Field Size Too Large
May 9, 2008
I have set up transaction replication between two databases. Data from a table in the first database is replicated to the same table in another database.
The table at the publisher already has some data in it. The table at the subscriber is empty. When the replication is synchronizing, I get the following errors in the replication monitor:
*The process could not bulk copy into table "dbo"."virtualdatalocations_waitingqueues". (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL20037) Get help: http://help/MSSQL_REPL20037
*Field size too large
The table looks like this:
CREATE TABLE virtualdatalocations_waitingqueues (
dataid int ,
personid int ,
queueid int ,
CONSTRAINT FK_vw_personid
FOREIGN KEY(personid) REFERENCES persons(id),
CONSTRAINT FK_vw_queueid
FOREIGN KEY(queueid)REFERENCES waitingqueues(id)
It used to run fine in the past. I couldn't find any help on google or on forums.
Any help or comments are greatly appreciated.
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Feb 1, 2011
I've got two databases on the same server and replicate some tables from one database to another.The replication is configured so not to drop the table if it exists, but to delete the data based on the filter if one exists. There are two tables on the subscriber that have some extra columns.
I get "field size too large" error when trying to replicate them. Is there a workaround without having to make the publisher and the subscriber tables identical by schema?
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May 24, 2006
I've been searching this site and the Web for info on an error message I get when importing from Access 2003 into SQL Server 2000.
'Data for Source Column 3('Col3') is too large for the specified buffer size'
A memo field in Access is larger than 255.
I have followed advice about putting the field to the first column. This doesn't work - the error just returns the new column number. In fact, I've tried just importing the first column - no good.
I am wary about making Registry changes as comments on the Web say this doesn't work either.
Does anybody have the solution for this.
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Feb 24, 2006
I developed a vb app that imports csv data into an sql server db. The original text file is 36.5mb. The db after import is 230mb and the log file is 555mb. Is this normal?
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Jan 8, 2001
I recently started using Differential backups. They are working but are growing in size a lot quicker than I expected.
The backups are growing by 2.5GB every day although the total size of all
transaction backups is under 350MB. I would have imagined that the total transaction log backups would be a good indicator of total database changes and therefore the differential backups would approach this figure.
Please explain!
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Feb 11, 2015
My log file size is of 5 GB, I just wanna reduce this to some extent without adopting shrinking method. So is there any way to do the same ?
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May 24, 2007
I have a issue with the drill down. In the report there is drill down in the Amount column. I am trying to pass the customer names in this drill down but there are more than 100 customers for that specific case and drill down is not able to pass all the customers.
Is there any other way to pass the large string in the drill down?
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Oct 10, 2006
hi all,
my tlogs at the subscriber are growing very large
irregardless of my recovery mode. any help
using snapshot-push replication
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Jun 14, 2001
HI There,
Generally speaking, is it better to use a large or small stripe size for a Raid 5 array (4 drives) ? I would appreciate any specifics also.
Thanks in advance.
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Jul 18, 2006
Please could you tell me how big sql tables are when people refer to them as small, medium and large? Preferably in terms of disk space or rows (each row in my table will contain a standard length job advert and 20 additional columns with an average of 8 characters)
Thanks for your help! :-)
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Apr 20, 2007
I want to store large files like pdf file,Html page,audio file in Sql Server database.How can i do it?
if somebody know then tell me as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hello there,I have and small excel file, which when I try to import into SQlServer will give an error "Data for source column 4 is too large forthe specified buffer size"I have four columns in the excel file, one of the column contains alarge chunk of data so I created a table in SQL Server and changed thetype of the field to text so I could accomodate this field but stillno luck.Any suggestions as to how to go about this.Thanks in advance,Srikanth pai
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Aug 25, 2004
We currently have a fairly new SQL server 2000 db (currently about 18mb is size) as a backend to an application (Navision). Performance seems to be below what it should be.
The db is increasing quite rapidly in size, with a lot of data scheduled to be loaded onto the db and also more and more shops and users coming onto the system with alot more transactions going onto the db.
The initial setup of the db has the database File properties set to "Automatically grow file" by "30%" and has an unrestricted file growth.
The server that the db sits on is high spec and very large disk space.
Because the database will be expanding alot and thus reaching its maximum space allocation and then performing a 30% increase in size (which I guess affects performance quite a bit??) quite regularly.
Is it best to set the intitial size of the db to a alot bigger size in the first place as we have large disk space availiable and also set the % increase bigger also.
any advice on best performance would be much appreicated.
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Aug 24, 2007
I have a problem to import xls file to sql table, using MS SQL 2000 server.
Actual main problem associated with it is xls file contain one colum having large amount of text which length is approximate 1500 characters.
I am trying to resolve it through like save xls to csv or text file then import but it also can not copy whole text of that column, like any column in xls having 995 characters then text or csv file contain 560 characater. So, it is also wrong.
thanks in advance, if any try to resolve
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Oct 4, 2005
I’m attempting to use DTS to import data from a Memo field in MS Access (Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider) into a SQL Server nvarchar(4000) field. Unfortunately, I’m getting the following error message:
Error at Source for Row number 30. Errors encountered so far in this task: 1.
Data for source column 2 (‘Html’) is too large for the specified buffer size.
I also get this error message when attempting to import the same data from Excel.
Per the MS Knowledgebase article located at, I changed the registry property indicated to 0. This modification did not help.
Per suggestions in other SQL Server forums, I moved the offending row from row number 30 to row number 1. This change only resulted in the same error message, but with the row number indicated as “Row number 1�. (Incidentally, the data in this field is greater than 255 characters in every row, so the cause described in the Knowledgebase article doesn’t seem to be my problem).
You might also like to know that the data in the Access table was exported into this table from a SQL Server nvarchar(4000) field.
Does anybody know what might trigger this error message other than the data being less than 255 characters in the first eight rows (as described in the KB article)?
I’ve hit a brick wall, so I’d appreciate any insight.Thanks in advance!
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Oct 16, 2015
In another forum post, a poster was deleting large numbers of rows from a table in batches of 50,000.
In the bad old days ('80s - '90s), I used to have to delete rows in batches of 500, then 1000, then 5000, due to the size of the transaction rollback segments (yes - Oracle).
I always found that increasing the number of deleted rows in a single statement/transaction improved overall process speed - up to some magic point, at which some overhead in the system began slowing the deletes down, so that deleting a single batch of 10,000 rows took more than twice as much time as deleting two batches of 5,000 rows each.
good rule-of-thumb numbers (or even better, some actual statistics and/or explanations) as to how many records should be deleted in a single transaction/statement for optimum speed? 50,000 - 100,000 - 1,000,000 or unlimited? Are there significant differences between 2008, 2012, 2014?
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May 3, 2002
I'm importing a large text field from an Excel spreadsheet into my Sql dbase using Enterprise Manager and I'm getting the error message "Data for source column 31 'fieldname' is too large for the specified buffer size." How do I go about changing the buffer size to allow for larger text fields? Thank you.
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Apr 3, 2007
I have an tab delimiter ed file that I'm trying to load into a database using SSIS. The the database have a column called Comments that can hold up to 1000 Unicode characters (nvarchar[1000])
I have appropriately defined the flat file connection and marked every field to the intended length, but every time I run it it will give me the following error:
Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "COMMENTS" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.
All the columns have a match, this specific column is has no field longer than 1000, larger record has 528 characters in it and the fields are defined as Unicode string in the file connection.
I already ran out of ideas of what may be giving this error, anyone has an idea of what else to try?
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Apr 20, 2007
I am making a SSIS package that imports data from a application using a custom ODBC driver. The field in the application is set to be a "longvarchar" type field and can be from 2 characters to 2MB of data.
I've created a ODBC data connection in the SSIS package and use a "DataReader Source" to read the data I need. The sql statement is very simple
Select log from tablename
When I try to run the SSIS package with that statement it just goes to yellow on the DataReader Source and stops. It stays like that until I stop it. If I select other fields except for that field it works fine. Also I've been able to get it to succeed getting the log field if I select a log record that's not too big. The largest one I've been able to get is 800 characters, but I got one with 2500 characters that just stops on yellow.
In the Progress log the last line says:
[DTS.Pipeline] Information: Execute phase is beginning.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this?
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Aug 2, 2007
HiThis is a question of "what does it cost me".Lets say I have an integer value which would fit into a smallint fieldbut the field is actually defined as int or even larger as bigint.What would that "cost" me ? How would definitions larger than I need forthe values in the field affect me ?Its obvious that the volume of the database would grow but with the sizeof resources etc that we have nowadays disc space isn't a problem likeit used to be and i/o is much faster and many people would tell me "whocares" , or IS it a problem ?How does it affect performance of data retrieves ? Searches ? Updatesand inserts ? How would it affect all db access if tables are pointingat each other with foreign keys ?Thanks !David Greenberg
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Mar 23, 2008
After reading Dan Guzman's blog entry ( I started modifying some of my code to try it out and ran into a stumbling block. What size would you specific for a varchar(MAX) field?
Since a varchar max field can hold up to 2 billion chracters I really don't think I need to specify 2 billion as the size. Anyone have any ideas?
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Mar 28, 2005
I have MSDE installed on my computer and I'm using Web Data Administrator to manage my databses. The problem is that whenever I add a column with a length of more than 8000, I get the following error:
Length must be between 0 and 8000
If I create the column programmatically then i get this error:
The following error occured while executing the query:
Server: Msg 131, Level 15, State 2, Line 2
The size (8005) given to the column 'Article' exceeds the maximum allowed for any data type (8000).
I need several columns that can hold around
32,000 characters. What's the deal? Is this a limit with MSDE, or am I
missing something?
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Sep 11, 2006
what happens when the autonumber field becomes bigger than MAX_INT?
If I get arithmetic overflow, how i can avoid this problem?
Thanks in advance
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Jul 12, 2006
I have asked this question on 3 forums now and never get an answer, I don't know what is so hard about this question but I will try it here.
I am using SHA512 in C# to convert a password and its salt to hashed. I need to store the password hash and the salt hash in the database in two fields. I was told to use binary field to store the hash data and that the output of SHA512 would ALWAYS be the same no matter how long the password is.
I modified this hash example to use only SHA512 and to work with byte array instead of plain text.
All I need to know now is what size I need to make my binary field to hold this password that is hashed.
Say I have a password which is 30 characters max, and a salt which is 16 characters max. The password and the hash are stored in seperate fields in the same table. They are both hashed using SHA512 and are both being stored as byte arrays in C#, what size to I need to make the binary data type in order to hold the password, and to hold the salt.
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May 26, 2005
Hi,I am using MSDE together with Enterprise Manager.I have a table with a field named description.This field will be filled by a web forms's textbox web control.The textbox's maxsize attribute is set to "3000" characters.What size do I have to adjust for my DB field description?Is the size of 3000 in Enterpise Manager equal to 3000 characters for the textbox?I am just trying to avoid errors if MSDE cuts off the string that comes from the textbox webcontrol.
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Jan 19, 2006
How do I find the current size of each field in a table's column?
I have a table with a field for notes/memos. I need to see which ones are about to reach the size limit and what the current size is.
Does this make sense?
Thank you,
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Jul 7, 2006
We have a small table of about 13 million rows that needs altered. A column in the table needs to be changed from a varchar(20) to a varchar(500). When we ran the alter table script, 3 hrs later and it wasn't done running. Any suggestions on what we can do to speed up the process?
Thanks ahead of time
We are running SQL Server 2000 and the db at the time was running in simple mood
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Apr 24, 2006
I have been running a merge publication & 4-5 subscriber all running perfectly good, but today I started getting this error below? I generated a new dynamic snapshot and re init the subscriber, but still the same. I synchronized the other subscribers and they are all running with no errors, even after a init. I.E. I would think this is data related, to this subscriber, but I have no further ideas how to track it down?
any ideas?
Gert Cloete
bcp "conCORD_ODS"."dbo"."MSmerge_contents" in "\OBSQL2005\ConcordReplData\MERCURYSQLEXPRESSOBSQL2005$DEV_CONCORD_ODS_CONCORD_ODSMSmerge_contents90_forall.bcp" -e "errorfile" -t"<x$3>" -r"<,@g>" -m10000 -SMERCURYSQLEXPRESS -T -w
To obtain an error file with details on the errors encountered when initializing the subscribing table, execute the bcp command that appears below. Consult the BOL for more information on the bcp utility and its supported options.
End of file reached, terminator missing or field data incomplete
Field size too large
The process could not bulk copy into table '"dbo"."MSmerge_contents"'.
The merge process was unable to deliver the snapshot to the Subscriber. If using Web synchronization, the merge process may have been unable to create or write to the message file. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.
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Oct 12, 2007
I have a select statement that is being processed through oSql on Sql Server 2000. There are 2 fields in the select statement that are defined in the dateabase as nvarchar(1). When I perform my select statement, they show up in the output as 4 char fields. See dataset below for example.
493575545493575545003753404A 20070805000000002007080520070805 131307269009426800000000000000000000000
493575545493575545003753404A 00000000000000000000000020010410S 131307270009426800000000000000000000000
493575545493575545003753410A 20070805000000002007080520070805 131307271009426800000000000000000000000
How do I get rid of the extra spaces in the output? I have tried using ltrim(rtrim(fielde)) to no avail. Fieldg (the S) is a nullable field and is being processed using an isnull(filedg, ' ').
The general statement is:
Select fielda, fieldb, fieldc, ltrim(rtrim(fieldd)), fielde, fieldf, isnull(fieldg, ' '), filedh from mytable
The functioality can be replicated using:
Select 'a', 'b'
---- ----
a b
(1 row(s) affected)
Any Ideas?
Thanks in advance.
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Jul 2, 2007
is it possible to change the appearence of input fields for parameters on the report server? My parameter is Multi-value with quite large amount of available values. On report server, user can (without scrolling) see only the first value. Parameter values are quite long, so user has to move alternally with both vertical and horizontal scrollbars to find the right value.
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Mar 11, 2007
Does the IDENTITY field type in SQL have a maximum size to it?
You know like int only goes so high up,
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Apr 11, 2007
Hi all,
I tried to change the size of a field of my table using the query :-
ALTER TABLE test MODIFY id varchar(50)
Initially the size of id was set to 30 .Is there any other way or any error in my query.Please help me soon.
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Apr 11, 2008
Can I build an expression that allows me to change the field size of a column or row in SSRS2005?
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