FOR EACH Loop To Export Files Based On Header Record

Dec 21, 2006

Hey guys,,

Well im new at this SSIS stuff and i have something that i am trying to do, but cannot get it to work.. Ill try to explain, and if anyone can help me or point me in the right direction it would be much appriciated..

I have 2 tables, one header table. and one lines table. This is a one - to -many relationship.. ie 1 header, many lines.. This is a Order Header, and Order Lines table setup.. Order header has Order numbers and and email address field that link to the lines table by order number. I also have a view which links all this info together.

I would like to export a excel file (preferable named from the order number column - but that can come later) for each order number in the header table. The excel file will contain the details from the View that was created. I want this to loop through all the header records in the header table and create a excel file for each one..

Down the track i want to add a send mail task to this and pass the email address to a variable so i can use it in the send mail task.. But ill get the main part working first..

Anyhelp would be more than helpful.. I tried to set this up, but i am stuck on the enumerator part..

thanks again, scotty

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For Loop - Iterate From Older Files To Newer Files Based On File's Timestamp

Mar 13, 2008

In the For Loop, How to Iterate from Older flat files to Newer flat files based on File's Timestamp. If there are some older files in that folder, it should be processed first and then continue with the newer one.

Any Suggestions?

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Adding A Header Record To A Fixed Width Flat File Data Export.

Jun 21, 2007

Hi-I have a sql database (2005) that I need to extract a report from that looks somehintg like  SELECT * From Empl_Hours WHERE some_flag <> 'true' .The thing works fine, but the problem is this: I need to insert a record in the 1st row that looks like "Static_text"+row_count() +"more_static_text"where row_count is the actual # of rows that were retrieved. Thanks in advance for any help.DAn 

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Loop Through Flat Files Based On A Date Range

Feb 9, 2007


I currently have a For Each File container that loops through all files from a specific directory. The files have a naming convention that looks like this;


The last segment of the file name is the date of the data in the file (mmddyyyy). The create date for these files is always a day later than indicated in the file name.

What I would like to do is to have more control over the 'range' of files that are looped through by using the date portion of the file name to define what group of files should be looped through. Ideally, I would like to have a 'StartDate' variable and an 'EndDate' variable that I could define at run time for the package, and the package would loop through all of the files where the date portion of the file name fell between 'StartDate' and 'EndDate'.

Any ideas on this?

Thank you for your help!


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SSRS 2005: Report Header Does Not Export To Excel As Page Header

Mar 13, 2008

I need some help. I am writing a report in SSRS 2005 that I then need to export to Excel. When I put a report header I would expect the header to not display in the Excel spreadsheet until the Print Preview or the Print. The report footer works just fine I put some text in the footer, and it shows up in the footer. The header though, shows up as a row in the Excel spreadsheet that then causes columns to merge. How do I get the report header to act like a page header?

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Delete Record Based On Existence Of Another Record In Same Table?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,I have a table in SQL Server 2000 that contains several million memberids. Some of these member ids are duplicated in the table, and eachrecord is tagged with a 1 or a 2 in [recsrc] to indicate where theycame from.I want to remove all member ids records from the table that have arecsrc of 1 where the same member id also exists in the table with arecsrc of 2.So, if the member id has a recsrc of 1, and no other record exists inthe table with the same member id and a recsrc of 2, I want it leftuntouched.So, in a theortetical dataset of member id and recsrc:0001, 10002, 20001, 20003, 10004, 2I am looking to only delete the first record, because it has a recsrcof 1 and there is another record in the table with the same member idand a recsrc of 2.I'd very much appreciate it if someone could help me achieve this!Much warmth,Murray

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Loop Through Each Record And Then Each Field Within Each Record

Dec 15, 2005

I need to essentially do 2 loops. One loops through each record and then inside each record row, I want to perform an insert on each column.

Something like this maybe using a cursor or something else:

For each record in my table (I'll just use the cursor)
For each column in current record for cursor
perform some sql based on the current column value

So below, all I need to do is figure out how to loop through each column for the current record in the cursor



SELECT FieldName, AcctNumber, Screen, CaseNumber, BKYChapter, FileDate, DispositionCode, BKUDA1, RMSADD2, RMSCHPNAME_1, RMSADDR_1,

OPEN Create_Final_Table

FETCH FROM Create_Final_EBN_Table INTO @FieldName, @AcctNumber, @Screen, @CaseNumber, @BKYChapter, @FileDate, @DispositionCode, @BKUDA1, @RMSADD2, @RMSCHPNAME_1, @RMSADDR_1,


@Chapter = chapter for this record

For each column in current record <---- not sure how to code this part is what I'm referring to

do some stuff here using sql for the column I'm on for this row


Case @Chapter
Case 7

Insert RecoverCodeRecord
Insert Status Code Record
Insert Attorney Code Record

Case 13

Insert Record
Insert Record
Insert Record

Case 11

Insert Record
Insert Record
Insert Record

Case 12

Insert Record
Insert Record
Insert Record


close Create_Final_Table
deallocate Create_Final_Table

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Restricting Export Of The Header

Jan 24, 2007


Is it possible to restrict the export of the header when exporting the report from the browser or at least restrict the export of the image.



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Add A Header Row To Record Set

Aug 8, 2007

I am using SQL Query Analizer and i am creating a statement like

select id, product, image, price
from products

and then taking the resulting set and doing a save to tab delemited file that i use for uploading to a third party site...

Problem is that i need row 1 to have the column names so they will be included on the tab delemited file?

How would i write that into the select statement?

any help would be great!!!

~ Moe

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Page Header And Excel Export

May 9, 2007

Hi all,

Does anyone know of a way to keep from exporting a page header when rendering in Excel. We have a default header (title and logo) that I would like to suppress so that users don't need to delete the rows prior to sorting (to eliminate merged cells).



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Page Header + Export To Excel

Nov 12, 2007

Is there a way to avoid exporting the page header to Excel (or any other renderer). My reports seem to lose their charm without the headers (setting Print on First/Last Page to false), and at the same time, the users don't want the headers exported to Excel.

Any input will be appreciated. Thanks.

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Capture Header Record

Aug 15, 2007

How t o capture a header record from a flat file and write it to
different table.

It seems that Conditional Split task doesn't work because it detects the different layout and errors out.
any help would be appreciated.

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Detail Record Header

Mar 29, 2007


I'm new to SSRS. I was just wondering how do I make the header for a detail record appear once per grouping rather than once per detail record?


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Update A Record Based Of A Record In The Same Table

Aug 16, 2006

I am trying to update a record in a table based off of criteria of another record in the table.

So suppose I have 2 records

ID owner type

1 5678 past due

2 5678 late

So, I want to update the type field to "collections" only if the previous record for the same record is "past due". Any ideas?

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Export ReportItems In Header Different Btwn Excel And PDF

Sep 20, 2007

I have a sum on a reportitems cell in my header:

When I run the report, it looks excellent. My issue is when I export it. When I export to Excel, it looks just like it did.
When I export to PDF, it gives me a total per page, not for the report.

Does ReportItem behave differently when rendered between excel and PDF? Or is it because I am putting a SUM on a ReportItems cell?

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Databound Image To Header...export Issue

Oct 31, 2006

I followed the instructions from this post...

on how to add databound images into a report header.

The issue I am encountering is exporting to PDF. If the report spans multiple pages, in PDF the image only shows up on the first page..and broken on all other pages.

I have tied the hidden image to the table that spans multiple pages. Shows ok in HTML but breaks when exported.

Thanks for any help.

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How To Repeat Header Of The Table For Each Record

Feb 19, 2007


In RS 2005 i am using a table to show the multiple records.Now i want to repeat the header of the table for each record of table but dont know how to do this.the layout should like..

Name Address

Mach xyz

Name Address

Peter abc

Also how can i make our report multilingual.

Pls suggest me.

thanks in advance..

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Select With Header And Detail For Each Record In View

Sep 16, 2014

I have a flat file I need to generate, wanted to create my file from a SQL view.

Is there a way to have a Header and Detail Record for each Record in my view?

Fields would be:

Line no type period ref amt date Inv_no
0 M 1 3/3/2014
1 M Pay inv: 400.00 12345

where 0 is the header and 1 is the detail. Only certain fields will be in the header and others in the detail.

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Performance Issue In Excel Export If Many Textboxes In Page Header

Feb 15, 2008


There was a requirement to have the table header as part of frozen rows in excel when exported because there are about 1000 rows in the report and the column header has to be retained during scrolling. Since only page headers will be frozen in excel export, the text boxes was copied from the table header row to the page header. After all text boxes were copied, the table header row was removed. After modifying the report, I noticed that the excel export report took more than half an hour for exporting the data. I tried to reproduce the problem in a sample and I was able to reproduce it using AdventureWorks data source. This report before modifying takes 1 minutes to export. After moving all the column headers to page header, it takes 25 minutes to export. Has anybody faced this issue and is there any solution for this performance problem? Thank you. Here are the steps to reproduce:

1. Create a new data source for AdventureWorks database
2. Create a new report with the AdventureWorks data source and with the query 'SELECT * FROM Person.Contact'
3. Run the report and export in excel format and note down the time taken for the same - Approx it will less than a minute.
4. Open the report layout and include a page header (Report->Page Header) and move the title from body to the page header.
5. Select each column header, copy the cell and paste in the page header and align it with the column in the body. Alternatively, a new textbox for each column can be created and arranged in the page header. (As a result, there are 16 textboxes in the page header).
6. Now, run the report and export in excel format and note down the time taken and please notice that it takes 25 minutes.
7. Delete some of the text boxes in the page header, the excel export takes less time and is dependent on the number of textboxes in the page header.

Version: SQL Server 2005 Reporting services SP2

Thanks and Regards,

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Header Rows To Skip On Flat File Import/Export

Aug 29, 2006

Just attempting to import a simple tab delimited text file into my SQL Server 2005 database using the SQL Server Import and Export wizard. Column names are specified within the first line of the file. The Header Rows to Skip field value is listed as 0, but the wizard indicates that "The field, Header rows to skip, does not contain a valid numeric value".

Why isn't zero (0) a valid numeric value? I don't want to skip any rows. PLUS, I get the same error when trying to export to a text file although the header rows to skip field does not exist. I can increase the number to 1 or more, but the wizard will skip part of my data .. unacceptable.

What am I missing here? I installed SP1 of SQL server 2005, but that did not help.

Thanks in advance.

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Value Of A Record Based On A Previous Record

Jul 20, 2005

I hope you can help me. I posted this in the microsoft sql server newsgroupa few days ago and got no response so I thought I'd try here. If I canprovide any clarification I'll be glad to do so.I'm trying to calculate a column based on the value of the previous record.I'm not very experienced with SQL-Server.I'm using the following table:CREATE TABLE tblPayment([PaymentID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[LoanID] [int] NULL ,[PaymentPeriod] [int] NULL ,[PaymentRecDate] [datetime] NULL ,[PaymentAMT] [money] NULL)I have a view based on this table. That view has the following calculatedcolumnsBeginningBalance: For the first record, this is equal to the loan amountfrom the loan table. For each additional record this is equal to the endingbalance from the previous payment record.Interest: BeginningBalance * the monthly interest rate from the loantablePrincipal: PaymentAMT - InterestEndingBalance: BeginningBalance - PrincipalIt might seem I could use a subquery to calculate the Beginning Balance asin:SELECT LoanID, PaymentPeriod, PaymentAMT,(SELECT SUM(PaymentAMT) FROM tblPayment AS tbl1WHERE tbl1.LoanID = tblPayment.LoanID AND tbl1.PaymentPeriod <tblPayment.PaymentPeriod) AS BeginBalanceFROM tblPaymentWHERE (LoanID = @LoanID)But this will not work, because the interest is calculated on the previousmonth's balance. I need to find a way to loop through the recordset. Isthis possible?Thank you,--Derek

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SQL 2012 :: SSRS Export To Word Header Background Color Missing

Mar 17, 2015

I have a SSRS report developed in SQL 2012. When I exporting the report into word the back ground colour of page header missing. When Exporting to PDF and Excel page header BG colour showing.

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Data Import - Header And Trailer Files

Jul 5, 2007

anyone know how to :
detect header row and insert to table a
process data rows and insert to table b
detect trailer row and import to table a


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Set-based INSERTS Rather Than A Loop

Jan 20, 2006

I have a table with a series of rows for period 1 - these always exist

drop table tblmain
create table tblmain (period int, rfreq int, pfreq int)
insert tblmain (period , rfreq , pfreq )
select 1 , 1 , 1
union all
select 1 , 1 , 3
union all
select 1 , 1 , 6
union all
select 1 , 3 , 3
union all
select 1 , 3 , 6
union all
select 1 , 6 , 6
union all
select 1 , 6 , 12

select * from tblmain
period rfreq pfreq
1 1 1
1 1 3
1 1 6
1 3 3
1 3 6
1 6 6
1 6 12

I need to do a whole lot of inserts with incremented period values up to and including
a number assigned in a different table, FMaxes based on JOINing the two tables on the rfreq column

insert FMaxes (RFreq , MaxF)
select 1 , 5
union all
select 3 , 3
union all
select 6 , 2

select * from FMaxes
RFreq MaxF
1 5
3 3
6 2

Ive been scratching my head for hours trying to figure out a set-based approach rather than a loop
solution which I could produce

The desired result would be inserts from period 2 onwards - result set below

select * from tblmain

period rfreq pfreq
1 1 1
1 1 3
1 1 6
1 3 3
1 3 6
1 6 6
1 6 12

2 1 1
2 1 3
2 1 6
2 3 3
2 3 6
2 6 6
2 6 12

-- no period 3 or higher for rfreq value 6 because table FMaxes holds an MaxF value of 2 etc
3 1 1
3 1 3
3 1 6
3 3 3
3 3 6

-- no period 4 or higher for rfreq value 3 because table FMaxes holds an MaxF value of 3 etc
4 1 1
4 1 3
4 1 6

5 1 1
5 1 3
5 1 6

Thanks in advance

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Integration Services :: Import Files With Different Header Structures?

Jun 13, 2015

I currently have a directory of csv import files, all of which have the same data structure but different header information.

For example:

File 1
This is header info.
This is header info.
This is header info.
ID,Name, DOB, etc…

File 2
This is header info.
This is header info.
This is header info.
This is header info.
This is header info.
ID,Name, DOB, etc…

The data starts with the column title row, ie ID,Name, DOB.What I need to happen is process that removes all the header rows up to the title row so that all import file structures will be the same.

I was thinking of using a ForEach Loop container that will run a script on each of the files to remove the header.

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Can Loop Be Replaced With A Set Based Command

Apr 28, 2012


Id int primary key
,iLow money
,iHigh money
,iClose money


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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2012 Doesn't Export Header / Footers To Word 2013

Oct 12, 2015

For the past couple of days I've been having an issue with Reporting Services. From what I can understand reporting services doesn't work well when exporting to word.

The scenario is quite simple, I am developing a report for a client with a 'master page', which works as the cover, and executes 2 sub-reports with one table each, nothing fancy. We don't export this report to pdf, because the internal client has to attach another report that is impossible to automate, so they generate that report via excel and integrate it on our word document before sending the document to their business partners.

Our main problem is that we can't export the header/footers to word.

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How Do I Loop Through A Record Set In A Stored Procedure?

Jan 17, 2006

Below is a stored procedure that designed to populate a drop down menu system on a website. It works fine as long as the 'id's in the first select start at 1 and are sequential. It fails to grab all the sub tables if the ids are not sequential. So, how do I structure the loop so that the WHERE clause uses not the loop iterator, but rather, the ids from the first Select statement.
Alternatively, is there a more elgant approach that will return the same set of recordsets?
Any help would be much appreciatedThanks
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.OPA_GetMenuItemsASDeclare @i tinyint ,@tc tinyintSet @i = 1
/* Select for top level menu items*/
SELECT id, label, url, sortFROM mainNavORDER BY sort
Set @tc = @@rowcount
while @i <= @tc
beginSet @i = (@i + 1)
/* Select for submenu itemsSELECT id, label, url, sort, mainNavIdFROM SubNavWHERE (mainNavId = @i)ORDER BY mainNavId, sortend

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Store Procedure While Loop Get Each Record

Mar 10, 2005

hi all,
I want to execute a store procedure but my query returns more than one value. how can I asign value for that. Here is the code. Please help me out.

problem is @aaa where i cannot set the value.


@id int

declare @VType varchar(10)
declare @count int
declare @aaa varchar(50)
set nocount on
create table #temp1(id int identity(1,1),Ac_Code varchar(50))

select count(*) from Journal_Table where Voucher_No=@id
set @count=1
set @count=@@rowcount

while @count <>0
set @aaa=(select Ac_Code from Journal_Table where Voucher_No =@id)
insert into #temp1(Ac_Code) values(@aaa)

set @count=@count-1
select * from #temp1


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How Do I Loop Thru A Record Set In A Stored Procedure?

Jan 17, 2006

Below is a stored procedure that designed to populate a drop down menu system on a website. It works fine as long as the 'id's in the first select start at 1 and are sequential. It fails to grab all the sub tables if the ids are not sequential. So, how do I structure the loop so that the WHERE clause uses not the loop iterator, but rather, the ids from the first Select statement.

Alternatively, is there a more elgant approach that will return the same set of recordsets?

Any help would be much appreciated

Declare @i tinyint ,
@tc tinyint
Set @i = 1

/* Select for top level menu items*/

SELECT id, label, url, sort
FROM mainNav

Set @tc = @@rowcount

while @i <= @tc

Set @i = (@i + 1)

/* Select for submenu items*/
SELECT id, label, url, sort, mainNavId
WHERE (mainNavId = @i)
ORDER BY mainNavId, sort


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Loop Through Record Set And Assign Number

Nov 7, 2013

I am new to SQL Server (coming from Oracle background) and have a large table I need to loop thru and assign a number 1 thru 5 on each record.

below is an example of how I would do it in Oracle.

num number := 1;
cursor c_rec is SELECT rowid, t.* FROM temp t order by t.column;
for d_rec in c_rec
update temp set column = to_char(num)

[Code] ....

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Loop Through Certain Files

Jul 11, 2007

Using SSIS foreach loop, I am looping through files to get the filenames and pass them on as variable.
How is it possible to loop through the files but only pass the files that do not end with ..._Parameters.xml? or loop through only the ones which end with ..._Parameters.xml
I think this is to do with the scripting or expression in the foreachloop?

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Combine Data And Split Into Separate Txt Files For Each Header/detail Row Groupings

Mar 16, 2006

I��ve created with the help of some great people an SSIS 2005 package which does the follow so far:
1)       Takes an incoming txt file.  Example txt file:    
The txt file going from top to bottom is sort of grouped like this
     Header Row (designated by ��HD��)
          Corresponding Detail Rows for the Header Row
     Next Header Row
          Corresponding Detail Rows
     ��and so on  
2)       Header Rows are split into one table, Maintenance Detail Rows into another, and Payment Detail Rows into a third table.  A uniqueID has been created for each header and it��s related detail rows to form a PK/FK relationship as there was non prior to the import, only the relation was in order of header / related rows below it when we first started.  The reason I split this out is so I can massage it later with stored proc filters, whatever��
Now I��m trying to somehow bring back the data in those table together like it was initially using a query so that I can cut out each of the Header / Detail Row sections into their own txt file.  So, if you look at the original txt file, each new header and it��s related detail rows (example of a cut piece would be need to be cut out and put into their own separate txt file. 
This is where I��m stuck.  How to create a query to combine it all back into an OLE DB Souce component, then somehow read that souce and split out the sections into their own individual txt files.
The filenames of the txt files will vary and be based on one of the column values already in the header table.
Here is a print screen of my package so far:
Let me know if you need more info.  Examples of the actual data in the tables are here:
Here's a print screen of the table schema:

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