Extracting The Attached File From An Email

Feb 1, 2008

Hi there,

I need to extract a attached file which is sent via email. I believe that I can do this via SSIS... but I would like to know how...
Could you kindly send me any idea about how can I do it?

Thank you, so much.
Luis Antonio

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Extracting Name From An Email Address

May 8, 2008

We have an identifier of who has performed an ection which populates a table with their email address in the format firstname.surname@domain. I am looknig for some code to split out the first name and surname (and, if possible, capitalise both) so uor audit report can show the actual name instead of the email address.

Has anyone encountered this issue previously and know a solution?

Many thanks in anticipation.

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Extracting Data From An Email Or Website

Feb 1, 2002

Can someone point me in the right direction. I would like to grab some data from an email (not as an attachment)and load into a table, but I have no idea where to begin. Also, can this data also be retreived from a website?


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Scheduled Report By Email With Attached Report Fails

May 18, 2006

Can anyone offer any help with this?

Error maesage:
Failure sending mail: The Report Server has encountered a configuration error; more details in the log files

Windows 200 Server: SP4
RS 2000: SP2
SQL Server 2000, on the same server as RS.

get this error whenever we try to run a report with the report
attached. However, the email sends fine if the report is not attached.

Reports can also be exported into different formats without problem when viewing the report through report manager.

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Retrieving Data From An Attached Mdf File

Apr 13, 2007

I attach my SQL Server Express data file to my host. I would like to copy all of my member information back to my local computer. How can I do this? My host won't allow my to physically copy the data file over.  My host is discountasp.net.   Thanks,Jeff

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Attached .mdf File Security Settings

Dec 4, 2005

I'm having some problems with SQL Server 2005. I installed the Personal Starter kit but don't have the Express edition installed so I attached the .mdf file to SQL Server 2005. That's ok and I also changed the connection string to integrated security.<add name="Personal" connectionString="Data Source=MyTestServer;Initial Catalog=Personal;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>I tried setting the security settings in the Management studio under Security | Logins | BUILTINAdministrators where I select the User mapping and check the checkbox before the Personal.mdf file. But this doesn't seem to do the trick. How can I set the correct security settings?

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SQL Server DB As Service Or Attached File ?

Apr 2, 2007


I was wondering about the principles of SQL Server. In all of my books, they show me to attach the DB, even create the DB through Visual Studio 2005. Which creates a .mdf file and a .ldf file.

Ok, but I cannot open those files through SQL Server Management. The only DB I am able to manage through SQL Server Management is the ones created with it.

So my question is: For a Multi-User type Application, is there a problem to attach a network based file through VS2005, the same way as an access file ?

Again my keyword here is Multi-User. Sorry if this myth be a stupid question but I am used to MSAccess. SQL Server is a lot more complexe and I don't want to start in the wrong direction.

Thank you for your response.

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Ms Sql Mdf Database File Attached Vs Created On Sql Server

May 27, 2007

 Hi allI have a question concerning sql database mdf files. In the old days I would user a ms access database. This file would be stored with the actual web files and would utilise a dsn connection. I have noted when designing with vwd 2005 express it allows you to use 2 methods of creating a mdf database. You can either create it as an attachment mdf or you can create it directly using sql manager. My question is, if you create the mdf database as an attachement file can you store it in the same manner as if you where using a ms access database, meaning can you store it with the web site's files so it uses the file storage allocated size and then create a connection similar to a dsn (but for sql) to the isp's sql engine or does it have to be uploaded to the isp' s sql server.The reason for this question is some of my customers do not want to pay the extra cost to have an sql allocation, however I do not want to go back to using old asp methods to create advanced sites as I prefer using stored procedures. Any help will be appreciated 

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SQL Tools :: MDF File Not Attached In 2000 Server

May 19, 2015

the mdf file is attached successfully in sql 2005 while i attached in sql server 2000 it shows some error

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Importing DataBase From SQL Server To An Mdf File Attached To The Project

Dec 25, 2007

Hi every body.
As you can see in the title I would like to import my tables from the data base which is in the SQL Server, to an mdf file which can be attached to the project.Can some one give an indice please?

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Inporting Attached Excel File Into Existing Table Adding Info

Jul 25, 2005

Hi all,I have a problem and need some ideas.What I have done: I created a page to upload an excel file into a SQL Server table along with some customer info (from the login, day, etc.). This excel file contains several rows (some of them may be blank) and columns (also some may be blank). The file is stored in an image object.The file will be checked (they want to do it manually, because contents is a problem). If they say it is OK, I want to run a program to add a record into an existing table with the request no. (from the first table, where the object is stored) and all the information available from the filled rows (first row is header). I have a column, which can be checked, if the row contains data or not.Any ideas?I know how to read from and write the contents of the object to a field in the SQL table. Can I use this?Thanks for any idea / code / link.

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Load A Text File With Email Addresses And Compare Against A Database Table That Has Email Addresses And User_id

Jul 12, 2007

Hello ALL

what I want to achieve is to load a text file that has email addreses from disk and using the email addresses in the text file look it up against the email addresses in the database table then once matched delete all the users in the table whose email address were in the text file.

I also want to update some users using a different text file.

Please help me with the best way to do this

Thanks in advance

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Extracting Information From A .jpg File

May 21, 2008

Hey all

Is it possible to extract length(size) from an image?

Many thanks,


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Extracting Data From SQL CE SDF File

Dec 9, 2005


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Anyone Know A Self Extracting Tool For A Zip File?

Aug 24, 2006

I have a zip file that requires a password to extract the file inside of it. Is there away to do this automatically? Can't find any software that does this.


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Extracting BLOB Into File System

May 1, 2014

I have read access to a database that appears to store files as "BLOBS".I am trying to create a VB macro that extracts the blob file to a location (lets say... my desktop) as an easy way of viewing the content of that file.

I am using Oracle SQL Developer with Read access to the database. The BLOBS can be located but I am unable to find a SQL string that will convert the blobs back into files located on my desktop.I can locate the blob in the database and obviously it appears appears as a text string. I have heard of two keywords: DBMS_LOB and UTL_File.I am not only new to databases but also new to storing files as strings in a database.

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Extracting Data From An Excel File

Dec 4, 2007

I have an Excel 97 file that has a lot of data in it and I need to pull out pieces of that data. Here is one example of the data I have. It is in colum C in Excel.

Row Column C
1 11/25/07
2 12/01/07
3 week 1
6 9,708
7 128,353
8 -
10 42,691
11 3,000
12 183,751
13 $183,751

What I want to get out of this to put into a SQL table in one record is (I've included a header row here):

StartDate EndDate Week Value
11/22/07 12/1/07 1 183751

What is the best way to attach this? I have several other items I need to pull out of this Excel File, but if I can get this figured out I can adapt it to get the rest of what I want.

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DB Engine :: Extracting Server Event Log Into Text File

Sep 15, 2015

I would like to extract SQL server (event) log information into text file or DB tables so that we can read it with a script everyday.

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Null Values When Extracting Data From An Excel File

Oct 18, 2006


I'm trying to import some data from a spreadsheet to a database table from a package in integration services. The problem is that I see the data when I open the excel file but when I try to run my package , it doesn't insert any rows in the table and it finishes with a success status.

My excel file has some formulas to get the data from other worksheets. I added a Data Viewer and all I see is null values in every cell.

I need help...does anyone know what's wrong?

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Capture File To Email

Apr 7, 1999

Does anybody know of a way to set up a task which will send an email with an attachment other than using sp_sendmail. Sp_SendMail will run a query and send the results as a text file. But I need to run a stored procedure which generates an Excel spreadsheet then have an email sent with the Excel file as an attachment. The sp_sendmail text file just doesn't work with the information I am generating so I need to find another solution.

Thanks for any help.

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Email If File Not Found/exist

Jan 10, 2008

On Foreach File Enumerator, how can I send me email if no file found? Thanks.

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Send Email Only If There Is Data In The File

Mar 3, 2008

Hi i have a SSIS package, that looks at the @@rowcount in a table and if the rowcount is >= 1 then send the information on to a file.

Now i want to only email my self to say if the file has data in it.

Is there anyway of doing this on the send email task. Can i use an expression ?. I've check and i can't see a away of checking the file size etc.

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How To Set Up A Regular Job Which Will Put The Quesry Result Into File And Email It?

Oct 17, 2006

Dear forum people,

I created a query which suppose to run every 2 weeks. I know how to schedule a job, my question is how to get the query result into a text or excel file.
If I need to use DTS package, please give me a step by step explanation how to move the result into text file and how to email this file.

I am appreciate every answer.

Thank you.


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Data File Size Alert By Email

Sep 14, 2012

I've set up an alert to email me whenever the database is over a certain size. The amount is calculated by taking 80% of the total data file size. The problem I'm having is that it keeps generating a false positive alert because MS SQL seems to treat the currently used value as the total allocated space for the database data file. For example, the data file is 100MB, it's currently using 60MB, and if I enter 80MB in the alert, it generates an email alert claiming the current size is 100MB. Could it be because the data file size is set to 100MB (since autogrowth is disabled)?

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Email Task And File System Deployment

Oct 22, 2006

does email task only work with sql server deployment? I have an email task in my ssis package and i want go for file system deployment.



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Sending File Contents In The Body Of The Email With Xp_sendmail

Jul 23, 2005

I would like to send the contents of a file using xp_sendmail howeverI do not want the file contents to be an attachment.I have no problem sending the file as an attachement.Can anybody give me an xp_sendmail example of how to do this.The results of a query can easily appear in the body of the email butall myattempts to include the contents of a file in the body of the emailhave not worked.TIA

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Sending Email / Paging In A Windows Batch File

Mar 8, 2008


First, I would like to apologize if this is in anyway not related to Transact-SQL. And I would greatly appreciate your help for this is an urgent requirement. I just have a batch file which performs an ftp. Now, if the ftp process aborts, i would like to send out a mail and page the on-call person. I am not sure how to do this - I mean how to send email and send message through pager. My batch file is called by the Windows scheduler.

Thanks in advance.

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Export Query Results To Excel File And Add As Attachment In Email

Jan 2, 2014

Is there a way to export query results to an excel fie and add that file as an attachment in the email? All this has to be done using SQL query and it needs to be automated. My coworker tried using Openrowset and BCP, but it is not working.

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SQL 2012 :: Send Binary File Stored In Server As Email Attachment?

Apr 26, 2014

Is there a way to send binary file stored in SQL Server as email attachment without downloading it to the file system?

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Reporting Services :: Format File Name In EMAIL Data Driven Subscription

Mar 12, 2014

how can i dynamically specify the name of a report before sending in an email (example @reportName@datetime@parameter1@ServerName)

I have read most of the related articles and i am still curious about this topic - the technology is there so why wouldn't microsoft just add a REPORTNAME field to the email data driven subscription?

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Reporting Services :: Data Driven Subscription With Dynamic Email Attachment File Name

Feb 11, 2010

I have report which accepts a card number and fromdate and todate as parameters to the report. This report needs to be sent on a quarterly basis to each of the customer mail id to which their card number is linked. I am getting all this information from a database and sending as an attachment to the customer. Now I would need making these filename's which are attached to be dynamic based on the input parameters.

In datadriven subscriptions, the option of include report has only true or false values and another option was to take from a database. I tried putting the dynamic file name in the database and getting the value from the database but no success, the subscription itself is failing here. I guess I am doing something wrong here by binding the report name from the value which I am getting from DB to the actual report name.

If report name = Mytransactions, and the parameters passed are Card = 123,fromdate = 1/1/2010,todate = 31/3/2010.

Now in the attachment the file name should be something like "Mytransactions_123_January1st2010_March31st2010".
How to make the filename dynamic.

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Reporting Services :: Data Driven Email Subscription With Different Email Per Report Page

Jul 6, 2015

I have a report that gets sends out through a subscription and sometimes the report has multiple pages and all those pages appear within one email.Is it possible to set the subscription in such a way that an email is sent per page when the subscription executes.

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Dbmail Doesn't Rely On IIS SMTP, How To Set Bounced Email Redirect Email Etc.? Thanks

May 4, 2007

Under IIS SMTP I can set bounced email redirect etc. how to do that with dbmail, the idea is I can get the list of bounced emails somewhere so I can create a report.

Any idea?


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