FTP Task Variable Does Not Begin With '/' Error

Sep 5, 2006

I created a ftp task that uses a variable for the remote path because the file I download changes names every based on the date. So I build up the entire path into a container variable and set the remote path to a variable. then I get an error that the filename does not begin with '/' when the filename that the error references is my variable... I cannot even debug/build my package cause of this error. I cannot find anything online or in BOL. any help would be appriciated. If you need more info to help let me know also.

My variable is set as a string,

exact error:

Error 1 Validation error. Get DailyFiles FTP Task: Variable "DailyFiles" doesn't start with "/". DAILY.dtsx 0 0

Thanks in advance.

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[Execute SQL Task] Error: An Error Occurred While Assigning A Value To Variable

Jun 20, 2007

I have a problem with Sql task
when sql task tried to assing a value to my variable I have this error ""La valeur n'est pas comprise dans la plage attendue."
I'm using ODBC connexion for a csv file

someone can help me ?


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[Execute SQL Task] Error: An Error Occurred While Assigning A Value To Variable...

Nov 8, 2006

hi chaps

i m getting the following ERROR:

[Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "JDETimezone": "Unable to find column Timezone in the result set.".

i know what the problem is i.e. no row is returned then what is the problem

here you are.... i want to it work... strange... ok i explain...

actully i have some processign to do with variable JDETimezone even no row is returned.... can u tell me the alternative to do the follwing task...

I want to retrieve a record from some table and do some processing and if no row is present or returned then i want to do seperate processing.... can ne one help me out ?



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Bulk Insert Task - Where Does The First Row Begin?

Jan 25, 2007


I am using the Bulk Insert Task to bulk copy data from a flat file to a SQL Server 2005 table. The flat file contains pipe ( | ) delimited columns and several thousand records which are {CR}{LF} delimited. The file also contains a header record and trailer record, which contain several words but also contains a ( | ) symbol among those words.


HEDR | yadi yadi yada500 | Data Data | More Data | 600460 | Datum | More More | 705550 | Data | Data | 603FOOTR | yadi yadi yada

I need to ignore the header and trailer records and just pickup the proper records. But even though I manually set the First Row property to 2 and the Last Row property to 4, It does not pickup the first true record i.e. the record which begins with 500, and if I set the First Row to 1, it throws me an error citing 'truncation error' or similar. I think it is taking the first record (i.e. header row along with the first row as one, and since there are now more pipes ( | ) the error is thrown)

I've tried setting different values for these properties but to no avail... Any help will be deeply appreciated...


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SSIS Task Script Dts.Variable Error

Feb 12, 2008

Hello everyone,

This is my first post. :-)

I've been having an error with Script Tasks in SSIS, where the error is every time I use a For Each In Dts.Variables, it always seems to crash. I'm trying to log the variables before I proceed in any other tasks. I'm passing in one value as a ReadOnlyVariables.

Here is the snippet of code:

Dts.Log(String.Format("{0} variables:", Dts.Variables.Count), 0, Nothing)
For Each v As Variable In Dts.Variables
Dts.Log(String.Format("{0} = {1}", v.Name, v.Value), 0, Nothing)

It's very strange because the Dts.Variables.Count gives me the correct number of items that I have passed in, but after I step into the For Each, I get this for Dts.Variables.Item:

In order to evaluate an indexed property, the property must be qualified and the arguments must be explicitly supplied by the user. Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Variable

And as soon as I step into the next line, it crashes with this error:

Value does not fall within the expected range.
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.IDTSVariables90.GetEnumerator()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Variables.GetEnumerator()
at ScriptTask_932938a13af547149ade0331cf39ecfe.ScriptMain.Main()

My colleagues have tried this snippet of code and it worked fine on their machine, only mine has this error :-(

I tried to do several searches online and they recommended me to:
Get the latest SP (I have all the updates now for .net and SQL)
Re-register some .dll's such as dts.dll/pipeline/etc
Change/toggle the PreCompileBinary
Alter the script a little and rebuild.

None of these suggestions have had any success on this error that I'm having. I was wondering if anyone had any insight or had any similar problems as me. Any help would be much appreciated!

<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->

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Error In Variable Mapping In Execute SQL Task

Apr 17, 2006


I am getting an error message (mentioned below) in the variable mapping of Execute SQL Task in SSIS.

" Error: ForEach Variable Mapping number 9 to variable "User::Value" cannot be applied. "

" Error: The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::Value" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object. "

Pls anyone have a look and give me a solution asap.

Thanks & Regards,

Prakash Srinivasan.

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SSIS Script Task Alters Package Variable, But Variable Does Not Change.

Oct 25, 2006

I'm working on an SSIS package that uses a vb.net script to grab some XML from a webservice (I'd explain why I'm not using a web service task here, but I'd just get angry), and I wish to then assign the XML string to a package variable which then gets sent along to a DataFlow Task that contains an XML Source that points at said variable. when I copy the XML string into the variable value in the script, if do a quickwatch on the variable (as in Dts.Variable("MyXML").value) it looks as though the new value has been copied to the variable, but when I step out of that task and look at the package explorer the variable is its original value.

I think the problem is that the dataflow XML source has a lock on the variable and so the script task isn't affecting it. Does anyone have any experience with this kind of problem, or know a workaround?

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Passing A SSIS Global Variable To A Declared Variable In A Query In SQL Task

Mar 6, 2008

I have a SQL Task that updates running totals on a record inserted using a Data Flow Task. The package runs without error, but the actual row does not calculate the running totals. I suspect that the inserted record is not committed until the package completes and the SQL Task is seeing the previous record as the current. Here is the code in the SQL Task:

SET @DV = (SELECT MAX(DateValue) FROM tblTG);
SET @PV = @DV - 1;

I've not been successful in passing a SSIS global variable to a declared parameter, but is it possible to do this:

SET @DV = ?;
SET @PV = @DV - 1;

I have almost 50 references to these parameters in the query so a substitution would be helpful.


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Create Variable To Store Fetched Name To Use Within BEGIN / END Statements To Create A Login

Mar 3, 2014

I created a cursor that moves through a table to retrieve a user's name.When I open this cursor, I create a variable to store the fetched name to use within the BEGIN/END statements to create a login, user, and role.

I'm getting an 'incorrect syntax' error at the variable. For example ..


I've done a bit of research online and found that you cannot use variables to create logins and the like. One person suggested a stored procedure or dynamic SQL, whereas another pointed out that you shouldn't use a stored procedure and dynamic SQL is best.

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Syntax Error With Begin Try MSG 156

Feb 29, 2008

I get a syntax error when trying to use BEGIN TRY / END TRY in a SQL Server 2005 stored procedure.

I've checked the compatability of the database and its SQL Server 2005 (90). I'm creating the stored procedure in SSMS 2005. Any thoughts would be appreciated, thanks.

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BEGIN STACK DUMP Error In Log Viewer

Dec 5, 2006


We are having problems with our application that uses SQL Server 2005 in a cluster environment. Sometimes the system stops answering and registers in the log viewer the following error:

BugCheck Dump

This file is generated by Microsoft SQL Server
version 9.00.1399.06
upon detection of fatal unexpected error. Please return this file, the query or program that produced the bugcheck, the database and the error log, and any other pertinent information with a Service Request.

Computer type is AT/AT COMPATIBLE.
Bios Version is IBM - 1001
Current time is 16:48:36 12/05/06.
2 Intel x86 level 15, 3600 Mhz processor (s).
Windows NT 5.2 Build 3790 CSD Service Pack 1.

MemoryLoad = 74%
Total Physical = 3327 MB
Available Physical = 858 MB
Total Page File = 9318 MB
Available Page File = 7058 MB
Total Virtual = 2047 MB
Available Virtual = 274 MB
**Dump thread - spid = 132, PSS = 0x71E09588, EC = 0x71E09590
***Stack Dump being sent to E:Microsoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGSQLDump0178.txt
* *******************************************************************************
* 12/05/06 16:48:36 spid 132
* Location: lckmgr.cpp:10820
* Expression: GetLocalLockPartition () == xactLockInfo->GetLocalLockPartition ()
* SPID: 132
* Process ID: 2436
* Input Buffer 255 bytes -
* „ 16 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 02 00 01 00 00 00 84 00 00 00
* ΓΏΓΏ Γ§d Γ? 01 00 00 00 ff ff 0a 00 02 00 00 00 e7 64 09 09 04 d0
* 4d S E L E C T 00 34 64 09 20 00 53 00 45 00 4c 00 45 00 43 00 54 00
* TAbleA (*) 20 00 54 00 48 00 69 00 73 00 74 00 6f 00 72 00 69 00

(*) There is a query here that I have excluded in the message

* sqlservr 01000000 02BA7FFF 01ba8000
* ntdll 7C910000 7C9D3FFF 000c4000
* kernel32 7C800000 7C90BFFF 0010c000
* MSVCR80 78130000 781CAFFF 0009b000
* msvcrt 77B90000 77BE9FFF 0005a000
* MSVCP80 7C420000 7C4A6FFF 00087000
* ADVAPI32 77D90000 77E3DFFF 000ae000
* RPCRT4 77C40000 77CDEFFF 0009f000
* USER32 77F40000 77FD1FFF 00092000
* GDI32 77BF0000 77C37FFF 00048000
* CRYPT32 760D0000 76164FFF 00095000
* MSASN1 760B0000 760C1FFF 00012000
* Secur32 76E70000 76E82FFF 00013000
* MSWSOCK 71970000 719B1FFF 00042000
* WS2_32 71A50000 71A66FFF 00017000
* WS2HELP 71A40000 71A47FFF 00008000
* USERENV 76840000 76904FFF 000c5000
* opends60 333E0000 333E6FFF 00007000
* NETAPI32 71A90000 71AE7FFF 00058000
* SHELL32 7C9E0000 7D1EAFFF 0080b000
* SHLWAPI 77EE0000 77F31FFF 00052000
* comctl32 77360000 77462FFF 00103000
* EntApi 37000000 37012FFF 00013000
* PSAPI 76A90000 76A9AFFF 0000b000
* WININET 779D0000 77A78FFF 000a9000
* OLEAUT32 77CF0000 77D7BFFF 0008c000
* ole32 77510000 77643FFF 00134000
* instapi 48060000 48069FFF 0000a000
* CLUSAPI 74CF0000 74D01FFF 00012000
* RESUTILS 74E00000 74E12FFF 00013000
* sqlevn70 4F610000 4F7A0FFF 00191000
* SQLOS 344D0000 344D4FFF 00005000
* rsaenh 68000000 6802EFFF 0002f000
* AUTHZ 76B60000 76B73FFF 00014000
* MSCOREE 340C0000 34104FFF 00045000
* msv1_0 76BB0000 76BD6FFF 00027000
* iphlpapi 76C10000 76C29FFF 0001a000
* kerberos 34330000 34387FFF 00058000
* cryptdll 76600000 7660BFFF 0000c000
* schannel 76670000 76696FFF 00027000
* COMRES 76F30000 770BCFFF 0018d000
* XOLEHLP 343F0000 343F5FFF 00006000
* MSDTCPRX 34400000 34477FFF 00078000
* msvcp60 780C0000 78120FFF 00061000
* MTXCLU 74E50000 74E68FFF 00019000
* VERSION 77B80000 77B87FFF 00008000
* WSOCK32 71A00000 71A09FFF 0000a000
* DNSAPI 76DF0000 76E1EFFF 0002f000
* winrnr 76E90000 76E96FFF 00007000
* WLDAP32 76E30000 76E5EFFF 0002f000
* rasadhlp 76EA0000 76EA7FFF 00008000
* hnetcfg 36190000 361E8FFF 00059000
* wshtcpip 71930000 71937FFF 00008000
* security 36340000 36343FFF 00004000
* msfte 36A60000 36CB7FFF 00258000
* dbghelp 36D00000 36E17FFF 00118000
* WINTRUST 76AD0000 76AFAFFF 0002b000
* imagehlp 76B30000 76B58FFF 00029000
* dssenh 68100000 68123FFF 00024000
* NTMARTA 777B0000 777D1FFF 00022000
* SAMLIB 36FE0000 36FEEFFF 0000f000
* ntdsapi 76610000 76624FFF 00015000
* xpsp2res 61BF0000 61EBFFFF 002d0000
* CLBCatQ 77650000 776D2FFF 00083000
* sqlncli 61EC0000 620E1FFF 00222000
* COMCTL32 77E40000 77ED6FFF 00097000
* comdlg32 761D0000 76218FFF 00049000
* SQLNCLIR 007C0000 007F2FFF 00033000
* msftepxy 621F0000 62204FFF 00015000
* xpsqlbot 62860000 62865FFF 00006000
* xpstar90 62880000 628C4FFF 00045000
* SQLSCM90 628E0000 628E8FFF 00009000
* ODBC32 62900000 6293CFFF 0003d000
* BatchParser90 62940000 6295DFFF 0001e000
* SQLSVC90 62970000 62989FFF 0001a000
* SqlResourceLoader 629A0000 629A5FFF 00006000
* ATL80 7C630000 7C64AFFF 0001b000
* odbcint 62B00000 62B17FFF 00018000
* SQLSVC90 62B20000 62B22FFF 00003000
* xpstar90 62B30000 62B55FFF 00026000
* xplog70 62B60000 62B6BFFF 0000c000
* xplog70 62B80000 62B82FFF 00003000
* oledb32 631B0000 63228FFF 00079000
* MSDART 63230000 63249FFF 0001a000
* OLEDB32R 634D0000 634E1FFF 00012000
* activeds 76D10000 76D42FFF 00033000
* adsldpc 76CE0000 76D06FFF 00027000
* credui 76AA0000 76ACDFFF 0002e000
* ATL 769A0000 769B7FFF 00018000
* adsldp 71110000 7113DFFF 0002e000
* SXS 75CB0000 75D6BFFF 000bc000
* dbghelp 65D40000 65E52FFF 00113000
* Edi: 6610BCB8: 636A1900 3E3A6040 62F1A040 6610D8AD 0279E900 3E3A63D8
* Esi: 00000000:
* Eax: 6610BB9C: 000042AC 00000000 00000000 7C815E02 00000000 7C931B34
* Ebx: 0000003F:
* Ecx: 6610C20C: 00000000 00010007 00000000 00740072 636A1904 6610BBCC
* Edx: 0000003D:
* Eip: 7C815E02: 10C2C95E 90909000 A1649090 00000018 C334408B 891C428B
* Ebp: 6610BBEC: 6610BC30 02172CE4 000042AC 00000000 00000000 00000000
* SegCs: 0000001B:
* EFlags: 00000246:
* Esp: 6610BB98: 71E09588 000042AC 00000000 00000000 7C815E02 00000000
* SegSs: 78130023: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
* *******************************************************************************
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Short Stack Dump
7C815E02 Module(kernel32+00015E02)
02172CE4 Module(sqlservr+01172CE4)
02176BA0 Module(sqlservr+01176BA0)
02019506 Module(sqlservr+01019506)
015738EE Module(sqlservr+005738EE)
021B15B6 Module(sqlservr+011B15B6)
0163DD36 Module(sqlservr+0063DD36)
010E9FA3 Module(sqlservr+000E9FA3)
010B0F5F Module(sqlservr+000B0F5F)
0102C5F8 Module(sqlservr+0002C5F8)
01BEE12B Module(sqlservr+00BEE12B)
01BF2BCB Module(sqlservr+00BF2BCB)
01BF353D Module(sqlservr+00BF353D)
010438E5 Module(sqlservr+000438E5)
01041C35 Module(sqlservr+00041C35)
0100889F Module(sqlservr+0000889F)
010089C5 Module(sqlservr+000089C5)
010086E7 Module(sqlservr+000086E7)
010D764A Module(sqlservr+000D764A)
010D7B71 Module(sqlservr+000D7B71)
010D746E Module(sqlservr+000D746E)
010D83F0 Module(sqlservr+000D83F0)
781329AA Module(MSVCR80+000029AA)
78132A36 Module(MSVCR80+00002A36)

PSS @0x71E09588

CSession @0x71E08278
m_spid = 132 m_cRef = 12 m_rgcRefType[0] = 1
m_rgcRefType[1] = 1 m_rgcRefType[2] = 9 m_rgcRefType[3] = 1
m_rgcRefType[4] = 0 m_rgcRefType[5] = 0 m_pmo = 0x71E08040
m_pstackBhfPool = 0x00000000 m_dwLoginFlags = 0x03e0 m_fBackground = 0
m_fClientRequestConnReset = 0 m_fUserProc = -1 m_fConnReset = 0
m_fIsConnReset = 0 m_fInLogin = 0 m_fReplRelease = 0
m_fKill = 0 m_ulLoginStamp = 3105683 m_eclClient = 5
m_protType = 5 m_hHttpToken = FFFFFFFF

00000000: 18010000 02000972 401f0000 00000006 400c0000 € .......r@.......@...
00000014: 00000000 e0030000 00000000 00000000 5e000400 € ................^...
00000028: 66000200 6a000000 7a001c00 b2000c00 ca000000 € f...j...z...........
0000003C: ca001c00 02010000 02010b00 60f120db ad481801 € ............`. ..H..
00000050: 00001801 00001801 00000000 0000€ € € € € € € € € € € € € € € ..............

CPhysicalConnection @0x71E08188
m_pPhyConn->m_pmo = 0x71E08040 m_pPhyConn->m_pNetConn = 0x71E08788 m_pPhyConn->m_pConnList = 0x71E08260
m_pPhyConn->m_pSess = 0x71E08278 m_pPhyConn->m_fTracked = -1 m_pPhyConn->m_cbPacketsize = 8000
m_pPhyConn->m_fMars = 0 m_pPhyConn->m_fKill = 0

CBatch @0x71E08A90
m_pSess = 0x71E08278 m_pConn = 0x71E089F0 m_cRef = 3
m_rgcRefType[0] = 1 m_rgcRefType[1] = 1 m_rgcRefType[2] = 1
m_rgcRefType[3] = 0 m_rgcRefType[4] = 0 m_pTask = 0x006F9D38

EXCEPT (null) @0x6610B4AC
exc_number = 0 exc_severity = 0 exc_func = 0x023D96B0

Task @0x006F9D38
CPU Ticks used (ms) = 1 Task State = 2
WAITINFO_INTERNAL: WaitResource = 0x00000000 WAITINFO_INTERNAL: WaitType = 0x0
WAITINFO_INTERNAL: WaitSpinlock = 0x00000000 SchedulerId = 0x0
ThreadId = 0x444 m_state = 0 m_eAbortSev = 0

EC @0x71E09590
spid = 132 ecid = 0 ec_stat = 0x0
ec_stat2 = 0x40 ec_atomic = 0x4 __fSubProc = 1
ec_dbccContext = 0x00000000 __pSETLS = 0x71E08A30 __pSEParams = 0x71E08CD0
__pDbLocks = 0x71E09878

SEInternalTLS @0x71E08A30
m_flags = 0 m_TLSstatus = 3 m_owningTask = 0x006F9D38
m_activeHeapDatasetList = 0x71E08A30 m_activeIndexDatasetList = 0x71E08A38

SEParams @0x71E08CD0
m_lockTimeout = -1 m_isoLevel = 1048576 m_logDontReplicate = 0
m_neverReplicate = 0 m_XactWorkspace = 0x03F78940 m_pSessionLocks = 0x71E09A88
m_pDbLocks = 0x71E09878 m_execStats = 0x3F867018 m_pAllocFileLimit = 0x00000000

Does anybody know what€™s going on?
I will be very appreciate if someone can help me to solve this problem. Thank you!

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Begin Catch Block Executed When Try Completes Without Error

Dec 10, 2007

I was just debugging a stored procedure visual studio and I was surprised with what I was watching.

I'm running SQL 2005 and visual studio 2005. I have a set of nested try/catch blocks.

It fails on the first try and drops into the catch block just as it should. Within the catch block a dynamic sql statement is created. A try block begins and attempts to exec(@sql). It then drops to the catch block. However, I copy the statement into SQL Management Studio and it runs without error everytime.

Why is it dropping into the catch block? Logically it should just complete executing the statement continue without going into the catch block.

Do I have to reset the raiserror values between try blocks or something?


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Variable Inside A Variable From Sql TAsk

Sep 28, 2006

I've got two Sql Tasks on my dtsx. The first one loads a value into "Proyecto" user variable and the second one executes a variable named "SegundoProceso" which contains from the beginning:

"select Fecha from LogsCargaExcel where Proyecto = " + @[User::Proyecto] +""
As SqlSourceType propety I have "Variable" and inside ResultSet or Parameter Mapping nodes there is nothing.

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query ""select Fecha from LogsCargaExcel where Proyecto = " + @[User::Proyecto] +""" failed with the following error: "Cannot use empty object or column names. Use a single space if necessary.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

Where am I wrong?


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SQL Variable And IS Variable In Execute SQL Task

Jan 3, 2007



I have an Execute SQL Task (OLE DB Connnection Manager) with a SQL script in it. In this script I use several SQL variables (@my_variable). I would like to assign an IS variable ([User::My_Variable]) to one of my SQL variables on this script. Example:


DECLARE @my_variable int

, <several_others>

SET @my_variable = ?



Of course, I also set up the parameter mapping.

However, it seems this is not possible. Assigning a variable using a ? only seems to work in simple T-SQL statements.

I have several reasons for wanting to do this:

- the script uses several variables, several times. Not all SQL variables are assigned via IS variables.

- For reading and mainenance purposes, I prefer to pass the variable only once. Otherwise every time the script changes u need to keep track of all questionmarks and their order.

- Passing the variable once also makes it easier to design the script outside IS using Management Studio.

- This script only does preparation for the actual ETL, so I prefer to keep it in one task instead of taking it apart to several consecutive Execute SQL Tasks.

- I prefer to use the OLE DB connection manager because it's a de facto standard here.


Could anyone help me out with the following questions:

- Is the above possible?

- If so, how?

- If not, why not?

- If not, what would be the best way around this problem?


Thanx in advance,


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Debug Error - Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set -

Feb 15, 2006

I keep getting this debug error, see my code below, I have gone thru it time and time agian and do not see where the problem is.  I have checked and have no  NULL values that I'm trying to write back.
System.NullReferenceException was unhandled by user code  Message="Object variable or With block variable not set."  Source="Microsoft.VisualBasic"
My Code
Dim DBConn As SqlConnection
Dim DBAdd As New SqlCommand
Dim strConnect As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ProtoCostConnectionString").ConnectionString
DBConn = New SqlConnection(strConnect)
DBAdd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO D12_MIS (" _
& "CSJ, EST_DATE, RECORD_LOCK_FLAG, EST_CREATE_BY_NAME, EST_REVIEW_BY_NAME, m2_1, m2_2_date, m2_3_date, m2_4_date, m2_5, m3_1a, m3_1b, m3_2a, m3_2b, m3_3a, m3_3b" _
& ") values (" _
& "'" & Replace(vbCSJ.Text, "'", "''") _
& "', " _
& "'" & Replace(tmp1Date, "'", "''") _
& "', " _
& "'" & Replace(tmpRecordLock, "'", "''") _
& "', " _
& "'" & Replace(CheckedCreator, "'", "''") _
& "', " _
& "'" & Replace(CheckedReviewer, "'", "''") _
& "', " _
& "'" & Replace(vb2_1, "'", "''") _
& "', " _
& "'" & Replace(tmp2Date, "'", "''") _
& "', " _
& "'" & Replace(tmp3Date, "'", "''") _
& "', " _
& "'" & Replace(tmp4Date, "'", "''") _
& "', " _
& "'" & Replace(vb2_5, "'", "''") _
& "', " _
& "'" & Replace(vb3_1a, "'", "''") _
& "', " _
& "'" & Replace(vb3_1b, "'", "''") _
& "', " _
& "'" & Replace(vb3_2a, "'", "''") _
& "', " _
& "'" & Replace(vb3_2b, "'", "''") _
& "', " _
& "'" & Replace(vb3_3a, "'", "''") _
& "', " _
& "'" & Replace(vb3_3b, "'", "''") _
& "')"
DBAdd.Connection = DBConn

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Error: 0xC002F304 At Bulk Insert Task, Bulk Insert Task: An Error Occurred With The Following Error Message: Cannot Fetch A Row

Apr 8, 2008

I receive the following error message when I try to use the Bulk Insert Task to load BCP data into a table:

Error: 0xC002F304 at Bulk Insert Task, Bulk Insert Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.The bulk load failed. The column is too long in the data file for row 1, column 4. Verify that the field terminator and row terminator are specified correctly.Bulk load data conversion error (overflow) for row 1, column 1 (rowno).".

Task failed: Bulk Insert Task

In SSMS I am able to issue the following command and the data loads into a TableName table with no error messages:
FROM 'C:DataDbTableName.bcp'
WITH (DATAFILETYPE='widenative');

What configuration is required for the Bulk Insert Task in SSIS to make the data load? BTW - the TableName.bcp file is bulk copy file as bcp widenative data type. The properties of the Bulk Insert Task are the following:
DataFileType: DTSBulkInsert_DataFileType_WideNative
RowTerminator: {CR}{LF}

Any help getting the bcp file to load would be appreciated. Let me know if you require any other information, thanks for all your help.

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Nov 14, 2006

I'm receiving the below error when trying to implement Execute SQL Task.

"The ROLLBACK TRANSACTION request has no corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION." This error also happens on COMMIT as well and there is a preceding Execute SQL Task with BEGIN TRANSACTION tranname WITH MARK 'tran'

I know I can change the transaction option property from "supported" to "required" however I want to mark the transaction. I was copying the way Import/Export Wizard does it however I'm unable to figure out why it works and why mine doesn't work.

Anyone know of the reason?

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Global Variable In SQL Task

Mar 24, 2003

How to set and reference Global Variable in a SQL Task (MS SQL 2000)

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Assign A Value To A Variable Without Using SQL Task

Nov 30, 2006

Greetings once again,

I am trying to achieve a seemingly simple task of assigning datetime value to a user variable at the point my package starts running. How can I do this without using a SQL Script Task? Should I be using a script task for this or is there a simpler way to achieving the same thing?

Thanks in advance.

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XML Task And Variable Output?

Feb 20, 2007


What I'm trying to do is get an XML query from a database and use the XML to render an excel document. Can this be done using SSIS? Can I actually read a column from a database and store it in a variable and then create an excel spreadsheet with that variable in SSIS? Would this be done in the control flow using the XML task editor?



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Result From Sql Task In Variable

Feb 21, 2008

i need to know how many rows are in a certain table and store this value in a variable in order to process this variable later in the package. of course i can build a data flow task within a row count component but as far as i understand it's necessary to read all data from a data source in order to use the row count component. now the question is if it's possible to use a sql task in the control flow and put a select count(*) statement within the task and then write the result of this select statement into a variable. shouldn't that be much more faster than using a whole dataflow for this problem?

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Using Variable In Web Services Task

Jun 14, 2006

Hi all,

I would like to ask how I can use the variable as the input parameter of web services task.

In microsoft 's document, http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187617.aspx, It suggests the for the value, If the Variable check-boxes are selected, select the variables in the list to provide the inputs; otherwise, type the values to use in the inputs. but I cannot find such Variable check-boxes.

It just want to know how I can check the Variable check-boxes.

Many Thanks


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Error: The Task With The Name Data Flow Task And The Creation Name DTS.Pipeline.1 Is Not Registered For Use On This Computer

May 4, 2006


I am trying to create a simple BI Application for SSIS. In Visual Studio 2005 I just get a Data Flow Task from the toolbar and add it to the project. When I double click it I get the following error:

The task with the name "Data Flow Task" and the creation name "DTS.Pipeline.1" is not registered for use on this computer.

Then when I try to delete it it gives this other error:

Cannot remove the specified item because it was not found in the specified Collection.

I am creating this application in an administrator account in this computer, so I doubt the problem is related to permissions. I am running SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 in WinXP Tablet PC Edition.

Any suggestions why this is happening and how to fix it?

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Retriving A Global Variable From A SQL Task

May 25, 2001


I am tring to figure out how to retrieve the value of a global variable from s SQL task, the value for the Global variable is set in a Active Script Task. Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Variable Problem In Excute SQL Task

Nov 27, 2006

Hi there

I have a bit confusing problem,

In Execute SQL Task I am having a stmt like : (Select * from Emp where EmpNm=?) also I m passing variable value through Parameter Mapping.

Problem I am facing is that if I remove brakets from both end task is executed successfull but if I but those braket as they are task execution fails. and i need those brakets as it is inside a if statement.

Problem is with parameter passing ,even if i put some value as EmpNm="ABC " with brakets, it runs successfully

Any Solution to above problem

Thanks and Regards

Rahul Kumar, Software Engineer

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Changing The Value Of A Variable With The Script Task

Mar 26, 2008

I want to set the value for a user defined variable with the script task with the intention of using that value as a condition in both of two Precedence Constraints for the purpose of determine which of two different direction the package will go. The problem is I don't know how to reference the User Defined variable in the Script of a Script task, nor how to alter its value.

Can anyone help?

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Lookup Task Based On A Variable

Jul 17, 2006

This doesn't seem possible but I'll ask anyway...

Can I build a lookup task where the lookup query is based on a variable, rather than hardcoding the SQL staement?

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Accessing The Variable In Execute SQL Task

Feb 14, 2007

I have a variable SYear with the data type Integer and the value 2005.

Connection type is OLE DB, and my sql statement is:


SET @MyYear = ?

I have set the variable User::Syear as Input with the parameter name=0, there is no result set. I set BypassPrepare both True and False. However, this simple statement does not work. I keep having an error. If I put integer value directly into @MyYear, it is fine. What is wrong in here? Somebody help me!

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Execute Sql Task And Date Variable

May 6, 2008


How can I delete records from one table using date variable condition?
or should I use string?


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Variable To Create A Table In A SQL Task

Nov 6, 2007


I need to create a Table using the SQL Task and a Variable as the Table Name

I am getting an Error: "Syntax error or access violation". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

The SQL Statement that I am using is
Create Table ? (ColumnA char(5) Null)

The ? is the Value of the Variables

Is there a way of doing this


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Get The Variable From Execute Process Task To C#

Aug 22, 2006


I need help with some C# code. I have build a SSIS package with an Execute Process Task. I need to send dynamic variables in to my C# program so I thought it was a good idea to use the StandardInputVariable.

How do I get the variable in my C# code?


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SQL Task, Result To Variable Errors Out

Jan 31, 2008

I have looked thru several similar threads with errors like this, but have not found a resolution. I have a SQL Task that runs this query:

Code Snippet
select NetRevenue = cast(sum(Base_Price + AL + MI + PO) as dec(10,2))
from Lancelot.DataWhse.dbo.GrossMarginDetail
where tran_date_key <= ? + ' 23:59:59' and
label_group <> 'X' and
not (ar_ship_key in ('S999991','S998101''S998102')) and
Document <> 'Cust Bal Debit Memo'

There is a parameter mapping of "User::LastSaturday" of type date. I also have a result set with a result set name of "0" with a variable name of "User::GrossMargin," which is defined as a double in the package. The task has a resultset type of Single row, and at the moment the answer that is returned is 66228637.10.

If I change the package variable to a type of string it of course works, but then I cannot do comparisons against it. I have step by step manually copied this from an existing DTSX, so I am baffled why this isn't working, and I'm ready to throw myself under a truck!

I also tried to bring it in as a string, then convert it in a script task, but I cannot figure out how to reference the input and output variables. I can't seem to find any relevant docs on how to do that...

If anyone has any ideas, I and my sanity would greatly appreciate it.

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Move File Task Using Variable

Jan 9, 2006


Using the 'for each' container, I am setting a user variable (type = string) which will hold the source file name and path of files to process and then move to an archive directory.

In the move file task (which is in the for each loop container) I have set the destination to a file connection, and the source to : Issourcepathvariable=True;  sourcevariable=user::sourcefilename


when I run the package, I get the following error : Error at File System Task : "Source Path" is not valid on operation type "move file".

I have tried all sorts of things relating to expressions etc. but cannot get this to work. I am obviousley doing something fundementally wrong...can anyone help me?



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