Decimal, set the value in the Value data field, and then click OK. Repeat for the other key, if necessary, and then close the registry editor.
5. Run SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Setup again.*********************************************************************** My problem is i cannot follow the guidelines correctly.
Firstly my "Last Counter" looks like : 0x000002414(9236) and my "Last Help" Looks like: 0x00002415(9237) and not the values above. Should I change them to the above values? And if so how specifically? The instruction says to change the registry 009 values of "Counter" & "Help" to the last values of "last Counter" and "Last Help" respectively but when I open the keys( counter & help) for 009 I get a whole list of values. I am also including a sample of the values that i see in the 009 keys. Which one do i increment? 1 1847 2 System 4 Memory 6 % Processor Time 10 File Read Operations/sec 12 File Write Operations/sec 14 File Control Operations/sec 16 File Read Bytes/sec 18 File Write Bytes/sec 20 File Control Bytes/sec 24 Available Bytes 26 Committed Bytes 28 Page Faults/sec 30 Commit Limit 32 Write Copies/sec 34 Transition Faults/sec 36 Cache Faults/sec 38 Demand Zero Faults/sec 40 Pages/sec 42 Page Reads/sec 44 Processor Queue Length 46 Thread State 48 Pages Output/sec 50 Page Writes/sec 52 Browser 54 Announcements Server/sec 56 Pool Paged Bytes 58 Pool Nonpaged Bytes 60 Pool Paged Allocs 64 Pool Nonpaged Allocs 66 Pool Paged Resident Bytes 68 System Code Total Bytes 70 System Code Resident Bytes 72 System Driver Total Bytes 74 System Driver Resident Bytes 76 System Cache Resident Bytes 78 Announcements Domain/sec 80 Election Packets/sec 82 Mailslot Writes/sec 84 Server List Requests/sec 86 Cache 88 Data Maps/sec 90 Sync Data Maps/sec 92 Async Data Maps/sec 94 Data Map Hits % 96 Data Map Pins/sec 98 Pin Reads/sec 100 Sync Pin Reads/sec 102 Async Pin Reads/sec 104 Pin Read Hits % 106 Copy Reads/sec 108 Sync Copy Reads/sec 110 Async Copy Reads/sec 112 Copy Read Hits % 114 MDL Reads/sec 116 Sync MDL Reads/sec 118 Async MDL Reads/sec 120 MDL Read Hits % 122 Read Aheads/sec 124 Fast Reads/sec 126 Sync Fast Reads/sec 128 Async Fast Reads/sec 130 Fast Read Resource Misses/sec 132 Fast Read Not Possibles/sec 134 Lazy Write Flushes/sec 136 Lazy Write Pages/sec 138 Data Flushes/sec 140 Data Flush Pages/sec 142 % User Time 144 % Privileged Time 146 Context Switches/sec 148 Interrupts/sec 150 System Calls/sec 152 Level 1 TLB Fills/sec 154 Level 2 TLB Fills/sec 156 Enumerations Server/sec 158 Enumerations Domain/sec 160 Enumerations Other/sec 162 Missed Server Announcements 164 Missed Mailslot Datagrams 166 Missed Server List Requests 168 Server Announce Allocations Failed/sec 170 Mailslot Allocations Failed 172 Virtual Bytes Peak 174 Virtual Bytes 178 Working Set Peak 180 Working Set 182 Page File Bytes Peak 184 Page File Bytes 186 Private Bytes 188 Announcements Total/sec 190 Enumerations Total/sec 198 Current Disk Queue Length 200 % Disk Time 202 % Disk Read Time 204 % Disk Write Time 206 Avg. Disk sec/Transfer 208 Avg. Disk sec/Read 210 Avg. Disk sec/Write 212 Disk Transfers/sec 214 Disk Reads/sec 216 Disk Writes/sec 218 Disk Bytes/sec 220 Disk Read Bytes/sec 222 Disk Write Bytes/sec 224 Avg. Disk Bytes/Transfer 226 Avg. Disk Bytes/Read 228 Avg. Disk Bytes/Write 230 Process 232 Thread 234 PhysicalDisk 236 LogicalDisk 238 Processor 240 % Total Processor Time 242 % Total User Time 244 % Total Privileged Time 246 Total Interrupts/sec 248 Processes 250 Threads 252 Events 254 Semaphores 256 Mutexes 258 Sections 260 Objects 262 Redirector 264 Bytes Received/sec 266 Packets Received/sec 268 Read Bytes Paging/sec 270 Read Bytes Non-Paging/sec 272 Read Bytes Cache/sec 274 Read Bytes Network/sec 276 Bytes Transmitted/sec 278 Packets Transmitted/sec 280 Write Bytes Paging/sec 282 Write Bytes Non-Paging/sec 284 Write Bytes Cache/sec 286 Write Bytes Network/sec 288 Read Operations/sec 290 Read Operations Random/sec 292 Read Packets/sec 294 Reads Large/sec 296 Read Packets Small/sec 298 Write Operations/sec 300 Write Operations Random/sec 302 Write Packets/sec 304 Writes Large/sec 306 Write Packets Small/sec 308 Reads Denied/sec 310 Writes Denied/sec 312 Network Errors/sec 314 Server Sessions 316 Server Reconnects 318 Connects Core 320 Connects Lan Manager 2.0 322 Connects Lan Manager 2.1 324 Connects Windows NT 326 Server Disconnects 328 Server Sessions Hung 330 Server 336 Thread Wait Reason 340 Sessions Timed Out 342 Sessions Errored Out 344 Sessions Logged Off 346 Sessions Forced Off 348 Errors Logon 350 Errors Access Permissions 352 Errors Granted Access 354 Errors System 356 Blocking Requests Rejected 358 Work Item Shortages 360 Files Opened Total 362 Files Open 366 File Directory Searches 370 Pool Nonpaged Failures 372 Pool Nonpaged Peak 376 Pool Paged Failures 378 Pool Paged Peak 388 Bytes Total/sec 392 Current Commands 398 NWLink NetBIOS 400 Packets/sec 404 Context Blocks Queued/sec 406 File Data Operations/sec 408 % Free Space 410 Free Megabytes 412 Connections Open 414 Connections No Retries 416 Connections With Retries 418 Disconnects Local 420 Disconnects Remote 422 Failures Link 424 Failures Adapter 426 Connection Session Timeouts 428 Connections Canceled 430 Failures Resource Remote 432 Failures Resource Local 434 Failures Not Found 436 Failures No Listen 438 Datagrams/sec 440 Datagram Bytes/sec 442 Datagrams Sent/sec 444 Datagram Bytes Sent/sec 446 Datagrams Received/sec 448 Datagram Bytes Received/sec 452 Packets Sent/sec 456 Frames/sec 458 Frame Bytes/sec 460 Frames Sent/sec 462 Frame Bytes Sent/sec 464 Frames Received/sec 466 Frame Bytes Received/sec 468 Frames Re-Sent/sec 470 Frame Bytes Re-Sent/sec 472 Frames Rejected/sec 474 Frame Bytes Rejected/sec 476 Expirations Response 478 Expirations Ack 480 Window Send Maximum 482 Window Send Average 484 Piggyback Ack Queued/sec 486 Piggyback Ack Timeouts 488 NWLink IPX 490 NWLink SPX 492 NetBEUI 494 NetBEUI Resource 496 Used Maximum 498 Used Average 500 Times Exhausted 502 NBT Connection 506 Bytes Sent/sec 508 Total Bytes/sec 510 Network Interface 512 Bytes/sec 520 Current Bandwidth 524 Packets Received Unicast/sec 526 Packets Received Non-Unicast/sec 528 Packets Received Discarded 530 Packets Received Errors 532 Packets Received Unknown 536 Packets Sent Unicast/sec 538 Packets Sent Non-Unicast/sec 540 Packets Outbound Discarded 542 Packets Outbound Errors 544 Output Queue Length 546 IP 552 Datagrams Received Header Errors 554 Datagrams Received Address Errors 556 Datagrams Forwarded/sec 558 Datagrams Received Unknown Protocol 560 Datagrams Received Discarded 562 Datagrams Received Delivered/sec 566 Datagrams Outbound Discarded 568 Datagrams Outbound No Route 570 Fragments Received/sec 572 Fragments Re-assembled/sec 574 Fragment Re-assembly Failures 576 Fragmented Datagrams/sec 578 Fragmentation Failures 580 Fragments Created/sec 582 ICMP 584 Messages/sec 586 Messages Received/sec 588 Messages Received Errors 590 Received Dest. Unreachable 592 Received Time Exceeded 594 Received Parameter Problem 596 Received Source Quench 598 Received Redirect/sec 600 Received Echo/sec 602 Received Echo Reply/sec 604 Received Timestamp/sec 606 Received Timestamp Reply/sec 608 Received Address Mask 610 Received Address Mask Reply 612 Messages Sent/sec 614 Messages Outbound Errors 616 Sent Destination Unreachable 618 Sent Time Exceeded 620 Sent Parameter Problem 622 Sent Source Quench 624 Sent Redirect/sec 626 Sent Echo/sec 628 Sent Echo Reply/sec 630 Sent Timestamp/sec 632 Sent Timestamp Reply/sec 634 Sent Address Mask 636 Sent Address Mask Reply 638 TCP 640 Segments/sec 642 Connections Established 644 Connections Active 646 Connections Passive 648 Connection Failures 650 Connections Reset 652 Segments Received/sec 654 Segments Sent/sec 656 Segments Retransmitted/sec 658 UDP 660 % Total DPC Time 662 % Total Interrupt Time 664 Datagrams No Port/sec 666 Datagrams Received Errors 670 Disk Storage Unit 672 Allocation Failures 674 System Up Time 676 System Handle Count 678 Free System Page Table Entries 680 Thread Count 682 Priority Base 684 Elapsed Time 686 Alignment Fixups/sec 688 Exception Dispatches/sec 690 Floating Emulations/sec 692 Logon/sec 694 Priority Current 696 % DPC Time 698 % Interrupt Time 700 Paging File 702 % Usage 704 % Usage Peak 706 Start Address 708 User PC 710 Mapped Space No Access 712 Mapped Space Read Only 714 Mapped Space Read/Write 716 Mapped Space Write Copy 718 Mapped Space Executable 720 Mapped Space Exec Read Only 722 Mapped Space Exec Read/Write 724 Mapped Space Exec Write Copy 726 Reserved Space No Access 728 Reserved Space Read Only 730 Reserved Space Read/Write 732 Reserved Space Write Copy 734 Reserved Space Executable 736 Reserved Space Exec Read Only 738 Reserved Space Exec Read/Write 740 Image 742 Reserved Space Exec Write Copy 744 Unassigned Space No Access 746 Unassigned Space Read Only 748 Unassigned Space Read/Write 750 Unassigned Space Write Copy 752 Unassigned Space Executable 754 Unassigned Space Exec Read Only 756 Unassigned Space Exec Read/Write 758 Unassigned Space Exec Write Copy 760 Image Space No Access 762 Image Space Read Only 764 Image Space Read/Write 766 Image Space Write Copy 768 Image Space Executable 770 Image Space Exec Read Only 772 Image Space Exec Read/Write 774 Image Space Exec Write Copy 776 Bytes Image Reserved 778 Bytes Image Free 780 Bytes Reserved 782 Bytes Free 784 ID Process 786 Process Address Space 788 No Access 790 Read Only 792 Read/Write 794 Write Copy 796 Executable 798 Exec Read Only 800 Exec Read/Write 802 Exec Write Copy 804 ID Thread 806 Mailslot Receives Failed 808 Mailslot Writes Failed 810 Mailslot Opens Failed/sec 812 Duplicate Master Announcements 814 Illegal Datagrams/sec 816 Thread Details 818 Cache Bytes 820 Cache Bytes Peak 822 Pages Input/sec 870 RAS Port 872 Bytes Transmitted 874 Bytes Received 876 Frames Transmitted 878 Frames Received. 880 Percent Compression Out 882 Percent Compression In 884 CRC Errors 886 Timeout Errors 888 Serial Overrun Errors 890 Alignment Errors 892 Buffer Overrun Errors 894 Total Errors 896 Bytes Transmitted/Sec 898 Bytes Received/Sec 900 Frames Transmitted/Sec 902 Frames Received/Sec 904 Total Errors/Sec 906 RAS Total 908 Total Connections 920 WINS Server 922 Unique Registrations/sec 924 Group Registrations/sec 926 Total Number of Registrations/sec 928 Unique Renewals/sec 930 Group Renewals/sec 932 Total Number of Renewals/sec 934 Releases/sec 936 Queries/sec 938 Unique Conflicts/sec 940 Group Conflicts/sec 942 Total Number of Conflicts/sec 944 Successful Releases/sec 946 Failed Releases/sec 948 Successful Queries/sec 950 Failed Queries/sec 952 Handle Count 1000 MacFile Server 1002 Max Paged Memory 1004 Current Paged Memory 1006 Max NonPaged Memory 1008 Current NonPaged memory 1010 Current Sessions 1012 Maximum Sessions 1014 Current Files Open 1016 Maximum Files Open 1018 Failed Logons 1020 Data Read/sec 1022 Data Written/sec 1024 Data Received/sec 1026 Data Transmitted/sec 1028 Current Queue Length 1030 Maximum Queue Length 1032 Current Threads 1034 Maximum Threads 1050 AppleTalk 1052 Packets In/sec 1054 Packets Out/sec 1056 Bytes In/sec 1058 Bytes Out/sec 1060 Average Time/DDP Packet 1062 DDP Packets/sec 1064 Average Time/AARP Packet 1066 AARP Packets/sec 1068 Average Time/ATP Packet 1070 ATP Packets/sec 1072 Average Time/NBP Packet 1074 NBP Packets/sec 1076 Average Time/ZIP Packet 1078 ZIP Packets/sec 1080 Average Time/RTMP Packet 1082 RTMP Packets/sec 1084 ATP Retries Local 1086 ATP Response Timouts 1088 ATP XO Response/Sec 1090 ATP ALO Response/Sec 1092 ATP Recvd Release/Sec 1094 Current NonPaged Pool 1096 Packets Routed In/Sec 1098 Packets dropped 1100 ATP Retries Remote 1102 Packets Routed Out/Sec 1110 Network Segment 1112 Total frames received/second 1114 Total bytes received/second 1116 Broadcast frames received/second 1118 Multicast frames received/second 1120 % Network utilization 1124 % Broadcast Frames 1126 % Multicast Frames 1150 Telephony 1152 Lines 1154 Telephone Devices 1156 Active Lines 1158 Active Telephones 1160 Outgoing Calls/sec 1162 Incoming Calls/sec 1164 Client Apps 1166 Current Outgoing Calls 1168 Current Incoming Calls 1228 Gateway Service For NetWare 1230 Client Service For NetWare 1232 Packet Burst Read NCP Count/sec 1234 Packet Burst Read Timeouts/sec 1236 Packet Burst Write NCP Count/sec 1238 Packet Burst Write Timeouts/sec 1240 Packet Burst IO/sec 1242 Connect NetWare 2.x 1244 Connect NetWare 3.x 1246 Connect NetWare 4.x 1260 Logon Total 1300 Server Work Queues 1302 Queue Length 1304 Active Threads 1306 Available Threads 1308 Available Work Items 1310 Borrowed Work Items 1312 Work Item Shortages 1314 Current Clients 1320 Bytes Transferred/sec 1324 Read Bytes/sec 1328 Write Bytes/sec 1332 Total Operations/sec 1334 DPCs Queued/sec 1336 DPC Rate 1342 Total DPCs Queued/sec 1344 Total DPC Rate 1350 % Registry Quota In Use 1360 VL Memory 1362 VLM % Virtual Size In Use 1364 VLM Virtual Size 1366 VLM Virtual Size Peak 1368 VLM Virtual Size Available 1370 VLM Commit Charge 1372 VLM Commit Charge Peak 1374 System VLM Commit Charge 1376 System VLM Commit Charge Peak 1378 System VLM Shared Commit Charge 1380 Available KBytes 1382 Available MBytes 1400 Avg. Disk Queue Length 1402 Avg. Disk Read Queue Length 1404 Avg. Disk Write Queue Length 1406 % Committed Bytes In Use 1408 Full Image 1410 Creating Process ID 1412 IO Read Operations/sec 1414 IO Write Operations/sec 1416 IO Data Operations/sec 1418 IO Other Operations/sec 1420 IO Read Bytes/sec 1422 IO Write Bytes/sec 1424 IO Data Bytes/sec 1426 IO Other Bytes/sec 1450 Print Queue 1452 Total Jobs Printed 1454 Bytes Printed/sec 1456 Total Pages Printed 1458 Jobs 1460 References 1462 Max References 1464 Jobs Spooling 1466 Max Jobs Spooling 1468 Out of Paper Errors 1470 Not Ready Errors 1472 Job Errors 1474 Enumerate Network Printer Calls 1476 Add Network Printer Calls 1478 Working Set - Private 1480 Working Set - Shared 1482 % Idle Time 1484 Split IO/Sec 1500 Job Object 1502 Current % Processor Time 1504 Current % User Mode Time 1506 Current % Kernel Mode Time 1508 This Period mSec - Processor 1510 This Period mSec - User Mode 1512 This Period mSec - Kernel Mode 1514 Pages/Sec 1516 Process Count - Total 1518 Process Count - Active 1520 Process Count - Terminated 1522 Total mSec - Processor 1524 Total mSec - User Mode 1526 Total mSec - Kernel Mode 1548 Job Object Details 1746 % Idle Time 1748 % C1 Time 1750 % C2 Time 1752 % C3 Time 1754 C1 Transitions/sec 1756 C2 Transitions/sec 1758 C3 Transitions/sec 1760 Heap 1762 Committed Bytes 1764 Reserved Bytes 1766 Virtual Bytes 1768 Free Bytes 1770 Free List Length 1772 Avg. alloc rate 1774 Avg. free rate 1776 Uncommitted Ranges Length 1778 Allocs - Frees 1780 Cached Allocs/sec 1782 Cached Frees/sec 1784 Allocs <1K/sec 1786 Frees <1K/sec 1788 Allocs 1-8K/sec 1790 Frees 1-8K/sec 1792 Allocs over 8K/sec 1794 Frees over 8K/sec 1796 Total Allocs/sec 1798 Total Frees/sec 1800 Blocks in Heap Cache 1802 Largest Cache Depth 1804 % Fragmentation 1806 % VAFragmentation 1808 Heap Lock contention 1846 End Marker 1848 RSVP Service 1850 Network Interfaces 1852 Network sockets 1854 Timers 1856 RSVP sessions 1858 QoS clients 1860 QoS-enabled senders 1862 QoS-enabled receivers 1864 Failed QoS requests 1866 Failed QoS sends 1868 QoS notifications 1870 Bytes in QoS notifications 1872 RSVP Interfaces 1874 Signaling bytes received 1876 Signaling bytes sent 1878 PATH messages received 1880 RESV messages received 1882 PATH ERR messages received 1884 RESV ERR messages received 1886 PATH TEAR messages received 1888 RESV TEAR messages received 1890 RESV CONFIRM messages received 1892 PATH messages sent 1894 RESV messages sent 1896 PATH ERR messages sent 1898 RESV ERR messages sent 1900 PATH TEAR messages sent 1902 RESV TEAR messages sent 1904 RESV CONFIRM messages sent 1906 Resource control failures 1908 Policy control failures 1910 General failures 1912 Blocked RESVs 1914 RESV state block timeouts 1916 PATH state block timeouts 1918 Send messages errors - Big messages 1920 Receive messages errors - Big messages 1922 Send messages errors - No memory 1924 Receive messages errors - No memory 1926 Number of incoming messages dropped 1928 Number of outgoing messages dropped 1930 Number of active flows 1932 Reserved bandwidth 1934 Maximum admitted bandwidth 1936 PSched Flow 1938 PSched Pipe 1940 Packets dropped 1942 Packets scheduled 1944 Packets transmitted 1946 Average packets in shaper 1948 Max packets in shaper 1950 Average packets in sequencer 1952 Max packets in sequencer 1954 Bytes scheduled 1956 Bytes transmitted 1958 Bytes transmitted/sec 1960 Bytes scheduled/sec 1962 Packets transmitted/sec 1964 Packets scheduled/sec 1966 Packets dropped/sec 1968 Nonconforming packets scheduled 1970 Nonconforming packets scheduled/sec 1972 Nonconforming packets transmitted 1974 Nonconforming packets transmitted/sec 1976 Maximum Packets in netcard 1978 Average Packets in netcard 1980 Out of packets 1982 Flows opened 1984 Flows closed 1986 Flows rejected 1988 Flows modified 1990 Flow mods rejected 1992 Max simultaneous flows 1994 Nonconforming packets scheduled 1996 Nonconforming packets scheduled/sec 1998 Nonconforming packets transmitted 2000 Nonconforming packets transmitted/sec 2002 Average packets in shaper 2004 Max packets in shaper 2006 Average packets in sequencer 2008 Max packets in sequencer 2010 Max packets in netcard 2012 Average packets in netcard 2014 RAS Port 2016 Bytes Transmitted 2018 Bytes Received 2020 Frames Transmitted 2022 Frames Received 2024 Percent Compression Out 2026 Percent Compression In 2028 CRC Errors 2030 Timeout Errors 2032 Serial Overrun Errors 2034 Alignment Errors 2036 Buffer Overrun Errors 2038 Total Errors 2040 Bytes Transmitted/Sec 2042 Bytes Received/Sec 2044 Frames Transmitted/Sec 2046 Frames Received/Sec 2048 Total Errors/Sec 2050 RAS Total 2052 Total Connections 2184 Distributed Transaction Coordinator 2186 Active Transactions 2188 Committed Transactions 2190 Aborted Transactions 2192 In Doubt Transactions 2194 Active Transactions Maximum 2196 Force Committed Transactions 2198 Force Aborted Transactions 2200 Response Time -- Minimum 2202 Response Time -- Average 2204 Response Time -- Maximum 2206 Transactions/sec 2208 Committed Transactions/sec 2210 Aborted Transactions/sec 2570 .NET CLR Data 2572 SqlClient: Current # pooled and nonpooled connections 2574 SqlClient: Current # pooled connections 2576 SqlClient: Current # connection pools 2578 SqlClient: Peak # pooled connections 2580 SqlClient: Total # failed connects 2582 SqlClient: Total # failed commands 2584 .NET CLR Networking 2586 Connections Established 2588 Bytes Received 2590 Bytes Sent 2592 Datagrams Received 2594 Datagrams Sent 2596 .NET CLR Memory 2598 # Gen 0 Collections 2600 # Gen 1 Collections 2602 # Gen 2 Collections 2604 Promoted Memory from Gen 0 2606 Promoted Memory from Gen 1 2608 Gen 0 Promoted Bytes/Sec 2610 Gen 1 Promoted Bytes/Sec 2612 Promoted Finalization-Memory from Gen 0 2614 Promoted Finalization-Memory from Gen 1 2616 Gen 0 heap size 2618 Gen 1 heap size 2620 Gen 2 heap size 2622 Large Object Heap size 2624 Finalization Survivors 2626 # GC Handles 2628 Allocated Bytes/sec 2630 # Induced GC 2632 % Time in GC 2634 Not Displayed 2636 # Bytes in all Heaps 2638 # Total committed Bytes 2640 # Total reserved Bytes 2642 # of Pinned Objects 2644 # of Sink Blocks in use 2646 .NET CLR Loading 2648 Total Classes Loaded 2650 % Time Loading 2652 Assembly Search Length 2654 Total # of Load Failures 2656 Rate of Load Failures 2658 Bytes in Loader Heap 2660 Total appdomains unloaded 2662 Rate of appdomains unloaded 2664 Current Classes Loaded 2666 Rate of Classes Loaded 2668 Current appdomains 2670 Total Appdomains 2672 Rate of appdomains 2674 Current Assemblies 2676 Total Assemblies 2678 Rate of Assemblies 2680 .NET CLR Jit 2682 # of Methods Jitted 2684 # of IL Bytes Jitted 2686 Total # of IL Bytes Jitted 2688 IL Bytes Jitted / sec 2690 Standard Jit Failures 2692 % Time in Jit 2694 Not Displayed 2696 .NET CLR Interop 2698 # of CCWs 2700 # of Stubs 2702 # of marshalling 2704 # of TLB imports / sec 2706 # of TLB exports / sec 2708 .NET CLR LocksAndThreads 2710 Total # of Contentions 2712 Contention Rate / sec 2714 Current Queue Length 2716 Queue Length Peak 2718 Queue Length / sec 2720 # of current logical Threads 2722 # of current physical Threads 2724 # of current recognized threads 2726 # of total recognized threads 2728 rate of recognized threads / sec 2730 .NET CLR Security 2732 Total Runtime Checks 2734 % Time Sig. Authenticating 2736 # Link Time Checks 2738 % Time in RT checks 2740 Not Displayed 2742 Stack Walk Depth 2744 .NET CLR Remoting 2746 Remote Calls/sec 2748 Channels 2750 Context Proxies 2752 Context-Bound Classes Loaded 2754 Context-Bound Objects Alloc / sec 2756 Contexts 2758 Total Remote Calls 2760 .NET CLR Exceptions 2762 # of Exceps Thrown 2764 # of Exceps Thrown / sec 2766 # of Filters / sec 2768 # of Finallys / sec 2770 Throw To Catch Depth / sec 3400 SMTP Server 3402 Bytes Sent Total 3404 Bytes Sent/sec 3406 Bytes Received Total 3408 Bytes Received/sec 3410 Bytes Total 3412 Bytes Total/sec 3414 Message Bytes Sent Total 3416 Message Bytes Sent/sec 3418 Message Bytes Received Total 3420 Message Bytes Received/sec 3422 Message Bytes Total 3424 Message Bytes Total/sec 3426 Messages Received Total 3428 Messages Received/sec 3430 Avg Recipients/msg Received 3432 Base Avg Recipients/msg Received 3434 % Recipients Local 3436 Base % Recipients Local 3438 % Recipients Remote 3440 Base % Recipients Remote 3442 Messages Refused for Size 3444 Messages Refused for Address Objects 3446 Messages Refused for Mail Objects 3448 Messages Delivered Total 3450 Messages Delivered/sec 3452 Message Delivery Retries 3454 Avg Retries/msg Delivered 3456 Base Avg Retries/msg Delivered 3458 Pickup Directory Messages Retrieved Total 3460 Pickup Directory Messages Retrieved/sec 3462 NDRs Generated 3464 Local Queue Length 3466 Local Retry Queue Length 3468 Number of MailFiles Open 3470 Number of QueueFiles Open 3472 Categorizer Queue Length 3474 Messages Sent Total 3476 Messages Sent/sec 3478 Message Send Retries 3480 Avg Retries/msg Sent 3482 Base Avg Retries/msg Sent 3484 Avg Recipients/msg Sent 3486 Base Avg Recipients/msg Sent 3488 Remote Queue Length 3490 DNS Queries Total 3492 DNS Queries/sec 3494 Remote Retry Queue Length 3498 Inbound Connections Total 3500 Inbound Connections Current 3502 Outbound Connections Total 3504 Outbound Connections Current 3506 Outbound Connections Refused 3508 Total Connection Errors 3510 Connection Errors/sec 3512 Directory Drops Total 3514 Directory Drops/sec 3516 Routing Table Lookups Total 3518 Routing Table Lookups/sec 3520 ETRN Messages Total 3522 ETRN Messages/sec 3524 Badmailed Messages (No Recipients) 3526 Badmailed Messages (Hop Count Exceeded) 3528 Badmailed Messages (General Failure) 3530 Badmailed Messages (Bad Pickup File) 3532 Badmailed Messages (Triggered via Event) 3534 Badmailed Messages (NDR of DSN) 3536 Messages Pending Routing 3538 Messages Currently Undeliverable 3540 Total messages submitted 3542 Total DSN Failures 3544 Current Messages in Local Delivery 3546 Cat: Messages submitted 3548 Cat: Messages submitted/sec 3550 Cat: Categorizations completed 3552 Cat: Categorizations completed/sec 3554 Cat: Categorizations in progress 3556 Cat: Categorizations completed successfully 3558 Cat: Categorizations failed (non-retryable error) 3560 Cat: Categorizations failed (retryable error) 3562 Cat: Categorizations failed (Out Of Memory) 3564 Cat: Categorizations failed (DS logon failure) 3566 Cat: Categorizations failed (DS connection failure) 3568 Cat: Categorizations failed (sink retryable error) 3570 Cat: Messages Categorized 3572 Cat: Messages bifurcated 3574 Cat: Messages aborted 3576 Cat: Recipients before categorization 3578 Cat: Recipients after categorization 3580 Cat: Recipients NDRd by categorizer 3582 Cat: Recipients NDRd (unresolved) 3584 Cat: Recipients NDRd (ambiguous address) 3586 Cat: Recipients NDRd (illegal address) 3588 Cat: Recipients NDRd (forwarding loop) 3590 Cat: Recipients NDRd (sink recip errors) 3592 Cat: Recipients in categorization 3594 Cat: Senders unresolved 3596 Cat: Senders with ambiguous addresses 3598 Cat: Address lookups 3600 Cat: Address lookups/sec 3602 Cat: Address lookup completions 3604 Cat: Address lookup completions/sec 3606 Cat: Address lookups not found 3608 Cat: mailmsg duplicate collisions 3610 Cat: LDAP connections 3612 Cat: LDAP connection failures 3614 Cat: LDAP connections currently open 3616 Cat: LDAP binds 3618 Cat: LDAP bind failures 3620 Cat: LDAP searches 3622 Cat: LDAP searches/sec 3624 Cat: LDAP paged searches 3626 Cat: LDAP search failures 3628 Cat: LDAP paged search failures 3630 Cat: LDAP searches completed 3632 Cat: LDAP searches completed/sec 3634 Cat: LDAP paged searches completed 3636 Cat: LDAP search completion failures 3638 Cat: LDAP paged search completion failures 3640 Cat: LDAP general completion failures 3642 Cat: LDAP searches abandoned 3644 Cat: LDAP searches pending completion 3646 SMTP NTFS Store Driver 3648 Messages in the queue directory 3650 Messages allocated 3652 Messages deleted 3654 Messages enumerated 3656 Open message bodies 3658 Open message streams 3852 Terminal Services Session 3854 Input WdBytes 3856 Input WdFrames 3858 Input WaitForOutBuf 3860 Input Frames 3862 Input Bytes 3864 Input Compressed Bytes 3866 Input Compress Flushes 3868 Input Errors 3870 Input Timeouts 3872 Input Async Frame Error 3874 Input Async Overrun 3876 Input Async Overflow 3878 Input Async Parity Error 3880 Input Transport Errors 3882 Output WdBytes 3884 Output WdFrames 3886 Output WaitForOutBuf 3888 Output Frames 3890 Output Bytes 3892 Output Compressed Bytes 3894 Output Compress Flushes 3896 Output Errors 3898 Output Timeouts 3900 Output Async Frame Error 3902 Output Async Overrun 3904 Output Async Overflow 3906 Output Async Parity Error 3908 Output Transport Errors 3910 Total WdBytes 3912 Total WdFrames 3914 Total WaitForOutBuf 3916 Total Frames 3918 Total Bytes 3920 Total Compressed Bytes 3922 Total Compress Flushes 3924 Total Errors 3926 Total Timeouts 3928 Total Async Frame Error 3930 Total Async Overrun 3932 Total Async Overflow 3934 Total Async Parity Error 3936 Total Transport Errors 3938 Total Protocol Cache Reads 3940 Total Protocol Cache Hits 3942 Total Protocol Cache Hit Ratio 3944 Protocol Bitmap Cache Reads 3946 Protocol Bitmap Cache Hits 3948 Protocol Bitmap Cache Hit Ratio 3950 Protocol Glyph Cache Reads 3952 Protocol Glyph Cache Hits 3954 Protocol Glyph Cache Hit Ratio 3956 Protocol Brush Cache Reads 3958 Protocol Brush Cache Hits 3960 Protocol Brush Cache Hit Ratio 3962 Protocol Save Screen Bitmap Cache Reads 3964 Protocol Save Screen Bitmap Cache Hits 3966 Protocol Save Screen Bitmap Cache Hit Ratio 3968 Input Compression Ratio 3970 Output Compression Ratio 3972 Total Compression Ratio 3974 Terminal Services 3976 Total Sessions 3978 Active Sessions 3980 Inactive Sessions 3982 Fax Services 3984 Bytes received 3986 Received faxes 3988 Received pages 3990 Minutes receiving 3992 Failed receptions 3994 Bytes sent 3996 Faxes sent 3998 Pages sent 4000 Minutes sending 4002 Failed outgoing connections 4004 Failed faxes 4006 Total bytes 4008 Total faxes 4010 Total pages 4012 Total minutes sending and receiving 4014 Internet Information Services Global 4016 Total Allowed Async I/O Requests 4018 Total Blocked Async I/O Requests 4020 Total Rejected Async I/O Requests 4022 Current Blocked Async I/O Requests 4024 Measured Async I/O Bandwidth Usage 4026 Current Files Cached 4028 Total Files Cached 4030 File Cache Hits 4032 File Cache Misses 4034 File Cache Hits % 4038 File Cache Flushes 4040 Current File Cache Memory Usage 4042 Maximum File Cache Memory Usage 4044 Active Flushed Entries 4046 Total Flushed Files 4048 Current URIs Cached 4050 Total URIs Cached 4052 URI Cache Hits 4054 URI Cache Misses 4056 URI Cache Hits % 4060 URI Cache Flushes 4062 Total Flushed URIs 4064 Current BLOBs Cached 4066 Total BLOBs Cached 4068 BLOB Cache Hits 4070 BLOB Cache Misses 4072 BLOB Cache Hits % 4076 BLOB Cache Flushes 4078 Total Flushed BLOBs 4080 Distributed Transaction Coordinator 4082 Active Transactions 4084 Committed Transactions 4086 Aborted Transactions 4088 In Doubt Transactions 4090 Active Transactions Maximum 4092 Force Committed Transactions 4094 Force Aborted Transactions 4096 Response Time -- Minimum 4098 Response Time -- Average 4100 Response Time -- Maximum 4102 Transactions/sec 4104 Committed Transactions/sec 4106 Aborted Transactions/sec 4108 Web Service 4110 Bytes Sent/sec 4112 Bytes Received/sec 4114 Bytes Total/sec 4116 Total Files Sent 4118 Files Sent/sec 4120 Total Files Received 4122 Files Received/sec 4124 Total Files Transferred 4126 Files/sec 4128 Current Anonymous Users 4130 Current NonAnonymous Users 4132 Total Anonymous Users 4134 Anonymous Users/sec 4136 Total NonAnonymous Users 4138 NonAnonymous Users/sec 4140 Maximum Anonymous Users 4142 Maximum NonAnonymous Users 4144 Current Connections 4146 Maximum Connections 4148 Total Connection Attempts (all instances) 4150 Connection Attempts/sec 4152 Total Logon Attempts 4154 Logon Attempts/sec 4156 Total Options Requests 4158 Options Requests/sec 4160 Total Get Requests 4162 Get Requests/sec 4164 Total Post Requests 4166 Post Requests/sec 4168 Total Head Requests 4170 Head Requests/sec 4172 Total Put Requests 4174 Put Requests/sec 4176 Total Delete Requests 4178 Delete Requests/sec 4180 Total Trace Requests 4182 Trace Requests/sec 4184 Total Move Requests 4186 Move Requests/sec 4188 Total Copy Requests 4190 Copy Requests/sec 4192 Total Mkcol Requests 4194 Mkcol Requests/sec 4196 Total Propfind Requests 4198 Propfind Requests/sec 4200 Total Proppatch Requests 4202 Proppatch Requests/sec 4204 Total Search Requests 4206 Search Requests/sec 4208 Total Lock Requests 4210 Lock Requests/sec 4212 Total Unlock Requests 4214 Unlock Requests/sec 4216 Total Other Request Methods 4218 Other Request Methods/sec 4220 Total Method Requests 4222 Total Method Requests/sec 4224 Total CGI Requests 4226 CGI Requests/sec 4228 Total ISAPI Extension Requests 4230 ISAPI Extension Requests/sec 4232 Total Not Found Errors 4234 Not Found Errors/sec 4236 Total Locked Errors 4238 Locked Errors/sec 4240 Current CGI Requests 4242 Current ISAPI Extension Requests 4244 Maximum CGI Requests 4246 Maximum ISAPI Extension Requests 4248 Current CAL count for authenticated users 4250 Maximum CAL count for authenticated users 4252 Total count of failed CAL requests for authenticated users 4254 Current CAL count for SSL connections 4256 Maximum CAL count for SSL connections 4258 Total count of failed CAL requests for SSL connections 4260 Total Blocked Async I/O Requests 4262 Total Allowed Async I/O Requests 4264 Total Rejected Async I/O Requests 4266 Current Blocked Async I/O Requests 4268 Measured Async I/O Bandwidth Usage 4270 Service Uptime 4272 Active Server Pages 4274 Debugging Requests 4276 Errors During Script Runtime 4278 Errors From ASP Preprocessor 4280 Errors From Script Compilers 4282 Errors/Sec 4284 Request Bytes In Total 4286 Request Bytes Out Total 4288 Request Execution Time 4290 Request Wait Time 4292 Requests Disconnected 4294 Requests Executing 4296 Requests Failed Total 4298 Requests Not Authorized 4300 Requests Not Found 4302 Requests Queued 4304 Requests Rejected 4306 Requests Succeeded 4308 Requests Timed Out 4310 Requests Total 4312 Requests/Sec 4314 Script Engines Cached 4316 Session Duration 4318 Sessions Current 4320 Sessions Timed Out 4322 Sessions Total 4324 Templates Cached 4326 Template Cache Hit Rate 4330 Template Notifications 4332 Transactions Aborted 4334 Transactions Committed 4336 Transactions Pending 4338 Transactions Total 4340 Transactions/Sec 4342 In Memory Templates Cached 4344 In Memory Template Cache Hit Rate 4406 WMI Objects 4408 HiPerf Classes 4410 HiPerf Validity 4412 BatteryStatus 4414 ChargeRate 4416 DischargeRate 4418 RemainingCapacity 4420 Tag 4422 Voltage 4424 ProcessorPerformance 4426 Processor Frequency 4428 % of Maximum Frequency 4430 Power Consumption 4458 FTP Service 4460 Bytes Sent/sec 4462 Bytes Received/sec 4464 Bytes Total/sec 4466 Total Files Sent 4468 Total Files Received 4470 Total Files Transferred 4472 Current Anonymous Users 4474 Current NonAnonymous Users 4476 Total Anonymous Users 4478 Total NonAnonymous Users 4480 Maximum Anonymous Users 4482 Maximum NonAnonymous Users 4484 Current Connections 4486 Maximum Connections 4488 Total Connection Attempts (all instances) 4490 Total Logon Attempts 4492 FTP Service Uptime 4548 ASP.NET v1.0.3705.0 4550 ASP.NET Apps v1.0.3705.0 4552 Application Restarts 4554 Applications Running 4556 Requests Disconnected 4558 Request Execution Time 4560 Requests Rejected 4562 Requests Queued 4564 Worker Processes Running 4566 Worker Process Restarts 4568 Request Wait Time 4570 State Server Sessions Active 4572 State Server Sessions Abandoned 4574 State Server Sessions Timed Out 4576 State Server Sessions Total 4578 Anonymous Requests 4580 Anonymous Requests/Sec 4582 Cache Total Entries 4584 Cache Total Turnover Rate 4586 Cache Total Hits 4588 Cache Total Misses 4590 Cache Total Hit Ratio 4592 Cache Total Hit Ratio Base 4594 Cache API Entries 4596 Cache API Turnover Rate 4598 Cache API Hits 4600 Cache API Misses 4602 Cache API Hit Ratio 4604 Cache API Hit Ratio Base 4606 Output Cache Entries 4608 Output Cache Turnover Rate 4610 Output Cache Hits 4612 Output Cache Misses 4614 Output Cache Hit Ratio 4616 Output Cache Hit Ratio Base 4618 Compilations Total 4620 Debugging Requests 4622 Errors During Preprocessing 4624 Errors During Compilation 4626 Errors During Execution 4628 Errors Unhandled During Execution 4630 Errors Unhandled During Execution/Sec 4632 Errors Total 4634 Errors Total/Sec 4636 Pipeline Instance Count 4638 Request Bytes In Total 4640 Request Bytes Out Total 4642 Requests Executing 4644 Requests Failed 4646 Requests Not Found 4648 Requests Not Authorized 4650 Requests Timed Out 4652 Requests Succeeded 4654 Requests Total 4656 Requests/Sec 4658 Sessions Active 4660 Sessions Abandoned 4662 Sessions Timed Out 4664 Sessions Total 4666 Transactions Aborted 4668 Transactions Committed 4670 Transactions Pending 4672 Transactions Total 4674 Transactions/Sec 5012 ASP.NET v1.1.4322 5014 ASP.NET Apps v1.1.4322 5016 Application Restarts 5018 Applications Running 5020 Requests Disconnected 5022 Request Execution Time 5024 Requests Rejected 5026 Requests Queued 5028 Worker Processes Running 5030 Worker Process Restarts 5032 Request Wait Time 5034 State Server Sessions Active 5036 State Server Sessions Abandoned 5038 State Server Sessions Timed Out 5040 State Server Sessions Total 5042 Requests Current 5044 Anonymous Requests 5046 Anonymous Requests/Sec 5048 Cache Total Entries 5050 Cache Total Turnover Rate 5052 Cache Total Hits 5054 Cache Total Misses 5056 Cache Total Hit Ratio 5058 Cache Total Hit Ratio Base 5060 Cache API Entries 5062 Cache API Turnover Rate 5064 Cache API Hits 5066 Cache API Misses 5068 Cache API Hit Ratio 5070 Cache API Hit Ratio Base 5072 Output Cache Entries 5074 Output Cache Turnover Rate 5076 Output Cache Hits 5078 Output Cache Misses 5080 Output Cache Hit Ratio 5082 Output Cache Hit Ratio Base 5084 Compilations Total 5086 Debugging Requests 5088 Errors During Preprocessing 5090 Errors During Compilation 5092 Errors During Execution 5094 Errors Unhandled During Execution 5096 Errors Unhandled During Execution/Sec 5098 Errors Total 5100 Errors Total/Sec 5102 Pipeline Instance Count 5104 Request Bytes In Total 5106 Request Bytes Out Total 5108 Requests Executing 5110 Requests Failed 5112 Requests Not Found 5114 Requests Not Authorized 5116 Requests In Application Queue 5118 Requests Timed Out 5120 Requests Succeeded 5122 Requests Total 5124 Requests/Sec 5126 Sessions Active 5128 Sessions Abandoned 5130 Sessions Timed Out 5132 Sessions Total 5134 Transactions Aborted 5136 Transactions Committed 5138 Transactions Pending 5140 Transactions Total 5142 Transactions/Sec 5144 Session State Server connections total 5146 Session SQL Server connections total 5310 SQLServer:Buffer Manager 5312 Reserved pages 5314 Checkpoint pages/sec 5316 AWE lookup maps/sec 5318 Page writes/sec 5320 Total pages 5322 AWE unmap calls/sec 5324 Target pages 5326 AWE unmap pages/sec 5328 Buffer cache hit ratio base 5330 Free list stalls/sec 5332 Database pages 5334 Page life expectancy 5336 Buffer cache hit ratio 5338 AWE write maps/sec 5340 Page lookups/sec 5342 Stolen pages 5344 Page reads/sec 5346 Free pages 5348 Lazy writes/sec 5350 Readahead pages/sec 5352 AWE stolen maps/sec 5354 Procedure cache pages 5356 SQLServer:Buffer Partition 5358 Free pages 5360 Free list requests/sec 5362 Free list empty/sec 5364 SQLServer:General Statistics 5366 Logins/sec 5368 Logouts/sec 5370 User Connections 5372 SQLServer:Locks 5374 Lock Wait Time (ms) 5376 Lock Waits/sec 5378 Average Wait Time Base 5380 Number of Deadlocks/sec 5382 Lock Timeouts/sec 5384 Lock Requests/sec 5386 Average Wait Time (ms) 5388 SQLServeratabases 5390 Repl. Pending Xacts 5392 DBCC Logical Scan Bytes/sec 5394 Repl. Trans. Rate 5396 Log File(s) Size (KB) 5398 Log Truncations 5400 Percent Log Used 5402 Log Shrinks 5404 Bulk Copy Throughput/sec 5406 Log Flush Wait Time 5408 Active Transactions 5410 Log Cache Reads/sec 5412 Log Flush Waits/sec 5414 Backup/Restore Throughput/sec 5416 Shrink Data Movement Bytes/sec 5418 Log Growths 5420 Transactions/sec 5422 Log Cache Hit Ratio Base 5424 Log Bytes Flushed/sec 5426 Log File(s) Used Size (KB) 5428 Log Cache Hit Ratio 5430 Data File(s) Size (KB) 5432 Bulk Copy Rows/sec 5434 Log Flushes/sec 5436 SQLServer:Latches 5438 Total Latch Wait Time (ms) 5440 Latch Waits/sec 5442 Average Latch Wait Time (ms) 5444 Average Latch Wait Time Base 5446 SQLServer:Access Methods 5448 Extents Allocated/sec 5450 Worktables Created/sec 5452 Skipped Ghosted Records/sec 5454 Full Scans/sec 5456 Pages Allocated/sec 5458 Page Splits/sec 5460 Mixed page allocations/sec 5462 Extent Deallocations/sec 5464 Probe Scans/sec 5466 FreeSpace Page Fetches/sec 5468 Worktables From Cache Base 5470 Table Lock Escalations/sec 5472 Page Deallocations/sec 5474 Worktables From Cache Ratio 5476 Index Searches/sec 5478 FreeSpace Scans/sec 5480 Forwarded Records/sec 5482 Workfiles Created/sec 5484 Scan Point Revalidations/sec 5486 Range Scans/sec 5488 SQLServerQL Statistics 5490 Auto-Param Attempts/sec 5492 Batch Requests/sec 5494 SQL Re-Compilations/sec 5496 Unsafe Auto-Params/sec 5498 SQL Compilations/sec 5500 Failed Auto-Params/sec 5502 Safe Auto-Params/sec 5504 SQLServer:Cache Manager 5506 Cache Use Counts/sec 5508 Cache Hit Ratio Base 5510 Cache Object Counts 5512 Cache Hit Ratio 5514 Cache Pages 5516 SQLServer:Memory Manager 5518 Maximum Workspace Memory (KB) 5520 Connection Memory (KB) 5522 Memory Grants Pending 5524 Granted Workspace Memory (KB) 5526 SQL Cache Memory (KB) 5528 Optimizer Memory (KB) 5530 Lock Blocks 5532 Total Server Memory (KB) 5534 Lock Owner Blocks Allocated 5536 Lock Memory (KB) 5538 Lock Blocks Allocated 5540 Target Server Memory(KB) 5542 Lock Owner Blocks 5544 Memory Grants Outstanding 5546 SQLServer:User Settable 5548 Query 5550 SQLServer:Replication Agents 5552 Running 5554 SQLServer:Replication Merge 5556 Conflicts/sec 5558 Uploaded Changes/sec 5560 Downloaded Changes/sec 5562 SQLServer:Replication Logreader 5564 Logreaderelivery Latency 5566 Logreaderelivered Trans/sec 5568 Logreaderelivered Cmds/sec 5570 SQLServer:Replication Dist. 5572 Distelivered Trans/sec 5574 Distelivery Latency 5576 Distelivered Cmds/sec 5578 SQLServer:Replication Snapshot 5580 Snapshotelivered Trans/sec 5582 Snapshotelivered Cmds/sec 5584 SQLServer:Backup Device 5586 Device Throughput Bytes/sec 5678 Indexing Service 5680 Word lists 5682 Saved indexes 5684 Index size (MB) 5686 Files to be indexed 5688 Unique keys 5690 Running queries 5692 Merge progress 5694 # documents indexed 5696 Total # documents 5698 Total # of queries 5700 Deferred for indexing 5702 Indexing Service Filter 5704 Total indexing speed (MB/hr) 5706 Binding time (msec) 5708 Indexing speed (MB/hr) 5710 Http Indexing Service 5712 Cache items 5714 % Cache hits 5716 Total cache accesses 1 5718 % Cache misses 5720 Total cache accesses 2 5722 Active queries 5724 Total queries 5726 Queries per minute 5728 Current requests queued 5730 Total requests rejected 5796 ASP.NET State Service 5988 State Server Sessions Active 5990 State Server Sessions Abandoned 5992 State Server Sessions Timed Out 5994 State Server Sessions Total 6380 .NET Data Provider for Oracle 6382 HardConnectsPerSecond 6384 HardDisconnectsPerSecond 6386 SoftConnectsPerSecond 6388 SoftDisconnectsPerSecond 6390 NumberOfNonPooledConnections 6392 NumberOfPooledConnections 6394 NumberOfActiveConnectionPoolGroups 6396 NumberOfInactiveConnectionPoolGroups 6398 NumberOfActiveConnectionPools 6400 NumberOfInactiveConnectionPools 6402 NumberOfActiveConnections 6404 NumberOfFreeConnections 6406 NumberOfStasisConnections 6408 NumberOfReclaimedConnections 6410 .NET Data Provider for SqlServer 6412 HardConnectsPerSecond 6414 HardDisconnectsPerSecond 6416 SoftConnectsPerSecond 6418 SoftDisconnectsPerSecond 6420 NumberOfNonPooledConnections 6422 NumberOfPooledConnections 6424 NumberOfActiveConnectionPoolGroups 6426 NumberOfInactiveConnectionPoolGroups 6428 NumberOfActiveConnectionPools 6430 NumberOfInactiveConnectionPools 6432 NumberOfActiveConnections 6434 NumberOfFreeConnections 6436 NumberOfStasisConnections 6438 NumberOfReclaimedConnections 6824 MSFTESQL$SQLEXPRESS:FD 6826 Batches received 6828 Batches rejected 6830 Batches in progress 6832 Batches completed 6834 Transactions received 6836 Transactions started 6838 Transactions completed 6840 Trans Errors 6842 Trans Success 6844 WordBreakers 6846 Noise Word Lists 6848 Filters 6850 MSFTESQL$SQLEXPRESService 6852 Heartbeats 6854 Total wordbreakers 6856 Total stemmers 6858 Total noise word files 6860 Total thesaurus 6862 Catalogs mounted 6864 Catalogs monitored 6866 Index perf level 6868 Query perf level 6870 Batches in ready queue 6872 FD, MT active 6874 FD, ST active 6876 FD, HD active 6878 FD, MT launched 6880 FD, ST launched 6882 FD, HD launched 6884 FD, MT terminated AV 6886 FD, ST terminated AV 6888 FD, HD terminated AV 6890 FD, MT terminated time out 6892 FD, ST terminated time out 6894 FD, HD terminated time out 6896 FD, MT terminated excessive memory 6898 FD, ST terminated excessive memory 6900 FD, HD terminated excessive memory 6902 FD, MT terminated idle 6904 FD, ST terminated idle 6906 FD, HD terminated idle 6908 FD, MT terminated pipe 6910 FD, ST terminated pipe 6912 FD, HD terminated pipe 6914 FD, MT terminated other 6916 FD, ST terminated other 6918 FD, HD terminated other 6920 FD, MT unresponsive to shutdown 6922 FD, ST unresponsive to shutdown 6924 FD, HD unresponsive to shutdown 6926 FD, MT CB empty 6928 FD, ST CB empty 6930 FD, HD CB empty 6932 CBs given 6934 CBs garbage collected 6936 CBs acquired 6938 CBs in use 6940 CBs released 6942 CBs destroyed 6944 CB size 6946 CBs total 6948 Batches received 6950 Batches in progress 6952 Batches FPC 6954 Batches completely successful 6956 Batches completed w/warnings 6958 Batches completed w/errors 6960 Batches aborted 6962 Batches done 6964 MSFTESQL$SQLEXPRESS:Catalogs 6966 State 6968 Request flush/drain 6970 Request force merge 6972 Request pause 6974 Request resume 6976 Request abort 6978 Request reset 6980 Request async flush 6982 Phase on-hold 6984 Phase in ready queue 6986 Phase in MT FD 6988 Phase in ST FD 6990 Phase in HD FD 6992 Phase in pipeline 6994 Phase pending completion 6996 Phase complete 6998 Phase redundant 7000 Trans errored 7002 Trans done 7004 Trans rerouted 7006 Trans deletes 7008 Trans modifies 7010 Trans in progress 7012 Batches received 7014 Batches in progress 7016 Batches FPC 7018 Batches completed success 7020 Batches completed w/warnings 7022 Batches completed w/errors 7024 Batches aborted 7026 Batches done 7028 State Reason code 7030 State Caller Component 7032 State Result Code 7034 MSFTESQL$SQLEXPRESS:Indexer PlugIn 7036 Master Index Level. 7038 Master Merges to Date 7040 Master Merge Progress 7042 Shadow Merge Levels 7044 Shadow Merge Levels Threshold 7046 Persistent Indexes 7048 Index Size 7050 Unique Keys 7052 Documents Filtered 7054 Work Items Created 7056 Work Items Deleted 7058 Clean WidSets 7060 Dirty WidSets 7062 Master Merges Now. 7064 Active Connections 7066 Queries 7068 Queries Failed 7070 Queries Succeeded 7072 L0 Indexes (Wordlists) 7074 L0 Merges (flushes) Now. 7076 L0 Merge (Flush) Speed - Average 7078 L0 Merge (Flush) - Count 7080 L0 Merge (Flush) Speed - Last 7082 Persistent Indexes L1 7084 L1 Merges Now. 7086 L1 Merge Speed - average 7088 L1 Merge - Count 7090 L1 Merge Speed - last 7092 Persistent Indexes L2 7094 L2 Merges Now. 7096 L2 Merge Speed - average 7098 L2 Merge - Count 7100 L2 Merge Speed - last 7102 Persistent Indexes L3 7104 L3 Merges Now. 7106 L3 Merge Speed - average 7108 L3 Merge - Count 7110 L3 Merge Speed - last 7112 Persistent Indexes L4 7114 L4 Merges Now. 7116 L4 Merge Speed - average 7118 L4 Merge - Count 7120 L4 Merge Speed - last 7122 Persistent Indexes L5 7124 L5 Merges Now. 7126 L5 Merge Speed - average 7128 L5 Merge - Count 7130 L5 Merge Speed - last 7132 Persistent Indexes L6 7134 L6 Merges Now. 7136 L6 Merge Speed - average 7138 L6 Merge - Count 7140 L6 Merge Speed - last 7142 Persistent Indexes L7 7144 L7 Merges Now. 7146 L7 Merge Speed - average 7148 L7 Merge - Count 7150 L7 Merge Speed - last 7152 Persistent Indexes L8 7154 L8 Merges Now. 7156 L8 Merge Speed - average 7158 L8 Merge - Count 7160 L8 Merge Speed - last 7162 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:Buffer Manager 7164 Buffer cache hit ratio 7166 AWE unmap calls/sec 7168 Free list stalls/sec 7170 Page writes/sec 7172 Database pages 7174 Page life expectancy 7176 AWE stolen maps/sec 7178 AWE lookup maps/sec 7180 Stolen pages 7182 Buffer cache hit ratio base 7184 Free pages 7186 Checkpoint pages/sec 7188 Total pages 7190 Lazy writes/sec 7192 Page reads/sec 7194 Reserved pages 7196 Readahead pages/sec 7198 Target pages 7200 Page lookups/sec 7202 AWE unmap pages/sec 7204 AWE write maps/sec 7206 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:Buffer Partition 7208 Free list empty/sec 7210 Free list requests/sec 7212 Free pages 7214 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:Buffer Node 7216 Page life expectancy 7218 Target pages 7220 Stolen pages 7222 Total pages 7224 Database pages 7226 Free pages 7228 Foreign pages 7230 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:General Statistics 7232 Mars Deadlocks 7234 SOAP Session Initiate Requests 7236 Trace Event Notification Queue 7238 SOAP Session Terminate Requests 7240 User Connections 7242 Processes blocked 7244 HTTP Authenticated Requests 7246 Temp Tables Creation Rate 7248 Transactions 7250 Active Temp Tables 7252 Temp Tables For Destruction 7254 Logical Connections 7256 SQL Trace IO Provider Lock Waits 7258 Non-atomic yield rate 7260 SOAP Empty Requests 7262 Logins/sec 7264 SOAP WSDL Requests 7266 SOAP SQL Requests 7268 SOAP Method Invocations 7270 Logouts/sec 7272 Event Notifications Delayed Drop 7274 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:Locks 7276 Lock Requests/sec 7278 Lock Timeouts/sec 7280 Lock Timeouts (timeout > 0)/sec 7282 Lock Wait Time (ms) 7284 Number of Deadlocks/sec 7286 Average Wait Time Base 7288 Lock Waits/sec 7290 Average Wait Time (ms) 7292 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESSatabases 7294 Active Transactions 7296 Log Flush Wait Time 7298 Log Cache Hit Ratio 7300 Log Flush Waits/sec 7302 Log File(s) Used Size (KB) 7304 Log Cache Reads/sec 7306 Shrink Data Movement Bytes/sec 7308 Log Bytes Flushed/sec 7310 Percent Log Used 7312 Bulk Copy Rows/sec 7314 Log Flushes/sec 7316 Log Growths 7318 Log Truncations 7320 DBCC Logical Scan Bytes/sec 7322 Log File(s) Size (KB) 7324 Bulk Copy Throughput/sec 7326 Transactions/sec 7328 Data File(s) Size (KB) 7330 Repl. Trans. Rate 7332 Log Shrinks 7334 Repl. Pending Xacts 7336 Backup/Restore Throughput/sec 7338 Log Cache Hit Ratio Base 7340 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESSatabase Mirroring 7342 Bytes Received/sec 7344 Sends/sec 7346 Send/Receive Ack Time 7348 Redo Queue KB 7350 Transaction Delay 7352 Log Bytes Received/sec 7354 Log Send Queue KB 7356 Bytes Sent/sec 7358 Log Bytes Sent/sec 7360 Receives/sec 7362 Pages Sent/sec 7364 Redo Bytes/sec 7366 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:Latches 7368 Latch Waits/sec 7370 SuperLatch Demotions/sec 7372 Total Latch Wait Time (ms) 7374 Average Latch Wait Time Base 7376 SuperLatch Promotions/sec 7378 Number of SuperLatches 7380 Average Latch Wait Time (ms) 7382 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:Access Methods 7384 Failed leaf page cookie 7386 Skipped Ghosted Records/sec 7388 Scan Point Revalidations/sec 7390 Dropped rowset cleanups/sec 7392 LobHandle Create Count 7394 By-reference Lob Create Count 7396 Probe Scans/sec 7398 Count Lob Readahead 7400 Used tree page cookie 7402 Worktables From Cache Base 7404 Extents Allocated/sec 7406 Count Push Off Row 7408 AU cleanup batches/sec 7410 Worktables From Cache Ratio 7412 Range Scans/sec 7414 Count Pull In Row 7416 Failed AU cleanup batches/sec 7418 FreeSpace Scans/sec 7420 Failed tree page cookie 7422 Page Deallocations/sec 7424 Full Scans/sec 7426 Table Lock Escalations/sec 7428 Forwarded Records/sec 7430 By-reference Lob Use Count 7432 Deferred Dropped rowsets 7434 Page Splits/sec 7436 LobSS Provider Truncation Count 7438 Dropped rowsets skipped/sec 7440 Used leaf page cookie 7442 FreeSpace Page Fetches/sec 7444 Deferred dropped AUs 7446 Pages Allocated/sec 7448 LobSS Provider Create Count 7450 Workfiles Created/sec 7452 Extent Deallocations/sec 7454 LobHandle Destroy Count 7456 Index Searches/sec 7458 AU cleanups/sec 7460 Mixed page allocations/sec 7462 Worktables Created/sec 7464 LobSS Provider Destroy Count 7466 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESSQL Errors 7468 Errors/sec 7470 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESSQL Statistics 7472 Failed Auto-Params/sec 7474 Batch Requests/sec 7476 Unsafe Auto-Params/sec 7478 SQL Attention rate 7480 SQL Re-Compilations/sec 7482 Forced Parameterizations/sec 7484 SQL Compilations/sec 7486 Safe Auto-Params/sec 7488 Auto-Param Attempts/sec 7490 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESSlan Cache 7492 Cache Object Counts 7494 Cache Hit Ratio Base 7496 Cache Pages 7498 Cache Hit Ratio 7500 Cache Objects in use 7502 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:Cursor Manager by Type 7504 Cursor memory usage 7506 Cache Hit Ratio 7508 Cursor Cache Use Counts/sec 7510 Number of active cursor plans 7512 Cached Cursor Counts 7514 Cursor Requests/sec 7516 Cache Hit Ratio Base 7518 Cursor worktable usage 7520 Active cursors 7522 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:Cursor Manager Total 7524 Cursor conversion rate 7526 Cursor flushes 7528 Async population count 7530 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:Memory Manager 7532 Total Server Memory (KB) 7534 SQL Cache Memory (KB) 7536 Maximum Workspace Memory (KB) 7538 Lock Blocks 7540 Memory Grants Pending 7542 Lock Owner Blocks 7544 Lock Memory (KB) 7546 Target Server Memory (KB) 7548 Connection Memory (KB) 7550 Lock Blocks Allocated 7552 Optimizer Memory (KB) 7554 Lock Owner Blocks Allocated 7556 Memory Grants Outstanding 7558 Granted Workspace Memory (KB) 7560 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:User Settable 7562 Query 7564 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:Replication Agents 7566 Running 7568 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:Replication Merge 7570 Uploaded Changes/sec 7572 Conflicts/sec 7574 Downloaded Changes/sec 7576 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:Replication Logreader 7578 Logreaderelivered Cmds/sec 7580 Logreaderelivery Latency 7582 Logreaderelivered Trans/sec 7584 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:Replication Dist. 7586 Distelivered Trans/sec 7588 Distelivered Cmds/sec 7590 Distelivery Latency 7592 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:Replication Snapshot 7594 Snapshotelivered Trans/sec 7596 Snapshotelivered Cmds/sec 7598 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:Backup Device 7600 Device Throughput Bytes/sec 7602 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:Transactions 7604 Version Store Size (KB) 7606 Longest Transaction Running Time 7608 Transactions 7610 Version Store unit truncation 7612 NonSnapshot Version Transactions 7614 Snapshot Transactions 7616 Update Snapshot Transactions 7618 Version Store unit count 7620 Version Store unit creation 7622 Version Generation rate (KB/s) 7624 Version Cleanup rate (KB/s) 7626 Free Space in tempdb (KB) 7628 Update conflict ratio 7630 Update conflict ratio base 7632 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:Broker Statistics 7634 Forwarded Msg Bytes/sec 7636 Forwarded Pending Msg Count 7638 Enqueued Transport Msg Frags/sec 7640 SQL RECEIVE Total 7642 Enqueued Transport Msgs/sec 7644 SQL SEND Total 7646 SQL RECEIVEs/sec 7648 Enqueued Transport Msg Frag Tot 7650 Enqueued Messages Total 7652 Enqueued Local Messages Total 7654 Broker Transaction Rollbacks 7656 Forwarded Messages Total 7658 Forwarded Pending Msg Bytes 7660 Forwarded Messages/sec 7662 Enqueued Local Messages/sec 7664 Enqueued Messages/sec 7666 SQL SENDs/sec 7668 Forwarded Msg Discarded Total 7670 Dialog Timer Event Count 7672 Forwarded Msgs Discarded/sec 7674 Forwarded Msg Byte Total 7676 Enqueued Transport Msgs Total 7678 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:Broker/DBM Transport 7680 Pending Bytes for Recv I/O 7682 Msg Fragment Recv Size Avg 7684 Current Msg Frags for Send I/O 7686 Msg Fragment Recv Size Avg Base 7688 Message Fragment Receives/sec 7690 Message Fragment Sends/sec 7692 Send I/Os/sec 7694 Receive I/O bytes/sec 7696 Current Bytes for Send I/O 7698 Send I/O Len Avg 7700 Msg Fragment Send Size Avg 7702 Open Connection Count 7704 Pending Msg Frags for Recv I/O 7706 Send I/O bytes/sec 7708 Receive I/Os/sec 7710 Recv I/O Buffer Copies Count 7712 Pending Bytes for Send I/O 7714 Receive I/O Len Avg 7716 Recv I/O Buffer Copies bytes/sec 7718 Send I/O Len Avg Base 7720 Pending Msg Frags for Send I/O 7722 Msg Fragment Send Size Avg Base 7724 Receive I/O Len Avg Base 7726 Current Bytes for Recv I/O 7728 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:Broker Activation 7730 Task Limit Reached/sec 7732 Task Limit Reached 7734 Tasks Running 7736 Stored Procedures Invoked/sec 7738 Tasks Aborted/sec 7740 Tasks Started/sec 7742 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:Wait Statistics 7744 Workspace synchronization waits 7746 Non-Page latch waits 7748 Page latch waits 7750 Thread-safe memory objects waits 7752 Page IO latch waits 7754 Wait for the worker 7756 Log write waits 7758 Transaction ownership waits 7760 Lock waits 7762 Network IO waits 7764 Memory grant queue waits 7766 Log buffer waits 7768 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:Exec Statistics 7770 OLEDB calls 7772 Distributed Query 7774 DTC calls 7776 Extended Procedures 7778 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:CLR 7780 CLR Execution 7782 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS:Catalog Metadata 7784 Cache Entries Count 7786 Cache Hit Ratio 7788 Cache Hit Ratio Base 7790 Cache Entries Pinned Count 7830 SQLServerSIS Pipeline 7832 Rows read 7834 Rows written 7836 Buffers in use 7838 Buffer memory 7840 Private buffers in use 7842 Private buffer memory 7844 Flat buffers in use 7846 Flat buffer memory 7848 Buffers spooled 7850 BLOB bytes read 7852 BLOB bytes written 7854 BLOB files in use 8790 WMI Objects 8792 HiPerf Classes 8794 HiPerf Validity 8796 BatteryStatus 8798 ChargeRate 8800 DischargeRate 8802 RemainingCapacity 8804 Tag 8806 Voltage 8808 ProcessorPerformance 8810 Processor Frequency 8812 % of Maximum Frequency 8814 Power Consumption 8816 ASP.NET v2.0.50727 8818 ASP.NET Apps v2.0.50727 8820 Application Restarts 8822 Applications Running 8824 Requests Disconnected 8826 Request Execution Time 8828 Requests Rejected 8830 Requests Queued 8832 Worker Processes Running 8834 Worker Process Restarts 8836 Request Wait Time 8838 State Server Sessions Active 8840 State Server Sessions Abandoned 8842 State Server Sessions Timed Out 8844 State Server Sessions Total 8846 Requests Current 8848 Audit Success Events Raised 8850 Audit Failure Events Raised 8852 Error Events Raised 8854 Request Error Events Raised 8856 Infrastructure Error Events Raised 8858 Anonymous Requests 8860 Anonymous Requests/Sec 8862 Cache Total Entries 8864 Cache Total Turnover Rate 8866 Cache Total Hits 8868 Cache Total Misses 8870 Cache Total Hit Ratio 8872 Cache Total Hit Ratio Base 8874 Cache API Entries 8876 Cache API Turnover Rate 8878 Cache API Hits 8880 Cache API Misses 8882 Cache API Hit Ratio 8884 Cache API Hit Ratio Base 8886 Output Cache Entries 8888 Output Cache Turnover Rate 8890 Output Cache Hits 8892 Output Cache Misses 8894 Output Cache Hit Ratio 8896 Output Cache Hit Ratio Base 8898 Compilations Total 8900 Debugging Requests 8902 Errors During Preprocessing 8904 Errors During Compilation 8906 Errors During Execution 8908 Errors Unhandled During Execution 8910 Errors Unhandled During Execution/Sec 8912 Errors Total 8914 Errors Total/Sec 8916 Pipeline Instance Count 8918 Request Bytes In Total 8920 Request Bytes Out Total 8922 Requests Executing 8924 Requests Failed 8926 Requests Not Found 8928 Requests Not Authorized 8930 Requests In Application Queue 8932 Requests Timed Out 8934 Requests Succeeded 8936 Requests Total 8938 Requests/Sec 8940 Sessions Active 8942 Sessions Abandoned 8944 Sessions Timed Out 8946 Sessions Total 8948 Transactions Aborted 8950 Transactions Committed 8952 Transactions Pending 8954 Transactions Total 8956 Transactions/Sec 8958 Session State Server connections total 8960 Session SQL Server connections total 8962 Events Raised 8964 Events Raised/Sec 8966 Application Lifetime Events 8968 Application Lifetime Events/Sec 8970 Error Events Raised 8972 Error Events Raised/Sec 8974 Request Error Events Raised 8976 Request Error Events Raised/Sec 8978 Infrastructure Error Events Raised 8980 Infrastructure Error Events Raised/Sec 8982 Request Events Raised 8984 Request Events Raised/Sec 8986 Audit Success Events Raised 8988 Audit Failure Events Raised 8990 Membership Authentication Success 8992 Membership Authentication Failure 8994 Forms Authentication Success 8996 Forms Authentication Failure 8998 Viewstate MAC Validation Failure 9000 Request Execution Time 9002 Requests Disconnected 9004 Requests Rejected 9006 Request Wait Time 9008 ASP.NET 9010 ASP.NET Applications 9012 Application Restarts 9014 Applications Running 9016 Requests Disconnected 9018 Request Execution Time 9020 Requests Rejected 9022 Requests Queued 9024 Worker Processes Running 9026 Worker Process Restarts 9028 Request Wait Time 9030 State Server Sessions Active 9032 State Server Sessions Abandoned 9034 State Server Sessions Timed Out 9036 State Server Sessions Total 9038 Requests Current 9040 Audit Success Events Raised 9042 Audit Failure Events Raised 9044 Error Events Raised 9046 Request Error Events Raised 9048 Infrastructure Error Events Raised 9050 Anonymous Requests 9052 Anonymous Requests/Sec 9054 Cache Total Entries 9056 Cache Total Turnover Rate 9058 Cache Total Hits 9060 Cache Total Misses 9062 Cache Total Hit Ratio 9064 Cache Total Hit Ratio Base 9066 Cache API Entries 9068 Cache API Turnover Rate 9070 Cache API Hits 9072 Cache API Misses 9074 Cache API Hit Ratio 9076 Cache API Hit Ratio Base 9078 Output Cache Entries 9080 Output Cache Turnover Rate 9082 Output Cache Hits 9084 Output Cache Misses 9086 Output Cache Hit Ratio 9088 Output Cache Hit Ratio Base 9090 Compilations Total 9092 Debugging Requests 9094 Errors During Preprocessing 9096 Errors During Compilation 9098 Errors During Execution 9100 Errors Unhandled During Execution 9102 Errors Unhandled During Execution/Sec 9104 Errors Total 9106 Errors Total/Sec 9108 Pipeline Instance Count 9110 Request Bytes In Total 9112 Request Bytes Out Total 9114 Requests Executing 9116 Requests Failed 9118 Requests Not Found 9120 Requests Not Authorized 9122 Requests In Application Queue 9124 Requests Timed Out 9126 Requests Succeeded 9128 Requests Total 9130 Requests/Sec 9132 Sessions Active 9134 Sessions Abandoned 9136 Sessions Timed Out 9138 Sessions Total 9140 Transactions Aborted 9142 Transactions Committed 9144 Transactions Pending 9146 Transactions Total 9148 Transactions/Sec 9150 Session State Server connections total 9152 Session SQL Server connections total 9154 Events Raised 9156 Events Raised/Sec 9158 Application Lifetime Events 9160 Application Lifetime Events/Sec 9162 Error Events Raised 9164 Error Events Raised/Sec 9166 Request Error Events Raised 9168 Request Error Events Raised/Sec 9170 Infrastructure Error Events Raised 9172 Infrastructure Error Events Raised/Sec 9174 Request Events Raised 9176 Request Events Raised/Sec 9178 Audit Success Events Raised 9180 Audit Failure Events Raised 9182 Membership Authentication Success 9184 Membership Authentication Failure 9186 Forms Authentication Success 9188 Forms Authentication Failure 9190 Viewstate MAC Validation Failure 9192 Request Execution Time 9194 Requests Disconnected 9196 Requests Rejected 9198 Request Wait Time 9200 Outlook 9202 RPCs Attempted 9204 RPCs Succeeded 9206 RPCs Failed 9208 RPCs Cancelled 9210 RPCs UI Shown 9212 RPCs Attempted - UI 9214 Time Avg (all) 9216 Time Avg (10) 9218 Time Avg (50) 9220 Time Avg (200) 9222 Time Min 9224 Time Max 9226 Count obj connection 9228 Count obj hcot table 9230 Count handle (AD) context 9232 Count handle (AD) binding 9234 Count handle (store) context 9236 Count handle (store) binding 9238 MSRS 2005 Web Service 9240 Report Requests 9242 Total Reports Execute 9244 Reports Executed/Sec 9246 Total Processing Failures 9248 Total Rejected Threads 9250 Active Sessions 9252 First Session Requests/Sec 9254 Next Session Requests/Sec 9256 Total Cache Hits 9258 Cache Hits/Sec 9260 Total Cache Misses 9262 Cache Misses/Sec 9264 Total Requests 9266 Requests/Sec 9268 Total Memory Cache Hits 9270 Memory Cache Hits/Sec 9272 Total Memory Cache Misses 9274 Memory Cache Miss/Sec 9276 Total Cache Hits (Semantic Models) 9278 Cache Hits/Sec (Semantic Models) 9280 Total Cache Misses (Semantic Models) 9282 Cache Misses/Sec (Semantic Models) 9284 MSRS 2005 Windows Service 9286 Report Requests 9288 Total Reports Executed 9290 Reports Executed/Sec 9292 Total Processing Failures 9294 Total Rejected Threads 9296 Active Sessions 9298 First Session Requests/Sec 9300 Next Session Requests/Sec 9302 Total Cache Hits 9304 Cache Hits/Sec 9306 Total Cache Misses 9308 Cache Misses/Sec 9310 Total Requests 9312 Requests/Sec 9314 Total Memory Cache Hits 9316 Memory Cache Hits/Sec 9318 Total Memory Cache Misses 9320 Memory Cache Miss/Sec 9322 Total Cache Hits (Semantic Models) 9324 Cache Hits/Sec (Semantic Models) 9326 Total Cache Misses (Semantic Models) 9328 Cache Misses/Sec (Semantic Models) 9330 Total App Domain Recycles 9332 Total Deliveries 9334 Delivers/Sec 9336 Total Events 9338 Events/Sec 9340 Total Snapshot Updates 9342 Snapshot Updates/Sec 9344 Total Cache Flushes 9346 Cache Flushes/Sec
In sql server 2014 , many performance counters are missing .I need " Buffer cache hit ratio " under "sql server :buffer manager " .Is there any way to get it back or removed form sql server2014 ?
I can't tell if the SQL Developer install upgraded the service, but left the SqlExpress version information, or if I'm still really only using SqlExpress.
Also, my intended target is SQL Enterprise, so if I am using SQL Express am I asking for trouble when I go to move the database over? Are the database formats compatible?
I've poked around trying to search for this answer for a while and haven't turned anything up. Maybe I'm searching on the wrong terms...
I have 2 SQL Server 7 databases installed on 2 Windows 2000 servers. One box shows all the SQL performance counters with in performance monitor, the other one doesn't. Is there a way to register those SQL counters in performance monitor?
I keep encountering this error when I try to install another SQL Server after uninstalling Express: - Performance Monitor Counter Requirement (Error) Messages Performance Monitor Counter Requirement
The System Configuration Check for Performance Monitor counter registry value has failed. For details, see How to: Increment the Counter Registry Key for Setup in SQL Server 2005, in the readme file or in SQL Server Books Online. I've looked up the solution and it says to change the Perflib entry in the register...only I don't seem to have one! this is highly annoying as I can do nothing to remedy the situation. Any ideas?
select * from sys.dm_os_performance_counters returns the object names prefixed with "SQLServer:" (e.g. SQLServer:Databases)
It was expected as in other editions also. Issue is that when we try to crate "SQLServer Performance Condition alert", object names in "Object" list comes without the prefix "SQLServer:" (e.g. Databases). Please see the attached snapshots.
When I downloaded/started using Visual Web Developer I was under the impression that I needed to install SQL Server Management Studio Express in order to create/manage databases, and to provide the engine to access the data. Since then I have found tutorials and have successfully created/used databases solely from within Visual Web Developer. I'm assuming that Visual Web Developer includes a database engine, much like the webserver that is included. (This is an awesome thing). When I tried to upload my web application with database to my production server, the database would not work, it started working after I installed SQL Server Management Studio Express on the server. Is it my understanding that you need SQL Server Management Studio Express if you do not have Visual Web Developer Express installed in order to provide the data access engine? Also, I am unable to "attach" my Visual Web Developer Express created database to SQL Server Management Studio Express. Are there any posts that provide more information about this topic?
The only reason I'm asking is that I have extra whitespace on the end of my text fields, and I thought ANSI_PADDING was turned on. I do not see the option in Visual Web Developer Express, but have found it in SQL Server Management Studio Express.
Here is the error message I get: have just installed both packages and havent done much in the way of configuration... What do i need to do? Thanks!
Hi, I'm completely new to SQL Server and ASP.NET, so please bear with me on my learning curve! I've installed Visual Web Developer Express and SQL Server Express (on the same PC). I then used Web Developer Express to successfully create a new database with a couple of tables in it. So far so good. I then installed SQL Server Management Studio Express on the same PC and tried to connect to my new database. The connection to the SQL Server instance appears to work OK (using Windows Authentication) but I can't see the database I previously created. All I can see are the System Databases. Does anyone know what the solution might be?
Can someone here confirm or deny that Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition doesn't work with SQL Server Developer Edition 2005?
I was about to order SQL Server Developer Edition 2005 on Amazon, to use with Visual Web Developer 2005 Express, when I read a user comment that the two are incompatible with each other. Does anyone know for sure if that is true?
What I'm wanting to do is develop an ASP.NET web application on a web host using a SQL Server database. I use VS2003 and SQL Server Enterprise 2000 at work, but I'd like to learn the 2005 editions for this side project. I don't own any of the developer tools/IDEs personally, so I'm trying to find the most affordable way to do this for my home business.
I have installed Visual Web Developer Express and its companion SQL Server 2005 Express in my Windows XP Professional box.
Now I want to create a database using Visual Web Developer. I opened the Database Explorer and right clicked on Data Connections icon but what I am seeing is an inactive "Create new database" command.
How can I make it active ? How to create a database using my Visual Web Developer?
I 'm getting this error on expanding the + nodes in SQL Server Management Studio Express Object Explorer:i.e. Database -> System Databases -> Any DB selected and expanding the Tables node When I click on the nodes for Tables for any of my databases, I see it saying expanding..., but then a message box errors pops up. It was working fine until after my lunch hour when I attempted to create some new tables.Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.SmoEnum)Additional Information:An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.ConnectionInfo)Could not continue scan with NOLOCK due to data movement. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 601)
Hi, Can I use Sql Express Edition with Visual Web Developer at the same time? I tried but I always get a permission error. Also, when I try to attach a database (that I created in Visual Web Developer) to the SQL Express i cant find the .mdf file, I don't know why? Is there is a way where I can specify a folder where I can keep the mdf and allow both applications to access it?
I Am developing a simple app with a database. All has been going fine until now, the following is occuring:In Visual Web Developer 2005 Express if I connect to the database and view some table data I can do that fine but then as soon as I try to view a page in the browser I get the error:Login failed for user 'MachineNameASPNET'If in web developer I go to the database explorer and close the connection to the database then refresh the page it all works fine.Anyone have anyideas on how to correct this? ThanksScott
Can I have both of them installed ? I work on applications sometimes on two different machines. One has Visual studio w/ sql 2005 developer edition, the other with express editions of both. Can I install sql express on my workstation that already has developer edition ?
I have Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite and have SQL Server Express installed from the initial setup. I would like to replace the Express edition with SQL Server 2005 Developer edition. I am currently developing for SQL 2000 and also have Enterprise Manager installed locally. Will the Developer edition install offer the option to unistall the Express edition (I don't need both installed)? Or do I need to uninstall Express manually and then install Developer. Also is there anything I have to be wary of in terms of making sure I am still able to debug SQL 2000 sprocs etc. in VS?
When attempting to use VWD Express' built-in web server I recieve the following error in browser window: An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
I've done the following:
Followed advise on How to: Configure Express to accept remote connections
Retrieved port_address from SQL Server Configuration Manager (i.e. SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration > Protocols for SQLEXPRESS > Select TCP/IP Protocol name > RT click on Properties > IPALL - TCP Dynamic Ports port_address
netstat -ano | findstr "port_address" shows the following
HResult 0x2AF9, Level 16, State 1 TCP Provider: No such host is known. Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.. Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : Login timeout expired.
I can successfully connect to SQLEXPRESS using SQLCMD with flags - S .sqlexpress and -S np:\:\.pipeMSSQL$SQLEXPRESSsqlquery (named pipes)
Using VWD Database Explorer I have connected to my SQL Server 2005 Express databases and the Test Connection button on the Modify Connection form reports the connection strings are good. Lastly SQL connection string property field User Instance = True and neither database resides in "My Documents" folder.
Does VWD local web server require configuration?
Is this a Named Pipe or TCP/IP configuration problem? Should Shared Memory be disabled?
Should I give up on VWD local webserver and install IIS instead?
Excuse the cross post (to VBexpress fourum) but maybe someone here will have a different take?
have searched all around can't seem to see how to configure a SQL2005 developer ed so I can use vb express to develop a local front end. keep getting "the user instance login flag is not supported on this version of sql server" I have configured the .net framework via aspnet_regsql.exe. Also I configured the "Machine.config" file. but so far no luck.
Selecting sql2005 as the server thru the add new database connection in advanced area yields the error message
surely there is away.
So far still no joy,
While Scotty indicates that the connection to SQL2005 is intentionally hampered other posters indicate that the user instance problem can be solved by running the .net config tool to add the asp database to sql server, which I have done.
However this does not yet work.
I cannot get the code to spark yet.
Again my configuration cannot be any simpler. sql express sp1 and sqldeveloper on the same machine using windows security (all installed with default cofigurations)
In the absence of other ideas I may try to get sql express downloaded and going, I'm not sure what issues that will present re: what I'm trying to develop.
I'm trying to develop the skills to replace some fairly involved reporting and some user table interface that I had going in access2003, I hate to pruchace a big piece of sw when I don't know if it will remove the current roadblocks...
Appreciate the help here, but doesn't someone have a "simpler" complete answer? I.e. one that would get the developer database to accept the connection wizard? (user instance issue)
Hi: I have installed SQL 2005 Developer Edition and VS 2005. Do I need to also install SQL 2005 Express edition too?????
My version of VS2005 is proffesional. I cannot seem to find SQL 2005 Developer Edition in the Server Explorer of VS2005. So I am wondering if I need to install SQL 2005 Express. Before I had SQL 2000 and MSDE installed with VS2003 and there was no problem.
Herre is my connection string:<add name="PageEngine" connectionString="Data Source=MyServerSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=PageEngine;Integrated Security=True;User ID=MyID;Password=MyPwd;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>When I run the app using WDE (Web Developer Express), Everything works fine. I can access and diplay data from the database with no problems. However, when I try to run it from a browser on the local machine or a remote machine it fails to create a datareader. I am using the Database factory from Enterprise Library. IDataReader dr = pe.DataReaderFromStoredProcedure("pe_GetApplicationInformation", null, "PageEngine");if (dr.Read() != false) (* this is the line it fails on every time){_ApplicationName = dr["ApplicationName"].ToString();_Version = dr["Version"].ToString();_Copyright = dr["Copyright"].ToString();_Owner = dr["Owner"].ToString();}dr.Close(); Here is the "DataReaderFromStoredProcedure" methodpublic IDataReader DataReaderFromStoredProcedure(string spName, peParameters parameters, string connection){Database db;if (connection != null)db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(connection);elsedb = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand(spName);dbCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;Here is the error message I get:Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.Source Error: Line 53: IDataReader dr = pe.DataReaderFromStoredProcedure("pe_GetApplicationInformation", null, "PageEngine"); Line 54: Line 55: if (dr.Read() != false) Line 56: { Line 57: _ApplicationName = dr["ApplicationName"].ToString();Source File: c:Public FoldersITWebSite ProjectsScotts_SandboxPageEngineWorkingApp_CodeBusiness LayerApplicationInformation.cs Line: 55 Stack Trace: [NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.] PageEngine.ApplicationInformation..ctor(Page pg) in c:Public FoldersITWebSite ProjectsScotts_SandboxPageEngineWorkingApp_CodeBusiness LayerApplicationInformation.cs:55 login.GetTitle() in C:Public FoldersITWebSite ProjectsScotts_SandboxPageEngineWorkinglogin.aspx.vb:45 login.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:Public FoldersITWebSite ProjectsScotts_SandboxPageEngineWorkinglogin.aspx.vb:13 System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +99 System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +47 System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +1061 Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.42; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.42 I have tried so many things found on the forums, I don't know what to do anymore![:'(]
Does anyone know if it is possible to use SQL Server Developer Edition to produce SSIS packages that will operate on a remote SQL Server Express Edition database?
The situation is such that it is easiest to install a SQL Server Express Edition database on a remote server (for use within a company intranet) due to server availability and licensing restrictions. It would be great to be able to do Excel round trips with the data though - would it be possible to use SQL Server Developer Edition to do this on another computer, and have it update the data in the Express database?