False Error When Trying To Return Data In Datagrid
Jul 23, 2005
VB.NET 2003 / SQLS2K
The Stored Procedure returns records within Query Analyzer.
But when the Stored Procedure is called by ADO.NET ~ it produced the
following error message.
Exception Message: Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows
contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.
If I click OK past the error messages I will get data filling the
datagrid. However not as I would like to see it.
Even though it returns the proper data rows and includes all the
columns I asked for, it also returns plenty of columns I didn't ask for
(all the columns of the main table) and all those columns are filled
with "null"
In addition each row header contains a red exclaimation mark whch when
hovered over reads;
"Column 'cmEditedBy' does not allow DBNull.Values."
An interesting thing about this column 'cmEditedBy' is that there is
noting wrong with it and all rows for that column contain data.
I believe this error is a mistake! But it probably indicates some other
problem. How should I track its cause?
M O R E ...
Below is the code in the data layer, the stored procedure, and the data
returned within query analyzer.
Friend daView041CmptCyln As New SqlDataAdapter
Private daView041CmptCyln_CmdSel As New SqlCommand
'Add the command
daView041CmptCyln.SelectCommand = daView041CmptCyln_CmdSel
With daView041CmptCyln_CmdSel
.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
.CommandText = "usp_View_041Cmpt_ByJobCyln"
.Connection = sqlConn
With daView041CmptCyln_CmdSel.Parameters
.Add(New SqlParameter("@RETURN_VALUE", SqlDbType.Int, _
4, ParameterDirection.ReturnValue, False, CType(0,
Byte), _
CType(0, Byte), "", DataRowVersion.Current, Nothing))
.Add("@fkJob", SqlDbType.Text).Value = _
'.Add("@fkJob", SqlDbType.Text).Value = f050View.jobID
End With
End With
ALTER PROCEDURE usp_View_041Cmpt_ByJobCyln
(@fkJob char(36))
Hi, I need to check the existence of a row in a table. So i am using an if condition like set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[CheckNOAStages] @NOAID int, @StageCode nchar(20) AS BEGIN
SET NOCOUNT ON; Declare @Count int Select @Count =Count(NOAId) from NOAStages where NOAID=@NOAID and StageCode=@StageCode if (@Count>0) Begin return 1 end else begin return 0 end
The stored proc is executing but on the Data Access Layer I have this Boolean exists = Convert.ToBoolean (Execute.ExecuteReader(spCollection, dbSQL));
Some how I am always getting false . How can I fix this? Thanks
I am using Naive Bayes, Decision Trees, and Neural Net (SSAS 2005) to predict which of two states each record belongs to.
How can I enforce a different penalty for a false positive versus a false negative ? (I am assuming that in some sense the mining algorithms can then minimize the total penalty).
Help, I have a simple app that only has on datagrid that is bound by the typical sqlconnection,sqldataadapter and dataset. But I keep getting this error: Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.Source Error:
Line 55: Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Line 56: 'Put user code to initialize the page here Line 57: SqlDataAdapter1.Fill(DataSet11) Line 58: DataGrid1.DataBind() Line 59:
Hello, I have a datagrid which is populated with data from an MS SQL server database. When I run an update query it always throws an exception - what is the most likely cause for this given that I am using the code below: 1 public void DataGrid_Update(Object sender, DataGridCommandEventArgs e) 2 { 3 String update = "UPDATE Fruit SET Product = @ID, Quantity = @Q, Price = @P, Total = @T where Product = @Id"; 4 5 SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(update, conn); 6 7 command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)); 8 command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Q", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)); 9 command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@P", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)); 10 command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@T", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)); 11 command.Parameters["@ID"].Value = DataGrid.DataKeys[(int)e.Item.ItemIndex]; 12 command.Connection.Open(); 13 14 try 15 { 16 command.ExecuteNonQuery(); 17 Message.InnerHtml = "Update complete!" + update; 18 DataGrid.EditItemIndex = -1; 19 } 20 catch (SqlException exc) 21 { 22 Message.InnerHtml = "Update error."; 23 } 24 25 command.Connection.Close(); 26 27 BindGrid(); 28 } All of the row types in MS SQL server are set to nvarchar(50) - as I thought this would eliminate any inconsistencies in types. Thanks anyone
I am developing a system for my uni course and I am stuck a little problem...
Basically its all about lecturers, students modules etc - A student has many modules, a module has manu students, a lecturer has many modules and a module has many lecturers.
I am trying to get a list of lecturers that run modules associated with a particular student. I am able to get a list of the appropriate lecturers, but some lecturers are repeated because they teach more than one module that the student is associated with.
How can I stop the repeats?
Heres my sql select code in my cs file:
string sqlDisplayLec = "SELECT * FROM student_module sm, lecturer_module lm, users u WHERE sm.user_id=" + myUserid + "" + " AND lm.module_id = sm.module_id " + " AND u.user_id = lm.user_id "; SqlCommand sqlc2 = new SqlCommand(sqlDisplayLec,sqlConnection); sqlConnection.Open(); lecturersDG.DataSource = sqlc2.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); lecturersDG.DataBind();
And here is a pic of my Data Model: Data Model Screenshot
Any one tell me the best process to bind the data to datagrid?I am using this method,it is taking lot of time to fill data to datagrid.
conn = new SqlCeConnection("Data Source=\sample.sdf; Password =''"); dt = new DataTable(); da = new SqlCeDataAdapter(Quary, conn); da.Fill(dt); DataaGrid1.Datasource=dt;
I have a datagrid script where I modify data in an sql dbase in asp.net, when i hit the "update" button, I get a Specified cast is not valid error on my 'descript' declaration, whereas 'descript' is a multiline text box and a varchar datatype (everything else is either a char or a datetime datatype). Am I assigning 'descript' a wrong datatype? Tried making it a nvarchar, still get same result'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Sub MyDataGrid_UpdateCommand(s As Object, e As DataGridCommandEventArgs ) Dim conn As SQLConnection Dim MyCommand As SQLCommand Dim strConn as string = "Server=sql.mydomain.com;Initial Catalog=mydb;User ID=DBxxx;Password=xxxxx;" Dim company As textbox = E.Item.cells(2).Controls(0) Dim address As textbox = E.Item.cells(3).Controls(0) Dim city As textbox = E.Item.Cells(4).Controls(0) Dim state As textbox = E.Item.cells(5).Controls(0) Dim county As textbox = E.Item.cells(6).Controls(0) Dim zip As textbox = E.Item.cells(7).Controls(0) Dim phone As textbox = E.Item.cells(8).Controls(0)'''''' the following line declaring the descript var is the line of the error Dim descript As textbox = E.Item.cells(9).Controls(0) Dim web As textbox = E.Item.cells(10).Controls(0) Dim email As textbox = E.Item.cells(11).Controls(0) Dim datesold As textbox = E.Item.cells(12).Controls(0) Dim dateexpire As textbox = E.Item.cells(13).Controls(0) Dim strUpdateStmt As String strUpdateStmt =" UPDATE CPAs SET" & _ " company = @company, address = @address, city = @city, state = @state, " & _ "county = @county, zip = @zip, phone = @phone, descript =@ descript, " & _ "web = @web, email = @email, datesold = @datesold, dateexpire = @dateexpire" & _ " WHERE cpaID = @cpaID" conn = New SqlConnection(strConn) MyCommand = New SqlCommand(strUpdateStmt, conn) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@company", company.text)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@address", address.text)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@city", city.text)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@state", state.text)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@county", county.text)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@zip", zip.text)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@phone", phone.text)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@descript", descript.text)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@web", web.text)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@email", email.text)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@datesold", datesold.text)) '', dateexpire =@dateexpire MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@dateexpire", dateexpire.text)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@cpaID", e.Item.Cells(1).Text )) conn.Open() MyCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() MyDataGrid.EditItemIndex = -1 conn.close BindDataEnd Sub'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''netsports
Ok, I'm fairly new to .NET and even newer to the whole database concept. But, don't run away yet, I'm no idiot and I shouldn't have too hard of a time understanding your responses if you're kind of enough to give them. That being said, here's my dilemma:I'm trying to make a database of all the movies I own, the actors in them and the genre (s) they belong to. I have a set of tables that are in the 2NF (I think). I have a movies table, an actors table, a genres table, and two tables called movies_actors and movies_genres with primary-foreign key relationships to pull it all together (e.g. movie_id 1 has two entries in movies_genres, one for Action and one for Drama). My problem arises that when execute my monster query to pull ALL the data on one movie, I get a row returned for every combination of Genres and Actors in a movie. Example:movie_id movie_title comments actor_first actor_last genre_name1 Casino blah blah Robert DeNiro Action1 Casino blah blah Robert DeNiro Drama1 Casino blah blah Joe Pesci Action1 Casino blah blah Joe Pesci Drama And here's the query that produced that:1 SELECT movies.movie_title, movies.comments, actors.actor_first, 2 actors.actor_last, genres.genre_name 3 FROM movies INNER JOIN movies_actors ON movies.movie_id = movies_actors.movie_id 4 INNER JOIN actors ON movies_actors.actor_id = actors.actor_id 5 INNER JOIN movies_genres ON movies_genres.movie_id = movies.movie_id 6 INNER JOIN genres ON movies_genres.genre_id = genres.genre_id So, I want to put all the actors for one movie into the same cell in the datagrid (same with the genres) and still keep it sortable by actor or genre. Is this possible with the .NET 2.0 datagrid? Do I have some fundamental misunderstanding of how my tables should be structured? Am I just really far off and acting like a n00b?
what i'm trying to do is simply display the contents of the sqldata to verify that it works. and it doesn't. i have created a simple database named 'test' and table 'list' with fields: 'name' and 'id'. i have made 3 records as follows:
NAME ID name1 1 name2 2 name3 3
what i did is connect to the database, click and drag it over to the canvas and codes were generated. if i run it, by default it should show all the contents of the table, correct? well, it isn't. i've tried it using a datagrid and it still doesn't work.
is there an access problem with the database? or, what settings to have to make/change in my sql server? by the way, i have MSDE.
' Insert page code here ' Function test() As System.Data.IDataReader Dim connectionString As String = "server='(local)'; trusted_connection=true; database='test'" Dim dbConnection As System.Data.IDbConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim queryString As String = "SELECT [list].* FROM [list]" Dim dbCommand As System.Data.IDbCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand dbCommand.CommandText = queryString dbCommand.Connection = dbConnection
dbConnection.Open Dim dataReader As System.Data.IDataReader = dbCommand.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
Hi, Im trying to pull data from 2 fields in the same table into a SqlDataSource that feeds into a GridView, and display them as 1 field in GridView? I have a database table that has entries of users and their friends. so this tblFriendUser has a column called UserName and another column called FriendUserName. I am trying to get a list of friends for that particular user. Note that if User1 initiated the friend request, he will be listed as UserName and his friend as FriendUserName, but if his friend initiated the friend request, it will be vice versa: him being the FriendUserName and his friend the UserName. So I want the following 2 queries run and merged into one query in order to return 2 columns only: UserFriendID & UserName, is that possible? Is my design bad? Any suggestions/advice would help! Thanks a lot!
SELECT UserFriendID, UserName FROM tblUserFriends WHERE (UserName = @UserName);
SELECT UserFriendID, FriendUserName AS UserName FROM tblUserFriends WHERE (FriendUserName= @UserName);
New to SQL Server Compact Edition and I am getting my feet wet with the following tutorial: http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdntv/episode.aspx?xml=episodes/en/20060831MobileRB/manifest.xml
I follow the tutorial exactly, but the data I edit through the Edit Dialog Form is not saved to the SQL Server table even though all of the edits appear in the datagrid. They never make it back into the table.
I want to get Email address from sql database. But whenever I executed stored procedure I get an error message "Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'xxxxxx@xxxxxx' to data type int" If I want some numeric ID it is worked.
I also change my SP like this but results same.
ALTER procedure [dbo].[findConsultantMail]
@PerID nvarchar(18),
@perMail nvarchar(100) OUTPUT
SELECT @perMail=PerMail FROM Personel
WHERE (PerID =cast(@PerID as numeric(18,0)))
return cast(@perMail as nvarchar(100))
How can I get a string value form stored procedure.
I have a package that I have been attempting to return a error code after the stored procedure executes, otherwise the package works great.
I call the stored procedure from a Execute SQL Task (execute Marketing_extract_history_load_test ?, ? OUTPUT) The sql task rowset is set to NONE. It is a OLEB connection.
I have two parameters mapped:
tablename input varchar 0 (this variable is set earlier in a foreach loop) ADO. returnvalue output long 1
I set the breakpoint and see the values change, but I have a OnFailure conditon set if it returns a failure. The failure is ignored and the package completes. No quite what I wanted.
The first part of the sp is below and I set the value @i and return.
Why is it not capturing and setting the error and execute my OnFailure code? I have tried setting one of my parameter mappings to returnvalue with no success.
I have nine type of buttons, EnrollAmtBTM PlacAmtBTM and so on, I also have a SQL setver view V_Payment_Amount_List from here i need to display the data on the button this is the select value to display when i choose the agency list and the amount corresponding to that agency_ID is displayed here the agency_ID is fetched from the SQL CONDITION THIS IS WHERE I GET FETCH AGENCY DATA WHEN SELECTED i.e SQL CONDITIONprotected void CollectAgencyInformation() { WebLibraryClass ConnectionFinanceDB;ConnectionFinanceDB = new WebLibraryClass(); string SQLCONDITION = "";string RUN_SQLCONDITION = ""; SessionValues ValueSelected = null;int CollectionCount = 0;if (Session[Session_UserSPersonalData] == null) {ValueSelected = new SessionValues(); Session.Add(Session_UserSPersonalData, ValueSelected); } else { ValueSelected = (SessionValues)(Session[Session_UserSPersonalData]); }ProcPaymBTM.Visible = false;PaymenLstBTN.Visible = false; Dataviewlisting.ActiveViewIndex = 0;TreeNode SelectedNode = new TreeNode(); SelectedNode = AgencyTree.SelectedNode; SelectedAgency = SelectedNode.Value.ToString(); Agencytxt.Text = SelectedAgency; Agencytxt2.Text = SelectedAgency; Agencytxt3.Text = SelectedAgency;DbDataReader CollectingDataSelected = null; try {CollectingDataSelected = ConnectionFinanceDB.CollectedFinaceData("SELECT DISTINCT AGENCY_ID FROM dbo.AIMS_AGENCY where Program = '" + SelectedAgency + "'"); } catch { }DataTable TableSet = new DataTable(); TableSet.Load(CollectingDataSelected, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges);int IndexingValues = 0;foreach (DataRow DataCollectedRow in TableSet.Rows) {if (IndexingValues == 0) {SQLCONDITION = "where (Project_ID = '" + DataCollectedRow["AGENCY_ID"].ToString().Trim() + "'"; } else {SQLCONDITION = SQLCONDITION + " OR Project_ID = '" + DataCollectedRow["AGENCY_ID"].ToString().Trim() + "'"; } IndexingValues += 1; }SQLCONDITION = SQLCONDITION + ")"; ConnectionFinanceDB.DisconnectToDatabase();if (Dataviewlisting.ActiveViewIndex == 0) { Dataviewlisting.ActiveViewIndex += 1; } else { Dataviewlisting.ActiveViewIndex = 0; } SelectedAgency = SQLCONDITION; ValueSelected.CONDITION = SelectedAgency;
???? this is where i use to get count where in other buttons and are displayed.... but i changed the query to display only the Payment_Amount_Budgeted respective to the agency selected. from the viewRUN_SQLCONDITION = "SELECT Payment_Amount_Budgeted FROM dbo.V_Payment_Amount_List " + SQLCONDITION; try { CollectionCount = ConnectionFinanceDB.CollectedFinaceDataCount(RUN_SQLCONDITION); EnrollAmtBTM.Text = CollectionCount.ToString(); } catch { }////this is my CollectedFinaceDataCount-- where fuction counts the records in the above select statement if i use for eg. "SELECT Count(Placement_Retention_ID) FROM dbo.V_Retention_6_Month_Finance_Payment_List" here is the functionpublic int CollectedFinaceDataCount(String SQLStatement) {int DataCollection; DataCollection = 0; try { SQLCommandExe = FinanceConnection.CreateCommand(); SQLCommandExe.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SQLCommandExe.CommandText = SQLStatement; ConnectToDatabase();DataCollection = (int) SQLCommandExe.ExecuteScalar(); DisconnectToDatabase(); }catch (Exception ex) {Console.WriteLine("Exception Occurred :{0},{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace.ToString()); } return DataCollection; }
So here mu requirement request is to display only the value fronm the view i have against the agency selected Please help ASAP Thanks Santosh
i have using BCP to output SP return data into txt file, however, when it return nothing , it give SQLException like "no rows affected" , i have try to find out the solution , which include put "SET NOCOUNT ON" command before select statement, but it doesn't help :(
anyone know how to handle the problem when SP return no data ?
Hi ! I have a textbox and a Search button. When the user inputs a value and press the button, i want a datagrid to be filled. The following code runs: Dim connect As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection( _ "Server=SrvnameSQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=True; UID= ;password= ; database=dtbsname") connect.Open() Dim cmd As New SqlCommand Dim valor As New SqlParameter("@valor", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50) cmd.CommandText = "Ver_Contactos_Reducido" cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure cmd.Connection = connect cmd.Parameters.Add(valor) cmd.Parameters("@valor").Value = texto Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd) Dim ds As New System.Data.DataSet() adapter.Fill(ds) GridViewContactos.DataSource = ds GridViewContactos.DataBind() connect.Close() I drag a datagrid on the page and only changed its Id. Into the SQL database the stored procedure is the following: ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Ver_Contactos_Reducido] (@Valor VARCHAR(100)) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT NombreRazonSocial, Nombre, Apellido,TelefonoLaboral, Interno, TelefonoCelular, Email1, Organizacion FROM CONTACTOS WHERE NombreRazonSocial = @Valor OR Nombre = @Valor OR Apellido = @Valor OR TelefonoLaboral = @Valor OR Interno = @Valor OR TelefonoCelular =@Valor OR Email1 = @Valor OR Organizacion= @Valor END When i run the page i can't see the datagrid, and after i enter a text and press the button, nothing happens. What am i doing wrong?? Thks!!
I have a table by the name of Info, in this table I have columns with the following names FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, CustomerID. In the columns I have the following data FirstName = Beth LastName = Riddle PhoneNumber = 864-555-1212 CustomerID = 4 The problem is with the following statement in the .vb file. The statement keeps produceing a false value, when the desired value is Beth. TextBox1.Text = SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT 'FirstName' From 'Info' Where(PhoneNumber = '864-555-1212')" Please help Thanks for the information
I have a stored procedure that has a boolean (bit) field passed to it (@emailcontract). If a user checks the check box on the webform I would like my where to return only the records where the email_contract column is true. If they don't check the check box I would like it to return records where email_contracts is true or false. What would my where cluse look lile for this?
when ever i drop a ole db source or destination control on data flow, upon clicking to edit it complains about -- defaultcodepage is set to false. When i check in the properties and set it to true; i get no error. What is it all about?
I am exporting an SQL Server table to a comma delimited text file. The values of Columns defined as Bit are exported as "True" or "False", but I would like that in the file appear 1 or 0 instead (with no surrounding double quotes). How can I acomplish that?
I tried using a Transformation and convert to single byte unsigned integer, but True values are exported as "255" and False values as "0". Why?
Hi there, I've tried googling this (and looking at the many questions on the forum :) but I've not managed to find a decent tutorial / guide that describes a method for using checkboxs to insert true/false flags in a MS SQL db. The db field i'm setting has type set to "bit", is this correct? And secondly (its been a long day!) I just cant figure out the code to assign the bit 1 or 0 / true or false. This is what I've got so far but it's not working........Function InsertProduct(ByVal prod_code As String, ByVal prod_name As String, ByVal prod_desc As String, ByVal prod_size As String, ByVal prod_price As String, ByVal prod_category As String, ByVal aspnet As Boolean) As Integer Dim connectionString As String = "server='server'; user id='sa'; password='msde'; Database='dbLD'" Dim sqlConnection As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString) Dim queryString As String = "INSERT INTO [tbl_LdAllProduct] ([prod_code], [prod_name], [prod_desc], [prod_size], [prod_price], [prod_category],[aspnet]) VALUES (@prod_code, @prod_name, @prod_desc, @prod_size, @prod_price, @prod_category, @aspnet)" Dim sqlCommand As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(queryString, sqlConnection) sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@prod_code", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = prod_code sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@prod_name", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = prod_name sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@prod_desc", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = prod_desc sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@prod_size", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = prod_size sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@prod_price", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = prod_price sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@prod_category", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = prod_category If chkAspnet.Checked = True Then sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@aspnet","1") Else sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@aspnet","0") End If Dim rowsAffected As Integer = 0 sqlConnection.Open Try rowsAffected = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery Finally sqlConnection.Close End Try Return rowsAffected End Function Sub SubmitBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) If Page.IsValid then InsertProduct(txtCode.Text, txtName.Text, txtDesc.Text, ddSize.SelectedItem.value, ddPrice.SelectedItem.value, ddCategory.SelectedItem.value, aspnet.value) Response.Redirect("ListAllProducts.aspx") End If End SubAny help would be appreciated or links to tutorials.ThanksBen
i am use this query to select the primary field colums in a table "select Column_Name as PrimaryKeycolumn from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'tbl_Activity' and Constraint_Name like 'PK_%'"
but i want to select the fields which have a nullable=false for that i want know the information schema for null
In a script task, I prompt the user for some parameters. I use the System::InteractiveMode variable to tell me if the package was launched via user interaction or from an automated process such as a file watcher. I display the prompts only if System::InteractiveMode is true. When I run from VS 2005 then I get the prompts, and when the package runs automated (dtexec) the prompts are not shown, so all is OK. However, when the package is run from dtexecui, I do not get the prompts because it seems the InteractiveMode value is false. Shouldn't the InteractiveMode value be true when the package is run from dtexecui since it is a user interface?
I want to pass a single char to a query and use that to set two flags.
@ID int,
@AssessedID int,
@CompetencyID int,
@Status char,
@Creator int
UPDATE P4_Assessment
SET P4_Cancelled_f = (@Status = ('C')),
P4_Competent_f = (@Status = ('P')),
P4_Date = getdate(),
P4_Creator = @Creator
I want to set the P4_Cancelled_f to true (if @Status = 'C') or false if it doesn't. This sort of syntax is fine in C#, but fails in a query. I also tried using IN (@Status IN ('C'))
Is this sort of logic possible in TSQL or should I use two parameters and set them in my code as 1 or 0?
I've been pulling my hair out for the last couple of weeks trying to make my SSIS package more robust. I'm running SQL 05 SP1 on Windows XP SP2. Right now when there's a failure, the error propagates all the way up and my package stops running. Clearly not very robust. I have a heartbeat portion that makes a connection to the database every couple of minutes. Sometimes it loses the connection in the middle of the night, probably due to some maintenance going on. I have created an event handler to log the error, sleep a couple of minutes and set Propagate=False. This works great. When the connection is down, the error is logged, once the connection comes back, the package just keeps going. I also have an FTP component that receives a file and then needs to send back a handshake file. I tried the same method here, but the event keeps propagating up. I created an event handler for the Send FTP task itself, so that in case the remote FTP server isn't responding, it will error out. The Event Handler code is called and I verified that the value in Propagate is indeed False. And yet the event keeps propagating up and kills the whole package. FailPackageonFailure is set to False, FaileParentonFailure is set to False also. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Or is this a bug? Is there a work around? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If I use IRowsetFastLoad::Commit(FALSE) not IRowsetFastLoad::CommitCommit(TRUE), are there any limitation of IRowsetFastLoad::InsertRow(..) before Commit(FALSE)?
Now, I'm using everlastingly InsertRow(..) and Commit(FALSE) method repeatedly. A few days after, it seems not to work.
I need to take 8 indiviual parts of a table and combine then into 1 Column of a Datagrid. Is this even possible, if so how? example: The DB contains: Comp1 Comp2 Comp3 ... Comp8
The DG should say header --> Comp Data --> Comp1, Comp2, Comp3, ..., Comp8