Feedback Requested - What Content Do You Want To See For SQL Server Express?

Dec 14, 2005

We€™re in the process of assessing the content that exists to help people learn and use SQL Server Express.  This includes demos, tutorials, whitepapers, Webcasts, Starter Kits, and any other type of content you could imagine.  So this is a great chance to TELL US WHAT YOU WANT!  We€™ll integrate your feedback and make sure that we try and address the most requested areas of content.  Please be as specific as you can.

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SQL 7 In Production - Feedback Requested

Jan 18, 1999

I am interested in hearing from those who are using SQL7 in production. Please include size of database, number of users, implementation date and experiences to date - good bad or indifferent. Thank-you, Leo

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Feedback Requested: SCD Technique

Apr 11, 2008

Hi folks, I have implemented this technique to simplify SCD loads and also to maintain consistent units of work during update/insert of a single row. Wanted to get your feedback on this technique: performance, transaction issues, etc.

I send all rows to an OLE DB Command that performs both update and insert for a single row in a single command:

Code Snippet

, .....
) VALUES (?, ...,?);

This way I can guarantee that if the termination (update) of an old row (say, row 10) succeeds, but insert of the new row 10 fails, that it will roll back. Otherwise, row 10 will get terminated without being replaced with a current record...

Performance: load of 7,734 changed records into a table of 6.8M existing records was roughly 8 seconds. The data flow task container TransactionOption = Required.

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I Cannot View Table Content In MS SQL Server Express

Mar 19, 2007

I was able to view table content easily before, but after Ireinstalled everything, I cannot find the option to view table contentin MS SQL Server Express. I can define table with no problem. Checkout the screen snapshot below, from which you'll see that the popupmenu frrom right-clicking on the table name does not have the "Opentable" option. What is going on?

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Looking For Feedback: Is SQL Express Too Big?

Apr 4, 2007

I€™d like everyone€™s help is do some research into an often heard, but rarely explained, complaint related the SQL Express. Your answers will help me plan future versions of SQL Express. Feel free to respond directly in the forum or by sending e-mail to me. (Note: Remove the word online from the e-mail address in my profile or it will bounce.)
The complaint: €œSQL Express is too big.€?
I€™m trying to understand what this really means and what specific technical issues are caused by this €œbigness€?. Here are some questions to help frame your answer.
Size means size
1. Is the size of the SQL Express installer package an issue for you? (SQL Express 32 €“ 52 MB / SQL Express Advanced ~250 MB)
2. Why is this size an issue?
3. Would you be willing to sacrifice functionality to reduce the size of the installer package?
Size means disk space
1. Do the SQL Express binaries take up too much room on the hard drive?
2. Would you be willing to sacrifice functionality to reduce the amount of HD space needed?
3. Do your databases take up too much disk space?
4. Would you be willing to pay money to reduce the size of the database file?
5. How much money?
Size means memory
1. Does SQL Express take up too much memory when it€™s running?
2. What impact does this have on you?
3. SQL Express currently reduces its memory set when it is idle which results in a delay when it becomes active again? Is this a reasonable trade-off to reduce memory usage when you€™re not using the database engine?
4. Do you normally use SQL Express for single user applications (local data store) or for multi-user applications (server data)?
5. If you run SQL Express as a server, do you run it on a dedicated computer or on a computer running other programs as well?
6. What kinds of programs does SQL Express have to share with?
7. Should SQL Express give up memory resources to other programs running on the same machine?
8. Are you willing to accept a reduction in performance in order to have memory resources shared?
Size means something else
1. Is there something I didn€™t cover?
I€™ll be tracking this thread, but will try not to comment to much since this is about your feedback, not my answers.
Mike Wachal
SQL Express Program Management

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SQL Server 2005 And Express Permissions Nightmare/Cannot Open Database ASPNETDB.MDF Requested By The Login

Apr 12, 2007

I just spent the better par of 3 days creating a prototype in ASP.Net 2.0 and SQL Server Express only to discover that nobody from outside can see it...
ERROR with impersonation=true
User does not have permission to perform this action.
ERROR with impersonation=false
Unable to open the physical file "c:inetpubwwwroot------.mdf". Operating system error 5: "5(Access is denied.)".An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file c:inetpubwwwroot-----.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.  
What makes this so difficult?
What am I missing?

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Sql Server 2005 Express: Export/Import Content Of A Table

Apr 3, 2008

 I want to export data in a table from one database to another database. And I would like it bo be clone of the source table, if it's possible. Is there any tools out there that can help me with this or do I have to write my own code?Is it possible to query the database to get all columns and datatypes for Ã¥ requested table? If possible, can you give me an example?If I have to write a tool myself I guess I would do something like this: Export - Query the database for columns and datatype for the requested table. Dynamically generate a query to retrieve all rows from the table and save it to an xml file. Import - Turn off the Identity Increment, loop through the xml file and generate insert queries to insert a clone of each row, turn off the Identity Increment. Viola! If programming only could be that simple :-) Regards, Sigurd 

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Looking For Feedback: Native 64-bit Support In SQL Express

Aug 29, 2007

Hi All,

I have another set of questions for the group to help guide me in planning future versions of SQL Express, this time related to 64-bit support.

Quick History

In SQL Server 2005, SQL Express was only released in the 32-bit architecture. We supported installation to x64 computers using the Windows on Windows implementation that allowed the 32-bit program to install on 64-bit computers. We released two different installer packages, SQLEXPR32.EXE could only be installed on 32-bit platforms, while SQLEXPR.EXE could be installed on both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms, but was the exact same db engine. Package size differences were the result of additional files needed to support WoW installation.

Now to the Point

A number of people have asked that we release a native 64-bit version of SQL Express, which leads me to my questions for this thread:

What advantages will a native 64-bit Express offer you?

Does a 64-bit Express eliminate the need to support 32-bit WoW? (Consider that without WoW, we would not have a single package that could install on both architectures.)

If you could only have either native 64-bit Express or WoW support, which would you choose? (Bonus if you tell me why. )

What user/application scenarios are driving your need for native 64-bit Express?
Once again, I will try to limit my participation in this thread, since it's all about your feedback, but I will be reading it closely. I appreciate the effort you put into answering my questions and want to assure you that your feedback is a significant part of how I plan the future of SQL Express. As always, you can answer directly in this thread or respond to me directly, just remove the word "online" from the e-mail address in my profile.

Let the feedback begin,

Mike Wachal
SQL Express team

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SQL Server Management Studio Express: Object Explorer - How To Re-attach The Content Of User-defined Database

Nov 21, 2007

Hi all,

I just found that the content of my Database "ssmsExpressDB" is gone, but the name "ssmsExpressDB" remains in the Object Explorer of SQL Server Management Studio Express. If I delected the name "ssmsExpressDB" and executed the following .sql:

exec sp_attach_db @dbname = N'ssmsExpressDB',

@filename1 = N'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatassmsExpressDB.mdf',

@filename2 = N'C:Program filesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatassmsExpressDB_log.LDF'


I got the following error message:

Msg 5120, Level 16, State 101, Line 1

Unable to open the physical file "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatassmsExpressDB.mdf". Operating system error 32: "32(The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.)".

And I have closed all my projects and I do not know what " The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" is all about!? Please help and tell me how I can re-attach the content of my "ssmsExpressDB" in the Object Explorer of SQL Server Management Studio Express.

Thanks in advance,

Scott Chang


I found the "ssmsExpressDB" is being used by my VB 2005 Express project "Hello-SQLCLR-1": in the Database Explorer, Data Connections place. How can I put it back to the Object Explorer of SQL Server Management Studio Express? Please help and advise.


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Feedback Regarding Feedback On The Feedback Center

Mar 10, 2006

Just a note to the MS guys...

I'm fully supportive of the product Feedback Center initiative and the subsequent withdrawal of sqlwish.

Problem is, if nobody ever gives us feedback on the things that we submit then it simply is a glorified version of sqlwish with no added value.

I apologise if there are plans afoot to address to offer feedback to the things we put up there but I (and others) have been freely submitting bugs and suggestions for a few months now without hearing anything back and I'm beginnign to wonder why we bother.

Even a simple "This is a good idea and will be considered for Katmai" or "This is a terrible idea now go and stick your head back in the sand" would be better than a cut and pasted response which is just about all I've seen so far.



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SQL Express Error Cannot Show Requested Dialog, And Missing Tables

Dec 30, 2005

Two of my databases are still listed under the "Database" folder in SQL Express, yet all objects are now gone. Tried detach/attach and says it works OK - yet no tables, etc.

The odd thing is that I CAN access the tables from Visual C++ Express, and all looks well (data, etc).

When I look at Properties for one of the DBs, and then click on "View Connection Properties" under the "Options" section, the error message pops up:

"Cannot show requested dialog.----------------------------

Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90ToolsBinnVSShellCommon7IDESqlManagerUi.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. (mscorlib) ".


Also still throwing an error upon startup, "Unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application. If you click continue the application will ignore this error...Cannot create a stable subkey under a volatile parent"




PS It would help to enable right click Copy and Paste in this forum -

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What Express Content Do You Want MS To Provide?

Dec 14, 2005


I'm the project lead for SQL Server Express in Microsoft (as well as owning the Storage Engine). I'm going to make sure that threads on this forum get answered - I see a bunch with no answer so far.

Now to the point - we’re in the process of assessing the content that exists to help people learn and use SQL Server Express. This includes demos, tutorials, whitepapers, Webcasts, Starter Kits, and any other type of content you could imagine. So this is a great chance to TELL US WHAT YOU WANT! We’ll integrate your feedback and make sure that we try and address the most requested areas of content. Please be as specific as you can.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

Paul Randal
Lead Program Manager, Microsoft SQL Server Storage Engine
(Legalese: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.)

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Server Feedback

Jan 19, 2006

I haven't touched MSSS in a looong time
When a SELECT returns say 3 rows what does the feedback say ?
(eg Oracle/sqlplus says "3 rows selected")
What if "no data found", what is the feedback ?


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Server Feedback

Jan 19, 2006

I haven't touched MSSS in a looong timeWhen a SELECT returns say 3 rows what does the feedback say ?(eg Oracle/sqlplus says "3 rows selected")What if "no data found", what is the feedback ?thanks

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VS 2008 Express, New Install: Cannot Open Database Aspnetdb Requested By The Login. The Login Failed.

May 9, 2008

I just installed Visual web developper 2008 express with all options including SQL srvr express 2005!

This is from default iso image on the official website.

I create my first project and when I want to do ASP.NET configuration from web site menu, i got this error:

"Cannot open database "aspnetdb" requested by the login. The login failed."

I am just trying to learn here so i even did not create any dB or something, it is 1st time I run configuration to add security roles and users for testing!

I also un-installed all and re-installed, still the same...

pleas help and give me details as i am new.

kind regards,Golgot

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Server Configuration Advice Requested

Jul 20, 2005

I'm looking for configuration advice for a SQL Server. I have thefollowing hardware to work with:1 Dell P4 2.66 GHz PC with 512 MB RAM and a 40GB IDE drive2 Seagtate Barracuda 4.55GB SCSI drives (ST34572W) in an external bay1 Adaptec 2940UW SCSI ControllerWindows 2000 Advanced ServerMSSQL 2000 EnterpriseThe PC will strictly be a SQL Server only - no IIS or FTP or otherservices. It will host about 8-10 databases that service a departmentof 300 people. My plan is to install W2K and MSSQL on the PC's IDEhard drive and configure the identical SCSI Barracudas as a mirroredvolume to host the databases (MDF/LDFs).Will there be any performance problems installing MSSQL Server on theIDE drive while the MDF/LDFs are on the SCSI drives? From aperformance standpoint, would I be better off installing MSSQL Serveron the SCSI drives?

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SQL Server Cannot Open Database Xx Requested By The Login. The_login_failed.

Mar 23, 2008

Hi there, I'm running IIS 7.0 on vista ultimate together with SQL Server 2005 Express. I have a DSN connection set up and I'm trying to connect to the database from an ASP script but i get this error: [SQL_Server]Cannot_open_database__Testing__requested_by_the_login._The_login_failed. "Testing" is the name of my database. I have granted ASPNET account permissions to the database, but still gives me the same error. Please help --Pheks

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SQL Server Cannot Open Database Xx Requested By The Login. The_login_failed.

Mar 22, 2008

Hi there,

I'm running IIS 7.0 on vista ultimate together with SQL Server 2005 Express. I have a DSN connection set up and I'm trying to connect to the database from an ASP script but i get this error:

"Testing" is the name of my database. I have granted ASPNET account permissions to the database, but still gives me the same error.

Please help


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Requested Registry Access Is Not Allowed

Aug 24, 2015

While running Sql 2014 upgrade advisor against a 2005 remote sql server. Below is the error im getting:

"Could not populate SQL Instances: System.Security.SecurityException: Requested registry access is not allowed"

Its able to connect SQL 2005 DB server and its also populating all the required Databases, but when i'm tring to click Run at the last step above error is coming. I even installed SQL 2012 upgrade advisor in my system and getting the same above error.

However if i use SQL 2008 upgrade advisor and connect to SQL 2005 server im not getting any error.The tool is generating successfully all the Pre and Post upgrade issues.

I'm running the tool with Run as administrator option. Is there any specific change i need to do in my system so that the tool runs successfully.

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Moving To Hosted Dedicated Server - Cannot Open Database Requested In Login

Oct 3, 2005

Hello all,

I hope someone can help with my current issue as i have now spent the last 8
hours trying to solve it!  Here goes...

I am currently moving all my websites from our in house set up to a FASTHOSTS
dedicated server.  Our in house set up consists of separate server for web
and data and works well even with my recent foray into .Net sites.

I have just moved the most recent of my .Net sites
( to the FASTHOSTS server and cannot
get the site to connect to the database (this has also been installed on the
FASTHOSTS server).  One of the pages that connects to the DB is, where i am getting the error..

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot open database requested in login
'MasseratiChauffeurDrive'. Login fails.
Login failed for user 'lateral'.

This DB has been restored from back up from the original DB.  I have
recreated the user name on the new SQL server and added it to the new DB
also.  I am using a webconfig to connect to the DB, the exact same one
that works on my current live server
( only with the obvious change
to the SQL server name.

The only difference i can see in the 2 setups is that the new one has both the
webserver and the SQL server on the one machine and that machine uses domains.

My current in house setup does not use domains and as mentioned before web and
date are 2 separate servers.

Can anyone help?  Or even understand what the hell i have written? lol

Thanks in advance

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SQL Server As Content Store

Dec 29, 2003

Okay, moving to developing a small site that will be storing articles - that is a site largely consisting of html marked up articles with images. We already have an SQL Server so it is becoming the back-end.

So, since I'm not an SQL Server expert, some general advice on this would be appreciated? The articles, as I say in HTML (largely just markup for titles, and general text) would be stored in the DB? As Text datatypes?

How about the images...on disk or in SQL?

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Aspclassic On IIS7 SQL 2005. ODBC SQL Server Driver[SQL Server]Cannot Open Database Requested By The Login. The Login Failed

Apr 16, 2008

Hi all,

Have just tried my sql server 2005 connected asp classic website on II7 for the first time and have gotten some errors.
First off I have unchecked show friendly errors in IE and have enabled ASP to send error messages to the browser.

My error I get is when I execute a basic .asp page:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open database "mydatabasename" requested by the login. The login failed.
/index.asp, line 10 which is dbConnect.Open cstring

from this peice of code:

sub dbOpen()
set dbConnect = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cstring = "DSN=mysqldsn; Trusted Connection=yes"
dbConnect.Open cstring
end sub

I have gone into ODBC and have setup both a user dsn and file dsn that equals mysqldsn and points to my database (I know you only need to set up one DSN but I'm not sure which)

I also notice under mywebsite home panel there is a connection string option. Do I do anything with that?

Definatley a lot more to it than XP's II6!

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

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How To Copy A Database's Content Into A New One On The Same Server?

Aug 29, 2007

I'm using SQL Server 2005 Management Studio Express.
I have a database used for an application and I need another copy of that database so I can fix some bugs.
I tried attaching the mdf to the second database but it gives an error.(a database is allready attached)
I need the 2 databases on the same server.


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Error Using Join To Access Sql Server Content

Jun 15, 2006

Why would this error? The join works in Query Analyzer.
GridViewShowA.Visible = true;String objConnection = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnection"].ToString();String strSQL = "SELECT as Office, as Email, z.fname as 'First Name', z.lname as 'Last Name', ";strSQL += "z.title as Title ";strSQL += "FROM db1.dbo.tblA X ";strSQL += "JOIN db2.dbo.tblA Z ";strSQL += " ON =";strSQL += "WHERE = '" + DropDownListoffice.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' ";strSQL += "AND =";SqlDataAdapter objAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, objConnection);DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();objAdapter.Fill(dataSet, "myData");DataTable dataTable = dataSet.Tables[0];GridViewShowA.DataSource = dataTable.DefaultView;GridViewShowA.DataBind();
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'x'. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'x'.Source Error: Line 101:        objAdapter.Fill(dataSet, "myData");

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70-445 And 70-446 - Feedback

Apr 19, 2007

Dear friends,

I'm thinking to take this exams soon... anyone has documents, exams, links or other to help me on it?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Search Content Of Files

May 7, 2014

I want a mechanism that search the content of all files in my upload folder, then return the address of the file that contains that keyword...

The content of the files are not in the table,just the addresses are saved in table...

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Feedback On Spotlight

Dec 9, 2002

Might be purchasing the SQL Spotlight product, any experience/input from current users would be appreciated. Looks like good product, little worried about the overhead

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My First Complex SP - Feedback Please

Dec 8, 2006

hi. ive just written my first complex SP for SQLServer 2005. id be REALLY grateful for any feedback please. if there's anything i'm doing wrong then it's better that i know sooner rather than later! im wondering if its over complex or just plain wrong. please bear in mind that i have at least made an attempt at this, this is my first proper SP.

the SP that I have written is to insert an Account and a User. The SP should do the following.

1. Start a transaction.
2. Insert a user by calling a nested SP. if the return value is greater than zero then the user has been successfully inserted.
3. only attempt to insert an account afterwards if the user has been inserted successfully.
4. if the user or account insert is not successful then rollback. otherwise commit the transaction
5. return an error code from the SP as such: 0 = success. 1 = failure, a user already exists with the given username. 2 = an unknown error occurred whilst inserting the user. 3 = an unknown error occurred when inserting the Account.

here is my code:

@Id_Package smallint,
@Amount money,
@Username varchar(16),
@Password varchar(88),
@FirstName varchar(32),
@Surname varchar(32),
@DateBirth datetime,
@Email varchar(64),
@Id_Country int,
@Id_Account int OUTPUT,
@Id_User int OUTPUT


DECLARE @ErrorCode int;



SELECT @Id_Account = -1;


/* Insert the user. */
EXEC @ErrorCode = sp_User_I1

IF @ErrorCode > 0


SELECT @ErrorCode = 3; /* An unknown error occurred. */

IF @ErrorCode = 0
RETURN @ErrorCode;


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Osql Feedback

Jul 23, 2005

I have some long running scripts which I fire at my database using osql.(These are big files and mostly doing inserts but some also do a few otherthings.) It would be nice to have some activity indication (other than thedisk activity light) that these are running. When I used to use Oracle,their equivalent to osql had an option to print a dot (without a carriagereturn) for every "n" statements. This gave a nice "I'm alive" indicator. Ican simulate this by adding a few "print" statements in my sql, but printalways adds a carriage return. Does anyone know a way of doing a print butwithout the addition of a CR (or CR/LF)? So that a second "print" sends itsoutput to the same line as the first?I know this is a nicety and I can live without it, but it would be nice.thanks in advance,

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Feedback Required

May 19, 2008

I wrote a post in the connect forums almost two weeks ago, but haven't got any response yet.
So I'll post here as well, hoping that someone from the SQL team will stumble upon this.

My post is about a possible bug in SQL.
Here's the url:


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Importing Report Content Direct To SQL Server For Testing Purposes

Jan 8, 2007


I have what seems a simple requirement. We want to import the contents of a SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services report into a SQL Server 2005 database, in order to perform some checks on reports displayed to users. Is there an easy way to achieve this? XML would seem appropriate, but I can't find a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this. Any pointers/suggestions would be appreciated.



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FeedBack After Insert Or Delete

Jan 6, 2008

hi all
iwant to make feedback after insert data or delet date Like( the data is sucssfuly way) or(data is delete sucssuse way)
but not alert iwant feedback
thank you

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How To Suppress Osql Feedback 1&> 2&> Etc

Jan 12, 2004

When I call osql -S server -E -h-1 with a -i option, the feedback I get is prefaced with "1> 2> 3>".

The test script is simply:

set nocount on
use master
select name from sysdatabases

How can I suppress the "1> 2> 3>"?


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