Extract File From Database (Stored In BLOB Format)
Oct 22, 2013
I would like to extract a file from a database. The file is stored in a BLOB format
Can I extract the BLOB file from the database using an SQL code/command or is there another way in which I can extract the file?
The file is stored as a BLOB but is actually a ZIP file (if that makes any difference)
What is the normal method of extracting a BLOB file?
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May 15, 2007
Hi All,
I am not sure whether this is the right place to post this question. But I am unable to figure out what is the best solution to retrieve and display an image in a html file(stored in varbinary(max) column). I have a list of images in the file and I am supposed to display them. Can anybody please let me know what is the best way to do this?
Thanks a lot!!
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May 11, 2004
I had a problem.
I need to transfert tables between from and SQl Server V7 to and Oracle 8I database.
One of my MS-SQL table look like this:
table mySQLtable(
id int,
filetype nvarchar(5),
binaryfile image)
My Oracle destination table is :
table msOracletable(
id number not null,
filetype varchar2(64),
bynaryfile blob)
How can I extract datas from my SQL table, specially the binaryfile and
import datas into my Oracle table ?
Can somebody help me ?
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Aug 15, 2015
I was putting a database together (its a C# application MSSQL) the application will handle a few hundred customers records and save maybe a couple of thousand word docs/images/other doc files wondered if the way to go was blob or filestream, I see the medium and larger databases seem to go for filestream but just wondered as not much mentioned about smaller dbs.I do not think security/disk space/super fast access will be a big issue.
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Mar 7, 2008
I have a repository that is currently stored on our SQL 2005 database. I would like to pull this repository from the database and place it on our files server. Is there anyway for me to extract this from our database?
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Jul 23, 2005
Is there a way in SQL Server 2000 to extract data from a table, such thatthe result is a text file in the format of "Insert Into..." statements, i.e.if the table has 5 rows, the result would be 5 lines of :insert into Table ([field1], [field2], .... VALUES a,b,c)insert into Table ([field1], [field2], .... VALUES d, e, f)insert into Table ([field1], [field2], .... VALUES g, h, i)insert into Table ([field1], [field2], .... VALUES j, k, l)insert into Table ([field1], [field2], .... VALUES m, n, o)Thanks in advance
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Feb 27, 2008
I am required to send an XML file of our clients to head office in Belgium for comparison against a database of known undesirables. The data is in a legacy system with a custom database so I have created an SSIS package that extracts the tables I need into SQL Server and have developed a program that reads from a text source and creates the XML then Secure FTPs it to Hong Kong who will handle it from there.
My problem lies in actually extracting enough data to avoid too many false positives. The scanning will check name, identity (passport number, etc.), town/city and country. We don't hold an identity number and the town/city and country are buried in free format fields. A quick analysis of the 419,000 records shows that the spelling is terribly unreliable, too. In most cases country has not been entered because the clients are local and even when they are overseas, sometimes only the city has been entered. That is often misspelt, too e.g. Kuala Lumpar or Melboure.
The addresses are held in 3 equal length fields called Address_1, Address_2 and Address_3. There's no guarantee that I will find the town/city or country in any particular one of these fields. In some cases, the street number and name are in Address_3 because the first two hold a company name and a C/O line.
So I'm not going to fret over the ones where the address information is nonsense or missing but I would like to try and extract valid country names and town/city names, where present and this is where I get stuck. I'm from a COBOL programming background and although I'm loving getting used to the power of SQL, I'm still a bit stumped when I come across a problem like this probably because I keep thinking of the solution in procedural terms.
I have a feeling that the solution will be to create two separate reference tables, one of towns/cities and the other of countries. I would then somehow search the 3 fields looking for those keywords and if found, entering them in the appropriate part of the output text file to represent town/city and/or country. I did also think about destringing to find the separate words but that doesn't help where the name consists of two words such as NEW ZEALAND.
I would love to hear from anyone who has dealt with a similar problem and has a neat solution to this using SQL.
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Feb 20, 2007
I want to retrive the values from the database 'northwind' and then i want to store the backup files in "D:/Sample/north_database.bak" format(local machine).
I retrive the database values in .txt,XML format. Now i want to take in .bak format.
give the Suitable solution for this.
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Nov 28, 2006
I am brand new to SQL. Have limited coding experience w/ Visual Basic and database ops w/ Access.
I have come into possession of a SQL 2005 database. The problem is that the designer tried to re-invent the wheel and code a very very poor LMS back end for tracking and reporting. I would like, if possible, to save the database and as far as I am aware - should be able to import into Access and generate statistics and reports to my hearts content.
I have tried w/out success to save the database going through SQL Server Management Studio Express.
Any help or information that could be provided would be appreciated. Any additional information that I can provide, please let me know.
Thanks - Will
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May 1, 2014
I have read access to a database that appears to store files as "BLOBS".I am trying to create a VB macro that extracts the blob file to a location (lets say... my desktop) as an easy way of viewing the content of that file.
I am using Oracle SQL Developer with Read access to the database. The BLOBS can be located but I am unable to find a SQL string that will convert the blobs back into files located on my desktop.I can locate the blob in the database and obviously it appears appears as a text string. I have heard of two keywords: DBMS_LOB and UTL_File.I am not only new to databases but also new to storing files as strings in a database.
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Sep 28, 2000
We are currently working on a method to store Visio drawings in a SQL Server database. One approach we looked at was to take and store the coordinates of each individual object in the drawing in a table, and then pull those coordinates back out when we need to render the drawing.
The second approach we are examining is the use of BLOB's; specifically, store the entire Visio drawing as a BLOB in SQL Server 7.
We have only been able to find examples utilizing ADO. Is anyone aware of any method to save BLOB's using stored procedures? We'd like to use this method fore simplicity and maintenance sake.
Any hepl would be appreciated.
Thank You.
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Dec 7, 2006
I have to populate some datas from sql server database and display it directly in a CSV Format or CSV file. When i run the project it should provide me an option to whether open or save or cancel the file. when i click open it should be opened and be viewed in a excel sheet in CSV format and when i click save it should ask the destination folder and should be saved there in CSV format and when i click cancel it should be cancelled and the application should be closed. pls note that all these actions should happen in the same browser and should not be redirected to anyother page. Can anybody give me the detailed description and code in Asp.Net using C# .It's very Urgent.
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Sep 14, 2007
Can we insert a blob in the database(eg: doc, jpeg, pdf, etc) from the sqlcmd prompt. I want to insert few files into my table having varbinary(max) column and i dont want to use any front end tool for making such insertions. What i am thinking of is providing a file system path for a particular file(eg: doc, jpeg, pdf, etc) to a stored procedure so that it can be inserted into the database, something that we can do via Oracle's sqlldr tool.
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Apr 11, 2006
I use this code to get Tiff files from db , but output file seems to be corrupted :
Dim pubsConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Server=(local);uid=sa2;pwd=sony;database=pubs;") Dim logoCMD As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT pub_id, logo FROM pub_info", pubsConn)
Dim fs As FileStream ' Writes the BLOB to a file (*.bmp). Dim bw As BinaryWriter ' Streams the binary data to the FileStream object.
Dim bufferSize As Integer = 100 ' The size of the BLOB buffer. Dim outbyte(bufferSize - 1) As Byte ' The BLOB byte() buffer to be filled by GetBytes. Dim retval As Long ' The bytes returned from GetBytes. Dim startIndex As Long = 0 ' The starting position in the BLOB output.
Dim pub_id As String = "" ' The publisher id to use in the file name.
' Open the connection and read data into the DataReader. pubsConn.Open() Dim myReader As SqlDataReader = logoCMD.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess)
Do While myReader.Read() ' Get the publisher id, which must occur before getting the logo. pub_id = myReader.GetString(0) ' Create a file to hold the output. fs = New FileStream("\Server1shared1logo" & "KK" & ".tiff", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write) bw = New BinaryWriter(fs)
' Reset the starting byte for a new BLOB. startIndex = 0
' Read bytes into outbyte() and retain the number of bytes returned. retval = myReader.GetBytes(1, startIndex, outbyte, 0, bufferSize)
' Continue reading and writing while there are bytes beyond the size of the buffer. Do While retval = bufferSize bw.Write(outbyte) bw.Flush()
' Reposition the start index to the end of the last buffer and fill the buffer. startIndex += bufferSize retval = myReader.GetBytes(1, startIndex, outbyte, 0, bufferSize) Loop
' Write the remaining buffer. bw.Write(outbyte, 0, retval - 1) bw.Flush() ' Close the output file. bw.Close() fs.Close() Loop
' Close the reader and the connection. myReader.Close() pubsConn.Close()
Me.Div1.InnerHtml = ("<embed height=650 width=100% toolbar='' src= '" & "\Server1shared1logoKK.tiff" & "' type='application/x-alternatiff'>")
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Jul 7, 2006
Is there a way to run query, make file out of query (txt,csv or xls -for example) and save it as a blob into the table column typeImage/Text?Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.Thanks!
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May 20, 2015
I have a table in one of my databases that stores files in one of its columns. I need to be able to export this BLOB column into either a CSV or Excel file. I am forbidden from using xp_Cmdshell so I was wondering if there was a way to do this in the Cmd prompt.
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May 15, 2008
I want to load a file into a blob column using a stored proc. The file will be on a UNC path on the network. Is there a system stored proc or any utility that can be fired off from the sp, using xp_cmdshell that will take a file path from the filesystem and load it into a blob column in a database table.
I have worked with blob fields in the past but in those instances I loaded the blobs into the database from front end ADO.net code. This time around I need to pull this off stricktly from a stored proc.
Any help will be appreciated.
thank you.
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Oct 7, 2006
I work with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 on windows XP professional.
I'd like to create stored procdure to add image to my database (jpg file).
I managed to do it using VARCHAR variable in stored procedure
and then using EXEC, but it don't work directly.
My Table definiton:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Users](
[UserID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Login] [char](10),
[Password] [char](20),
[Avatar] [image] NULL,
[UserID] ASC
My working solution using stored procedure:
@Login AS VARCHAR(255),
@Password AS VARCHAR(255),
@AvatarFileLocation AS VARCHAR(255),
+ 'SELECT '''+ @Login + ''' AS Login, ' + CHAR(13)
+ '''' + @Password + ''' AS Password,' + CHAR(13)
+ '(SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK ''' + @AvatarFileLocation + ''', SINGLE_BLOB) AS OBRAZEK)'
EXECUTE (@Query)
I'd like to use statement in the stored procdure:
@Login AS VARCHAR(255),
@Password AS VARCHAR(255),
@AvatarFileLocation AS VARCHAR(255),
SET @AvatarFileLocation = 'C:hitman1.jpg'
SELECT @Login AS Login,
@Password AS Password,
It generates error:
Incorrect syntax near '@AvatarFileLocation'.
My question is:
Why it does not work and how to write the stored procedure code to run this code without errors.
Thanks for any reply
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Aug 28, 2006
I have the file with binary data on my hard disk.
Also I have the table in the database with image field.
I want to load binary data from file to this field. Does any body know how can i do it?
I want to do it using only T-SQL, without any С# (etc.) coding - only sql script is properly.
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Nov 16, 2006
Hi All,
I am stuck at one place, where I have to convert CSV format file data into SAP IDOC format file. In SSIS we don't have any such SAP adapter (though we have .NET Data Provider for mySAP suite [SSIS SAP Adapter] but this is still not fully supported by Microsoft, plus it doesn't have feature to convert data into IDOC format) that can do this. Can someone here please provide me some pointers on any third party adapters available in market to do this job or if anyone has already developed some custom approach to achieve this task?
Your quick response on this is highly appreciated.
Kuldeep Chauhan
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Jul 7, 2006
I could save the file in the sql server database. The problem i am having is, I am not able to read the document from the database. I do not want to use response.outputstream......
I have to read the file for specific contents. Anyhelp would be great.
- Suresh
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Apr 8, 2008
Hi all,
I have a replicated table with a column which is used to store sound files - it is of type varbinary(MAX).
What is the best way to store a file from the filesystem inside this column on the PDA side (i.e. inside SQL Server CE) without loading the whole file into the PDA's memory, i.e. using some sort of buffering?
On full SQL Server 2005 I make use of UPDATE.WRITE() to save buffers inside the column - is there an alternative to this on SQL Server CE? Can anyone provide sample code / point me to samples that deal with SQL Server CE & BLOBs.
Thanks for your help!
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May 8, 2007
Is there a way to extract the zip file and use the textfile within it to transform data.
Please let me know
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Feb 25, 2008
I keep having the file is corrupt when extracting. I download it many times from MSDN without luck. I just reimage my system with minimum. Please help.
Windows Vista Ultimate 64-Bit
Visual Studio 2008
SQL Server 2005.
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May 7, 2014
A little background on what I am trying to achieve first. We are moving to Azure virtual machines and we will have 8 disks on the SQL Server box. I am adding more files to the primary file group and each file will go on its own drive. I am then rebalancing data across these files by rebuilding all of the indexes on the tables which is working fine. No problems so far all is good.
I now have an additional problem. If there is a lob or blob column on the table, rebuilding the clustered index and all the non clustered indexes doesn't rebalance the blob or lob data across the disks such as it does with in row data.
I cannot find any articles on rebalancing lob or blob data because all the articles say to move to a new file group. I do not want a new file group, I just want to use the primary file group where the data already resides, and just redistribute it evenly in the same way that I can in row data which is working fine.
One solution I thought about was to BCP data out of the table, truncate the table and then BCP back into the table which I imagine would have the desired effect of distributing the data evenly over the files.
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Jul 12, 2010
My goal is to write a DR plan where i am restoring all user databases onto a diffrent server in a event of hardware failure. I was trying to figure out a way to extract DDL of user accounts and their permissions on all user databases so i can simplify my DR documentation.
This is the plan I came up with...to restore all system and user dbs on a different Physical SQLServer.
1. build named instance $PROD
2. restore master database
- startup sqlserver in single user mode -m or DAC sqlcmd -S ServerName -U sa -P<xxx> –A
- restore database master from disk e:master.bak with replace;
3. start sqlserver normally
4. stop SQLServer agent
5. restore msdb
-restore database msdb disk e:msdb.bak with replace;
6. restart SQLServer
7. Restore User Databases.
8. Run Sp_change_users_login for all users
-Sp_Change_users_logins 'auto_fix','username'
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Sep 2, 2007
Greetings, I have just arrived back into the country (NZ) and back into ASP.NET.
I am having trouble with the following:An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file (file location).../Database.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.
It has only begun since i decided i wanted to use IIS, I realise VWD comes with its own localhost, but since it is only temporary, i wanted a permanent shortcut on my desktop to link to my intranet page.
Anyone have any ideas why i am getting the above error? have searched many places on the internet and not getting any closer.
Cheers ~ J
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Jun 9, 2006
I have a flat file that has over 50,000 records. When I import that file into my table I'm only able to extract 26,612 rows.
I'm using a Flat File connection manager
The format for this connection is Ragged Right
There are about 25 columns, or so
My Data Flow Source is a Flat File (Imagine that!)
I appreciate any ideas that you may have.
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Dec 10, 2007
Hi All,
Extracing data from unstructured XL file to Sql server 2005 using SSIS.
I have XL file that contains column name in row wise mentioned below:
National Currency (BD$)
Foreign Currencies (BD$)CASH
Notes 323 3235
Coins 585 875
Other Depository Corporations 585 848
Of which: Resident Commercial Banks 858 999
Other Financial Corporations 545 897
The file also contains lot of work sheets.
pls. give me any idea to extract the data from the above XL file.
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Nov 6, 2007
I have a dataflow task which has 3 oledb source objects connected to each data conversion object and these are connected to a union all and finally to a flat file destination.
The purpose of this one is to extract data and pump them to the flat file.
If i run this in production during the time users are doing transactional processes (typical, add, edit delete), will it have an impact?
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May 8, 2001
I am interested in writing a stored procedure that will compute and select data from SQL Server 2000 database and store it into a .XLS or flat file.
how can i do that ?
need help.
-- Parag
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Mar 24, 2014
How to extract data from 3 excel sheets (same excel doc having multiple sheets with different # of columns & rows) using SSIS 2008. The end result will be 6 tables loaded in the database.
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Apr 17, 2008
Hi All,
can we extract data from a XL file to generate a sql report?
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