Fetch Mismatched Records From Two Tables?

Nov 8, 2013

i have 'Privious' table as

***Metrics Count***
AccessibilityFilter 1679
Archives 80
Corel 90
DateFilter 1680

and 'Current' table as

***Metrics Count***
AccessibilityFilter 1679
Archives 85
Corel 100
DateFilter 1680

I want to fetch only the mis matched records as below.

***Metrics PreviousCount CurrentCount***
Archives 80 85
Corel 90 100

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How To Retrieve Mismatched Records With MS Access Query

Jun 24, 2004

Hi, does anyone know how to retrieve mistmatched records across 2 tables.
To clarify, I have table A with 1175 records and Table B with 894 records.
The records from table A match exactly some the records in table B.

I want to create another table with the extra 281 records from Table A which does not match that of Table B.

I have tried the query with Select where fields_1.a<>fields_2.b AND fields_2.a<>fields_2.b etc
but that doesn't seem to work.


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Finding Mismatched Rows Between Identical Tables Based On 2 Or More Cols

Jun 8, 2007

CREATE TABLE [RS_A] ([ColA] [varchar] (10)[ColB] [int] NULL)CREATE TABLE [RS_B] ([ColA] [varchar] (10)[ColB] [int] NULL)INSERT INTO RS_AVALUES ('hemingway' , 1)INSERT INTO RS_AVALUES ('vidal' , 2)INSERT INTO RS_AVALUES ('dickens' , 3)INSERT INTO RS_AVALUES ('rushdie' , 4)INSERT INTO RS_BVALUES ('hemingway' , 1)INSERT INTO RS_BVALUES ('vidal' , 2)I need to find all the rows in A which do not exist in Bby matching on both ColA and ColBso the output should bedickens 3rushdie 4So if i write a query like this , I dont get the right result setSELECT A.ColA, A.ColBFROMRS_A AINNERJOIN RS_B BONA.ColA <B.ColAORB.ColB <B.ColBBut if i do the following, i do get the right result, but followingseems convoluted.SELECT A.ColA, A.ColBFROMRS_A AWHERE ColA + CAST(ColB AS VARCHAR)NOT IN (SELECT ColA+CAST(ColB AS VARCHAR) FROMRS_B B)

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Fetch Same Records

Apr 3, 2008

I need to see the records from two tables where the mobilenumbers are not same.
I have two tables named as messages and subscribers with Id, MobileNumber fields.

Now here I need to see the records where the mobile number exist in one table but not in other table.
Please give me the sql query for this.

with regards

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Fetch Odd Or Even Records

May 21, 2007

How can I fetch only Odd or only even records from a table.The odd or even is depends up on Id (Its a primary key/ Integer).

Is there any query

Please help me!


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How To Fetch Records How Much You Want??

Dec 3, 2007

Hi Folks,

How do I right queries to fetch first 10 records, then next 10 and so on..

My table structure is as follows:
MPAD_EmpCode (Employee Code)
MPAD_Date (Date)
MPAD_Status (Attendance Status i.e. P, A, etc)

Sample Records for the same is given below

------- ------------ ---------- -----------
1 1001 11/01/2007 P
2 1001 11/02/2007 P
3 1001 11/03/2007 A
... .. .. ..
14 1002 11/01/2007 P
15 1002 11/02/2007 A
16 1002 11/03/2007 P

Please help me out in writing out this query.



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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Fetch Records Which Throws Error

Feb 27, 2015

How to fetch records which throws error?

For example

I'm inserting records from a table to another table, having multiple columns

SampleQuery :

insert into tableB (col1,col2....col10)
select col1,col2....col10 from tableA

* while executing this query im getting error. (like varchar cant convert to numberic)
* Here I have no clue in which column it is
* also dont know which row causes it

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JDBC API To Fetch Only User Tables

Apr 11, 2006


I am using JDBC DatabaseMetaData's getColumns() to get the table names, column names and datatype of the columns. As a result, I am getting user tables as well as the system tables. How to fetch only the user tables excluding the system tables like sysindexes, etc. I know this is possible by executing a select query (using SYSOBJECTS and xtype = 'U'). But, is there anyway to fetch only the user tables using the databasemetadata API.

Please advice,


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Fetch Similar Columns From Two Tables?

Dec 10, 2013

I am using this query to search checkbox values.

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select * from Details where Emp_Code in (" + selectedValues + ")", con);

I want to join a table called Materials to this now. Material table also has an Emp_Code column. How can I write a select sql query to fetch Emp_Code from both Details and Materials table.

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select D.Emp_Code, M.Emp_Code from Details D, Materials M where D.Emp_Code = M.Emp_Code in (" + selectedValues + ")", con);

View 2 Replies View Related

Data Access :: Bulk Fetch Records And Insert / Update Same In Other Table With Some Business Logic

Apr 21, 2015

I am currently working with C and SQL Server 2012. My requirement is to Bulk fetch the records and Insert/Update the same in the other table with some  business logic? How do i do this?

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Integration Services :: SSIS 2012 - ARGUMENT Has Mismatched Quotes

Sep 16, 2015

I am using file path as package parameter in the SSIS 2012 package. This parameter has file path value which has spaces as there are spaces in some of the folders. When I execute the package from the SQL Agent job, I experience the following error:

Executed as user: xxxxx Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility  Version 11.0.5058.0 for 64-bit  Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.    The argument ""p_test";""xxxxxxx.comfilesCommon2015
"TEST" "Event" "ZONEDataCust" FilesOut" /Par "$ServerOption::LOGGING_LEVEL(Int16)";1 /Par "$ServerOption::SYNCHRONIZED(Boolean)";True /CALLERINFO "SQLAGENT" /REPORTING "E" "
has mismatched quotes.  The command line parameters are invalid.  The step failed.

Parameter name: p_test
Parameter value: xxxxxxx.comfilesCommon2015 TEST Event ZONEDataCust FilesOut

I am specifying this value in the sql agent job. The package is working fine locally with the same parameter value. I have tried using double quotes for the entire path but it did not work out. How can I get this resolved?

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Insert Records From Foxpro Tables To SQL Server Tables

Apr 22, 2004


Currently, I'm using the following steps to migrate millions of records from Foxpro tables to SQL Server tables:

1. Transfer Foxpro records to .dat files and then bcp to SQL Server tables in a dummy database. All the SQL tables have the same columns as the Foxpro tables.
2. Manipulate the data in the SQL tables of the dummy database and save the manipulated data into the SQL tables of the real database where the tables may have different structure from the corresponding Foxpro tables.

I only know the following ways to import Foxpro data into SQL Server:

#1. Transfer Foxpro records to .dat files and then bcp to SQL Server tables
#2. Transfer Foxpro records to .dat files and then Bulk Insert to SQL Server tables
#3. DTS Foxpro records directly to SQL Server tables

I'm thinking whether the following choices will be better than the current way:

1st choice: Change step 1 to use #2 instead of #1
2nd choice: Change step 1 to use #3 instead of #1
3rd choice: Use #3 plus manipulating in DTS to replace step 1 and step 2

Thank you for any suggestion.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Getting Mismatched Data Instead Of Having Same Data

Feb 13, 2014

While working with data comparison I faced an issue of mismatched data instead of having same data. Below is Script

[ID] [int] NOT NULL,
[value] [float] NOT NULL
[ID] [int] NOT NULL,
[value] [float] NOT NULL

[Code] ....

Or you can use


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Size Of Tables/records

Jul 2, 2004

Is it possible to determine the data size of records in a table. basically I would like to run a select query with a condition and the result will be xKB. I know that this is possible on a database level, but can it be done on a record level (or number of records).



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Update Of Records From Other Tables

Sep 11, 2000

I am trying to update a field within one table with the values from another table. With the criteria that another field in each table are equal. What is the correct way to do this. My syntax is all wrong.


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Counting All Records In All Tables

Feb 26, 2001

I report SQL Server table information (table names, field names, field datatypes, etc.) to my users using an ACCESS front end. Most of this information exists in the system tables. But I can't find a record count per table in the system tables. What's the fastest way to get a record count for all tables?

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Need Help With Transfer Many Records Between Tables

Jan 27, 2008

I have 2 tables (both have the same structure):
ID -> bigint (identity, not for replication, primary key)
Url -> nvarchar(1000)
MainUrl -> nvarchar(1000)

Tbl1 cantains about 0,5 mln records, and tbl2 - 1 mln.
What I need, is to copy records from tbl2 to tbl1. But records in tbl1 are unique, and it can't change. (Unique must be only "Url"; (and ID, but it's automatic)). How can I do this in fast way? Now I'm using SELECT for each record in tbl2 to see if it exist in tbl1. But it's a bit slow... Is there any faster method? (One thing: I'm beginner in databeses, so I'm wrote VB application to transfer records. How can I do it using only Microsoft Sql server?)
I'm forgot to write, I'm using MsSql 2005.

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Outlying Records Between Two Tables

Nov 15, 2006

I have two tables that have a common column (ID). Now, what i am trying to do is find what is not in one table that is in the other.

For instance:

Table A
1 Tom
2 George
3 Richard

Table B
1 Tom
3 Richard
4 Kevin

With this information, I am trying to write a query that would tell me that Kevin is the only record that doesn't exist in both tables ... like an outlier.

I have tried using something like the following:

SELECT distinct id, name
FROM Table 1 INNER JOIN Table 2
ON Table 1.id <> Table 2.id

Any help would be great. Thanks!


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SQL Select Records NOT In Both Tables

Aug 7, 2005

HiI'm using Access 2002. I have 2 tables tblGroupContact,tblGroupPermission, both have 2 fields identical structure:ContactID GroupID (Both are Composite keys and both hold integers)tblGroupContact holds everybody and the groups they are members of.tblGroupPermission holds only those people who have permission to makechanges to another part of the DB.The SQL at the end of post works, but opens a dialogue box looking fora parameter value 'query1.ContactID'Clicking enter or cancel (without entering anything) works OK.What have I done wrong to cause this parameter request.Thanks ColinKSELECT tblGroupContact.ContactID, tblGroupContact.GroupIDFROM tblGroupContact LEFT JOIN tblGroupPermission ON(tblGroupContact.ContactID = tblGroupPermission.ContactID) AND(tblGroupContact.GroupID = tblGroupPermission.GroupID)WHERE (((tblGroupPermission.ContactI*D) Is Null) AND((tblGroupPermission.GroupID) Is Null));

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Count All Records In All Tables

Apr 13, 2006

I need some help with this. I was able to count all the records in ourdatabase using the user_tables and user_tab_columns tables afterrefreshing the statistics on this database.We are doing an upgrade of a system and I will not be able to refreshthe statistics during the upgrade. I need more of a manual process ofrunning these queries.Now I do:select A.table_name, round(A.num_rows,0) as rowcount,count(b.table_name) as ColumnCountfrom dba_tables A, dba_tab_columns Bwhere A.table_name = B.table_name and A.owner in ('PS','SYSADM')group by A.table_name, A.num_rowsorder by rowcount desc, columncount descBut I can't use the num_rows anymore so I was thinking more to do this:Select A.table_name from(select count(*) from A.Table_name B where A.Table_name =B.Table_Name)from user_tableThis does not work for me since I don't know how to pass the table_namefrom the first select to the second select. The logic is there but thesyntax is not.Please help.

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Changing Records In Tables

Jul 12, 2006

Hi,I was just wondering... Is there any built-in function in MS SQL, which willallow me to do rows' "capitalisation"?Lets say that in database.table.name I've got:"FOO BAR LTD.", which I want to change to "Foo Bar Ltd.""Foo bar LTD.", which I want to be "Foo Bar Ltd.".Is there any way of doing this or do I have to read it from database, changein some script, and then insert it back into the table?Hope it's all clear ;-)Thank you,Martin

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Compare Records Of Two Tables?

Jul 31, 2007


I am trying for compare two tables records and if which records are not match insert in to both table and at end both table records will be same.

using stored procedure & I need also pass server name database name.


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Delete Same Records (same Pk) In Two Tables

Jan 8, 2008


I have the following problem:

2 tables: both have the same pk values.

one table must be deleted based on a filter (I mean the table is not delete completely but only some records), I would like to delete same records in the second table.
for ex:
table 1: pk: 1,2,3,4,5
table 2: pk: 1,2,3,4,5
table 1: deleting 1,2, 3 thus also in table 2 pk: 1,2,3 must be deleted.
At the and of process Table1 and Table2 must have the same records (always also in the case of failure, errors and so on ).

The target is avoid using triggers.
OUTPUT is not useful because it writes what is deleted (or may be useful but how to use it?).

How can I do?


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Insert Multiple Records Into 2 Tables

Aug 29, 2006

I have searched in length and cant seem to find a specific answer.I have a tmptable to hold user "shoppingcart" ( internal supplies)What i want is to take when the user clicks order to take that table pull the records with that user and populate the order and order details tablesThe order table has a PK of orderID and the orderdetails has a FK of orderIDI know how to insert to the main table, but dont know how to populate the details at the same timeI have this.Insert into supplyordersselect requestor from tmpordercart where requestor = &name so how do i also take from the tmpordercart the itemno and quanity and put them into the orderdetails so that it links back to order table?

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Deleting Records From 2 Tables At The Same Time

May 29, 2008

Hello all,
I have a DTS package set up to import a text file on a daily basis. I need to dump the data in 2 table after 7 days of the  last import .this is the code that I have
Delete From TblTemp
date(Day(-7), CurrentStamp).
But for some reason it deleting the data right after it imports it. And it doesn't delete anything out of the other table.
Thanks in advance

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Conditional Records Insertion In SQL 7.0 Tables

Aug 5, 2000

Dear All,

I am having a problem in adding new records in SQL 7.0 Database.
I have two databases - one with table name DB1..WTEST and the other with
table name DB2..TEST. I want to update records in DB2..TEST table when
records are already in TEST table (by comparing primary key - with ignore
duplicate option) & secondly, INSERT records in DB2..TEST table from
DB1..WTEST table if the records do not exist in DB2..TEST table. The first
option which is Updation, works fine but with second option I have problem.
It works and records are INSERTED but I don't know the statistics of
inserted records. Instead it gives a warning message - Duplicate records
were Ignored -

Can somebody help me out or suggest some better solution for conditional
record insertion. I used CURSOR option but it is only for Updation &

Here is my Transact-SQL Script.


ON DB1..WTEST.Name1 = DB2..TEST.Name1)
SET add1 = DB1..WTEST.Add1
Print 'Updated'

ON DB1..WTEST.Name1 = DB2..TEST.Name1)

------------------ Alternate Script ---------------------
WHERE DB1..WTEST.Name1 = DB2..TEST.Name1)
SET add1 = DB1..WTEST.Add1
WHERE DB1..WTEST.Name1 = DB2..TEST.Name1


Ibrar Ahmed
System Projects Controller
Olayan Saudi Holding Company
Ph:- +966-3-8871000 x 1122
Fax:- +966-3-8872000
E-Mail: i.ahmed@oshco.com

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How To Select Distinct Records From 3 Or More Tables...?

Jun 1, 2001

Attached is my select query, but it is returning the database values twice.

Can anyone tell me how I tell it to stop! A sub query I guess....

dbo.Lead_Entry.Lead_ID, dbo.Lead_Entry.Lead_Source, dbo.Lead_Entry.Lead_Approved, dbo.Lead_Entry.Solution, dbo.Lead_Entry.Lead_Date,
dbo.Customer_Company.Company_Name, dbo.Customer_Contacts.Contact_Name
FROM dbo.Customer_Contacts INNER JOIN
dbo.Customer_Company ON dbo.Customer_Contacts.Company_ID = dbo.Customer_Company.Company_ID CROSS JOIN

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Combine 4 Tables Without Repetitive Records

Oct 29, 2006

How to write a sql to combine the 4 tables into one without repetitive records? The 4 tables have exactly the same fields.

The tables do not have primary key. The fields to identiry the rows is name and dob. In the case the name and dob is same for two records, the one with latest date_created is selected.


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Delete Records In Two Related Tables?

Jan 30, 2014

I am trying to delete the records in 2 related tables. The 'child' table has a field called [SETA],

I want to delete all the records in this table that contain the same info, as well all the fields in the parent table that is related to this table. They share the [ID] field as key. This is my code:

DELETE FROM Student a full outer JOIN Qualification b on a.[ID] =b.[ID] WHERE b.[SETA] = @SETA

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INSERT Records In Multiple Tables

Apr 2, 2004

I need to update two tables. I have created a view and am using the code in the attached file to insert into the two tables.

The page loads without errors, but I get this message that the view is not updatable because the modification affects multiple base tables.

I thought this was the purpose of views?

Does anyone have any suggestions? I am using Dreamweaver MX and SQL Server.


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Compare Records In Tables?

Mar 3, 2014

There are four tables

1. Matter


001, a, m
002, a, m
003, b, m
004, c, m

2. Category

CID. RType
a, T
b, T
c, T

3. Security assignmnet

001, m, g01
002, m, g01
002, m, g02
002, m, g03
003, m, g01
003, m, g03
a, T, g01
a, T, g02
a, T, g03
b, T, g02
b, T, g03
b, T, g04

4. Group


I'd like to find the record in table #1 "Matter" which has exact record of "GID" in table #3 "Security Assignment" compare with table #2 "Category"

In this case, it is record of "002" bacause "002" in table#1 "Matter" and the record "a" in table #2 "category" both has exact GID records(g01, g02, g03) in table #3, "Security Assignment"

How can I create qury to find all the possible record in the table #2?

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Combining Detail Records From Different Tables

Sep 22, 2005

Following is a stored procedure that currently runs on the system (compacted version). I need to combine this data with data from another Table .. tblAdjustments. The schema for this table is fairly close to tblShipmentDet.

tblShipmentHdr --> tblShipmentDet (Key = ShipmentID)
tblAdjustments --> standalone

Result: combine tblShipmentHdr + attached tblShipmentDet records with
tblAdjustments records.

Would the best approach be to use a UNION SELECT?

@XToDate datetime = '7/31/2005' ,@XBegDate datetime = '7/1/2005'
QRecvdDate = CASE WHEN SHPH.ReceivedDate < convert(varchar(40),@XBegDate,121)
QShipQty = CASE WHEN SHPD.TransCd = 'F'
WHEN SHPH.ReceivedDate < convert(varchar(40),@XBegDate,121)
ELSE SHPH.ShippingQty
QOpenAccrual = CASE WHEN MEND.OpeningAccrual is Null
THEN 0 ELSE MEND.OpeningAccrual
FROM dbo.tblShipmentHdr SHPH
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblProducts as PROD ON Left(SHPH.ProductID,7) = Left(PROD.ProductID,7)
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblShipmentDet as SHPD ON SHPH.ShipmentID = SHPD.ShipmentID
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblMonthend as MEND ON SHPH.ProductID = MEND.ProductID And MEND.MEPeriod = convert(varchar(40),@XBegDate,121)
WHERE ((SHPH.ReceivedDate >= '7/1/2005' AND SHPH.ReceivedDate <= '7/31/2005') OR (SHPD.DatePaid >= '7/1/2005' AND SHPD.DatePaid <= '7/31/2005'))

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Delete Records Are Match On Different Tables

Feb 19, 2007

Hello, Everyone

I had 2 tables contain data:
1) old_data: 601,195 records

2) current_data: 410,185 records
3)Questions: How I write a query make to delete records? From table 'old_data' delete match records reference to table 'current_data' and keep the remain good records are from 'current_data' table.

****Here's below my test query that came up with if there are any error and please provide me any suggestion or new query. Very important task ....Thanks you to all.

Delete current_data
From old_data Cross Join current_data
Where old_data.FirstName = current_data.FirstName and old_data.LastName = current_data.LastName
and old_data.Address = current_data.Address


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