Extract Exchange 2003 Data

Aug 14, 2006

I have searched everywhere for an answer and seems I am either blind or there is no simple solution. Basically I have a need to report on data stored in an Exchange 2003 data store. There is mention of a OLE DB for Exchange 2000 but nothing for Exchange 2003. For example, A company report on time spent on various categories in a staff's calendar, etc. I would like to use SQl 2005 SSIS to extract and reporting services to report. Why is this so difficult? I come from a Lotus Notes / Domino background and there are numerous articles and ways to do this? Please can some MS guru please give me some direction on where to look?



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Linking SQL Server 2k To Exchange Server 2003

Jun 8, 2004

I am trying to find information about creating a link server in SQL 2000 to connect to Exchange 2003 server. Can anyone help with this?

I am also interested in any kind of tutorial on how to connect to Exchange 2003 Server using C#.


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Exchange Data Between Databases On Two Servers??

May 29, 2007

Dear all
I have tow server on the same intranet. One server has a sql server 2000 database and the other one has SQL server 2005 databse.
 The sql 2000 database has a table called employee. When ever a new employee is inserted in the database i would like the same values to be sent to the sql 2005 database. But this cant be done on the application level. It has to be done in the database. The application level can not be changed.
I was thinking a trigger but how to achieve the writing from one database to another. If they were on the same server then it would be easier but because they are on different servers i dont know how to do it.
 Has anyone had similar issue before?
Any help is apreciated.

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Extracting Data From Exchange Into SQL Server Db

Mar 22, 2002

Has anyone been able to solve the issue with setting up a package in EM, which connects to an Exchange(.edb) database and extracts the data into a SQL Server db. Previous message posts don't offer much insight. So far, all I have is using Access 2000, to connect & move the data, then extract from here.
Thanks in advance for any help.

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Want To Link SQL Server DB To MS Exchange E-Mail-Address Data

Mar 1, 2002

Hi all,
I'd like to link a SQL Server database / table to Microsoft Exchange Server E-Mail-Address data, for an Employee Directory project.

I've read a little about "Web Store", a little about ExOLEDB, but I've come across nothing along practical lines. I.e., I still don't know where to begin!

For example the "Web Store" should be created on the SQL server, but how do you create it? Any insights will be greatly appreciated.


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TSQL + VBA Excel 2003 - Importing Data From MS Excel 2003 To SQL SERVER 2000 Using Multi - Batch Processing

Sep 11, 2007

I need to import an SQL string from MS Excel 2003 to SQL SERVER 2000.
The string I need to import is composed by 5 different several blocks and looks like:

Code Snippet

CommandLine01 = "USE mydb"
CommandLine02 = "SELECT Block ..."
CommandLine03 = "GO
CommandLine04 = "UPDATE Block..."
CommandLine05 = "SELECT Block..."

The detail of the SQL string is at:

I am trying to implement OJ's suggestion:
to use multi - batch processing to import the string to SQL SERVER, something like:

Code Snippet
Dim SqlCnt, cmd1, cmd2, cmd3
'set the properties and open a connection

cmd1="use my_db"
cmd2="create table mytb"
cmd3="insert into mytb"

SqlCnt.execute cmd1
SqlCnt.Execute cmd2
SqlCnt.Execute cmd3

Below is the code (just partial) I have, and I need help to complete it.
Thanks in advance,

Code Snippet
Function TestConnection()
Dim ConnectionString As New ADODB.Connection
Dim RecordSet As New ADODB.RecordSet

ConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=myServer;Database=myDBName;Uid=UserName;Pwd=Password"

CmdLine01 = " USE " & myDB

CmdLine03 = "GO

CmdLine04 = "UPDATE Block..."
CmdLine05 = "SELECT Block..."

RecordSet.Open CmdLine01, ConnectionString
RecordSet.Open CmdLine02, ConnectionString

ConnectionString.Execute CmdLine01
ConnectionString.Execute CmdLine02

'Retrieve Field titles
For ColNr = 1 To RecordSet.Fields.Count
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, ColNr).Value = RecordSet.Fields(ColNr - 1).Name

ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 1).CopyFromRecordset RecordSet

'Close ADO objects
Set RecordSet = Nothing
Set ConnectionString = Nothing

End Function

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Stored Proc Requesting Data Via An Exchange Linked Server

Jan 7, 2004

I have created a MS Exchange 2000 link server in my MS SQL Server 2k. I have created a stored procedure (and a view...) using info from that linked server. When I am logged on the server as the Administrator, I can call my stored proc without any problems. When I use another computer (and I am not logged as the admin of the server) and I call the stored procedure, the following error is always raised :
Server: Msg 7302, Level 16, State 1, Procedure test_proc, Line 3
" Impossible de créer une instance du fournisseur OLE DB 'exoledb.DataSource.1'. "
<== I know it is a french error but it can be translated as : "Unable to instancied the OLE DB 'exoledb.DataSource.1' provider"

I would like to know if I can make run my stored proc in the admin account or what should I do to make it work

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Import Data From XML Feed To Get Daily Exchange Rates

Aug 26, 2015

I'm trying to find a way to import data from this data xml feed to get daily exchange rate. I' tried:

select *
openrowset(bulk 'http://www.bankofcanada.ca/stats/assets/xml/fx-noon.xml',single_blob) as x

Which is a feeble attempt at a start; however, am getting this error message:

Cannot bulk load because the file "http://www.bankofcanada.ca/stats/assets/xml/fx-noon.xml" could not be opened. Operating system error code 123(The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.).

How to parse this file using SQL.

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Extract Outlook Contacts Data(on Public Directory) Directly In Data Flow

Jun 13, 2006

Hi everyone,

I have to extract, dayly a list of contacts on a exchange server in a table on our EDW on sql server 2005. Is it possible to get the information directly from a dataflow or i will have to developpe a script task ?

Need help desperatly !!!

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Data Flow Task Error To Extract Data From Sql Server To Excel

Mar 28, 2008

Hi All,

I want to export data from SQL Server2005 to an Excel spreadsheet thru "Data Flow Task". I am using OLE DB for SQL Server for the source connection and a Connection To Excel as my destination source. The Excel spreadsheet (2003) exists and has the first row with column names. I don't have any warnings before trying to execute.

The SQL datable fileds are
i) ID - Int

ii) RefID
iii) txtRemarks - nvarchar(MAX)
iv) ddlWaterLevel - nvarchar(50)

While executing the tasks, I got the error
Error: 0xC0202025 at Data Flow Task, Excel Destination [427]: Cannot create an OLE DB accessor. Verify that the column metadata is valid.
Error: 0xC004701A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: component "Excel Destination" (427) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202025.

After analysing I found in the DataFlow --> Excel destination --> Advanced Editor for Excel Destination, the default data type for txtRemarks shows as "Unicode string [DT_WSTR]". But this is supposed to be "Unicode text stream [DT_NTEXT]". Even if I change the data type in the design time, It doesn't accept.

Please do help me out.


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Extract Data From DB2

Jan 22, 2008

I have a package which establishes connection with DB2 server.I dont have any db2 application where i can format query for db2.This is my query in access/sql.
can someone help me converting it into a db2 query.i tryed to google and use the functions but i failed and even the error that ssis gives don't help asthey are same for any type of error.
Thanks in ADV

SELECT table1.YYYY & table1.MM as MO_YR,
Sum(table1.AMT) AS [VALUE]
FROM table1
ON (table1.MM = table2.MM)
AND (table1.YYYY = table2.YYYY)
GROUP BY table2.CNTRYCD, table1.YYYY, table1.MM

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Extract Data From SQL 6.5

Jul 23, 2005

I need to get some data from an enormous, creaky old SQL 6.5 database.I know nothing about either the data schema (though I believe some sortof documentation exists), nor 6.5 for that matter, having come to SQLServer at 7.0.My clients need the data in comma delimited format.Please, can anyone suggest any possibilities? One thing that occurredto me might be to create an Access application, use an ODBC link to theSQL DB, and then leverage Access' not inconsiderable functionality toget the data out.Does anyone foresee any problems with this, or any better ways?Forever in your debt.Edward--The reading group's reading group:http://www.bookgroup.org.uk

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Extract Data

Jan 10, 2008

I have the following data example,
Forest Ridge Dr
Whites St
Alba Rd

I wish to achieve the following,
Street StreetSuffix
Forest Ridge Dr
Whites St
Alba Rd

I have the following code
INSERT Addr2 (AddressID, LotNo, FlatNumber, HouseNum, Street, StreetSuffix, Locality,
PostCode, [State])
SELECT LotNo, FlatNumber, HouseNum, SUBSTRING(Street, 1, (PATINDEX('% %', Street))),
LTRIM(SUBSTRING(Street, (PATINDEX('% %', Street)), 20)), Locality, PostCode, [State]
FROM Addr1

But i get the following result which is no good!

Street StreetSuffix
Forest Forest
Whites Whites
Alba Alba

What am I doing wrong in the Street & StreetSuffix Functions above?

I have this working with a cursor but I'm trying to work out a set based solution as the cursor
takes way to long to complete.

In the Cursor I'm performing the code below per row of AddressID
SET @SpaceLength = (SELECT PATINDEX('% %', @Street))

SET @Suffix = (SELECT SUBSTRING(@Street, @SpaceLength, 20))

SET @Street = (SELECT SUBSTRING(@Street, 1, @SpaceLength))

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Data Extract Question

Aug 5, 2005

Hi, I'm hoping someone has an idea or two on this topic. 
Basically I have three tables of data say tContact, tQuestion, tAnswer




I need to extract the data for the client and they would like to see
the data with one line per contact, but showing every answer to every
question... they would like the data formatted like this:

ContactID, Email, Name, Question1Answer, Question2Answer, Question3Answer, Question4Answer, etc........

Obviously to get the data I cansimply do an outerjoin to get all
contact data then all questions, and answers that exist... but that
will obviously return tabular data with one row per each
answer...  Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this using just
SQL?  I can pull the data and write a function that spits it out
to text using the Stringbuilder class and some logic, but I'm thinking
this must be possible in SQL natively... any help would be more than
appreciated.  Thanks in advance.


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How To Extract Data After The Comma

Oct 5, 2005

hi there
i have a field name(fil_srt_cond) with the values of


i used the char index:-

substring(BSSF.fil_srt_cond,charindex(BS.column_na me,BSSF.fil_srt_cond) + LEN(BS.column_name) +1 ,3) ord,

substring(BSSF.fil_srt_cond,charindex(BS.column_na me,BSSF.fil_srt_cond) + LEN(BS.column_name) +5 ,1) len,

substring(BSSF.fil_srt_cond,charindex(BS.column_na me,BSSF.fil_srt_cond) + LEN(BS.column_name) +7 ,1) str

to display them in their specific fields like

Tag 1 2 ASC

however for cmpnt_stuff,DESC,2,3 i'm getting
Stuff , , DES

therefore i'm not getting the required values 2 and 3.
can u pls help me to find a way how to get the data after the comma. thank you in advance

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How To Extract Data In Two Table

Mar 15, 2007

I've two table.......
One table Name Form1
F1No====>primary Key
Second table Name Form2
F2No===>Foreign Key

i want top 3 Name(field) in first table(Form1).


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Query Help -- Extract Data, Thanks!

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,Please see the original data below. I would like to extract the accountwith the earliest opening date only, and leave all the accounts openedafter that out. Could anybody help me with the query? Thanks a lot!Original Dataperson_idaccountopen_date1000111111115/15/20031000122222226/20/20041000133333332/16/2005Ideal Outputperson_idaccountopen_date1000111111115/15/2003

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How To Extract Data From One Database To Another.

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,Anybody have an idea of copying data from tables of a database to anotherdatabase. It should be a choice to select all tables, single table orseveral tables.For them knowing Oracle it is possible to do it with 'exp', where you canchoose to script the database with or without data. So I am trying to getalike to MSSQL. The job is to unload data from a database with onestructure to another database with another structure.Thanks in advanceBest regardsTom Frank

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Data Extract - Partitioning

Jan 30, 2007


I have a table containing 3 columns Department Name, RiskScenario and Cost. I am trying to create a data extract that contains the top 3 Risk Scenarios (sorted by Cost) per Department.

I tried using this sql statement in MSQuery but it doesn't work. Any ideas where I'm going wrong or if there is a simpler way to do this?

Select * from (
Select DepartmentName, `Risk Scenario`, Cost, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY DepartmentName order by Cost) rn
FROM 'Departmental Risks`) where rn <=3

Please help. Just can't figure this out!


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MS SQL Job To Extract Data From Oracle/ODBC

Nov 12, 2001

Hi all,

I would like some information on extracting data from an ODBC connected database. (oracle is the current master database).

I can connect to the oracle database, and view tables.

But I would like to create a job (in SQL server) that runs every hour to retrieve current data from the oracle database.

Has anyone accomplished this, or is there a tutorial about this procedure?

Any help would be appreciated....


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How To Extract Data From A Concatenated Field

Sep 28, 2006

Hi everyone. I need help extracting information from a concatenated field delimited by a '/' character. I know that the logic is to basically find the position of the '/' character and use the substring function to extract the data but I am unfamiliar with how to do this in SQL Server 2000. Please see examples below. Thanks in advance.


I need to extract the data before and after the '/' character. There are records however with on the leftmost part of the data such as row number 3.

1234 4567
2345 6754

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SQL 2012 :: Extract Data From Given Formula

Jun 30, 2015

I need to extract the information from the following Formula:


What would be the simplest and fastest way to do this...

I did write a fetch statement but i want to do something simpler as it is a bit hectic...

Basically i require the information from prj(10517) etc.

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Extract Data For Last Day Of Previous Months

Jun 12, 2014

I need to extract records for the last day of previous months (Up till January of the same year) from a table SALES, according to a date parameter ASOFDATE that the user enters.

For Example

If user keys in ASOFDATE as 10-May-2014, I would have

ASOFDATE Data1 Data2
10-MAY-2014 123 443
30-APR-2014 222 234
31-MAR-2014 544 875
28-FEB-2014 546 908
31-JAN-2014 957 896

How do I do that?

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Function To Extract Delimited Data

Mar 11, 2008

I'd need to have a function that allows me to extract 'fields' fromwithin the stringI.E. (kinda pseudo code)declare @foo as varchar(100)set @foo = "Robert*Camarda*123 Main Street"select EXTRACT(@foo, '*', 2) ; -- would return 'Camarda'select EXTRACT(@foo, '*', 3) ;-- returns '123 Main Street'select EXTRACT(@foo, '*', 0) ;-- would return entire stringselect EXTRACT(@foo,'*' , 9) ;-- would return nullExtract( string, text delimiter, occurance)Anyone have something like this as a user defined function in SQL?TIARob

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Extract Data From Two Excel Files

Apr 28, 2008

I have just started learning SSIS. Could someone please tell me if where can I find step by step instructions on how to simply extract data from two excel files and populate the relevant table. What I simply want to do is:

Excel File 1 (With Columns FirstName, DateJoined)
Excel File 2 (with column Summary)
->Add these three columns to a new table called CustSummary

Any thoughts and suggestions will be really appreciated.


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Extract Pieces Of Data From Excel

Nov 17, 2007

In Integration Services I am trying to extract pieces of information from Excel. I would like to select just information from one cell but when I do that I get an error. What I'm typing in is:

SELECT *, Now() FROM [Sheet1$A1]

Here is the error:
Error at Data Flow Task [Excel Source [170]]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft JET Database Engine" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object 'Sheet1$A1'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly.".

Error at Data Flow Task [Excel Source [170]]: Unable to retrieve column information from the data source. Make sure your target table in the database is available.
Exception from HRESULT: 0xC020204A (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)

The only way that I can get the contents of one cell is if I type in a range and indicate in the Connection Manager that the first row has column names. Given that, to get the contents of A2 I am having to type in:

SELECT * , Now() FROM [Sheet1$A1:A2]

This gets me what I want but by using this method I am never able to get information in Row 1. That could pose a problem in the future and I'm sure that there is a better way to do it.

So my question is, how can I get something from a single cell without having to name a range?

Two other questions I have are: 1. Is there a way to get information in one statement from cells that aren't adjacent to one another. For instance, if I wanted the contents of just A2 and C4?; 2. Is there a way that you could select a named range from Excel? That would be good because then I could have Excel control the range and then just call that.

I know this is a lot but I have an impending project where I'll need to do much of this and I have only ever imported the contents of an entire sheet and not specific cells from a worksheet.


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How To Extract Data From Delimited Text!!!

Jan 8, 2008

First of all I am a novice here. I am working on a table with a column of URL. I want to seperate the data in the URL delimited by '/'.

Here I want aopen as manufacturer, s661fxm as model_number and intelp4 as submodel_number.
I solved this problem in Oracle using substring and instring. But I have no ides how to achieve this in SQL server.
Please..advice me.
Thanks in advance.

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Modifying Data From Extract Before Import

Aug 31, 2006

Hi all,

Having some fun with an excel import.

I have a excel sheet that has data that needs to be UpSert'ed into 2
different tables. In addition, I need to use a value in the spreadsheet
to determine the PK from a reference data table, for one of the UpSert

That is all working now.

The thing I'm struggling with is something I am sure is quite simple -
but I'm not seeing a solution from attempts, googling or BOL.

2 of the columns I receive have either nothing, or X in them. The columns they go into are defined as BIT, NOT NULL.

So, in SQL it would be something relatively simple like:


When IsAvailable = 'X' then 1

When IsAvailable is null then 1



But I don't know how to do this to data that was in a spreadsheet, and
now is a resultset being handed from a task to another task.

to outline my current solution:

---- table 1 = this all works -------------

Excel Source --> MultiCast (For Table 1)-->Data conversion for
table1-->:Sort for Table1--> Merge Join for table 1 (left Outer
join) as 'left' leg

Table1 Source --> Sort Table1 --> Merge Join for table 1 (left Outer join) as 'right' leg

Merge Join for table 1 --> Conditional Lplit for table1

Conditional Split for table1 (table1 source PK is null) -->Insert Into Table1 Destination

Conditional Split for table1 (table1 source PK is not null) -->Update Table1 OLE DB Command

---- table 2 = this needs to be able to convert X/NULL to BIT -------------

MultiCast (For Table 2)-->Copy Column for Table2 -->Data
Conversion for Table 2-->table3 lookup to get FK-->Sort for
Table2 merge-->Merge Join for table 2 (left outer join) as 'left' leg

Table2 Source --> Sort Table2 --> Merge Join for table 2 (left outer join) as 'right' leg

Merge Join for table 2 --> Conditional split for table 2

Conditional split for table 2(table2 source PK in null) -->insert into table 2

Conditional split for table 2(table2 source PK in not null) -->update table 2 ole db command


Now, if I correct the spreadsheet to have 0's and 1's in the two
column, then the process above works. But I cannot (yet) force business
to do that.

If tried to use SQL Command for the excel source, but there is limited
functionality on the command - I cannot do SQL coalese, isnull or case
statements, which would allow me to resolve that data at source.

I've tried to use derived columns to alter the columns. I think that
the REPLACE (IsAvailable, VariableContainingX,VariableContaining1)
might work to change X's to 1, but that doesn't resolve the NULL issue.

I've tried to use a script component to handle the conversion - which
REALLY feels like a bad way to do this - the .Net script is wrote was:

-------------.net script code-------------

Imports System

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Math

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts

Public Class ScriptMain

Inherits UserComponent

Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)

If Not (Row.EndOfRowset) Then

(Row.IsDotComVanEnabled_IsNull) Or (Row.IsDotComVanEnabled.Equals("X"))

Row.IsDotComVanEnabled = "1"

End If

(Row.IsStoreCollectionEnabled_IsNull) Or
(Row.IsStoreCollectionEnabled.Contains("X")) Then

Row.IsStoreCollectionEnabled = "1"

End If


End If

End Sub

End Class


I also tried it like this:

----------------1st draft .Net script code--------

Imports System

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Math

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts

Public Class ScriptMain

Inherits UserComponent

Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)

(Row.IsDotComVanEnabled_IsNull) Or (Row.IsDotComVanEnabled.Equals("X"))

Row.IsDotComVanEnabled = "1"

End If

(Row.IsStoreCollectionEnabled_IsNull) Or
(Row.IsStoreCollectionEnabled.Contains("X")) Then

Row.IsStoreCollectionEnabled = "1"

End If

End Sub

End Class


Those both threw the following error;

-------------error information-----------------

Script Component has encountered an exception in user code:

PROJECT NAME: ScriptComponent_a333140d269b413bb1bddef390da7e16

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

at ScriptComponent_a333140d269b413bb1bddef390da7e16.ScriptMain.Input0_ProcessInputRow(Input0Buffer Row)

at ScriptComponent_a333140d269b413bb1bddef390da7e16.UserComponent.Input0_ProcessInput(Input0Buffer Buffer)

InputID, PipelineBuffer Buffer)

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.ProcessInput(Int32 inputID, PipelineBuffer buffer)


Any ideas?

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How To Extract The Data From MSSQL05 DB To XML Files?

Apr 10, 2008

Dear all,
I have a table containing some information that needed to generate a XML file periodically.
Do anyone has idea how to achieve it in SSIS?
Thanks a lot!

lokman LM

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Export Wizard Disturb The Order Of Data While Exporting Data To Acess 2003 From SQL Server 2005

Feb 24, 2007

I am using the following query to export data from sql server to ms access in export data wizard:
SELECT * FROM myView where myID = 123
Order by varcharColumnName1,varcharColumnName2 ,intColumnName3
This query will fetch about 7, 00,000 records.
SQL server 2005 shows the correct order, but Data in access table shows Incorrect data.
Please give me the solutions.

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SqlConnection Issues,Unable To Extract Data From Db

Oct 31, 2007

Hi all,
I've created a database named HyperCodexDB.mdf and I'm trying to extract some information from, I've no error, but the code after Open() method is even not executed:
Here is the Web.Config

and in the .cs file :

Hashtable names = new Hashtable();
int i = 0;
string conn_str = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["hcConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conn_str);
SqlCommand cmd;

cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT Nom FROM TableRecueil", con);
SqlDataReader rdr = null;

Label1.Text = "Hello"; ////////????Here changes the value of the label
Label1.Text = "Bye"; ////////????But here the value of Label1.Text remains "Hello"

rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (rdr.Read())
names.Add(i, rdr["Nom"]);
Label1.Text = names[0].ToString();

catch (SqlException ex){ }
{if (rdr != null)
if (con != null)

Thanks in advance

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Extract Data From SQL Server Into .XLS Or Flat File...

May 8, 2001


I am interested in writing a stored procedure that will compute and select data from SQL Server 2000 database and store it into a .XLS or flat file.

how can i do that ?

need help.


-- Parag

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Excel File - How To Extract Data From 3 Sheets

Mar 24, 2014

How to extract data from 3 excel sheets (same excel doc having multiple sheets with different # of columns & rows) using SSIS 2008. The end result will be 6 tables loaded in the database.

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