Field Datatype Conversion In SQL Server 7

Apr 30, 1999

Can anyone tell me how to calculate datatype conversion times in SQL Server
7? I have a varchar (15) field that I tried to convert to integer using
the table design GUI in Enterprise Manager. The table holds about
72,000,000 records about 1k apiece in size.

It's been running for about an hour now with no seeable results. In
Performance Monitor I don't see any page reads happening, so is this
indicative that the process died? Enterprise Manager is no longer
responsive - even if I open another session.

I'd like to know how long I can reasonably expect this conversion to take.
Also, how can I abort this request safely if I want to?

Thanks for any insights.

Alex Nguyen

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Numeric Datatype To Ssis Variable Datatype Conversion Problem

Apr 24, 2008

Good afternoon,

I have an issue with an ssis variable datatype.

The scenario is as follows:

I have a stored procedure:

PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_newTransaction]

@sourceSystem varchar(50),



insert into scn_transaction (sourceSystemName) values(@sourceSystem);

SELECT @txOut = @@identity

Whose purpose is to perform an insert into a table and return me the identity value of the inserted record, which I'll then use throughout the rest of my package. The identity column in the inserted table is numeric(18,0).

I execute the stored proc with the following sql with an OLE DB connection manager:

exec sp_newTransaction ?, ?

The first parameter is a string variable from earlier in the package, and the second is the output parameter. I have the following parameter mappings to the execute sql task:

User:ystxId output numeric 1 -1
User:ourceSys input varchar 0 -1

The proc is correctly called, and the row insesrted, however I get a type conversion error when SSIS attempts to map the return parameter to my package variable... I've tried all sorts of combonations, and can't seem to get it to execute.

At one point I wasn't returning a numeric, but rather an int from the stored proc, and all was well until I went to use the variable in a derived column later in the package, and the type was converted quite incorrectly (a 1 was 77799789080 or some such), indicating a type conversion error likely related to the encoding of the number.

I'd like to keep the datatypes as numeric and make ssis use those - any pointers are greatly appreciated as to what type my package variable should be to allow proper assignment of a sql server numeric type to it.

Thanks much,


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Varchar Datatype Field Will Ignore Leading Zeros When Compared With Numeric Datatype?

Jan 28, 2015

Need to know if the varchar datatype field will ingore leading zeros when compared with numeric datatype ?

create table #temp
code varchar(4) null,
id int not null
insert into #temp

[Code] .....

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LEFT Function On Text-field (SQL Server Datatype)

Dec 6, 2004


I am trying to run a query on an SQL-server database:

SELECT (Left(Comments, 20)) As shortComment FROM myTable

The Field Comments is a Text field (datatype is text), and I can't get the LEFT function to work with this datatype...

How can I bypass this problem? Can I convert the commentfield to varchar in the QUERY?


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DataType Conversion Using WHERE IN ( )

Aug 17, 2004

I am getting a "Syntax error converting the varchar value '10,90' to a column of data type int." error when I run the following procedure:

@myList varchar(200)

SELECT column1
FROM table1
WHERE table1.ID IN (@myList)

When @myList is a single value, I get no errors. However, when @myList is a comma separated list like in the message above, I error out. I am using SQL Server 2000.

How else can I build this list of IDs? Thank you in advance for your comments.


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DataType Conversion

Jun 4, 2005

Dear All:
I am in the process of developing a code generation tool to generate automatically:
1- Business Layer objects
2- Object Layer objects
3- Data Layer objects

The code follows the same technique used in IssueTracker Starter Kit.

I faced somehting wierd today while trying to convert between SQL Data types to C# data types:

Check the image please, the problem is that, different value number is being given to each column type, by using both:
syscolumsn.type and syscolumns.xtype,
which one to use ? which is the best used to convert to C# ?
Are there any place where data types of SQL Server are being converted to C# data types ?

check the pic here please SQL DB

Thanks a lot

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How To Insert A UTF-8 Encoding Type Character Into A Sql Server Text DataType Field ?

Dec 4, 2007

I want to insert a value which has the UTF-8 encoding into a field of the database which has the "text" data Type
but it saves like this : " ?????????????? "

I would be thankful if u tell me how should I save it ?
here is the SqlComand I wrote :

string comand = " Insert into Table1 ( title , Body ) values ( ' " + textBox1.text + " ' , ' " + textBox2.text + " ' ) " ;

title nvarchar(1000)
body text

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Datatype Conversion Error In DTS

Aug 25, 2000

I am using DTS to import a DB2 table from the mainframe and export the table in text format to a shared folder. I want to convert two fields to a date format yyyy-mm-dd. RELSE_Date is in this format and Updtts is a timestamp coming from the mainframe. The text file is all vchar. In dts here is my query pulling from the mainframe
When I parse the query it accepts it. When I run the DTS I get an error stating (SQL STATE 220077 SQLCODE -180) The sting representation of a datetime value has invalid syntax. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to convert these fields before the text file is exported or another output format that is similar to .dat in comma delimited format? Thank you.

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Datatype Conversion Query

Mar 17, 2005

Have a simple question -

Will it be possible to convert a varchar data type column (having values that are numbers or null only) to a numeric data type column having the number values and the null values not being replaced by 0.

Col A Col A
(varchar) (int or numeric)
123 123
124 124
NULL 0 <expected blank>
125 125

I tried using CAST(Col A as int) and it converts the NULL to 0. Will
CAST(ISNULL(ColA,'') as int) work? The reason for this requirement is the value 0 will give different meaning to the data. Any insights will be appreciated.

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Datatype Conversion Problem.

Feb 2, 2006


I have a table named 'Table1' which contains a column 'Name'.
The data type of column [Name] is varchar(50).

When i try to change its datatype to binary by trying following code

ALTER TABLE Table1 Alter Column [Name] Binary(5000)

It gives following error.

" Creation of table 'bp_MAIN' failed because the row size would be 10021, including internal overhead. This exceeds the maximum allowable table row size, 8060. "

So, how can i change the datatype of this column ?

Shabber Abbas.

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Datatype Conversion Problem.

Feb 2, 2006


I have a table named 'Table1' which contains a column 'Name'.
The data type of column [Name] is varchar(50).

When i try to change its datatype to binary by trying following code

ALTER TABLE Table1 Alter Column [Name] Binary(5000)

It gives following error.

" Creation of table 'bp_MAIN' failed because the row size would be 10021, including internal overhead. This exceeds the maximum allowable table row size, 8060. "

So, how can i change the datatype of this column ?

Shabber Abbas.

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Datatype Conversion (binary To Char)

Oct 25, 2000

here is my problem:
i have a variable @sid_x as binary(16) = 0x4CF254AB0BA5D411AA3E00508BC5C413
and i want to use it as argument in sp_addlogin statement.

select @sqlcmd = 'sp_addlogin "test", @sid = ' + @sid_t
/* this doesn't work, because @sid_t is binary... */

select @sqlcmd = 'sp_addlogin "test", @sid = ' + convert (char (20), @sid_x)
/* this doesn't work either, because it doesn't convert to binary text */

my question, is there any way i can get @sid_x in follow text format
0x4CF254AB0BA5D411AA3E00508BC5C413 ?

Thanks a lot!

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Datetime Datatype Conversion To Int Hhmmyy Format

Jul 4, 2004

Is there a way of converting a datetime data type in the form [DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS] to an integer containing just the time in the form [HHMMSS].

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Conversion Failed When Converting The Nvarchar Value To Datatype Int

Apr 1, 2008

Exception in one of the stored procs:

Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value to datatype int. After moving database from 2000 to 2005.
Using backup and restore.

Note I had the same issue after restoring the production database on my local server SQL2000->SQL2000.

The problem was solved by restoring master and msdb from the production. But I can't do this on the SQL2005.

This is not a collation issue as I have ensured collation is the same on all databases including the system ones.

The database in question makes extensive use of user defined data types (Which I have recreated on the destination server).

Can anyone please help?


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Implicit Conversion Of Datatype Text To Nvarchar Is Not Allowed.

Jul 20, 2005

I am facing a problem while using SQL Server with VB application.Implicit conversion from datatype text to nvarchar is not allowed.Use the convert function to run this query.When i see the trace file, i see one stored procedure called but nolines of code get executed, and immediately after that the ROLLBACKTRANSACTION occurs and the applications fails.But to my surprise i am able to do the same thing on a differentmachine using the same application and the same database on the sameserver with the same user id.Can anyone explain the reason of occurance of this problem.I require this very urgently, so i will be oblized if anyone can comeup with a quick response.Kind Regards,Amit Kumar

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Decimal Datatype Conversion From DB2 To SSIS Throught Microsoft OLE DB Provider For DB2

May 1, 2007

Hi All,

Here is a description of the issue I'm facing about decimal datatype conversion from DB2 to SSIS throught Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2.

I first discovered it when I tried to use a LookUp trans. and selected a decimal typed field. I was unable to validate it and clicking the OK button threw the error copied below:

TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio

Error at Data Flow Task [DTS.Pipeline]: The "output column "MFIXFRA" (317)" has a value set for length, precision, scale, or code page that is a value other than zero, but the data type requires the value to be zero.


Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0204019 (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)



Some workarounds on this issue led me to two other strange behaviours:

- If I create a dataflow task to perform a raw copy of a DB2 table to a brand new table in SQLServer destination (by clicking "new" instead of choosing an existing destination table), generated "create table" script for decimal fields is quite different from source table. For example, a source field declared Dec(15,2) is translated as Dec(29,5), and so on.

- Quite same behaviour if I try to derive a column using as derived column trans. If the source column is a decimal, it's scale and precision are interpreted ramdomly.

Any idea welcome


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Field's Datatype

Feb 23, 2007

Hello everyone. How to make a query that returns the datatype of a field.

Thanks & Best Regard.


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Field With Datatype - Text To Int

Apr 24, 2015

I have a field with a datatype of text. In SQL it looks like:


This field is used for notes. For certain records users will enter a date.


I'm looking to do a select statement that will grab only those records with a date and make them an int field. This doesn't seem to work.

select convert(int, body)
from b
where left(body,2)='20'

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SQL 2012 :: Datatype - Timestamp Field In ERP

Jul 14, 2014

What sql data type would fit these value? This is timestamp field in the ERP.


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Storing XML In Datatype Field In A Table

Apr 23, 2015

I am storing xml in an xml datatype field in a table. But when I am generating physical file from the xml field, '&' in the xml field is getting converted into '&' in the physical file. But I want '&' to be intact.

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How To Set Money Datatype Decimal Field.

Dec 27, 2007

Please Help me ...

How to set Money datatype decimal field with example .

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Is There An Auto Date Datatype For A Field In The Table

Sep 29, 2004

Is there an AutoType Datatype for Date field. just like the Identity property for an ID field.

It increments by 1 for each new record.

The same way if i add a record to the table can it automatically put todays date or date and time for the field date created in my table.

The reason is i am uploading the record from xml file(Using SQLXMLBULKLOAD) so i dont have a chance to mention on the front end code or in the XSD file.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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How Can I Do Text Serach In Field With Datatype Image

Jan 18, 2005

i write a small web application to save word files in sql server and i store it as an image datatype
i need to do operation such as search within these files for any word

is there any One Can help me with that ???????????????????????????? Important

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Create A Table With A Field With Only Time Datatype

Jul 13, 2006

Hello experts,
I want to create a table to store only time in a fileld. There is "DateTime" for my purpose but i dont want to save the Date part only the time part as "12:30:44 AM". I know i can select only time part from Datetime field but i want to save only time.Can anybody help me how can i create that kinda table ?

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Can Not Update A Replicated Image Datatype Field

Nov 30, 2007

Hi everyone.
I have a field that is image datatype. That table is included in a snapshot replication. When I try to update that field - on the publication server, which is the same as distributor server - if the image is too big (in size), an error message appears. When I try to update with images that has less size it works. If I take out the subscriptions, it works for every image size.
Any ideas?

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Insert NULL Into Smalldatetime Datatype Field.

Mar 20, 2008


I am facing problem while inserting a Null value into a smalldatetime datatype field in sql server 2000 using code in vb 6.0

Error as : Type mismatch.

Kindly let me know how to insert Null or blank (dtDate = "") into a column.


Srinivas Alwala

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Updateting DataSet To MSSQL With XML Datatype Field

Nov 16, 2006

We are trying to update a changed DataSet to at table in MSSQL server

The table have an XML field and that gets converted to System.String when we get from the DB when we try to save the dataset the XML field ind the table is set to NULL

How can this be, the DataSet can convert it to System.String when we SELECT it from the DB, but when we save, nothing happens and we get an empty field. Not even an SQL error...

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SSIS Data Conversion: Convert A String (like Yyyymmdd) Into Datatype Dt_DBDATE Or Dt_DBDATE

Jun 6, 2007

Hi All,

I need a solution for the following:

I have a field with datatype string, length 8, in the form yyyymmdd (f.e. 20070604).

Now I need to transfer this field into a field with datatype dt_DBDATE or DT_DBDATE.

I tried to perform this with a derrived column and type cast (DT_DATE) or (DT_DBDATE), but this does not work.

Any hint for me!!!

Thanks in Advance


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DEFINITIVE ANSWER PLEASE -- Can You UPDATE Ntext Datatype Field???

Jul 20, 2005

Hi, I've read conflicting articles on updating an ntext field in acolumn.My ntext field will exceed 8,000 characters (typically twice that size-- but just a text string).One article (I think from MicroSoft) said you could NOT use ntext inan UPDATE statement, but I've seen examples from other people usingit...but don't know if it's related to the size/characters issue.Is this true or not?Thanks very much...Kathy

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Chosen Datatype For Primary Key Field And Performance Questions??

May 25, 2007

Hi there,

I have been hired for a couple of weeks to investigate the performance of a sql server 2000 system.

One of the things that strikes me is that all the Primary key (identity field) fileds uses an decimal(18,0) as it's datatype.

An decimal with a precision of 18,0 takes 9 bytes for each column, while an int takes only 4 bytes and and bigint 8 bytes.

Many tables aren't that big, so the values will fit in an int datatype.

1. Is iot a good option to change the decimals columns to an int column ?

2. Many of these columns are indexed by a clustered index. Can the decimal datatype be a performance issue ?

3. sometimes they have deadlocks due page splits. Can this by reduced by changing the data types, while more data fit's into an page?

Thanks in advance,


Patrick de Jong

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Wrong Values Stored In A Field Of Datatype Float

Aug 3, 2006


When i try to insert a value in to a field of datatype float(8), it is storing the wrong values(approximate values).

For example, if i try to insert 2.62 , it takes it as 2.6200000000000001

But i can see the correct values displayed in the frontend.

Heard that there is a fix available for this issue.

Could any of you help me in getting the details about that fix?

Thanks in advance.

~ Chaitanya

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Datetime Field Conversion

Aug 8, 2000

Hello, I would appreciate any suggestions
I've got a datetime field that I'd like to store as just the date without the time component, but still to keep it defined as a datetime field. I ran this update statement but this conversion isn't working. Conversion to char gives me what I want but I need to keep the field as a date datatype if possible.
Thanks :)

<column>=convert(datetime,convert(char(10),hire_date,101)) )

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NULL Values To Sequential Number (The Field Is Nvarchar Datatype)

Jun 16, 2012

Ok I have upgraded my works database from a poorly designed Access database to a SQL database. The previous system allowed NULL values and duplicates to be inserted into a field that should NOT ALLOW NULL Values or duplicates. Therefore, this issue has now been moved across to my new system as I cannot set these constraints on the field that has multiple NULL values.

My solution would be to use a sequential operator, so whatever = NULL would be changed to a sequential number that us as administrators would know was a bogus number starting at something like = 999999900 counting up from that. There are only 250 records that would require updating.

To make things more interesting this field is not a integer type, its a Nvarchar type as its a Hardware ID. Both numerical and characters are require.

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