I am facing Timeout Error as i am using SQL Server 2005 as a database and in database set pooling property as 0 and RemoteTimeout as 0 also as a front end i am using .net 2005 and in web.config file i set pooling=False but then also i am getting the following error.Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.
What can i do then...?
Hi, I am running a stored procedure that collects some records from two tables do some calculations with those records and insert those calculation result in a temp. table. I am calling this stored procedure in my aspx page and then later select all the records from temp table and show it in a table. When I run this application on browser it give me Timeout expired error but whn I execute the stored procedure it runs properly but takes around 3:10 mins to execute in query analyzer. I did some google work and based on that I specified CommandTimeout = 300 for SP and Connection timeout=400 in web.config. But still it didnt worked. Sometimes it runs properly but sometimes its not. Where I am doing mistake? and Wht should i do to resolve this? Plz. help. Thanks in adv. Regards, Yogita
Guys, I am trying to attach a database object to the App_Data directory I got thie error Error: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. This is what I did. I right click the App_Data folder and click Add New Item. Then I click the SQL Database. This is where I got the error. What should I do? Please help
Hi,I get this error from our web application every once in a while. " Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding". I email myself when an error occurs, and once every 2-3 days I get this timeout error emails, like 5-10 emails in a span of few minutes. Then it goes away. I have set the command timeout for 60 secs. It doesn't happen from the same stored procedure, actually I have seen it timeout from really simple 1 or 2 line stored procedures, which shouldn't normally take 1 sec. Its like sql server just shuts down for few minutes. We have some backups and maintenance jobs scheduled, but they run only after midnight. I have checked the application event viewer, there are no warnings or error messages for MSSQLSERVER. Can any one tell me how to check whats going on during that short timespan when timeout error occurs, and what causes it? I don't want to run sql profiler continuously for 2-3 days, I am afraid it will slow down the server more. Thanks.
Well I am the MS-SQL user I always face the problem in my application.After some time my application stop working goes in to the notresponding stage. Then I have to KILL some session which are SPID > 51.After this my problem is getting resolved after this I can able tocreate new sessions. Please help me ot with this issues.regards,Shailesh
I am facing problem while processing my SSIS package
The error is: "Invalid delimited data. Text qualifier must be followed by a column delimiter (except for the last column)."
The text qualifier is the double-quotes character “. Text fields are supposed to get a double quote at the beginning of the string and one at the end. The column delimiter is the upright bar or pipe character |.
Some of the descriptions in table column have double-quotes embedded within the text string. When SSIS encounters one of these embedded quotes, it thinks that is the end of the text string and expects to find the column delimiter character next. It doesn’t, because the " is embedded between other alphabetic characters, so it raises an error.
For example if my column value looks like Test"String"One
What old DTS doing: DTS make the embedded " into "". The resulting text string then would look like this: "Test ""strings"" one".
When running the same data into a database using DTS, DTS recognized automatically the "" in the string and changed it to " so in the target the string looked like this: test "string" one. No problem.
SSIS, however, does not allow and does not support doing this "doubling" of embedded " when you are using " as the text qualifier. So it exports the sample string above like this (I added the column delimiters as well): |"test "string" one"|.
This is the Trigger which is not working properly during Update, no anyrecord is going to be updated so pls help.I am updating the requisition table when any update in quantity inpodetails tableCREATE TRIGGER trig_updateRequistion ON ERP.DBO.TranPurchaseOrderDetailINSTEAD OF UPDATEASIF UPDATE(Quantity)BEGINUpdate RequisitionSlipDetailset RequisitionSlipDetail.PoQuantity =(Select PoQuantity from RequisitionSlipDetail whereItemCode=(Select CAST(i.ItemCode as nvarchar(20)) from inserted as i)andRSlip_No=(Select CAST(i.RSlip_No as int) from inserted as i))-((Select Quantity from TranPurchaseOrderDetail where Purchase_OrderNo=(Select CAST(i.Purchase_OrderNo as nvarchar(20)) from inserted as i))- (Select CAST(i.Quantity as int) from inserted as i))where RequisitionSlipDetail.ItemCode = (Select CAST(i.ItemCode asnvarchar(20)) from inserted as i) and RequisitionSlipDetail.RSlip_No =(Select CAST(i.RSlip_No as int) from inserted as i)Update TranPurchaseOrderDetail setTranPurchaseOrderDetail.Quantity =(Select CAST(i.Quantity as int) from inserted as i)where TranPurchaseOrderDetail.Purchase_OrderNo = (SelectCAST(i.Purchase_OrderNo as nvarchar(20)) from inserted as i)andTranPurchaseOrderDetail.ItemCode = (Select CAST(i.ItemCode asnvarchar(20)) from inserted as i)andTranPurchaseOrderDetail.PurchaseDetailId =(Select PurchaseDetailId from TranPurchaseOrderDetail wherePurchase_OrderNo = (Select CAST(i.Purchase_OrderNo as nvarchar(20))from inserted as i))END
I have placed a textbox in a page footer of SSRS which is linked with a databound text box in the body of the report.. which i intended would give the report databound footer... but now the problem is tat they dont show up on every page.. earlier they use to mostly not show up at all or show up on the first or the last page...
could some1 help.??
once i render it to pdf.. all the page footers cant be seen.
hi everyone, I have a form in in that 3columns and 8rows default.. I have to store values for 8 rows at a time in to database..I am working with vs2003, asp.net & C# behind the code.. so pls send me a code for implementing this.. asap vijai
I had taken back up on employee from my office. Office server name is UMASHANKAR. My server name is XYZ. I had attached that back up file BY RIGHT CLICKING :: SERVICE OBJECT-->BACKUP DEVICES-->NEW BACK UP DEVICE.Now i create database of EMPLOYEE my server XYZ. I had tried to restore EMPLOYEE back file by right clicking EMPLOYEE database-->TASKS-->RESTORE-->FILE OR FILEGROUP-->To Database: EmployeeSource of Restore:From Device: Employee.bak(I had selected from file by browsing)i had selected recent back up.But server name in back up is UmashankarMy server name is XYZwhen i am clicking ok then i am getting this error.Restore failed for Server 'XYZ'.(Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)Additional information:|--> An exception occured while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. | --> The media set has 2 media families but only 1 are provided. All members must be provided. All members must be provided. RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 3132)Plz solve this problem. I need it urgently
The driver table , which keeps track of what datamarts ran and for what date range gets updated frequently during the etl run . There can be as many as 250 updates issued on this table in a single second.
Now this table is a heap , and there are no indexes on it .
During these updates , we encounter deadlocks causing the ETL job to fail .
Hi everybody, I do custom log shipping over network like
step 1 backup log to C:.. step 2 zip log file c:... zip step 3 copy zip to \sm01 estorelogs... step 4 unzip file step 5 restore log with stand by
Few times a month it fails with
Error = -2147467259 (80004005) Error string: Timeout expired Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Help file: Help context: 0 Error Detail Records: Error: -2147467259 (80004005); Provider Error: 0 (0) Error string: Timeout expired Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
I've received this error twice over 2 days in the SQL Agent error log during off-hours from a server which has not had any changes to it in the last few months (once at 3:32AM and the next day at 3:46AM. I've been able to tie it to log-shipping backup jobs (all of which run under the SQL Service domain account) which run every minute. It seems to be only momentary, as the next attempt a minute later is successful.
I get the same set of messages for each database for the same time which look like this:
Date 07.03.2008 3:31:51 AM Log SQL Agent (Current - 10.03.2008 6:15:00 PM)
Date 07.03.2008 3:31:52 AM Log SQL Agent (Current - 10.03.2008 6:15:00 PM)
Message [298] SQLServer Error: 258, Unable to complete login process due to delay in login response [SQLSTATE 08001]
Date 07.03.2008 3:31:52 AM Log SQL Agent (Current - 10.03.2008 6:15:00 PM)
Message [382] Logon to server '(local)' failed (SubSystemStepHistoryLogger)
I can't find any documentation on these errors on the web or MSDN site. Can I chalk this up to possibly "winking" connection to our domain controller? We've never had these messages before, and our LAN department swears that there have been no upgrades to the network or domain controller servers recently.
We have several large government web sites that we help look after. We recently migrated one of them from SQL Server 2000 to 2005 and are having a problem with our nightly email job in that if it runs for more than an hour then after exactly 1 hour the email job gets a "Timeout expired" message back from SQL Server.
Our batch jobs do run on a different server and connect remotely to our SQL Server DB. I did change the connections - remote query timeout and increased it 10 fold, but this didn't make any difference. Is there any other parameter that may be causing the Timeout expired error after exactly 1 hour?
data source=RemoteHostName;initial catalog=myDb;password=sa;user id=sa; Max pool size = 200;
And now strange thing is happening ,, I am receiving error :
Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached
The SqlServer Activity Manager is telling that only 100 connections are pooled, and I guess that the Max pool size is 100, It is not being changed by my Connection string. As I am trying to change the default 100 pool size value to 200.
Huh , So stucked up , how to increase the Max pool size.. Is there any way .
Hi All,I’m connecting to a database through a connection string <add name="ConStr" connectionString="Data Source=KXXX1-SQL;Initial Catalog=ROOTDATA.MDF;Integrated Security=SSPI;connection timeout=0" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/> but I’m getting the following error Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding I know this was handled previously in this forum and the remark was to set CommandTimeout = 0 How do I do that?
User r complaining tht they sometimes get SQLServer Timeout error.
on investigating i found tht suppose one user is updating the database which is taking some time and at the same time if another user tries to retrieve some data from the database he gets a timeout error after some time...........
However if the updateor insert action get over very quickly then the other user is able to retrieve the data ........
Is it bcoz tht the update statements r locking the datatables during the opperation and so the other user has to wait.. if tht is the case then wat is solution tht the other can retrieve the data without much waiting while one user is updating ........
I have to maintain a visual basic application. This application basically runs a report for whole month(30 days). If I run it for more than 5 days, it gives me a sql server timeout error. Where should I check connection timeout property on sql server? Please help..
Hi, We were in the process of migrating our application from sql 2000 to sql 2005. It is noticed that a particular method is giving us Timeout Expired error in SQL 2005 €“ Sp2, windows 2003 server sp1. It was working perfectly in SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 (without any Service Packs) After we installed the Service pack 2, the method call from Sqlhelper class
€œSqlCommandBuilder.DeriveParameters() €œ is giving the time out error.
We tried a round work by installing SP1 first and then installing a support patch from the following url http://support.microsoft.com/kb/917824 but still the method is giving the same error.
I have an Update stored procedure that is used to update four tables at the same time. The issue is that it works perfect when i run the application in local server,but when i upload the application on to the server that is located in U.S, it gives an error "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. " I think the sqlCommand is timing out and the value is not returned. Is there a workaround to this issue? What could be the reason for this? Any ideas.. Please help..
I have pages which are using a master page. An example page on my site would be the homepage, it makes 3 connections to mssql. 1) Get the keywords of the page 2) Get a list of news articles 3) Get the content of the page. When I visual web express to debug the site it's giving me a pool error message, neither can I get the site to load directly via IIS. It says theres been a pool timeout. I've read on the internet about making sure connections are closed when you are finished and I've checked that all database connections are closed using finally{conn.Close();} does anyone have any idea why I would be having this problem? How can I see what connections the site is opening, or maybe theres a limit on my server? I'm using my own test server running windows 2003 and IIS
Hi: Just purchased a web application, sometime it will cause the timeout error, that will cause the web page can't be opened, and popup an error page."Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding." The function is below:public static ProfileAnswer[] FetchNonApproved() { using (SqlConnection conn = Config.DB.Open()) { SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(conn,"FetchNonApprovedAnswers"); //this is the line where the timeout error occurs.
List lAnswers = new List();
while (reader.Read()) { //do something here lAnswers.Add(answer); }
return lAnswers.ToArray(); } }
Is there anyway to jump out of the error if the timeout occurs, abort the further action, and back to current page. (what is the problem with the code?) Thanks a lot. Jt
I am getting this error sometimes what can I do for this
Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.
hi, all These days i met a problem regarding a SQL connection.
i try to create an ODBC to a SQL server, and everytime a prompt of timeout error appear. Detailly it is that...connection failure,SQLState:'HYT00'... i am sure the logon username and password are right... and i can make it in some machines, but it is surprised that i got failure on the other machines(a error appear just like what i mention above)...i don't know how... i guess something wrong in those machines error showed.
My application always face timeout expired error (as following) whenever i first run the application. But it can run well for second time. Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
Is there any suggestion or advice for me about this problem? Thank You.
Coupleof my users receive a "timeout expired" error when using an ADP project application that connects to sql server. Others do not have this problem at all. What could be the issue? The queries that are being run are not large queries at all so they should not take more than 30 seconds to run.
I am getting problem from one of my client that is.. connection Failed: SQLstate: 'HYT00' Sql Server Error: 0 [Microsoft] [ODBC Sql Server Driver]TimeOut expired. How to solve it please solve....
I've created a stored procedure in SQL 2000. I run an execute statement through VB6 and then after a short while, I have a timeout expired message box appearing. My connection string is as follows :-
Option Explicit Public PortCis As New ADODB.Connection
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim SQL As String
Set Form1.PortCis = Nothing PortCis.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Server=hqcsql02hqcsql02;" & "Database=Statements;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Connect ion Timeout=30"
SQL = " exec PortCis.dbo.portcis_getbdastatement_statementsdb '200312'" PortCis.Execute SQL End
End Sub
When the timeout error occurs, I check in the table that it is populating and find that it has added 365 records out of a possible 100,000.
Hello:I have an application (using ADO 2.7 - written in VB) that access a SQLServer 2000 Database.Every once in a while, the program hangs when I am accessing the DB, andsometimes I get a timeout expired error. The wierd thing is, when it hangs,if you try the function again - it goes throught every timeFor example, If I call a function that retrieves a password from a table inthe DB, it will hang (sometimes it hangs for a few seconds and then goesthrought, sometimes it will timeout and gives me the timeout expired error).If I then call the same function immediately after, there will be no delay.I am stumped on this, any help would be appreciated. I have tried shrinkingthe DB and Backing it up to no avail.Regards,Ryan Kennedy
I have a package that runs a series of stored procedures. Sometimes these stored procedures take a long time to run, and my script task gets the following error:
Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.
I can't know beforehand how long a given procedure might take to run. It could be a very long time... as in several minutes. Can I set the timeout to be a very large number, and how do I do this?
Thanks much
more error detail:
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)