FTP In SSIS And .bat Files In SSIS

Mar 5, 2008

I am new to using FTP and executing .bat files in SSIS.
First, the .ftp file should run. When it runs the FTP process, the user should be prompted for username and password. Then, it should run the .bat file.
What all are the steps I need to do and how to set the properties for FTP and the Execute process task (which holds the .bat file).

Thank you.

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HELP!!! Cannot Import SSIS Package Files From .dtsx Files

Oct 8, 2007

Brief overview...Running SQL Server 2003 Server Enterprise 64 bit - All Service Packs and patches current
SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition 64 bit Build Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3054.00 (X64) Mar 23 2007 18:41:50 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)

I cannot import any SSIS packages nor crete any new folders under stored packages. I hve googled the news groups and looked at BOL to no avail. HELP!!!!

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Zip Files From SSIS

Apr 2, 2007

Do any one know who to zip the files.

Here is the deal... I am sending tab delimited files from one folder and i want to zip the file once the files are send and then delete those files as i would have backup in the format of zip file.

Do any one know regarding the aforesaid..

ie. folder X has 5 tab delimited files

once i have send those 5 files i want to zip them in another folder (folder Y ) with date stamp and then delete those 5 files.

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SSIS And XML Files

Mar 25, 2008


I use an XML source to load an XML file to my db, so i genrate with sucess the xsd file but when i check OK i get an errer which is "Task mismatch of data streams [Source XML [1]] The XML source adapter does not support the model of mixed content on complex types",
"The component pipeline returned error code HRESULT 0xC02092A1 from a method call. (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)".

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Delete Old Files (SSIS Or DOS)

Oct 9, 2007

I've been tasked with coming up with a process to delete old files out of a certain directory. It's prefered to have a configuration file to go in and be able to change the number of days to retain files (7 for delete files older than 7 days for example). I've been told I can do this with SSIS. Can anybody point me in the right direction to do this in SSIS or even in DOS? I don't know ActiveX scripting if that's what's needed in SSIS. I prefer doing something like this in DOS but not sure it's possible to automate. Any help is appreciated.


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Zipping Files In SSIS

Jan 21, 2008


I've recently started creating SSIS packages using Visual Studios. I am trying to find a way of zipping and archiving files in one of the packages. Is this possible?, and if so, is it possible to date stamp the zip files to?


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Ssis - Process Xml Files

Feb 27, 2007

I would like to have a SSIS package which loops through each xml file (.xml files) in a folder on the network. And then for each file pull out the data and insert into a sql server table.
Please kindly guide me through this i.e. What task(s) are required, etc.

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Looping Over Files Not Available In My Ssis

May 22, 2006

I'm downloading zip'd files and would like to loop through each file that was downloaded. I'd also like to unizip each file and append all of them to one file. I have a dos batch that is fairly simple and would like to emulate it using ssis. Here is what the dos batch file looks like.

DATE /T >%TEMP%D.txt

FOR /F "usebackq tokens=2,3,4 delims=/, " %%i IN ("%TEMP%D.txt") DO SET fname=TAMF_162%%i%%j%%k-%%k.zip

ECHO xxx>zzzzz
ECHO xxxxx>>zzzzz
ECHO GET %fname%>>zzzzzz
ECHO QUIT>>zzzzz

FTP -s:zzzzzzz ftp.aaaaa.com

PKUNZIP -o -xxxxxxx downloadedfile_1~1.ZIP

DEL zzzzzzzz


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Running Bat Files In SSIS

Aug 27, 2007

Folks -

Did you have any success when running bat files (Execute Process Task) from SSIS through SQL Server Agent jobs? My package will succeed when I run it from my machine, when I ask the DBA to run it manually from the Server but not when we run from a job.

The job will hang and the bat file does not seem to be executed. The executable property does evaluate to the right path and the package owner does have write/execute permissions in the folder where the bat file is located.

Everything I could find close to that is under <http://support.microsoft.com/kb/918760>. Would you shed any light on this? When I run the same bat file from a DTS through SQL Server Agent job, it will work with no issues. Any help would be very much appreciated.


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SSIS Configuration Files

Jul 17, 2007


I am having a bit of trouble with SSIS Configurations.

- In BIDS, I have added a configuration file and specified the properties I want to expose.
- When I build the project, I get the standard bindeployment folder which contains the package file (.dtsx), the configuration file (.dtsconfig) and the deploymentmanifest.
- Before deploying the package, I edit the config file to have the settings I want it to for the environment I am deploying to.
- The package deploys OK
- When I work directly on the SSIS server (64 bit), I can go into SQl Mgt Studio, choose 'run package' and when I look in the connection manager window all the settings are as I desire ( I havent had to add a configuration file manually)
- When I work on a client machine, I connect to the SSIS server and choose 'run package' - the properties/connections are the same as on the server but the values themselves are completely different.

Why is this? Why when I run the package from the client (32 bit) do the configuration values appear to be completely different? How can I run the package remotely and pick up the configuration values that I deployed with?
Or have I misunderstood this whole configuration function?

Please, please help!


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Using Resource Files In SSIS

May 13, 2008


I am using SSIS for sending E-Mails based on certain transactions in SQL Server. I need to dynamically populate the E-Mail content as the content some times needs to be in Japanese text. I would like to use resource files for this. Could anyone please help me on using resource files in SSIS.

Thanks in advance.

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Doing A Diff Of 2 Files W SSIS?

Jan 21, 2008

We recieve about 4 million rows of data from a client per week. Each file is a complete snapshot of their data, we need to be able to find the rows that are different or new in the current weeks file compared to last weeks file.

Is this possible using 2 Flat file sources and some kind of sort/merge join?

If you are familiar with ORACLE or postgres its similar to a "MINUS" or "EXCEPT" respectively. Right now we load both files to separate tables and compare them in sql server which is very slow.

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SSIS Configuration Files - How Do You Use The Things?

Oct 16, 2006

http://blogs.conchango.com/jamiethomson/default.aspx has a lot of great tid-bits for SQL 2005.  I am currently on a tight deadine for 25 SSIS packages that need to be able to move from Dev to QA to Staging to Prod.  For the life of me I cannot get any of the packages to *READ* the config files created with the package config wizard.  All I want to do is move the connection string out of the package so we can change the config file and not have to touch (hand edit) each package. Any help is appreciated! 

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Archive Files Using Winzip In Ssis

May 8, 2008

I would like to create a command line tools in SSIS which can be used to archive files.

I have 6 files in a dir and i like to zip them up and them move them to an archive dir.

The 6 files all have the same name but the extension is different.

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SSIS Processes All Files In A FTP Folder

Jan 2, 2007

Hello everyone - wonder if you can help.

How do you process all files in an FTP directory - similar to the for each loop for files.

I need to be able to download each file and then move it to an archive folder on the ftp site.
Might also want to do some things in between.

I have a feeling it means getting the directory listing into a recordset or variable then enumerating that.

Sounds like a common requirement and would be quite easy by other means. Can't help feeling that SSIS has built in tasks to do it.

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Import Multiple .DBF Files W/SSIS - OLE DB

Dec 7, 2006

Hi all,New to SQL Server - trying to create an SSIS package that will look forand import a series of Visual Foxpro tables (.DBFs) when they appear ina folder.The tables are/can be all different fields, field widths, etc. Withquite a bit of overlap though.The end result should be table "ABC.DBF" is pulled into SQL Server astable "ABC"Using: SQL Server 2005 Enterprise, SSIS, *latest* version of VFPOLEDBdownloaded from MSI have set up a package and tested it with several different tables andit works great - but I have to redo the data source and destinationeach time...I need to get this to be a somewhat automated process, pulling in all..DBFs no matter what they contain.Can I do this with SSIS alone (and variable substitution) or do I needto write a bunch of code...Thanks very much for your time and thoughts...

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Upload Text Files Thru DTS/SSIS

Jan 31, 2007

I have created a DTS package which imports text file into single sql server table with 8 columns (SourceData). The DTS package uses 'Test1.txt' file. Now i have around 200 text files (Test1,Test2,.....Test200). I need to import them one by one into 'SourceData' table. Could you pls. help me out in getting solved.



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SSIS Script Task That FTP's Files

Feb 22, 2007

I could not find the exact details on how to create a SSIS script that would ftp files on these forums, so I am adding my code to help save time for anyone else that might be wanting to do something similar. Here is the VB code for my script task to FTP files (hope this helps someone):

' Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Script Task

' Write scripts using Microsoft Visual Basic

' The ScriptMain class is the entry point of the Script Task.

Imports System

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Math

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime

Public Class ScriptMain

Public Sub Main()


'Create the connection to the ftp server

Dim cm As ConnectionManager = Dts.Connections.Add("FTP")

'Set the properties like username & password

cm.Properties("ServerName").SetValue(cm, "Enter your Server Name here")

cm.Properties("ServerUserName").SetValue(cm, "Enter your FTP User Name here")

cm.Properties("ServerPassword").SetValue(cm, "Enter your FTP Password here")

cm.Properties("ServerPort").SetValue(cm, "21")

cm.Properties("Timeout").SetValue(cm, "0") 'The 0 setting will make it not timeout

cm.Properties("ChunkSize").SetValue(cm, "1000") '1000 kb

cm.Properties("Retries").SetValue(cm, "1")

'create the FTP object that sends the files and pass it the connection created above.

Dim ftp As FtpClientConnection = New FtpClientConnection(cm.AcquireConnection(Nothing))

'Connects to the ftp server


'Build a array of all the file names that is going to be FTP'ed (in this case only one file)

Dim files(0) As String

files(0) = "Drive:FullPathYourFileName"

'ftp the file

'Note: I had a hard time finding the remote path directory. I found it by mistake by creating both the FTP connection and task in the SSIS package and it defaulted the remote path setting in the FTP task.

ftp.SendFiles(files, "/Enter Your Remote Path", True, False) ' the True makes it overwrite existing file and False is saying that it is not transferring ASCII


Catch ex As Exception

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure

End Try

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub

End Class

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Join Two Text Files In SSIS

Sep 6, 2007


I'm trying to join outputs of two text files combined in to one text file. The lenght of both the input text files are same (590)
For example,
If contents of text_file_1.txt is: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
and contents of text_file_2.txt is: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

My final text file should be :


I use flat file source for both the input file and then use "Union all" and then write out to final text file destination.

The issues is:
The second file (bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) is coming up first in the output and then there is no carriage return.

My output looks like:
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb...(goes up to 590)aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

What is that I'm missing here. Could some one plese help.


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SSIS Moving Multiple Files

Nov 15, 2007

I have a number of XLS reports in template form. I want to move these to a new location on the File Server and after they have been populated move them to another location on the File Server.

I have seen some proposed solutions but I haven€™t found any that work. This should not be difficult and I envisage using a File System Task and a Foreach Loop Container. However passing the multiple file names to the File System Task errors repeatedly.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Paul Boynton

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Writing Into Text Files In SSIS

Aug 18, 2006

I am having a scenario where all the stored procedures are stored in a folder (one sql file per sproc). Stored procedure does not have 'IF Exists .... DROP Procedure' in the script so before creating them we have to drop all sproc manually.

Can anyone help me writing a script / SSIS process to loop through each file in folder and write "IF EXISTS ... DROP PROCEDURE" with the procedure name in it ??

I can create a package that loop through each file in FOR each Loop task but dont know how to write in file using .net

Thanks in advance

Furrukh baig

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Reading Pdf Files With SSIS 2005

Sep 14, 2006

hello to everyone, i would like to ask u if you know how can i import pdf files in sql server integration services 2005? does anyone have a script ???

thank u

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Import Multiple Xml Files In Ssis

Jan 28, 2008

I am building a ssis package that imports multiple xml files containing data into the tables using one xsd file. I am using xml source task for this. I can only import one file as the primary key constraint gets violated.

I have four tables with four primary keys. The xml file does not have the primary key column data. So every time these columns get populated as 1, 2, 3, 4.

I am preety new to xml, so was wondering if anyone can help?
Why doesn't the xml file have primary key column data?

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Checking For Control Files In SSIS

Aug 11, 2006

have a job that loads data from a data file into a table.

Is there a "task" that can be used to check to see if a file exists

and put error handling around it without programming ?

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SSIS Package For Unzip Files Through Job

Oct 10, 2007


I have created a job that will execute a SSIS package which will unzip some zip files. For unzipping we are using WinZip. In the package I have used a .Net script task for unzipping. This script is using WZUNZIP. When I am executing the package directly it is unzipping all the zip files. But when I am executing the job that will execute the SSIS package for unzipping it is going on with the execution and not unzipping the zip files. So finally I stopped the job.

Can you please help me to resolve this issue?

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Load XML Files Into Tables Via SSIS

Jul 19, 2007


I am new to SSIS and am looking to load XML files (with a DTD definition) into tables via a SSIS package. I have created a XML task and am able to load the XML and output it to file. I have also stripped out the DTD definition and am able through a dataflow using XML source an OLE db Destination load and map the XML to table sin my DB. But have no idea how to get the data in when it has a DTD definition included. I either want to put each file into a row in a table then query it. Or from the SSIS package input the relevant info into a set of staging tables or the real tables.

Any help/pointers would be appreciated.

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SSIS, BIDS And Temporary Files

Feb 1, 2007

Why are some SSIS files, generated by the Import/Export Data wizard put into the local users temp folder? Why are these not compiled with the package when the solution is built?

Is there some setting I am missing?

This architecture is kind of silly, as the server always needs access to the temp folder on the local machine to run.

How can I get these temp files packaged with the rest of the package and deployed to the server so the server can run independent of the machine I develop the package on?



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SSIS - Best Way To Copy Files From One Directory To Another

May 8, 2007

In SSIS, I was to:

take files from c:directory1
copy them to cirectory2 with a different name (concatenated date on the end)
delete them from c:directory1

Should I be using the Script Task for this? I am wondering if I should be using the File System Task which copies directories or files, but I don't know if I could rename the files during the copy.

Also, I want the directory names to be in the configuration file. I am not sure how to do this. If I set up a flat file source connection, I need to specify a file name and I just want the directory names. How do I get them in the config file and how to I read them into my script from the config file?


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Please Help Me With Editing XML Files In SSIS 2005

Apr 28, 2006

I am using a XML file and retrieving data for my SSIS 2005 (Intigration Service) package, where after  retrieving the data I need to update my  XML file with new data by using script task or XML task

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

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Use SSIS To Copy Files Between Servers?

Apr 27, 2006

This is a question of whether or not to use SSIS to solve a problem.

I need to copy SQL Server database backup files from a server in the DMZ to a fileserver inside the firewall. The SQL Server is not allowed to write it's backup files directly to the fileserver, so they are written to local disk. A connection can be made from inside the firewall to the SQL Server to copy the files off.

So, I'm considering SSIS for the job. Is it possible to use SSIS to perform the file copies from one remote server to another? If so, is the FTP task required, or can File System tasks be used?

An alternative would be Windows scripting, xcopy, robocopy, etc. but I like the features of SSIS and would like to take advantage of it's flow control, error handling, database scheduling, etc.

Any tips, sample code, etc. would be appreciated.



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Deployment Of SSIS With Config Files

Jul 12, 2007

I went through other threads and links on this subject. Still one thing which concerns me is the config files.

My current folder path is C:Karunakaranfolder1folder2

Under folder2 I have the following files

4 dtsx files
1 .database file
1 .dtproj file
1 .dtproj.user file
1 .sln file
1 .suo file

Config folder ( C:Karunakaranfolder1folder2Config)

Based on some of the threads, when I enabled package configuration, I changed the path from
C:Karunakaranfolder1folder2Configcommon.dtsconfig -> common.dtsconfig

Once I did this, when I open the project I get a dozen of warning similar to the one below

Warning loading <package1>.dtsx: Failed to load at least one of the configuration entries for the package. Check configurations entries and previous warnings to see descriptions of which configuration failed.

What am I doing wrong here? If I have to deploy this to another box, what should I do to ensure that nothing breaks once its copied / installed?


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Sample Files For Adventureworks SSIS

Jul 5, 2006


I am very new to Sql Server and just starting in BI.

I want to do the SSIS tutorial, but even though I have been able to attach the Adventureworks DB, I can not find the flat files that are to be loaded in the tutorial. Is there some place where I can download them from?

Any other options?

Thanks for your help.

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How To Load Zip Files Using FTP Or Other SSIS Tasks

Mar 7, 2008

HI All,
I have Uzip Files to be downloaded From ftp.companyname.com, the zip files get updated everyday thus i have to download the newly added files, the Zip file has got 13 text Files within it, the issue is:
1. how do i download it for the new zip file only, the zip files are shown below, i am trying using FTP Task, but need more info or other alternative.
2. (Optional) How do i UnZip it and and take the text files and then load them to sql server 2005, each text file has to be loaded to sql server tables.
3. How do i automate it, i mean every time i run the package (on Job based) it has to look the new file only, see the zip file below to understand what i am saying about.

02/25/2008 09:02PM 2,780,729 CompanyName_2008-02-22.zip
02/27/2008 09:04PM 1,274,557 CompanyName_2008-02-23.zip
02/25/2008 08:57PM 1,383,112 CompanyName_2008-02-24.zip
02/26/2008 04:21PM 3,327,882 CompanyName_2008-02-25.zip
02/27/2008 08:44PM 3,623,334 CompanyName_2008-02-26.zip
02/28/2008 05:27PM 3,570,243 CompanyName_2008-02-27.zip
02/29/2008 04:20PM 3,444,375 CompanyName_2008-02-28.zip
03/01/2008 04:17PM 2,655,782 CompanyName_2008-02-29.zip
03/03/2008 04:09AM 1,179,338 CompanyName_2008-03-01.zip
03/03/2008 05:21PM 1,267,777 CompanyName_2008-03-02.zip
03/04/2008 04:49PM 3,238,121 CompanyName_2008-03-03.zip

As you can see the Zip file names are the blues color, they are added at different time, when you browse the ftp.companyname.com you will get the blue color files, thus what i need is to download only the current Zip file (i mean i have to downLoad only the newly added Zip file (recent one)). Thus the SSIS Task has to go to this FTP server and look the newly added zip file. (Optional) if possible, After that i have Unzip it b/se i have 13 text files there, and then Load them to Sql Server 2005.

Please get help on this, the deadline is near by time, if possible try as soon as possible, I would like to say Thank you for every help you do and try.

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