FTP Script Task Using Connection On SSIS
Nov 28, 2007
under the script that I use for upload file using SSIS asp.net task.
My problem....
If I comment this line
'ftp.SendFiles(files, "", True, False) ' the True makes it overwrite existing
upload made successfull without failure instead If I leave uncomment I got an error but files upload anyway correct.
Someone can give me some explains about this behavior?
TNKS Alen, Italy
Public Sub Main()
'Create the connection to the ftp server
Dim cm As ConnectionManager = Dts.Connections.Add("FTP")
'create the FTP object that sends the files and pass it the connection created above.
Dim ftp As FtpClientConnection = New FtpClientConnection(cm.AcquireConnection(Nothing))
'Set the properties like username & password
cm.Properties("ServerName").SetValue(cm, "xxxxxx")
cm.Properties("ServerUserName").SetValue(cm, "xxxxx")
cm.Properties("ServerPassword").SetValue(cm, "xxxxx")
cm.Properties("ServerPort").SetValue(cm, "21")
cm.Properties("Timeout").SetValue(cm, "0") 'The 0 setting will make it not timeout
cm.Properties("ChunkSize").SetValue(cm, "1000") '1000 kb
cm.Properties("Retries").SetValue(cm, "1")
'Connects to the ftp server
' Potrebbe servire in futuro la tengo
''Get file listing
'Dim fileNames() As String
'Dim folderNames() As String
'ftp.GetListing(folderNames, fileNames)
''ftp the files
'Build a array of all the file names that is going to be FTP'ed (in this case only one file)
Dim files(1) As String
files(0) = "\manny-slaveappWorkFACT-FINDERa.txt"
files(1) = "\manny-slaveappWorkFACT-FINDER.txt"
'ftp the file
'I found it by mistake by creating both the FTP connection and task in the SSIS package and it defaulted the remote path setting in the FTP task.
'ftp.SendFiles(files, "", True, False) ' the True makes it overwrite existing file and False is saying that it is not transferring ASCII
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
Catch ex As Exception
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure
End Try
End Sub
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Dec 19, 2007
Hi All,
I am using a SSIS package to import the .xml data file from FTP location and process them into SQL Server DB by using Stored Procedures. I am using FTP Task to retrieve the file from FTP location but it only works when ever internet is available otherwise it fails, I placed this package as a SQL Server Agent Job. Can anybody tell me the way to check the CONNECTION before FTP Task start its process to avoid the errors???
Please see the error below which I get from SQL Server Agent:
"Description: Failed to decrypt protected XML node "DTSroperty" with error 0x80070002 "The system cannot find the file specified.". You may not be authorized to access this information. This error occurs when there is a cryptographic error. Verify that the correct key is available. End Error Error: 2007-12-19 04:00:03.66 Code: 0xC001602A Source: AA_Trans Connection manager "FTP Connection Manager" Description: An error occurred in the requested FTP operation. Detailed error description: The password was not allowed . End Error Error: 2007-12-19 04:00:03.67 Code: 0xC002918F Source: FTP AA Transactions Receive FTP Task Description: Unable to connect to FTP server using "FTP Connection Manag... The package execution fails"
Thanks in advance.
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Sep 5, 2006
Hi All,
I am working on a SSIS package which is using a Script task, now I have all the connection properties set up in the .NET script using connection strings, what do I need to do if I have to set this up using a config file or something else which is more secure (I dont want to leave the connection information in the script). Please Advice.
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Dec 18, 2007
When I try this code in an SSIS "Script Task":
Dim dbConnectionManager As ConnectionManager = Dts.Connections(0)
Dim dbConnectionRaw As Object = dbConnectionManager.AcquireConnection(Nothing)
Dim dbConnection As OdbcConnection = CType(dbConnectionRaw, OdbcConnection)
I get this error:
Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to class type 'System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection'. Instances of types that represent COM components cannot be cast to types that do not represent COM components; however they can be cast to interfaces as long as the underlying COM component supports QueryInterface calls for the IID of the interface.
I'm just trying to get a basic database connection from the DTS package in my
script task. Is there a better way to do this? Preferably, I would use ADO.NET
rather than the old COM stuff. However, if SSIS still requires the use of COM,
that's fine as well, as long as I can fix the above code.
Thanks in advance!
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Jun 30, 2006
I have a simple SSIS package with three "Execute SQL Tasks". I am using ADO.Net Connection to execute SPs on a DB server.
When I execute this package It works fine. So far so good.
Now, I need to implement transation on this package. And problem starts now onwards. When I try to execute package after setting TransationOption = Required for the Sequence container which contains all the tasks, I get following error.
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Failed to acquire connection "NYCDB0008.Export". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection.
"NYCDB0008.Export" is the name of the ADO.Net connection. I have been hunting for any solution but all in vain. I have tried changing all DTC settings on the dev as well as Database server.
Please respond if anyone has any solution.
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Aug 23, 2006
I added a connection (ADO.NET) object by name testCon in the connection manager - I wanted to programmatically supply the connection string. So I used the "Expressions" property of the connection object and set the connectionstring to one DTS variable. The idea is to supply the connection string value to the variable - so that the connection object uses my connection string.
Then I added a "Backup Database Task" to my package with the name BkpTask. Now whenever I try to set the connection property of BkpTask to the testCon connection object, by typing testCon, it automatically gets cleared. I am not able to set the connection value.
Then after spending several hours I found that this is because I have customized the connection string in testCon. If I don't customize the connection string, I am able to enter the "testCon" value in the connection property of the BkpTask.
Is this an intrinsic issue?
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Feb 21, 2008
I am using the "Transfer SQL Server Objects Task" to copy some tables from database A to database B including data.
The tables, primary key constraints, Foreign key, data and all transfers nicely except for "DEFAULT CONSTRAINTS" on the tables.
I have failed to find any option in the "Transfer SQL Server Objects Task" task to explicitly say "copy default constraints". So I guess logically it should happen automatically but it doesn't. I hope it is not a bug :-)
Any option anyone knows will help.
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Feb 1, 2007
In short, does the €œTransfer SQL Server Objects Task€? support distributed transactions?
In trying to use a €œTransfer SQL Server Objects Task€? in a container using a transaction on the container. The task is set to support the transaction. It is setup to copy table data from several tables from a non-domain server (sql server 2000) to a domain-based server (sql server 2005). I get an error stating, €œThis task can not participate in a transaction€?.
I am wondering if it means exactly what it says €“ this task in SSIS can€™t participate at all. Or does it mean that it won€™t in this scenario for some reason. I attempted a simple copy of data from mssql 2005 to mssql 2005 (same server) and the task still failed). MSDTC appears to be running properly on my machine and such (I can do a simple distributed transaction across linked server to the 2000 server in Query Analyzer (QA)). Also, MSDTC appears to be working on both servers with distributed transaction query tests in QA.
Here€™s the error info€¦
SSIS package "Development BusinessContacts and Products Migration.dtsx" starting.
Information: 0x4001100A at Copy BusinessContacts Data: Starting distributed transaction for this container.
Error: 0xC002F319 at Copy BusinessContacts database table data 1, Transfer SQL Server Objects Task: This task can not participate in a transaction.
Task failed: Copy BusinessContacts database table data 1
Information: 0x4001100C at Copy BusinessContacts database table data 1: Aborting the current distributed transaction.
Information: 0x4001100C at Copy BusinessContacts Data: Aborting the current distributed transaction.
SSIS package "Development BusinessContacts and Products Migration.dtsx" finished: Failure.
The program '[4700] Development BusinessContacts and Products Migration.dtsx: DTS' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
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Aug 9, 2006
Is there anyone who tried to use a connection from connection manager to create a new connection in a script task? Including the password?
Now i passed the connection to the script task and called it in the vb script but then the password is not passed into the connect string.
Im searching for an example that works with passing the password in the connectstring?
Any help will be greatfull.
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Nov 7, 2007
A common issue that I run across with clients is they want only want to process a file if it's finished transmitting to the server. This SQL Server 2005 task reads the properties of a file and writes the values to a series of variables. For example, you can use this task to determine if the file is in use (still be uploaded or written to) and then conditionally run the Data Flow task to load the file if it's not being used. You can also use it to determine when the file was created in order to determine if it must be archived.
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Jun 1, 2007
I'm currently using:
Dts.Connections.Item("myADO.NET connection").AcquireConnection(Nothing)Dim conn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(Dts.Connections.Item("myADO.NET connection").ConnectionString)
This seems silly, in that I'm not really using the same connection, but using the connection string of a connection that already exists. And, for my purposes, it's not working currently, because I've switched from Windows Authentication to SQL Auth... and the password isn't coming over in the ConnectionString property.How do I re-use the exact same ADO.NET connection I have in my connection manager in a script task? That's the recommended way to go, right?
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Feb 26, 2008
I've created my own posting for this. The original post was here, I apologize: http://forums.microsoft.com/forums/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=2906512&SiteID=1
According to the poster it's not possible. But there has to be some way to do it? Reflection (don't know how)?
I need to get a reference to the task host in an SSIS Task component.
Basically the scenario is this:
I have a custom task I have created. However I would like to validate that the ExecValueVariable is infact a string variable during the validate event of the task. I know how to verify its a string variable. But I can't figure out how to read what the user selected (such as User::Myvariable). The only way I've been able to figure out how to do it, but it only works if you open my custom task UI.
What I did is this:
I've implemented IDtsTaskUI and during the initialize section I wrote:
Sub Initialize(ByVal taskHost As TaskHost, ByVal serviceProvider As IServiceProvider) Implements IDtsTaskUI.Initialize
' Store the TaskHost of the task.
Me.taskHostValue = taskHost
Dim myTask As CustomTask= CType(taskHost.InnerObject, CustomTask)
myTask.myTaskHost = taskHost
End Sub
My Task is named: CustomTask. I have a public variable in my task as follows:
Public NotInheritable Class CustomTask
Inherits Task
Implements IDTSComponentPersist
Public myTaskHost As TaskHost = Nothing
Therefore I pass back the taskhost value to the CustomTask class, and voila I have it.
Problem is, this only works if the custom task calls the initialize method, and this only happens when you open the custom editor.
I then do the validation in my CustomTask class and it works fine, but myTaskHost is null/nothing until you actually open the custom task UI
How do I solve this?
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Apr 7, 2008
When running the project in debug mode or non-debug mode, I get the following error from MS Visual Studio:
TITLE: Package Validation Error
Package Validation Error
Error at Package [Connection manager "SYBASE_CONNECTION"]: The connection manager failed to defect from the transaction.
Any ideas???
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Mar 29, 2007
Both the OLE DB Connection and ADO.Net Connection in SSIS Package does not remember password.
Im connecting to a SQL Server 2000 box using its sa password as test.
The SSIS package runs fine when you first set up the connection in bids
The bottom line is that SSIS keeps forgetting the password I feed into
the two Connections that I'm using. I double-click a connection,
type the password in, check "Save my password" and hit "OK" but the
password disappears from there whenever I run the package or
double-click the connection again.
is there any known workaround for this issue as I would like to schedule my SSIS package using a SSIS Step in a SQL Server 2005 Agent job.
the only thing I found when googling this error was link below but the workaround described here is a little harsh
thanks in advance
the box SSIS is running on is Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition latest service pack
SQL Server 2005 (no service packs )
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Mar 1, 2006
I'm getting "Access denied" error when I try to connect to SSIS from my desktop (Database Engine is fine). I'm a member of sysadmin within SQL, as well as an administrator on the server. I don't have any problem when I log on to the server directly via Remote Desktop and open SSIS.
I went into the surface area config tool, and I see that Database Engine and Analysis Services both expand and have a sub tabs to enable Services and Remote Connections, but Integration Services does not expand to a Remote Connections option, just Services. We're running MSDN Enterprise edition.
Does it matter if all the SQL services are using "Local System" for the logon ? I use an administrative logon on my SQL2000 boxes, and was fiddling with them on the 2005 box yesterday, but it seemed to cause more problems, so they are all Local System for now.
Am I missing something obvious ?
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May 25, 2007
Problem: my FTP Connection Manager cannot connect to the FTP service specified in its configuration parameters. When I execute the FTP Task hooked to that connection manager I get the following error:
[FTP Task] Error: Unable to connect to FTP server using "FTP Connection Manager".
When I test the FTP service using FTP from a command prompt on the same workstation using the same parameters it connects just fine.
When I attempt to edit the settings in the FTP Connection Manager, the editor window pops up and then immediately disappears which is another problem. As I watch closely I can see that the username property is set to my domain login, not the value I typed in when I created it.
So I used the property sheet for the manager to set all the parameters correctly. However it still will not connect. Am I missing something? I've seen posts concerning issues connecting to UNIX/LINUX based FTP services. This particular service is hosted on a LINUX box. TIA.
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Oct 22, 2007
When I try to create an SSIS package with an FTP task, it always fails to compile with the messages:
Error at Package: The connection "" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found.
Error at FTP Task [FTP Task]: Connection manager "" can not be found.
Error at FTP Task: There were errors during task validation.
The item is marked with a circled-X. The tool-tip also agrees: The connection "" is not found.
Using my recreation steps below, I am setting up a connection manager, but it is never found at compile time.
1. Open BIDS, select a new Integration Services project.
2. Drag an FTP task from the toolbox to the Control Flow window.
3. Double-click the FTP task.
4. On the FTP Task Editor window, General page, pull down the FTPConnection property.
5. Select <New Connection...>
6. On the FTP Connection Manager Editor window, enter the servername, port, username and password.
7. Click "Test Connection" to verify connectivity. (It succeeds.)
8. Click OK on the FTP Connection Manager Editor window.
9. Click OK on the FTP Task Editor window.
I'm not using a configuration file or logging provider for this example.
I have also installed SP2 + cumulative update 2.
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Aug 24, 2007
how can i declare my connection string in script task without having it hardcoded?
can I have a sample? i'm connecting to a sql database.
thanks a lot
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Apr 19, 2008
Hi Champs,
Scenario Configuration : VB.net 2005 Code, WebService for Executing SSIS on Server, SSIS deployed on the Database Server
Problem Description : We are developing windows applicaiton in which we call webservice which was deployed on the same server where SSIS packages are deployed.
Now from Code we are passing FilePath name in variable and execute the Package. But the SSis result says that
The file name "\computernamefol1fol2fol3fol4abc.txt" specified in the connection was not valid.
More Information:
1. Full Permission are given on this network folder.
2. Package executes successfully from SSIS development solution (BIS solution)
3. Deployed packed executes successfully from the Database Server.
4. From Development pc packege executes successfully.
5. Other packages deployed on the same server executed suucessfully with same configuration and scenario.
Only this package is not executing.
-- the only differece with this package with other is -
using ".txt" extension in Flat file connection and using VB Script task
Can any one suggest the appropirate solution for this problem...
Tarang Pandya
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Jul 19, 2006
I used adodb connection and recordset in script task. but i have an error saying adodb is not defined. how do i add it to reference? or, is adodb can run in script task or only ado.net?
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Jun 9, 2006
I have OLE DB Connections set up in my connection manager (Native OLE DBMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server). I would like to reference and query these connections from a custom task, written in C#. I currently reference it as follows:
using System.Data.OleDb;
OleDbConnection connection = (OleDbConnection) connections["MyConnection"].AcquireConnection(null);
What may be obvious to some (though wasn't to me, as I am new at this), when I run the task, I get an error saying that I cannot make this cast. After perusing the boards, I understand that this is because I am not making a cast to the right connection type. Well, that is where I am lost. What connection type (and corresponding library) do I need to reference? I want to continue to use the "Native OLE DB..." connection.
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Jul 6, 2001
I've written a DTS Package to pull information from a number of servers. I have a list of servers (Source Servers) and for each one I automatically update the Datasource property of the Source Server connection using vbscript in an ActiveX Script task and a global variable.
I have a transformation that occurs between the Source server and Target server.
As I process each Source Server in turn, the global variable gets set correctly and so does the Datasource property of the Source Server connection. However the transformation still runs against the first Source Server that was processed.
Looking at BOL it appears that a transformation stays connected even after it has finished. Therefore I assume that although I change the Datasource of the connection to a new server, it still runs against the first server that was used.
My question is how do I get the connection to run against the updated Datasource, i.e. do I need to do a refresh of the Connection, disconnect or what ?
Any ideas would be much appreciated.
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May 14, 2015
I have a SSIS 2014 project that is being deployed to the 2014 SSIS catalog. In one of the packages there is a script task that uses an ftp connection manager within the package.
There is structured error handling in the script and it runs fine in development, but fails when deployed and scheduled to a SQL Server agent job. The error that is being returned isn't permissions of authentication failure, but returns as the task times out. The package and project use encryption by password.
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Jun 18, 2007
I'm using Integration Service between Firebird and MS SQL 2005. I can able to move data from Firebird db tables to MS SQL db tables using DataReader source (Firebird Connection Manager) and SQL Server Destination (SQL Server Connection Manager) component.
Now I want to execute parametrized SQL statement to fetch data from Firebird DB using Execute SQL Task Component. In this process while trying to set Connection property to this component I can able to view only MS SQL Connection Manager and it is not listing Firebird Connection Manager.
Now I need a help to get connect this Execute SQL Task component with Firebird connection Manager. Help me to find out where I'm making mistake.
FYI. I'm using Firebird .Net Provieder 2.0.1
Thanks in advance.
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Mar 29, 2007
Hello All,
I am trying to convert an application created using DTS classes to SSIS object model. I have found following code in the application.
For x As Integer = 1 To mTask.Properties.Count
If mTask.Properties.Item(x).Name = "SourceConnectionID" Then
CnID = mTask.Properties.Item(x).Value
Exit For
End If
For x As Integer = 1 To mPkg.DTSPackage.Connections.Count
If mPkg.DTSPackage.Connections.Item(x).ID = CnID Then
Return mPkg.DTSPackage.Connections.Item(x).Name
End If
Return mTask.Properties.Item("SourceObjectName").Value
How can I retrieve or Set "SourceConnectinId", "SourceObjectName" of a data flow task in SSIS
Please help me to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance
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Jan 10, 2008
I have problem using Data mining query task: when I want to set connection to Analysis services DB I don't see connections created in connection manager (they are not listed in the dropdown). (I can click on "New" and create new one but I already have one created in connection manager.)
Also, I want to make connections created in the connection manager flexible, easy to change after transfering package(s) to another server. How to do that?
Thanks in advance!
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May 9, 2008
Sorry guys, I'm really new to this. Can somebody tell me the easiest way to use the FTP task with a dynamic local path. I just want the FTP task to send whatever file is in the directory I specify.
I'm creating a package that extracts data from a table to a pipe-delimited file. I then use an external process (since using Expressions for it was a nightmare) to rename the file so that it'll reflect the previous month (e.g. April2008_report.txt). Then, I have to FTP that file. That's where my problem is. It seems I need to specify the exact filename on the local path of the FTP task, and since the filename will change each month... well, you see my problem.
Is there a way to tell the FTP task to just send *.txt, or something to that effect?
Thanks in advance for you help!
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Jun 21, 2006
Hi ,
I have a master database. Based on certain criteria's I will be creating one new database. Once I have finished the creation, I have to check the value of a particular column in both database tables.
This is actually a status check. if both are not equal i have to update detail database table column value with master column value.
I thought i can use lookup transform for this. The problem is master database table's status datatype and detail table's status datatype is diff.
Can anyone suggest me any other way for this problem?
thanks in advance.
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Mar 26, 2008
In my package i am loading data from a flat file into multiple tables like table1, table2, table3 all tables have a column called cust_num.
But data for this column cust_num is only coming in table1 and i need to load the data from this column to other tables how can i do this.
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Sep 6, 2007
I have written the Dynamic TSQL S-Proc. Below is what i wanted to implement in SSIS using foreach loop container as a cursor. But i am little doubtful whether I can achieve the dynamics to this level. I know everything is possible but is it advisable to go for this simple Sproc or SSIS tasks.
I have some 15 tables being populated using this SPROC.
Here is some helpful description
ENTITYNAME gives me the table i need to work
FIELDNAME gives me the field i have to work on
CHANGEDVALUE gives me the value changed in that field
( This three i get from source table which is about 9000 rows and containing 15 possible ENTITY to be work on and 100's of their respective FIELD )
while in Cursors i need to get using these above variables other variables like
Thrugh SQL1 I get the KeyValue
then using this KeyValue check if the data exist update else insert new data.
QUESTION: IS THIS ADVISABLE to go for SSIS task or just carry with SPROC?
FROM dbo.ChangedDimensionStage
OPEN Table_cursor
SET @SQL1 = N'Select @KeyValueOUT = '+ @KeyName + ' FROM DW_Integration.dbo.MangFact WHERE ClaKey = ' + @KEYID + ' GROUP BY ' + @KeyName + ' HAVING SUM(TotalClaCount) > 0 OR SUM(IncidentOnlyClaCount) > 0 '
EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQL1, N'@KeyValueOUT INT OUTPUT', @KeyValue OUTPUT;
SET @WC_TABLE = 'WorkingCopy' + @ENTITY
DECLARE @SQL2 nvarchar (1000);
SET @SQL2 = 'IF EXISTS (SELECT '+ @KeyName +' FROM ' + @WC_TABLE + ' WHERE ' + @KeyName + ' = ' + @KeyValue + ' )' +
' BEGIN UPDATE ' + @WC_TABLE + ' SET '+ @FIELD + ' = '''+ @VALUE + ''' WHERE ' + @KeyName + ' = ' + @KeyValue +'; END' +
INSERT INTO '+ @WC_TABLE + ' SELECT * FROM DW_Integration.dbo.' + @ENTITY + ' WHERE ' + @Flag + ' = ' + '''Y''' + ' AND '+ @KeyName + ' = ' + @KeyValue + ';' +
'UPDATE ' + @WC_TABLE + ' SET '+ @FIELD + ' = '''+ @VALUE + ''' WHERE ' + @KeyName + ' = ' + @KeyValue +'; END'
EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQL2
CLOSE Table_cursor
DEALLOCATE Table_cursor
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May 21, 2007
I m having an FTP Task in SSIS project, from where I have downloaded .csv file.
And also having a Processed Folder in which the processed .csv files are kept.
Main task is to download file from FTP and check , if the date of downloaded file is newer than file in processed folder, then only process that file. Else skip the processing
Can anyone help me out how to process about.
plz reply as early as possible.
Thanks & Kind regards ....
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Dec 18, 2007
I am running into issues with custom objects interaction with visual studio 2005.
1. Custom connection manager.
I am setting the name of the connection manager ( to standardize naming convention ) that user created, however when the CM is created, the name displayed in visual studio is still the default name even if the real name is the one i set. I have to do things like, edit it or save package - close - reopen, create another connection, ... etc in order to get it refreshed.
2. Custom Task
I am managing some variables in this custom task so that I will be adding and deleting variables in the package.
The challenge i am running into is, when I added 2 variables for example, even though the variables are successfully added to package, the Variable Window in visual studio designer will not reflect the new variables. I have to save package, close, and re-open in order for the variables to show up.
So this brings to my question - is there any way to tell Visual Studio programmatically to refresh the contents of these 2 sections, 1 is the Variable Window and the other is the panel containing the list of connection managers.
I have been searching around and found some clue about visual studio SDK but I still cannot find an exact way of doing it. Visual Studio SDK example tells you how you can access the Variable window as
framesList = new List<IVsWindowFrame>();
toolWindowNames = new List<string>();
// Get the UI Shell service
IVsUIShell uiShell = (IVsUIShell)Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SVsUIShell));
// Get the tool windows enumerator
IEnumWindowFrames windowEnumerator;
ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(uiShell.GetToolWindowEnum(out windowEnumerator));
IVsWindowFrame[] frame = new IVsWindowFrame[1];
uint fetched = 0;
int hr = VsConstants.S_OK;
// Note that we get S_FALSE when there is no more item, so only loop while we are getting S_OK
while (hr == VsConstants.S_OK)
// For each tool window, add it to the list
hr = windowEnumerator.Next(1, frame, out fetched);
if (fetched == 1)
// We successfully retrieved a window frame, update our lists
string caption = (string)GetProperty(frame[0], (int)__VSFPROPID.VSFPROPID_Caption);
But i looked up the methods for IVsWindowFrame and it does not have anything to refresh the contents of the frame.
I thought about firing events but cannot find which one to fire.
Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.
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