Extract Data From ACCESS Database With Pwd Via ODBC

Feb 27, 2007


My task is simple, I want to use the execute sql task editor to grab a value from a database in Access and put it in a variable. The connection is via ODBC and the access database is protected by a password.

I've done all the preliminary stuff such as running profiler to make sure that the package is getting the call to the database, setting up the ResultSet to be "single row" in the general tab, mapped the Result Set correctly, but nothing works. I get the same error every time.

This is my sql command:

select count(FingerPrintID) as FingerPrint

from Employee

Result Set is set up like this:

Result Name: FingerPrint ; Variable Name: User:: varDataset

Here is the error I get:

Error: 0xC002F309 at Execute SQL Task, Execute SQL Task: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "varDataset": "Value does not fall within the expected range.".

My variable is set up as a Int16.

Please help!!!!!

If you could provide step by step example's that would really make my day.



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Database Create ODBC Connections To Access Database Directly And Update Data?

Sep 10, 2012

We have a SQL database that uses Active Directory with Windows Authentication. Can users that are members of the Active Directory group that has read/write access to the SQL database create ODBC connections to access the database directly and update the data? They dont have individual logins on the server. They are only members of the Active Directory group that has a login?

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MS SQL Job To Extract Data From Oracle/ODBC

Nov 12, 2001

Hi all,

I would like some information on extracting data from an ODBC connected database. (oracle is the current master database).

I can connect to the oracle database, and view tables.

But I would like to create a job (in SQL server) that runs every hour to retrieve current data from the oracle database.

Has anyone accomplished this, or is there a tutorial about this procedure?

Any help would be appreciated....


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ODBC Connection From Access 2007 Database To SQL Server 2005 Database

Feb 29, 2008

I need detailed instructions on how to connect to a database from a Microsoft Access 2007 database to a Microsft Office Accounting 2007 database. The accounting database is an SQL 2005 datbase. It has an instance name of "MSSMLBIZ".

When I try I get an SQL error 53. Do not have permissions or database does not exist.

Thanks in advance for any help.,

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How To Extract Data From One Database To Another.

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,Anybody have an idea of copying data from tables of a database to anotherdatabase. It should be a choice to select all tables, single table orseveral tables.For them knowing Oracle it is possible to do it with 'exp', where you canchoose to script the database with or without data. So I am trying to getalike to MSSQL. The job is to unload data from a database with onestructure to another database with another structure.Thanks in advanceBest regardsTom Frank

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Access Filemaker Database Using C# Via ODBC

Aug 17, 2004

Hi, does anybody know how to access data in filemaker using ODBC.
I have read the help files that we can connect to filemaker database via ODBC.
I have tried to create DSN for that, but when I tried to connect using that DSN my C# application, It failed to retrieve the catalog information, it said that login failed.
I have no idea what the username and password that I have to used in my connection because as i knew that filemaker only use password, and i have tried to use that password too.
I never used filemaker before, but this time i need to retrieve data from filemaker, so please help :)

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Extract Data From Database - SELECT DISTINCT But Up To 3?

Sep 29, 2014

I'm trying to extract data from our database for the number of phone calls our reps are doing.

In counting the calls I only want to include up to 3 calls to the same customer (field name is CompanyID) per day - anything more than this is ignored.

The query at the moment is something like:

SELECT COUNT(CallID) AS CallCount FROM Sales_Calls WHERE CallDate >= '2014-09-01' AND CallDate <= '2014-09-30' AND RepID = 1
Using MSSQL 2012.

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Extract Data From Multiple Oracle Database

Sep 25, 2007

I have to extract data from 5 different oracle databasee with same schema.This will be scheduled job.Can someone guide me.

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Extract Data From Multiple Oracle Database

Sep 25, 2007

I have to extract data from 5 different oracle databases with same schema.This will be scheduled job.Can someone guide me.

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EXtract Data From 10 Identical Oracle Database Into One

Sep 25, 2007

Please guide me urgently how to extract data in SSIS from 10 identical oracle database into 1 sql server database.
There is a table which list all the 10 databases.

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Setup ODBC Data Source For Access

Jul 16, 2013

I am trying to setup an ODBC data source for Access. The server I'm trying to connect to is 2008 R2. I have SQL Server Management Studio installed on the computer where I'm trying to make the ODBC Data Source from. I can connect the the remote 2008 server through Management Studio, but in the ODBC wizard I do the following:

"Machine Data Source" tab, click "New"
Select "User Data Source", click "Next >"
Select "SQL Server", click "Next >"
Click "Finish"
Name: remote
Description: remote
Server: type the server name ie "sql.somewhere.com"


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Extract IBM UniData (Pick Database) Data Into SQL Server

Oct 31, 2006

Good afternoon SQL dudes Does anyone have any experience of extracting data from IBM's UniData (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UniData) (or any post-relational Pick nested relational multi-valued relational database) into a SQL Server?More info here (http://www.rpbourret.com/xml/ProdsXMLEnabled.htm), here (http://www.pick-ware.co.uk/) and here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pick_operating_system) I don't (which is why I am asking) but I could imagine it being a right bugger. No need for detailed or technical info - I have no more info at this stage - just wondered if anyone has any similar experience. Super duper, thank you SQL troopers :)

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Data Access :: ODBC Not Working With Domain Users

Nov 19, 2015

We have purchased an ERP system from a vendor which uses system DSN for all the reports. The system automatically creates DSN with Sa with SQL Server. The problem is the DSN is not working with AD users.

Active Directory server: Windows Server 2008 32 Bit.

SQL Server: Windows Server 2012 64 Bit. This server is already member of my Domain. e.g. CompDomain.com

What should I need to do in client PCs or Server to avail ODBC to AD users.

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Integration Services :: Extract Data From Database To And Excel Workbook

Jul 24, 2015

Why does it take me 4 hours to set up an SSIS package that I can run from a SQL job to extract data from a SQL database to and Excel workbook.  Shouldn't this be easy to do with 2 Microsoft products?  Writing the query to extract the data takes 10 minutes, the rest of this process should take less than that. 

I should be able to create a new job that runs my query (I can actually do that) and saves the data to an Excel workbook. Why can't I do that?

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How To Extract Data From LDAP And Then Import It Into SQL Database (for Quicker Retrieval)

Apr 21, 2008

Hi Everyone,
Am a third year student doing work placement.
Could anyone please give me clues on how to go about extracting data from a LDAP and then into an SQL database?

1 A defined subset of data is to be extracted from GDS on a nightly basis,
2 Then imported into a SQL database for quick & easy retrieval.
3 A web interface is required to present data retrieved from the SQL database.

I will appreciate every assistance.


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Data Access :: Combining Tables Of 2 Separate Databases For ODBC Use

Apr 29, 2015

Currently we have one customer database containing various tables. As part of requirements for a new client, we need to manage their data in a totally separate database. The tables and structure are exactly the same but we would be loading data into a separate database.

I am looking for a way to combine tables with the same name in each database when I run queries, rather than having to query each database separately. Currently we actually have many queries set up in MS Access which use an ODBC link to query the data off SQL server. I am aware it is possible to apply a UNION SELECT in Access from 2 separate ODBC connections, but this is extremely slow.So my initial question is - is there a way to provide access to the tables from both databases over the same ODBC link? If this cannot be done over ODBC I guess we can consider more "modern" methods, but ideally we want to keep this in MS Access as that is where our existing queries are based. I was hoping that some kind of view can be treated as an ODBC connection.I mentioned ideally we want to keep the reporting queries in MS Access.

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Automatic Extract Data From Database, Then Generate A Report &&amp; Print It Directly

May 7, 2008

hi lads,

what i need to do for my project are as following:

a mobile user send data via GPRS to SQL server Database. then i need to have a method to detect while a particular table is being inserted. and then extract data from table construct a report dynamiclly. what should i do to achieve this goal? e.g. window application, store procedure or trigger ?

PS : client side is a mobile application developed using MCL. i don't in which way he will send all data to SQL server Database, so what i need to do is to monitor new data inserting.

2) how to auto generate and print report directly after record been inserted into the table ? Do i need to import report web service API ? if yes, which one? or i can use other methods e.g. predefine report control view in my window application, turn off pop-up menu while printing a report(I guess)


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Integration Services :: Extract Data From Server And Load Into Oracle Database?

Jun 23, 2015

Looking for sample ETL package to extract data from SQL Sever Database and load into Oracle Database using SQL SERVER INTEGRATION SERVICES 2008. The requirement is for full load and incremental load both.

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SQL Server Express, ODBC, Microsoft Access Sees Data Read-Only

Feb 13, 2006

Hi there,

I have successfully installed SQL Server Express.

I have copied NorthWind to SQL Server.

I have created an ODBC to the SQL NorthWind.

But my problem is, I open the data but I cannot edit or insert records

to the Customer table.

I have gone into SQL Management Studio and modified Permissions

on NorthWind and the Customer table with Alter, Insert, Update.

But no luck.

Has anyone experienced this?

Email me at justintoronto@hotmail.com if you have a solution.

I will try to check back here also.



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Data Access :: Missing Microsoft Excel Odbc Driver In System Dsn

Oct 28, 2015

i am on a 2008r2 machine and need to add a microsoft excel odbc driver but its missing.

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How Can I Use Create Or Alter Statements With ODBC And Microsoft Access ODBC Driver (*mdb)?

May 13, 2007


I am using VB.NET 2005 and set up an ODBC connection via ODBC.ODBCConnection to a MDB database. Therefor, I use the "Microsoft Access ODBC Driver (*.mdb)".

When I set up a ODBCCommand like "ALTER DATABASE..." or "CREATE TABLE..." and issue it with the com.ExecuteNonQuery() command, I get an error from ODBC driver, that a SQL statement has to begin with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE.

How can I use DDL statements via ODBC?

I would appreciate if you could help me to use ODBC for that - no OLE, no ADO.

Thanks for help!


Stefan D.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Unable To Extract Data Based On Matching Info From A Local Database

Oct 2, 2014

I have a MySql Database i need to extract data from based on matching info in a local SQL Server database,

I will ultimately need to cycle through 20 of these MySql databases , but the query below is taking 1 minute and 20 plus seconds...Just for one..

Is there a simple tweak that would speed it up?

DECLARE @PhoneDB varchar(max),
set @PhoneDB = '[PHONEDB_PHI]';
set @SQL = 'SELECT


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Driver Not Capable (-26) When Exporting The Data From Odbc Access Using Sql Server Managare 2000

May 9, 2008


I am getting the error message as "DIAG [00000] [ODBC Access Driver] -26 Driver not capable (-26)" at the time of retrieving the catalog infromation by SqlTables methode. it is shown "?" as catalogname but this not supported by odbc access driver. can you please help out how can i resolve using C++ code in SqlTables methode.

Error message:

dtswiz 1390-e20 EXIT SQLTablesW with return code -1 (SQL_ERROR)
HSTMT 003C3108
WCHAR * 0x00D27EB8 [ -3] "? 0"
WCHAR * 0x00000000 [ -3] <empty string>
WCHAR * 0x00000000 [ -3] <empty string>
WCHAR * 0x00164804 [ -3] "TABLE 0"
DIAG [00000] [ODBC Access Driver] -26 Driver not capable (-26)

Best Regards,

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Data Access :: Server Rejected The Connection - Access To Selected Database Has Been Denied

Jun 10, 2015

I have recently upgraded to SQL2014 on Win2012. The Access front end program works fine.

But, previously created Excel reports with built in MS Queries now fail with the above error for users with MS 2013.  The queries still work for users still using MS 2007. 

I also cannot create any new queries and get the same error message. If I log on as myself on the domain to another PC with 2007 installed it works fine, so I don't think it is anything to do with AD groups or permissions.

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Database Schemas And This Statement Has Attempted To Access Data Whose Access Is Restricted By The Assembly.

Jul 14, 2005


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Users&#39; Access Linked Table From ACCESS To SQL 7.0 By ODBC

Jan 12, 2000

Hi Everyone,

I have set up a link from ACCESS to a SQL 7.0 database using ODBC (File DSN saved on a shared DRIVE). The link works well only from the workstation where the link was created. But How can I create a link so a group of users can view the linked table in ACCESS without type a password? Any suggestion is appreciated.


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Can't Find SQL Native Client In ODBC Connection Manager In SQL Server Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)

Feb 13, 2007

I apologize if this is not the correct forum for this posting. Looking at the descriptions, it appeared to be the best choice.

I am running Windows XP Pro SP2. I have installed the SQL Native Client for
XP. However, when I try to add a new data source through ODBC Connection
Manager, SQL Native Client is not listed as an option. I have followed this procedure on three other systems with no problems. What would be causing the
SQL Native Client to not show up in the list of available ODBC data sources?

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Data Access :: Importing Huge Data From One Database To Another Daily

Jul 7, 2015

We have a daily process, which copies millions of rows of data from one DB to another over Linked Server. Just checking on the best practise, are there more efficient ways than the Linked server to copy millions of rows of data from one DB to another? I checked bulk insert but that transfers the data from the file to DB not DB to DB. 

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Best Way To Return Data From SQL Database, Without Giving Access To Database

May 8, 2008


I have a quick question regarding getting data from a SQL database but I am slightly confused as to the best way to handle it.

Basically on of the projects I am working on I need to send data to another company, there are several calls required to the database to bring back various options for changing the questions asked on the front end.

Up to now all that has happened is there has been a mutual agreement between myself and this other company and they have just had access to the database to call a series of stored procs which I have written for them to access the data. Recently however the situation has changed and my client wants me stop them accessing the database however they still need to recieve the information from the database they recieve now.

What will be the best way to handle this? My knowledge of SQL is farily limited presently and I am only ust getting into learning a lot more about it.

Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,


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Extract Outlook Contacts Data(on Public Directory) Directly In Data Flow

Jun 13, 2006

Hi everyone,

I have to extract, dayly a list of contacts on a exchange server in a table on our EDW on sql server 2005. Is it possible to get the information directly from a dataflow or i will have to developpe a script task ?

Need help desperatly !!!

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Data Flow Task Error To Extract Data From Sql Server To Excel

Mar 28, 2008

Hi All,

I want to export data from SQL Server2005 to an Excel spreadsheet thru "Data Flow Task". I am using OLE DB for SQL Server for the source connection and a Connection To Excel as my destination source. The Excel spreadsheet (2003) exists and has the first row with column names. I don't have any warnings before trying to execute.

The SQL datable fileds are
i) ID - Int

ii) RefID
iii) txtRemarks - nvarchar(MAX)
iv) ddlWaterLevel - nvarchar(50)

While executing the tasks, I got the error
Error: 0xC0202025 at Data Flow Task, Excel Destination [427]: Cannot create an OLE DB accessor. Verify that the column metadata is valid.
Error: 0xC004701A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: component "Excel Destination" (427) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202025.

After analysing I found in the DataFlow --> Excel destination --> Advanced Editor for Excel Destination, the default data type for txtRemarks shows as "Unicode string [DT_WSTR]". But this is supposed to be "Unicode text stream [DT_NTEXT]". Even if I change the data type in the design time, It doesn't accept.

Please do help me out.


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Can You Convert Access Database Data Over To An SQL Database?

Feb 15, 2008

I would like to start using SQL, how would I convert my data in MS Access over to an SQL Server Database?

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Access Data Database To SQL 7

Nov 4, 1998

I have an access app that has two separate databases the data and app. I would like to convert the data database to SQL 7 when it is released. Does anyone know if there will be any 'wizard' like assistance offered to do this with Access tables. In addition once I have done this how will the app run on against the SQL database? I know to take full advantage of SQL we will need to redesign and recode some of the app queries but will the initial app work on top of the SQL as is?

Any assistance is welcome.

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